HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Easement 2008-4-4 ~ A\D ~(J'Oj ~S-o\D Department of Energy Bonneville Power Administration 86000 Hwy 99S Eugene, OR 97405 April 4, 2008 In reply refer to TERR-Alvey TRACTNo C-CU-45-A-149RI CASE No 20080280 LINE Cougar - StatIOn "S" No I (Oper as Thurston - McKenzie No I) UTA ~ent Via e-mail (Teet (;OIhm [teet@ellchallalchltect~ com]) Ene Hall Architects, Inc Attn Ted Corbm 116 Hwy 99 North Eugene, Oregon 97402 US DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY-BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRA nON LAND USE AGREEMENT BonneVille Power Admlmstratlon (BPA) hereby agrees to your use ofBPA's easemept area for constructlOn/lllstallatlon, use, and mallltenance of a 50 foot asphalt roadway, parkmg lot with IS foot I1ght standards, PVC storm water plpmg, underground electriC servIce hne, and landscaplllg m eXlstmg npanan zone swale The location of your use IS partially WIthlll the DLC Abraham Landes No 45 of Section 15, Township 17 South, Range 3 West, WlIlamette MendIan, Lane County, State of Oregon, as shown on the attached segment ofBPA Drawmg No 104843, marked as Exhibit "A" and a segment of Hawes Investments drawmg dated 04/07/2008 marked as Exhibit "B" You shall not make any changes or additIOns to your use of the right-of-way wlthuut BPA's review and written approval Any other uses and utilities on the nght-of-way must Be appIieaTor fepafately. Please note that BP A IS not the owner of thiS property If you are not the owner, you must obtam the owner(s) permisSIon to use thiS property There may also be other uses ofth~ property that mIght be located wIthm the same area as your project This agreement IS subject to those other rights This agreement IS revocable at w1l1 by BP A and does not modify, change, or otherwIse alter the rights BP A acqUired by Deed BP A may termlllate this agreement upon 30 days written notice The subJect use ofthls easement area has been determllled not to be a hazard to, or an lllterference wIth, BP A's present use of this easement for electriC transmiSSIOn Illle purposes Accordmgly, there IS no present objection to such use However,lfBPA should determme at any time, that your use has become a hazard to the presently lllstalled electncal faclhtles ofBPA, or any facIhtles added or constructed m the future, or If such use should lllterfere with the lllspectlOn, mamtenance, or repair of the same, or with the access along such easement, you wlll be reqUired to stop your use or remove such hazard or lllterference from the right-of-way at no expense to BP A BY ACCEPTING TIDSLAND USE AGREEMENT YOU ARE AGREEING TO THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS 1 Inform BP A once the constructIOn of your approved use IS complete 2 The constructlOn/mstallatlOn of your approved use must be completed by April 28, 2009 If you have not completed your proJect by the above date, you must mform BPA five workmg days III advance to receive an extensIOn 3 Because of other potential uses III the area of your project, BP A reqUires that you have a utlhty locate done pnor to constructIOn commenclllg 4 Mamtam a mmllllU111 distance of at least 25 feet between your constructIOn eqUipment and