HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/23/2008 City of Spnngfield Develupment Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Date Received: JUL 2 3 ,QOS OnglOal submIttal Site Plan Review Pre-Submittal: Site Plan Review Submittal: . Applicant Name: bar-.r k /-r;"".. -r.-""", NbvQ.c.K I Company: 'I bddress: Po Bo'/- 755 Z. f V:;C:r'\' ; Or <.1"" ~17'-\o I IAPPlicant's Rep.: "l":~r 8.. ~.c_ Ar,"--.\", inr~ \ Pr. I Company: !Address: !(.,Cf,O j~a(1 "5/-red- E""fcrt"J ~~OV\ 97401 I Property Owner: --r;:;:,., f -;:4 jJ~__ I( Icompany: Address: Po r30x ~ru J /Jr,"}",...,. 97Y77 ~S z-=? hAX LOT NO(S): J4~1 ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17 0"3 I Property Address: 17 s (" 5h,p t- ISize of Property: . Jq s I Proposed Name of Proiect: ('\..,,1.11'''':'5 , Phone: 744 -l\'-\ \\4 Fax: Phone:" '3-r-q b150 Fax: b"61. ~ I'lL Phone: '0(0 - 4""3 Ii: Fax: o~o z. Acres;6 Square Feet 0 It'''Q LeA",- .. I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this applicatIOn Proposal: ~_ a~\",,\""'rl IExistinq Use: H...,\\: - F"'t>>,\.... ~..,Jer'l~,<<.1 INew Impervious Surface Co~erage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): -% Z'O sf Si natures: Please Sl nand nnt our name and date In the a nate box on the next Associated Applications: Siqns: Ipre-sub Case No.: PAI?20D8,OOOLt-'S. Date: 7-1-02 Reviewed by: Icase No.: tRt / woe ./ oooVc; _ __ _ Date: --::;/1'3/08 __ Reviewed b~Lb lAPPlication Fee: $ ~ 7JJJyD iTechnlcal Fee: $ 211, 10 ipostage Fee: $ IbO cW ITO,~ALJ':-EES: $ i ,C:~3 ' /Q _.1 PROJECT .NUM~_E.,~: !1J?J?C! -=-:w:>~ J Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for schedulmg of the Pre- Submittal Meeting Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal Owner: I represent this applicatIon to be complete for submittal to the CIty Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the CIty as necessary for processmg the apphc Ion IS provIded herein or the mformatlon will not be provided If not otherwise contained wlthm the submittal, and e CIty may begin processing the application With the mformatlon as submitted ThiS statement serves wnttenlotlce ursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a comp te application d, ...A hi jI ~J tTVa/" iDate: 7-23-L)~ . nature i 1iItJ/QIl5 ~. No ~ Print Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 Ongmal submittal 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2008-00049 DRC2008-00049 DRC2008-00049 Payments Type of Payment Check cRecemtl RECEIPT # Descnptlon Postage Fee Type II - $160 CTY Site Plan Review + 5% Technology Fee Paod By GOREAP,INC C' of Sprmgfield OffiCial Receipt D". e10pment Services Department PublIc Works Department 2200800000000001133 Date' 07/23/2008 1 55 45PM Item Total Check N umber Authorization RecClved By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due ]6000 4,222 00 21] ]0 $4,593 10 Amount Paid LD 1070 In Person Payment Tolal $4,593 10 $4,593 10 Date Recf.'lVl1'd JUL 2 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal Page I of I 7/23/2008 CITY OF ~.:'...Jr,urJ.~...D VICIfljf.fY MAP DRC2008-00049 175 "G" Street Apt A ~ ~ ~\ G ~ rn ,.... Date Received: JUL 2 3 2008 "rigihal submittal SITE Map 17-03-35-22 Tax Lot 5902 North + . _1111.'.' 