HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/17/2008 , City of Springfield Date ReCeIVb-.l. Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street JUL 1 7 2008 Springfield, OR 97477 . Original Submittal Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section) Prospective 1"'if if -/ DD ::;- '> Aoolicant Name: AlhU}.A /'1;r(Af\d.... Phone: 494' - 1005 ~ Icompany: (i"Ak.-\-n (meteR.- W~r Fax: fB4-- 'f)t-~ IAddress: 4-000 ~t::l..\;,.j..,. '7/"l~ AU'.... i3.v<<Pr-e.J)t2. Q7fos qJLJ-'5"tf73 ./ 1 n I I Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Ar-l- PIA."2- Phone: 14-4-- 2D# [company: APAZ- An:.h:h+ Fax: 14-4-10" [Address: ((J61S0 CaeJ.oJ Pl<t...t ~ S'fr;^-fj&j[/:uJe.. qt418 /propertvOwner: A/~ /J1;rdtMda' Phone: 4X4-/tJ05 Icompanv: Care!b Co {Tee ~PtPJ7t/} Fax: "1-1 "f- 5"'?-"13 IAddress: ~o E tfts 1"ZZ.A/1J Me' Sdene, tJ.R. '! 7~~ [ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 1'60 '3cJ?'l ~2- ITAX LOT NOeS): "::,70 I [propertv Address: 4'000 ~:L'>;'.\- 2'U1 rl 4v6 ~er-e t3fL en t/-Os ISize of Property: 4. ~I '--'Acre~ rr Sauare Feet D I I Description of If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to thiS application , I Prooosal: ~Y/:1/1/1d'/Y;4 'S/}I/P//lCj 4/nA I{/dr~ t:frU<f. .' IExistina Use: Come rOtlMnCi I ~ J,p/m Mtdfl/tlrt?JJatJ/1:x et?~.ej !# of Lots/parcel/:/ --o-~v~~cel srz~: / sf IDensitv: ~u/arf: ! . -. -.. .---- Prospective Applicant: Date: 7 - pO ~ 00 / 6> n Ii:' .t1LI f?.tL . ,.- Case NO.Y ~C6 - mi5 IAPPlicati~n Fee: $ ~~ \ OQ 9' /1 ~I <:::/6 Reviewed by: */VL- I Postage Fee: $~ Technical Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: C;~{OD PROJECT NUMBER: _"1lIek^!!(~x~i< ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 1 of 3 Development Issues Meeting Process , The purpose of a Deyelopment Issues Meeting IS to glye an applicant the opportunity to dISCUSS his/her development proposal with the development review staff of the CIty The diScussIon can be general or specific, depending on the details provided with the application. A Development Issues Meeting proYldes information to an applicant related to the current deyelopment conditions and standards of the CIty The Development Issues Meeting IS not a land use deCISion and does not confer any development rights, establish any conditions, or bind the applIcant or the CIty to any course of action The meeting conveys the status of known development opportunities and constraints The status may change over time as development conditIons or standards change. 1. Applicant Submits a Development Issues Meeting Application , . The application must conform to the Development Issues Meetmg SubmIttal ReqUIrements Checklist on page 3 of thiS application packet . Development Issues meetings are conducted every Thursday . We strive to conduct the development Issues meetings Within three to four weeks of recelYlng the application . The applicant's proposal IS CIrculated to the releyant staff In preparation for the meeting 2. Applicant and the City Conduct the Development Issues Meeting . The applicant and any deSign team should attend the development Issues meeting . The meeting IS scheduled for one hour ' ; . Staff attending the meeting will be prepared to diSCUSS the Issues raised In the submittal by the applicant Other Issues raised during the meeting may also be discussed . The meeting IS Informal and the CIty will Issue no staff report . c' .'