HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 2005-6-23 Status: Issued 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspecbon Lme CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BuildinglCombin_atio~ Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-00791 ISSUED: 06/23/2005 APPLIED: 06/23/2005 EXPIRES: 12/23/2005 VALUE: $ 1,000.00 SITE ADDRESS: 5717 MAIN ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO.' 1702334400800 Sprmgfield TYPE OF SIgn TYPE OF USE New CommercIal PROJECT DESCRIPTION SIgn - wall sIgn for Half Masters Owner MCKENZIE CROSSING PARTNERSHIP LID Address 2811 E ST STE B EUREKA CA 95501 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION' Contractor Type ElectrIcal SIgn Contractor SALEM SIGN CO INC SALEM SIGN CO INC Licens e 65297 65297 Expiration Date 03/26/2006 03/26/2006 Phone 503-371-6362 503-371-6362 I BUILDING INFORMATION' #ofUmls PrImary Occupancy Group. Secondary Occupaucy I'rImary Construcl1on Type Secondary Construcbon # of Bedrooms # of Stones ATTENTION' Oregon ~~~~~s_you to THelghtfoHf t follow rules adopted b)/'\ r ~'fI Utility ype 0 ea .... ~( n 'roor. Water Type: Notification Center. Th~ lM'if~Wft,N!t forth Range Type. In OAR 952-001-001 0 t~1 'lQtG9~~lJeliillgk Energy Path. 0090. You may obtain ~mslb\1'j.9 rule~by Sprmkled calling the CRI:lter. (~~~1l9ne :"" ............... I",. +h.o n,.o~",," II+tJ'1' ~I"","'fl,e,a,t,,..,ft, IDEVELOPMENTINFORM~~1s1~0~2~34~. REQUIRED PARKING Frontyard Setback' SIde I Setback SIde 2 Sethack Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks. Overlay Dlst. # Street Trees Paved DrIve Rqd: % of Lot Coverage Total. HandIcapped. Compact. IPUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS' Street Storm Sewer AvaIlable' Specl3l InstructIOn: SIdewalk Type DownspoutslDrams Notes ['p"l""nr:;. \Ul~~'. THIS PERtvllT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 180 DAY PERIOD I of 4 Status: Issued 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-37691nspecoon Lme Descrlphon Type of Construchon Use BId Amount SIl!n Fee Descrlphon + 10% AdmmlstratIve Fee + 7% State Surcharge SIgn - Outlme Llghtmg Each SIgn 36-60 Square Feet SIgn Plan RevIew Total Amount I V aluahon Descri9tio~ , $ Per Sq Ft or mulhpher $100 Square Footage or BId Amount 1,000 00 Total Value of Project Fees P~id I Amount PaId Date PaId $1600 $350 $50 00 $1I0 00 $40 00 6/23/05 6/23/05 6/23/05 6/23/05 6/23/05 $21950 I Plan Reviews I 2 of 4 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-00791 ISSUED: 06/23/2005 APPLIED: 06/23/2005 EXPIRES: 12/23/2005 VALUE: $ 1,000.00 Value Date Calculated 06/23/2005 $1,00000 $1,000 00 ReceIpt Number 1200500000000000898 1200500000000000898 1200500000000000898 1200500000000000898 1200500000000000898 Status: Issued 225 F,fth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIon Lme Slen RevIew 06/23/2005 06/23/2005 3 of 4 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2005-00791 ISSUED: 06/23/2005 APPLIED: 06/23/2005 EXPIRES: 12/23/2005 VALUE: $ 1,00000 APP DJB 8.248 CommnDlty CommercIal and Major Re- tad CommercIal DIstrIct These standards apply for all property located 10 CC or MRC DIstrIcts except those located 10 the Downtown SIgn DIstrICt, 1-5 Mall SIgn DIstrICt and the 1-5 CommercIal SIgn District (I) Smgle Busmesses Each husmess shall be permitted a maxImum number of three wall sIgns totalIng 350 square feet for all faces. (2) Free Standmg, Roof and Projectmg SIgns In addItIon to wall sIgns permItted above, one sign from thIs group shall be permItted for each approved development area The total area permItted for a free standmg sIgn, roof or projectmg slg. shall be 100 square feet for one face