HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 2008-7-15 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-0I054 ISSUED' 07/15/2008 APPLIED. 07/15/2008 EXPIRES: 01/15/2009 VALUE' 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme SITE ADDRESS 3998 FRANKLIN BLVD SPACE 21 Eugene ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703344202400 TYPE OF WORK Heatmg System TYPE OF USE AlteratIOn ReSIdential PROJECT DESCRIPTION Heat Pump Owner GREEN VALLEY ENDEAVORS LLC Address 3998 FRANKLIN BLVD EUGENE OR 97403 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type MechaOlcal Contractor PACIFIC AIR COMFORT INC LIcense 39237 Expiration Date 03/25/2010 Phone 541-672-9510 BUILDING INFORMATION I # of UOItS Pnmary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy GI oup Pnmary ConstructIOn Type Secondary ConstructIOn Type # of Bedrooms # of Stones HeIght of Structure Type of Heat Water Type Range Type Energy Path Spnnkled Buddmg Lot SIze Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garage/CarpOl t Sq Ft Other Occupdnt Load n/a I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I Frontyard Setback SIde 1 Setback SIde 2 Setback Rearydrd Setback Solar Setbacks Overlay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Paved Dnve Rqd % of Lot Coverage REQUIRED PARKING Total HandIcapped Compact I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I Street Improvements S,dewalk Type Storm Sewer AvaIlable DownspoutslDrams SpeCIal Ari'telWR!lN Oregon law requires you to follow rules adopted by the Oregon Utility NotesNotlflcatlon Center Those rules are set forth In OAR 952-001-0,Q1 0 thrnllnh flAP Q<;"_nM_ 0090 You may obtain copies of the If;". u)' lIU IIGE: calling the center. (Note the telep~',~aluatJon Descr!otion rHIS PERMIT SHALL EXPIRE IF THE WORK number for the Oregon Utility Notification I~ D CentAr IS 1.Bno-~"I?-?~44) $ Per Sq Ft Square Fb QRIZED UNDER THIS PERMIT.lS NOr eSCrIptlon "lvpe ofCifirsr1'TrefllJi1 . or multlpher or BId A\ ~ ~ENCED OlfrSuJl.BANDOrRtf"F'o~culated ANY 1 80 DAY PERIOD, Page I of2 Sta tus Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO. COM2008-01054 ISSUED' 07/15/2008 APPLIED 07/15/2008 EXPIRES' 01/15/2009 VALUE. 225 FIfth Street, SprIngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme Total Value of Project Fee. Paul B Fee DescrIptIOn -Mechamcallssuance Fee- + 10% AdmlmstratIve Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee AIr Handhng Umt Up to 10,000 Heat Pump Mlmmum/AdJustment Mechamcal Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Number $20 00 $500 $600 $250 $900 $1400 $2700 7/15/08 7/15/08 7/15/08 7/15/08 7/15/08 7/15/08 7/15/08 3200800000000000499 3200800000000000499 3200800000000000499 3200800000000000499 3200800000000000499 3200800000000000499 3200800000000000499 Total Amount PaId $83 50 I Plan RevIews I To Request an inspectIOn call the 24 hour recordIng at 726-3769. All InSpectIOns requested before 7 00 a.m WIll be made the same workIng day, InSpectIOns requested after 7'00 a.m. WIll be made the follOWIng work day. I Relllllred In.neelion. , 1 , Rough Mechamcal PrIor to Cover Fmal Mechamcal When all mechamcal work IS complete By sIgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed apphcatlOn and do hereby certIfy tbat all mtormatlOn hereon IS true and correct, and I further certIfy that any and all WOI k perf 01 med shall be done m accordance wIth the Ordmances of the CIty of Sprmgfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work deSCrIbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY WIll be made of any structure wIthout permIssIOn ot the CommunIty ServIces DIVISIOn, Bnlldmg Safety I further certIfy that only contI actors and employees who are m comphance wIth ORS 701 005 wIll be used on thIS project I further agree to ensnre that all reqUIred mspectlOns are requested at the proper tIme, that