1 PR~CT DATA nJlCIIll'Ulll%flN[,. mil r1If 1IU....... llM: . _'nttalOcP ... ZOllIIOCl.J.SSlf1CA.noM...,.. ..... L TAXaw'NO.ln..... UJI',_ -'. IlIUlIGTl'P'I...... srn:AIlIA._. __ ~FOO1PIDIl'AIlIA'''. nrr....~ClCNQWlIEorsm:I_. IWIalGAIlEAI". toTALIIl'UMllUSIIl.lI". .....- -. ,......IImlIIlml...... O"TCoUIII. ''''.w..&~....-u CA.TCoolM, 2I1TAI.L6~J ~",."'ALU PAIIIQIllI P9lO't'IlII:Dl.-.... l),I,Tc::.u., J.T.ALL&('lC:IIOTJI!tV DAYc,uw. 2eTAI..U~.r.".-rJ ~IIUI.IITALU IWClI::API'ED I'AIQIQ 1IUIlIIEDt1...... .'.' , ~ "'*" PIlCMDIDl I"" MIlo .. . , IlIC'ftU pAlkllO a:GIlIGlIIIM.A.I IImU I'AIllCIlQ PIlOWlEllI.........:f='.... - .....,.-....--... .........---., ,-- --- """"",, , ". , i n';c , . \ l ; .,. .~D f jl ., ~ ~- .... I Date Received: JUL 2 3 2008 .)ngm.a! Submittal 12"'.4M'>' r;: L ru \ olteJ-""'- iI.I --- .00"___ IMlI!i1Iil , '-"-~'i: ===-" 1 Ii df ~/, ~.,-- =="~ _a:::~ / iiiI--- ,. l~ 1_""') ..:~-;r~} 1_. m.._ . '"'" ...=-::.Mli -- . - - rii~- -mr~ --- ~~= ~.- -- ~-- -- ~- _.....-.L-1 - "'I, \, I , I I I~- iiii..... I Ill" ~ 1 ___J -~. ; ~ .. ~ \::3 b.~'''-=:'- _. ~'-:;;./ -- -- --- ~~ ,r::.."# ~ 1WGm'_ ~-~ 1wcmof1l'~ w_ -_...~ - I ./ Ii .1 . c c ~... ~o <It" ~- ---...... ~15~ i~.i "CJ :~i ':J: I~ ~~I ~-. eoe 1..- i. _ . I: i__...,.. ~... ..~- Aa'll NAGAO) PACHF~C ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 1680 Pearl Street I Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541)687-9600 I Fax (541)687-8142 emall nagaopac@pacwest net SITE PLAN REVIEW NARRATIVE May 23, 2008 ' Subject Property 175 G Street Tax Map # 17 03 35 23 Tax Lot # 5902 Date Received JUl 2 3 2008 Adjacent Property 759 Mill Street Tax Map # 17 03 35 23 Tax Lot # 5900 Onglnal Submittal Narrative Description of the Project This course of work IS being outlined In order to assist the Goreap, Inc (dba Children's Hope Center), In pursuing the development of a day-care and actiVity center for children from mfancy to elementary school age The site IS located one parcel east of the corner of Mill and G Streets and IS to the south of Meadow Park Other adjacent sites Include both multi-family and smgle family dwellings The subject site and the adjacent sites, with exception to the park, are zoned High Density ReSidential (HDR) The proposed use IS permitted wlthm the zone and IS subject to the approval of the site review process The current proposal Involves a two-step redevelopment process The first of these steps IS to remodel one of the four Units of the four-plex apartment bUlldmg currently on site Schematic plans for thiS faCility which Include ADA upgrades, fire separation Improvements, and compliance with State of Oregon reqUirements for a day-care type faCility have been Included as a part of thiS application In thiS first project phase parking lot Improvements Includmg restnplng, landscaping, and required stormwater treatment measures Will also be addressed The faCility IS anticipated to accommodate 16 children and employ three staff at any given time The rewUlred play area for thiS faCility IS to be deSigned on the adjacent 759 Mill Street parcel (lIsted above) at the consent of the owners, Tom and Tina Novack, who are personally Invested In the descnbed project In the second phase of the project the adjacent ground floor Unit would also be