. , . , . , ~ , , , " -- ~ '- " . ~\ ,... . - /\ ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 3 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone rj:o.~;ji: iii: ' ~ 0' ,f Sprmgfield OfficIal ReceIpt Db dopment ServIces Department Pubhc Works Department RECEIPT #. 3200800000000000510 Date: 07/17/2008 3 04 26PM Job/Journal Number Descnphon ZON2008-00031 CTY Development Issues Mtg Payments Type of Payment Check PaId By CAFETO COFFEE CO Item Total Check Number Authorization Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 52100 $52100 Amount Paid tJ 26078 In Person Payment Total $521 00 $52 I 00 Date Received JUL 1 7 2008 Onglnal Submittal cRecemtl Page 1 of I 7117/2008 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP ZON2008-00031 4000 East 220d Avenue (Glenwood) - t.. e ',;' \,;.:" Dat~ Received: JUL 1 7 2008 Original Submittal ~ SHE I Map 18-03-03-12 I Tax Lot 3701 North t LAFLEUR Karen Subject. Location ZON2008-00031 Development Issues Meeting - Alberto MlrandalCafeto Coffee Mark M _SP _ConfRm616 Thu 8/7/2008 1 30 PM Thu 8/7/2008 2 30 PM Start, End' Recurrence (none) Meeting Status' Meeting organizer Required Attendees LAFLEUR Karen, METZGER Mark, PERRY Richard, DRISCOLL Jon, GORDON Gilbert, BOYATT Tom, Englneenng Group (DIMs) _SP _ConfRm616 Resources A Development Issues Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, August 7,2008 @ 1 30 - 230 P m In DSD 616 The planner assigned to thiS applicatIon IS Mark Metzger The applicant submitted plans to discuss expanding shipping and warehouse areas of eXIsting coffee business Please confinn your attendance at thiS meeting Thanks Karen iEC =IVED JUL 2 1200S By: 1 '?2-yco ~' ; <6-J Needs Type II SIte Plan approyal (not modIficatIOn) pnor to deyelopmg a parkmg lot on this property Background tins property receIyed a Type II tentatIye SIte plan approval m 1999, but It was neyer fmaled, no development agreement was sIgned (Gary Karp was the planner) therefore any new deyelopment on tins property needs a new SIte plan approyal not a modIficatIon See Parcel Tag FIle for more InfO ~ T).-y1- \'\} ~ // 't/ ..... \' -; / "'- \ \\~~+,f'\. (\\ ,\~ < ,/ , ~i''''f'-.J , J/ n I /" / ~-~ ",./'/ , - \'/""-l I ~'--_~ \'-""\ ~ J r , -' " c t " \~ r ~ /' / , " \ ',l ~ I /';, .. .J/' / :- \'\ ~;" ;/"'1 /' '\ Date Received' JUL 1 7 2008 Onglnal Submittal ~'(~_\t(\ alp()jZ~ 86950 CEDAR FLAT RD SPRINFIELD, OREGON 97478 . (541) 744-2046. FAX (541) 744-1017 ProJect Cafeto 4000 East 22nd Aye Eugene, OR 97403 July 17, 2008 The followmg mformatIon relates to the proposed warehouse bUlldmg for the Cafeto Coffee Company located at 4000 East 22nd Aye Eugene, OR 97403 Cafeto Coffee Company has been operatmg at thIS bUlldmg sIte for the last ten years The owner wIshes to unproye the facIlIty WIth a shIpment and warehousmg expansIOn to hIs eX1stmg bUlldmg The net traffic to the sIte wIll not mcrease the eXlstmg delIyery truck tnps to the sIte Also, the owner projects a staff mcrease of 3-4 people With the Improved facIlitIes These are the folloWing 5 questIOns that I would like City staff to address m the Deyelopment Issuses Meetmg I Are there any special traffic and transportatIOn related Issues on 22nd Street 2 Phasmg- the owner IS proposmg phase 1 (SIuppmg AddItIOn) and phase 2 (Warehouse AdditIOn), and the proposed constructIOn Will be completed w1thm 2 years 3 Our office analYSIS of the bUlldmg code regulatIOns pertammg to a Type V I hr constructIon, mdlcates that the proposed new bUlldmg area IS adequate ill allowable floor