HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2005-6-23 06/08/05 WED 08 19 FAX 5417263689 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ~001 :125 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 91471 . PH:(541)726-3153 . FAX' (541)726-3689 ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPLICATION CIty Job Number LaM 'ZOOr - 00 79/ 57/7 /MAIN ~T ~~~f~~:!ZoZ 1,1' 00'600 A. ::!~~:f~r~~J.~~Ji~t~i;W~bi~1f~~i~~~~~~:: JOB DESCRIPTION $1 .7h L,~ It ./.i) l'ermits are non-trannerable and expire if work IS '" not started Wltlun 180 days of IsSuant. or if work is Suspended fOT 180 days. 200 Amps or less $ 63 00 201 Amps to 400 Amps $ 7S 00 (' __ 1_____ lAl-C;- "T'l},!(l,.(r ,'";)I ~'- 401 Amps to 600 Amps $12500 ( ~ ~ 601 Amp~ to 1000 (;f~ require~OU to $16300 ?k1fY'-'\. Phnn:?' ~ I b'3 b 2. A TT6W1fim!> .Qf,~~~ the Oregon Utili\'{ $315 00 fo\loJ#:ftilBlSci~e~~ se rules alf' ..et lortllt 50 00 NotlIIGll.i\~(I, ~en~e~"''t~''''~~~ma~9Q.\:"-t'~'1-,,,,';;;;1;:,,;;, ,.l'~!-:" (9\ '''~ll _...... '^''''~<'"i'',i'-' ,"""~' ",J> In 1& 6:1.", ~..w~- ~fM~\9 ~~ ., -{:~:.Jlfl!!E'~"[;~J~~~:o~! 0090 You may Il\Iot~~~e\ep\1one ccAA~lUllrr""M e tIfflR:atlon a>'-1as tit" (lregon II nul!OO"""l' 'J:eSS1_800-332-2344)- $ 50 00 201 ~m'4lXJ J\Irips $ 69.00 401 Amps to 600 Amps $100 00 Over 600 Amps or ] 000 V olrs see "B" above '~'I" ;\,~1"!.:~~;:;"'1--~ "~-I,'.~-~"'=;:Im.!.,.l'-' ~_."'..I~{! WI"1z:"'i..[W'~__h:r'i'".{l-,-;>'- f I D.! ~11i'Gi-eri'i':J'~'~h\~:j~~!I~.-r-:""",-ti~lll'?iS;~~~)~'"4!;j~;,3,,~~~t.!rl!_-~ "j~M...r"'J.'d X2~:;-~ 0==;""~~~;:;:;"''';'~:..w",,- ~ l ~ Each AdrlIlIooal Cu:cwt or With tc; Cri 1=1. ~ Servu:e or Feeder Perm:tt $ 3 00 O'rVUers Name JMG W~~ O!.."'~7' (\: ?1:,].~:;r"...=mV~~~~St\1~.f;~!f('l!='7,;.T'" rl,..l-"'.....t-...~... 'f _";;~-r. ~"j/~~'!(~'I')>-"'-I '2- 0 I ( c:- .l- ~'Te: 'R E ,;:Mis~~ilS'(~rOOQel:..;:_; :.....rude\l ';e.~InstalIa/ion; Address Ii c: S. J ,i;~-.l'j' w:........3~...t-..-.u.~..>t~>>Th'\..'1:':::i~~-~ .::''-~~~1...?1..'L:jlU........,...~1(.~._c: .,....;.T.l,z.~.,). ~:i CIty €u- 'U::~. c.A Phone PuIIlp or ungatlon $ 50 00 SlgnlOutlme Llghtmg $ 50 00 Lumted EnergylResldentl.al $ 25 00 Lumt.ed Energy/Commercml $ 45 00 Mmunwn Electric Perunt Inspection Fee lS $45 00 + Surcharges 1 --1~,1, ~""'..~"-::'_ --'-'I~,;'I'!;~"~ "~~;;t.t~-p -f~{\'j' , LOCAlT01\1 OF.>W$i-Atll'TION~k"" Ii,:- .J..I"\'..I~ ::: I.. _..._.!~i:<j~I}.I,,,~,)I~~~<I..\;r.. _f...."_ ~.........~n~;4.:LL.:!l, ~~~.er~ 1~"f'~~l"f~Ft;~~1r~~f. ' :$~] 2. kP::..!r~~"-"'~' ,'1~,~~::~~~i.fJ~'l"_~".~~;;Q Electncal Contractor . Srt.avt 5kl ~ {t-/(.. Address Clty SuperVISor !lcense Number ,..~;/=t l..-{ 51 fd 11)/0 S- f, ~t:f7 310(, 8puanon Date " CDnstr ContI- Number Exp"al1On Date OWNER INSTALLATION The mstal1allDn IS b""'ll IJIllde on t'"~,....J r owe wluch IS not mrended for sale, lease or rent. 5P!RUl;I.eAa..D ii'-/.:"g~~ ~ ~~ ~J~ ~L ",~.l~-St"~~,1:~nl\; I~~",,~ 4M.;~ ~~Hki~,~~.t;.... ~ ~ Date 6. -23-OS- !iW'-- ~~-...- t;"j........ ""!!'!l....'!'"- ... ~:!.--"!:- '-r:>!'..... t"~I~T"-~.,_-:."'~"J j_ q..., ,....,I'!.~f'1~ 3. ~JI,!.L~~!1k~~.f~3!~~gJMl!~gW:;:~..1~i;;.'-1~f:~:-Jhl~~~t;;1t 1000 sq it or less Each addIttonal 500 sq ft. or poTtlon thereof $106 00 $ 1900 Each Manufacr'd Home or Modular Dwelhng ServIce or Feeder $50 00 t:~~.!~tr?~"'~:~.f'"~;-~t} ~'l!i~~MJ;.t)l1t,,;,r~)r]: M1l.:;~...q'-:. -:::'':~j: 1flnr1~-'f B. .,;$en'lteS <JCI!-e&le(5"-;~"iliafi~ >>!tej::atiqJjs",.:,Rdota'liWif,?) ~:,il>.....~zj~}\..i~iA'J::!'[;:;'-Jt~""~..,~1iP..._!..:.~~1!iii.~ui., ,....::;',.i'~...:;:..:. ...\'r,i'~ , ,,0 fr"::'~" ""~~~_:1R;I>r~r~~,r~ ::. ~. ,,,"ll'.:,;~~; ~MS;:~ ::'~::~~..ci&~~-~lr~~ 4. -~S.c.J.DLv.lA..VOF:ABOP'Eft"f~~~1~;J~"" r~t.i;,.,~ i~...'.i.-~~-h--:f... ,'.I>.;:i;~1,J1'tI~~rJ..";":;'''__ ~';~'~..8.<."i:-",,~t-tTJtl.-7'\l M-~ ""i7} ,0 ::?- ~ . cf; ()O s >to SD OWDelS Slgna1llre: IWnCE' T\-II<; PFRMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WOlj.i. State Surcharge AUTHORIZED UNDE.R THISPtRMIT IS N~O%AdmlIID;tI3!lveFee rnMMFNr FD OR IS ABANDONED FOR lnspeetlon Reque5t: 126-3769y PERIOD TOTAL ANY ltllJ UiI Sbated Dnve(T )lBuild1ng Fo"""a",tncaI Peront AppIl<aUOl1 l-03.doc