converted for use by the day-care faCility The plan for the second unit IS Intended to be a mirror Image of the first faCility m plan, function and capacity The tlmeline for thiS second phase IS unknown and would be pursued on an on-demand baSIS Throughout both phases the bUilding IS Intended to maintain a reSidential character and continue to be a part of the neighborhood, while maintaining a safe and protected environment for the bUilding's users The proposed design team would Include the following Architect Nagao Pacific Architectural PC 1680 Pearl Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687,9600 CIvil Engineer None Required Landscape Designer Nagao Pacific Architectural PC 1680 Pearl Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-9600 Other required consultants will be selected In coordination With the chent and the architect upon completion of the Site Review Submittal PROPERTY ACQUISITION I OTHER PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Tax Lot & Map # 17 03 35 23 14900 This proposed development IS dependent upon acquIsition of the small parcel of land located between G Street and the subject parcel, a property currently owned by the City of Springfield It IS understood that the Goreap group IS currently pursuing the purchase of thiS property and that It will be fully and legally Included as a part of the development site ThiS property acqUisition will be required to be recorded With Lane County prior to the approval of the Site Review application by the City of Springfield SUMMARY ThiS IS a general summary of the proposed project and IS Intended to be supplementary to the associated design documents provided With thiS apphcatlon The owners ask for any assistance the City of Springfield may provide In completing the site review process for thiS project Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 Onginal Submittal ~\!JAGA(2) GQl~\(~~[F~C: ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 1680 Pearl Street I Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-9600 I Fax (541) 687-8142 emall nagaopac@pacwest net SITE REVIEW CHECKLIST RESPONSE May 23, 2008 Subject Property 175 G Street Tax Map # 17 03 35 23 Tax Lot # 5902 Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 Adjacent Property 759 Mill Street Tax Map # 17 03 35 23 Tax Lot # 5900 Onglnal Submittal This IS a written response to the Site Plan Review Submittal Requirements Checklist Items omitted from comment are Included In this application Items requIring further address are as follows 1 The property does not front an ODOT facIlity, therefore no Right of Way Permit Application IS bemg filed 2 Consultation Wit Todd Singleton, City of Springfield Public Works, mdlcates that an extensive Stormwater Study IS not required at thiS pOint In the process The associated scopmg sheet has been attached 3 It IS the applicant's understandmg, In diSCUSSion with City of Springfield offiCials that a Traffic Impact Study Will not be reqUIred for thiS development SITE ASSESMENT OF EXISTING CONDITIONS 1 No watercourses are present on or near the development site 2 The development site IS not within or near the FEMA 100 year flood plain 3 The site IS within the 99 year zone of concentration only 4 Malabon-Urban Land Complex