the transmission Illle conductors (wires) 5 Mamtam a mmlmum distance of at least 50 feet between your faCilities and the lr dnMIll"IUIl hIl~ slruLlur~, 6 To cnsurc thc safety ofworkcrs and thc unllltcrruptcd opcratlon ofthc BPA transmission faclhtles, the apphcant shall employ a BP A approved safety watcher dunng any constructIOn actiVIties OCCUITlllg under the conductors (wires) or when operatmg any eqUipment that has the ootentlal to reach or come wlthm 25 feet of the conductors (wires) Please contact thiS office for a current list of BP A approvcd Safcty Watchcrs. 7 EqUipment, machmery, and vehicles travellllg on BPA's nght-of-way shall come no closer than 50 feet to any BP A stlucture 8 No storage of flammable materials or refuellllg of vehicles or eqUipment wlthm the easement area 9 5 foot of overburden shall be allowed only dunng constructIOn and mllst be removed after completIOn afthe project. ,-6 h.pplrecr.cu. g'<1c;~ d'aU15'" uf3-1t.': .c"v~ ;'<Yrparkin1;lm-fo-"-pp.vvvJ 11 VegetatIOn, mcludlllg landscapmg and trees, shall not exceed 10 feet III height, obstruct access to structures, or be planted wlthm 50 feet of any structure Any vegetation exceedmg the height or obstructIOn hmltatlOn may be removed by BPA 12 DeSign and bulld the portIOn of the parking lot constructed wlthm the BP A easement area to Withstand HS-20 loadmg from BPA's heavy vehicles :1 ro<p Nn )()()R()?R() 13 Curb cuts must be provIded on the Identified BPA access down the right of way on exhibit "B" 14 Parklllg hght standards wlthm the nght of way should be less or equal to 15 feet m height from the ground up 15 Access to BP A transmiSSIOn Ime system by BP A and/or ItS contractors shall not be obstmcted at any lime 16 Because smoke IS a conductor, NO brush piles or bummg on'the right-of-way IS allowed Electnclty travelmg down the ,moke L,Ould potenltdlly caus~ a d~dJly situatIOn for anyone standmg on or near the pOInt where the electriCity contacts the ground IN ADDITION. THE l<'OLLOWfNG IS BROUGHT TO YOUR ATTENTIO~ You agree to assume nsk ofloss, damage, or lllJury which may result from your use of the easement area, except for such loss, damage, or mJury for which BP A may be responsible under the prOVIsIons of the Federal Tort Claims Act, 62 Stat 982, as amended It IS understood that any damage to BP A's property caused by or resultmg from your use of the easement area may be repaired by BP A, and the actual cost of such reparr shall be charged agamst and be paid by you NUisance shocks may occur wlthm the nght-of-way Groundlllg metal objects helps to reduce the level of shock It IS suggested that road bUlldmg/constructlOn eqUipment be grounded With a drag cham ConstructlOn/mstallatlOn, use, and mallltenance of the 50 foot asphalt roadway, parklllg lot With 15 foot hght standards, PVC storm water plpmg, underground electriC service Im~, dnJ Idlllhcdpmg 111 ~xI,l1l1g llpallan zone swale ConstructlOn/mstallatlOn, use, and mamtenance of your faclhty shall be at no cost to BPA BP A seeks your help mamtammg the mtegnty of the electncal transmiSSIOn system Please report any Vandahsm or Theft to the BPA Cnme Witness program at 1-800-437- 2744 Cash rewards ot up to :b25,UUU will be paid should mformatlOn lead