HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Application 2004-4-20 I/~~ ---- --- - -- -- --- ------". --.-- --.- -~ ~=-:~=_~_ ~=I8~-~___~~~jQI?i2-. _ _ ~ _ __L_~b;/t4)~__.:?#6 (!... 5 T:~, - ~~-- -~-~ --~IXF,-r~-~~~- _ ~______ __Lkf-S-~&~;)- ;ro~/,(J.5-PtLL I , _ ~ ____ _ C4().;V.bc}2)(.~ _~_~ _~v;__ I -- ----- ~ -~r iX_4~r__a~&:i!JL)~- ___/ttr~_/AL~?~-i:iLO~-Mb-, -~ __ ~-~-- -- ..)tFl"S/'S" ~--I- ~-~.-- --~~-l-(S-~-~-~~-J--- - ~--- -- -- --- ---~g/pc~--- -- - - ---- -----fi- - . 1f.~--~ A- -:)11 - ~ ~." ~~) ____ _ ",:. ~ :5"~-- / ~-" J.-~-~-: /71 ~--? . -- -....~-7-f)- ~l L- --~ ---~-- _ _______~.. ,__ ____p~ _ ,_____ I ____ -/_ _ _ "_ / ~_n_____:_-___ --- _ --~/h"'4!.- - ~ - - - __}W~ _&A<;l. - -- ~rC'VIH/}_ -.ili =n==_-==~ - =-__) __ PDiT -~_-)kJ0-!JfJ\l- - --- ----t-!-~--- ------- ------- - --- - - ---- ~ -- CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development ServIces Department BUlldmg Safety DivIsion I Manufactured Home Only I JOB ADDRESS: 3f/(P C 51, CITY JOB#: ~vtJ3 ....t?/;!.1/ JJlMkc ~,FI~ CONTRACTOR: At/. ~t1TfSt joe, Residential Plan Review OWNER: PHONE: /.2.~ - "75j'o 9~5"~ tp'o&:, PHONE: Items lIsted below (If any) and those marked m led directly on the approved pelmit documents are mcorporated mto thIS project m addItion to any reqUIrements appearmg on the constructIOn plans and the CIty standard document entItled "Smgle FamIly and Duplex ConstructIon Most Commonly Missed Items" A correspondmg number IS marked on your plans for any items lIsted below where applIcable All references are to the 2002 Oregon Manufactured Dwellmg and Pmk Specialty Code (MDPSC), and the 2000 Oregon State One and Two Fmmly Dwelling SpecIalty Code, (1998 InternatIOnal One and Two Farmly Dwellmg Code as amended by the State of Olegon - OTFDSC) unless noted otherWIse A copy of these codes may be obtained from the BUlldmg Tech Bookstore, Inc, 8020 S W. Cmus Dr Beaverton, Oregon 974008-5986 Your sIgnature on the BUlldmg PermIt IS an agreement that all Items \'tIll be mstalled or corrected, and that all work on thIS project WIll comply wIth applIcable codes, ISSUANCE OR GRANTING OF A PERMIT OR APPROVAL OF PLANS, SPECIFICATIONS AND OTHER DATA SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A PERMIT FOR, OR APPROVAL OF, ANY VIOLATION OF ANY OF THE BUILDING SAFETY CODES OR OF ANY OTHER ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PLANS REVIEWED BY: 1Jll\l Mmvc; PHONE: 72& -~~L3 ~~/5/~j ?i> ~CA7tP/KT i~ :J-~f6? ~~ 1 ELECTRICAL GROUNDL"'G REQUIRED IN NEW FOUNDA nONS: On new constructIOn, a #4 concrete remforcmg-bar electrode at least 20' m length shall be mstalled honzontally and centered in a mllllmum 5-1/2 mch thIck concrete foundatIOn at the locatIOn of permanent servIce entrance A second bar, at least 1/2 111 dIameter shall be stubbed up a mll1lmUm of l2-mches above the surface of the foundatIon near the servIce entrance panel location The stubbed up rod or bm shall bend honzontally and attach (tIe) to the remforcmg bar electrode WIth a minimum 12" lap An alternate electrode 1I1stallation may be used m a 3-1/2 1I1ch thIck continuous concrete slab usmg a 20 ft long No 4 bare copper conductor placed m a large loose COlI, centered in the slab. The electrode shall rarse up out of the slab a mlmmum or 12-mches, facmg the crawl space and located near the electncal mam dlstnbutlOn panel Note There shall not be any vapor barner or msulatmg matenal mstalled below the concrete slab footmg, . (MDPSC 3-8 2 I & 2,NEC 