Type 76 IS listed In the SOils Survey of Lane County on thiS parcel SITE PLAN 1 All eXisting and proposed site elements have been Indicated on the plans with the exception of a trash receptacle The owners propose to service the trash service provided to the apartments Immediately to the east ThiS parcellS under common ownership and management 2 Bicycle parking assoc ated with the day care center's Indicated on the clan submiSSion Long term bicycle parklrlg associated with the reSidential umts Will continue to remam In the rndlvcdual units IMPROVEMENT & PUBLIC UTILITIES PLAN 1 All eXisting utilities, rlght-of-ways, and like Information have been noted on the Site Plan Please note that no changes or additions to the site's Infrastructure are proposed GRADING, PAVING, & SW MANAGEMENT PLAN 1 EXisting drainage conditions have been noted on the Architectural Site Plan No Improvements or additional components to the stormwater system are being proposed at thiS time 2 There IS no additional excavation being proposed for thiS site 3 Please note that due to the lack of CIVil engineering work on thiS proposed development, no CIVil Engineer IS being Included In the project team at thiS time LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 All proposed landscaping and planting requirements have been Included within the Architect's scope of work ARCHITECTURAL PLANS 1 No additional comments ON-SITE LIGHTING 1 EXisting On-Site Lighting has been Indicated on the drawings No changes are being proposed to thiS on-site lighting system ADDITIONAL MATERIALS 1 All reqUired State Certifications (Child Services DIVISion) for the day care faCIlity will be pursued by the owner The applicant will however Include pertinent information In the City of Springfield Site Plan Review process to conform to Section 4 7-125 of the City ZOning Code Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 Onglnal Submllta1 FROM all, INC TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE 7/18/2008 SUBJECT TRASH RECEPTlCLES Dear Sirs, Regarding the garbage receptlcles for the 175 G Street property, the owners have our permission to alter the fence line along our common property line to accommodate a trash recptlcle The new fence line should not Intrude Into the eXisting Sidewalk Alternately, as long as we are compensated for the extra trash removal, the tenants at 175 G Street could be allowed to dump their trash In our 20 yard dumpster If that way IS a more deslreable approach to garbage removal This offer eXists as long as we own the 700 N First Street property At the present time all, Inc plans to hold the 700 N First Street property for the rn~ Thomas E Novack PresIdent - all, Inc Director - all, ,Inc a~ Tina A Novack Secretary - all, Inc Director - all, Inc Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 Onglnal Submllh.L___ FROM T & T NOVACK FAMIL TRUST & GOREAP, INC TO CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE 711812008 SUBJECT DAY CARE CENTER @ 175 G Street Dear Sirs, The GOREAP, Inc organization has been trying to establish a day care facIlity m the Mill street area for several years Tom & Tma Novack founded GOREAP, Inc and have been on GOREAP's governing body from the start of the corporation You will find the utmost m cooperation between the owners of the 759 Mill street property and the 175 G street property GOREAP will be operatmg the day care center and will provide as much back yard space from the 759 Mill street property as the state agency requires ~~~ Thomas E Novack Trustor, T & T Novack Family Trust Director - GOREAP, Inc 'd G /vl/l (' ~ 1"f/tZ!