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BUILDING ""_.....~_._......,.~--~.............................~'''''''~~....,..,....,,'''' SPECIFICATIONS I ~: DIVISION OIOO-GENERAL 0101 CODES All constructton ml;!Thods, matenols and workmanship shall comply with tbe 2003 EDITION OREGON DWELLING SPECIAL TY CODE FOR ONE AND TWO F AMIL Y DWELLINGS comprISed 01 the 2000 Edition of Ice International Restqentlol Coda for One and Two Family Dwellings with Oregan Amendments dated April I, 2003 Construction shall also comply w,th all City, County and Federal codes, ordinances and regulatJOns as applicable 0102 PERMITS: The owner will proVide and pay far all permits and fees except where other prOVISion IS made by contract 0103 UTILITIES' Owner to prOVide 0104 SUBSTITUTIONS Certam processes, types of equipment or kinds of mateflals are speCified by ffianufacturer.s name, brand or catalog number to establish a basIs of qualify or deSirability for the purpose mtended ExclUSions of products of equal quality or deSirability to those speCified IS not Intended Sub-Contractors to secure approval of substitutIOns from owner Submlf suffiCient Informatlon on speCifiC product or products for evaluation Samples may be reqUired 0105 CHECKING Contractor shall verily and caordmate all dimenSions and conditions on all drawings and at constructIOn Site before proceeding DiscrepancIes are to be brought to the attention of the owner, the deSIgner. and/or the engineer os approprlate, and fully resolved before construction IS commenced 0107 CLEANING OF SURFACES All surlaces musl be clean and In good conditIOn at job completion 0106 COOPERATION Contractor and subcontractors shalllully cOQperate In carrymg Qut the work Contractor to do or be directly responSible for all construction bracmg temporary shOring. furring and bUilding In, and prOViding all openings. chases, etc, reqUired by vaflous subcontractors Where work of one subcontractor IS Installed over surfaces appl1ed by other trades. the commencement of work by the first mentIOned subcontractor constitutes acceptance Qf the surfaces, and cannot be used for an excuse should subsequent failures occur .y DIVISION 0200 - SITE WORK 0201 EARTHWORK A Excavations or fills shall be so constructed or protected thaI they do nol endanger 1I1e or properly B Remove trash, rubbish and other obstructions from site prior to starting earthwork C Do excavation work for structure and other work shown on the draWings, carefully tflmmed to lines and elevations reqUired for the ...ork Permanent cuts qnd fills shoJi not be steeper than 2 hOflzontal to I vertical unless approved by the buJldlng offiCial o Stockpile excavated material for backfill purposes at approved locations Only clean, granular material IS acceptable for re-use E The bUilding offiCial may require a 5011 test to determine the soli's characteristiCS F Lot shall be prOVided "flth adequate drainage and shall be graded so as to drain surface water away from foundation walls Said grade shall fall a minimum of SIX Inches wlthm the first ten feet, except as restricted by lot lines. slopes, ....alls. etc where drams. swales or other approved means shall be prOVided to ensure drainage away from structure G A foundation penmeter drain shall be mstalled whIch will dram roof discharge to a pOint at least five feet from the foundation walls or to an approved system 0202 BACKFILLING A Backllll adjacent 10 concrete walls shall nal be placed unt,' the wall has suffiCient strength or has been suffiCiently braced to prevent damage by the bad.flll B 6efore placmg backllll, remove all screeds, screed stalles. other wood. debfls and material subject to rot. corrosion or subterranean termite attock C Backfill mate"al sllall be clean and granular, placed In 6-Inch I,lls, and compacted o Dispose of all unSUitable and excess mateflal off site Conform to local laws and ordmances relatmg to waste disposal on property of others , I DIVISIO~ 0300 - CONCR.ETj:: 0301 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS' A Concrete