250-82(C)). INSPECTION OF THE GROUNDING ELECTRODE SYSTEM INSTALLATION IS REQUIRED PRIOR TO PLACING OF CONCRETE FOR THE FOUNDATION 2. Porches, car-port slabs and concrete steps exposed to the weather, and garage floor slabs shall have a lTIlmmum compressive strength of 3000 pSI Concrete "batch" trIp l1ckets are to be made avaIlable upon request (Table 402 2) FoundatlOn concrete for manufactured homes shall have a compressive strength of 2500 psi at 28 days 3 ProvIde a mimmum of 6" of clearance benveen fimshed grade and all untreated wood mateuals (INCLUDING SIDING) (R-322 I). 4 The grade away from foundatlOn walls shall fall a mlmmum of 6" wIthin the first 10' Drams or other approved means shall be provIded to ensure positive drainage Except when restricted by lot hnes 5 Ground under bulldmg shall be sloped to a low pomt, arld an under floor dram mstalled to pJOvlde posItIve dramage from the area under the bmldmg (OTFDC 311 4), 6, ProvIde 61ml black polyethylene gJOund cover, lapped 12" atJomts and 12" up stem walls Note MOIsture barTler shall be Installed above the foundatIon slab or pIers bases 7 ProvIde net free venl1latmg area not less than I square foot for each 150 square feet of crawl space area One such venl1latmg opemng shall be wlthm 3' of each comer Vents shall be covered with mlmmum 1/4" and maxImum 1/2" COITOSlOn resistant WIre mesh See attached Table 3-D (OMDPSC 3-10) 8 Roof stonll drams shall be proVIded to capture roof dramage Stonll dramage shall be pIped to an approved dramage way, Dram lmes wltlun five feet of bmldmgs shall consIst of a matenal approved for use wlthm bmldmgs, such -as ABS/D\W or PVC/DWV. Perforated dram lmes used for sub surface dramage need not comply WIth this reqUIrement (OTFDC 801.4 & Table 3811 2)) CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Development Services Department BmIdmg Safety DlvlslOn Residential Plan Review JOB ADDRESS: 3416 C Street CITY JOB#: C0M2003-0l27l OWNER: Marlee Stubblefield PHONE: 726-7390 CONTRACTOR: All Gutter Ine, Pruitt Transfer Ine PHONE: 935-8906 451-1795 The following additional requirements apply to the carport structure' (See attached ReSidential Plan Review comments and the Oregon Manufactured Dwelling Code for the mstallatlon requirements of the Mfg'd Dwelling) All Carport footings shall be a mInimum of 12-inches below finish grade, measured to the bottom ofthe footing) IR403 1 5) 2 The carport structure must be capable of supporting all deSign loads applied to the structure Without assistance from the manufactured dwelling, unless the dwelling manufacturer allows the home to support addltJonalloads Please proVide documentation from the manufacturer of the dwellmg verlfymg that the home can support the additional vertical and/or horizontal design loads of the carport Otherwise,.. a ProVide adequately Sized members for vertical support of the carport, b ProVide adequate lateral braCIng for the carport structure (I e. approved knee bracing or other approved bracing method) Note If the storage shed IS attached to the carport roof structure In a manner that Will adequately proVide lateral braCing for the structure, the knee braCIng can be deleted at that end of the structure, Note' The carport structure may be attached to the M H as long as the carport has been shown to be entirely self-supporting 3 The shed structure shall have all framing members and all sldmg materials, that are not resistant to deterioration from mOIsture, a minImum of SIX