//#/:?' 'fma A Novack Trustor - T & T Novack Family Trust President - GOREAP, Inc Date Received JUl 2 3 2008 Onglnal Submltt..:_ _ RLID Property Report Page I of I AI<I;l!lIntlll031093 PROPERTY REPORT. LANE COUNTY Map, Tax lot, & SIC # 17-03.35-22.(15902 Site Add..ss 175 G 5T APT A SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Owner Name & Address Novack Thomas E & Tina A PO Box 1491 Springfield, OR 97477 IMulbple OWnelS? No IAddltlonal ACGPJH1t Numbers for thiS Tax Lot & SIC TaXDaver Name & Address Novack Thomas E & TIna A PO Box 1481 Springfield, OR 97477 Approximate Tax 019 SUbdIVIsion Schoof Spnngfield Lot Acres 8276 Name DlStnct IneClty Spnngfield Phase Elem Moffitt IUGB Spnngfield Lol# TL 05902 Middle Hamlin ICensus Tr/BlkGrp 320212 RecoidIRg # Hl!lh Spnnglield r Zonmg Parent/Overlay HD I Stallsbeal Class 234 IL8nduse 1132 Property Class 101 Class 3 Fourplex Apartment With 1 To 4 Umts ResIdential Improved Property Value and T@xes Land Value Real Market $63,491 $61,994 Improvement Value Real Market $238,560 $211950 2007 2006 2007 TaxJ'"b,19 Value $190,128 Two Most Recent Sales Date ?nce Grantor 12.15.2006 $281 000 Player Marl< 0 & Cathenne M 01.31-2006 $0 Player Marl< 0 Total Value Real MRrket ASS8:ss~ $302,051 $190,128 $273,944 $184,590 2007 :ra- $3,10070 Tax Code Area 01900 Grantee Novack Thomas E & Tina A Player Mark 0 & Cathenne M Instrument# 20-06-090271 20-06-007395 Year Built Bedrooms Full Baths I Half Baths ~% Improvmt Complete I Comments' Residential Building # 1 (of 1 ) ~b..a.I3c;tQ.ristlcs 71 Plex Square feet Base Basement First Second Allie Total I Bsmt Garage Sqft AU Garage Sqfl IOet Garage Sqfl IAU Carport Sqfl / 1972 4 4 100 FInished 1950 1950 1950 1950 3900 3900 "ThIs report ex~ctS commonly used Information from the Detailed Property Report. Otck hl!-rf' for \tlf> full Ol!-I:zllled Prnoertv RP'Kl"" J httn I/www rhd.om/OnePaszeProoertvReoort/OnePa2cProoertvRenort cfm?taxlot Id=4934 6/12/2008 Date Received: JUL 2 3 2008 Onglnal Subml\tl:: R&t'oflOa.-. ~UEStto BY FtoWTY NATIONAL TrTLE CoMPANY 01' OReGON AFTER RECOROlNG REllJr.NTO FIOEUTl' N~TIONAl TmE INSURANCE COrf!PANY OF OREGON BOO V iLLAMETTE ST 1500 E IGENE, OR 97401 GRANTOR S NAME Mark 0 Playel ilnd Cath8f1llQ M P1r,1ef GRANTEE 5 NAME Thomas E Nov~k and Timl A Novact SEND TAX STATUlENTS To Mr i!IIId MI5 Thomas E.. NovllCk PO Bo.. 1481 Springfield OR 97477 D1o.II.IOI'I of Chi" ........y Clwk ~MNnl L-. Counlv ~ .... a-.. ,~, 11~!"I~llIIgnJlllllllm $3100 I2tIIl2OlE 03 51 31 PII RfIR...QEED c,.,bl Str-l Cl&NII9I 02 110 00 '11 00 SiD DO , AI'n:R IlECORDlNll rlnUfIN TO M, Ilnd M,. Tho~ E Novacl P 0 Boll 1481 SprinllfWd OR 97477 l...Ar....AI:IUVe. 'fl'.. l.INI.H.lH KI:<,;I,IHI.