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Special Inspection Application 2008-7-7
Ci~ or::;r.:"'6field Commum~ SecvicesDivision 22S Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 TeL.L.~_: (541) 726-3759 Fax: (541) 726-3689 Cotl\ 2.00& -00++0 Bmlding Pemut 1# t.."W M<Cew"..( ..voLA.- ~~/etA'j(. -:xU(~ Project T,t1e ~ool) '-MeJtJ" '( ~t: . ~n..1o&b rl 'EL-D , ~ Project Address f') - ') - [:p) Date ~ co: Z I = '-"> I '" = = co s:: <:> Z tt1+77 = ---'l = => :- s:: Spec:iallm" ..'-", and Testing "'" <:> "" ""' r-' r-' = "'" <:> ""' :- "" :- "'" c-> = ..... ""' c-> ..... ~ - To apphcants ofprqjecls'., "..~"'" special iospoclum oclestu\8 as perSecbon 17040flbe Oregon StnK:tmal Specllllly Cocle. Pi.... revuow the,,"~",..,,,,,.,, below When you Ium: tinosbed._ ..:~.. ..:.:ge an L..,: ..~,...: .,.Il oflbe millmalionby SJgIIlDg beJow.aodretnmth.. bm 10 the~. BEFORE A PERMIT CAN BE "'""U&U, The owner oc owner'. '....~~~Y8, on1h<:sdv,,:ooftbuespollSlblel'loj<CtllDgineeroc Arcbitect, s1WlcompJetc, SJgn, mxI subnutlo!be Cllyfur 1'IlV1eWand,...... ,i.dlusfimn ..,_~:...J on both lhefiunt IIIllI bad< The owner and GenemI Co ., ..,'. ..,., where applwable, shall also acknowledge !be fullowong condrtJ.ons applialblelo SpecUl! In..r--_.- andIocToslmg. I CanIracIur IS respouslblefurpropernotdicatioo fuc1he '-"'. ." ,. oc Testing ofllems bsted.. 2 Tesbng laboramry shall J:aja,....r-..-~~ samp'" and 1ransport1bmJ 10 tbeu: laboramry fucproper evaluolioooclcsling . CopIes ofallla:;.._;"'J. repmlsand mspectJons....1o be selltlotb. ~ by tbe TesblIg Agency. 3 SpecUl! InspectIon Agen<;y IS 10 sulmnt names and quaJw~__... of on...ote Special L.,. _ _~. 10 1he Cll;!' me approval 4. Sp.cUI! Impectm sball provide m." ..:.... <eporls101he ';,::,), "., offil:ialofall inspection ._, :~.... 5, CcmlnIcIor is respomible 10 review the CiIy ...... .,..J plam me add11iooal iospectioDork:sl1D&re'lW..., .,:.. lbatmaybeDO!ed. a..m;roRE A CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY WILL BE ISSUED 1heSpecUl!TDspectioo Agency sball sabnutlo 1heBmldmg OfficJaI a,.~,....," ,J lbat 011 items""llll"'1& ~lum:beenfulfilled and .. ..".Jaodwmelothe of1lle:.......dsknowledge, m .....f..._mawdh1heapprovedpJans.specdicatiODll and apphcoble "..~"''',,'' ,~. provisKnJS.. Tho,. items_tested""dfor _,'. ..~.: shall be in 111. ,..,. r. L..Tbe report is .., be subm,lIed 10 the CIlypllOI 10 BRquestmefiool DISpOClIDIlI. '\ or A...:L::"'_I Signllture t~'L~~,Slu.""'.' 2~kj.>M Geo. C....;._;... Fmn Nam.{PrinIIld) General C"....,',_.~, SJgDlltUre fe.l lc.,.,,,"&, IN"'fu;m~ ~~ S~~~.v__~Name~ ~,,k.:.~;"'&;~/ 'f'os.h\:'\ f '\ ~ ,\ -.:.) \ - "\ ./ Bmlding OffiCial J'{ame (Printed) , Building OffiClaW.....c:,.: M en .... .... co en ---'l <..u .... .... Al.,Il.,l:~U ...uDGEI\o.u!.1 ~.to) l.MJ€.1iVo.Ni)Il" P\~cr Ownec Name (Pnnled) (toWev.... U&[Qo.W J<<Cl-\~ ::::....,......