inches from the adjacent so/llthls can be accomplished by installing a concrete or masonry curb wall above the slab), and a minImum of one Inch from any concrete slab or walk adjoining the shed structure 4 We understand that the carport roof covering Will be of a composition material Since compOSition shingles cannot be applied to roofs haVing a slope less than 2,12, the roofing for thIS structure shall be a bUIld-up roof or compOSItion roll roofing, Installed according to the requirements of the manufacturer of the roofing material Install 7/16" ass or 15/16" plywood structural sheathing as the roof deck, nailed accordIng to the attached nailing schedule ~~-- TABLE 3-D VENTILATION SIZING TABLE @J 1/150 " , , 'I ' '~' " ~t,'J. .'" [, I , 1 40 FEET LONG 307 Sq Inches 384 Sq Inches 461 Sq Inches 538 Sq Inches 614 Sq Inches 44 FEET LONG 338 Sq Inches 422 Sq Inches 507 Sq Inches 591 Sq Inches 675 Sq Inches I 48 FEET LONG 369 Sq Inches 461 Sq Inches 553 Sq Inches 645 Sq Inches 737 Sq Inches I 52 FEET LONG 399 Sq Inches 499 Sq, Inches 599 Sa Inches 699 Sa Inches 799 Sa Inches , I 56 FEET LONG 430 Sq Inches 538 Sq Inches 645 Sa Inches 753 Sa Inches 860 Sq Inches I 60 FEET LONG 461 Sq Inches 576 Sq, Inches 691 Sq Inches 806 Sq Inches 922 Sq Inches I 64 FEET LONG 492 Sq Inches 614 Sq Inches 737 Sa Inches 860 Sa Inches 983 Sq Inches I 68 FEET LONG 522 Sq Inches 653 Sq I nc he. 783 Sq Inches 914 Sq Inches 1,044 Sq In NOTE (1) To determme the proper amount of manufactured dwell 109 ventilatIOn, use the followmg steps (a) Determme the width and length of each section by measurIng the manufactured dwelling floor(s) (b) Us 109 thIS table, go to the mtersechng column and row correspondmg with the length and width of the manufactured dwell 109 sectIOn and repeat for each sectIOn (c) Write down the total square mches of net free area ofvcnhlatlOn rcqulred for each sectIOn and add to find out the total amount of required ventllahon for the enhre manufactured dwelling (d) To determme the number of vents needed, diVide the total amount of net free area of venhlahon required for the manufactured dwelhng by the vent capacIty of the IOdlvldual vents (e) As an alternate to thIS table, take the total area of the manufactured dwelllOg 10 square feet, diVide by 150, mulhply by 144, and repeat step (d) above, . 70 TABLER502.3(1) FASTENER SCHEDULE FOR STRUCTURAL WALL CONSTRUCTION MEMBERS AND MAXIMUM STUD SPACING TABLES. TABLE R502 3[1) FASTENER SCHEDULE FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS "UMBER AIlD TYPE OF FASTENERa,b,c,d DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING ELEMENTS JOISt to SIll or glrder.)oe nail 1111 x 6" subfloor or less to each JOIst, face natI 12" subfloor to JOIst or girder, blInd and face natI \I I Sole plate to joist. solId deck or blocbng, face nllll j Top or sole plate to stud, end nad l Stud to sole plate. toe nad I Double studs, face nlul I Double top plates, face nail \I Sole plate to JOIst. sohd deck or blocking at braced wall panels I Double top plates, Dllnimum~mch offset of end jomts, face nail m lapped area ~T I Blockmg between JOIsts or ra!ters to top plate, toe nail Rim JOIst to top plate. toe nall Top plates. laps at comers and mtersectlODS. face natI BUIlt-up header, two pIeces With lh" spacer I Conunued header, two pieces \ CeIlIng JOISts to plate, toe DaII Contmuous header to stud, toe naIl CeIlmg Joist, laps over parutu5ns. face natI Celhng Joist to parallel rafters, face DatI Rafter to plate, toe oall , 1" brace to each stud and plate. face naIl 11" x 6" sheathmg to each beanng. face naIl 1" x 8" sheathmg to each beanng. face naIl (ll 3-8d 2-8d 2 staples, 13/. 