to the arrest and conVictIon of persons commltlmg a CrIme - BP A"Shall not-be-hable-for damage-to-youf property ,-facilities, QF-mjury to per~{)ns-that might occur dUring mamtenance, reconstmctlOll, or future construct. on of BF' A faclhtles as a result of your fduhlie, belllg wlthmlne nght-ot-way The nght-of-way IS patrolled by hehcopter Alllmals may be frightened by aIrcraft nOise If you have any questIOn> or concerns, pleds~ Iloli[y llu, BPA R~dlly Office You lIldY dlrect any commumcalion to Bonnevllle Power AdmmlstratlOn, Real Estate FIeld Services (TERR-3) 86000 HWY 99 South, Eugene, Oregon 97405 or by telephonmg 1-(541) 988-7432 3 e,<f> No jf1f1Rf1jRO A copy of thIS agreement shall be physically located at the project dUring constructIOn activIties THIS LAND USE AGREEMENT BECOMES EFFECTIVE UPON THE SIGNATURE OF ALL PARTIES. I TIA VE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND CONCUR WITH THE TERMS OF TillS AGREEMENT: ,L- I L. 'i--- --"""-- '7_ Apphcants Name fz-p..v ~ AuH~, IA", ~l~ ~4 of', 02:> Date I HAVE READ, UNDERSTAND, AND CONCUR WITH THE TERMS OF TillS AGREEMENT: ( ;_ Z ~ry}- Own s Name -ro.o;ep,l-. -I-kwe..s pre,,>\c!.e-.+- - !-h.....,Je!. ":h...ve">~+S1 lLL THIS AGREEMENT IS HEREBY AUTHORIZED 0'-/ - 0'1 - 2-0",0 Date UMAL ~~B i-I Lf- 0 '6 Dustm Smith Realty Specialist Date Ll r"<p No ?nnRnnn US DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY-BONNEVILLE POWER ADMINISTRATION PERSONAL/FIDUCIARY ACKNOWLEDGMENT Washmgton, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, and California State of CJ rerJ 01/ County of 1.aA1L- J ) ss J On this _fl{J~__ Ert'(' ~lIl IkIf and !70,wfJh lIawlE.-c, , , known to me, or proved to day of 20011, before me personally dppeared me on the basIs of sal1sfactory eVidence, to be the person whose name IS subscnbed to the wlthm mstrument and who acknowledged to me that ( he / she) executed the same as ( his / her) voluntary act and deed for the uses and purposes therem mentIOned '!l-(f)n----------;F~~~;EM..----)i Not~~~ fo~tate of KACEY K ROST J d L NOTARYPUBUC-OREGON : Resl mg m Y(r 1/ ~ COMMISSION NO 400959 I MycornlmsSlOnexprres j.zj./C!J MYCOMMISSIONEXPIRESJANUARY4 2010 ' , ._---~~-~~"~,------~~~~~~~j WJJrJ?? U State of ) ) " ) County of On thIS \t{b- day of Ac, I , 2007, before me personally appeared Dustm Smith, .- known to me, or proved to me on the baSIS of sal1sfactory eVidence, to be a Field Realty SpecIalist for the Bonneville Power Admmlstration whose name he subscnbed to the wlthm 1l18trumcnt and \\rho ach.nowkdged to 111e that sht tAeLuku lilt; ~dll1e d~ llel Vulwlldry :iLl dm.l Wd\ OFFICIAL SEAL {I THORSEN STEEN J NOTARY PUBLIC - OREGON , COMMISSION NO 419714 MY COMMISSION EXPIRES JULY lB.2011 ",ilio"~d '" "'''''' wd =_00' ,d ,",h "ffi2~~ '"~''' Notary Public 11l and for the State of (j~f(~u,J ResIdmg m fw:.0Jrz.olZ.. My commiSSIOn expires I \h \ \ _. 5 r"<p No ?OORn?RO ~ "' ~"_}}'''''~''''~__'_''''""~:!!lE...__.._' ~~~-ti""'-,:~'<."."-_' 'o;!- ~ SE.CS 14&15 TI7S R3W W/.A' lANE COUNTY, OREGON -, - , \\'ILLlAj M STEVENS DLe r, ______ c CU ~EUGENE _ " 5rA 2::?-, G/ ?b .s'?:.t.r. ..f>b.,l_ <'"Ii:i -'0 ""e -fk'~':~"I.., --'0 :?