HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1998-7-23 ~ I I . I I I , . '. ~ . . . J . . I . I . . I ) . . ~ . . . I . ~. ~. ~ . . . r ~ . . 1 1/6/1998 - .. ~ o DRAINAGE,. a Stonn, a Ditch, a Culvert, a Natural S-- WETLANDS,. Description ;<./~;.jif /n1'Ar1/nF-O lJ}~j..J1 H 5/w} I o FLOOD PLAIN, Zone: , FEMA Community Panel No.: o FLOODWAY, FEMA Community Panel No.: , Date: PLAN CHECK FEES: UP TO 100 CUBIC YARDS 101 TO 1.000 CUBIC YARDS 1,001 TO 10,000 CUBIC YARDS 10,000 TO 100,000 CUBIC YARDS 100,001 TO 200,000 200,001 CUBIC YARDS OR MORE $20.00 $30.00 $40.00 $40.00 For the flrat'10,000 cublo yardl, plul $20.00 for each addltlonel10,000 cubic yardl or fraction thereof. $220.00 For the flrlt 100,001 cubic yerda, plul $20.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yarda or fraction thereof. $340 For the flrlt 200,001 cublo yardl, plul $6.00 for each eddltlonal10,000 cubic yardl or fraction thereof. I GRADING PERMIT FEES: UP TO 100 CUBIC YARDS 101 TO 1,000 CUBIC YARDS . $30.00 $30.00 For the flrlt 100 cublo yardl, plul $14.00. for each additional 100 cubic yardl or fraction thereof. $156.00 For the flrlt 1,000 cubic yardl, plul $12.00 for each additional 1,000 cubic yardl or fraction thereof. $264.00 For the flrat 10,000 cubic yerdl, plul . $64.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yardl or fraction thereof. $760.00 For the flrat 100,001 cubic yardl, plul . $30.00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yardl or fraction thereof. . 1,001 TO 10,000 CUBIC YARDS . 10,000 TO 100,000 CUBIC YARDS 100,001 T9200,000 I Plan Check Fee: ~:;-79 C-t/ . J . .. ~DbD-f- /? 6?',dl =-ll'l7.d~eceIPt No: ;9..t:;~/r?ftJ Date: ..::s/it/ge 1<::1f-c.f E- V/rLJ C//~ Date: '?> /'31 /r f .;;J/97, c-:" -toof4 CJf / ~ .g9 ,r)Cf_ Estimated Volume: -- Recel.ved By: Grading Permit fee: Receipt No: Date: Received by: Date: ce;~{:- A-r-rI4U~bD ',-',,-;., ....... ~ --- " ~ 4\ 0" a nR 7 // ~~ ?J!-,~. ii,;J~ o Building: /" //~ ~c::-.~ . , ~./"" ____ / _ e........... [] Maintenpn~: Date: Date: Date: Date ;;2- ,;/~ ~ ~ - ;J.3i'9J +"2?..?~ . Permit Number 9860(;?'- Issued by: 'Date: . ,Date Planning: Engineering: Date Building: Date Maintenance: Date: o o land and Drainage activity as outlined In this permit has been completed In .accordance with the provisions of this permit. . . LQnd end Dra\npae ac.tlvltv as outlined In this permit has not been completed In accordance With the prov SlcJTlS ot thiS permit. . IiJ'" Land and Drainage activity was performed prior to application for this permit. . Accepted by: Date: J ..... .. t _....."......~.. . ". ,.... ,. or. ~ ,,,,' . ,)>:.::....;t:.~,.~'4t.i;:..'....... ,".; ':,':rjr: ~''''r'.':; ...; Thls..Sldll.o Be RIled (J Y "',,'ClInt.. ..:', -. "{~"""";"'s.;l'''':''''''>i:''''''"", ", ''1''',.. '>-r,?::":;'f::;':,:~"~,,,' 'fJ,iBLIC', WtJ,o<S' :' NEW IIPPbCATl61f1 r'/f€Sl(S/J1I7T~1. ~ .'J"::r,. " , This permit Is required for any site activity In the flood plain and everywher.e site alteratlol .~.::. '. fifty (60) cubic yards of material or more and/or if a dralnageway Is affected, within City I, l LJ.I 0... L o LJ.I --I <( LJ.I LJ <( L . . n o L <( n. L :s . Date of Application ,/-u-J 1.8 . Permit expiration Date: \ c.Of.1l.\iC.,.L Go Phone: (>,""3)ZZ~.Lc City~ St8te:~ Property Owner ~~T (~r~ Address:~ s,w. sth ~ Site Address: 3~ CD^,uf~,:.....c... ~ , SpringfJel CI UGB \ Tax Map No: 1'.02.3'.2..1 . Journal number applicable Land Use Application Tax Lot: 27a: t??-~-/'L'" cr FILL, QU8ntlty~~ &!:F J ,. Source Location 0,.1 S, T-6 _ yuppllef .' Material ~~RADING, Quantity 2,~ 4eI!5 . t::r EXCAVATION, Quantity as"1f J.,d ~J 3 Destination: O&l.TA. SA,,",O "10k Supplier: L>~4 Co~~-r~"'Ti...:.J .' Project Supervisor Mlb ~l.&.c......,,' Address ~., '1 1J11I/~r.i.J 6" ~~ ~ , Phone 1'_ & r . z.z.53 .. rBI SITE PLAN RequIred DBtB:Quantlty of material, Property lines and descriptions, T8 lot'number, Site address, Existing contour lines, Proposed contour lines, existing dl ways, Prop-osed drainage ways, Significant trees and foliage, Ground cover, son W Buildings, Septic systems, Sewers, Areas subject to f1oodrng, Utilities, Areas~ubJe' slides, Proposed site Improve~ents. , . . CI CI rBI CI CI CROSS SECTIONS, SOILS 8& GEOLOGY PLAN, ')-B~~-(~~f::'? ~ DRAINAGE, POLLUTION AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN ( , ,< (. .<, /.l ?-?J/V't.Jr-';,J /J_ dl- tJ/f7 - "7";7,' I'*/SDIA oq -en '31 REPLANTING PLAN L -, uO ADDITIONAL INFORMATION, IJ''').J ~ 1\ __ ,t J - COMPANY NAME: r< J "i u.. blJq 'A.Jtf~~;' Co ..1 PROJECT SUPERVISOR: fZ.o~'fcr=.). I-k u.. . p& ADDRESS: '2.1 ~3~ -;;, &S7;. LrJ COMPANY NAME: J ..keSS -EAJ'f IA,Jfc;t,,.:.., ~/.A-, PROJECT SUPERVISOR: 'BLL\G(; ~'T~c; ADDRESS: p. D. eo ~ S'2-( 0 :live.. , PHONE 3"'l4- -, {( " CITY ~~ ~~L STAT , PHON~.