2-16d 16d 2-16d 3-8d or2-J6d IOd IOd 3-16d per 16. 8-16d 3-8d 8d 2-lOd 16d 16d 3-8d 4-8d 3-IOd HOd 2-16d 2-8d 2 staples, 13/. 2-8d 2 staples, 13/. 2-8d 3 slaples. 13/. 3-8d 4 staples. 13/. IOd IOd Wider than I" x 8" sheathing to each beanng. face nail I BuIlt-up comer studs BUllt-up gIrders and beams, 2-lOCh lumber layers 12" planks 2-16d Roof rafters to ndge, valley or hip rafters. toe nall 4-J6d face nall 3-16d I Rafter tIes to rafters. face 3-8d Wood structural paneis-:-subOoor. roof and wall sheathing to framing. and partlcleboard wall sheathJng to framJng 'IW1/2 . 6d common nall (subfloor, wall) 6 8d common naIl (rooOf 8d common nall IOd common naIl or 8d deformed natI SPACING OF FASTENERS 16" ac 1 1 I I I 24" 0 C 24'" 0 c 6" nc. 16" 0 c along each edge 16" 0 c. along each edge 1 I J J I J J 1 I \ I I 24" oc. Nall each layer as follows 32" 0 c at top and bottom and staggered Two natls at ends and at each sphce At each beanng 19/32 -I 111/8-11/4 6 6 (continued) 12g 12g 12 10. 2000 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE. WALL CONSTRUCTION TABLE R602 3(1) DESCRIPTION OF BUILDING MATERIALS Other wall sheathmg" 1/{ regular cellulosIC fiberboardsheathmg 11h structural cellulosic fiberboard sheathmg I ].'jh2 structural cellulosic fiberboard sheathmg 112 gypsum sheathing TABLE R602 3(1)-conlinued FASTENER SCHEDULE FOR STRUCTURAL MEMBERS I SPACING OF FASTENERS 1 I Edges (mches)' I Intermediate supportse,e Onches) 1 i DESCRIPTION OF FASTENERb,c d,e 11/2 galvamzed roofing nail 6d common n,,1 staple 16 ga., 1112 long 11/2 galvamzed roofing nad 8d common naIl staple 16 ga , 1112 long }3/4 galvarnzed roofing natl8d common naIl staple 16 ga., Il/4long 1 J12 galvanized roofing naIl; 6d common naIl, staple galvanized, 1112 long; 11/4 screws, Type W or S 13/4 galvamzed roofing nail, 8d common nail. staple galvanized, IS/slong, ISIs screws, Type W or S I Wood structural panels, combmatlon subnoor underlayment to framIng I '/4 and less 6d deformed naIl or 8d common n,,1 "'/8-1 8d common nail or 8d deformed naIl I '/s-I 1/4 IOd common nail or 8d deformed natl 3 6 3 6 .3 6 4 8 'Is gypsum sheathmg 4 8 6 6 6 12 12 12 For 51 1 mch=25 4 mm.l foot=304.8mm,1 srule per hour= 1 609km!h a. All nails are smooth-common. box or deformed shanks except where otherwise slated b Slaples are 16 gage wi~ and have anunimum 7/16-incb on dlanletercrown Width. c Nalls shall be spaced at not more than 6 inches on center at all supports v. here spans are 48 Inches or greater d Four-foot-by-S-foot or 4-foot-by-9-foot panels shall be applied verocally. e Spacmg of fasteners not included 10 tlus table shall be based on Table R602.3(2) II f For regIOns having basiC wind speed of 110 rnph or greater. 8d defcmned nails shall be used for attachmg plywood and wood structural panel roof sheathmg to frarnmg wlthm minimum 48 Inch distance from gable end walls If mean roof height IS more than 2S feet, up to 3S [e:t maximum g For regiOns havmg bastc wind speed of less than 110 mph muls for attachmg wood structural panel roof sheathmg to gable end wall framing shall be spaced 6 II inches on center When basic wmd speed 15 greater than 100 mph. nads for attaching pan:l roof sheathing to intermediate supports shall be spaced 6 mches on center for minimum 48-mch dIstance from ndges eaves