HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/1/2008 ,I Cltv of Spnngfield uevelopment Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review PRE.SUBMI1lAl REC'O JUL - 1 2008 Applicant Name: bo,,,,,\, h. /-r;""... -r.-,.." NbvQ.cl\ Icompany: . / IAddress: Po 130'1- 7'SSZ. l?,,::cNJOceJ6'" 'il'"\ol IAPPllcant's Rep.: I\.t"""n ~..C:'L Ar.\..,\",i",u\ 'P(. I ' J Company: IAddress: I~ <nO I~a{ I 5fret't [\McrY'} Dre."IOV'\ 9 740 I " .1_ I Property Owner: -r:::... f 1:" jJ~. "" J,( !company: IAddress: Po r3o~ 14~1 , IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: /7 D3 I Property Address: 17 S (" 5h,~ t- I Size of Property: .) q s !proposed Name of Proiect: Lkl.lle,.,'., It,f''' LeA('r' I Description of If you are ftlli.ng In this form by hand, please attach your proposal deSCription to this application Proposal: "1u a\\"" k,l IExistmg Use: 1-'l..\\, - Fa,,,,'.\__ ~...,J<r'\~,,,,,1 INew Impervious Surface Co~erage (Including Bldg. Gross Floor Area): -% Z,O Si natures: Please SI nand nnt our name and date In the a nate box on the next Phone:7l.\4 -l.\I..\~'-\ Fax: Phone:,..31-q~oo Fax: b'61 - "b \ '-\ L.. Phone: '0(0 - '"1"31(, Fax: s'P.J J fJr"':G<". 91'177 ~s Z~ITAX LOT NOeS}: O~O 2. Acres J<J. Square Feet 0 sf . . a a Associated Applications: 7-0 ~ doO 7, 000 13 Signs: ?re-Sub Case No.: y~ M - ffnlf<;' Date: 7-// /00 Reviewed by: ~ Case No.: I 1fiJ qE Application Fee: $ .J\W I ~-::2..1I1 ~ TOTAL FEES: $ 'l't'0'"11O [~~ ~...~ -~\'""'" .- ~ ~O'. I ' Date: Reviewed by: ITechnlcal Fee: $ Ipostage Fee: $ I PROJECT NUMBER: F~ '21Og- OOQ3g >' , \ . ." fY...... ~ ~ 0' ~/11(of6 \ \ 'l.\J r Owner Signatures ...~ ,~~..t~""- "'- ~ __ /"L.. ;. -~""'''' ""'-'to,':' _ _ ..,<_....::.~~':.."'~_ This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal "~. ,'- . , . -- " The unders oed acknowledges th the ,nformaI'O 10 this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre, Sub al Meeting Owner: ~ -0 ~ Date: 7,../~tJ8 -Si9";~ r/1 A S G- I ~ ~v A~ Print Submittal Owner: I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent With the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the information Identified by the City as necessary for processing the appJlcatlo provided herem or the mformatlon will not be provided If not otherwise contained WIthin the submittal, and th C may begm proceSSing the application With the information as submitted This statement serves as ....;1 n notice pursuant to the reqUirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a comple a Ilcatlon jJ 1--1 tJ1}{lj'~ Date: 1- J - 0 i :rit;~;A~ G. ~(?vA ~ Print PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL - 1 2008 LAFLEUR Karen Subject Location" PRE2008-00045 Pre-Submittal Meeting (Site Tent) Go Reap/Novack - Mark Metzger _SP _ConfRm616 Fn 7/11120081100 AM Fn 7/1112008 12 00 PM Start End Recurrence (none) Meeting Status: Meebng organizer ReqUired Attendees. LAFLEUR Karen, METZGER Mark, Pre-Submittal Group A Pre-Submittal Meeting for a Site Tentabve ReView has been scheduled for Friday, July 11,2008 @ 11 00 - noon In DSD 616 The planner assigned to thiS applicabon IS Mark Metzger The applicant submitted plans to convert one apartment (Apt A) and then another (Apt C) Into a Day Care Center @ 175 G Street, Apt A Please confirm your attendance at thiS meebng Thanks Karen PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL - 1 2008 1 CIty ofSpnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-725-3753 Phone 541-726-3689 Fax Pre-Submittal Meeting Case Number AssIgned: PRE2008-00045 Date SubmItted: 7/1/2008 Prolect Name: CHILDRENS HOPE CTR - 175 G ST PrOject DescriptIOn' Pre-SubmIttal for SIte Plan ReVIew to convert one apartment (Apt A) and then another (Apt C) to a Day Care Center Apphcation Type. Job Address: Site Plan RevIew PRE-SUBMITIAl REeD JUL - 1 Z008 175GSTAPTA Assessor's & Tax Lot #: 1703352205902 DISCLAIMER ApplicatIOns wIll not be exempt from Development Code or procedural amendments that may occur between the tune of the Pre-SubmIttal Meetmg and Subrmttal of the ApplicatIOn for Development Review Please contact our office at 541-726-3753 WIth any questIOns or concerns A Planner will be assIgned the followmg busmess day and will contact you to confirm the meetmg date and time t:> ~S 200 g - O()Q 31$ PlanJobPnnl !pI 7/1/2008 20351PM Pre-SuJmitta_ Meeting Development Services Department Room 615/616 PRE-SUBMIITAL MEETING DATE: Friday, July 11,2008 1. PRE-SUBMIIT AL MTG #PRE2008-00045 (SITE TENT) GO REAPINOV ACK Assessor's Map. 17-03-35-22 TL 5902 Address 175 "G" Street, Apt A EXisting Use Apartments Applicant submitted plans to convert one apartment (Apt A) and then another (Apt C) mto a Day Care Center Meeting Date/Time Friday, July 11,2008 DSD 616 11:00 - noon Planner' Mark Metzger . r- LI1 i OF ~..'.~u'_l.rH!'LJD VICll\.... i MAP PRE2008-00045 175 "G" Street Apt A ~ ~ ~ -g; - ~ ~ L ~ VJ ,... ~..~ Map 17-03-35-22 Tax Lot 5902 North + . PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUL - 1 2008 I NAGAO [PAC~F~C ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 1680 Pearl Street 1 Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-9600 1 Fax (541) 687-8142 emall nagaopac@pacwest net SITE PLAN REVIEW NARRATIVE May 23, 2008 Subject Property 175 G Street ~ Tax Map # 17 03 35 2~ Tax Lot # 5902 Adjacent Property 759 Mill Street Z, Tax Map # 17 03 35 211 Tax Lot # 5900 Narrative Description of the Project This course of work IS being outlined In order to assist the Goreap, Inc (dba Children's Hope Center), In pursUing the development of a day-care and activity center for children from Infancy to elementary school age The site IS located one parcel east of the corner of Mill and G Streets and IS to the south of Meadow Park Other adjacent sites Include both multi-family and single family dwellings The subject site and the adjacent sites, With exception to the park, are zoned High Density ReSidential (HDR) The proposed use IS permitted Within the zone and IS subject to the approval of the site review process The current proposal Involves a two-step redevelopment process The first of these steps IS to remodel one of the four Units of the four-plex apartment bUilding currently on site Schematrc plans for this faCIlity which Include ADA upgrades, fire separation Improvements, and compliance With State of Oregon requirements for a day-care type faCIlity have been Included as a part of this application In this first project phase parking lot Improvements Including restrlplng, landscaping, and required stormwater treatment measures will also be addressed The faCIlity IS anticipated to accommodate 16 children and employ three staff at any given time The rewulred play area for this faCIlity IS to be designed on the adjacent 759 Mill Street parcel (lIsted above) at the consent of the owners, Tom and Tina Novack, who are personally Invested In the described project In the second phase of the project the adjacent ground floor Unit would also be converted for use by the day-care faCIlity The plan for the second unit IS Intended to be a mirror Image of the first faCIlity In plan, functron and capacity The tlmellne for this second phase IS unknown and would be pursued on an on-demand baSIS Throughout both phases the bUilding IS Intended to maintain a residential character and continue to be a part of the neighborhood, while maintaining a safe and protected environment for the building's users PRE-SUBMIITAl REC'D JUL - 1 Z008 ,The proposed design team would Include the following ~~~~~ Architect Nagao PaCific Architectural PC 1680 Pearl Street Eugene, Oregon 974::J1 . (541) 687-9600_ ,.-'. " .. - ~, CIVil Engineer None ReqUired Landscape Designer Nagao PaCific Architectural PC 1680 Pearl Street .. Eugene, Oregon 97401 (541) 687-9600 Other required consultants will be selected In coordination with the client and the architect upon complelion of the Site Review Submittal PROPERTY ACQUISITION I OTHER PROJECT REQUIREMENTS Tax Lot & Map # 17 03 35~14900 ThiS proposed development IS dependent upon acquIsition of the small parcel of land located between G Street and the subject parcel, a property currently owned by the City of Spnngfield It IS understood that the Goreap group IS currently pursUing the purchase of thiS property and that It will be fully and legally Included as a part of the development site ThiS property acquIsition will be required to be recorded with Lane County pnor to the approval of the Site Review applicalion by the City of Spnngfleld SUMMARY ThiS IS a general summary of the proposed project and IS Intended to be supplementary to the associated design documents provided with thiS application The owners ask for any assistance the City of Spnngfield may proVide In completing the site review process for thiS project PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL - 1 2008 " NAGAO [PACHF~C . ~ ~ I ! J... , , ARCHITECTURAL PROFESSIONAL CORPORATION 1680 Pearl Street 1 ,Eugene, Oregon 97401 " (541)'687-9600 I Fax (541) 687-8142 emall nagaopac@pacwest net SITE REVIEW CHECKLIST RESPONSE May 23, 2008 Subject Property 175 G Street .-z.,. Tax Map # 17 03 35 21 Tax Lot # 5902 PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL - 1 Z008 Adjacent Property 759 Mill Street ~ Tax Map # 17 03 35 2J Tax Lot# 5900 This IS a written response to the Site Plan ReView Submittal ReqUirements Checklist Items omitted from comment are Included In this application Items requiring further address are as follows 1 The property does not front an ODOT facility, therefore no Right of Way Permit Application IS bemg filed 2 Consultation Wit Todd Smgleton, City of Springfield Public Works, Indicates that an extensive Stormwater Study IS not required at this pomt In the process The associated scoplng sheet has been attached 3 It IS the applicant's understanding, In diSCUSSion With City of Springfield officials that a Traffic Impact Study will not be required for thiS development SITE ASSESMENT OF EXISTING CONDITIONS -1 -No watercourses are present on or near the development site 2 The development site IS not Within or near the FEMA 100 year flood plain 3 The site IS wlthm the 99 year zone of concentrallon only 4 Malabon-Urban Land Complex Type 76 IS listed In the SOils Survey of Lane County on thiS parcel SITE PLAN 1 All eXlsling and proposed site elements have been mdlcated on the plans With the exceplion of a trash receptacle The owners propose to service the trash service prOVided to the apartments Immediately to the east ThiS parcellS under common ownership and management 2 Bicycle parkmg associated With the day care center IS Indicated on the plan submission Long term bicycle parking associated With the residential units Will contmue to remain In the IndiVidual units r, r "~ ,\ IMPROVEMENT & PUBLIC UTILITIES PLAN <l4~ ' 1 All eXisting utilities, nght-of-ways, and like Informalion have been noted on the Site Plan Please note that no changes or addllions to the site's ,nfrastructure are proposed ~'''''' -- GRADING,-PAVING, & SW MANAGEMENT PLAN , .,J. 1 EXisting drainage conditions have been noted on the Architectural Site Plan No Improvements or additIOnal components to the stormwater system are being proposed at thiS time 2 There IS no additional excavation being proposed for thiS site 3 Please note that due to the lack of cIvil englneenng work on thiS proposed development, no CIvil Engineer IS being Included In the project team at thiS time LANDSCAPE PLAN 1 All proposed landscaping and planting reqUirements have been Included within the Architect's scope of work ARCHITECTURAL PLANS 1 No additional comments ON-SITE LIGHTING 1 EXisting On-Site Lighting has been indicated on the drawings No changes are being proposed to thiS on-site lighting system ADDITIONAL MATERIALS 1 All required State Certlficalions (Child Services DIVIsion) for the day care facIlity will be pursued by the owner The applicant will however Include pertinent Information In the City of Spnngfield Site Plan Review process to conform to Section 4 7-125 of the City ZOning Code PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL - 1 2008 RLID :-'~~-"J Report Page I of I Account # 1031093 PROPERTY REPORT - LANE COUNTY Map, Tax Lot, & SIC # 17-03-35.22.05902 Site Add= 175 G 57 APT A SPRINGFIELD OR .'477 Owner Name & Address Novack Thomas E & Tina A PO Box 1481 Springfield, OR 97477 Mulbple Owners? No Additional Acc9J.1..nt Numbers for thiS Tax Lot & SIC Taxnaver Name & Address Novack Thomes E & nna A PO Box 1481 Spnngfield , OR 97477 IAPproxlmate Tax 019 SubdJVlslon Lot Acres 8,276 Name IlncCl1y Spnngfield Phase IUGB Spnngfield Lol# TL OS902 ICensus Tr/BlkGrp 320212 Recordmg# I ZOning Parent/Overlay HD I SIaUstical Class 234 I Land Use 1132 I Property Class 101 Class 3 Fourplex Apartment With 1 To 4 Umts Residential, Improved Property Value and Taxes Land Value Real Market Improvement Value Real Market $238,560 $211,9S0 2007 ~ $3,100 70 2007 2006 $63,491 $61,994 2007 Iilg.tt1e Value $190,128 Two Most Recent Sales Date Pnce Grantor 12-15-2006 $281 000 Player Mali< D & Cathenne M 01-31,2006 $0 Player Mali< 0 School Dlslnct Elem Middle H'9h Spnngfield Moffitt Hamlin Spnngfield I 1 Total Value Real Market t\$Sessed $302,051 $190,128 $273,944 $184,590 Tax Code Area 01900 Grantee Novack Thomas E & 'TIna A Player Mark 0 & Cathenne M Instrument # 20-{)6..()g0271 20-06-007395 Residential Building # 1 (of 1 ) Chara(~terlstlcs 71 Plex Square feet Basement First Second Allie Total Base FInished 11950 /1950 I 13900 IYearBUllt Bedrooms I Full Baths IHalf Baths ~ % Improvmt Complete 1972 4 4 1950 1950 100 3900 , Comments Bsmt Garage Sqft Aft Garage Sqtl Det Garage Sqfl Aft Carport Sqft I I I~ I --ThIs report extracts commonly used lnfonn&tlon from the Detailed Pl'tlperty Report Qlrk him! for the full Oftalled PmOOrN R.......,", httn //wwwrhd om/OnePa2ePronertvReoortlOnePaReProoertvReoort cfm?taxlot Id=4934 6/1212008 PRE-SUBMIITAL REC'D JUL - 1 2008 c ,-, Ril'oRDlNll Af.aUESTED BY F\oB.rTY NATIONAL TI1U CoM$'ANY Of OnECiON l'rTER hFrOR01NG RfTLlPN TO FlOEUn' N. iTlONAl TITLE INSURANCE ~~ CO; IPANY OF OREGON 800 V lll.AMETTE ST ~O E IGENE, OR 97401 ~ ~-r"...-- GRANTOR S NAME Malk D Raver and Cath8ltOO M P1l1Vllf GRANTEE S NAME Thom0S E~ Novacl< llfId Tina A NOl/lICk SEND TAX STAT9.IEHTS To- Mr and MIS Thomas E Novack POBox 1481 Spnngfleld OR 97477 " HlI lJ'l~JIIII"I~'JI"llIlm $31.00 IVII/2OIIIi1l351311ll APR-DEED Cnl..l Stnd CASNIEIt 02 110 00 '11 00 $10 DO I 01,,1.1.., of Chi., IMpuly Clerk t... c:-ty o-.IiI ... a-. ~, Afl'TER MCOfIDlNa I'\eTUJIN TO MJ ....d Mrs ThonMiS Eo Neild P 0 Boll 1481 Sprtagftekl OR 97477 lW"'''''' "DU~" """ u....t. HItl ~1<Ut...... u:.. STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Marti 0 ~H and Cadu,.. M Player lIS ~ try the..,Urety GrantD" conveys III1d war,oot.9 10 Thomas E. Na'nCII: and liRa A Nova 11$ tenanb by the lll"Itfrety, Grantee the fQDowlng de.tttlbed real property free end clear at encumbranC8ll excapt as specifically set fonh below SItuated In the County at L.me State of o,egon SEE EiXHIBfT ONE ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF Su~ to and ueeplNIg Rights of the Public E8S8QIents Covenants Condrbons.and RestrICtIons of f'8cord Jt any BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON TRANSFERRING FEE TITlE SHOULD INQUIRE ABOUTTHE PERSON S RIGHTS IF ANY UNDER ORS 197 352 THIS INSTRUMENTOOES NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLAnON OF APPUCABlE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULAnONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPllNG THIS INSTRUMENT THE PERSON ACOUlfIING FEE T1TlE TO THE PROPERTY SHOUlD CHECKWlTHTHEAPPROPRIAT!; CITY ORCOUNTY PLANHINGDEPARTMENTTOVERIFY APPROVED USES TO DETERMINE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAcnCESAS OEANED IN ORS 30 930 ANDTQ INQUIRE ABOl/T THE RiGHTS OF NEIGHBORING PROPERlY OWNERS IF ANY UNDER ORS 197352 THE TRUE AND ACTUAL CONSIDERATION FOR THIS CONVEYANCE IS .281 000 00 (508 OAS 93 0301 DATED Det:l1mber 15 2006 H....A/JfY"'4-- ~~~i PlayQf STATE OF OREGON COUNTY OF LANE This Instrument ~llS aclcnowledged before 1118 on ~bl!(1li_'nn" by M8r~ n PfT(f [!::::R U f iAv~ NOTAAYPlIBUCFOIIOIIfGOH '-J '-f J. '-'YCOMMlSSIONEXPlRU IO/.;l.() 10 J...'."'."""~a'"'' "I " CP':QDlIIl2Y """""'"""""'" ctIoIIISllDfNlMIClS15 II(C(ll,ll,G8SOllSCPlRUOCTZl.,2lml . ......,,-..-. -, -.~,_." ". . , {t~I{:-2(;j{<?~ 1__ *Pdlf~..Q$ rL STA,11.lTOII'l' WAJUlANTY DEED PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL - 1 2008 ~No 01~lZI183<:LV""& TlIlo,'b."...N# 00512683 EXHIBIT ONE TIul EII.lIt 85 0 feet of mat part of the folloWIng described property lying South of the South right of wrry line of "G" Strevt BegJOl\mg lit I point which is 195 feet East lmd 380 fll8t Nonh of the tntef$8ctlo" of the een..r 1m. of.P Sueet with th8 East hnG of the County Raw runnlng thence Northorty from the town of Springfield Oregon SBId County Road bl:llng tt\a North8f1v axttnslon of Un! Street '" said town run m.ne. West 1490 181ft, thence South 12" 10 Ean 1950 foal thence East 112 0 faet th&nCl North 1900 leul to the Place of Boglrvung ell In Springfield Oregon .. 'i.l PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL - 1 2008 , , "- ,- ~ ~ti \;1 ~T .,,_ ~~~.. 14900' - -2~S~/ , ~'---:;");;;;;;;;Jk _.~' d -" *' ~r' cP/,,,ZtG' /.20' , "'~ (0 liS I': 5900 , i _ 5902 \ ~ ~ 14300 \~ . ~ ., 'in' - "'... ~~ ~ ~ \~ \ " '\ ~./., ./fo('H9 ~'~-p- \ '~~./.2" ~' :u..,. (/S o' fs 61 00 . tR .~ ' .c--___ ~ ~\ ~~ .<ad?.:P4' \; _ ~(Q) _ _ . \ ~ ~ - - ..:- - ~ - - /~..?~' % ,~~ ~~ \ \ ~ ~~ ~~'r q~ l (,0' 6 ~/; ~~",' /.:J.;(...:'9'""" ~ ~.,...;.c.""~ .....-w~~~,. )lF~ \tt ~~ ~ \ "t SEE MAP 17 03 35 23 ~; ....~ "" . . \ , tl .. I; - :;) J PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'D JUL - 1 Z008 vvr .A.,' ........'1 ....... YV . 0.... ...~... v......~a. .....a. -. >Jana........ ...........-. . JUN-13-2008 16 40 NFG'lO PACIFIC 541 687 8142 p ~ 02/134 ~ , " :tt' ~\{., if! 1-' PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT f Engm~~qn~ Dtvl'lOn . Fax" (541) 73fl-1 021 STORMWATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK " .' C _ (AfflJ bdQ'" thJs lln_Jl/kd ,., by,4ppl/l._1) - ,- ,~. (Pia&!. ntIlm 1# MtIIl Stoutkr@CityofSprbrd'IIlfd I'IIbIk Wf1I'U &glllttri1lg: FflXlI "3~1011. Pfu1M 1# 13~I035.) ----- PrvjeetNlUIle: CI,..