deSign, components, storage, mixture. placement and relnfarcemenl shall conlarm 10 Chapter 4 B Protect all concrete from damage and use speCIal care on all ex.posed concrete to prevent stamlng or dIscoloratIon C Damaged concrete sholl be repaired, or removed and replaced With new concrete at the discretion of the owner o Form all concrete surfaces, except bottom of footings and top 01 slabs E Footings shall be placed on undisturbed sailor compacted till All 1111 male"als shall be Iree 01 vegelallan and foreign material A Salls investigation report and a report of satisfactory placement of fill shall be submJtted to the bu,ldlng oll,clal deSCribing fills greater than 4" th,ck which will be used to support the foundations of any bUildIng or strucfure Except where approved. fill depths under slabs shall not exceed 24" for clean sand or gravel and all for earth F Stepped footings are reqUired where the ground surface slopes more than one foot In ten feet G Remove all foreign matter and 't'ct down soli before placement of concrete H Isalallan JOints shall be prOVided between all slabs and taundatlon wails. uSing (2) th,cknesses 01 30# bu,'der's lell or 3/6" asphall Impregnated sheeting 0302 FORMWORK A Farms shall be substanllal, sulllclently tight and properly braced 10 prevent leakage and malnlaln poslt,an and shape B Farms and sharing shall not be removed until the structure has sulllc,enl strength to support safely Its welghl and all loads placed thereon 0303 REINFORCEMENT, A Use only new, clean stock, free from rust, scale. grease and olher coatings Reier to ACI 3IB-77 B Relnlorcemenl shall conlarm to ASTM A-615 With detarmat,ans to ASTM A-305, Grade 40 C Remforcement SIZes and locations shall be as shown on plans or as noted below. SPLICE LAP LENGTH Bar Size Concrete '13 11-6" '# 4 21-0'1 If 5 2'-6" Masonry 21-0" 2'-611 3'-011 CONCRETE COVER 3" Concrete depOSIted against earth 211 Formed concl ete agamst earth 3/4" To top of slab on grade D A grounding electrode system shall be mstalled as noted m E3507 and E3506 and must be coardlnaled With the electneal contractor 0304 CAST -IN-PLACE CONCRETE A Basement walls and foundatIOns not exposed to weather and basement slobs and mtenor slabs on grade, except garage floor slabs, shall be 2500 pSI compressive strength concrete at 26 days B Porches, carport slabs and steps exposed to the weather. basement walls, foundation walls. exterior walls, and other vertical concrete work ex.posed to the weather and garage floor slabs shall be 3000 pSI compreSSive strength concrete at 26 days C 3000 pSI concrete and other concrete which may be subject to freezmg and thawmg durmg construction shall be air entrained Total OIr content (percent by volume of concrete) shall be not less than five per cent or more than seven per cent D The minimum cement content of concrete mudures for exterior parches, carporl slabs and sleps thaI w,lI be exposed to freeZing and thaWing m the presence 01 deiCing chemicals shall be as specllled In ACI 316 E The lop surlace 01 011 footmgs shall be level The bottom surface of footmgs may hove a slope not exceeding I In 10 Footmgs shall be stepped where It IS necessary to change the elevation of the top surface of ihe footings or where the slope 01 the baltom surlace 01 the looting Will exceed 110 10 F Fmlshmg (vertical surfaces) Correct all aggregate pockets and other defects Grmd off fms and projections and remove stams Exterior surfaces of foundation walls enclosmg hvmg space or storage below finished grade shall be dampproofed usmg llThoroseal Foundation Coatmgll or equal G Fmlshlng (slabs)' Surlace Ilnlshes shall be an plans Areas noted "Brush Fmish" shall have 1/811 high attenuatIOns, wlfh paltern and style as approved by the owner 0305 EMBEDMENTS' A Anchor bolts altachlOg mud Sills 10 concrete loundatlans, shall be one-half Inch dlOmeter spaced at SIX feet maximum on center. and extend at least seven Inches mto the concrete There must be an anchor bolt "'Ithm twelve Inches of each corner and each piece 01 s,lI shall have at least Iwa bolls a Post