and gable end walls. and 4 inches on cenler lo gable end wall frammg h. Gypsum sheathmg shan conform to ASTM C 79 and shall be installed 10 accordance with GA 253 fiberboard sheathing shall conform to either AHA 194 1 or ASTM C 208 I Spacmg offasteners on floorsheathmg panel edges apphes to panel edges supported by framing members and alaIl floor perimeters only Spacing offasteners on roof sheathing panel edges apphes 10 panel edges supported by framing members and at all roof plane penmelers Blocking of roof or floor sheathing panel edgf:S perpendicular to the frarrung members shall not berequl1'ed ex:ceptal intersectton of adjacent roof planes Floor and roofpenmeter shall be supported by framing members or solid blockmg. j Intenor non-braced wall hoes may be oalled With a minimum 4-10d nails II 2000 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE~ 10S TABLE R602.3(2) WAll CONSTRUCTION TABLE R6023(2) ALTERNATE ATTACHMENTS I I SPACING' OF FASTENERS NOMINAL MATERIAL THICKNESS DESCRIPTtONa, b OF FASTENER AND LENGTH Edges Intermediate supports (inches) finches) (inches) (inches) Wood structural panels subfloor. roof and waIl sheathmg to frammg and particleboard wall sheathing to framll'lg' 318 , 0097 - 0 099 NaIl Ph Staple 15 ga. 13/8 Staple 16 ga. 1% Staple 15 ga. 1318 10097 -0099 Nall Ph Staple 16 ga. 13/4 Staple 15 ga. 1'12 0097 -0 099 Nalll'/8 Staple 16 ga.13/4 0113 Nail 1118 Staple 15 and 16 ga.1518 I 0 097 - 0 099 Nall ]314 Staple 14 ga. )314 I Staple 15 ga.1314 0097 - 0 099 Nall fl/8 Staple 16 ga. 2 Staple 14 ga. 2 0113 Nal12'14, Staple 15 ga. 2 0097.0099 Nall2118 6 12 6 12 1 4 10 6 12 I 6 12 3 6 I 6 12 1 1 6 12 3 6 6 12 5 10 3 6 4 8 5 10 4 8 3 6 SPACINGC OF FASTENERS Edges Body of panel (inches) (inches) 5/16 15132 and 112 19/32 and 5fs 23/32 and 314 NOMINAL MATERIAL THICKNESS {inches) DESCRIPTIONa,b OF FASTENER AND LENGTH I Floor underlayment; plywood.hardboard.par1lcleboardl I Plywood 11/4 ring or screw shank. natI-minimum 3 6 1/4 and 5/16 12112 ga. (0 099") shank diameter Staple 18 ga, 7/&, 31t6 crown Width 2 5 11/32,318. 15/32 and 112 ]1/4 ring or screw shank nall-minimum 6 8' 121/2 ga. (0 099) shank diameter ]112 nng or screw shank na.Il-mimmum 6 12 1%2,518.23/32 and 314 12112 ga. (0 099) shank diameter . Staple 16 ga. 1'/4 6 8 Hardboard' 1II121ong nng,grooved underlayment nall 6 6 0200 1 4d cement-coated SInker nad 6 6 I Staple 18 ga., 71glong (plasllc coated) 3 6 Particleboard 114 4d nng-grooved underlayment natl 3 6 Staple 18 ga" 'lis long, 3116 crown 3 6 3/8 6d nng-grooved underlayment nad 6 10 I Slaple 16 ga., Jll8long. 3ig crown 3 6 112.5/8 6d nng-grooved underlayment nail 6 10 I Staple 16 ga, ISis long, 31g crown 3 6 FarSI I mch=25 4mm a. NaJl IS a general descnptlon and may be T-head, modIfied round head or round head b Staples shall have a mmimum crown wldlh of7/wmch on diameter except as noted c Nalls or staples shall be spaced at nol more than 6 mches on center at all supports where spans are 48 lOches or greater Nalls or staples shaJl be spaced at not more than 12 inches on center at mlermediate suppons for floors d Fasteners shall be placed In a god pattern throughout the body of the panel. e For 5-ply panels, mtermediate natls shall be spaced not more than 12 inches on center each way f Hardboard underlayment shall conform to ANSUAHA A135 4 106 2000 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE" WALL CONSTRUCTION TABLE R602 3(3) . TABLE R602 3(5) TABLE R602 3(3) ALLOWABLE STUD SPACING