\}.,,,,,'. ~....l.,~ Appbcaat: ~I J R..:'"," 1... \...\.-.,~....\ p( _ousess9rsPanel#:.LL.....!J~ !<;_t.'i.. .1'107 Date: ~_ .'1:. 7.00< LlUldUse(s): I-IQR 1.i.-',"" !'..1<.. O'"'""fl"- Phone#: (~'il) (.,9,-, - <Ie.oo ProjeetSiZe(Aera): .rq , hI#: 0",}'r&7-'it\ll"l. ""i"::"'" IlIIpervious Area: ,5o?'~ if Email: _ ~""'l ~ f'4j"'~~'~'c..- Pt .jC~': DeicriPtion (lm;lude a ""py of A.-._..'s map): ' (f) F'o..t- \-'\e~ ~'6...-.\.1.., (IQa""f r..trr.",) \ ",,,.~ \,....., (,O<"-'eA~~ ~" J.., <;J>(e. II \""I"rc Ph",e..l lJ".1 ~,,~ c...r,,- Dr.aiDage r" ..'.. al (l'ubhc COMectlon(s), dlsclwge IlXlatIoo(s), e(C, Attach additiOnal sheet(s) IfnccCSsaty: ~) P..(~ L..t v~~h.. D.!>.t"\ .Jo. Or Sys.l""" J', _.,,,.,,,J 8:""", I."k Best MauIlgtlDc:ut Prac:tia:s: '''''''f<'O..e~ (".\..h \3.....'" f':'~ro.\. "" -;. ~..,~...a _ (AretlIwtlm1 thldi1ls.Jillmf o'!f bv 110.. C'4!'"",J lItdu"!...I t<!. dt.. Jll"lif~- (A.I "m_ all ""- checketI bylhe. Cay ClIIIhe. fron1 and back aflhu S~I JIuJlI he nrbmUtod ft>r an applleDJJDn It) be compleIefOt'SIlbmllral. aIdtough Olhe re({U"emelllS may be necessary) DraiDaee studv Tvne IEDSPM Sec:tioa 4.03.2): lNotz. VII mav he !IU\,,!, , " . .1 for Ratioual Method} 0'" Small Slte Study - (use RaIloual McIbucI for C$lculaIioni) o Mid-Level Development Study - (use Unit Rli ... ../, Melllod lOr calcuIaI>ons) o Full Drainage Development Study - (use Ullhlt :,\ _'. .i, Melbod for c:alc:nlanmls) Envjronmental CoaaideratiolL". o Wellhead Zone" ti1 'irz.. __ _ 0 HillsIde Development" o WetllflldJRiparian: 0 F100dwoI)'lFloodplain. [;1'8011 Type. ~~ - AI"!";'.. 111"'4.1 !-JH"O OtherJurisdictioos" DuWll".,."" Analv*: ~N/A o Flow line for starting water surface elevanon. o Design HOL to use for starting water surfill::e elevation: _ o ManholelJuoction to take analysis to: Retarn to Matt Stouder (il CI~ orspriRlif"~d,.....u: JBSCoadeMici.s " ',,, J' eJd.or.as. J' AX' (541) 136-102 t " . - PRE-SUBMITTAL RECIO JUL - 1 Z008 ......' ...' t jUN':13':200e & "1&6;40 , J 'Y-'~AO p~rFic ~, "C..l""" 541 68'7 8142 P 03/04 .; COMPLETE S~UD,Y ITEMS , ' " ,I PorOffiolallhaODIy; * Based IIpOII the mformlllWlI provided on the from oflhu .heel, the followmg np'ese1t/s Q nll1l/nnllll qfwhat ill Mededfor an appbcahon fJJ be complete for suhmlltm vndr '~y_ 10 dromage. however. /hu lu/should fWll1c lISed In beu aftlre Spnngfietd Development Code (SDC) 0' dre CIty '. Engmeumg Dc,",,15" ManuaL ComplIance wl1h these 'eqtuI'emenlS doe; not constllule slle appmw:J; 4~".....; sfle spe."lj1c IrIformal1ol1 may be r"9rurt'd. Note UpM .".."Ing sheet suhmlttaJ, ensure completed Jim" "<14 /x.ell sip" ;" fir. space p,q>/lded be/ow: InterOD Deslgu S .""'-.",,iJlWatv Qallltty (EDSPM Chapter 3) Ro>q'd N/A o !2r A.II non-buildmg . _ ",;,. r (NBR) impervIOUS surfaces shall be Y" - ~,~J (e g, muItI<hlllRbered Clllchbasin wFolI 61lr3l1on media) for ...._,"~,.. qll8ifl)' AddlnoaaJly. "IDIOimOID or5O% of tile NBR impervwus surface shall be _.;reated by ".......~d lIIlllIlods. o 0' Where required, vegelllhYe stormwater d."gn shall be coosisleut wllb III1mm desJ8D SI3lldardJ (EDSPM SectIon 3 02), set fOl1b by lbe Bureau ofEnvn-onmenl3l Servtces (BES) or C~ Water Servlc:es (CWS), 0' 0 for new NBR ;~..._ _ous area less than 15,000 square feet, a SIllIpIi1icd design approacl1 may be followed as spel'Jtied ~ !bll aES far vegetal1ve - I2T 0 Jfut"m.ftA, ,..'............. 5\nIc!S proposed, sub.mit c:aIl:uIa1ionsI" ..:J.~.rions furSlZiDg, velOCIty, flow, side slopes, boIlIlm slope, and seed mix .. "I,;...; wtlh either BllS or CWS ""IlI"ellleDls 0' 0 Willer QwIlity c:alwlatioos II'S required ill ~QD 3.03.1 of1he EDSPM o 0'" All btJiIding motmp moWlled eqwpnI<Dl. or otlm' flwd ." ..:..;. 109 equIpment located ouIslde of lbe bulldmg, 911all be provlCllld Willi secoadaIy .......:......;, or, .....;... I'eSISIlIIIf eac:loslUll General Scud) ReqWl'llmeoto (I......:". _0 4.03) 0' J Draiaap ,tI.ld.y ".."" ..J by a ProlQllonal Cwtl Engmeer bcetlsed m 1be stlIIe ofOngoo. o ;a-' A "'"r:''' dJamage stUdy, II'S required in EIlSPM Sectloa 4.03 I, IncludiDg a hydrological stUdy map l3' :J Calculafiom showmg system _~.~. for a 2.year storm eveDt and overflow effects of a 2S-yelII' storm -- 0' 0 The liIlIe of COIIcentratlon (Tc) shall be :,,. .. .. . J USJDg a 10 nunute stan tune fur developed basInS Review of D. .' ., .,,;. ... m Sys1an \~~~..{ ScmOll 4.03.4.C) o 0' A dO'.,..~_~ douoage aoaIY"'" as <les<ribed ill EDSPM SectiOD 4 03 4 C On'SIle ~ sIIall be govented by I11e 0nIg0II PIumbiac Specudl)' Code (OPSC), o lZf memiDll\l of1he HOl lIIId tlow IiIles far bo1b CIty and t...":" sysIelIlS where applicable !!...es!P. otStonD S)'JlCIDS (EDSPM SeeI10D 4.04) t:a': 18' Flow llncs, slopes, rim e1eVlWOllS, pIpe type and SI2J:S clearly hldu:ated OIIlb1! plaiJ set. IT lor.....,...., pipe COWI'sMl1be 18 izlcbes far reinfurcedpipellDd361l1d1es forpWn ...,,~_;"lIl4plasdc plpe IIIlIIIlriaIs, or p<OpeI' engioeering ~ sbalI be provuled wilen less. The cover !ball be sufficiedr !O 9llppOIt an 80,000 Ib load wI!hour fiullll'C of !he Pipe 9IrW:llII'e o I2r Maaaing's '"D values for pIpeS sbaII be consistent With Table 4-1 of me EOSP All storm lllJlOS shall be desIgned LO adIicw a ",""i..oo... veloc:n.y oftbree (3) feet per secoudat O.S plpC full based 01\ Table 4.1 II well ()tJJerIMbc !2r 0 Ela9tiIlg and proposed COttIOIIrS, ~d at one foot mterVal Include spot eld\'8l1O!1l5 IIIId site grado5 },. ,. ,.;; how site draiJls o 0 l'r1vml s!Omlw:Iler easemenlS shall be clearly depicted on plallS ",hdtl private ,..._ ,..Jet flows liom one .. .'.",.1 to atlOlhel' o J2J'Drywells shall Dot receIve runo1fUODl my sumce wFo bemg treated by Olle or more BMPs, Wlth the _._"..:"" of RISl4eulla1 bulldmg reolS (EOSP SeclJon 3,03.4.A). AddibDllal pmV1S1Qllll apply lD Ib1S ell :required by the DEQ Refer !O the webs1te www d6o~.lJlte or uslwol"",undwoluiehome.hcm. for DlOle lD!onDatIOlI. o 0 Detention ponds $ball be designed lD limit nmolfro pre-developmeDt mill. for the 2 througb 2S-year SIOI'al evems *DlsfonnsIJaJI be i1IcbuI#d /IS lIIIlIIttIchllWllt, lJISitk tlujrtmt CIIlIO, ofr/J. ~,'" ..... ."... IIU#y I "IMPORHNT: ENGINEER PLEASE READ B/il.OW AND SIGN! J Iu the engin.... ofrecord, I hereby c;ertJfY tile above reqUired imns are complete sod IIICluded With the submJued 5torm_:rtudy and pllll1 &ot. siguatun: Date: PRE.SUBMiTIN, RECID JUL - 1 2008 gOOl 1 - lnr Ct:>3~ .!\jll\\fI!~nSa3~d Fl'I'l6l'\1i!___"'__ -Iii.... ~.. q = H llK '0" " '1 --\ (", , l,~ Gt.,_ ~~'} ! _ ~ .;. ~ , 4_ ~ _ ,.,._ ~ ~ ' , - : " 5 _ ~ " ~ ,.....- ~ - ~ " !~ n I; I I i~i ~i: il:I~~ 11;11 ~ I III~ il- ~;;~i~~ I illl IIIH.I~~. '@II Ii ii;~ I iiI iiI -' @ !--I II .. I --:. I ~i: ;1; II Ii ... ... · 5. ,II a ~~~u~ - I = .. ~~~m ! I~ - i: . I' ::Ii!i : 'II .1 .... --I - -- r I - -1 ~ 1 =0-, .._; 'f i-'" I I ~~ l.-~ _--::; to"., .....".~ ~_ ~ ~ ~ ~.. ~ ..,.......... ,;- - -' .,,' --- ! I. - __ .,..,_ I ~ iil I ~ I TU ~ :i 1 ,~- ~~ t \9" ~ ~. . i. !: It E r II 'Woo ) . '\ :;_.:;~ t I.'J ::1:"':" 118 ~! !i E;~ - - ~ . ~ \ ! ~, ~ ! I d~~ I 1 I I' '----<:: ';8 ~~~ 11~11. &1______ : r ." ",! I ~. __ . " I. f/ rct l~r () () l-'.'--' :1 f _ ::: J il8 811 -;- . ,~ I ~-.;:;::; r . e ~'i -"~. rll' - S.i lal !I. '-:;;a II c I , ~ IiI ~ III L' S~ I.. ~G i .. ~ il o r '\ \~ '... c::co.PANC"I" 0W<<iE . R ~-...... .- ....._ FOFilo CHILDREN'S HOPE CENTER ... G &TfI:I!!I!T ~ ore:iQol !J14i1 G FIdelrtY Nai-ional Title INSURANCE COMPANY Mr and Mrs Thomas E Novack POBox 1481 Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Date January 6, 2007 OrderNo 01-512683-46 We appreCiate the opportunity of being of service to you Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 800 Wlllamette, SUite 500./ Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 683,5422 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUl - 1 2008 .=1 ;;;,. no Owner's Policy of Title Insurance Fidelity National Title Insurance Company A Stock Company Policy Number 27-31-92- 504370 OWNER'S POLICY OF TULE INSURANCE SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM COVERAGE THE EXCEPTiONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAiNED iN SCHEDULE B AND THE CONDiTiONS AND STiPULATJONS, FiDELiTY NATiONAL TiTLE iNSURANCE COMPANY a Califorma corporatIOn, herem called the Company, mswes as of Date of Pobcy shown in Schedule A agamslloss 0' damage, not exceedmg the Amount afInsurance stated In Schedule A sustamed or inclined by the mnoed by ,cason of i TItle to the estale or 'nterest descnbed m Schedule A bemg vested other than as stated therem, 2 Any defect m or lien or encumbrance on the title, 3 Unmarketablilty of the mle, 4 Lack of a nght of access to and from the land, The Comparl) tl.ll/ also pal the coses, artornevs fees and expenses Incurred m defen'll! of the [llle aj llnured bur on" to the extent prol'/ded m the Conditions and St/puia/lOns IN WITNESS WHEREOF, FIDELITY NAT/OVAL T/TLE INSURANCE CO'vIPANI has cau"d Ihls pallCl to be sIgned and sealed by llS duly aurhonzed officers as of Dale of Polio shown In Schedule A PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL - 1 2008 Fidelity National Title Insurance Company " Counters ~/J1fiI /?2ird/a//r}' ,~(1V - Authonzed Slgnau.rfc ~g-ml /llp,u,r L -~/fJ Pn..\luwt 8y SeCrCl<1fV ALTA Owner s PolJcy (10-17-92) FNTIC Form No 27-031-92 (l-4-93) EXCWSIONS FROM COVERAG~ The following matters art! expressly excluded from the coverage of tblS policy and the Company will not pa..,. lOSS or damage, costs, attorneys' fees or expenses wblcb ame by reason of 1 (a) Any law, onllnanee or governmental regula lion (indudmg but not limited to building and ZORlng laws, onhnances. or regUlatIOns) restncttng, regulatlOg. problblhng or relalJOg to (I) tbe occupancy, use, or enjoyment of the land. (Ii) tbe cbaracter, dlmeDSlons or (ueahon of any ImproVf:l11eut now or hereafter erected on the land, (III) a separation an ownership or a cbange 10 the dImensiOns or area of the land or any parcel of wblcb the land IS or was a part, or (IV) erlVlronmenlal protection, or the effect of aoy Violation of these laws, ordinances or governmeDtal regulations, except to tbe extent that a DOUce of tbe enforcement thereof or B Dobee of a defect, hen or encumbrance mullmg from a vlOlallon or alleged violation affe<:tJng the land has beeo recorded In the public records at Date of Polley (b) Any governmental pollee power not excluded by (a) above, except to the extent tbat a notlce of tbe eXemse thereof or a noUce of a defft" hen or encumbrance mulUag from a vlolalloo or aUeged Vlolatloll affectmg the land has been recorded In the public retords al Date of Pohey 2 Rights of elDJnent domam unless notice of tbe exercISe thereof has been recorded In the pubhc records at Date of Pohcy, but not excludmg from coverage any takmg which has occurred pnor to Date of Policy whlcb would be bIDdmg on tbe nghls of a purchaser for \1Ilue WIthout knowledge. 3 Defects, hens, encumbrances, adverse claims or otber mailers (a) created. suffered, assumed or ag~ed to by tbe lDsured claimant. (b) pot known 10 ,be Company. no' lW"orded In tbe public records st lb'e of Pobcy, bu. known to tbe msured claimant and not disclosed In wntmg to the CompDny by the Insured claimant pnor to the date the Insured claimant became an Insured under tblS policy, (c) resulting m no loss or damage to the Insured claimant, (d) allachmg or created subsequent to Date of Pohcy, or (e) resullmg to loss or damage which would not have been sustamtd If tbe Insured claimant had paid value for the estale or mlerest IDsured by thiS pohcy 4 Any claim which arises out of the transactIOn vesting m the Insured the estale or mlerest InsUred by tbls pohey, by reason of the openlllon of federal bankruptcy, slale msolvenq, or Similar creditors' nghts law, thai 1$ based on (I) the tranSaction creatmg Ihe estate or mleresl lD$ured by thiS pobey being deemed a (raudulent conveyance or fnmdulent transfer; or (II) the transaction crealmg the eslale or mleresllnsured by thiS pohcy bemg deemed a preferenllallraosfer except where the pr(!.ereiill3NrilnSfetll'fSldts f'P1rthe'lnlure (a) 10 IImoly ,.co,d 'ho msl'omODI D1 In1Os10r, 0' r KJ:-i)UDIVI II1'\L K1:l., IJ (b) of such recordation to Impart nollce 10 a purchaser for value or a Judgment or hen creditor CONDITIONS AND STIPULATIONS JUL - 1 Z008 1 DEFINITION OF TERMS The followmg tenns when used ID thiS policy mean (a) msured the IDsured named ID Schedule A and subject to any nghts or defenses the Company would have had agamst the named lOsured those who suc- ceed to the Interest of the named Insured by operation of law as dlslmgUtshed from purchase mcJudmg but nOI hmlted to heIrs, dlstnbutees deVisees SUrviVOrs, per- sonal represenlatlves next of km or corporate or fidUCiary successors (b) m~ured c1amlam an Insured c1almmg loss or damage (c) knowledge or known actual knowledge not constructive knowledge or notIce which may be Imputed to an IOsured by reason of the pubhc records as defined In thiS policy or any other records which Impart constructive nOllce of mat- ters affecting the land (d) land the land descnbed or referred to In Schedule A and Improvements affixed thereto which by law COnstitute leal property The tenn land does not mclude any property beyond the hnes of the area deSCribed or referred to m Schedule A nor any right tllle Interest estate or easement In abuttmg streets roads avenues alleys lanes ways or waterways but notlung herem shall modify or hmll the extent to which a right of access to and from the land is Insured by thiS policy (e) mOl1gage mortgage deed of trust, trust deed or other Security Instrument (f) public records records estabhshed under state statutes at Dale of Policy for the purpose of rmpartmg constructIVe 110tlce of maUers relatmg to real property to purchasers for value and Without Irnowledge With respect to SectIOn l(a)(lv) of the ExclUSIOns From Coverage public records shall also mclude environmen- tal prOlectlOn liens filed m the records of the clerk of the Umted States district court for the district In which the land IS located (g) unmarketabJ!IlY of the urle an alleged or apparent maner affecting the title to the land not excluded or excepted from coverage wluch would entitle a purcha~er of the estate or mterest descnbed In Schedule A to be released from the obligation to purchase by virtue of a contractual condition requiring the delIVery of marketable tttle 2 CONTI"iUATlON OF INSURANCE AfTER CONVEYANCE OF TITLE The coverage of tills policy shall contlOue m force as of Date of Pohcy m favor of an msured only so long as the Insured retams an estate or ,merest In the land or holds an mdebtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given by a pur- chaser from the msured or only so long as the IOSUred shall have habillty by reason of covenants of warranty made by the IOsured In any transfer or conveyance of the estate or Interest ThiS policy shall not contlOue 10 force lD favor of any pur. chaser from the Insured of either (I) an estate or mterest In the land or (II) an in- debtedness secured by a purchase money mortgage given to the lDsured 3 NOTICE OF CLAIM TO BE GIVEN BY INSURED CLAIMANT The IDsured shall notify the Company promptly In wntmg (i) to case of any htlga- tlon as sel fonh In SectIOn 4(a} below (II) In case knowledge shall come 10 an 10- sured hereunder of any claim of title or toterest which IS adverse to the htle to me estate or Interest. as tosured, and which nught cause loss or damage for which the Company may be hable by vtnue of thIS policy. or (III) It tide to the estate or 10- terest as IOsured IS rejected as unmarketable If prompt notice shall not be given to the Company then as to the InSured all habllity of the Company shall temunate With regard to the matter or matters for which prompt notice IS reqwred, proVided however that failure to notify the Company shall In no case prejudICe the nghlS of any Insured under thJS pohcy unless the Company shaH be prejudiced by the failure and then only to the extent of the preJudu::e 4 DEFENSE AND PROSECUTION OF ACI10NS, DUTY OF INSURED CLAIMANT TO COOPERATE <a) Upon wntlen request by the Insured and subject to the optIons oonlamed In Section 6 of these Cornhtlons and SupulatlOns the Company at lis own cost and Without unreasonable delay, shall proVide for the defense of an Insured In htlgatton 10 which any thud pany asserts a chum adverse to the tItle or mterest as lDsured but only as to those stated causes of action alJeglng a defect, lien or encumbrance or other matter msured against by thiS policy The Company shall have the nght to select counsel of lis own ch01ce (subject to the nght of the tosured to object for reasonable cause) to represent the Insured as to those stated causes of action and shaU not be hable for and Will not pay the fees of any other counsel The Company will not pay any fees, costs or expenses mcurred by the IOsured m the defense of those causes of action which allege matters not Insured against by thiS pohcy (b) The Company shall have the nght, at liS own cost to Instltule and prosecute any acLJon or proceedmg or to do any other ael wbJch m Jls opmJOn may be necessary or deSirable to establish the title to the estate or Interest, as ulSured or to prevent or reduce loss or damage to the Insured The Company may take any appropnate acUon under the terms of thiS pohcy, whether or oot It shall be hable hereunder, and shall not thereby concede habllIty Or waive any provlMon of nus pohcy If the Company shall exercIse Its nghts under thiS paragraph It shall do so dIhgenUy (c) Whenever lIle Company shall have brought an action or Interposed a defense as required or pemuned by the proVISions of thiS pohcy the Company may pursue any htlgatton to final delenmnatlon by a coun of competent JUrlsdlctlOn and ex pressly reserves the nght m ItS sole dlscretlOn to appeal from any adverse Judg- ment or order (d) In all cases where 1Ills pollcy pemms or reqUIres the Company to prosecute or prOVide for lIle defense of any actiOn or proceedlOg the msured shall secure to the Company the rtght to so prosecute or proVide defense 10 the aetlOn or pro- ceedmg and all appeals therem and pemul the Company to use, at Its option the name of the msured for thl~ purpose Whenever requested by the Company the msured at the Company s expense shall give the Company all reasonable aid (I) In any action or proceedmg secunng eVidence, obtaining witnesses prosecutmg or defending the actIOn or proceedmg Or effectmg settlement, and (II) m any other lawful acl which In the opInion of the Company may be necessary or deSirable to establish the title to the estate or mterest as Insured If the Company IS prejudiced by the faIlure of the msured to furnish the reqUired cooperallon the Company's obhgatlOns to lhe lIlsured under the polley shaU termmate, mcludmg any llabdJIY or obligation to defend prosecute or contmue any litigatIOn With regard to the matter or matters requmng such COOperauon 5 PROOF OF LOSS OR DAMAGE In additIOn to and after the notices reqUired under SectJon 3 of these ConditIons and Stipulations have been proVIded the Company, a proof of loss or damage sIgned and sworn to by the Insured claimant shall be furnished to the Company Within 90 days after the Insured claimant shall ascertam the facts glvmg nse to the Joss or damage The proof of loss or damage shall descnbe the defect m or hen or encumbrance on the title or other matter Insured agamst by thIs pohcy which con- stItutes the baSIS of loss or damage and shall state, to the extent poSSible, the baSIS of calculatmg the amount of the loss or damage If the Company IS prejudiced hy the failure of the ulSured c1aunant to prOVide the required proof of loss or dama~e the Company s ohhgatlons to the IDSUred under the policy shall terrrunate mcludmg any liabIlity or obhgauon to defend, prosecute or continue any hUgabon, With regard (0 the matter or matters requlnng such proof of loss or damage In addltlon, the msured claimant may reasonably be required to subnut to exanuna- lion under oath by any authomed representative of the Company and shall produce for exarrunatlOn, Inspecuon and copymg, at such reasonable times and places as may be deSignated by any authonzed representative of the Company, all records books, ledgers, checks, correspondence and memoranda, whether beanng a date before or after Date of Poilcy. whtch reasonably pertalD to the loss or damage Further, If requested by any authonzed representative of the Company the IDSured c1aJlnant shall grant lis pemusslon, 10 wntmg for any authonzed representative of the COn:'pany to examlOe, Inspect and copy all records, books, ledgers, checks, cc.. ........