area for an occupancy Type ofF-1 occupancy to construct the bUlldmg Without a fire spnnklmg system Are there any speCial fire system reqUIrements for the proposed structures The folloWing background charactenstlcs descnbe the proposed bUlldmg areas a The silo m the warehouse bUlldmg IS a steel self contamed structure WIth 8 compartments capable ofstormg 100,000 to 120,000 pounds of coffee and It IS conveyor operated b The first floor area wIll haye temporary storage, m addItIon to the SIlo storage, of 40,000 pounds of coffee whIch Will be stored m an area 20x30 and 10 feet hIgh ThiS ground floor area Will haye a seperate eqUIpment repaIr room, and the remamder of the floor area WIll be used for reCe1Yillg and loadmg coffee onto conveyors to the SIlo and a dIrect connectIOn mto )he mtem!llloadmg docks Qf the eXlstmg west Side of the ongmal bUlldmg for roastmg c See attachment A regardmg occupancy, and bUlldmg square foot!lg'e 4 We propose contmued use of the eX1stmg storm dramage runoff system for the East parkmg area and permeable pavers for the new area to the West, ongmalloadmg'!\lI~ Circulation area 14,441 SF to be an expanded area of 19,692 SF, With the use of permeable payers m all new dnye and parkmg areas m thIS West SIde of the bUlldmg 5 We proposed 24 parkmg spaces oyerall parkmg and truck yemcular dockmg as shown on the site (see attached parking area analysIs) Are there any other parkmg Issues? Smcerely, Art Date Received' JUL t 7 2008 onglnal Submittal -, 8'\81\{\1 apaJz~ 86950 CEDAR FLAT RD SPRINFIELD, OREGON 97478 . (54]) 744-2046. FAX (541) 744-]017 July 17, 2008 Page I of2 CIty of Spnngfield Development ServIces Department 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, OR 97477 Date Received JUL 1 7 2008 PrOject Cafeto Coffee Company OnglOal submIttal The followmg mformatlOn relates to the proposed warehouse bUlldmg for the Cafeto Coffee Company located at 4000 East 22nd Aye Eugene, OR 97403 "The proposed bUlldmg IS a constructIOn type, fire res1stIye type V A, I hr With an occupancy use of F-I Please refer to Table 503, Allowable heIght and bUlldmg areas The structure does not exceed the area ImutatIons as determmed by the defimtlOn of "Area, bUlldmg," per floor, whIch IS 2/14,000 Nor does the structure exceed the allowable heIght Location Sauare feet fu!!L Calculation Occun Actual EX1stmg BUlldmg first floor 4,192 SF Busmess I ,250SF/I 00 125 2 Warehouse 2,942SF/500 588 5 EX1stmg BUlldmg second floor 3,226 SF MercantIle 2,37 I SF/300 79 0 Busmess 855SF/IOO 855 5 7,418 SF Total Sub Total 3483 12 Shlppmg (phase I) Sub Total 1,200 SF Sh1ppmg 1,200SF/300 40 40 2 2 / Warehouse (phase2) first floor 5,222 SF Repair 733SF/300 244 2 Warehouse 4,489SF/500 898 2 Warehouse (phase2) second floor ] ,907 SF Busmess 1278SF/100 ]28 2 7,192 SF Total Sub Total 2422 6 Occupant Load CalculalIon 6305 20 J ~.\~_\t\l raipraz~ 86950 CEDAR FLAT RD SPRlNFIELD, OREGON 97478 July 17,2008 Parkm~ Ix!!!'. CalculatIOn Rea Snaces Phase 1 & 2 ' Office/ Repair 4,II6SF/300 1370 - Warehouse 7,43 I SF/I 000 743 , Shlppmg 1,200SF/500 240 Sub Total 2353 Phase 3 -Warehouse 12, I 60SF/I 000 1216 - Office 3,425SF/300 1140 Sub Tofal 2356 Total Parkmg Calculation 4709 . (541) 744-2046. FAX (541) 744-1017 Page 2 of2 Date Received, JUL , 7 2008 OnglOsl submltt~ \ Current Planmnq Staff G Karp, J Donovan, L Pauly, T Jones, L Davls,IM Metzaer\ L Miller, A lImblrd, D Reesor, S Hopkins, M Markanan Jeff Paschall, Supervising Ovil Engineer, Public