~) (;,.~ -~, . CITY t&::nMJO STAT CONTRACTOR NAME: 0 tC/)6u.- c.,.bTwZT::J "'-'Y;wJ'1" PROJECT SUPERVISOR: J6a:= 4~w~ PHONE 747 . e73t Registration Number: 630 ~i) " expiration Date:, ADDRESS: ~~ A.. ~ ~ ((~ s-r;. .. r ..J. ,,' CITY: .r.p{l./~ tf~, t..Lb STATE: Qe...., ZIP: 47if7' OFFICE PHONE 71/ 7 }{'?;~ FAX 7vJ J MOBILE PHONE:-...$'DI 3/10 " EMERGENCY PHONE: '9'1 z I J,KS I understand that lor my luccessors may have future plans for my property which may be anticipated or unantlclp thIs time. I understand that such future plans may require permits and developement approvals from the CIty of S~ I understand that notwithstanding any approval of this Land and Drainage AlteratIon Parmlt (LDAP), that at. the tlm application of future permits or approvals the City may review and reconsIder aD actions which I or my IUCCessors undertaken perau8nt to this LDAP. I understand that the City may as a condition of any futur!.~pproval, require tht undoing, changing, or. modifIcation of any actions which I have undertaken as a reault of the Clty"s approval of thll , By algnature, I atate and agree, that I have. carefully examined the completed application and do hereby certify tha<. Information hereIn la true and correct, and I further certify that any and all work performed ahall ba done In accord. with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, applicable City Standard specifications and Drawings, and the laws \ State of Oregon pertaInIng to the work described herein. I further certify that only contractore and employe.. who compliance with OAS 701.066 will be used on this project. , .' The City may Inspect the work alte described In this permit at any time during a one year period following the recel the CitY of notice of completion of the described work and apeclfy, at the Clty'a sole desecration, any additional re, work required to return the alte to a stendard acceptable to the City. The permittee wnl be notified In writing of en) required and will have thirty (30) days from the date of the notice to complete the work. Work not completed at tht the thirty daya wID be performed by the CIty and the coats will be billed to the permittee. ' I further agree to ensure thet all required Ins ectlons are requested at the proper time, that project address la readat .......... ....... .,......,~. ... o' p/o . '.""'n on "'".J'''~ .n ..,., ........ .............. . .''''- ~- ~- r(" """/-.::l~-.9r -' ~ ,J . ...~ ... . . Runoff from construction entrances shall be directed to sediment ponds or traps where these have been otherwise provided on development sites. 7. Erosion contro' facilities shall not be allowed to fall into disrepair. The owner shall inspect facilities during and after rainfall events to ensure that they continue to function effectively. Repairs shall be made as soon as possible during rainfall events. 8. Temporary erosion control measures may not be removed until the site is pennanently restored to the satisfaction of the inspector. For projects that contain or adjoin drainage ways or environmentally sensitive areas, or occur on slopes over 15 percent, the Director may require a restoration plan that shall consider vegetation types, mulching/annoring, and/or mainten~ce to affect the following: . . Erosion and sediment control . ,Soil and slope stability . Protection of drainage ways. and environmentally sensitive areas. 9. All temporary erosion control meaSures shall be removed within 30 days after final site stabilization has been achieved or after the measures are no longer needed. Sediment collected in traps, ponds, or silt fence shall be , removed and disposed in an approved manner or stabilized on site. Disturbed soil areas resulting from sediment removal shall be pennanently stabilized within seven days. 10. Straw bale barriers are temporary and have a life expectancy of two months or less. The purpose of strawlhay bale , barriers is to I) intercept and detain small amounts of sediment from disturbed areas of limited extent in order to prevent sediment from leaving the site, and 2) decrease the velocity of sheet flows and low level channel flows . Strawlhay bale barriers are not a substitute for filter fabric fences as they are short-lived and provide very little filtration of sediment. Straw and hay bales may be used below areas subject to sheet and fill erosion. The size of the drainage area is to be no greater than 0.25 acre and the length of the slope behind the barrier should be no greater than 100 feet. lfthe slope has a gradientgreater than 10 percent, slope length should be . no more than 50 feet.] , . There shall be no concentration of water or possibility of a washout in a channel above the barrier. 