>lH"lj u:..: STA1lJTORY WARRANTY OEED Mart 0 I>tay.. me! ~om. M. Player _ ~'tI by lIMo endnrty Grentor conveys 8nd warra:nts to Th~ E Novack lInd Tina A Nova as tan$'1lS by'ltlelm1Jretv, GrentlNt the foUowlrtg described reel propCl1y froo end cillOI' of eocumbnmc:ea IlXcept as speclflcally:;e1: forth billow Illtuetld In th. County of Lane StauI of Oregon SEE EXHIBIT ONE ATTACHEO HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Su"'f:1 to ...d uceptlnll Rights of the Public Easements Covenants Condmonll and Re5tr1CtJOtlS of record It any BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITlE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUTTHE PERSON S RIGHTS IF ANY UNDER OAS 197..352 T1-lISlNSTRUMENT DOES NOT AllOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THlS INSTRUMfNTINVIOLATION OF APPUCABlE lAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACQUIR!NG FEE T1TLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOUlD CHECK WfT1-I THE APPROPRIATE CITY oRCoUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUrTSAGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IHORS 30 930 AND 'TO INQUIRE ABOUT THE RIGIfTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERTY OWNEfIS IF ANY UNDER ORS 197 352 THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS t281 000 00 ISee OAS 93 0301 DATED December 15 2006 f1~"'4- ~J(it~f+i STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE nus Instrumont ;;'8:1 IlCknowledgod before me on ~hAr ,,,_ 'OOR byMarkn P1~~nAM{'_W NOTARY PUBlIC FOR mu:OON -.....J '""I, I MYCOMMISSfON UPlRl:S 1~/;lt)IIO ._'-'-"'~~~ I j.A N'''",,,",,,,,,,,,,,, ,~ IXMlI:S$lClUIOA'IllS15 t"__..~~,~cc:r20.:IO!D, {!LV-_'9,f_>r-:o, Fal'Io.;J1:J m....ZI9'&I - - l__"'PdIlO!>.o1l1 ~ STATUTORY WARRANTY Of:l:D Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 OngInal Submittal ~;:c N:l;:~~~~;LV-4G EXHIBIT ONE The Eut 85 0 feet cf thllt pllft of Ule following descnbed po)ptrty lying South of the South right of wllV lint of -G SUDOl BegInnIng fit a point which is 195 feet ElIlIt and 380 feet North of the mter.uaetlon otme eenter 11f1. of -P' Str.et with the Easllin. of thll County Ralld running thence NcrthBrtv from m. town of SprlngfieJd Dragon said County Reed bemg the Northerly utension of Mill Straat In sald town (un thanca WIst 1.90 feet thence South 12- 10 Ease 195 0 foet thanee East 112 0 feeL thine. North 190 0 fe8t to the Plac::. of Boghvuog IlII tn Springfield Oreggn '- Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 OngInal Submittai ..2G s~:' '--''''~.rt'"rt''~,~>- .r.cP?9.;r1/5 /& . , t:P/.,ztG' 2d -I-f.R 10 86 1-'1 \ 5902' ~ ~ 14300 \~ ... : ~ ~ \~ 'I<;: I.l ~ A4'<fY"-;' ~'~"'F'" ,~; ~/.2~ iPS 0 . .~ ~ , ~ ~ ~ ; J ~~:--__ J rr ';:r~~:-:~ /":'~:~';j -="". - \ ;fr,~~ ~'@<f}J ~ ~ ~@ ~ ~ 5 ~~ ..ead!.:P.4' _ _ _ ~~.~ . \l~ "E' - - - ~~ - - -____ \ h <6l.~~ l ~I!l (\~~W (.o' \l 6 \:::}) /:P.:f:.:7~ ' ~ l' .s-.,P?-Y~~"""::-V \'~' ~~~ ~ ~ ~ U 14900 5900 , In Ix \:. \ 4-2t::I ' \"..... 6100 , tl. .. ,~ ;) SEE MAP 17 03 35 23 ~T V-..,,..: ...~, < \ , ~~ \!i~ , /~.j'.9 '" '", --~$~:iif~ J Date Received JUL 2 3 2008 Onglnal Submll:::.J "'..If .1.11 ,"V.." .1.'" '}? rl'lA ....'t.1. ''-'l1 .1.""'.1. .....1..lJ. vr ;;}rro..ll~""~r.lr..LV rll JUN-13-2008 16 40 NI'lGAO PI'lC 1 FIe 541 687 8142 'l!JVV., P 02/04 ~ ... PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Engmcenng DIVI~JOn Fax' (541) 73e,1021 STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK - (A...... below thl:s IIh_jlI~1J out by Appll<""'1J - (PIBDe _ to M6tI Sltmtler@ C'~ ofSprilldU!td l'abtic Worb engineering: Faff 1J6-1021, P1wu # 116-1015.) PlVjeetNlUIIe: (-"_\.l'....'