~.._....Elce and memoranda ID the custody or control of a third party which reasonably pertaJ.n to the loss or damage All information designated as confidential by the msured c1aunant proVided to the Company pursuant to dus Secuon shall not be disclosed to others unless, ID the reasonable judgment of the Company, II IS necessary m the adnumstraUon of the dum Failure of the IDsured claunant to sub- nut for exammatIon under oath, produce other reasonably requested mfonnauon or grant pemusslon to secure reasonably necessary mformauon from thud partIes as reqUIred 10 the above paragraph shall tenmnate any habdny of the Company under tlus pohcy as to that claim 6 OPTIONSTOPAYORvuu....."lSESEli _LAIMS, TERMINATION OF UABILITY In case of a claim under thiS poltey. the Company shall have the foUowlDg addl- banal OptIOns (8) To Payor Tender Payment of the Amount of Insurance To payor tender payment of the amount of IOSurance under tlus polley together With any costs, attorneys fees and expenses mcurred by the IDsured cIaunant which were authonzed by the Company up to the tm-.e of payment or tender of payment and which the Company IS obhgated (0 pay Upon the exercise by the Company of thiS option, all hablhty and obhgatlons to the Insured under thiS poltey other than to make the payment reqU1red shall lemunate tncludmg any hablllty or obhgauon to defend prosecute, or contmue any htJgatlon, and the JX>hcy shall be Sll..,-.""':_.~': to the Company for cancel1atl('m (b) To Payor Otbel'WlS€: Settle With Parties Other than the Insured Or With the Insured Cllumant (1) to payor otherwise settle WIth other parties for or m the name of an tnsured claunant any claim UlSUred agamst under thiS policy, together With any costs at. tomeys fees and expenses mcurred by the lDsured clamlant which were authonzed by the Company up to !.he time of payment and which the Company IS obligated to pay, or (.11) to payor otherwISe senIe With the InsUred clamlant the loss or damage pro- Vided for under tlus policy together With any costs, attorneys fees and expenses Incum:d by the IDsured clalDlanl which were authonzed by the Company up to the time of payment and which the Company IS obhgated to pay Upon the eXercISe by the Compmy ot either of the opuons provided for m paragrnphs (b)(I) or (II) the Company s obhgatlons to the msured under thIS policy for the churned loss or damage other than the payments required to be made, shall ter mmate Includmg any liability or obligation to defend prosecute or contmue any litigatIOn 7 DETERMINATION, EJITENT OF LIABILITY AND COINSURANCE This policy IS a contract of mdemnuy agamst actual monetary loss or damage suslamed or Incurred by the Insured claimant who has suffered loss or damage by reason of matters msured agamst by dus policy and only to the extent herem descnbed (a) The hablllty of the Company under thiS poltcy shall not exceed the least of (I) the Amount of Insurance stated 10 Schedule A, or (II) the difference between the value of the IDsured estate or mterest as msured and the value of the Insured estate or mterest subject to the defect hen or encum- brance IDsured agamst by !.hIS policy (b) In the event the Amount of Insurance staled In Schedwe A al the Date of Policy IS less than 80 percent of the value of the Insured estate or mterest or the full consideratIOn p3.ld for the estate or mterest whichever IS less or If subsequent to the Date of Policy an Improvement IS erected on the land which Increases the value of the Insured estate or mterest by at least 20 percent over the Amount of Insurance stated In Schedule A then thiS Pohcy IS subject to the followmg (I) where 00 subsequent nnprovement has been made as to any partial loss, the Company shaH onfy pay the loss pro rata ID the propomon that the amount of msurance at Date of Pohcy bears to the total value of the estate or mterest at Date of Pohcy or (II) where a subsequent Improvement has been made, as to any panlal loss, the Company shall only pay the loss pro rata ID the proponlon mat 120 perCent of the Amount of Insural"....e stated m Schedule A bears to the sum of the Amount of Insurance stated m Schedule A and the amount expended for the Improvement The proVIsions of thiS paragraph shall not apply to costs, attorneys fees and ex. penses for which the Company IS hable under thiS policy and shall only apply to that ponlOn of any loss wtuch exceeds 10 the aggregate to percent of the Amount of Insurance slated In Schedule A (c) The Company Will pay only those costs, attorneys fees and expenses IOcurred In accordance Wlth Section 4 of these CondJtIons and Stipulations 8 APPORTIONMENT If the land descnbed m Schedule A coruasts of two or more parcels which are not used as a smgle slle, and a loss IS established affectmg one or more of the paccels but not all, the loss shall be computed and settled on a pro rata busls as If the amount of msurance under this poltcy was dIVIded pro rata as to the value on Date of Policy of each separate parcel to the whole, exclUSIVe of any unprovemenIS made subse- quent co Date of Policy unless a lIablhty or value has otherwise been agreed upon as to each parcel by the Company and the Insured at the lime of the Issuance of thiS pohcy and shown by an express statement or by an endorsement attached to thiS policy 9 LIMITATION OF LIABIUTY (a) If the Company establishes the title, or removes the alleged defect hen or encumbrance, or cures the lack of a fight of access to or from the land, or cures the claim of unmarJeetabdlly of otle or otherwise estabhshes the hen of the Insured mortgage, all as msured, ID a reasonably diligent manner by any method, mcludtng lItigatIOn and the completion of any appeals therefrom, It shall have fully performed Its obligations With respect to thai matter and shall not be hable for any loss or damage caused thereby (b) In the event of any hUgauon, mc1udmg hugauoo by the Company or With the Company s consent the Company shall bave no habllIty for loss or damage until there has been a final detenrunatIon by a court of competent JUrIsdiction, and disposition of all appeals therefrom, adverse to the tatle as IOSUred (c) The Company shall not be hable for loss or damage to any msured for hablhty voluntanly assumed by the wured m senhng any chum or suU Without the pnor wntten consent of the Company 10 REDUCTION OF INSURANCE, REDUCTION OR TERMINATION OF UABILITY All payments under tlus pohey, except payments made for costs, attorneys fees and expenses, shall reduce the amount of the msurance pro tanto II LIABILITY NO!" ~'Ih"lWLA TIVE It IS expressly undersm&i that the amount of Insurance under thiS policy shall be reduced by any amount the Company may pay under any poltcy msunng a mor- tgage to which exception IS taken ID Schedule B or to which the Insured has agreed, ~ assumed, or taken subject, or which IS hereafter executed by an Insured and which IS a charge or hen on the estate or Interest descnbed or referred to m Schedule A, and the amount so paid shall be deemed a payment under thiS pohcy to the msured owner 12 PAYMENT OF WSS (a) No payment shall be nade Without producmg thIS pohcy for endorsement of the payment unless the pohcy has been los\ or destroyed In which case proof of loss or destruction shall be furnished to the sausfactlon of the Company (b) When hablllty and the extent of loss or damage has been defirutely fixed m accordance With these Condlllons and S(lpuIallODS the Joss or damage shall be payable wlthm 30 days thereafter I3 SUBROGATION UPON PAYMENT OR SETTLEMENT (8) The Company's Right of Subrogahon Whenever the Company shall have settled and paid a clatm under thiS poltcy, all nght of subrogation shall vest 10 the Company unaffected by any act of the In. sured clatmant The Company shall be subrogated to and be entitled to all nghts and remedies which the IOsured elat.mant would have had agamst any person or propeny 10 respect to the chum had thIS policy nol been Il>SUed If requested by the Company the 10- sured claimant shall transfer to the Company all nghts and remedJes agamst any person or property necessary In order to perfect this nght of subrogatIOn The 1O~ sured damlaDt shall penna the Company to sue compromise or settle 10 the name of the Insured c1aunant and to use lhe name of me msured claunant 10 any transac tlon or lIt1gauon IOvolvmg these nghts or remedies If a payment on account of a c1al1ll does not fully cover the loss of the Insured claimant the Company shall be subrogated to these nghts and reme<hes m the pro- portion which the Company s payment bears to the whole amount of the loss If loss should result from any act of the msured claimant as stated above that act shall not vmd thiS pohcy but the Company m that event shall be required to pay only that part of any losses msured agalllst by thiS pohcy whIch shall exceed the amount If any, lost to the Co.npany by reason of the Impamnent by the Insured clatmant of the Company's nght of subrogation (b) The Company's RIghts Agamsl Non-msured Obltgors The Company s nght of subrogation agamst non-tn,>ured obhgors shall eXist and shall mclude Without hnutalton the nghts of the Insured to mdernOllles guaranties other poliCIes of Insurance or bonds norwllhstandmg any ferms or condJtJons con- tamed In those mstruments which proVide for subrogation nghts by reason of thiS pohcy 14 ARBITRATION Unless prohibited by applicable law either the Company or the msured may de mand arbUTatlon pursuant fa the Title Insurance Arbltratlon Rules of the Amencan Arbttrauon ASSOCiation Arbitrable matters may \Delude, but are not limited to any controversy or chum berween the Company and the msured anslOg out of or relating to thIS policy any service of the Company 10 connection With ItS Issuance or the breach of a pobcy proVISion or other obligation AU arbitrable maners when the Amount of Insurance IS $1 000 000 or less shall be arbitrated at the option of either the Company or the Insured All arbitrable matters when the Amount of Insurance IS 10 excess of $1,000 lXX) shall be arbitrated only when agreed to by both the Com pany and the Insured ArbllratJDn pursuant 10 tbJS pollcy and under the Rules m effect on the date the demand for arbitration IS made or at the option of the Insured the Rules 10 effect at Date of Policy shall be blOdlOg upon the panics The award may lOclude attorneys fees only If the laws of the state m which the land IS located pemut a court to award attorneys fees to a prevaJlmg party Judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbltrator(s) may be entered m any court havlOg JUrISdiction thereof The law of the Sltus of the land shall apply to an arbltnHlon under the T,rle In surance Arbitration Rules A copy of the Rules may be obtamed from the Company upon request IS UABILITY LIMITED TO TIDS POLICY, POLICY ENTIRE CONTRACT (a) TIus policy together With all endorsements If any attached hereto by the Com- pany IS the enme policy and contract between the Insured and the Company In mterpretIng any provIsion of tlus pollcy, thiS poltey shall be construed as a whole (b) Any c1aun of loss or damage, whether or not based on neghgence and which anses out of the status of the title to the estate or mterest covered hereby or by any aCllon asserting such claim, shall be resU"lcted to thiS policy (c) No a..._...:...._.ll of or endorsement to this polley can be made except by a wntmg endorsed hereon or attached hereto Signed by either the PreSident a Vice President the Secretary, an ASSistant Secretary or vahdatlOg officer or authonzed sIgnatory of the Company 16 SEVERABILITY In the event any provIsion of the pohcy IS held invalid or unenforceable under apphcable law the policy shall be deemed not to mclude that proVISion and all other proVISIOns shall remam In full force and effect 17 NOTICFS, WHERE SENT All nOhce<>rcqUlrcd to be gl\Ln the Comp<\nv IOd'ln) "t'l(t.-Illent m wntmg reqlllred to be fUffil"hcd the Camp.my ...h.:1Il mLlude the Ilumbt.rot thl'" policy and ...Iwll be dddre......t.d 10 the Camp,my ,11 Fldehh N ltlOll.ll Tlth. Insurance Company, N.ltlon.ll Clatms AdmlOlstr,lllon, PO HO'\. 4502, J.lch....un\ IlIc, Florida 32232. 5023 PRE.SUBMI1TAl REC'O JUL - 1 Z008 SCHEDULE A Order No 01-512683-46 Policy No Amount of Insurance Premium Amount 27,031,92-504370 $ 281,00000 $ 763 00 Date of Policy December 18, 2006 at 03 51 p m 1 Name of Insured Thomas E Novack and Tona A Novack, as tenants by the entirety 2 The estate or onterest on the land described hereon and which IS covered by this policy IS A Fee 3 Title to the estate or Interest on the land IS vested on Thomas E Novack and Tona A Novack, as tenants by the entirety 4 The land referred to on this policy IS situated on the County of Lane, State of Oregon, and IS described as follows SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF PRE-SUBMllTAl REC'D JUL - 1 2008 THIS POLICY VALID ONLY IF SCHEDULE B IS ATTACHED Page 1 Owner's Standard Order No 01,512683,46 Polrcy No 27'031-92'504370 EXHIBIT "ONE" The East 85 0 feet of 1hat part of the followmg described property Iymg South of the South right of way Irne of "G" Street Begmnmg a1 a pomt whIch IS 195 feet East and 380 feet North of the IntersectIon of the center Ime of "F" Street with the East Irne of the County Road, runnmg thence Northerly from the town of Springfield, Oregon, saId County Road bemg the Northerly extension of Mill Street m saId town, run thence West 149 0 feet, thence South 120 10' East 195 0 feet, thence East 112 0 feet, thence North 190 0 feet to the Place of Begmnong, all m SpringfIeld, Oregon PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL - 1 2008 Page 2 Owner's Standard Order No 01'512683'46 Policy No 27,031,92'504370 SCHEDULE B ThiS policy does not Insure against loss or damage (and the Company Will not pay costs, attorneys' fees or expenses) which anse by reason of the follOWing GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 Taxes or assessments whIch are not shown as eXisting liens by the records of any taxing authonty that leVies taxes or assessments on real property or by the public records, proceedings by a public agency which may result In taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the public records 2 Any facts, nghts, Interests or claIms which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inquirY of persons In possession 3 Easements, or claIms of easements or encumbrances, not shown by the public records, reservations or exceptIons In patents or In acts authonzlng the Issuance thereof, water nghts, claims or tItle to water 4 DIscrepancIes, conflicts In boundary lines, shortage In area, encroachments or any other facts which a correct survey would disclose 5 Any statutory liens for labor or matenal, including liens for contnbutlons due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compensatIon and for worker's compensation, which have now gained or may gain pnonty over the lien of the Insured deed of trust, which liens do not now appear of record SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS 6 Rights of the public and governmental agencies In and to any portIon of saId land lYing WIthin the boundanes of streets, roads and highways 7 Conditions, restnctlons and easements, (deleting therefrom any restnctlons indicating any preference, limItatIons, or dlscnmlnatlon based on race, color, religIon, sex, handicap, famIlial status or national ongln) as set forth In the document Recorded January 9,1961, Recorder's No 20193 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUL - 1 2008 Page 3 Owner's Standard Order No 01,512683,46 Policy No 27,031,92-504370 Said document has been Amended by mstrument Recorded February 10, 1961, Recorder's No 23072 8 A deed of trust to secure an mdebtedness m the amount shown below, and any other obligations secured thereby Amount Dated Grantor Trustee BenefIciary Loan No Recorded $210,750 00 December 18, 2006 Thomas E Novack and Tma A Novack, as tenants by the entirety Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon Mortgage ElectrOnic Registration System, Inc, as nommee