11. If drainage problems to adjacent properties are caused by or as a result of activity on this site then the applicant/owner/developer will be required to place additional stonn drainage to remedy the situation. 12. The owner/contractor shall maintain adequate erosion control measures at all times. Failure of the owner and or contractor to provide adequate erosion control measures even if not shown on the plan or documents shall constitute a violation of this pennit and the owner and or contractor shall bear full liability. 13. Payment of additional fees in the amount of $1207.09 for additional staff time beyond the nonnal pennitting process must be paid at the time of or prior to issuance. 14. Issuance of this penn it shall be conditional upon the engineer of record providing the City of Springfield with'a letter stating that the work done to date meets minimum Federal, State and local codes and confonns to the requirements of this penn it. 15. Failure by the owner and/or his contractors to follow and adhere to these conditions, pennit requirements, City of Springfield ordinances, State and Federal codes and laws in part or in the whole may result in stop work orde~s, revocation of penn its, fines and penalties, attorneys fees, court costs and costs associated with cleanup and restoration to the site, public right of\l(,ays, public and private drainageways and drainage systems, wetlands and private property. " j . ~ .;::._. ~ . . " Engineering Comments & Conditions, By Bob Kettwig Date: 3/20/98 Site L()cation 17-02-31-21 taxlots, 2700 & 2800 Great Western Chemical Co. 3600 Commercial Street Springfield, OR 97477 Observations 1. Land alteration has occurred on this site prior to obtaining a valid Land and Drainage Alteration Permit. 2. No wetlands identified 3. The plans as submitted show minimal erosion control measures and no construction staging. The plans as submitted are inadequate in that they fail to show the minimum application requirements even after several communications to , the Engineer/owner. The geology report submitted is for seismic evaluation and not appropriate for this permit application. It should be re-directed to the building plan review application. 4. Site and City Storm System drains into identified wetlands. Conditions This document is an extension to the conditions of the Land and Drainage Alteration Permit. These conditions must be carried out in addition to and as a part of any other conditions or requirements listed on this permit application and shall be in addition to any current or pending permit application(s) or land use decisions. The owner shall be required to be in compliance with federal, state and local ordinances and codes, and sound engineering practices with regard to activity on this site. Specific conditions shall include but not be limited to the following; 1. Wet weather conditions are now in effect through April 30, and may be extended if wet weather exists beyond that date.' . 2.' Sediment from the construction must be trapped and prevented from leaving the project site or entering streams, drainage ways, wetlands, or other environmentally sensitive areas. Private and public property down gradient of the project site shall be protected against erosion during construction caused by runoff from the Project site. Runoff from the project site during construction shall be protected so that sediment-laden water will be filtered before entering the conveyance system. 3. Temporary erosion control facilities must be designed for the 2-year, 24-hour storm. 4. Stabilization of all exposed areas will be required within 48 hours after reaching finished grade. 5. Sediment and erosion control measures shall be in place and functioning before clearing and grading begins. 6. Construction site entrances are egress P?ints for vehicles onto paved public roadways. All projects, which will have vehicular traffic, shall have an approved means to prevent vehicies from tracking soil from the site. The owner shall maintain the entrance(s) as necessary to ensure proper functioning of the system. The inspector may require stabilization of interior roadways and car parks to keep sediment contained. lf sediment is tracked offsite, sediment shall, on a daily basis, be swept or shoveled from the paved surface before washing.