. ~ (~~~ Apphca.at:.JJer R..:~.", A,.... I.'\"'~I'....\ Pr _<Uscssol'llP&Rel#: ~'( -r<; ~1'k>7 Date: .J..-- '''''.7.00< LlUIdUse(s): I-IOR 1...A'~ r' .1t "'-Wf"'- Phoue#: (5'i1) i.....-,. Qcon ProjeetSiZe(Al:res): .~ 'FaIth r<;"I\~o&7.~\"7.. '''''''~:,''' .11D~nsArca: _<;0?''1 if EIIIIliI.: _ )~~r'4j"'f""'~''''c.rr- P. 'J-::': DeScription (Include a COPY' of A...,..__.'s map): (f) hwt. P\.~ ~'6..'\d..'} (lllOc:l,f r..~rr."t) I ..,"'.~ be,,:> (.ot'o.,.r\..1. ~" J.., ~(e II t"lure p.....,..J. 1)",1 ~.. ~ <:.or.... I>r.IiJuip Proposal (Pub11\) conncctJon(s), dlsoharge looatlon{s), etc Attach addItional sheet(s) ,f necessary: a) P..rJ(...., lot (.r.hh" &.5 l"'\ -lo U7 Syst."" Proposed Sl,".... I,' Jer Best Management Pra~: l~veJ (".\..h 13......... r:\~ro.t. "" ;f- ~\~,r.~ - {Area ItBmIlhlsl,,!, filII" nui bv th, f'ity ""J RdUrft.J ft tho ~""I1P'fl1I,- (At a mIlD"""'" all bo_ chtu:1t.rd by the Clly On the.front aM batk a/too sheel3ha/1 he ndJmilUd for "" t1ppJ~" In b. compfe1efor subm11tal, aIrJtqugh other f't!'l"zrem.1f/S may be _s<11'}') Dram- Stadv Tvae IEOSPM Section 4.03.2), (Note. VB m8" bu~' .,,,J~ ," ...1 for IhtioDal Methocn. 0'" S~ SIte Study - (use Rabooal Method for oa1clllanoos) o Mid-Level Development Srody - (use TJ"'t H. ,:.... ....:. Molbod fur caIcuIaIIons) o Full Drainage Development Study - (use Unll!~:, .~,,';lMetbod forcak:u\mons) Ea'VironmentaI ConsidenltionM' rzr Wellhead Zone' Cf"1 '/tz. o Wet1~an: 0'^ Soil Type. -;}{, - Ai.!";.. Dowytram Anahom, ffNlA o Flow \ine. for starting waler surface elevatton. o Design HGL to use fot startmg water sllIface elevation: o MaMolelJuu.ction to take analysis to: o HIllsllk Development: , 0 FIoodw.sylFloodplam: lit.}.,., !...,{ v.i'fD OtherJunsdictions: Rdura to MAtt StoDder (Cil City OrS..roR~.Id. emalJ: IIU ;,,: _, ;':lc..5pnaeflekl.ol'.us.I'AX: (541) 1~1021 Date Received .1/ W JUL 2 3 2008 Onglnal Submittal VV~~lfjUN~13~20Bs~n~rb:40 -' . vv .v_~NAGAO PACIFIC v. .......,..................... ." ~vvv 541 687 8142 P 03/04 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS I r.rOffi.,aI U$llODIy; * Based upon the "'formallOn provIded on thefrOnl of thu sheet, the folluwmg "p,es..f/s a m",/nl1Ofl ofwhat is Medl!dfOl' an app/u:atlOn 10 be complete for submrttaJ wrtlr nspoa to riromage. however, IhlS lISt $holJd nor be used /II /,,'" of tire Spnngfield Deve/opmem Carie (SDC) or tire CIty's Engrneumg De'''gn ManuaL CO"'Pltance w/1h tire.se requuernenJB do.. f1Qt cons/flute SIte appr"wY: 4ddmc:74l sUe specrftc "r/ormallon may b. ,equlTi'd Note Upon s""plng sheer suhmmaI enslUe compkted Jiml/ /104 b."" sigtwJ In tire "pace provided bel,yw Intemu Dcsigo Sl.,....,,,:.ltWBterQull!tty(EDSPM Cbapter 3) Req'd N/A o [2l' All non~uiltlmg rooftop (NBR) tmpcr'ilO1lS surfaces sball be pro-treated (e g mulb-chambered catchbasin w/oil 1iI11'al1011 media) for slOlll1water Ql1ll1!l}' AddltJonally, & ID1DUuam ofSO% oftl1e NBR impemous surface shall be ~ed by .............4 mrilods. o ILf W1Iere n:quired, , _".