HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Notice 2008-7-22 CIty of Sprmgfield 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, OR 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax July 22, 2008 RIDER PO BOX 130 ELMlRA DAVID OR 97437 Job Number LocatIOn C0M2007-01045 820 F ST Project Laundry room addItIOn Dear PermIt Holder The Spnngfield BUlldmg Safety Code AdmrmstraTIve Code provIdes that m order for a permIt to remam valId, the work w/uch has been authonzed by the permIt must begm WltIun 180 days of the date of Issuance, and an InSpectIOn must be requested at least every 180 days Accordmg to our records, you obtaIned a permIt for a project at 820 F ST w/uch IS set to expIre on 8/21/2008 Our records mmcate that you have not requested an InSpectIOn WltIun the past five (5) months T1us letter IS wntten to nOTIfy you that your penmt(s) WIll be expinng shortly If you are ready to request an InSpeCTIOn for your project, please phone the InSpeCTIOn lme at 541-726-3769 If you do not request an InSpeCTIOn pnor to the expIraTIon date, your permIt( s) WIll expIre and admtlOnal permIt fees WIll be requIred m order to complete your project If you have any quesTIons, please feel free to phone me at 541-726-3790 \;" i) "~Ho~ ~~ BUlldmg Safety Management Analyst