for Lender, Intermountam Mortgage Co , Inc , a Montana Corporation 0006002823 December 18, 2006, Recorder's No 2006-090272 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUL - 1 Z008 Page 4 Order No 0151268346 HOMEOWNER S INFLATION PROTECTION ENDORSEMENT Attached to Policy No 27031-92504370 Issued by FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY Date December 18 2006 PrernLum $0 00 The Company, recognIzIng the current effect of Inflation on real property valuation and intendIng to provIde addItional monetary protectIon to the Insured Owner named In said policy, hereby modIfies said policy, as follows NotWithstandIng anythIng contained In the policy to the contrary, the amount of Insurance provided by the policy, as stated In Schedule A thereof IS subject to cumulatIve annual upward adjustments In the manner and to the extent hereinafter speCified 2 'Adjustment Date" IS defIned, for the purpose of this endorsement, to 1201 a m on the fIrst January 1 which occurs more than SIX months after the date of policy as shown In Schedule A of the policy to which this endorsement IS attached and on each succeeding January 1 3 An upward adjustment will be made on each of the adjustment dates as dehned above by Increasing the maXimum amount of Insurance provided by said policy (as said amount may have been Increased theretofore under the terms of this endorsement) by the same percentage, If any, by which the United States Department of Labor CDnsumer Price Index, Major Class HOUSing (base period 1967) exceeds such Index provided however that the maxImum amount of Insurance In force shall never exceed 150% of the amount Df Insurance stated In Schedule A of said policy less the amount of any c1mm paid under said polley WhiCh, under the terms of the Conditions and Stipulations reduces the amount of Insurance In force There shall be no annual adjustment In the amount of Insurance for years In whIch there IS no Increase In said Consumer Pnce Index 4 In the settlement of any claim against the Company under smd policy the amount of Insurance In force shall be deemed to be the amount which IS In force as of the date on which the Insured claimant first learned of the assertIOn Dr pOSSible assertion of such claim, or as of the date of receipt by the Company of the first notice of such claim whichever shall first occur PROVIDED HOWEVER, thiS endorsement shall be effective only If one of the follOWing conditions eXists at date of policy a The land deSCribed In thiS pollcy IS a parcel on which there IS only a one-to four family reSidential structure Including all Improvements on the land related to resldentlal use In which the Insured Owner resides or Intends to reSide or, b The land consists of a reSidential condominium Unit together With the common elements appurtenant thereto and related to reSidential use thereof, In whIch the Insured Owner reSides or Intends to reSIde ThiS endorsement IS made a part of the polICY or commitment and IS subject to all the terms and prOVISions thereof and of any prior endorsements thereto Except to the extent expressly stated, It neither modifies any of the terms and prOVISions of the poliCY or commitment and puor endorsements, If any nor does It extend the effective date of the policy or commitment and prior endorsements or Increase the face amount thereof FNTCO 10 30 FNTlC 478 OlTA 78 CLTA nla ~d:! mWpo/,Jd ~ Counters.gned/- PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL - 1 Z008 7 --- ~ ' 't - ~ \ L~::_:1~:~:"~;::,'1" ~ ~ - '= -'=- T \ '~~ U G" 0-u--'0"--'5;----0"" "'0~~~ \ 14900 -243'5".2/ . ~ ~ ~ (4901) \ .rcP?%Z';;/,':<#M k .. ~ /_2<:)' ~ ..." 86' ,d'/-<6 ~ \-&...'~ _.".!J~'+i'4"'~ 5900 \ 5902' H 14300 ,...~\~ <>,,~ Jb 12.0. ~ \ \'" ~ ~ :;;,"-~ "- " ~ " ~ {r~~~ <>~ -"- ------ t>. \~ l'~, \~i--, ~~, "" 1~~Tl~?2, 5100 \ \. ~,.Ai~~~ - 'd'9~P9d';':~ &2&" ~ ,. /:S./ -Z~ ! ~ BLAIR HOUSI 2'"-11:. ~S.o. \1 ~ J CONDOMINIU~ 6100 ~ ~;~ \ It; ~'::',1~:il\-,j , " ~ " I - - q; ~ ~ " , \i~ ~ ~ ~\ ~~ ~<7d':P4' ~~ ~ ~ ~~ _ 3~,~ tn ~ ~ 5300 \ \.~, - - - ~ - - /~/...?s' - :,~a: ~ ~ .. ~ (\>>.~, ' \ ~ 'I ~~ ~~1fV ~~ ~~- (,0' 6 ,,~~ \<]~ ~ LL ~/?.:r&'d" ~.-?.:7' 4~) ..;rcP?~-<<-....",:# -(i;,r.2S' ;;)..;;;:.') ~.t 'l- ~ G6" ..?.sc> ~ """ >Tn> ~ ~ 10 9 9~ 'oj ~ B, B ::> , /,,2,," ~ C 134" ALl.EY " .. 6e. \ , " ~ ~ '\ J .\-L /20 ~s E OF E. Lf#re QF M/I.l Sr SEE MAP 17 03 35 23 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY ThIS sketch above IS made solely for the purpose of assIstIng In locatmg sdld premIses dnd the company assumes no lIabIlIty for varIatIons, If any, In dnnenslOns and locatIOn ascertaIned by actnal survey Map # 17 03 35 22 05902 000 PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUL - 1 2008 lFildelity National TitYe Companv of Oregon 800 Wlllamette, SUIte 500. Eugene, c1R 97401 (541) 683,5422' FAX (541) 683,5437 -- November 9,2006 Novack PropertIes Attn Thomas E & Tina Novack 2162 Loch Dnve Sonngf.eld, OR 97477 Order No 01-512683-46 We have endosed 1 copy(s) of the Preliminary Report for our Order Number 01-512683-46 Please call us ImmedIately If vou "ave any ouestlons or concerns Fidelity National T.tle Company of Oregon PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL - 1 2008 , Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon PRELIMINARY REPORT In response to the applIcatIOn for a oollcy of tItle Insurance referenced herem, Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon reports that It IS prepared to Issue, or cause to be Issued, as of the specifIed date, a PolIcy or PolicIes of TItle Insurance descnbmg the land and the estate or mterest descnbed, Insurmg agamst loss whIch may be sustamed by reason of any defect, lien or encumbrance not shown or referred io as an ExceptIOn below or not excluded from coverage pursuant to the pnnted Schedules, CondItIons and StIpulatIOns of the Policy forms The prmted ExceotlOns and ExclusIOns from the coverage of saId Policy or Pol,c,e::. are ser forth m ExhIbIt A attached Caples of the PolIcy forms should be read They are available from tne offIce whIch Issuec1 thiS report ThIS report (and any supplements or amendments) IS Issued solely for the purpose of facllltatmg the Issuance of 8 po!lcy of title msurance and no liabilIty IS assumed The Po!lcv{sl of title msurance to be Issued hereunder wIll be pollcy{s) of FIdelity NatIOnal Title Insurance Company, a Ca!lforma corporation Please read the exceptions shown or referred to below and the exceptions and exclusions set forth in ExhibIt A of this report carefully The exceptions and exclusions are meant to provide vou with notice of matters which are not covered under the terms of the title insurance policy and should be carefully considered It is important to note that this preliminary report is not a written representation as to the condItIOn of tItle and may not list all liens, defects and encumbrances affectmg title to the land ThIS report IS for the exclUSIve use of the oart/es to the contemplated transactIOn, and ihe company does not have any !labIlity to any thlfd partIes nor any lIabilIty untIl the full prem,um IS paId and a po!lcy IS Issued Until all necessary documents are placed of record, the company reserves the fight to amend or supplement thIS pre!lmmary report yt? , I &Z>m?/~ /72U1L./CI-4/7 Counterslgred/ PRE-SUBMITIAl RECID JUL - 1 200B .. , -' Fidelity National Title Company of Oregon 800 \^Ifllamette, Sune 500' Euqere, OR 97401 (541) 683,5422' FAX (541 J 683,5437 PRELIMINARY REPORl' ESCROW OFFICER Cathy L Velkms TITLE Or-FICER Rainie A Sanden ORDER NO 01-512683-46 TO Novack Properties ATTN Thomas E & Tina Novack 2162 Loch Dnve Spnngfleld, OR 97477 OWNER/SELLER Mark 0 Player and Catherine M Player BUYER/BORROWER Thomas E Novack and Tina A Novack, as Trustees PROPERTY ADDRESS 175 G Street (Apt No's A thru 0), Springfield, OR 97477 EFFECTiVE DATE' October 31. 2006, 05 00 PM 1 The polley and endorsements to be Issued and the related charges are Owner's Standard Lender's Extended Government Service Charge 100, 116,8 1 Endorsement!s) AMOUNT 285,00000 198,75000 PREMIUM 77200 Short Term 26100 3500 5000 2 THE ESTATE OR INTEREST IN THE LAND HEREINAFTER DESCRIBED OR REFERRED TO COVERED BY THIS REPORT IS A Fee 3 TITLE TO SAID ESTATE OR INTEREST AT THE DATE HEREOF IS VESTED IN Mark D Player and Catherme M Player, as tenants by the ent.rety 4 THE LAND REFERRED TO IN THIS REPORT IS SITUATED, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, IN THE COUNTY OF LANE, STATE OF OREGON, AND IS DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS SEE EXHIBIT "ONE" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF RAS\ras 11/09/2006 PRE.SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL - 1 Z008 ~'" - Order No 01-512683,46 EXHIBIT "ONE" The East 85 0 feet of that part of the following described property lYing South of the South right of way line of "G" Street Beginning at a pOint which IS 195 feet East and 380 feet North of the Intersection of the center lIne of "F" Street with the East line of the County Road, running thence Northerly froM the town of Springfield, Oregon said County Road being the Northerly extension of Mill Street In said town, run thellce West 149 0 feet, thence South 120 10' East 195 0 feet, thence East 112 0 feet, thence North 190 0 feet to the Place of Beginning, all In Springfield, Oregon PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL - 1 2008 ~ 2 Order No 01-512683,.i6 AS OF THE DATE OF THIS REPORT, ITEMS TO BE CONSIDE'RED AND EXCEPTIONS TO COVERAGE IN ADDITION TO THE PRINTED EXCEPTIONS AND EXCLUSIONS IN THE POLICY FORM WOULD BE AS FOLLOWS GENERAL EXCEPTIONS 1 Taxes or assessments which are not shown as eXisting 'iens by thf' records of any taxing authority that levies taxes or assessments on real property or by the pubhc records, proceedings by a pubhc agel'cy which may result In taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedings whether or not ~hown by the records of such agency or by the pubhc racoras 2 Any facts, rights, 'nterests or claims which are not shown by the public records but ",hlch could be ascertained by an inspection of said land or by making inqUiry of persons In possession 3 Easements, or claims of easements or e'lcumbrances, not shown by the pubhc records, reservatIons or exceptions In patents or In acts authOriZing the Issuance thereof, water rights, c1al"'s or title to water 4 DISCrf'pancles, conflicts In boundary hnes, shortage In area, encroachments or any other facts whIch a correct survey would d.sclosa 5 Any statutory ',ens for labor or material, ,ncludlng hens for contributions due to the State of Oregon for unemployment compensatIOn and for worker's compensatIOn, which ha_e now gained or may gain priOrity ovar the hen of the Insured deed of trust, which hens do not now appear of record SPECIFIC ITEMS AND EXCEPTIONS 6 Property taxes. and any assessments collected With taxes, for the f,scal year 2006,2007 Amount Unpaid Balance Account No Map No Levy Code Affects $3,01314 $3,013 14 plus Interes<, If any 1031093 17 03 35 22 05902 19,00 Apartments PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'O JUL - 1 2008 7 City hens .n favor of the CIty of Springfield, If any There are no liens as 0; October 31 2006 8 Rights of the public. and governmental agencies In and ro any portion of said land 'Ying With", the boundaries of streets, roads and hIghways 9 ConditIons, restrlctlOClS and easements, (deleting therefrom any restrictIOns indicating any preference, limitatIOns, or diSCrimInatIOn based on race, color, religIon, sex, handleao, famlhal status or natIOnal o"gln) as set forth", the document Recorded January 9,1961, Recorder's No 20193 ~ ~ 10 11 12 13 14 15 NOTES Crder 1\10 01,512683-<1.6 SaId document '1aS been Amended by mstrument Recorded February 10, 1961, Recorder's No 23072 I\. deed 01 trust to secure an mdebtedness m -he amount shown below, and any other obllgat ons secured thereby Amount uated C. antor Trustee BenefIcIary Loan No Recorded $210,00000 January 30, 2006 Mar"- D Player and Catherme M Player, as tenants by the entirety Fidelity NatIonal T.t1€' Nat.onal ow Mortgage, a divIsion of NatIonal City Bank of Indiana 000451lt393 February 1, 2006, Recorder's No 2006-007396 An assignment of the beneficial mterest unaer saId deed of trust which names ASSIgnee National City Mortgage Co , a SubSidiary of Nat.onal OIl' Bank 0; InOlana June 9, 2006, Recorder's No 2006-040198 Recorded Personal Dfopert). taxes. If any No search has b€'en made for fmanclng statements filed m the office of the Secretary of State, or In any county otner than the county '" which the herein described larld IS located No liabIlity IS assumed fcr any flnancmg state'l1ent flied .n the office of the CountY Clerk (Recorder) covering timber, croos, fixtures or contracts affecting sa.d land .f said land IS not described by metes and bounds, recorded lot and block or under the rectangular survey system Leases and/or tenanCies, If any The follow""g matters pertain to Extended coverage only Any facts, nghts, Interests, or claims which are not shown by the public records but which could be ascertained by a'1 I'lSpectlon of said land or by making inqUiry of persons IT' possessIon To remove thIS Item. we will reqUire an affIdaVit and Indemnity on a form supplied by me company Any statutory hens for labor or material, including liens for contnbutlOns due to the State of Oregon for unemoloymenl comoensat.on and for worker's compensation, which have now gamed or may gam prlonty over the lien of the msured deed of trust, which liens do not now appear of record To remove thiS .tem, we will require an aff.davlt and Indemnity on a form supplied by the ::;ompany END OF JTEMS AND EXCEPTIONS PRE.SUBMITIAl REC'O JUL - 1 2008 -., '.' 4 --': Note A Note B Note C Note D Note E Order No 01-512683-46 YOU Will BE REVIEWING, APPROVING AND SIGNING IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS AT CLOSING lEGAL CONSEQUENCES FOllOW FROM THE SELECTION AND USE OF THESE DOCUMENTS THESE CONSEQUENCES AFFECT YOUR RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS YOU MA Y CONSULT AN ATTORNEY ABOUT THESE DOCUMENTS YOU SHOULD CONSULT AN ATTORNEY IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS ABOUT THE TRANSACTIOI\I OR ABOUT TrlE DOCUMENTS IF YOU WISH TO REVIEW TRANSACTION DOCUMENTS THAT YOU HAVE NOT YET SEEN, PLEASE CONTACT THE ESCROW AGENT Note Any documents being executed In conjunction With this transaction must be signed .n the presence of an authOrized employee of an agent, an authonzed employee of the 'nsured lender, or by uSing Bancserv or other approved third-party service If the above reqUirements cannot be met, please call the company at the number provIded In t'1IS 'eport The following are the deeds of public record on the subject property that have been recorded In the last 24 months Bargain and Sale Deed recorded February 1, 2006, Reception No 2006-007395 In the event + tie to said land,s acqUIred bv tt>e party named below, the policy when Issued will show the following additIonal Items In Schedule B, unless dIsposed of to the satisfaction of the Company Party Thomas E Novack and Tina A Novack, as Trustees of the T & T and Novack Family Trust dated May 24, 2004 Exceptlo'1s If title IS to be Insured In the trustee Is) of a trust, (or If their act IS to be Insured), thiS company wIll require Trust CertificatIon pursuant to ORS Chapter 128 The Company reserves the right to except additIOnal Items andlor make additIOnal reqUIrements after reviewing saId documents There are no Judgments of record against Mark D Player, Catherine M Player or Thomas E Novack and Tina A Novack, as TrustE'es and as indIviduals There are no ta:>. I,ens of record apamst I'vlark D Player, Cathenne M Player or Thomas E tJovack and Tina A Novack, as Trustees and as individuals PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL - 1 Z008 -. - ~ .; -. 5 EXHIB!T A AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LDAN POLICY 11 ()-1 7,971 and AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOCIATION LEASEHOLD LOAN POLICY (10-17-921 SCi-<EDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FROM COVER".GE ,he follcMfIg mnters efllllxpl'MSty Ilxcluded from thll caWf1lgll of ..his poliey and the COfTIlnny WJIl ...llt p~y IQ~" ~ da......gll c"",,t>; ett:>mey... fae$ or O><:I"'nses wlveL II..t.. !:I{ rea$On of 1 III) AnvI3w ordmerca argovernmental reQulanon ll"clrJdmcl b1,.1;f'\O"" IimItDd to buildllll;l I5fld:z:DlM'lO Ian: otdlr.liflCll:: orlllgubtlCi~Jre.s-tnetJnO prohibltl"IQ crre16':!nQto1i}theOllcup.ancy use or cn;ovm"",tO'f tnO IlInd (Ill .he crorllcler d.....II"""cns Dr 1Ix:1ItJon of a...., anproll'Dman "ll'iW or hl!llUftu lIroctad on ~ 1<:00 {Il,l I 'Sllp.llllt:c..n m owner:;hlp Of 8 en_noID Ifl t." dllT1Dll$lOrl$ or Ilraa of lhs land III anI' parcel of \'llheh t"',eland ~ grWII.... p(lrt, or (Iv} enVlfOn'l"antal prctbCDOn or th!l efuY.:tofany 'IItll4tJon oftha:;e lawe 0"<1 r.B">Ce$ or lIovlu.n",.,tal regulatKIO$ except tu ths "xtent that " nobce of tha DIlrorc&nent e.t.MJOf or" notJGa d II doMe Mn or e!'ll;l.ll1'lb,.nee te$u1tor>g from a VlOIaDOl'I gf a.lieoolld 1l:!1lI11On af"e...-ung dltltllod roilS bgen tll::ardGd m the pllbllC nICOrds IltDllW ofPo!Iey (!:II Any gOVWl\r'1l1mlll poloc:e pOVRf not excludo>d by 11Il abo~ except to the lIxter-t tm:t.. 1'\0_ "f the llX8rcr.:a theraoforll nc-t1C8 ofllcetact lrBn c.rencumbrance m;u'tlnc frcma vlOl4t1on or.IkQcd IIOla.lCin a'fect.n!l the IS-:G tue been reeerdod In tM pub'K: r~ords at Date of Polley Rlgnt!; cr emll'1ent da-,n", un &S$ r....tlca of tho axerc "" tharcof has been acordlld In :he pl.lhllc racords atDet;;, of P~'ev ~U-"" !exclU<!...,g "rom co~...,.."e a'w taKing wt-.JCh hils QCt:urn!ld poor to [};ate of "0['CY IIInlch wou!:l be blnd,nt1 on the l'1Ot'llS c' II: p..m::h8ser for value wnhu..n: It.roowllldge J :Jlll.,ClS 118m enc1..mbrences ad/brollc18tm# orothorma~ro !e)I;"e"ed $: ffered tlcs.l1'edorag-eodto by the ln$.......dcl.a'm.n! {bJ no! known to tn, Company nol JtlC(Jld&d In the publie IaeOf'ds l.1 Data of Po~;:y but known to th8ms....ruG clamant E'lll not dl$closad In wnDng to the Company by th6 1n!:Ur8d cla:mant pnor to thl> data tha lrurul c~rrn:a.,t became an InSured under thIS" pollcy lclrorndn"ll mno,c$SQfdemagE.totheln$uredctalment. ldl<!ttactuncorcrcatad~1JseCluenttoDataofPol;cy or III, rDSult no ," loss- or damage whtch would not haw bolln Cl.:Ctltmed If the Insurac:! ..Ia .."am: ...Ill l'eld v~l..forthe~toor:nuu'l!stlrSUl'lldbythf:;polo;:y 4 Ul'IIInfof""..eability of tha lie, of 1hs ~unod mortgaQe ~uu of tho "",bll.ty or failure 01 ~ =mw;I at DatuofFolicy orthe....abilrtv Cffailunlofanv~U8ntowl\llroftnolllde!:lWdl'l8$$ tecomp.lywnh eppbc.able doll\'; Ix:slnMs I...'V$ of the state lfl whlch the land 1$ _rtuat&d 5 lnv:al<dlty or . lity of the kn c;f the l"lSUred mortgage or claim thoreof ....h:eh ar= Ol.lt of the tran::acuo.... .V1deneed by the lf1S~ morm:a".. ..nd 1$ baud upo.... usury Of <lny COn=-.ZmSr credit p"llt8CtIOn 0 truth VlIltndIOQ 1iI~., 6 Asty dll~ry Ii$n for CflIVlC8S labor or matatlllls lor thIl c.llnffi or p"lOl1ty of any sta'"UtOry f",n for &ervIC(tf; 'ebol' or malDnal: over the f~n of tnllll'"oSured mortgllgolaf1S1l19 from an Improvement or Y'sork. ra1II1a:f to the land wtwc... l'5 conUllcmd for and commllocK INbzeqUlrt to Datil of Policy and 1$ net financed In wholl:J or lfl ~rt by proc:oedl" of the md"btednow: ~l!'Cured Iv, the '"::....