FOR WOOD STRUCTURAL PANEL WALL SHEATHING MAXIMUM STUD SPACING Conches) SIding nailed to . PANEL SPAN RATING 112/0, 16/0, 20/0, or wall -16 0 C 124/0, 24/16, 32/16 or waIl-24 0 C ForSl I mcb=254mm a. Blockmg ofhonzontaJjolOts shall not be requmd b Plywood sheathing 3/g-mch thick or less shall be applIed wIth long dImensIon across studs c Three.ply plywood panels shall be apphed on 1m long dImension across studs PANEL NOMINAL THICKNESS (inch) 5/16,3/S 3/S, 7/16, 15/32. IIz Stud 16 24 Sheathing 16b 24c TH'CKNESS Conch) 3/S l1z ForSI 1 mch=254mm. a. Wall sheathtngnot exposed to the weather lfthe panels are apphedhorizontally, the endJomts of the panel shall be offset so that four panels corners w1l1 notmeet. All panel edges must be supported Leave a lh6.mch gap between panels and naIl no doser than 3/g lDcb from panel edges TABLE R602 3(4) ALLOWABLE SPANS FOR PARTICLEBOARD WALL SHEATHINGa I STUD SPACING Conches) When SIding Is naIled to studs When SIding Is nalled to sheathing GRADE M-1 Extenor glue M-2 Exlenor glue 16 16 16 TABLE R602 3(5) MAXIMUM STUD SPACING SUPPORTING TWO I SUPPORTING ROOF AND SUPPORTING ONE FLOOR FLOORS ROOF AND SUPPORTING ONE STUD SIZE CEIUNG DNLY ROOF AND CEIUNG CEIUNG FLOOR ONLY (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) (inches) 1 2x4 24a 16 24a 3x4 24' 24 16 24 I 2 X 5 24 24 24 1 2 X 6 24 24 16 24 J For 51. Imch = 25 4 nun. a. Shall be reduced to 16mches Ifuuhty grade studs are used 107 2000 INTERNATIONAL RESIDENTIAL CODE" 11- D')~- 31"" ;),,4 - {cy( L.D-t- (OlD d.... NOTICE: THIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR ANY 1 SO fJAY PERIOD. Ci ~ ~I~_.I \ E~ ~t\.~~dU'Y ~ --2--~ J,'(~:L_ ARE REQUIRED Please refer to attached Development Code SecTIon regardmg the placement and types of allowable street trees lJJ4.w?, '" cp--' , 19,0 ~/" _"'0 C> ') I ~9 UG, ~, I, oy,~ ~~I, :lATE RECEIVED r2'~ilJ6" JOB NcCot<iA.tn~-Wi ''8 CA~{l.f'oO:!.. r;... ~~~~S) I ~~~~:;~~~ ~=~p ~~ .6 ~ Jv'\,H. .t--.,*~~,~,_. ~"II., J STORIES TYPE CONSTRUCTION 5-'~ ' ~ . r J- LEGAL DEseRI"'" ,( '\ 1702. 3, 2.LJ-' 101 {')"2- ADDRESS ~'-\\(O" c-' -::.t- ~ OWNER rV'o.J,J",-,,- 5;.-\-u..bbl...L.....I..<l '-l:~~_ .__._ Co 1J;.,) I ThE CONTENTS HEPE ON HAVE BEEN REVIEWED WITH ~' ALTERATIONS tNDICATED ON COLORED PENCIL CHANGES OR ALTERATIONS MADE TO THE APPROVED DRAWINGS OR \. \ 1':r ~ -j """ \ " =- " ~~~~Eu~~~~T.E~F~c'i~tTE BELOW SHALL BE APPROVED BY \.~\}~}~?-""">,~ ~~ - ~~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON . {olt-/l5 APPROVED BY ~ ;11Pf)~ DATE 1- 5-0'1 v ~'2>. ,II.' " . . ';--:<'-. ~ -~,; 25' <TRFFTTtll:;F< ARF MINIMUM SETBACKS - INTERIOR LOTS All measurements are from Property L2nes c... ~-I'-'32 -\- -Front yard to House 10 feet -front yard to Garage 18 feet -S2de yard to House or Garage 5 feet -Rear yard to House Dr Garage 10 feet P.U.E MAY CHANGE SETBACKS ATTENTION Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility Notification Center, Those rules are set forth in OAR 952-001-0010 through OAR 952-001- 0090, You may obtain copies of the rules by calling the center. (Note tM telephone number for the Oregon Utility Notification Center IS 1-800-332-2344), N ?ta-le ~ I'I = ;)..0' /1 I :3.J.: bco(~ I 1(...1.6 0 ~ .D II '- OJ) I "'3 0 F ( (J O"fit- 2.tSl J ,-' ~, '\ --_:~_.. 32.Q Dz,J'" ' 44-' Co:.-<'f'O('-\- b1\ -tni::. ?ide. I II II ~ 2.8- ()..11f -h> ,-o,(\er I CD I \) \fJ' I-Jrt've. ~- - ". 1\.-lb 0 llo ~ ~ / ~~(~ ,\ 7 "--- '" I "'j. 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