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Permit Correction Notice 2008-7-16
""-........~......I-'<C................'1~~-..J-."..............-.~..-.......P~~~~..........~.......~r-'.._....._~y"'t_~..",'~~-,..,.,........,,,,...--,,..y,._-- -.-.-.". --~ , City of Springfield/Development Services BUilding Safety 225 Fifth Street ~~ Date: 7 I.Lb...! of! Job# . (7 - /IPttS-- Address: 221-11 II' v &IU iA.- J4I1E TO, CO v lot; Lrf/0<.J", lute f) C /(rG<Jt':) Inspecti~n Type, hlAJ elr'c-/rIL Me /IIJ, ZZIZJf)J'I " J1~~vl (J(lYI<: 1 XA.evtllJ"A.i-,p'1 .Jov ~~"'II'(c p(X.~ t..1 " Guvll-l" fJa. '" e I A/I;(.. ?P-I. 15(8): f...o....t PO<cl1 J-l~~.) 11.1.. luc,/.r.IIr:J. ltIec./IIJ,17: f'1(~,,~ lu t;-b 1/ ~/<c-tlc FL<."l'lGa~,,'I(,<'<+I'''_I'J 4-1 w..!rv I,-,,,,hr: Atft,ZltJ. '1fB),IA~~vf LIA.lI~ .f,~s fw 0/$( VJMl,/h,,,t'7" /)/~6t:!>SJ /$"<""lAA:.~ J/f? JI'l.1.I; wi Wdvl ti,(j", % tRJ-lIrd....~,( f3(J x<.'), jt;fc.}1'I2r' : AIJuwJ l~flX<<; I.... t;~ I ~ k/JI1f1 J1"~,) {J)1/01~ . ~ /f,.f? 11'1. I <7(/J)/QIS -1tJ5 - 016f"fV nlt.vB 111 (,.~"wK J1~c.J, -b 6c 1I".rl'r 1-.:- or >1vo1rt---/.rcl., , /fit;? ZIt'. ttl At?); /)ed t,,, M c"".fs;}r: #/((11 ~() r trI- Cv-"-CM'{(~. . ,yE?Z5"{).~.' 11('0:1. 2"<< f>VDIA....,./ 0..1 lV1s+<11 A+ /5-e<"&A-r~' Corrections and relnspectlon request shall be made within '3c:? r~lendar days 7-Jb--"rY"" Call for relnspectlon ~yes DNo Inspector &Yt2/A J2,e/"d",ds",Vl _Date' / <1':) ",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Call for inspection 726-3769"'''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''Questions 726-3759",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,