HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Notice 1976-5-20 -- ~;(148882 -- 'q'l;..,' ,-::-..-' " ........ TRAILER PERMIT COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT The undersigned, Cora Vaughn , in consideration of the issuance of a permit under Section 29.28 of the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Springfield-1970, does hereby covenant to and with the City ,of Springfield that he/she/they will' comply with and do' hereby acknowledge notice of the following conditions of use as set forth in subsection (a) of Section 29.26 of the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Springfield-1970 as follows: (in pe~tinent part) "...Use {of such mobile home or trailer)... shall be terminated and discontinued upon any of the following events: .. .H <._.. . (i) (i i) (iii) .. Ownership of the lot or trailer or mobile home is changed. Occupancy of the trailer or mobile home is changed, after September 1,1970., ' ,,' , Substitution or replacement of the trailer or mobile home unle~s the substitution or replacement isof' greater value than that being so locat~d and used , prior to September 1, 1970, provided that any such ~ubstitution or replacement must beowrier-occupied in o~der to' be allowed under this provis~on. ' , ' If the use or occupancy of the trail er ormobil e home ,i s di sconti nued' fot more than six (6) months, the ~sior ~ccupancy may be resu~ed only bya special permit by the CityCouncil.1I ' These conditions apply to the real property (upOn \vhich a permit to maintain a mobileho~e or trailer has been granted) desc~ibed with particularity as follows: Property Description: Address: 3515% Commercial The South 75.8 feet and the West 30 feet of Lot 69, Adams Plat:, as platted and recorded in Book 14, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records,in Lane County, Oregon. There is no monetary consirlerationfor this transaction. Dated this 27ih day of September , , 1974. PROPERTY miNERS: /J '. ' IV ~', '. //, ' (~LU /;. //~/~.-1~ ~ ' .,. . , r:'. '" STATE OF OREGON) ,ss: COUNTY OF LANE ), Per~ohally appeared before me Cora Vaughn and acknowledged that she executed the same freely therein named. , ..., September 27 and voluntarily for the uses and purposes. ~ 1974 ' ,'~;~ o'~:~",: :', :;',.., '" " '. ". .: \\., "', . ~. ,,': \\' 01... il "t, ";", ,\.'{ ':> "J " , r:" ....'" -.' ~,. /, .'/ ~:J'. :,' \.... ........ 1.' . / -/ .",,~..., ...... '.. .: ., '... . r"~'~'\.. . . . ..,'... . I..... .. I ". ". .f..... .' . :""... fl' :: " '""\T '\ ~ "',... ~ ~ , '.~ 2 V),: \\~.J ) ;"i ,.. ~ "_? ~ ;. \ -ro . . . =.", '-lht . .,:-.."...,::, . ,.., - . '.::,~: . . .~ ;t:.,;,.= -'" '(.:)( .,.... -' - .' J~~'\\V'.':-' ~ .n.. I..... I' ~ ... , Y" . . ~ ... ., J.'. '- .0 ' , ,.,.... ~ . '" ...., -rt -, '.0 ...... ".)". p. .... ,;,.1:/:'0 '" ...,. x.; ,,'" "'ii' ,<.;, 0 F 0 \i. -,' ",' - \' . I" .\\\\ . 'J " nil 'I": L~~~4- 'C; k/'~~ ' - NOT tRY' PJJBL I C FOR OREGON " My Commission eXPireS?~ .2./f77 . .1 -- 17448883 'ee :, " '..... ~-..J' ~ -:.