Works Department ---/ Ken Vogeney, City Engineer, Public Works Department\ ~ Matt Stouder, AlC Englneenng Supervising OVII Engineer, Public Works Richard Perry, Public Works, Englneenng Knstl Krueger, OVII Engineer, Public Works Department --/ Brian Barnett, Traffic Engineer 'L/ Jon Dnscoll, Transportation Planmng Engineer, Public Works L GIlbert Gordon, Deputy Rre Marshall, Fire & life Safety Department Melissa Fechtel, Fire & life Safety Department Greg Ferschweller, Maintenance, Public Works Department Pat French, Planner, Willamalane Park and RecreatIon Dlstnct Thomas Jeffreys, Emerald Peoples UtIlity Dlstnct (EPUD) Tamara Johnson, Spnngfield Utility Board (Electnc) Bart McKee, Spnngfield Utility Board (Water) Amy Chlnltz, Spnngfield Utility Board Mike Wilbur, ODOT Dave Puent, BUilding OffiCIal WIll Mueller, L TO v/ Norm Palmer, Quest Commumcatlons Tom Boyatt, Public Works Denms Ernst, City Surveyor Cella Barry,(Shashl BaJracharya) Lane County TransportatIon Jim Henry, Central Lane Communications 911 Dave Shore, Northwest Natural Gas Tom Henerty, Comcast Cable Jerry Smith, Police Chief Chuck Gottfried, Water Resource Coordinator, ESD Susie Smith, Public Works Director Len Goodwin, Public Works John Saraceno, Spnngfield School Dlstnct 19 Joe Leahy, City Attorney George Walker, Stormwater FacilitIes Planner, ESD John Tamuloms, Economic Development Mgr Courtney Gnesel, Planner 1 (EDM) em OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DISTRIBUTION DATE. July 21, 2008 TO: BIll Gnle _ Dan Brown RECEIVED JUL 212008 By:DlM rJ~ A Development Issues MeetIng Will take place on Thursday, August 7, 2008 @ 1'30- 2'30 P m. In the DSD Conference Room 616 @ Spnngfield City Hall. Please review the enclosed information, and come prepared to diSCUSS thiS application With the Planner and applicant Should you haye any questions, please contact Mark Metzger @ (541) 726-3775. Revised 7-21-08 (~-I '....."( ~ u 11 ~~ fJ .t~ -;3;r::r. ~~rl ~ {, lI':-:t'" I ,l If i\ ,.tJ l~ ;;: &;(....~ '>0, II " ~ '1<< \ .' M ! '~ ff' ~ t.~ 'l~' 1,., :. t.~~.J "~.Al ,;;>~6" '( tOilS! (. lUt , "') f~3 ,,\t I. City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 . Original Subrmtli'.1 Development Issues Meeting (DIM) Date Rece'v",d JUL 1 7 2008 Prospective Applicant Name: Alhef.}-.O fIl:rtAf\d"'-. Phone: Icompany: ((')..k-I--n (,?)Ctee.... W~IYU\I Fax: !,~r~,dress: 4-coo~ 9:: J-:.. '7~?:~T~4l1~7' ?-;~f ~p(L, Q7fo,s 4- ~ f f,~;~ ~f) +1:\ 4- - 'f)f'Uf, ,! [(J- -' ) ~'" ( I '--.,p' , ~ !" '"', Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Ar..J.. PCI.."Z- Phone: 144-- 2.D4'0 Company: APA2 An:.h.: h+ Fax: 14-4- 'IOtl IAddress:, _ '" Q.\~:7S0pU~ Pla..~ ~ ,:?'f~;T~{,:!A ;u..~ q"/478 Ipropertv Owner: A /12e4:ti /71/ ral.-1,/Jd'C Phone: 4%4-/005 Icompany: Caf-elh Cc#e.e Urm//d'4JVJ Fax: -'1-'5-1--5"1-73 [Address: ~O E 45 r 2Z;U/J /rJlC ~ IVdeHe: I tJ,Ie. 97fZ!"-7 j* ,*" "l}\tJd'L~'F *,~*, *'0 Y *_**" ,,,, 0 ~ '" " IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: I c;:,O:sr, ?'l ~2- ITAX LOT NOeS): ::.70 I Property Ad'1r~~~,- 4-(y\() ~.\-- 221'1 d AvG ~er-e 6fC en I/.os ~ ' Size of Prope.r~y: 4- - ~I Acres &,;:(' Sauare Feet 0 I ' :t,k';c~"M&Jf!'* '" !j I ~ I Description of If you are filling In th~ form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to this application . I Proposal: E>]p/M/JdH7J ,~/}J/?P/17 :&*7d tVare-ltP'L<l1 ffY(/J'<i' , IExlsting Use: (lore rtJ(i.:f/;lJq ,.ud1 tJF'/1lj I't1td IJ/tl/t/ha&J//X e/J-#i2~1 of Lots/Parces/T____J~_~~~~I,~~;: ',T s:,lDensity: 'i~{~c{: ! Prospective ~ d - --~ Applicant: 7 - ;r> ,~ 00'" Date: '" ~ / /la. 6- j7J I J: .t1-Lt t/.,tL Print . -. -.. I . . , ,.