('Ild mClrtilaga wrnch .t Date c.f PoflC'1 the =ad hall" ~dva":ecI or 1$ obligated to advance 7 Any cia,", whch an::es out of the tra~etJlIn creating the .nt8fll..~ of tt, mongagee lflS..ed by th=i polic:y by r6ll::c>n"fu...opllllltlOnoffsdsrelbanl<n:;:>tcv stlIt/o~"1O'Olvsnc.y orslM"rcr-...dI~ nght:; laws that", bued on hI tha tran::act!on Cfeatlng troe lnUlrest of tt.e Iml..lf1;Q mortgliQ;ee. boll'lQ deemed" rl:ud.m.nt CO"IVIIY81>(:1l orfrl'l.-l;ll.tlent trarme/ CI" {rO m. ~ubordll1lltlOn Q the mte"",,1 of \:he Inl>ured rrortoageo liS" II result of t..... IIppbeauon of th3 doct/ll'lllofllClurtBbl=l~m.....,aobC;J'l,.c.f (Ui) thII transacto., creII!lI1g the lnUlren of tho Ir'lStIr8d mottQa:;lell lw.ng dllOmed a prefanl.,llal tran::fer llXCllot whelllthe pr".re~nual transfer results f"?ll'l the f:a1lurB (al rotlmoly recc.nl tho <nnrurnllnt ottran,,",r Of (bl of $'UC"t reeordltJon to unpart oot= to <I purchaser for va'Ul: or ~ ~Q'm'r-t cr ben cr..d~r AMERICAN LAND TITLE ".SSOCIATION OWNER'S POLICY (10-17,921 AND AMERICAN LAND TITLE ASSOC'A TION LEASEHOLD OWNER S POLICY 110-17,92) SCHEDULE OF EXCLUSIONS FPOM COVERAGE The folloW'ng rnattBrs are IIx.,reSl;~ I!xc.ludlld from thE coVllt'llge of ttIl: po/icy 110::1 ~ Comp:any will net pay Ioso or d/l'rlll"e cost:; atto-rn;\ Ii teas or lI)"penses wtuch IInse by rell$On of 1 (a' Any la..... O...InlI.-.c1i cr"owrr...........t:a' rlIQulatJ,:ln hncludll'l;J bvtnotllmttad tob..lildrn;l andtoturr,l laWl: ordlf\/lncl!$ tlr r8l;ju1~tr!;lns) resln::tlng prohibiting or ",ll!ung to Ii) It-s =upancy use or 8f1IOy,..,ont o' tt-.e lan<:! (I" m. c. IIract!lr dl,..,emlOOS or locallOn of IIny IIllprOVlI1Ilent MOIU or hanoafter enoctlld on me lrrtl<! 11"):a !:al'.ar~tIOnlno/Wnll""m;> ;rllcl-.ange,n thad,mensfOfIS oraral of the land OlllrT{ par::.1 of which tha land l:: or Wlls II ~r.. or (IV) a1w,ronmllntal protection Of IN.l IlffaCt cf any VIOlation of'Tlm:ll laws OrO'nll"""<: 0' g:lV~rn"'llntal !1og......lJoruo Ilxcept II> the extant that a ncbce?f the enfolC8l7lflnt mtlrllof or ~ netICe of J d'3foct ben 0' sncumbnlnc8 resuIt.mi frum II VIO.atron c;r aneged VJObtu:.n affllctlnQ tha land ha_ boon ('Il~c;-ol>lf In the pubbe recordse Dam of Pohcy lb) An\ llovcrnrrll....ral polICe power nc. excluded b\ {..I above except to the extent blat II ""tlCll of ttIII eX/l Cl$e therllc or tl not'wll of a defect,. lisn c.r encumbrallClI resulting ffo'rl II v,018t1Cn or allsged vrolatoon af'ectln;llt-....lllnd has bean ecorded....thKpublscro::ordsalDateofPolicy 2 R'Ilhts of I:mll'lllnt dom~ln UI'l~S notr..e OT the llXlll"Ct$8 tOorllOf has b_n l'llICPrdocl .... the public '.......rds 1tOllJl 0' Pc.bcy but r.otexclu:lll'lll from ::ovllrngoany talung which hasoccUl'Tlld I'llOr 10 Date of Pobcy wn.c.... W'luk:! be bllldmo on the f1(Ints< of 1I ;lJ/Char:er for value WIthout k"lOY'llodgo 3 Calects Llln~ "ncumbr:art::e:: adv""'1I cJ"lms or olt-.e, matters (i1)el'llllllld suf'<trod Il:;;umoccrllg('lllld to by th6 lll$ured cllllm:ant IbJ not lr.rown 10 tM Company not reeorded In tnll public ('IlC(lrd~ at Date 01 porx:y but lnoW"'l to the VlSured cl~lllUlnt /lnd not dl::Ckmlo In vmt..no to ttlI'I COII'peny by tl-.e ,nsured claln'lI.nt poor to the dllm the m!iUIIId clalnllnt becIImeall lflSured undert:f1g; po!:cy (cl M'Su'ung ... no .oa: or damaQe ttI the lflSund clam:ant; ldlanachlrO orcn;atedsubseq.......lttlCllte of Policy or 'Ill rKuttJng In Ion or damaeo whtch would not 1'\4..,. been =tII'nIl~ If the lI'lsullld clll,,..,/I"I "liS paid VlIIue for tho ostlI1D orll1$Ul"od by the: policy 4 Any claim w'lIch ansu out of the tr:a......ctIon vutlng lfl the Insured tl-.a l!$la18 or rtDteSl lI".sued by thl$ policy by relICOn !)t tile OpomitJOn (If teder:al bankNpb;:y state "..~Iva""", 0 _l\'T'iIa credrtor:: ""ht:. It:ws \Nt;$ band on lI,thetran::actloncrea'bll:ltheertat8orll'lter8$!~u,..dbyth"'l'o!lcybl'!ll'....dee.."ed", r:audulent GOnvayance nr fr:auduCent tllIl1$fer or l~l the UanalC1rOn crn1mg the el>tate or rtarllSt IlISUI'IId by tl-r policy bamg deamad a pr6fllftln1Jll1 tTllnsfe, exCtlpt where tho prete",n",al tra""f..r rea..ofU from the fallure lalto1!I1lII'yreeordthe<nstrtrnll.ntortrsn:rlercr (bl of G'UC~ I'tIcc.dfitxm 't':I Ilnp.l.... notlca t'O a ~urchaser for VlIIu.. or & IUlOl:mlln at Ia.m crednor -"!l abov!t AlTA pobcy rorm~ mey b" ISSl.-fJll 'c ~f orJ ..rthar St:mda-d C",varag" :.re,c.-..,ndac:! COW'lIQ9 InaddlDOn w rho ab"v!I ExclU$1C11S frO'll Coveralie th!I ExCllptJ",..". frO". Cc ,,,,,,,.,,,~., a Sta"'ldll'll r::OvtlUgll ~y will.lso lncluell tha 'ollowrng G"l'IIIf1Il ExcaptlOn$ SChEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIO'~S FROM COVERAGE Tn~ p.,I",V d....." not losure agall'l$t los:; or de-Mace (and .he CO'Tlpany \~i" I'\Ot pay CO$t:; .."t<>m..ys f~ or llxp"nse~l which lI""e!:\ reason of , ISXes 0 I!...sL#;rmsnto. whr...h are not S"hcwn.lll: flX1;;:!I1l1l' lam:: by the records of any taxmg autho'lt" that lev "" taXIl~ 01 a.~lIssmo'tt on relll proPllrty ('r by the p\.lbltc "",Qr,t:; P'CIC:lladmg" by a publIC Irgll'lCY wnl~n mill r=ult m ta",.." or .."se:;::menl: or notlCfl: of cue" pn:lctWd"~,, whethar or not "hown by t~1l r'i-co-ds::ofcuchcgenc.y "rby thepubl", ",cord" 2 "'....\ ract:; r;e.,t:; interesT" or clalmS v..-tvc'l are net st-uwn by the p....blK: ra~rds but wf1lch could he a.Cllrtlllned bl IInlnCp"CDon I;<f",,-ld I....vl 0 nY.."lIklng '..qUlry of pon:tJns In pou!lsslOn ~ ,.' PART 1 3 Eaumont!; Of c.la= o' easemllnt: or encumbrance:: not "hown !ley the ;l.Jb1oe records- ffiIIl"'./ItlCns orexcept.ons 11'1 pa~ntl orlfll!ctsauthorlZlIlQ tmlS$UlIl'1Ce thereof ......lIterl1Qhtt cl<:lI1lsortn:lP to "''''tar 4 Dl$Crepanc",", con4lr:tt In bouodary linas shortage In a'"~ encroacnm6nts" or any other face which flcorroJ::tsuTVeywouldd=k;"" 5 Any stiltuto-y flen: for labor or mlltelllll mctudtng'~ for conlllb..-n<>....s dUII!o th, SUtll o' OrellOn 'or ..-rn:mployment compensabon 'Ind '01 worker:; comj:lenS"IIUoO vlinlCh h2:vo now g~,""d or ..,,~\ Oatn pnonty ow, V. loan cf tI'lIIln$urad deed o' tru:::t. whICh btln:; do not noH Spp6flr at tecord PRE-5UBM/1TAl REC'O JUL - 1 2008 f,dehtv National financial GrouD of ComDaOles' Prlvacv Statement July' 200' We recognize and respect the privacy expectstlOns of today's conSUrT'ers and the reqUirements of applicable federal and state privacy laws We beheve that making you aware of how we use your nOrl~pubhc personallnformatlon ("Personal Inform at.on 17), and to ""horn It IS disclosed, will form the basIs for a relatlo.,sh,p of trust betwe&n us and the pubhc that we serve ThiS Prlvecy Statement prOVides that explanation We reserve the fight to change thiS Pflvacy Statement flom time to tme consistent wn:h apphcable pflvacy laws I., tha course of our bUSiness we may collect Personal Information about you from the following sources From applIcatIOns or other forMS we receIVe from you or your suthoflled representative, From your trensactlons With, or from the se~Vlces beIng perforMed by, us, our affiliates or others From our I('temet web Sites, " From the pubhc records maantalnE>d by governmental entities that we eltner obtam d'rectly from those ent ties, cr from our affiliates O{ others, and From con~umer or othar reporting agencies Our Policies Regardlng the Protection of the Conf,dtt"ltJallty and Secur.1y of Your Personal Information We malnta.n phYSical, electrOniC and procedural safeguards to protect your Personal InformatIOn from unauthorized access or intrusion We limit access to the Personal Information only to those employees who need such access In cornectlon With prOVIding products or services to you or for other legl1"lmate bUSiness purposes Our Pohcles t:.nd Practices Regarding toe Shanng oj "our ?ersonallmormCitlor We may share your Personal Information With our affiliates, such as Insurance companies agents and other real estate settlement service prOViders Vo/e also may disclose your Personal Information to agents, brokers or representatives to prOVide you With services you have requested, to third-party contractors or servIce prOViders who proV1de services or perform marketmg or other functions on our behAlf and to others \"Ilth whom we e'lter Into JOint marketing agreements for products or services that we beheve you 'l'lav find of Interes" In addItion, we Will dIsclose your Personal Information when you direct or gIve us permiSSion, wtoen we are reqUired by law to do so or when we suspect fraudulent or cflffilnal acuvltles We also may disclose your Personal Information when otherWIse permitted by applicable pflvacy laws such as, for example, when dlsc-losure IS needed to enforce our fights arlsmg out of any agreement, tranSEctIon or relationship With you One of the lIT'portant responsIbilitIes of some of our affiliated companies IS to record documents In the public domain Sl.!ch documents may contain your PersonallmoronatlOn Right to Access Y:)Ur PersonEIIlnfcrmatlon and Ability to Correct Errors or Rsquest Changes 01 Delstlo" Certdln states afford you the fight to sccess your Pe, scnellnformstlOn and, under certain Circumstances, to find out to wh,jm your Personal InformatIon has been disclosed Also, cert?ln states afford you the fight to request correctIon, amendrT'ent or deletIon of your Personal Jntormatlon Vile reserve tne ~Ight, where permitted by law, to charge a reasonable fee to cover the costs Incurred In responding to such requests All requests must be made In wrrtlng to the follOWing address ?nvacy Compl.2'lce Offlcer FIdelity National FinanCial, Inc 401)0 CaUe Real, SUl1"e 220 Santa Barbara, CA 93110 Muttlole Products or Services If we proVide you WIth 'l'Iore than one fl'1anc1al preduct or serVice, you may recelVe more than one pnvacy notice from us We apologIze for any inconvenience thiS may C8l!Sa you PRE-SUBMIITAL REC'D JUL - 1 2008 ,. b ... " '" 7 r ) 7 --- ~ ~ 13(1;' ~LLEY ,< . ~ ;:: 10 9 9" '" ~ \ <il..U..u<LL<.lL,'.<LL,uL \ L<.I.Liu = ~ ~--' .-, ~ ~ -'-'-LLli. .iLLLL. ...iLt.u.J. lili1L , '\..;~::"----...r"''''J''' YV'.cP,9~/d~ ~.:r~~P' --...... \ '~~ UGH -uu_n--uuu'"SiU"U_h_;~~~~~ ~ ~l':l~QOu __ -2&-3-5"2-' ' y..~,,~...~ (4!:l~ '\ '\ 590:iZ~'''-:t;~;:' - ~~;~ U:_~ ~.;;o '\~ ~~ ~ ~iC~-~;S'" \, \~ .. '1 >,;;,,,:,,,-,, 'ill ~ .., .'~h -" _.",-' --- ... \\ ~I<;t ~;~" r~~.T~~t.~~ - 5100 \ \ ,~: Ai~~.r- <f'P~P'H;' ~ 8LAIR HOUSI .?Z&:/' &>So. ~... ). CONDOMINIUi. 2." 0 ,11 ~ ;-i', I . 6100 , ~ ~ ~ (1)'-- -CSEE"MARGIN-; ~ '< "', PARCEL NUM81 .J 'I ' ~ v. i~i;;~-~~~;~r~~~- ~:~ r~; ~ \\~ - - d~~~~ _ ~1--~7F- ~ ~~ \ ~ , ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~~- , \ ~" (\ ~~\91 ~ 'i ~ I.L. ~ ~6 ~ ~ f{\ /p<>""",' "'-7.' 4 .s-.:P?__~~L./ -. ~~.9~::" . . , " . , -~" ~ /~O ~~ ~ -".:i'.2~' .....d': "' -.. -- .. 2~J'~ 41' ~ ;t?7';17 S E OF E. ... / LI".,e of MIJ..t Sr ~ i:! 'i 'oj .. &, 8 .. .. 6a, SEE MAP 17 03 35 23 FIDELITY NATIONAL TITLE COMPANY ThIs sketch above IS made solely for the purpose of asSIStIng m locatmg said prenllses and the company assumes no hablhty for varIatIons, 1f any, m dnnenslOllS and locatIon ascertamed by actual survey Map # 17 03 35 22 05902 000 PRE-SUBMiTTAL REC'O JUL - 1 2008 ~ , _ ~ ~F ~> ----.-......-- -~~7~1~~~ ~.,,=-~- ~~._.f"'::'t<I' -,,- [p - 2. D I q3 DECLARATION OF RESTRICTIVE COVEN.ANrS TO RUN WITH CERTA.IN I..ANU T[lis Declaration, made by the Hauling Authority and UrbAn RenewAl Ag.ncy " of Lane County, Oregon, a public body. corporate, and politic, and othar persooM, " WITNESSETH , , :.~t ~"'l~~~ , , ' '":V~"'.. ..' WHEREAS, the Housing Authority and Urban Renewal Agency of Lane County. Oregon, hereinafter referred to &6, lithe Agency" and hereinatter referred to iU lithe Covenantor", is the ovner of cert.3.in land ....ithin appruved redevelopment ~1;t ..' , " ~l'~ l~I'i!~ l'~ I ~\ oJ.. i"~ ~ .... - l.o.~' ~,~t ,;fI';t:-, 'j ~ ~~, >' '\ ,"{ ; , , Ji' . r~ " ~ '.' l,\r~- I~~ ~f ,.- l~ 5 ~ 'f ~t~ ,,~ fi \ "'(1 "" tI . k...' I ~j \.' ~r ~'{ f ~I:, ,i t !l'~ i =: ' ;; 1 j, ,';' ~ t.J( ~\, ;l'~l ;t;, ~\'1,. ~ ~ I,d a} t":lf~ r"- ';t~'le ~ , , "J ~ ~ ..:. 'f '~Jf ~ ".. &-~\\ r ~! !.~'-l>' I~ I' ~ '" ; ~.f~{ ~>., , '",\ .ltl~\ " project area number Ore R-2, (Thh."d Street) hureinafter referred to .u tho "Tract", within the City of Springfield, County of Lane, State of Oregon, which Tract is more particularly 8S follows Beginning at the Northeast corner of Lot 2, BlOCK 17, of Sunny.1do Addition to Springfield, Oregon, Tvp 178, ReW, W H I laid point being on the West line of the alley in center of .aid Block 17, tnence Southerly and Southeasterly along the Welterly I1no of tho 811~y in Blocks 17, 10, 9, and 1 of Sunnyside Addition and 4, 5, 11, 12, and 17 of Emerald Heights Addition to the Southea.t corner of lot 5, block 17 Emerald Heights Addition, thence We.t to a point 70 feet East of the Southwest corner of lot 5. blOCK 17, Emerald Heights Addition, thence South to a point 70 feet East of tho Northwest corner of Lot 2, block 18 of Emerald "DishtD Addition Thence East on said alley South line to the center lino of Kill Street thence Southerly on the center line of Hill Streel to the westerly extension of the South line of alley in Block 95, W~.hburns Subdivision of Springfield lnve.tment and Pov~r Company'. Aodition Thence Easterly on the South line of the alley in Block 9~. 94, 93, 92, 91 Washburne Subdivision of Springfield, etc ~nd said South Alley line extended laaterly to the East line of Fifth Street. thence North on the East line of lifth Street to Easterly extension of the North Line of Tax Lot 5400. As.e.sorra ~p 11 03 26 3 4, ~pringfield, thence Westerly to the Northwe.t ~orneL of said :ax Lot 5400, said point being on the Welt line of 9unts Addition to Springfield, thence North on tho Welt line of ~~nts Addition to the Northeast corner of Tax Lot 2200, A...aoor'. MLp 17 03 26 3 I, Springfield, thence Westerly on the North line of oaid Ta~ Lot 2200 to the Easterly Right of Way lino of ~ho Southern Pacific Company RAilroad, thence Southerly on the Easterly zailroad right of way to a point North 890 40. EaDt of tho North- e~st corner of Lot 1, Block 11 Sunnyside Addition, theneo 890 40' Vest to the Hortheaat corner of Lot 2. Block 11, of Sunnyside Addition to the point of beginning ~ ANI} WHEREAS, th~ Covenantor de. ire to impo.. the cova:IUlntl hera:inAftor OClt =~r~h on kll lands. vith laid Tract which now are o~ hereafter mAY be owned by T NOW, THEREFORE, the Covenantor doel bereby mAke the folloving declarAtion lJ..o.1tat.io..,... ar.d rl!ltr1ctlonll upon the Wit of tho land v1.tb1.a the Traet I1O'V U1 ~~- _.~r owned by theM, .pecifying th&e the.. dec1.r.t1~ .bAll eo~~~1tu~ PRE-SUBMITTAl REC'D JUL - 1 2008 .,. L -' ~l;..~ "'!f?~, sanitation shall be observed and complied with in connection with such sites 7 ENFOR~.~.'.. AND EFFECT 8 The Agency or its successors in interest, the City of Springfield, 1 or auy one or more of the owners of any interest in the Tract site or s~tes, shall have the right to bring action in any court of compe~pnt Jurisdiction to prevent or abate any breach of, or require adherence to, any of the S81d restrictions unde~ this Declaration b. Inasmuch 8S the enforcement of the restrictions provided for in this Declaration is deemed essential for the effectuation of the plan and for the protection of the parties hereto and of all future ownerS of lands within the Tract, it is hereby declared that any breach of the provisions of this Declaration cannot be adequately co~e~aated for by recovery of damages but that the Agency, the City of Springfield, or any then o~~er of any interest in any portion of the Tract may require and shall be entitled to, the remedy by injunction to restrain any such breach in addi tion to all other remedies c Enforcement shall be by proceedings at law or in equity against any person or persons violating, or attempting or threatening to violate, any restriction contained or provided for in this Decl~ration, such proceedings to include either actions to restrain or othennse remedy the actual, attempted or threatened violation, by prohibiting or mandatory injunction or otherwise, or actions to recover damages, or both d. The provtRions of this Declaration shall run with and bind the land, and shall inure to the benefit of any of, and be enforceable by, the Agency, the City of Springfield, or the owner of any land or interest therein includel in the Tract, their respective heirs, legal representat~ves, aucceSSors and Qssigns, and failure by the Agency or any la~d owner to enforce any restr~ctlon in this Declaration contained shall in no ev~nt be deemed a waiver of the right to do 80 thereafter as to the same brear.n or as to one accruing prior or subsequent thereto e Every such violation or breedl is hereby declared to be 1.nd constitute a nuisance, and every re~\ly allowed by law or equity against A nuisance, either pLblic or private, shall be applicable~thereto, and such remedies shall bL deemed cumulative and not exclusive PRE-SUBMITTAl RECtO JUl - 1 2008 3 ~ ..",,;."~...~m~\Il:tI~""~~..&',J!:j'-. ~~~~~.L: ~;.(~A1__ -........+1.""~R:f~~....W.f'..- !P ,~ 1;1.lll IllillJiIi..I...<A....-....!....:.iIllI........L.~ ~-" ..