HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 10 Bid Award for Project P21006: Slurry Seal 2008 SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL Meeting Date: July 21, 2008 Meeting Type: Regular Merti Department: Public Wor Staff Contact: Ken V ogen Staff Phone No: 726-3686 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ITEM TITLE: BID A W ARDFOR PROJECT P21006: SLURRY SEAL 2008 ACTION REQUESTED: Approval of the following motion: TO AWARD THE SUBJECT CONTRACT TO ASPHALT MAINTENANCE ASSOCIATES, INC. IN THE AMOUNT OF $208,997.88. ISSUE STATEMENT: Two bids were received on this slurry seal project. Contract award is now necessary to enable work to proceed. ATTACHMENTS: A. Bid Summary B. Maps of Work Zones DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: This is the City's annual slurry seal program and consists of slurry sealing streets in various zones throughout the City. Slurry seal work is scheduled to be performed in the following Zones Zone One Three Six Ei t Nine Ten Eleven Twelve Limits Don St. to Laura St. Ha den Brid e Rd. to Northrid eAve. Mohawk to 21 st St; E St. to J St. S. 41 st St. to S. 42ll St. Main St. to E St. ,Main St. to Daisy St. 65 St. to 69 St., north of Main St. North ofMt. Vernon Rd. The following bids were received and opened on July 8, 2008: Engineer's Estimate $200,000.67 Asphalt Maintenance Associates, Inc. $208,997.88 Intermountain Slurry Seal, Inc. $293,293.00 Asphalt Maintenance Associates, Inc. is the low bidder on this project. Sufficient funds are budgeted in the Slurry Seal Overlay Project account (850008) to allow award of the contract. S:WS\2008 - CouncilVuly 21, 2008\P21006 Slurry Seal 2008 Bid Award AIS 072108.doc City's Notice of Intent to Award as required by ORS 2798.135 , II It is the policy of the City of Springfield to award Contracts to the Responsible Bidder submi~ing the lowest Responsive Bid. The City of Springfield reserves its right to reject any or all bids not in compliance with all prescribed public bidding procedures and requirements, waive minor irregularities not affecting substantial rights, and may reject for good cause any or all bids upon a finding of the City of Springfield that it is in the best public interest to do so, and accept such bids that in the opinion of the Springfield City Council are in the best interest of the City of Springfield. Please be informed that the City intends to award a contract to the Bidder so designated. SUMMARY OF UNIT PRICE BIDS RECEIVED: July 8, 2008 PROJECT P21 006: Slurry Seal 2008 Lowest Responsive Bidder: Asphalt Maintenance Associates, Inc. I Unit Price Estimate II Total Price Estimate I D Asphalt Intermountain Asphalt Intermountain ENGINEER'S Maintenance Slurry ENGINEER'S Maintenance Slurry APPROX. UNIT Associates Seal UNIT Associates Seal ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANT. PRICE EST. Inc. Inc. PRICE EST. Inc. Inc. ZONE ONE 060 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $ 1,063.97 $ 467.68 $ 4,286.34 $ 1,063.97 $ 467.68 $ 4,286,34 061 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 1,597.13 $ 5,612.16 $ 4,230.00 $ 1,597.13 $ 5,612.16 $ 4,230.00 060A EROSION CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 212.79 $ 467.68 $ 1,000.00 $ 212.79 $ 467.68 $ 1,000.00 099 SLURRY SEAL S.Y. 23,384 $ 1.18 $ 1.17 $ 1.50 $ 27,593.12 $ 27,242.36 $ 35,076.00 173 STREET CLEANING S.Y. 23,384 $ 0.10 $ 0.04 $ 0.11 $ 2,338.40 $ 818.44 $ 2,572.24 ZONE ONE TOTAL $ 32,805.41 $ 34,608.32 $ 47,164.58 $ 32,805.41 $ 34,608.32 $ 47,164.58 ZONE THREE .. 