~"-i C-Cu.147 PAUL KOPPE ET UX ~ IT Of AaR.l,HAM lANOfS Ole I(Q q:s fl)Vf l LEN~H 10..2 C .Cl,l 148 Z., ACRE:S ERIC DOuGLAS WICKLUND ET OX ....2311,q>60'j'OSTJi,2;j~.ro C PA'lT PFAllRAIiAM LANDES Ole NO 4:\ 5/8' IR & rpc 12005J r 59:! 73(,) X !JJS &8{)-( --, ~elo~~0~~ ~Q!l::1.p_L8~:, EQ 00,00 0 Ph ' .. "'" 38" .37'45-" Rt .......... 93-P0421 PI0Ca;; J C-CU-I51 HAROLD E RICE ET UX PAlll 0( ~8RAI/AAl l..AN(}ES Pl.C /010. <45 anti-LENGTH IQGa. j ~ ,; ACRES ST" 2"1l3S" 13 0 TO' $1A n'\.~HI!2 CCuAR<1S-J LEHGHI1'95 , ! -1-- c Cu A~ 46~~ .../' /// ,j'; : ll/ F1__ -flf .,<' II. fS'.)(' , rq I l ,- L , ~ ~ , lRe\~~~ ~~ ,:;1-0B i,l.._-,:)2''9001 I, jr", t:> 4: fj.')!t I ~ \ ~~'!l ORf:GOI< 61<10 - S011TH Zl)HE rtlC1Cfi 09999:.11 HORIZONTAL SCALI: I .!OO IIXl 0 'i:;<)<> 40\} I~~-- lO -10 VERTICAL SCALE ,- 20 ,/- f /~lc- / ;:~---:--_,~ ~/ I(''y?/-~-'"'i~",- r-- ! ')1' - ,'~ ;' /1 ~~]:~ i Illl~1 ~~Ih>- /;/ \,1:11111 11111 I!' l !j ~th~lllj I 1!lllli~~ t/I'an!OIl'fATU!;<V"4R:'l'MEKTOtTHI;:If.lT[RION I !ONNEVILlf rOWER AOMIH1STRATlOH "'CAOo-U4~ _t\..,,~!> C\1t~(;"OH COUGAR - STATION 'S" NO I I 115 "\I UAt.SMISslOH LINt: l , c MILE 45 FROM COUGAR , h_T<;I'W~' KloO""'lIT~~".... ~~n I "m ~ -- 'lP.. ~,,- ""=' ,.~,,- I $l~ ld~~ ~.t- \~,-I~~;I~ F;-~-,,,i \=,. (>'-.11 1~4~,,-,,~tr,;'rt!fJ.:; 104843 "175-11-0. oFfR AS-Mill--r THlJRSTDN:.M~K~NZfE NO C-Cu-45~X-A _~XHIBIT "A':.n _,_ ,- - CASE NO. 20080280 PARKING LOT HAWES INVESTMENTS, LLC , I l ..,..~".,;.>"",,,~!'1 -"~\;l.~':"~~;ja;:..-..,~':' ,_-;Q;'---"'~~~";'::' SI!E PLAN LEGEHD EXHIBIT "B" CASE NO. 20080280 --12800- PROPOST.:D CONTOU, I SITE PLAN NOTES I =----...----- -------- -l CD ::'NT"RANCE TO SITE @ SP,.: EASEMENT NORTHERN-H05T LI6KT STRUGTURE5 I"V M.A..X HEIGHT 25-0 @ 2>HP-U6 AND TREE 5PECIEs:> PER BPA RECOMMENDATIONS [HA;:;: HEI6HT NORTHERN-MOST BOLLARDS " 15 -0 V"ITHIN BPA ACCE5~ EASEMENT) I PARKING L..I6HTIIN& I"V MAX HEI6HT 15-0 FED V'l/4BOI:lTI '*10 Y'iIRE IN 0 16-0 BFA ;l-C.CES5 CR.IVE (MAX TURM , 5c.!-"-4Q FVC \!ll;24 HIN BELOY'! f<:.ADIU5 @ 1;1-0 ) ~ 6R-APE 0 rop OF BANK 15 4' PYc. (A5TM-D 3094) STORM LINE @ 4 -6 HIN BELOi"l GRAPE 0 '::,rRi.JC.TlJRE AX...IZ-THL!R-M.:..KZ 1-1-4 i_GeATED 156 TO /"lEST @I STORM LINE OUTFALL 0 C",TRUCTU~E AX.JZ-THUR-M':'I<Z 1-1-;:1 EI CONSTRUCT ASTlvlD 9094 STORM l QG.ATED ~:!s TO EAST ViA TER FIPE FER. SIZE sHOV-IN CONNECT TO EXISTING 5TORH G) ASPHALT P ARI<ING APEA I Y'lA. TER PIPE IF 5HOY'lN PROVIDE I FITTIN65 A5 REQD FIELD VERIFY 0 b CONC CJRB € CONNECT TO EXl5TIN6 5TUBOUT PROVIDE COMPATIBLE COIJPLIN6 0 rl,T 6RADE OBSERVATION AREA G DAYLI6HT FOND OVERFLOY'! PIPE CONSTRUCT ROCK APRON 100' EPA ACCESS EASE~Er I , : '2150 PROPOSED + 424 00 EXISTING GR.OSS SaCflON @ HIGHEST. POINT NTS = \ R C Ii I TEd T S I, ."'''11 ;ia\lliir.lo.l~,~ 6HfGHWAY1X'N EUGtt.E.OIl ,(S'1)668 SS;;>4 ~(S'I)6lI81),JI) ...1., HAWES INVSSTMENTS, L.L.C. I INTERNATIONAL rAY DEVELOPMENT SPRINGFIELD. OR 04/07/2008 I I : I -----------/1-----' ~-----~----77 ~ I ~ I ...,.,.....J.- ,', I I /" 'i , /' ~~/: /, \\\ \ I I, --- '. / I I / ! /1 j ! I /1, I! ! / I 111101 " I I / if, III II:, r ~I Ii I I, / I ,/ / 1/ I " ' '/ ' J 16/ , 'I i r~ I I I I, ' .., 1: I I fl ~ ts ~I'i \ t llU tU I flit 1 1'\1 (<l9J I ': I V ~ II, j ^ :~ 1 I: I' , J I . I , I Ic--l00 BP^,o,c.c;~<;EA$E::H~T~ I I I I I I , , J ------ @ PAR.TIAL PLAN 1" = 60'-0