~. ~, ;f( " covenants to run with all of said land as provided by law, shall be blndl.ng upon and inure to the benefit of all persons claiming t~tle to said laon and successors in interest to them, and shall be b4ndLng upon and l.rure to the bencfl.t to all future owners of said land. It 1.8 the l.ntentl.on of the Covenantor that these declarations shall implement and not be in conflict with the official Redevelopment Plan for approved redevelopment area number Ore R-2, approved by resolution of tre ComnOD Co~~cil Qf the City of Sprl.~gfield (herelnafcer referred to as the "Plan") and it is the Covenantor's further l.nLenllon that these declarations ahall aid in keeping the lands they affect des~rable and in conformance with the Plan 1 The covenantor shall comply vith for each and all the tenns, COndl.Lions and provisions. of the Plan 2 The property herein above described shall be subject to the Urban Renewal Plan recorded and riled in Drawer A at the Lane County Courthou~e June 3D, 1958 as revised May 12, 1959, and Amerdment No I recorded and f~led Ln Drawet A at the Lane County Courthouse January 5, 1961 3 The covenantor shall comply with and perforn each and all of the tern~. conditions. and provisions t')f the PI '1 applicable to owners W1lhl.n the tract The Covenantor or his respC'ct:&.ve successors in interest, wh.:) snaIL approve or consert in writing thereto. shall also cO'l\ply \onth and perform (ach oC aU of the terms. conditions and provisions applicable to owners ot land within the Tract of any amendments to the Plan hereafLer I!lsj.e in accordance I.ILLh law 4 No off-street park~ng space provided in the LnLtl~l development of any parcel in the Tract in compliance with the provision of the Plan miy subsequenLly be converted to use other than automobile park~ng unless another off-street parking space of similar design and in compliance with provisions .:)f the Plan ~s provided at the time of such convers~n 5 All construction in the tract will requ~re n ~~ilding permlt from the C~ty of Springfield 6 All buildings and improvements constructed on a tract Slle snaIL be kept in good and substantial repair Each site shall at all times be kept Ln a clean and sanitary condition and applicable statutes and reguIatlons of the C~ty of Springfield. County of Lane, State of Oregon, pcrtaLnl.ng to health 'lUG ~ PRE.SUBMITTAl REC'D JUL - 1 2008 o. 2 ~'''~'''i ,{>-4l! ~~~t, ' v,~~jl, .... 'li~ 1!1?~1 r~ ~ l;~ .' ~:'l , "1 [t~ >~ f'~WJ IH~~,' &1"'1"~ ( rl)/);' ~;~ '{~r 1''', ~I ~' " ' ( , , k~-(M'1\~~.fJtt~7~~~.L.~~ =1~~___ y ~.._,~- ~~_~ ;....~;;;.....l _0 '" '~,.., ~ 1r~~~....,l''''~'''_~ ~jJjji f Nu recollr'c undec or up,>n anj oLUp '0" '" '". , '" ',.'OV n' 'n>--'ll","'l~ i'1 Un.s Decl&ratJ..on on toe. part of the l~ge{cy "lalt tit:.' 'aL. ~l;" r;;t <l.t ~ i'L1nhcr, off1c.er or .1gent of said Jtgenc"-' (,!)ce.")L 8..9 ;J....(.3 i",::.rJ (lJ "-, "rd no :Jcc,;onal hability o;hall ...::.tach to or oe inC1JC'Ld 'Jv an) .. I.d, \... !-'1(' ~h('< 'h.tn f()( his ind)vidual fnnld a.nd rnlf1f~8.<!a'1ce 0.. crhe.- WI ," ~, l 'I ...l...~U5 at t ~ lr the evenl t.hat tilt. Agency snoil be. ('bOll~l\l.~,~ Cd " l:' s ll-'.n~, l\ t~ I :::"",'tn~e.d by or f}urDu.tnr cc 1.<1_, l.tD potr.~er8. righls uno f\l\CttClns l.n.:.t.T Cr1.~ lLrlbr~ticn u~y be tran~felled b) or pur8w~nt Lo lD~ '0 d~\ 0[~pr b~v~ru~~nt~l ~lii...c<:!( 0r dgLnC). ?rovide<J, that iu t1e: event of 51-,ch Bill) lti:}"}~:: th.~ .1,pe~Cf k1t lUUl "'-f)f;'Cl.fic prOv1.51.0n oj J.a... for sue\) t~ansf"l at !-'l)""....-S r.!u~ l' < ...9 ~... ...1 t IlI\C r J,.,:ms the. tl'e City of S:;l-logf'<>ld "h'lll _1~'Cc:tl '" "', n ~o develo~er ~h~ l'fEpeL or ('''tel _C -il' l~ .....~ , ,1.. \. ~ II , l~" t' <'" I L J- ~"lt ler lo;;trumeot. aff<!'C'tt.ng a redeV'eloome.nr 'lit ...hid" ..,1 ,I! , n , 'I", J15t.-r'I"'\.'lat~H) or rebl tu_tivE' cov.:!.nnntq or prOVl..,d )"l~ 1 > l~ .1.1\. 't.},'" "\. )~nc\ Clf a.lld sit.! or 0; lr'Y building ('tereoo \0 lh0 hd..J '" " Ice. ,'\ " ,..I)l, end any such COnVe}<lilC:t.. or instcu'1e.,t (":CU~t',1 Ul ,'tcH >~I...I' "j ,< ,-nV~"1aot shall be void 3S to such dtsctiUllndtol.) Ol l(5C,\~ v ,..V(l\ll t.J ')-tl' 1.' l\..nJ the said re:Ftncti.on~ sh.s.ll C< nt.lnlC "'1.t! t. II ,-.: H,' ," ~ I ~.. h~<drst '".oth the s011.! Tract !lites and the o...ners c"lt.!.n (1'- fur l'~ll.. )\1 ,}f rt 1 ~,-' (1'1) )ear9 icom gno after the jate of {..onv(!.~ancc of L.::'-'-} re",Hl.C,-Vl t)nr'~t:l 1.101' U) r(H' "eocnt..y or eye,ution of agreements t.C' c..\ I V \,. I' ,f" "c....'v, 1"-" , the Platl oy Loe Agency <<nd tt,o::.l. other Jl.rSO"b ....h...l<t. n"i.l11I' 1\(> l1t ('n-<t \~tCum':Lr. lllt1 the) t>lall c-cnLilH.1C J,\ [n d)\ '( ;;no "t -t..':::':: ~,' r l~' II Hnt j 1 <} cll,ged or t"1!lea.,,-=d bv o.....o~r" ( 0,- lc.,~ ll.::..1 co f L.... ~ " ~!~~J ~,l fri' 1a(ltS ,,~t.tl1.n 581.0. Tt8cL ylv,'..,o.C...1\ l' (~,0V ~ ,II" I..'~ 1 I l:I\(J..r.iO"ltt:l-, ?rO"d.I.HOnG In any iUbtn.\.-nent a[f((LI'l... a T ~':! ~t< u, ,!..Jt.. r.::t..e <-reed 0[" ...olJI" so 1.1 L t'cmuin ill h..d fo:-".... ,H L 1 tl t ~n " t'- l..Al'O Ul:lRS, DENSITlLS A..~D BUIL.lHI<.!(, l\~'~LJ\'tl-'\f1'.S I '1~/...rl"n to 10co.l ordin.).nl..'~s. c.ode<; e.n<i. rell,ull1c ('J<" tl,,> , , I\,-!:, tlr)~JJl'~ ...'.) e"l"n'_:!: r'-I<110,... .111-0 l~ I' # " I. ~"J ~\ " ..f ~~, f~ , ~ "-:1' '~.', I '..,~, ' ~;. :~~ r1(J-'> '1> " , I / i , '.to\. ~;} T":l'5t ':;'>lI'tI<.,,, '# ~~ 'L'r' , " ' - ';'ti?"';.~~~::r,f~:!~;~uv,\"p:~';f ,J'1\llJ,~}-l t J 'r~ f f\' "".' 1,' l/lr\~ . ';;'l~<':-~{:i'\'\\): V<I,l ), 'i ~~ .......f' I I'~' ~ ~ ~,'" OJ.. ~ .. ;- ~).." Gr,.:.r~A.l''''I:.'' ~..:.., ~..t;; ~J-:;...,..I(-:'-~'Jt..~'-:.l':.,,~\ . ~ .. (..>.1: ~ 't ."'~'lfof' .. ~ .....'~ r1o,j, \'~,I.... . ..... ~ I _;.~ ..~./. I, "1\": ~j.;t"1 -1St.. 'X4:\'1''''1~..i' i'"\~. <<,. LAND USE ...... no.... f, . bt..t."'t ~J.'~ ;f'~ ~: .; :~. l)~'...' I ' 1 ! . "", .... __, 1","; ", -;",' , \...;; ..., t;~ '.' ,.~ 101 t' (a; '_R:8!d~J~1;In 1J.an..... 'd{de"s'ignat'.e'd, f'o'r ~e81dent1al use shall be used ~ ~--:...., t....,5" ft#i 1< ~., \'...."i'''.::..1't I It.. t. '. . .... "'... I ..; "l: ~ \...... -'1,+ .),~" /' "' for residential PUrpo~es. which ahall i~clude any ~f the following building "'~ ,~.. \,. ,. '\ .. ,"'~~.J ~ _ ;:... t "....- 'r '-f: -j"""'" types 80 ~ong 8S ,e8~~:tyPe conforms to the lot size and coverage requirements, >'" .......(' I ~) , .' ,\ and so long"as-the ~ombi~ation of types does not produce a project-wide density ,. ~ 1- ~r \.... )'li.~J:'1"'tl. ' (t. exceeding seven (7)~dwell1n8 units per'net acre of single family residential ,. ,n ...... "7.r..t- .t-:~ "I, , . :; ~..;. ..'~ ~'),...:::.._~ t\\~~~~~ land and thirty-.even (37) dwelling.units per net acre of multiple family .' w.!" , ' ~""~~~if!t~l.{... "'~'.~...~II", ' ~n"'~..., ~~.,.l , T t~~ residential land:;-,,- .ingle-family detached houses two-f4lJd.ly houses, three- . r 11.... ~ ) ,~ 'l..'~ ~"U\ J }M\ .\. J'~'.'" I"'~ r . ~~.o(,~ ,.c.H't'f""J' ~.. " family houses. and 1."mul i-family apartm.ent buildings ~} r 1 r ,I.. "r. .... i~'( ~"tr1.fJ,..~-".o~ .;...'~..,f ..! \:' {b) Public and Semi-Public Us~ Areas designated for public or semi- .' ~~~. public ~8e ahall be ~ '.......l. used only~for the purposes '. - '....~,. '.. i ff__ designated in the Urban Renewal Plan. ...J,I LAND COVERAGR , " Ca> Residential The buildings and improvements on residential land shall cover &uch a percentage of the land as 1s determined by the front, rear, and :,., side setback requirements buildings height res trictlons. and other bulk - . . .. controls. but in no case shall the building requirements exceed thirty per cent (30X) of the lot area for single-family residential and fifly per cent (507.) of the lot area for multiple family res1dential .J"-'" ~ ~, ,\ t/ fn2S~:~~~~,,:,~~::'~.~~~\,Q.~)aY Orf .. . 1:; J /..// ~ .1:1 ' ScretarY~-J- JJ.SI. ~~'" r ~ j J J~.. i ~"'; 1 , i ,1" {, ST\1"Z'OF OREGO'ki'~.:)1..1f I.~" , j~ ~J "". l I J .J ..~ ..."1 :: _1' , , ~~" -"'~""~"~' )7.88..., 4 ',.(<. CO~QtY' oti~ne~ ~kj ~"ti...!f", ~~~4' \,;. .' ~-( ...::- ;. .. ~"'::.)l~ :t'~~:>-.~. ,~~ '/rJ .., In h' ... . . ~ I ~"-""'~-./~"'.;'j.1-':."\f':'I':~ \.~,,'" I-.~l.....\,' d ~ On ~tbi8 ~itIi=:.Jiay~of...t., ....,J!tnut"'Q" 'f. . 196r." before me appeared Pran.k ";l.~ M,u:ahik !}.~l\'~and\~aobert G. Camobell-' . both to me personally known. who - ,~ . being dulY"'lIworn.'<t.d1d -et17 tthat.. he,-the.~Bald Frank W. Marshik ia the ChaIrman. ....and he-.'\tba'/said.$iRobert G~~ Camp.i:lf\f.#118~tbe Secretary of THE HOUSING AtrrHORITY AND ~t1RB.AN It!N:mlKL AGEh.t:Y OJ' t.&NS -CVUNTYj:"OREGON, the within Damed corporation. and~;t:hat th8.~ieal Gffl~ed.!~tt"l....a1ilJJ.i21lt:r...1ent' 18\the corporate 8eal of said corporation~~ and~~hat'theZ'~1d~in8trument vas 11gned and sealed in behalf of 8aid.1:orporation~t,~aut~orlt/\ol its BOG~d uf Jirectora. and Frank W ~arBhik and l Rober"t.'C. C~)lJellh. ~ac:knowledBed. said in9trUID~nt to be the free act and . ~ I'dee.d of said corporat1oD.~ { 1 ~ . '(,.J ~ .,,,.1j~~,.,,,.. oJ' ..., \ . IN TESTIMoNY WWRBOF ,~I ,jave herA-unto se' 1&8Q above 'Written~')~\ -t: 'r: ' , T""'''''T"V , 1961 TlU. HOUSINC AUTHORITY AND URBAN RENEWAL AGEN~ :'JlE COUNTY, OREGON " !}' "". " -~jllhtlC1/'0-(/./L;; Chairman -' I ~ .. . " " , ,.{ , , , " , Jot; ; 1 \ I \; I , \ " ~ .' "'Y ,?an<f a:;ea! thl)'Y and year /~___ ..-J /. ' j , ?-t:~ 6: II /_~-1C<t. "- "'?<I"'I.: ::r //( Notary Pub ~or Ore on ". ,> 1 My,Commis.ion .'<Pire'~-4i:-,-." /"',/~".3 '.,ft' ,\ J , "\ ..- ..-'-.. .......-, _."...~, ~.,.--- ~ ......4~ilr,LI,,'\qlll "'~'i.l_ "'",;jj,b,u.1II J J ] ] ] ] 1 J J 1 - _." ,~ ~ ~~~~..~J.- ,,-...\.... ~lu'llbl ~ 1 1 h -; } ~ t;,) ~"-., t/ r),..,~:A~ ' 1i'#.{J/ J. if' '- l1llIIA!l RllIili:WAL PLAN .l'. ( {Y Th 1 f < ~ Arc1cl. 1 -- . P an 'r o vX-'p :fJ ~ pY(6 SEC. 101 nelcriDtion of the Pla~. This Urban Renewal Plan Ch.r.in- .ft.r call.d the "Plen") ie for, end relet.s to an Urban Renewal Project 1n and for that c.rt.in Urban Ren._l Ar.a lcne>wn as the Third Street Urban Renewal Proj.ct '~ich is locat.d and aituat.d in the City of Springfield, County of Lane, Stats of Oregon, under and perauant to oas 457.020 and oas 457 030, and consilta of, and only of, this text pages 1 to 30 . incluliy. and the following lilt.d 12 exhibits, con- Sisting of maps and plana attached hereto and identified aa follows Ca) Urban Ren.wal Boundary HaP--CHap A) Cb) Proj.ct Ar.a Plan entitled Land Ua. HaP--CHap B) Cc) Street Plan--CHap C) Cd) Right of Way Plan--CHall D) C.) Zonina Plan--Zoning KaP--CKap I) (f) Senitary S....r Plan--CHap r) (g) Storm S....r Plan--CHap G) PRE-SUBMiTTAL REC'D JUL - 1 2006 Ch) Water Supply Plan--CHap H) Slate of ,,-... 2:~072 County of lAne---os (i) Elactric Pover and Stre.t Lighting Plan--CHapI) .. Olp. Freemon. County Clerk and orado Rec=order of Connyance, in and I ....Id County. do hereby tert1fy that the with lnstnunent was tfteh. cd for J"e(:ord lit (j) Privat. Utility Adjustment Plane-CHap J) CIt) Structure MaP--(Hap 1:) (1) Property HeP--(Kap L) 1961 FEB 10 PM 4 42 Lane County Ree. J. , / OLGA f~EEMAN Cnunh f'llrk ! n, ~ -,' ~j r J ~ [J o [J [I AIITICLI! II - TIIB lIRBAll RBllB~ AIIEA SKC. 201. Boundarv Mao of Urban Renewal Area.. Thar. 10 attached hereto a. Map A and a. .n lnt~gral part of thla Plan a map d..lgnate . "Urban Renewal Boundary Map". The purpose of thla map 10 to dellnu te and show the boundarles of the Urban Renewal Area. SEC. 202. Lend Ile.crlotlon of Urb.n Renewal Area. Th. Urban Rene' al Area (her.lnafter called the "Area") contdn. 149 acres. mort or 1.... ln the City of Springfield, County of Lane. State of Orego.., .nd 1. de.crlbed .. follows: Beglnnlng st the Northeast corn.r of Lot 2. Block 17. of Sunny..de Addltion to Sprlngfield. Oregon. TYp. 17s. ReW. W. H.. sdd polnt ""lng on the West Hne of the aUey ln center of sald Block 17. thence :;c..th- .rly .nd Southeasterly along the West.rly 11ns of the .Uey ln Bloc.,. 17. 10. 9. .nd 1 of Sunnysld. Addltlon and 4, 5. II, 12. and 17 of Emer.ld H.lghts Addltlon to the Southesst corner of lot 5, block 17 Emeralc Heights Addltlon, thence West to a polnt 70 fe.t East of the Southwest con.r of lot 5 block 17. Emerald Helght. Addltlon, thence South to a point 70 fett East of the Northwest corner of Lot 2, block 18 of Emerald Helght. Addltlon. Thance E.st on sald alley Soutb llne to the cunt.r llne of Hl1l Stee.t thence Soutberly on the c.nter llne of Klll Street to the we.terly ext.n.ion of the South Hna of aUey ln Block 95. Washburn. Subd1vlalon of ~..rlng- fleld Ivestment and Power Company'. Addltlon. Thenea Easterly on :he South llne of tbe ~lley ln Block 95, 94, 93, 92, 91 Washburn. Subdlvls10\ of Sptlngflel~. etc.... and sald South Alley llne ext.nd~d Easterly '1" the Eaat llne of Flfth Str.at. thanca North on the East llne of Flfth 3tt.et l PRE-SUBMITTAL REC'O JUL - 1 2008 ~~ :- .\ . .' -"'IU.~_~"""Il\,Jl,l_"'''''''<". _. _'-l-.....~...,:.- ~. ~ ,- , .-.-. , .r ,~~~_.""""_..- ~__-"'4UQl:lI~klJ"\~~..)L".' l__~ ___-~,-r,-"." .~'." U.:i~.lIIIl,~~, to Ea.te~ly exteuion of the lIo~th Lf.Da of 'fa Lot 5400. ......._.. Hap 17 03 26 3 4, 8p~f.Dgfield. thellC8 Vestuly to the No~th...t comer of sdd T.x Lot .5401l, sdd paillt l>eina OIl the Vest l1aa of lIuIlu Addition to Sprinafield, thence North on the Vest lioe of Ruats Addition to the Northeast corner of Ta: Lot 2200. Assessor's !lap 17 03 26 3 1, Springfield, thence Veste~ly OIl the Hurth line of sdd 'fa Lot 2200 to the Easterly aillht of Vay Hoe of the Southern 'acUic C--.psft,. Rall- road, thence Southerly on the Sasted,. raUroad r1&ht of ..., to a paillt North 890 40' Sast of the Northeast corner of Lot 1, Block 17 :;, "...... ide o Addition, thence 89 40' West to the Nortbe4st corner of Lot 2, Block 17, of Sunnyside Addition to the point of beginnf.Dg. PRE-SUBMiTrAL REC'D JUL - 1 Z008 t\ ~ , ' <~ I I J I 1 I 1 I I J I J J \ I \ .. . '~r. ' 0-~ 4; .. ~ '., ,.., Article IU ". tIul llrlNm Be_I PwoJect: '''' - ~- ~ ,... 1" 1- 1- fT t , l . SEC. 301. ,rvo.. of Prolect and Pro......d AcUviUa.. !be Odlao -..11...1 ~ , l ~ Project (hereinafter called the "1'roJect") to be undertabe ad carried out ~ ~.... - :0;" . '_ l in the area dalcribed in Section ZOZ he~of, lovolva. rehebl11tatlOD or COD. senation undartak1n& and activlUa. IIIldar t:Iut purluant to 01S 4.57.020 ad ORS 457.030 by the aoualog Authority and VdIao Beneval AgaDC7 of Lana c-ty. Oregon (here1naftar call..d the "Agency") for t:Iut elilllinatiOD ud for t:Iut p~_ J vention of the d.evelopllltlAt or aprud of ai_ and blight, and includas, to tb.- extent permitted by law and specified in thb Plan or required to undertakea and carry out thb plan: (1) carrylog out plans for a program of repair and rebt bill- tation of ,~ildings and other improvements in accordance with this plan. (2) installation, construction, or reconstruction of streets, utilities, pa~. playgrounds and other improvements, necessary for carry1n& out 10 t:Iut area tb- renewal objectives of law in accordance with this Plan, (3) acquisitioa of hU.I property. including improved land. structures. improvementa, eaaementa. locor- poreal. bereitsment. estates. and other right. in land. legal or equitable. necessary to el1minate unhealthful. insanitary. or uosafe condltiOlUl. lo..an density. eliminate obsolete or other uses detrimental to the public welfare. or otherwise to remove or prevent tha spread of blight or to provida land for needed public facilities. (4) rendition of relocation aasistance to inbabi- tants, familiea. and non-reaidential uses located in the area dlspl.)'8d by this project, (~) disposition of any property acquired in the Area (iDClud~ sale, initial leasing or retention by the Agency itself at a fair market value for uses in accordance with this plan.) -4- PRE-SUBMIITAL REC'O JUL - 1 2008 ~-,.-..,. , "'.... '- ...~-~, ......_\,f"u '~f!!. l"i'~"'''7'''-_'',,''" __'~';'_''''''''''''''''';'''''~_'.<j___<';~'''' _..... ..~t,;;..,..,~~"""';I!q,. < -." >~,...,.",~",..~~~ _, l;'~..-_~, ...-.;.-.... '-"-.1'-:,',~~~~ .", ~ ; . ~. " . ;! ~ 'I " ~{ ~ 1! ~ i ( > l II L [ [ 1 ! 1 L r ,- j ,- 1- ~ l _ 0,7 _ r ~)_: ~~ \'~~~::\~~2 ~m.~~ _ __ ~s_ __L__ I .Ijj'\' .. .. \'1'1. ~"t-~I"'I"J. . G. @ fL~-'r ""~ " . -~- i '0 .. oll!.- ~o~~ ~ - ~- ~., ~ ~-- --~' ~~~~t~:.~,l -~-- -:>.:'--- ffI - ---. _.ft__ _@___ yo _ @__ @ ~ @ - ~ - ~ -\-- ;~:~~::~~1.\ ----- - --- --- I @ - --@-- _.6___ -$ @ ';;=-=--------==-:4 _ ~?.: ~-rt. q> L_~~._ ~~:: @ _.:___,,=_~~ '~@t. \~-- - - T~..~& l1'-S'"6 ~<<;. @ :<-,'~~.-;~ @ .--@- ~I:" @ _ GIG' 0'_ -J,---.- _ _______ _ ._._ _,__ _-- - - - -------- ---iq-e:,,.--- -<&- -~~ -~-- (5) ~~J!f 9- - ----". Q): o ""'- - ! . ... \ ~-:. ~~ \-&0 ! \ 'II ~\ ~'m ~ ~\ \ \~, ~ - . __. ____u 4 . @ . ,~ r~~-~-~-~ ~ ___4J~~_-_ ~~~.~~_~ _- ~ J[~-~ ~4~ I~_---~; :.@ ~\\-'-@-ilf----]"~~; '@;l : 1I~~'"!I-'BOO - !._ _ _i!__I;O_...J _ 1 @ I ~N I L'l.o I QI lol': Q ~\ ~ o~~l_1 0 :~~~=-._~~-~: @~i '"'" ~ G.. I ~ \:!!II It, "'I .. -~o Q \l I @ "0 ~ Ita ,,_____-_ -'_____,' 1,0 --- ---I '"" '''l ~"1.t 0 ~): ~ : ~ ~ -------~l:ft\ =-=~-c:."'=-:l,.'C'Q --@---. @~' "C - l'JO - 'It I \ r- to 1",- _ W'I, -~~Jr.i; +-@1 ~ rf\ I \ \I/l '., ~ ~ _ -~!~__.~p'1-,_t~~"~ :_____!o'lL__~' ~'[,~~~~$:'~r~' >- ., ~J. <D~- (Or:~" ... ~ \ \ \iV -I\~j:\.!.) (/) -1 I(/) ., I_.'.-'-'-,'\i?@-'lo/ .., t- . '17, C <:::= (/) Z o 1.0 <'01 PROPERTY 3 MAP 19 '.- JLJL 2C~B l c: \G~''r;-;' ~ @ ~_,o 1'5 ~---- ------ ~.- __ft_~ - @, ._.i~1l.~___ @ t-= . - !......,:!,...- - - _: (/) 1_1:.U...!1...~_':. c \ J:.!.":...._~ ~__'_ Q: "O.J>.J~~__~ P'l tAp : ~.;~~ ---- ,n.... @; , vJ ~ -.. J 30' J.LL To 45. ~ VAt:"r~D ~ , I SoT ~n.: ro 611 Vl'lcArlSo ~ ~l I , , TO 8~ _~VAC:A1"'P ST 40' --Z--ll- -~--f--~-- ----:!lo---- -----~---- @ ll> - --~-~-~-- -~-l--@-- ~ , ~ ~ __~_E-~-- 0 _~_ l__@__ o )-5'" iD> l A U> ~ ' tg\ ':.i\l+e.,iS 'a .", ~ ~ ~ ..------ --r:------ \ ,,-o-,,~ li:i--- I U> @~@ \, n :!!~,(~;~,,-<@~,;-~; U> ~--~1 10 or ~- , ItS1' ~ll~' @ 61 0i 15 16 @~ r,;;:- t N Il~ = '02 7 -- I @ \ II -- - - - ~ ~ t \ ~~Ol' . 4'304-' "0;0"'6 I ~ -- -- r(~ _~__, _(," '4 S T--:.u 04. 6 8 \.9; lr~ @ ~]i~4!'~~~ ~ ~~: 0G~ \e:i;-~~~!~-;')~-~ .@: ~~~ , I , I I I ~'"-~Ii~_""L L...-:-:..:~ ~ I I I - ""......6''& (,,6 70' 'F' ST '1""'4~ I' 1.~4- , """:' ~'B~I <D . I- @ @ 3 ----!1- (/) '__J ~.' @-en o .' . Q: ~ P'l V T"D 1'6 . VACATED 40' DEPUE 70' u PROPERTY 4 ; MAP 20 [ , d' ,- ~ I L I I 1- .- I .f) ~ ~ ... f 10 ~ , i , ~ .,. J STATE OF' OREGON, County of Lane. I, LEE ANDERSON, B8. 