060 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $ 1,421.19 $ 624.70 $ 6,000.00 $ ,1,421.19 $ 624.70 $ 6,000.00 061 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 2, 133~35 $ 7,496.40 $ 5,650.00 $ 2,133.35 $ 7,496.40 $ 5,650.00 060A EROSION CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 284.24 $ 624.70 $ 1,000.00 $ 284.24 $ 624.70 $ 1,000.00 099 SLURRY SEAL S.Y. 31,235 $ 1.18 $ 1.17 $ 1.50 $ 36,857.30 $ 36,388.78 $ 46,852.50 173 STREET CLEANING S.Y. 31,235 $ 0.10 $ 0.04 $ 0.11 $ 3,123.50 $ 1,093.23 $ 3,435.85 ZONE THREE TOTAL $ 43,819.58 $ 46,227.80 $ 62,938.35 $ 43,819.58 $ 46,227.80 $ 62,938.35 ZONE SIX 060 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $ 497.91 $ 218.86 $ 2,000.00 $ 497.91 $ 218.86 $ 2,000.00 061 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 747.41 $ 2,626.32 $ 1,980.00 $ 747.41 $ 2,626.32 $ 1,980.00 060A EROSION CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 99.58 $ 218.86 $ 500.00 $ 99.58 $ 218.86 $ 500.00 099 SLURRY SEAL S.Y. 10,943 $ 1.18 $ 1.17 $ 1.50 $ 12,912.74 $ 12,748.60 $ 16,414.50 173 STREET CLEANING S.Y. 10,943 $ 0.10 $ 0.04 $ 0.11 $ 1,094.30 $ 383.01 $ 1,203.73 ZONE SIX TOTAL $ 15,351.94 $ 16,195.64 $ 22,098.23 $ 15,351.94 $ 16,195.64 $ 22,098.23 S:\AIS\2008 - Council\July 21, 2008\P21006 Bid Summary Slurry Seal 2008 070808,xls Attachment A - 1 Page 1 of 3 D Asphalt Intermountain' Asphalt Intermountain ENGINEER'S Maintenance S lu rry ENGINEER'S Maintenance Slurry APPROX. UNIT Associates Seal UNIT Associates Seal ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANT. PRICE EST. Inc. Inc. PRICE EST. Inc. Inc. ZONE EIGHT 060 MOBILlZA nON L.S. 1 $ 261.76 $ 115.06 $ 1,000.00 '$ 261 .76 $ 115.06 $ 1,000.00 061 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 392.93 $ 1,380.72 $ 1,040.00 $ 392.93 $ 1,380.72 $ 1,040.00 060A EROSION CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 52.35 $ 115.06 $ 500.00 $ 52.35 $ 115.06 $ 500.00 099 SLURRY SEAL S.Y. 5,753 $ 1.18 $ 1.17 $ 1.50 $ 6,788.54 $ 6,702.25 $ 8,629.50 173 STREET CLEANING S.Y. 5,753 $ 0.10 $ 0.04 $ 0.11 $ 575.30 $ 201.36 $ 632.83 ZONE EIGHT TOTAL $ 8,070.88 $ 8,514.44 $ 11,802.33 $ 8,070.88 $ 8,514.44 $ 11,802.33 ZONE NINE 060 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $ 608.34 $ 267.40 $ 2,000.00 $ 608.34 $ 267.40 $ 2,000.00 061 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 913.17 $ 3,208.80 $ 2,420.00 $ 913.17 $ 3,208.80 $ 2,420.00 060A ' EROSION CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 121.67 $ 267.40 $ 500.00 $ 121.67 $ 267.40 $ 500.00 099 SLURRY SEAL S.Y. 13,370 $ 1.18 $ 1.17 $ 1.50 $ 15,776.60 $ 15,576.05 $ 20,055.00 173 STREET CLEANING S.Y. 13,370 $ 0.10 $ 0.04 $ 0.11 $ 1,337.00 $ 467.95 $ 1,470.70 ZONE NINE TOTAL $ 18,756.78 $ 19,787.60 $ 26,445.70 $ 18,756.78 $ 