=, .e stonnWllter desIgn shall be coasistent wub mtenm design S13IIdards (EDSPM SeclIon 3 02), set forth by me Bureau ofEnVlromnenbll SefVIces (BES) or ClQn Water Services (CWS), 0" 0 for new NBR ,......._ . ,OIlS area /css than 15,000 square feet, a SllllPI11ic:d deslgn approa DIllY be followed as specified ~ the BES for ""llI'l"t1ve:. ~..,.- I2r 0 ifa A,/m...r.. ......,...,:. swaIe!S proposed, submil calcuIa1i<msIlr_.:J_':.,-, fors1dDg, veloclty,lIclw. side slopes, btlttnm slQpe, and seed mix ...,~,.~...; with dither BIlS Q1' CWS ""IIl"..ments 0' 0 Water Qualrty cak:ulatious as required ill ~tlQ1l3.03,l af1hc EDSPM o 0" AIlIntiIding moftop mounted eqwpmcn~ or ollter thud .v..:":.,mg equipment located ouIsJde of die bulldmg, altall be pzovidlld WIth SCCOlldaty cOlllailm1cot or wClll!!er n:s15llmt eacl05Uf1l General Satdy ReqUll'llmeob (EDSPM Seettoo 4.03) I2f 0 D....:.......'lI.Id.y p' ......J by a ProlCuIlfMl CIVIl EngIlleer IIcellsee! m the stale ofOregoo. o Id" A complete dJauJage smdy, as required iIIl!IlSPM Secdoa 4,03 I, iDcludmg a hydrological smdy map o 0 Calcul:atiom ,L :""' system C8plll:I1y for & 2.y..... storm eveot and overflow effects of a 25-year stDrIIl event. I2r 0 The timeofc.....~,~..:,an (Tc) 5hal1 bedelemllned usmga 10 mmute start tune for developed bBsms Review oU.,..,... _, m Sys\eIn (EDSPM Scdioo4.03.4.C) o I2f A dov..~~_~ dn.....gf' mal)"'is as described m EDSPM Section 4 03 4 C On-sue ~ sIIall be govetlllld by the Qn,gon PJumbillg Speaa!1y Code (OPse} o IZf Elevatlom af1he HaL IIId flow lilies for ham CItY and privaIB systeII1S whele appUcable !Lcs!P. otStona Systems (EDSPM ScdlOD 4.04) [2J. 18' :Flow llrles, slopes, nm eJcWl1llns, pipe type and SIZCS clearly . ,,' -, d Olllhe plan set. 0' M:".."""., pipe COWl'5ba1l be 18111Cbes fbrleinfbrmlp'I'C lIDd 36 inches fOr plain .",~ _~ md pJasgc pipe 1IIlIIeriaIs, or prOper e&lgjneering dll~,l......., llball be proVIded wilen 1-. The i:Over sball be sufficieor to sllppcllt an 80,000 Ib load wnhout faJlure 01 !he Prpe !lIl1Il:IlIre o L2r MatIlWtg's ~D- values for pIpeS sbalI be cOflSlstent with Table 4-t oflbe EDSP All storm PlJlCS shall be desIgned 10 achieve a ..."".....'" velocity of three (3) feet per seomdat 0.5 ptpe full based on Table 4-1111 weD. ()du!rIMIsc !2r 0 py..,,,,& and proposed coll!OllrS, ~d at one foot mtelVBL laclude spot eleVatiOllS and sire grades sllowillJ how Sill! dtams 0" 0 Pnvabo.rormwat.er =ent5 ,hall be cleorly depicted OIl pl8Ds ",heD private 1..._ "..let flows floom one ~.r"';' to aoot!ter o 0' DryweDs shall DO( receive tIIItOff from any surfuce wlo bem,g treated by one or more BMPs. WIth the =c:cpuon of tCl5Idcmlal butldmg rootS (EllSI' SectIon 3.03.4 A). Addibonal ~lons apply to this 88 ~uired by the DEQ Refi:r Ib thd weblrite www d.o.'''''. or uslwo/""mndwalll1cllOme,bclJl for IIlOre 1nformatI0JI o rz( Oefention ponc18 5hafl be d~......-J 10 hmlt runoff lO pre-devel...,._",.: ",teo fDr the :2 lbrougb 2S-year St.Olal evears "DB lol'm slJaJJ H mc/1uI4d lIS 1I1l1lltllC1l1fWlt4111SiJk rhejr,,,,UIWn, o/tIus ."..' ..,.".., ~ I . IMPORTANT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ IUU.OW ANI) ;SIGN! ~ tile .....;,..... of.rec:ord, 1 hereby .ertlfY the above ""'lUlled Items are complete and included w,th the sublWued ~....~.._, study and plan Bet. Signatun: Date Dat~ ~~~ei\l€,rl JUl 2 3 2008 Ongmal Submittal