HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 14 Correspondence from M. Hoblit, Cottage Grove, Thanking the City of Springfield for 'Cleaning Up' the Glenwood Area of the Bridge July 11, 200g r~ECE:~VED JUl ~ P: 2@~~ f'; ~ Nl t\ t'.,~ {,:; t:, AC<<~r1'M ~ijVr~~ lJ:>>~vil\:01a f~., ~ VUl ... .. ~{.<> .9 r~1.r1;t~6&" City of Springfield 225 -,?~,Street . t., ' Springfield, Oregon 97477 A huge THANK YOU, THANK YOU, for taking on the project of "cleaning up" the Glenwood. area of the bridge. This is long overdue by' someone. What a relief for the businesses, customers, and travelers that come to that area. I reside in Cottage Grove and have family in Springfield so I am traveling through quite oft~Q~ Ifrequent some of the businesses, only during the day. When I drive home down Main street I just pray that I hit all the green lights so I don't have to stop. I also drive to Genw09dB~vd., to I~? so I don't haye,to;~ait f()r th~ turn onto the Franklin loop and enc~:~nt,yr any ofthe,\ra~sients glares.,: :" ' "U '.' ,: ' .')'" " ~,'" . , " A ~e'Y days ago at 5,~:M., IeI1counter,edaninebriatedmaJe with a can of beer in his hand being 'escorted by 2' females trying to croSs Franklin to get to the "area". Yes, a lot of i ' tratlic considering t~e ~ime. I drove to the Springfiel4 police station to talk about this, ~q~i~g,,!~at the)'oFoul~n',t do much. roo ba~,'tliIb 420 wasn't jUsf~ friendly i, n~ighborhood tavern~' but. now with all theJoiterirtg otitside it is a disgrace. As for Sh*ers, rIp afraid that is what it will end iip ~ei~g~ ,Just 'another eyesore and "trouble". > ' ,~., ' " ,';' ~, > . > ~ , ,', . . . , ' " , . .' .' ' . Itis too pad 'that som~' have tried toe~ablishabuslne'ss{)n Main street only to close up because of some of die existing circumstarices~ I hope your goal to tenovate the Sp~~gfi~ld downtow9 area will be a success soon. At one time it was and again could be ~: qu~int~ourist attraction. The fann~rs Market shows that. L: ' \Ai1yway~, gQod luck. '" , , _~ Sincerely, ,'. ',,: ,1 ,...-, '%,: ""'~. ~ . . . . ' > ."' ,- " :,.~' ," - - .', " ' ,'" M. Hoblit'" " . , ' .~ ' cc: Springfield Police Department ..~~r~ "