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July 21, 2008
Anthony Kennedy
115 RustIc Place
Eugene, Oregon 97401
Re NotIce and Order to Comply WIth The Spnngfield BUlldmg Safety Code
Adrrums1ratIve Code RelatIve To The Unsafe And Substandard Btuldmg At 833 21st
Street, Spnngfield, Oregon
Dear Mr Kennedy
As a result of a recent mspectIon, the CIty of Spnngfield Commumty ServIces DIVISIOn,
Btuldmg Safety, has determmed that the structure located at the above referenced
locatIon, also known as Lane County Assessors Map #17033612, Tax Lot #07001, for
reasons below, a substandard and unsafe bUlldmg as descnbed m the Spnngfield BUlldmg
Safety Code Adrrums1ratIve Code Lane County Assessment and TaxatIon records reveal
that you are the owner of tins property
SectIon 203 of the Spnngfield Btuldmg Safety Code Adrrumstratlve Code classIfies
structures, whIch are structurally madequate or dangerous to human Me as unsafe
SectIon 1001 of the Housmg Code specIfies comhtIOns constItutIng a substandard
btuldmg The follOWIng condItIons mclude but are not lmuted to condItIons eXIstIng at
the structure Identrlied above, classlfymg It as a substandard and unsafe bUlldmg
1 The property IS not currently served With electnc semce Where there IS electnc
power aVaIlable WithIn 300 feet of the bUlldmg, such bUlldmg shall be connected
to electncal power supply
2 Each dwellmg shall be prOVIded With a water closet, lavatory, and a bathtub or
shower Although these fixtures may be InStalled m the dwellmg, the lack of
water semce produces madequate and unsanItary plumbmg sewage faCUltIes
3 The Spnngfield Housmg Code reqUIres that every dwellmg shall be proVIded With
electncal hghtmg Due to the electncal servIce bemg dIsconnected at tins
locatIon, electncal hghtIng IS not available at tins tune
SectIon 204 (b) of the anmmlstratIve Code prOVIdes procedures where the BUlldmg
OffiCIal may reqUIre vacatIon of the prelDlses when CIted defiCIencIes represent an
Substandard Bmldmg
83321 st Street
Page 2
unmedlate hazard to hfe, hmb, property or safety of the pubhc or tts occupants Notice IS
hereby served that the property Will be posted to be vacated by 9 00 am Fnday, July 25,
2008 due to the potential hazards to the occupants resultmg from the above-cited
conditions If you and/or your tenant do not vacate the prermse Wlthm the trme frame
specified, the City may seek comphance With the Bmldmg Safety Codes through legal
recourse, wluch may mclude Muructpal Court proceedmgs
Once the property has been vacated, occupancy shall not take place until the above
mentIOned unsafe and substandard condItIOns are corrected and approved by tlus office
Any person havmg any record, title or legal mterest m the bmldmg may appeal from tlus
Notice and Order to the Bmldmg Board of Appeals, provided that he appeal IS made m
wnhng and filed With the Bmldmg OffiCial Wltlun two (2) days from the date of service
oftlus Notice and Order Fallure to appeal Will constitute a Walver of all nght to an
adnmustratlve heanng and determmatlOn oftlns matter
Your anticipated courtesy and cooperation IS appreciated If you have any questIOns, you
may contact me at 726-3663
Bryan Rlchardson
Electncal Inspector
cc Dave Puent, Commuruty Services Manager
Spnngfield Pohce Department
Spnngfield Utlhty Board