1.. depose and say: That the foregoing ie the Urban Renewal Plan as amended, which has been adopted by The Housing Authority , and Urban Renewal Agency or Lane County, oregon. and by the , ,-' City of Springfield, Lane County, oregon ror urban renewal Pro'qc;..-j- r-.:i'J ~ No. ORE. R-2, known as the Third Street Project 10 Spring- , field, oregon. ~-~ ~ < .- Dated this 10th day of February, 1961. , - , __ -- .}~ '_- ~ At' c --) , ,. \- J :,ubscribed and sworn to before me thie 10th day or February, 1961. ko~.,..iw e/~~~ My COllllllies1on exp1re~z I ~ _, q_'(g { r~'" rr -,. L.\.','t, jll . r 11"\ [ I \..~ :Y JUL ,.. 1 Z008 , oi-'" .. ~'<,(""'~"'~>-:--'A~ -;~1:~': ';i!lj~'i~U;'~I.',.uI;"lj~'" ", .' 11_' ." l'~ ..." '-<...........,.-...,-~-..\'..,-~~_~,.~"'''')<ll:;OII'''''''''t-~V''~ ,:'~~~~ -- ~~if;i....n;l~-.- I ! J I ] ) ] ] ] J ] J OWIlen. and the requlred and voluntary actione neceuary on the part of the property "'''Unaa ln the Project Area explainlng the purpoaa and acope of rehebllitation RenaMel and the local bu.lne.a communlty, wlll contlnue to hold ne1ahborbood aa poa.lble, the Asency, work1na wlth the Cltlzena Advl.ory Board C>r Urban SEC. 302. Voluntan Act1on. In ord.r to In.ure as mucb vOluntary acti=. lnapection by the Bullding Department of tbe City of Springfleld, proceed wltb acqu1ait1on of that property under the fol1ow1na circumatancea: (a) When failure to rehabilltate tb" property jeopardlze. the ob- J ject1vea or purpoa.. of the Urban Renewal Plan for the Project perfora the neceaaary rehebllitation work, the Agency may, after necessary SBC 303. Acauisition. If a property owner 18 unable or unwilling to Area' (b) When, by auch failure, the apread of raaldentlal bllght 1. enc:ouaged; (c) When, by auch failure, the condltion of the atructurea and improve_ menta remaln aubatandard to .nextent that endangera the life, 11mb, health, property, aafety or welfare of the public or occu- penta ther"of; &ahabilitatlon property acquired by the Asency will ba dlapoaed of ln one of the followina Maya, (a) The Agency may aall the property to a buyer vbo la wl1llng to (b) The Alency may demoliah or remove the atructure after acquialtlon. comply with the rehabilltation atandarda of tha Plan, or -5- PRE.SUBMllTAL REC'D JUL - 1 Z008 'Y j LJ L.J LJ L,] l_J l~ J .- ] -, J .J J Artlcle IV - Execution of the Plan SEC. 401. Mator a....oono1bllit.. of the Allenc". In the undertaking oDd carrying out of the project and in the executlon of thia Plan, the Agency, ahall be raepoooible for and ahall cerry out in the manner provided by law end thia Plen the followlng: (a) lAnd acquieition in eccordance with the atipulatlona contained herein. (b) 11Ie carrying out of plana for a prog1'lllll of repalr and rehabil1t4ilon of bulldlnaa by OWI2era aa daacrlbed hereln. (c) The damolLtion of bUildinEa end 1IIlproveaenta In accordance with the Plen. (d) The provlaion of relocation a.alatanC8 to familiee end busine.ses dloplaced as a ra.ult of the Plan. (e) Inatallatlon of aita 1IIlprovementa aa lndicatad on the Kzhlbit. whlch are attached hereto and made a part of thl. Plen, and (f) The diap08ition of land in accordanca with tba land uee control. contained in the Plan. SEC. 402. Other ~blic Entities Involved in the Execution of the Pla~. In addition to the r..peaalbiliti.. and activltiee of the Aiency set forth In Sec. 401 horeof, tho follOWinl local government or other public entltio. .hall be r..pOD.lble for carryinl out thl. Plano.. indlcated below. (8) The Clty of Springfield, without co.t to the Agency. wl11 donate , I , ! to the Agency title, free and clear of all encumbrance., in ond to , 6- ~ ! ~ ~ . ~ l ~ the real property indlcated on Hap D--Right-of-Way Plan. o -6- PRE-SUBMiTTAL REC'O JUL - 1 Z008 t _.l~;li;{~i.::.. ....... -- " lh-"'-"'-~ " -~ (b) The C1ty of Springfield, and without coat to the Aaeocy, all within the area, in accordance with Map D--Right-of-Vey Plan, will pro- vide the following Street IUghts of Way and v.catt",,: s. Cul-de-Sac east of First Street, north of K-L Street to b. located to provide for an enlarged semi-public area (tentative) o b. Vacation of DePue and Wall Streets, (tentative) c. The remaining .treet vacation., dedicationa, and retentiooa, indicated on Map D--Right-of-Way Plan. Further, the City of Springfield will widen and reconstruct such of-Way Plan streets within the project area as are indicated on Hap D......Ri8ht- 7' /" (c) The Willamalane Park and Recreation District will acquire and redevelop 4 7-acre site, more or less, in the Urban Rene~l AreJl (d) The Lane County School District No. 19 will permit the installati~ of street improvements as indicated on Kpp D upon its presently established property and will donate certain land within the project area as sbown on Hap L--Property Hap. to be used according to the Project Area Plan. Map B. (e) The City of Springfield, in cooperation with the Age~y, will initiate with.n the area a program of Housing and Building Codes Enforcement i d ~~'""' as n icsted in this plan, including prosecution of the violatura or ~ I such codes and ordinances for the purpose of achieving necessary rehab- f ilitation, and the City will also, for at least the period of time I ,7- PRE.SUBMiITAL REC'O JUL - 1 Z008 l I . "" .,,,.'I";ILiIIIIIiII~""'--'" -. c',__",", ...~"'~""""',.,,,............~......,,_,,~ I J I J I J I J I J I ] I J I J as hor>oi""ft.r opecifted that thb PUll is 111 full forca aad effect, continue its inspections ...01 code enforcement activiti.. to the end thet renewal of ths Aree 18 auatained for such period of time ~ , ! I PRE-SUBMilTAL REell}' 1 JUL - 1 2008 .- , -8- .. r-~' I L,J L~J 1- ] -T ~l ] ~1 ] -, ] -] ] 1 ] 0 J J ] J J ] J . 1 1 1 , ;J' 'i.'~"'..".._":l"" 1IIII<lllIII'~~"""""""'""'1:'~' ..._~- ,~ Article V - PlalUl1!l8 and Project Imp,.. , _.d at Proposals I SBC. SOl Prolect Area Plan. theN ia attached hereto ea Map B and ae all iIltegral part of thb Plan, a map idedgneted aa "Project Area , , Plall". The purposa of thb Map is to show. I (a) The tentative or propoeed right-of-way of all streets to be , retaill8d and of all atreets to be constructed. (b) Proposed land uee categoriee and typee of ueee for all land 111 thb Urban Renewal Area. (c) I I Ixistillg community and recreational facilitias to be I alld .stabliahed including a ae=i-PUblic area of 3.09 ac res. retained more or Ie.., at the northeast intersection of First and ilL" Streets, a park of 7 acras, more or lese, in the vicinity of I o Itpll. '-C;II, Kill, "8" and Second Streetai and Hoffit and Hamlin I Schoole and their rsapective sitee; SEC. 502. ZoninR Plan There ia attached hereto as Map E and as sn integral part of th18 Plan. a map desi8Da~ed .s tha "Zoning Map". the purpose of this map is to show the manner in!which ~oning districts sre tv be applied to lalld withiD the project area aDd to indicate in this o to rem.iIl and proposed changes. connect1on~ssibla existiag districts iJ D I PRE-SUBMITTAl REelD JUL - 1 2008 -9- '.- ~ e I L1J L.J L1J [ J [;J [1 ] [1 ] [J ] L ] [] [ -] [ [J [ [ [ [ 1 J [ JEe SOJ Street a.nd HiR.hwav Adt.Jatments Plan. There are attacbed I hereto .. Hap C and Hap D respectively a8 map. and aa an integral part of thl8 Plan dealgnated respectlvely as "Street Plan" and "Right-of- Way Plan". The purpose of the.. map. 18 to eatabl1.h actlon to be taken ~y the Clty of Sprlagfield And the State of Oregon wlth raspect to the open1. 8 and cloalng of streets ~thln and adjacent to the project area, identify ax1aUag hlgh_ys and other publ1l1 r18bt.-of-way to remaln. tho.e ,to be Yrcsted, proposed new atreeta: hlgh....y. to be eatebl1.hed. and exbting .treeta. hlghways and other public rlght.-of-way where widening 1. propo.ed--excep. I 4' herein indicated .a "tentative." o SEC. 504. Public Util1tl.. Plan,. (a) Sawers. Sanltarv and Storm There are attached hereto ae Hap. rand G and a. an integral part of thl8 Plan eHltled re.pectlvely "Sanltary Sewer Plao" and "Storm Sewer Plan." The purJX1.e of tho.. map. 1s to show exl.ting line., maln., facilltlea to be retained. thoae to be aban'ODad, and tho.. to be tnatalled. con.trueted or recon.tructed. The .1&a and location of tha line., maln., and facllltle. to be In.talled, con.tructed or recon.tructed are tentative and approximate. but ahall be generally a. indlcsted on .dd map.. , I I (b) W.cer Distribution Sv.te~ There ls attached herato a. Hap H, end a. .n lntegral part of thb Plan, a Hap dea1gnated,.. ''Water Supply Plan." Th. purpoae of thl8 Hap 18 to .how exbtiag ...ter ayat.. l~ne.. ....111.. aDd facllitiaa to be rota1llad, tho.e to be eband",..4. -10- PRE-SUBMllTAL REe'D JUL - 1 2008 , . ~ and those to ba 1118talled, constructed or reconstructed. These proposals are tents tlve , but shall be g....raUy as " ~ I indlcsted on salol map. J (c) Other Publlclv-OWOed Utlllties There is attached hereto 8S MBp t and &s an integral ,.) part of this Plan I a Hap designated as "Electric Power and 00 Street Lighting Plen." The purpose of this mep is to show publlcly-owned electllc power snd lightlng systems within the Urban Renewal Area. Thls mep shows exlstlng llne., installa- a D tions, and facilities to remain In use, existing l1nes. inetal- D latlons snd faclllties to ba abandODad and removed frOQ the Urban Renewal Ares, and new llne. and faciflties to ba o installed. The siEe and location of such lines, installation.. and fscllltles sre approx1mat~, but shall be generllly as o indicated on said map c (d) Privste Utilities Adlustments Plan There Is attached hereto, as Map J and as an integral ,) Q , part of this Plan, a map dea1gnated as "Prlvate Utility Adjust- ments Plan" The purpose of this D1AP is to show adjustments of prlvutely-owned utilltles conslstlDg of the Paciflc Power & Llght Company's electlcsl and water distrlbution systems and the Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company's telephone service. which Berve the Urban Renewal Area, and, in this connection, to show existing utility easements to remain (and those to be abandoned) and those p~opoBed. i) -11- , '-.. ...'.".."..... .J..J..o........................ ~-""."..~Itb ArUcls VI - IlahabUitattOll of StaICcura ,.- SEC. 601. Extent of RehabiUtaUOII. The ProJact to be ....dartalraa .... carrled out lQ the Area purauaat to thia .laD iavolves r.babilitatioD or CotlServation of the Area .. a wolo and iIlcludas as a proJact acU"it,. tbe I carryina out of plana for a program of repair and rehabiUtaUoa of llallcl1Dp end other loprovementa in tha Area. SEC. 1J02. Method of achievtnR RehabUttaUoa. Three hastc _thode will ~ ;' i' " ! be used ln schlev1ng the rehabllltatlon of propertlea tn the proJsct area: <a) Voluntary sctlon " 1~ ,! f' ;., ," . (b) Code enforcement. (c) Acqulsltlon of property by th6 Agency. . , Bsch of these methods may be followed accordlng to tha particular clr- I , cumstances of each property to be rehab! Itateda The rehsbl1ltstlon actlvltles will be carrled out on the hael. of the ~ ! ! enforcement of local codes and ordinances and tbe achievement of rehabl11tatlo~ late rehabilitation of residential structures on a voluntary baa1aa ~ . . .. , r. , objectives, coupled with an active public information program deal~d to .tiau- during Project Execution to determine tbe exteat aDd dearee ~ II , " ~ I Ii, <a) Code Enforcement Each property de.lgnnted 011 the Structural Map--(Hap K) will be lnspected by the Buildiag Daparc.ent the objectlves of the Plan and the coda requlremeQts referrecl , t, , ~~l 1.- , of rehabilltatlon necessary to brlng the.e .tructure. up to to herein The objectives of the Pl... and the aQforc_nt , ,: ~I 'ti r ~, prov1.10n. of these code. shall be duly applled to all prop- erties 1n the project area -12- PRE-SUBMiTTAL REelD ., JUL - 1 2008 fl ~ > ~ . WheQ the lurvey. are conducted tha BuildiDg Inspector will 1 J advi.e tha owner or occupant of the repalrs requlred and of tha voluntary ~bjectives to be applied. (See sectlon 303 ) J J J 1 SEC. 603. Oblectlve. for Satlsfsctorv Rehabilltatio~. A buildlng, structure or improvement to be rehabllitated, pursuant to thls plan wll1 be considered to be s.tlsfactorily rebabllitsted, and the AgeQcy will sO certify if the rehabilitated buildlng, structures, or improvements meets tbe following objectives: (a) Voluntary Objectlves ] j a. Archltectursl modarnl~atlon of exteriors of buildlngs. b. Painting or resurfaclng of exterlors of bulldlngs. e. Landscaplng and the lnstsllstlon or replacement of fences. d. Inter lor modernl~atlon 'f bulldlngs e. Major alterations and floor plan ehanges. (b) Rehabll1tation Standerds. The rehabilitation .taQderds for earrylng out the above rehabilitation objectlvea ere those set fortb below. The staadarda are dlvlded lQto two seetlons (I) The mlnimum requirementa of the Sprlngfield houslng. building, electrlcal, ....ltatiOD. aQd plumbing code. and the aoniQg ordlnances. (2) Whera epplicable. the following rehabilitation requlrements for Saction 220 mortgage floancing which have been lndlcated .e acceptable to the Portland FHA Insuring Offlce PRE-SUBMilTAL REC'O JUL - 1 2008 -13- j J J J J ] J ] ] ] 1 J 1 J 1 J 1. Propertles to be rehabll,tated mU8t comply wl~h the General Acceptabillty Require....nt. of the FIlA Mlnimum Property Requirements and most the objectlves of all other requiremeQts as interpreted by the FIlA. In addltlon a. In propertles havlQg not more than two livlng unlt8, proDosed construction, other than repairs, alterations, and additions to existlng structures, shall comply wlth the minimum property requlrements for propertles of One . or Two llving ;nits. b. In properties having three or more living units, new -.structures or sddltions to exloting construction shall comply wlth all speclflc requlrements of the 2. Mlnlmum Preperty Requlrements far Propertles of Three o o or More living units except thet modiflcations meetlng t~e object1Ves of the MFR are permlssive, whe~ neces- sitated by exlstlng condltlons whlch are to remain 100 Under Section 220 (d) (3) .(a). properties shall contain not o more than II livlng units at completlon; under 220 (d) (3) (b). propertieo e'Ompletion. shall I I contaln S or more llvlng unlts at 3. , o \ Propertles must momply with appllcable de~d res~rlctlona.\ 0 I \ laws. codes, ordinances, and D I I \ " o -l4- PRE-SUBMilTAl REC'D JUL - 1 2008 " " , " I'IIJrilfi...di{i!!~'"..Jrjr~~:t -0 . ,. ,~- f\ ,~ .. '" 1 1 1 4. The property at the cOIIlplaUoa of nbabil1tatton _t be safe and oound in all phyaical re.pecta aQd ba re- furnished and alterad to bring the proparty to a de- o1rable marketablo condition which will continue durtag the 11fe of the mortgage. The acceptability of 10di- u vldual prop~tleo or projecto wlll be determlned by the FHA on the basls of the needs and merlts of eath c. project or case al presented 5. Non-residentlal Uae. Any Qon-reoideQtial USa of the 0 o 0 property shall ba subordlnate to the realdontlal uoe o or charactor of the property. [, In propertles havlng not mora than four llvlng units, the area of non-residential space including storage related to such use shall not exceed 251 of the o total floor area of the structures on the property. In properties of five or more living u~its. the floor o , area devoted to non-residential use, other than garage space essential Jta the needs of the occupants. ahall nat - 0 c exceed ten per cent (lOX) of the gross area devoted to the residential use, including public halla, elevators, etc. '" Laundary, garage space for tenants, storage ro~. and other service space remote from living units but essential to the residential use and occupancy, 8S well as basement storage or service space essent!.al to ,tbe non-residential OCCupancy, are not considered in the fqFegolng ,j The non- -15- -# ~ r, . \ o o u o , o . PRE-SUBMllTAl REe'D JUL - 1 2008 "'- ~ J realdenUal use lDUst coofotlll to 800d .taudar4a of , ..~,1 t, d J plannlng and ~onlng, and should be baneflclal, with- out belng detrimental, to tha ra.ld8Dt141 uo. of the J project, and should provlde for the dlapena1Da of 1 servlces snd the markatlng of goodl noeded by tho resldentlal tenant. of the propoaed project, aa well as the nelghborhood. 6 FHA Rehabll1tatlon Standard,. Detal1ed rahabll1tatlon requlrements for Sectlon 220 lnaurance ftre OQ flle 111 the offlce of the Agency. SEC. 604 Aoollcable Lawe. Code and ReRUlatlona. The below ldentlfled codes, ordinance., and regulations of_the Clty of Spr1ngfleld ahall canatltute the mlnlmum standards governing ~onlng, bulldlng, construction, and tha uae snd occupancy of dwelllngs I. Unlform Bulldlng,Code, 1949 Edltlon, adopted April 30, 1951, Ord. , 1084 ~ 2. Unlform Houslng Code, 1958 Edltion, adopted August ll, 19S8, Ord. , 1466 3 1951 Natlonal Electrlcal Code, adopted June 27, 1952, Ord. ., 1166 4 National Electrlcal Safety Code, adopted November l6, 1953, Ord. , 2214 5 Fire Prevention Code, Abbrevlotad Edltlon 1949, Adopted Octohar 8, 1951,Ord #1144 6 Plumblng Code of the State of Oregon, adopted Aprll l5. 1940, Ord. 16j4 7 Subdlvislon Regulatlons, adopted June l5. 19l1, Ord. 1 244 8 Zonlng Ordlnance, adopted July 15, 1947, Ord. # 908, and, as aforesaid ordinances provide. 88 amended or supplemented. DOW O~ h~re.fte -l6- ~ - I - JJ ~ ~ J r J fJ rJ r ] ] Article VII - Land AcquiSltion, Demol1don and Clearance SEC. 70l. Extent of Acoulsitlon. Demolltlon and Clesrance. As lndlcated lD Sectlon 30l hsreof, thls Project la one lnvolving rehabilltatlon or con- servatlon of the renewal area, and acccrdlngly, general acqulsltlon and clearance of land 111 the Area 1. not lnvolved. Acquls1tlon of real property and the demolitlon and clearance of bul1dlng., structures and lmprovement8 thereon, will. however, be undertaken and accompllshelby the Agency to the extent nec- e.asry to: (l) elbalnata ~heatthful or unsanltary condltlons, lessen density, o eliminate detrimental use., or otharwlae prevent the spresd of bllght, and (2) D to provida land for needed public and seml-publlc facilltle. as fnllow.. (s) Approximetely 7 scre. of land to be made avallsble for a park ln tha south central portlon of the Urba~,Renewal Area, o (b) A small psrcel of land to be added to the Kofflt School and 0 Hamlln Junlor Hlgh School~sltes, and o " 1 , .J (c) Tract of Land i~the northern portlon of the Urban Renewsl Area to be made avallable for semi-publlc areas 1 .J SEC. 702. ProDertles to be Acoulred. Real property wlthln the Area ""lch may be _acquired .fc>_r.!he J>u~pos..s set forth ln Sectlon 7.0.l ~b~e ls shown aDd delineAted aa "Acqulred Parcels" on property Map--(Map L) attacbed 1 .J hereto aa an lDtegral part of the Plan and llsted below , J o o o "1 c' j o , , J o , ~:~~.II~:r!l'" . 