HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correction Notice 1974-3-25 .-~ l Elect~cal Inspection R:tort 747-4221 WIRING INSTALLER GemL1uIDberCo~oanv ADDRESS ~539 Comm~rri;:d ~rrin~fip-ldr-DR ICITY OR OWN) ADDRESS OF INSTALLATION same L.ABEL Nr" TYPE OF STRUCTURE , USED HEIGHT DATE 3/'i..5174 WIRING METHOD: NON-METALLIC SHEATHED CABLE 0 ARMORED CABLE 0 CONDUIT XJ POWER CO. OW N E R ADDRESS (CITY OR TOWN) CHANGES O,RDERED " :" 1. Receotacals in filing room on p-ast end_hayp r~"~re:~rl pnl:::.ri1-y 2. Elec. metalic condo oulled aoart at connector on liaht circuit bv swaa saw. 3. Reolace cover on 4-5 box at olaner. 4. Hpatp-r ovp-r p lanpr gr;:lrlpr h;=>e: U PX pill I ~rl nllt of r:onr,,:.r1-0r s~ . Re6lace temp cords to heaters in scalina shack. 6. Base board heaters in loa dumo shack must be reoaired. 7. Loq dump shack receptacal has loose neutral. 8. Barkp-r shac.k....mue:1- h.:l\1p 1-pm~ rorrle: rpmn\1prl q. Reoai r oi op and wi rp to n1lmn c;h.:lr:k ;:11- h;:lrkpr . . . . 10. Replace temp. cord to pumo shack. -.Ll. Rprl.:lr~ rO\1pr nn T ronrl nn mi..ddlE' sa',. In r..... ,,-/=-/= e::>.,' c:oh:>rv -.:' 12. Remove flex and wire under cut off saw shack. 13. Reolace covers under cut oEE-sback. 14. Repair wirinq to solenoids under cut off saw shacks. " ", COVER FINAl l~ hours at Sq.SO oer hour INSPECTOR '"" . {l ~ ACCOMPANIED BY Gerald Peetz '""'......_1 )' Gem lumber Co~pany 3539 Commercial Springfield, Oregon ~ 97477 OF SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL 344 NORTH "A" STREET SPRINGFIELD, OREGON e DA T'" [.Id n.~ h -~ ""V, 1~71, J ,. Inspection 3/25/74 It hours at $9.50 per hour $14.25 '~ ..-. '''1 Elect~cal Inspection R~ort ..,/ WIRING INSTALLER ADDRFC:C: ADDRESS OF INSTALLATION LABEL N('\ TYPE OF STRUCTURE HEIGHT USED WIRING METHOD. NON-MET'ALLIC SHEATHED CABLE 0 ARMORED CABLE 0 CONDUIT 0 OWNER ADDRESS CHANGES ORDERED , { 24. Secure cover on t~nner gas disc. 25. Repair broken fittings to fixture over belt toresaw. 26. Green chain drive motor must have ground and seal tight flex. 27. Stud planer motor box must be repaired. 28. L.B. to transformer must have cover and seals in lighting panel. 29. Repair s. cord in motor fitting at stud saw. 3 hours @ $9.50 per hour $28.50 COVER FINA' ^ :NmCTOA -d./+"'{J~ 747-4221 (CITY OR TOWN) DATF POWER CO, ICITY OR TOWN) ( ACCOMPANIED BY Cecil Hixon