boses. hold-downs. vents, door openings and condUits shall be located accurately as shown on plans DIVISION 0600 - CARPENTRY '0601 GENERAL: A All structural dimenSion lumber shall be graded and marked as noted In Sect,on R502 and R602 B Approved end- JalOted lumber may be used IOterchangeably w,th solid-sawn members 01 the same specIes and grade C All structural lumber SIZes have been des'gned uSlOg WWPA gradlOg rules II these members bear the stamp 01 a dlllerenl gradlOg agency, adjustments to Sizes may need to be made 0602 POSTS Pasts and columns shall be Douglas Ilr/Larch, Grade Selecl Structural F 0 H C Posts shall be pressure treated II ~ so noled on plans ,--~~~.~......................~_..........-..............~ , ......_~~_".........,.._""....~.M~~~_~..." -'C".."""ww._,.~.....=.....'~r~'__""""" ..-~~,~- _~. 0603 BEAMS, HEADERS AND STRINGERS All members 2" to 4" thick and 5" or more \lJlde shall be Douglas fir/Lorch. Beams and Stringers Class, Grade #1 All 6" thick members shall be Douglas fir/Lorch. Seams and Stringers Class, Grode Select Sfruclural All door and wmdow headers sholl be 4x6 minImum unless noted otherWise Glued-laminated timbers shall be 24F-V4, Dl/ grade at s,mple spans and 24F-V6, DI/ grade at cant,levers or multiple supports unless noted olh€lr\lllSe 0604 STUDS Studs shall be Douglas IIr/Lorch. Grade {f2 at all load bearing walls wJth size and spacmg as shown on plans Utlllfy grade lumber may be used II spaced per Table R602 3(5) Cripples under headers sholl be contmuous to sole plate Top plates In load-bearmg walls shall be doubled With JOints offset 48" minimum Block all stud walls where required for sheathing Align load-bearing studs as noted In Section R602 3 3 In tenor nonbearmg partitIOns may be capped With a smgle top plate Foundation crIpple walls shall be constructed as noted m Section R602 9 All wood members In contact With concrete shall be pressure treated 0605 JOISTS Floor and ce,hng JOiStS shall be Douglas IIr/Larch, Grade 112 All flm JOISts and end JOists shall be caulhed In place during frammg Double all end JOists and all JOISts under parallel bearmg partitions Lap JOists 611 minimum at Intenor beaflng supports where pOSSible, otherWise prOVIde 1_1/211 minimum beaflng on wood or metal supports and 3" on masonry or use approved JOist hangers Floor openIngs shall be Iramed as noted In Section R502 10 0606 RAFTERS Rollers shall be Douglas IIr/Larch. Grade {f2 w,th SIZe end spacing as shown on plans All rafters shall be notched to prOVide full beaflng at supports 0607 TRUSSES Manufacturer of wood floor or roof trusses shall supply caples of truss deSign draWings and calculatIOns to the bUilding offlclOl and owner Trusses shall be deSigned per sechon R502111 by a regestered profeSSIOnal DeSigns drawings sholl tnclude all mlarmatlan noted In seclians R502 1\ 4 and R602 10 I Trusses sholl be Installed wl1h all fasteners hangers and braCing as required by the manufacturer Truss members shall not be drilled, cut, notched or altered In any manner unless so deSigned *** NOTE *** BUILDER IS STRONGLY CAUTIONED TO VERIFY ALL TRUSS DIMENSIONS INCLUDING EXACT SLOPE, REQUIRED HEEL HEIGHT, OVERHANG CONDITION AND SPECIAL LOADING TRUSS DIMENSIONS SHOWN IN THESE PLANS ARE INTENDED TO 6E APPROXIMATE ONLY 0606 SHEA THING Raol and wall sheathing ,hall be 7/16" Oriented Strand Board (OSB) or 1/2" CDX Plywood With lace grain perpendicular 10 supports and staggered Jomts Floor shea1hlng shall be as shown on plans All structural sheathmg shall be graded and marked as noled In Sect,an R503 21, R503 3 I. R604 or R605 If reqUired, diaphragms and shear 'Nalls shall be constructed as reqUIred by the engineer or as shown on plans 0609 STRESSED SKIN PANELS shall be shipped, stared handled and Installed per the manufacturer's instructIOns 0610 SOLE PLATES Sale plates In contact "th concrete shall be pressure treated douglas fir/Larch 0611 NAILING All na,lIng shall be as noted 10 Tables R6023(1) and R6023(2) Melal connectors shall be IQ,talled w,th 01\ nalls, bolts or other fasteners