0 ...r , II J L~ L~ [ / [~ [f [,) I c] LJ [J [J [I] I1J ~~ Block 1 !.ota 2, 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, l2, l3, l4, l5, l6, 27, 29, 31. 32, 35, 36, 39, 40, 43, 44, 46, 47, 58, 62, 64, 65, 69, 70, n, 72, 73, 74. 2 2, 3, 6, 7, lOool!, 12, l5, l7, 16, 19. 3 1 4 1 5 4 '" " 0 6 l, 2 7 2, 4, 5, 9, U 6 l, 12, 5, 6, U, l2. 9 6 lO l, 6, 11, 12, 13, l4, 19, 20, 27, 28, 34, 35, 39, 40, '1, 0 42, 43, 45, 46a, 46b, 47, 48, 49, 51, 54, 56, 56, 59, rJ, Q " 6l, 64. 0 11 6 l2 l, 2, 3, 4 l3 2, 3 14 2, 3 l5 1 ,) l6 3a, 3b, Sa, 5b " 2l 8 In addition to the above llsted real properties, b6ildlng department lnspeetfons to be acqulred lQ order to remove, prevent, or reduce lighting factors or th.. ., referred to above may diaclose cercaln other resl propertles whlch may also l~ve cause of blight, SBC, 703. DieDoeitlon and Rede7alonment of Acaulred Parcels. The Agency will dlepoea of all such real property acqulred by lt ln the renewal area PRE.SUBMiITAl REC'D JUL - 1 2008 -lB- _~~'-"\I!l'"","~\""~~"'''-''''''','<'''''''-''~' ........ , . '~'~,",-"""''''-- '. . ~I" - ".'. ,..~~ J J J j 1 J J Dlsposltlon (lncludlng aala, inltlal laaaiAg or rGtantloa by the Aseacy '" '> J ... ~ '. ... ltaelf) of any auch reel property ehall ba at ita fair ~lua for ua.a 111 accolO4al\Ce '11th thl8 Plan. Jll.poaltlOG' .~n'~ &i~'tOii!..t8~p4rh.a' \ f-\ j f ... ... or public bodlea who wl11 agree to redevelop or rebabUitata auch real property for ueas ln acoordance with thia Plan. When auch real proparty ia sold or leased, the purcbaeers or lesaees and their aasigaaea ehall ba ab1igctod (1) to devote such property to tha U8aa speclfled in thia Plan for the perlod of time that thla Plan le in force and effect: (2) to begln aDd ~, ~ C' l! l f: complete wlthln a reasonable time to be specifled any requlred bul1dlnge, . structures, or other repalrs and lmprov~nte; (3) not to effect or s~ecute o any sgreement, lease, conveyance or other lnstrument whereby the property 18 i~ -a-- , ~. reetricted upon the basle or race, rellgloo, color or netlonal orlg10, 10 the ssles, lesse, or occupancy therof, and 0(4) to comply wlth auch other CDDdltlone ~. as the Agency deems necessary to carry out this Plan. . " ~ -19- PRE-SU5MilTAl REe'D JUL - 1 2008 ~ .' '.' Article VIII- Regulatlona and Controls to Sustaln Renewal SEe 801 Aooltcable Ordinances. Codes Bnd Re~latlon8. In order to sustain the renewal of the Area to be achieved through rehabl1itatioa or con- servation pursuant to this Plan the local ordinances, codes and regula. tions identified and oet forth ln Sactlon 604 nf th1. Plan relatlng to and establishing stsndards respecting zoning, use and occupancy of dwellings, and other factors pertinent to the continued protection of the Area, viII bf strictly enforced by the appropriate officials of the City of SprlQgfleld 1< accordance with law for not les8 than 30 years from date of approval of thi. Plsn by the governing body of the locality. SEe 802 Land Uses. Densities. and 8ul1dlnR Reaulrements. In add1tio~ to the controls provided in Section 801 above, all lands acqulred by the Local Public Agency and m.ade available for redevelopment shall also be subject tel this follvving covenants running with the land LAND USE (s) Residentisl All land indicated for residentlal use on Hap I> shall be used for residential uses which shall include any of the following building types so long as each type conforms t) the lot size, coverage, and 80 long as the combination of ty,es does not produce 8 project-wide density exceeding seven dwelling units per net acre of single family residential land and 37 dwelling units per net acre of multiple family residential land, single-family detached houses, two-family houses, thr(e- faml1y houses. and multi-family spartment buildlngs (b) Public-and Semi-Public Use Areas designated for public or seml-public use by the Project Area Plan. Map 8, shall be IJ:,ed only for the purposes oesignated on Hap B PRE.SUGM,TIPl R[C'~ JUL - 1 2008 ,20- -0 g , -. ! 1.1 , I . . , ._.......,~. ~~"~.._~......,..."'~,,..~ "'- ~. 1-;.h1~lILrl;ll_ I ~_I_ 1_.."]\-',' ,r.-=-="(JijIoi~~ d.r (c) Commeralal. No land sball b. used for any commercial us.s or purpoaes except the exiatlng-to-remaln nelghborhood grocery parcel No. 2l-I, aa shown on the Project Area Plan, Map B. LAND COVERAGE (a) Residentlal. The bulldlngs and improvements on resldentlal land shall cover such n percentage of the land a8 is determined by the front, rear. and side setback requirements, building height restrictions. and other bulk controls specified below but in no case shall the building requirements exceed 301 of the lot area for slngle-famlly relldentlal and 50. of the lot a,ea for multlple family residential. (b) Public and Semi-Public Land ir the project area to be us.d for public or semi-public purpo.ea .hall be 4S shown and indicated on the Project Area Plan, Hap B. a. Public. The seven-acre pork 8ite wlll be used for both &etive and pal8lve recreation b. Seml-Publ1c The semi-public land has tentatively been designated for a church site Buildlng covarage will be determined by tbe building height restrictions a'11.d par:klng space requirements mentioned below PRE.SUBMilTAl REe'D JUL - 1 2008 -21- ,....~ ~. . ,""I-"' (c) Commerci~l The eXlstlng neighborhood grocery (ParcPl No 21-1), (Land Map B) to remain, shsll conform to the parking and ppen area requirements set forth below OPEN SPACE Open land area shall be provided for land designated 88 public. semi-public, on Map B and on privately developed land resulting from the application of the regulations and controls stated herein DENSITY Residential density shall not exceed seven dwelling units times the number of net acres designated for stngle-family residential use and 1200 square feet per dwelling unit, or 37 dwelling units times the number of net acres designated for multiple family residential use NET RES lDENTlAL AREA The net residential area Is defined 8S the land designated for residential use on the Project Area Plan, Map B. less the area UB~ for streets, and other public right8-of~W8Y BUILDING HEIGHT. Building heights shall be detenolned by the application of front, rear and side yard requirements stated herein and shall not exceed for single-family residential 35 feet in height, except public !chool. and churches which may be increaeed to 4S feet, for multiple family resldentls1 45 feet in nelght YARD REQUIREMENTS The position of any structures and any accessory building or -22- .t , j, . ":\ .' buildings on its lot shsll be governed by the follovillg regu Is t ions Front Yard (al Residential The setback from the front property line to the building line shall notDbe less thsn flfteen per cent (15%) of the lot depth, but such front yards need not exceed twenty-five feet (25'). Under no circumstances ShAll the front yard be less than fifteen feet (15') (b) Commerclal. Front yards for commerclal property abuttlng on property designsted for resldentlal use ,hsll be ln accordance with the provisions of the "Rt. District a. set forth 1n the zoning ordinance 2 Side Ysrd (a) Residentisl On lnterior lots there shall be a slde yard on each side of the main building or not less than ten per cent (107.) of the wldth of the lot except that no side yard shsll be less than flve feet (5') nor necessarily greater than ten feet (lO') 'to the exterior side 11ne Rnd no accessory building closer than twenty feet (20') thereto or as may be established by other ordinances (b) Commercial Where the side of the lot abuts upon the side of a lot designated for residential uses, tbe side yard so abuttlng shsll comply with the side yard re- qulrements for the "RIl District, as Bet forth 1n the zoning ordinance 3 Resr Ysrd (a) Residential There shall be a resr yard of not less than -23- ~ --. ~ ~ " ! " . .I ~ \ PRE-SUBMiTr.A.l REeD JUL - 1 2008 - # . .r ."~ ....~.:.~. .,., iili.I.llII'i~-" 111.1", ",0. 0........ ...- h~i~le IX ~ 6{{~ci~1 ^ctinn~ rn ~f1~r' ~1~ st<: 9'0\ ~"h" Jmd A"",..:oval ,~~ ~f1'r1,1 n~" ~ M \'11 ~&\!6'i'lnn,'y w'I'\:'!. ~H rtlcvRn< low< "rh1t- llrn'"'"!) T>r-r -' 'p"O ...~ 'i>\<A~l:'~~ M ~H~'" ~\\ i'd""h'aiI to .". lloll1:l\ oj; fo"""" . -r~-; ~U\\'8 #.\\~,,\\-.l ~Wd iifttftl't \\:,fu-e'cilll Agency 6~ linl. Cou~,~ f"\"(>fC'> fu ~~\\ ~....l '1>\1.\\, ~'\:I't'e'r lIAH\ ~l\ ""leva", ~"C\l"'''' tt'T'\ "i'li I>~ .,,""'\H.~ to, ,.,."h.. ,,,d rcc""""'c,,~"Hr\ " ,I" " ,. ", 1 ,,,,-' I r\~""i"~ C~l~!\on Aftet rYO~~T YCV\CQ t"l" "rl'l1 1"'r"''' ... \ '" ~ ........ ..0 ~o~\JM.@:"t.f'tim'" ~tll ht' ~l1bmith.t\ to tnr ('{"'l1'\"J'l'\O.... Cf"lt1,...I"~' t~T ....,1 r Bile 901 Puhlie HeArlnll5 the CO'"tITIC'T1 Lf'ltlnc11 .." ~\.,.. ...~.... ....... will hold e ~ubl~c he.ri"s ~n the Urh.n Rrnr~" rln~ ,.".1 1 ,rt" .. ~l.ce. And ptlt~~.. of the h..rlng ~ill ho publlrhr~ ,~ 'r....r _1"'(A _..~l week fDt ~vo !u~e~!.ive ~~~k!, bptng thrl"~ t1~r~ ~~ ... "., ~... ..... -.. --- tlew9i'l!tJlf't ~f At"n~t"l'!l eireul1!tton tn t"hr- t/"lC:1t~t' l\~ ~,..~ qt'u. ~ A,.-.,r ~ppo.~unLt1 t~ h~ hentd ~ill h~ 1ff~rdrd t~ ~lt i~rrr~e~r~ rcr- ~- --~ 8~f!helel!l r c 9RC 9U3 Appro.ai of.FL:In._b-'l.C~ t,,,~-,,.!.I "d'r"'~ .. t ~ I .... I _ ~ o - ' ] 1_1 J l~ ] l ~fll h~ by "t'rft""'"e~ ,,1 t,",po (''''1f'!MMn rnrf1"r"fl ~,. ..I--,. '1"0 ~"to..rl- '" .. --' .,111 .ltUt"htlt'fte thl'! Htl'118fng Aut-hnrft'y "nrl !'rt'l"1n ~""'(,,'Q"'ll r.,""'1C>/ & ',- Offl,rftty to t"k:~ n~t:e"'s~r)' nc:ttrm ttl etfl"'("ttl1t,.r ....,,. ("..,... '11':<> g(jt, i!.H6etuaH<Jtl of tonLn~ ChanliO" r" or~^ - 'or ., ' .,.- i"g.oliy e~ttf",J 11tI~ H U 'rHe~hH tfr-lt HI~ ~t~','M ."IM '~r" ," l J ""t'lIit't till!> A+"~ It" el'r1m1l~,J ~1 II'r,Jte.t_~ 111 ""~ .. 'tI'1'\1"~ "1'0' "fA ... ~ 2~- . '0. , I J L 1 J l I ] l , ] L , ] L , 1 L ,1 ll] l -j ':li~ ~ , SEe 904 (continued). To effectuate tha changes made nec..lary by this . I plan, the following actions have beeo or will be taken. The reclassification of commercial area (lots 1-6, Block 9, Sunnyside Additlon) on the West side of Hill Street between "1" .nd 'CH" Streett to single family residential (a-i) AccompLished by Public Hearing before the _~~ingfi~lu ~l~rnlng ~~ifiJion, April 1, 1~S8. and ~p~~oval ky the COttIlIIon Council, April 28, 19~8 (Ordinance f 1448) 2 The reclau1fication of . s1n&le family residential zone (a.l) to a multiple family residential Eone (R-2) to fit 8 physical change in the pattern of development west, Bouth and eaat of the prop08ed seven-acre park On M8y 5. 19S8 th~ Springfield Planning Commission committed itself to this zoning change upon adoption of the Urban Rrneval Plan 3 On June 16, 1958 the SprlnKfield Planning Commieaion authorized tbe l Urban Renfwal Plan to shov a change in zonin8 at the southwe8t corner of Fifth Stleet and Broad\ol'ay from single famlly residential (R-l) to .., I neighborhood commercial (C-I) Thia change ia scheduled for Public Rearing and dficial action following approval of this Urban Renewal Plan. l yacation and Dedication of Street~ The vacation of exiet1ng SEe 90S streets (which designation is tentative for DePue and Wall Streeta) alley. and p~bllc rights-af-way Bnd the dedication of neY streets. alleys. and public rights-of-W'ay to accomplish the Urban Renewal Plan are shown on Map D- " Rignts-of Way Plan .27- "''''''''lP' .~~li ",_., ~ 1 J J ] ] I I ] 1 I) Ll -, -J -, J r c i 1 Article X _ Additional sut. Law IlI!!lqulrementa SEC 1001 Relocation t i A Temporary or Permanent Reloeatlor f?' Peraona There are approx1matel~' 69 family group. consiatlng of one or more persona which are to be re located from the Urban Renev.l Area There are in tbi. community epplox- lmately 260 decent. 8afe. and sanitary d~lllng unlt8, exclusive or ~'mD8 and apar~ent81 within the financial reach of these persons The Agency will provide a relocation staff. which ~ill utl1iEO ~Le service of local public and privete group. In order to ...1.t theDe p~r- Bon8 to permanently relocate in the above mentioned 160 dwelling unt. Since direct, permanent relocBtton Ls conte~platedJ no temporary rel~~- cion 19 proposed B Method of Pravldln~ Decent. Safe and Sanlt4~ Dwellin~B It is propoBrd that approximately 39 substandard dwellings will be cleared from the Urban Renewal Area There is now or will be available in the communi{y. at the needed time, approximately 51 decent, safe, snd sanitary existlng Bnd new dwellings at rents or costs within the financial reach of the persons displsced from tbe substandard dwellings to be cleared SEC 1002 Conformities of the Urban Renewal Plan to the General Plan anc the Relationshio to Local Obtectlves 85 to the Matters Set Forth Belov A AooroQriate Land Use The renewal of tbis area with predominantly resi. dentisl land uses and indicated on Hap B . "Project Area Plan". acmi- public uses, recreation uses and incidental commercial uses is essential to improve the over.all housing inventory of the City of Springfield and achieves the local objectives in this area of a stable residential neighbor. hood with community facilities The general plan of the City of Sprlng- field specified this area for these uses -28- ; I 11 - ] J B. Imoroved Traffic and Public Tran8~ortation The provision of the highway commercial, local roads, collector Gtreets and other improvements to the , -1 ] I ] ] [ '1 r J I l r. ~ r( ~ L~ l 1 r I ] [ I ] [ 11 r 11 l ~ 1 'I , " ] circulation system of this area will improve the circulation of both vehicular and pedestrian traffic 1n accordance with local objectives and the comprehensive community pLan for the City c Lmoroved Public Utilities. The provision of adequate sanitary and storm sewers. street lighting. telephone service, and othpr utilities will a~~ic e the local pbjectLves of generally up-grading this area through the proviaion of adequate utl11tles and viII complement the comprehensive general plan proposals. D Recreational and Communi tv Facilities The two existing public schools and the proposed sev~n acre park site are to be fully developed to serve the neighborhoods in which they are located, each facility has been planned in compliances with the general land usa plan for tbe City of Springfield and with tbe general plans of the respective .chool and park districts. B Other Public Imorovement' All other lmprovement8, including street lighttng, fire hydrant., and protective landscaping are proposed 1n a~cordance with maximum fira protection service. The master street lighting plan, and the protection of the area from excessive vehicular dhturbances The comprehensive redevelopment and rehabilitation of this area, Includln& tbese public improvements. proviuea maximum pro- tection for public and private investments and insures the development of . sound neighborhood envirtUQeot ] ] -29- " 1 ~.... ..........,.'.'-......'~ ~f4'- I" '~~~11'!.f,it\i~ _0 I LJ l -, l~ ~ l rJ l rJ [ I r~ J' rr J I~ J ~rJ r -, .J ARtICLE Xl - Du[ation of Chaugea of Plan sac 1101. Duration of Plan. This Plan. ineluding particularly, the provision. relatloa to land us.e and the requirement. and restrlctiono with re.pect thereto, shall be in full force and eltfect for 0 period of )0 \'\.. ~rs from the date of tbe offlelal adoption of thi. Plan by the City Council of Sprlngfie Id sse ll02 Aman~bt of Plan. After approval of thia Plan by tbe governing body of the locallty a. indicated in Se~tlon 903 hereof. the provisions of this PlaD ma, b. changod or modified only be fo~l WTitton amendment duly approved and adopted by tb~ governing body of the Agency Provided, thot if the Amendment in question involve. any material or aubstantial change in any of tbe provisions of this Plan, 8uch amendment ,hall a180 be approved by tho governing body of the loeality. In no event shall the Plan bo amended during the period .pecifled in Section 1101 abave. in any mann.r Which will adveraoly effect any land in the Area whose owners and luccessors io intarest are obligated to devote Duch land to the use. specified in the Plan. except with r ] r ] r J tbe written conaant of the owner of 8ucb land. In addition to the foregoing provisions of this Section 1102. all provision.) if any. of State law re.pecting chanse., modifications or amen~eat. of renewal or redevolopment plana Bhall be complied *ith LJ r ] f1 rJ [L 1 - -30- . , . ';,,~;;~,_:~,~',~':,;~~~~~:~~:~~.~i'~r~':'~~~::~:~'~,-~~~'"'~~~:::::'~l~:~;~i,~;.~~.~~ ,0 \"" , - 0'_1,> ". ..."1"" 11llII~ .'. \ . . ~... _c, '. <~~" . " , '" "'fl'" .., ...~. ..(' . ~ . ,.,,<,yo ..,,, " ...0' I~. ~1'" -'. " , , ---"- c , (,Q '" m . 'I 0 ,\ o ~I '":1 ,'1 .to 1(11' ~ a n ( I ~ L " \ \ i.\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \~ \ 0' " - \ , , ',' ,\ ", \ \ \ I . \ ... -.. \ , \ I " , 0"'(' ,.1' , " .. r ~ , I " ~ . " J J .. ......... = {) . a .0"'_ 1.~ ~ " , . , ; , , , I '. \ \ I. I n, . , . \ . \ .~\ ( I I.. I' I I .'., 1/_. " ~ STRUCTURE 1Il11l0 SHill' UJl6AN Rrl<(WAL MAP PROJECT "AOGA"'" ....( ',l ..' ''''f'''' <n... I ~....., . . Hn.,. -;....<uG~ 0,.. . ,.. K - ---3 L~ I :. _I I 11 II ~~~ ~5~ ~-~"""~-:--. ' s I ", 1 ~<;. I I , 1 , l [ [ [ [ [ [ r] [ ,J r UJ 3 r J ~ ill r I] r 11 r 11 I > ~ ' I U' P \ r' ~+. ~ , L l =i ~ ~~.; \ \ \ \jd~ @ i .~...",' ! '\ r1~ . .\'r\n~=\ \': ,. l ~~ p~ ~ \ ~ \ \~ \ ,\ \ * 1 ~~l ' ~\li ~ \\@ \ \ rri ~'\ ~~ 3 ~\ \ I__~~J ~~', ~,~ l\\ \_~; ~ \:j ~ LEGEND J 1U \ \ ~C~ [ _J PROPEROY MAP eOUNOARY'] f\ -=:J \ . J L ~ -I L-J ,-'---J [~' BLOCK NUMBER ----"t;;.f \l' .J-;\ --e' Il-~ -~ \ ~I ~ ]>-1 - a:: \ \I'll VI ' VII -'.....~.J' ,~.J L--__ \OL-. - :I:~ ~l;llf \i\-~l~i l~r --- -, :_E_ - -1:r ST PRDPERTY MAP KEY nuRO STREET PROJECT URBAN RENEWAL PRO~RAN . ;; . ~ -- ----- -- M ST[ 'i: ~ I @ J \ N ~ \ SECTION BOUNDARY ,", MOUSING AUTHORI'" 8 UAaAN AENEWAL AG[NC~ SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY OREGON CENTRAl.. 1..""[ COUN"TV f'L"HftIHG cO......I$SIo..1 COWPI..[lIOIf DATE .,,-,.or '.. l._~. APPPOVI[D liT r:i:....-:' _ _u ..t..-b"'Tt.~ "'LI 01lllC1011 1'1['011110" OAll , _ \It. \.'-;1 ) JUL - 1 2eD8 o tOO .00 600 -= 5C-AL( 1M f((1 \liIA'''Ulllll(1l '0' , L --~-- ,~ ~ < --~ ~ I _& .\ 1 . 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