HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Notice 1976-9-21 ~'~...~tr't.~'-I.~W"'j" ,.;.;p'.' E'!';l~ " ' . ,". " '~"'"f'.'"'if'-' :',::t,,~. ",~""!Ilil""'.r" .. "I\l' . .. t..,!':' *~;. , . .~.. f' ~., ~' . 't' ". .. ' .' '\~,: .....~ ,..; '\. :.:;w ."..1..1 , ... . , t "','\', i"~i'" (-i:',' f'f:)" :F,'T<'('J ,.'" - j" "')' .",,,~. . . ... . .. . r, " . . ". .... . ,\ ' 'd'..U I J ...I.! ! ,I "L 1 " :,:>i' j': 11'1 c:; 1"1 i :L,n, 0 n Uc;')N a74'17 .;,~6 ~,'!\IN 5THEET' '1t17..t1221 DCPAIHMENT OF PUUUC WOHKS C"(",,~'("'I'l"-'r "'I] ] 9'76 ,) ~L.L-' I/,_ ,,-,-, " CERTIFIED LETTER -.--.--- ---- --- Mrs. Cora L. vaughn 704 so~th Greenhil,l Road Euqene, oreqon I~ U J3 J' J,('rr ,:> _. l ~.... : NO Lice ~ On1er to comply \'li th Trii.J,er Compli,ance Agrccmeht for 3 ~)15 commercial Dear Mrs. Vaughn:, Whe"ea. your apl,ealto johe City Co'meil on SepLember 20, 1976, of a nol:ice and order (se,", ~aachcd) u; ),cmove a mobile home o--med by you aL 3515 commerdal Avenue 1'10'15 un,.,lleeeSS ru1., be advised 'chat Lhe not i ce and Q):der Is. Li II In e r:r: eet a 1.1 d ",us L be ,,,"01' lied "i Lh ; Ho"ev er, 5 ince H H 1. e tIme no" r 8m 0';, n s un U.l the S epLelllber 30, 19 76 , compliance deadl~le, also be advised thO'lL you are herewith granted an extensIon of U.lnc "iLhln I',hieh to comply. 'rhe \18" eHeclive date of the notice CJnd onJcr. is Oc't:olJer 31, 1976. Sincerely, G t LJ" ' .' " . ~ A I' ( "1/cd ~lj, Vt-f.----- Ronald' B. Cl;:irk Superiri(cndent of Duil.ding , Imc : smm ' Attachment j \ \ I I , , - . .... , \ v;,," ,~~ ~ Q ~~iJ, c:c.. UJ. \"""" ' a;t&-.&~ \ ,_~~,_\-n ': ___n:-:.____ -....... , J' .. ." .. ......-~ ,,,,,:tv> . .. --_.~ .-_...~n_._ 1I ..~ .......' p.'. , ~. -