as reqUired by manufacturer 0612 BRACING Wall and Cripple wall braCing shall be prOVided as per Section R602 9 and R602 10 0613 METAL CONNECTORS Simpson strong tie, or approved equal 0614 BLOCKING Full depth solid blacking 01 'Jllllty grade lumber 's required at all bearmg walls and at the bearIng pomts of all JOISts and raf1ers Cross blldgmg betll/e"," 2xl4 and larger rot1ers and 2xl2 and larger jols1s IS reqUired at 10'-0" 0 C maximum BraCIng behteen roof or floor trusses shall be Installed as reqUired by manufacturer 0615 NOTCHING Notching, cutting and drilling 01 st"ds. plates, Ja,sts or ratters shall canlarm 10 Sect,o", R502 6. R602 6, and R802 7 0616 DRAFTSTOPPING Draftstopplng and Fire Blacking shall be constructed and Installed as reqUIred by SadlOn R502 12 and R602 6 0617 FltJlSH CARPENTRY A Stairways shall be constructed as sholtO on plans and as noted In Sechon R314 8 Handrails and guardrails shall be constructed as shown on plans and as noted In Secllons R315 and R316 C Wood or hardboard paneling shall conform to Section R702 5 0616 INTERIOR WALL COVERING A All mteTlor sfructural components shall comply With the Department of HOUSing and Urban Development (HUD) formaldehyde emiSSion standards (#24 CFR part 3260) 01 2 ppm (parIs per million) for plY'llood and 3 ppm for particle board Plywood or par11cle board stamped" meets HUD requlrements" or "HUD approved" etc shall be acceptable lnfenor grade plywood, 'Nofer board, partIcle board, and oTlanted :::trand board made With phenOl-based resms and stomped lIExposure III shall be acceptable Exierlor grade componenis (node WIth phenOl-based reslOS and stamped IlExterlorll sholl be ac:sptoble 8 All gypsum board jomts and ImperfectlcJns shall be filled and taped C All surfaces shall be sanded for pamt or wallpaper or textured as speCified by owner o All exposed mterlor gypsum board corners shall be remforced With metal edge trim E Gypsum board shall nol be Inslalled until weather pralectlan IS prOVided F Gypsum board, support spacmg and the size and spacIng of lasteners shall comply With Sechon R7023 G Garages shall be completely separated Irom reSidence and Its alllc With 1/2" gypsum board applied to th. garage Side All structure supporting a floor-ceiling separcllon shall be covered With 1/2" gypsum board 0619 EXTERIOR WALL COVERING Siding shall be as shawn on plans and cantarm to Section R703 With altachmenl per Table R7034 unless noted otherWise Panel type sldmg shall have shlplapped vertical JOints over frammg members and flashed or lapped hOrIZontal Joints 0620 ATTIC ACCESS' A read,'y acceSSible lramed attic access hatch at not less than 22 Inches by 30 Inches sholl be prOVided to any attic area haVing a clear height of over 30 mches DIVISION 0700 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PRDTECTION 0701 GENERAL A The conditioned spaces of these plans are mtended to comply With Prescrlpf1ve Compliance Path I 01 Table NII041(1) unless noted otherWise B All msulatmg materials to comply with Sections R320 and NIID4 C All insulation shall be applied uniformly and In a manner to prevent compreSSion Insulation shall be split evenly around pipes. Wires, ducts or other obstructions and cut m around outlet boxes o Exterior Jomts around wmdows and door frames, between wall cavities and wlOdow and door frames. between wall and foundation, between wall and roof. betwe~n wall panels. at penetrations or utility services through wails, floors and roofs and all other openmgs m the extenor envelopes shall be caulked, gosketed, weather-stnpped or otherWise sealed 0702 FLOOR INSULATION A 211 thick (R-15 mmlmum) extruded polystjrene foam Insulation (approved for under slab use) shall be mstclled around entire perimeter 01 monolithiC floor slab In all healed areas The insulation shall exlend downward tram the top 01 the slab 10 the ballam 01 the th,ckened edge The msulatlOn shall be protecled as shown on plans to a minimum of 6" bela'll grade The complete area under slob shall be covered WIth 6-mll polyethylene or approved equal B 211 thick (R-15 mlOlmum) extruded polys1yrene foam insulation (approved for under slab use) sholl be Installed around entire perlmeler 01 floating floor slab In all heated areas The Insulation shall extend downward from the hp of the slab for 0 mmlmum distance of 2411, or downward to the bottom of the slab, then hOflzontally beneath the slab for a minimum total distance of 24". The complete area under slab and under IOsulatlon shall be covered With 6-mll pOlyethylene or approved equal C R-25 Ilberglass ball insulation. supparled by lath or corrosion-proof ...Ire, shall be mstalled flush under floors over all crawlspaces Support system (wood lath, corrOSion-resistant wire. or rot-resistant twme) IS reqUired to hold msulatlon In place Without compressing It Use baffles if reqUired to mamtaln clearance around crawl space venti Install I perm maximum kraft paper vapor retarder between 2x deckmg and underlayment Separate vapor retarder IS not reqUired In 1100rs constructed \\11th plYWOOd or aSB sheathmg Ground cover of 6-mll black eolyethylene wilh JOints lapped la" minimum and turned up 12' at edges Is reqUired at all crair'1 spaces 0703 WALL INSULATION A (R-21) Krall laced (I-perm dry cup maXimum) high denSity flberglassbatt insulation shall be face stapled to inSIde (warm) surface 01 studs in 011 walls separating heated from unheated spaces B (R-21) Fire-rated lOll-laced high dens'ty fiberglass batl insulation shall be mstalled inSide below grade concrete walls enclOSing heated spaces Insulation shall be face stapled to 2x4 framed mterlor finish wall held In from concrete wall so that insulatIOn does not contact concrete Insulation must extend Irom the bollom 01 the above-grade subflaor to the lop 01 the belo...-grade finished floor The rim jOlst'area must be Insulated 0704 CEILING INSULATION A (R-3B) Fiberglass ball or loose tlllllbergloss, cellulose or rock wool Insulation shall be Installed on flat ceilings Loose till Insulaffon may be used only where raol slope 's 4/12 or greater and headroom at ridge Is at least 44 Inches Loose fill 105ulotlon must be Installed per label indIcations of pounds reqUired per square loot or bogs per 1000 square teel ~~-" c~,~_. .J?i..ut.o_~"-1diI~W"~~l;:l!:.l.J...AU...~~_ .~.~~~. B [R-30) Foil taced i,berglOss bolt IIlSUI"tlan ,hall be Installed on sloped ceUlng~ constrll....ted vIlh f?lngle rafters C (R-30) Kra1t faced fiberglass paft tn~ulatlOn sholl be Installed on Ladings \/llh CJ dope of gieofer 1hon 2/12 and on attic spuce above D (R-30) l case fill tIUf(r9Io.l'2s, celll.llo~e Qr j odt wool insulation may be used on sloped cSllln,s prOVided slope IS 2/12 or less and headroom (It fldge IS at least 44 Inches Loose fill msulatlon must be Installed per label indications of pounds reqUired per square loot or bags per 1000 square leet E (R-21) Fall laced Ilberglass bat! insulation may be Installed In partially vaulted ceIlings and ceJimgs toiallng not more than 150 square feet In area for dormers, bay Windows, etc Space must be filled (except for reqUired ventilation space) and a 05 perm (dry cup) vapor retarder mstalled on warm (In wmter) Side F All cellmgs Without an attic space above shall hove 0 vapor balrfJer "'Ith a maxImum 0 5 perm rating G All attic Qccesses and sl1:yllght wells shall be Insulated to the same R-value as the surroundmg ceiling AttiC access hatches shall be weather-stripped H Rigid, weal her-resIStant ballles shall be Installed to deflect soffit ventilation air above insulation and to keep inSUlation clear from attic hatches Non-combustible baffles shlall be Installed to provIde 3" clearance around flues, metal chumne}'s, gas vents or fixtures that reqUire clearances or ventllatlon for fire safety 0706 ROOFING A Roofing materials and applicatIOn to comply wllh Chapter 9 B Roofing shall be applied with all flashing and acceSSOfJes recommended by manufacturer or as requlfed for a Vr'atertlght assembly Finish rooflOg materlals shall be approved by owner C Gutters shall be Installed at lower edge 01 all roal slopes DOlwnspouts from gutters to discharge