or 200 square feet for two or more faces at a maxImum of 20 feet above grade (3) Second Story Dusmesses and Above Two wall sIgns per busmess shall be permItted wIth a maxImum sIgn dIsplay area of 175 square feet for all faces (4) Logos Logos are allowed 10 addItIon to the permItted wall sIgns lIsted above provIded the logo IS the logo of the busmess resldmg on the premIses and provIded the total square footage of the permItted wall sIgns and the logos do not exceed a combmed area of 350 Square feet for smgle story busmesses and 175 square feet for second story busmesses A permIt IS reqUIred for each logo that IS being mstalled based on the square footage of the proposed logo. (5) I1IummatIon From SIgns on Non-residential Property External ~~~. Status: Issued 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 Inspecbon Lme CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMITNO: COM2005-00791 ISSUED: 06/23/2005 APPLIED: 06/23/2005 EXPIRES: 12/23/2005 VALUE: $ 1,000.00 1Ilummatlon shall be shIelded so that the lIght source elements are not dIrectly vISIble from property m a resldeutlal zone whIch IS adjacent to or across a street from the property 10 the non-resIdential zone [SectIOn 8.248 amended by Ordmance No 5862, enacted September 15, 1997, further amended by Ordmance No 6114, enacted February 7, 2005.] To Request an inspection caD the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769. All inspection requested before 7:00 a.m. wJlI be made the same working day, inspections requested after 7:00 a.m. WID be made the following work day. ~n.n"r~ SIgn ElectrIcal After connection IS made but prior to energlzmg SIgn Attachment. Method of mountmg the sIgn to a structure or pole Method of attachment of bolts or welds. SIgn Fmal After all requIred mspectlOns are conducted and approved and the sigu mstallation is completed By sIgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exanuned the completed applIcahon and do hereby cernfy that all mformatlOn hereon IS true and correct, and I further cerblY that any and all work performed shaIl be done m accordance WIth the Ordmances of the CIty of Sprmgfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work descnbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY WID be made of any structure WIthOUt permIssIon of the Commumty ServIces DIVISIon, Bulldmg Safety. I further certllY that only contractors and employees who are m comphance WIth ORS 701.005 WIll be used on tins project I further agree to ensure that all reqwred mspechons are requested at the proper time, that each address IS readable from the street, that the permIt card IS located at the front ofthe property, and the approved set of plans WID remam on the sIte at allbmes durmg construchon Owner or Contractors SIgnature Date 4 of 4 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2005-00791 COM2005-00791 COM2005-00791 COM2005-00791 COM2005-00791 Payments Type of Payment Check " 6/23/2005 RECEIPT #: Description SIgn 36-60 Square Feet SIgn - Outlme Llghtmg Each SIgn Plan RevIew + 7% State Surcharge + 10% AdmmlstratIve Fee P..d By SALEM SIGN CO INC Sl~ :a:ti City of Springfield Official Receipt Development Services Department Public Works Department 1200500000000000898 Date: 06/2312005 Item Total LneCK Number AUUlonzatlon Received By Batch Number Number How ReCClved dJb 26817 In Person Payment Total I of 1 2 05 06PM Amount Due 110 00 5000 4000 350 1600 $21950 Amount Paid $219 50 $21950 06/08/05 WED 08 19 ~\X 5417263689 CITY OF SPRI'IGFIELD 1al001 225 FIFTH S1RJ!:ET . SPRINGFIELD, OR '7477 . P8:(54I)7"..6-3753 . FAX' (541)726-3689 ELECTRICAL PERMlT APPLICATION c.ty Job Number CoNI ,?