- Case No. f ~g - r::T'lj5, f ::;- /11/6 '0 Reviewed by: -+./V'Z- Application Fee: $ .:)~ \ DQ Technical Fee: $0 I postaae Fee: $~ ITOTAL FEES: <SD PROJECT NUMBER: ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 1 of 3 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97an (541) 726,3753 FAX (541) 726,3689 WWWCI springfield or us July 21, 2008 Alberto MIranda Cafeto Coffee Company 4000 E 22nd Avenue Eugene, OR 97403 RE ZON2008-00031 (18-03-03-12 TL 3701) Development Issues MeetIng - Applicant submItted plans to dIscuss expandmg sbtppmg and warehouse areas of eXlstIng coffee busmess Dear Mr MIranda Thank you for your Deyelopment Issues MeetIng submIttal The followmg meetIng has been scheduled, ( TYPE: DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING PLACE: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT CONFERENCE ROOM 616 225 J'll' in STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 DATEffIME: Thursday, August 7, 2008 at 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. CONTACT PERSON: Mark Metzger If you have any questlons, please call me at 541-726-3775 Smcerely, Mark Metzger Urban Planning CC Art Paz AP AZ Arcbttect 86950 Cedar Flat Road Spnngfield, OR 97478 DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD CITY HALL 225 FIFTH STREET DSD Conference Room 616 Meetzng Date: August 7, 2008 @ 1:30 - 2:30 p.m.. 1 DEVELOPMENT ISSUES MEETING #ZON2008-00031 MIRANDAlCAFETO COFFEE Assessor's Map 18-03-03-12 TL 3701 Address 4000 E 22nd Avenue (Glenwood) existing Use Cafeto Coffee Roasters Applicant submitted plans to dISCUSS expanding shipping and warehouse areas of eXIsting coffee business Planner Mark Metzger CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP ZON2008-00031 4000 East 22nd Avenue (Glenwood) ~ I ;- , } Date Received. JUl 1 7 2008 Onginal SubmIttal SITE Map 18-03-03-12 Tax Lot 3701 North t ?~cC>~ ~ <RJ Needs Type II Site Plan approval (not modmcatlOn) pnor to developmg a parkIng lot on thts property Background thts property receIved a Type II tentahve sIte plan "ppw val m 1999, but It was neyer finaled, no development agreement was sIgned (Gary Karp was the planner) therefore any new development on thts property needs a new sIte plan approval not a modrlicahon See Parcel Tag File for more Info ~T~ Date Received JUL 1 7 2008 Onglnal Submittal .'\tlll\l OlpfliZ~ 86950 CEDAR FLAT RD SPRINFIELD, OREGON 97478 . (541) 744-2046. FAX (541) 744-1017 ProJ ect Cafeto 4000 East 22nd Ave Eugene, OR 97403 July 17,2008 The followmg mformatlOn relates to the proposed warehouse bUIldmg for the Cafeto Coffee Company located at 4000 East 22nd Ave Eugene, OR 97403 Cafeto Coffee Company has been operatmg at this bUIldmg sIte for the last ten years The owner Wishes to unprove the facIlIty With a shIpment and warehousmg expansIOn to hIS eXlstmg bUIldmg The net traffic to the sIte Will not mcrease the eX1stmg delIyery truck tnps to the sIte Also, the owner projects a staff mcrease of 3-4 people With the Improyed facIlItIes These are the folloWing 5 questIons that I would lIke CIty staff to address m the Deyelopment Issuses Meetmg 1 Are there any specIal traffic and transportatIon related Issues on 22nd Street 2 Phasmg- the owner IS proposmg phase 1 (Slnppmg AddItIOn) and phase 2 (Warehouse AddItIOn), and the proposed