Inio stormwater dram O\Wner to approve style and color 0707 VENTILATION A Screened soffit, eave, fJdge or roof jack vents shall be sUjpplted as shown on plans With a minimum ratio 01 net vent op enmg to ventilated area of I to 150 RatIO may be reduced to Ita 300 If vents are arranged as noted In Section Re06 Screen sh all have lie" minimum to 1/ 411 maXlmlffi square openings of corrosion resistant \IIlre B Crawl space shall be ventilated by means of screened openings thlrough foundation stem walls os shown on plans Total net op enlng and arrangement of vents shall be as noted In Section R4081 Screen shall have 1/6" square opemngs of corroslon-re-sls1ant wire or ano1her material os noted m Sect,an R406 2 0706 MUD SILL. Bath top and bot!am 01 mud Sill shall be caulhed or ga's~,eted 0709 THERMAL BREAK Concrele slabs on grade In candll1aned spaces shall be thermally broken from slabs In adjacent unconditioned sp aces DIVISION 0800 - DOORS, WINDOWS AND GLASS 0601 DOORS A Door sizes shall be as noted on plans, 'Wlfh type, finishes and hardware as selected by owner All egress doors shall be readily openable from the Side from whIch egress IS to be mode Without the use of a key or speCial knowledge or effort B Exterior doors (except mom entry door) to have a maximum 020 U-Value One door (28 square feet maximum) to have a maximum 054 U-Value All exterIor doors to have an air leakage ratmg of 037 cfm maximum per square foot of door area All exterior doors shall be I 3/4" thlclt mmlmum and be weather-stripped (do not use St1chY back 100m) C Doors \tilth glazing of 25 square feet or larger and sliding gloss doors sholl be tested and certified os noted in Section R613 o Openings between garoge and reSidence shall be eqUipped wllh solid wood or honeycomb core steel doors no1 less than I 3/8" thick or 20-mmute fire-rated doors fire-rated doors E Hmged shower doors shall open outward 0602 WINDOWS A Wmdaw brand and style ,hall be as directed by owner SIZes shlall be as noted on plans NOTE Sizes of Windows shown on pllans ore nominal only Venfy rough opening required before framing B All Windows shall be double glazed IIl1th a maximum 040 U-Value and shall meet the fenestratIOn requIrements of Section NI'I046 AIi Windows shall be tested and cerf1I,ed as noted In Section R613 All Windows must be labeled w,th U-Val"e or U-Value class except as noted In SectIOn NII04 4 I D Sleeping rooms shall have at least one openable egress window or door as shown on plans and as reqUIred by SectIOn R310 NIDTE Sizes of Windows shoun on plans are nommal only Verify CLLEAR OPENING dimenSions for egress Windows as reqUired by code E Windows shall be set onto a bead 01 ca"lIdng F Skylights sholl be constructed of double glaZing, wJth lOner pane fempered In a metal frame or as noted 10 Secflon R30a 6 WIth a maximum 050 U-Value Skyllght area shall be not more thlon 2. per cent of heated floor area G Glass dool s and enclosures for showers, t.ot tubs. whirlpools, SQJunas steam rooms and bathtubs. fIxed, $\II1091n9 or slldmg g1l0zmg In doors and storm doors, and all glazmg and mirrors wllthm 2411 of doors or WI1hln ISII 01 floors. and all glazmg In ralllmgs andglazlOg used In barrIers around sWlmmmg pools and spas shall be tempered and permanenily marked per Section R3081 E~ceptlans are noted In Section R30B I, R306 II AND 3064 DIVISIOIN 0900 - FINISHES 0901 \GENERAL' A_ All mteflor finishes and matenals to conform to SectIOns REI9 and R702 Wall and ce,ling Ilnlshes shall have a fllOme-spread class,l,catlOn 01 nol greater than 200 except as noled 10 Sect,an R3191 and a smoke dens,ty not greater than 450 B All exle"ar tlnlshes and mate"als shall conform to Seclian R703 and Table R703 4 0902 INTERIOR PAINT Latex palnl With colors shall be approved by o-wner 0903 EXTERIOR PAINT Latex or stain With calor to be approved by owner 0904 OTHER WALL FINISHES Contractor to coordinate With owner where wlolI paper, panelmg. or wamscottmg are deSired 0905 FLOOR FINISHES A Carpet shall be praless,onally Installed with pad. lack strip and metal