-Oo> - 00 79 ( 1 :-lhCAiTo~J)Fmsr;?T4noM~~~~~~I ~~ :; ~ _...._.!~1t,~rill.l_...,1 c;~..u;t,"~.J~_ ::..o.":l-....,Aj... ~~if..~ 57/7 mAIH ~T LEGAL DESCRIPTION /70 Z. "'?? Iff.( 0 ogOO A.. ~;Ne~'R~iAtfai::.~xfii:1~M;.J.6-~~PiIi~j;'~1 ,tle,71+f1 I,!ALL ,~~ ;:;::;;~:~:.,.," -.. c4''''-.= <",~"""",.._Lh'''' ,,-~."',. JOB DESCRIPTION SUpCMSor Licens. Number ,'3 q L-( 51 fd If) Jo~ -, t. t;2q7 3/oc., Over 600 Amp. or 1000 Volm see "B" above li~~m ') "N~!~~~~ - 4 I j - ~ ~l1onal ClreUl! or With teJ 9. ~ Serv= or Feed... Pernnt S 3 00 Owners Name JAA (. 'i'll/It Cro~~/7' (\; _".,..,.","r..~.._,y,"'~ '_~!""-"W" """""';''"''_~'o"'''''''''''"'7''''''-- ""___ '"? ("/ I ( c:- ., .I- '"-~e ~ E.. ~'lYliscenaJl""t:::::.-- .~.;aree"ir-er~~-uttrud:-eill"~""" ;I...t"ll'noD~ A~~ C- 'I l.:: .::.1 i;) . -;~.......l.l'~J....~.l:.-~'..~(ii~.~:;::-~..,::,_~..........):;.Jl~'~......,,-~,....J"f1~-..J..~~ Clly €fJ. (l.t:: ~ . c. A Phone Pump or ungatlon S so 00 SJglIiOutIme L.ghtmg $ so 00 OWNER INSTALLATION Lmlltcd EnergylResldentlal $ 25 00 The wstallanan IS bemg made on propertY I owo wluch Lmllted Energy/ComlIlercml $ 45 00 1$ not mtended for sale, lease or rent M"mimWll Electric PermIt In.pedloo Fee IS $45.00 + Surcharge" O~ Slgnature:NOTICE' 4. ~ij"~~';~~6F~q;~;iit~l,J'5~1i~ ~'o THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WUKR~-"""~,~.@"~~,,,,~j~'~""'_"-"'f" . ")() - - --- . ",nrn ""S PERMIT IS 7~SIll.!eSul'Charge :?-~ 2~~n~ENCED uoR'ts 'A'BANDONED FOR10%'AdmIlU_ve Fee ,j; ()O Inspection RequCl\t(f\l72G-n6!!JAY PERIOD TOT;\L ..5 st. :;D $( 7'" LL<; it ./.;....c . , 1. Permits are non-transferable and expire if work IS ,. not started witlun 180 days of lS!Iu:lJlee or if work Is Suspended for 180 days ~':j'='.;:i{lf' ~~P"~)"l" r \''''I1'~;:-Irll~f''''';.."!1';:;;'i'':"?!ilr.'',iI;!:'';:f~ ~ ~,~~ ,-<c'tlN;TR:it€T.oR: ~,.Yj".iI:;"....Ul 'r}!..J,.hQ:':1 2. ;.-.... "_::-:-~~~::_~}~.&~~~III- ~""'':a~~ Elcdnc:a1 Contractor , ~ SklI:!1l1t!t. Address I ~ 1-t;; .fM..t.r ~ de!' City ~ ~&7>'l1 b'3bL. Exptrnllon I>.tte Cons1r Canll' Number Exp=oon Date ~J~"AS.D .,.."""",,~. =-, ... ~ .""i_.,,>-,"l",,".. ~, ""~ ~,.","I>. ~..."" ~~<m:;;~"~" ~ <.:I Dale 6-23-O~ l~':>-"i~!!:"!l ~:;:-..... /"'!.'l:;:-' ...,It"'!!\!''". A' ':!.'__.....-... ~r>~R~Y~r-,."S'".:-J-, 1~::<:t"lT"...." ,.!:.":"~~ 3. ,3!(}M:P}..r.,lX,rnE..:><",:nr.Dm.:tt; OW~:k""!:o"t':~j_,,~~i!t,~t _...,~..., ",--.--.IC,~_~qf.~~__""""""",,,,,,,_ --i'...t'J..V.:.f~"""""'_;o,...~~~~~",~ ~:<:-_~t. 1000 sq ft. or less Each addmonal 500 sq ft. or portion theteof Each Manufact'd Home Dr Modular Dwellmg ServJce or Feeder $106.00 $ 1900 $50 00 ~"-~~'-.!.~~"f~~~;? js.rl~1-l"l'tI!W.s.0r~ifjJPr.t:tt~~'~ J.'tl-l-'=.:~;::"~MI:~ B. <;S&rl~<)CJ!oeo.ed;-; .ii1Iati~>"ltef:a..,.".._or.Rifoe;;~".,... ~,l ~-.......~-~.J"-li'~nb~J~~~:~ ~"~"'...if~-:;~~~Jt".&-.::.@..t~:""7"'-U"'~ ATTENTION Oregon law requires \(~IU.O 200 ~W mlbs adopted by the Orego~ l'f!t.tl, 201 ~<%tWIh~er Thos: :\:'3S~}~7 'flSrll-, 401 ~P?9~4ffi~001 0 thro'1~t:I 9 ^ R W2:B1Q1 601 Aill;IS t<YlOODll16y>P1btaln COR'A<: nf th~lbl' Ov...IOllllI~<Iltmter (Not" th" t"''3~f99 Rec~_;~ ;or the Oregon L1tlhtl' ~Intlfi~ r,,,~',~ 1.~'n_.,.,')_,;.,~ _~"",<l. _,_... (-....Il:': ~.~ ::mi,l ..I.'~l"'~) ,"-r :;llx....- r!: 1_ ''t C l~ ."~"."~.,.;<,,.~-T.c....;;j'~,.,"'-- .~''1,ti.;-'1.;;i'l.~.,''$,' t' "mnaraN""ec;v1Ce5'or ...~,-~_" "....~"', "'''ffc~:,.s.-,;,2_'''''' !"i/i.\,,,.~~!\i~4'J_~,,,~..........-~t11W&.1...::l:t<nr:.l~ "".........:i.=-::~SJ:l ~e--..,&;.~iji~~t.~ Installation, Alteration or RelDeation 200 Amps or less 201 Amps to 400 Amps 401 Amps to 600 Am", $ so 00 $ 69 00 SIOO 00 ,,0 I 1 Shnted Dnve(T )lBundmg fo"",,a..,tnoal Ptmnl AppllCOllOll 1-<l3.doc