HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1997-4-1 " \: , ..........'II!"'" \:" . . SPRINGFIELD FENCE PERHITAPPLICATION CITY OF SPRINGFIELD BUILDING SAFETY DIVISION 225 North Fifth Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Office: 726-3759 INSPECTION LINE: 726-3769 Job Location: J711 C'0/-15"<C/(/iJ.. Assessors Map #: Lo+ 13 I a -r Owner: M yoA! /!J /bG- vu tZ~~ Tax Lot #: Address: 'pJ..%t2# T /~ J..h. City: e~a-e~p_ /'C-Q. C(' Value of Fence: to Con trac tor/Ins taller, ~w~ State: Phone #: ~pf?(r- Zip: Address: 372"/ Ci ty:S/rL:..;!)~ State: C//(. ~ Permit is $5.00 .. /CaiY(} [f"1 Ph~e #: -7%~;2JOC(, Zip: ?'7cr:77 ~ '. " Fence Construction Contractors Registration #: Expires: By signing this permit/applicatiori, I agr~e to call for an inspection once my fence has been constructed (726-3769). I also stated that all information on this application/permit is correct and that I was provided with the Springfield Development code requirements for ~ence standards. zr- ['- 9 7' Date , Signature FOR OFFICE USE " .Issued By: JOB .: q 7[)Lf to q J~ It---- . ..... Date of Application: y- /- Receipt # }~/~? Total Amount Collected: C; jfD 9':7 1'. Checked for Delinquencies: _____ Checked for Historical Status: Il!uq ,. ~ --. ._~.-. ..__"" =-<0=.'0--.,. . . ? ~--., .~ , . . . . ;. .I /. . 1. .t'1 jt r , , , ...'!' . , .". , , , . i'. , :1 ~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD '-.:r,'.\ to " APPLICATION AND AGREEMENT FOR TRUNK LINE SEWER HOOKUP ApplicationishE:Sreby made by the undersigned property owner for permission to connect to the following described property to 8 trunk.ll~e sewer owned and . maintained by the Cit~ of Springfield, and I. agree to pay s~th a hookup charge ,pf $3.40 per front of'the property fo~-the first 150 feet i~ depth to be serv~d '~ . ~y such trunk line se~er in lieu of an assessment against the described property.'. . An add.itional $0.02 per square foot will be charged for'-any additional property ... .~eyond the first 150 ie~t. - . . Property Description: Address: 3791 Commercial Street , . Lot 13, . Adams . Plat \ , . ".....'. ., ~'- - ,',': ';t~~~\~l'~.l,.~". , ',:l'~-";l~""M'::')o"~ .e.l-V'~~1'4'.(t'f. ..'....1..1,.-. ; - /.l!L~:;'~;;~':;';'"I'.'hi."":,) "'l'."~,~1'1'.'i"\t.<'."'." . . ~ Jr. '....'t'l~.ti,;...I,~I, .,::!;~ ,.,:~1~""}~~).~' "'f ~ .. ')"".d,\..~~, . .~'.;";,:J.'~~t"P'..\ ,:,,:... ,1...' ' . " Sewer hoo~up charge: ($3.40.per front foot) $ TOTAL AMOUNT $473.09 This agreement has been computed as being one-half (i) of the equivalent cost .. of an eight (8) inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of.:$3.40 per abutting front foot and does not include.the cost of a house connection to said trunk sewer; sewer user charges, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the pro- perty owner. . , / , I!"}:o"~.,,. CITY OF "sPRINGFIELD. OREGON '- '.By:AU~f2,/'~CA;/- /' / .......... '""'"' . Da,je: ' d I , " 17 ,J . "'f ,- PROPERTY OWNERS: . n " .~/C2 ';...~.. . d.' . :. . . . . . ~ ,.... " ~.." '\ '., __',' ~ 1.-_.... -I, .~ .~. . \.. ... - , I II. ; ~, -~ '..'; '. ./; .-:',~--.":, '~'~" ~ . .' . to ....... '" .,.",,,, .' . ,~ ,.. .' " . ~ . '-...'i STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ). ..-\ ..-,." ~;- ............""~ ; ---.~- " BE IT REMEMBERED, That on the undersigned, a Notary appeared the. within names th is day of , 19 ,befor.erne,.. Pub 1 i c in and for the sa i d County and State, persona lly , . . ,..,:. .'. known to me to be the identical individual . described in and who executed the within instrument and acknowledged to me that executed the same freely and voluntari ly. . I ..j' , . i WITNESS my hand and seal this day and year last above written. Notary Public '- . My Coimli ss i onExp ires , . ~ , ':', '. '-... . ..~, .." ~.~,. ' , , . . ~... .,