~. .,,';-.J TRAILER PERMIT COMPLIANCE AGREEMENT \ ' The undersigned, Cora Vaughn , in consideration of the issuance of a permit under Section 29.28 of the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Springfield-1970, does hereby covenant to and with the City of Springfield that he/she/they w,ill comply with and do hereby acknowledge notice of the followihg conditions of use as s~t forth in suhsection (a) of Section 29.26 of the Comprehensive Zoning Code of the City of Springfield-1970 as follows: (in pertinent part) "...Use(of such mobile home or trailer)... shall be terminated and disconti nued upon any of the foll owi ng events: Ownership of the lot or trailer or mobile home is changed. Occupancy of the trailer or mobil e home is changed after September 1 , 1970. , Substitution or replacement of the trailer or mobile home ~nless the substitution Or replacement i~ of , gre~ter value than that being so located and used prior to September 1, 1970, provided that any such , substitution or replacement must be owner-occupied in,order to be allowed under this, provision. ' If the use or :Occupancyof the' trailer br mobile home is' discontinued for more than six (6) months, the use or occupancy may bi resu~ed " only by a speci a 1 permit by the Ci ty Council. II ' (i) (i i ) (iii) These conditions apply to the real property (upon which a permit to maintain a mobile home or trailer has been granted) described with particularity as follows: " Property Description: Address: 3515 Commercial Lot 69, Adams Plat, as platted and recorded in Book 14, Page 3, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, in Lane C01llty, Or~gon. , Except the South 75.8 feet '~nd the West 30 feet. " There lS no monetary consideration for this transaction. Dated this 27th day of September " ., 19 74 PROPERTY miNERS: .a~J7JX ~~~~ j/ , STATE OF OREGON) ss: COUNTY OF LANE ) Persona lly-app'ca red before me Cora Vaughn and acknowledged that, . she executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and purposes therein named. September 27' , 197 4 ! ~ /, "" . :,1 . "" ",',ii,llllIIlII" ' \ ,- . "1 . .,-,,\'\\'i E.- II :~"'/.. " ,,(.' ...... '.1"., :.,:' ~"\"~.'~ .' .....>.:.~-.. ,..,~ ,. . c;" ~""', T . ..-...... ~ V)... ~~O ( '.)~~ ...~;; ". . - . . .: ~ ~ : '-i ... ~ ....: " ,,/::) ',' C :""<,' , , ;'. J' '.,' fJ.8 l..\ :' ~ . .. /" ' - , . .., ." .' r-,' ~ .,-, . . - ".- . .', ,)." "... 0- r" '. "roo '..... (,' :'" <: 0'=','0(" " to '-.. -'1,' . '" '~fj...". . .~ ',- " , ~~/1-U/ C /rrt~~h'lr/ " NOTARY PlJEl Ie FOR OREGON ' ' , My Commission expires: 4~ .2- 1977 t/./ /' . . '. . ,- ;,..-./ ~ -- e. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SPRINGFIELD, ,OREGON 97477 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS May 20, 1976 346 MAIN STREET 747-4221 Ms. Cora Vaughn 704 South GreenHill Road Eugene, Oregon Dear Mrs. Vaughn: . ' The Building Department of the City of Springfield has been informed that you may be in violation of the Trailer Permit Compliance Agreement for your property located at 3515 & 35l5~ Commercial Avenue, Springfield, Oregon. Reports are that mobile homes have been moved in and out and also that ( . . . the occupancy may have been changed since the agreement was signed. Neither of these is permitted as per the attached copy of the agreement. , If any of the conditions (i, 1.1., and/or iii) of the agreement are violated, "use '(of such mobile home or trailer) 'shall be terminated and discontinued." Inquiries concerning this matter should be directed to the City of Springfield Building Department at 747-4221. Sincerely, I- :' ,I.e/.J, '~1' -7 r7~(.l,.~,kl~Le.-l{'~ /,.' ~ (~- ' , :-..."-"" . . Glen F.Marsonette Building Department GFM: smm Attachment I ~" {.- " ....,.,... __ L '"2.. 2,..-0 C> FL '3 i ,-'2..- j }v1$ jl<r ~ ,vJ~~f{s __ _ _ _..AAJ.~~ '. ;02-~ ,_ ,_ I--I.ev~e, . . 3S15'" ~ '2-- ,~...."'- ex 4>. ~ -0 ~ 7/0 - J D . 1 .- -HH~~/I~~t . ~.JJ ff/~~f;( ~ tJaJ~ ~~/r t.o~ k.. ~ ~\~ ~!J(P 7~- 6 D ~I ',~ ' 1/ ' '~LI~~ /, ' fit , -- -- -- _. d-62-()~700 - ,,,- .