tflm as required Carpet and pad shall be approved by o\Wner B__ Cushion vmyllype sholl be approved by owner nlVISION 1000 - SPECIAL TIES 1001 Cabinets. closet organizers, shelves and other bUilt-inS sholl be as shown on plans and as arranged by owner DIVISION 1500 - MECHANICAL 1501 GENERAL All healing, ventilating. coaling and plumbing components and installation shoJI comply Chapters II through 32. and Append,x A. B. C and D and all ather applicable regulaf1ans therem referenced 1502 HV AC SYSTEM A HV AC system shall be an extension of the eXisting system All eqUlpmenl shall be approved by the bUilding oll,clal or shall bear the label 01 an approved testing agency and shall be permanently labeled as noled In Section MI303 B Syslem shall be deSigned and Installed by a qualilled contractor Contractor shall supply HVAC duct diagrams or drawmgs and/or heat loss or energy use calculatIOns. and equipment speCificatIOns, 11 reqUired by the bUilding offiCial C The lemperature 01 each HVAC zone shall be cantrolied by a thermostal All thermastals musl be numerICally marked and capable of being set between 55 and 75 degrees lor heating-only thermostats, between 70 and 65 degrees for cooling-only thermostats, and between 55 and 85 degrees for thermostats that control both heafmg and cooling The system control must have a SWitch or other means of settmg back or shutting off heatmg and coolmg durmg periods of reduced need o Adjustable registers or space heaters shall be mstalled 10 all rooms except baths and utility area E Ducts, plenums, returns and enclosures Installed 10 unconditIOned space sholl be Insulated to R-8 Ducts shall be sealed at all Jomts and corners (mcludlng prefabricated jomts), at Junctions between ouilet registers and mteflor surfaces, and at all places where the ducts penetrate the bUlldmg envelope No ducts shall be run In exterior walls F Ducts penelratlng the wall or ce,'mg separating the dwelling from the garage shall be constructed and Installed as noted m SectIOn R309 II G Non-combustible flre-stoppmg shall be prOVided at all gaps around mechanical lmes at cellmgs and floor levels H Bathrooms shall be heated and venltlated With combination heater/light/tan w,th model to be approved by owner Bathroom exhausl Ions to have a capac,'y 01 atleasl 50 CFM. must exhaust directly fa the extenor, and must Include backdraff dampers I Kitchen shall be eqUipped With an exhaust fan with 0 capaclfy of 01 least 100 CFM, must exhaust directly to the exterior, must Include a backdroft damper and must conform to the requirements 01 section MI502 or MI504 J Clothes dryer shall vent d"ectly to the exlerlor 01 the bUlldmg envelope through a bock-draft damper and must conform to the requirements of section MI501 1503 PLUMBING A Plumbmg Installation shall be In accordance wl1h Chaplers 25 thru 32 B System shall be deSigned and Installed by a qualified ~ontraclor Cantraclor shall supply delalled plans, c'alculailons and speCifications of 0\1 proposed equIpment If r equ"ed by BUlldmg OffiCial C WASTE AND VENT SYSTEM ABS or PVC plastiC D WATER PIPING Copper tubing E All appliance models, styles, colors, etc shall canlarm - ...._._~_ ""~ Il'" " - - """""'- ------- ~--., . ,~_._~ ~.~.h__ -_~"1l-1.!I'l~- '_'.~ ,., ~h" ~.. 'u' to Chapter 27 and ~~ approved by owner F All to,leis "'~II ~. 16 gallons por flush maxllnom G All showers iii11'iJll hove 900 sq Inches mll1lmum floor area and must be largt;!: ~nough to enclcse a oole diameter CIrcle H All shower h~uds bllol1 ue 2 5 gallons per mmuh maximum I ,011 mferlor TO~j~(,.TP shoJI be 25 gallons pj:lr mmute maximum J Nan-combustible fire-stopping shall be prOVided at all gaps around plumbing Imes at cellmgs and floor levels Seal 011 penetrations through bUlldmg envelope With caulking K All water pipes shall be msulated In accordance With sectIOn NII06 DIVISION 1600 - ELECTRICAL A All work sholl meet the requirements and inspections of Chapters 33 through 42, AppendiX L and the 2002 notional electrIcal code B Electrical systems sholl be deSigned and Installed by a