each address IS readable Irom the street, that the permIt card IS located at the tront of the property, and the approved set of plans wIll remam on the Site at .11 times durmg construction Owner or Contractors S,gnature Date Pa2e 2 ofl City of Sprmgfield Mechamcal AuthorizatIOn To Begm Work E-ma.led To beckl@pacllicaJrcomfort com Receipt # EC533952 7/15/2008 8 37 34 AM eRINGflM WI: Check on status of perm It By Phone (541)726-3753 or Ema.1 permltcenter@clspnngfield orus TYPE OF,WORK I 0 New constructIOn [XJ Addition/alteration/replacement CATEGORY OF CONSTRUCTION ':t'~~ I [X] 1 or 2 fdmlly dwdhng o Multl~faml]Y o Accessory BUlldmg I~ ~;JOB SITE [Nl'ORMATION AND COCATION IJob no 6241 IJob address 3998 FRANKLIN BLVD I C"l/Sla'e/ZIP [UG[NE, OR 97403~2349 I SUltc/bldgJapt no SPC 21 I Project name Henry Raynor Cross street/directions to Job !lite Mam st In Eugene ILot no 1703344202400 DESCRIPTION OF WORK:"::, , SITE CONTACT IName .':ltl.ve Blcrsteh.cr !Phone (541)342-5300 l.mall bed.l@pdl.lfll.mn...omlort com I Fax (541) 744-8887 ~'CONTRACTOR~n ceo he no 39237 Bu..mc!o!o Name PACIFIC AIR COMFORT INC ContAct Beck] McCormIck Address PO BOX 790 Clty/StatelZlP ROSEBURO OR 97470 Phone (541)3425300 I Fax (541)7448887 Emall beCh.l@paclfICalfCOmfort com Metro he no I City he no Upon review and approval by your local JUriSdiction, your permit Will be e~malled or faxed Within one bUSiness day, With Instructions on how to schedule your Inspection NOTE ThiS AuthOrization To Begin Work expires Within 180 days If a permit IS not obtained The local bUlldmg department may determine that an AuthOrization To Began Work IS null and VOid If It does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordinances I Tolal I I I I I I I I I $14001 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Subtotal $1400 I Minimum fee used Instead of Subtotal $5000 I State Surcharge (12% ofpermll fee) $600 I Cll) Of Sorlngfield Fees * $27 50 I 10lALnRMIf H~ I $8350 I 10% I oCdl Admm Fee 5% Local Ilclmology , cc~II' I I I I I I I , ~C:FI:E~ SCHEQUJE~ I Qty I DescriptIOn LHe!~coohng apphancc!!oyJ* I rurnace~ up to 100000 BTU I furnace - above 100,000 BTU I Electnc Furndce I Duel alteratIons and additIOns I Gas heater umts/ In wall, 1O~ duct sllsDended etl/ I Vent, flue, IlIler for abovl I Au Conditioner I Heat Pump I Au Handler ~9tber f~~Il)urnlDg AppliAnceS I Water heater I Gas fireplace/lOsertlstove I Gas log! log IIghtcr Gas clothcs dryer FJ I I I I I I II I $1400 Gas stove/range Pool or spa hedter, kIln I Wood/pellet stovc/Jnsert I Wood fireplace I Chlmney/lllllr/flue/vent w/o doolldnct !l<..nvlfOllmelltal eiha~ust AND ventilatIOn! I Range hood J Clothes dryer e'Xhaust I SlOgle duct exhaust (bathrooms, tOIlet compartments uIlht) rooms) I Attlc/crdwlspace fans I ~J. uel plpmg I upto first 4 outlets(enter Qty=l) I each additIOnal outlet I I I I I I II II I I I * City Of Spnngfield fel.s fee, $ I 0 Issuance ree MECH~NJCAL PER~ITfl:~E~~ ~,~ ThiS AuthOrization To Begin Work must be posted at the Job site until replaced by a Permit 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2008-0 I 054 COM2008-01054 COM2008-0 I 054 COM2008-0 I 054 COM2008-0 I 054 COM2008-0 I 054 COM2008-0 I 054 Payments Type of Payment ONLINE CHGS cRecclOtl RECEIPT #: 3200800000000000499 Description Heat Pump AIT Handlmg Unit Up to 10,000 MInimum/AdJustment Mechanical -Mechanical Issuance Fee- + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% AdmInistrative Fee CIty of Sprmgfield OffiCIal ReceIpt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department Date: 07/15/2008 Item Total Lheck Number AuthoTlLatlOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received Paid By ONLINE PERMIT CHGS DDK Page 1 of I ONLINE PACIFIC Onilne AIR COMFORT INC Payment Total 10 17 48AM Amount Due 1400 900 2700 2000 250 600 500 $83 50 Amount Paid $83 50 $83 50 7115/2008