constructIOn Will be completed Wlthm 2 years 3 Our office analysIs of the bUIldmg code regulatIons pertammg to a Type V Ihr constructIon, mdlcates that the proposed new bUIldmg area IS adequate m allowable floor area for an occupancy Type ofF-I occupancy to construct the bUIldmg WithOut a frre spnnklmg system Are there any specIal frre system requlIements for the proposed structures The followmg background charactenstIcs descnbe the proposed bUIldmg areas a The SIlo m the warehouse bUIldmg IS a steel self contaIned structure wIth 8 compartments capable of stonng 100,000 to 120,000 pounds of coffee and It IS conyeyor operated b The flISt floor area WIll haye temporary storage, m addItIOn to the SIlo storage, of 40,000 pounds of coffee whIch Will be stored m an area 2Ox30 and 10 feet hIgh TIus ground floor area Will have a seperate eqUIpment repaJI room, and the remamder of the floor area WIll be used for recelymg and IOijqmg coffee onto conveyors to the sIlo and a dIrect connectIOn mto Jhe mtemalloadmg docks Qf the eXlstmg west side of the ongmal bwldmg for roastmg c See attachment A regardmg occupancy, and bUIldmg sqllllfe foomge 4 We propose conUnued use of the eXlstmg storm dramage runoff systetp for ,Jhe East parkIng area and permeable payers for the new area to the West, ongmalloadmg Illld OI+Cullltion are,! 14,441 SF to be an expanded area of 19,692 SF, With the use of permeable Pijyers m lIll new dnye and parkIng areas m this West SIde of the burldmg 5 We proposed 24 parkIng spaces oyerall parkIng and truck yehIcular dpckIng as shown on llle sIte (see attached parkIng area analysIs) Are there any other parkIng Issues? Smcerely, Art Date Received. JUL 1 7 2008 Onglnal submittal .,~,\\t~\ ()lp(AZ~ 86950 CEDAR FLAT RD SPRINFIELD, OREGON 97478 . (541) 744-2046. FAX (541) 744-1017 July 17, 2008 Page I of2 CIty of SprIngfield Deyelopment Services Department 225 Fifth Street SprIngfield, OR 97477 Date Received. JUL 1 7 2008 Project Cafeto Coffee Company onglnal submittal The followmg mformatlOn relates to the proposed warehouse bUlldmg for the Cafeto Coffee Company located at 4000 East 22nd Aye Eugene, OR 97403 'The proposed bUlldmg IS a constructIon type, fire reslstIye type VA, Ihr With an occupancy use ofF-1 Please refer to Table 503, Allowable heIght and bUlldmg areas The structure does not exceed the area hnntatlOns as determmed by the defrmtlOn of "Area, bUlldmg," per floor, whIch IS 2/14,000 Nor does the structure exceed the allowable height LocatIOn Sanare feet ~ CalculatIOn Occon Actual EX1Slmg BU11dmg frrst floor 4,192 SF Busmess 1,250SF/1 00 125 2 Warehouse 2,942SF/500 588 5 EXlstmg Bmldmg second floor 3,226 SF MercantIle 2,371 SF/300 79 0 Busmess 855SF/100 855 5 7,418 SF Total Sub Total 3483 12 Shlppmg (phase I) Sub Total 1,200 SF Shlppmg 1,200SF/300 40 40 2 2 Warehouse (phase2) first floor 5,222 SF Reparr 733SF/300 244 2 Warehouse 4,489SF/500 898 2 Warehouse (phase2) second floor 1.907 SF Busmess 1278SF/100 128 2 7,192 SF Total Sub Total 2422 6 Occupant Load CalculatIOn: 6305 20 "It_itlt ,Ofp()JZ~ 86950 CEDAR FLAT RD SPRINFIELD, OREGON 97478 July 17, 2008 Parkm~ ~ Calculation Rea. Snaces Phase I & 2 - Office! Reparr 4,1l6SF!300 1370 - Warehouse 7,431 SFIl 000 743 , Shlppmg 1,200SF!500 240 Sub Total 2353 Phase 3 -Warehouse 12,160SF!1000 1216 - Office 3,425SF!300 1140 Sub Total 2356 Total Parkmg CalculatIon 4709 . (541) 744-2046. FAX (541) 744-1017 Page 2 of2 Date Received JUL \ 7 2008 Onglnal subm1ttal-