~ or An:bill:ct Fmn (Pnnted) fEI -rf61'"6.11~f1N Testing Laboratory Name (Printed) ~ C41'tY.crll.H;. I 11-''-. '" = = en ------- = = en R<~..L.. J CODcrete. GuDite. Gmm BIId Mmlm: Com:rele -Gunik: Grout Marlar ~ x. X. ~__.~~_JCOn~ p,les Post- Tem Pn>- Tens C1addlDll: . SMOKE O>NfROL: ~tIlsting Control V _.:5__.1 R......_I.....I,,~ Insulalion installabonlR-Valuc' rest stnpsIseams SPECIAL INSPECTION AND TRSTING S"D.l!.uu.x A.Illln:oate Test of Mix Desll!:D Rei,"...,..,.. Test 1di.x:pesum-w~.;._...~Jer Cat.. ~Placemenl CoIIImuoosBIIII:h Plant Insuect .ID~ Plt!cinlt CuI SamJ!!es S.!'DDles (P":I~!'n/Der.vered) c-.___ Test" GRADING, EXCAVATION, AND PILL A<:<:eplJmeelalls . I'SP EsIalIbsb 1iDaI grude K FlnpL..""._.:', ',' ._, " 'COJJtinuaus X Soil DeD8Jty STRUCTURAL STII:BIJWELDING: Sample end test (list., ....3. ~_.:.~. bebw) Shop meteriaI identificel1tm (miD ecrt) X Weldinsp_ --X-ShopjILl"ieJd Ullmsame ,:" _. . _, ,." __ Shop l"ield Higb StrengIb Bolling Shop l"ield A32S N X A490 -N -X X Mtlal elect ,:1:.", 1l18pOCb01l - Reln1im:mg Steel welding m,. __..." Reln&m:mg sIee1 m1Il __ -:.:-"_ Mtlal stud welding m..r "_._ C""","", I1I8IOrt weldmg IlL, _..:... Momeot remlIIIg steel ftames ~Tests Remfurcml1; Tests Tendon Test Mix DOSU!IIS"' R<inft:rcins! Plllcement J:nserI-Placemeot Concn:IJ: BlIl1:Inu2 ec-.em Plal:ement InstelJalion L." .,.. __. , Cost 8l1111Jllcs I P1dt-uu S!Jl1I>les c..,..".."..,:.,.. Tests ~.AL"""LU-.AL WOOD: She... wall DeiJing :..,., . _',.,. Sbearwall8llcbGlS J1I., .;" ofGlt>-1am iim. · TIC psi Inspec:l1011 of lross joillt fiIb, Somple _test.....,.. ..,IS Fa'" ~....:.,..., 'I J.:",oofsteel_..-.:..lo_....J VIREPB.. .Jlu,-3< Placement iospecbDIJ DOIlSI1y 1esIS Thicln...1esIS Inspect baIl:hmg ~ =: '"'" I = '-0 I "" = = ex> a:: = '"'" = -:J = 0> ~ """ = =e; "" ..-- ..-- = """ = _I' "'"" ~ -I' =e; ~ """ " = ..... "" " ..... en MASONIlY Spec1a1 mspectiDD ._ .~~ lI!ed' I'm f'g PrelnnmeJy ecceplllJJce k:s1s ; ....' i urriIs, willi prisms) SubsequODtksll (mortar. grout, field well pnsms) PIacementiospectJDIJ ofum1l. end .__..;,.._",d Masonry, _. grou~ end ,..:..1., _ _.. 8I<leI cortJfiCDle. 10;) Ln .... .... = Ln -:J L'-' .... .... A.,.,... ..AJ.'ONALIN8R(J"""......ui.~~, 'U .....:../l,...... TEST, & INSPECrlONS.: FOOD Completed by, ~'f9bt.1b 'l!clll&~ hl1- / ~tJ , .PROVIDIl..............mREQUIRED BY AR........cr OR "".~............OR ~'"'., ....ACf DOCllMENTLOCATION OJ"VALllIlS "'" = = .... '- = = Ln City of Spnngfield Development Services 255 Fifth Street Spnngfield OR 97477 Attn Lisa Hopper May 22, 2008 RE Job Number COM2007-009202 LocatIOn 8025 S C St As per our meetmg, lequest for extensIOn of bUlldmg permit I James Thomas, request an extensIOn of my buddmg penmt as referenced above My delays are caused by my builder, More & More ConstructIOn, has gone out of busmess I am workmg to secure contractors to complete the HV AC system, and fimshmg work Thank You r~4~ James Thomas 8025 S C St Spnngfield, OR (541)744-1136 '-