19,787.60 $ 26,445.70 ZONE TEN 060 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $ 794.93 $ 349.42 $ 3,000.00 $ 794.93 $ 349.42 $ 3,000.00 061 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 1,193.27 $ 4,193.04 $ 3,160,00 $ 1,193.27 $ 4,193.04 $ 3,160.00 060A EROSION CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 158.99 $ 349.42 $ 1,000.00 $ 158.99 $ 349.42 $ 1,000.00 099 SLURRY SEAL S.Y. 17,471 $ 1.18 $ 1.17 $ 1.50 $ 20,615.78 $ 20,353.72 $ 26,206.50 173 STREET CLEANING S.Y. 17 ,471 $ 0.10 $ 0.04 $ 0.11 $ 1,747.10 $ 611.49 $ 1,921.81 ZONE TEN TOTAL $ 24,510.07 $ 25,857.08 $ 35,288.31 $ , 24,510.07 $ 25,857.08 $ 35,288.31 ZONE ELEVEN 060 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $ 944.90 $ 415.34 $ 4,000.00 $ 944.90 $ 415.34 $ 4,000.00 061 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 1,418.39 $ 4,984.08 $ 3,760.00 $ 1,418.39 $ 4,984.08 $ 3,760.00 060A EROSION CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 188.98 $ 415.34 $ 1,000.00 $ 188.98 $ 415.34 $ 1,000.00 099 SLURRY SEAL S.Y. 20,767 $ 1.18 $ 1.17 $ 1.50 $ 24,505.06 $ 24,193.56 $ 31,150.50 173 STREET CLEANING S.Y. 20,767 $ 0.10 $ 0.04 $ 0.11 $ 2,076.70 $ 726.85 $ 2,284.37 ZONE ELEVEN TOTAL $ 29,134.03 $ 30,735.16 $ 42,194.87 $ 29,134.03 $ 30,735.16 $ 42,194.87 S:\AIS\2008 - Council\July 21, 2008\P21 006 Bid Summary Slurry Seal 2008 070808.xls Attachment A - 2 Page 2 of 3 D Asphalt Intermountain Asphalt Intermountain ENGINEER'S Maintenance Slurry ENGINEER'S Maintenance Slurry APPROX. UNIT AssoCiates Seal UNIT Associates Seal ITEM DESCRIPTION QUANT. PRICE EST. Inc. Inc. PRICE EST. Inc. Inc. ZONE TWELVE 060 MOBILIZATION L.S. 1 $ 718.13 $ 315.66 $ 3,000.00 $ 718.13 $ 315.66 $ 3,000.00 061 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 1,077.98 $ 3,787,92 $ 2,860.00 $ 1,077.98 $ 3,787.92 $ 2,860.00 060A EROSION CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 14'3.63 $ 315.66 $ 1,000.00 $ 143.63 $ 315.66 $ 1,000.00 099 SLURRY SEAL S.Y. 15,783 $ 1.18 $ 1.17 $ 1.50 $ 18,623.94 $ 18,387.20 $ 23,674.50 173 STREET CLEANING S.Y. 15,783 $ 0.10 $ 0.04 $ 0.11 $ 1,578.30 $ 552.41 $ 1,736.13 ZONE TWELVE TOTAL $ 22,141.98 $ 23,358.84 $ 32,270.63 $ 22,141.98 $ 23,358.84 $ 32,270.63 ZONE BASE BID - TOTAL $ 194,590.67 $ 205,284.88 $ 280,203.00 $ 194,590.67 $ 205,284.88 $ 280,203.00 TRAFFIC BID ITEMS 061 TEMPORARY TRAFFIC CONTROL L.S. 1 $ 475.00 $ 660.00 $ 7,000.00 $ 475.00 $ 660.00 $ 7,000.00 0222 12" WHITE PLASTIC STRIPE L.F. 210 $ 10.00 $ 8.97 $ 17.00 $ 2,100.00 $ 1,883.70 $ 3,570.00 0637 TYPE I TWO WAY PAVEMENT MARKERS (yellow) EACH 30 $ 8.50 $ 5.76 $ 8;00 $ 255.00 $ 172.80 $ 240.00 0637A TYPE I TWO WAY PAVEMENT MARKERS (blue) EACH 40 $ 8.50 $ 6.03 $ 8.00 $ 340.00 $ 241.20 $ 320.00 0640 REMOVE PLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKINGS S.F. 210 $ 9.00 $ 3.22 $ 8.00 $ 1,890.00 $ 676.20 $ 1,680.00 0641 REMOVE RAISED PAVEMENT MARKERS L.S. 70 $ 5.00 $ 1.13 $ 4.00 $ 350.00 $ 79.10 $ 280.00 TRAFFIC BID - TOTAL $ 5,410.00 $ 3,713.00 $ 13,090.00 $ 5,410.00 $ 3,713.00 $ 13,090.00 ------------------------------------- ------ ------- --------- --------- --------- --------- ---------- --------- CONSTRUCTION ITEM BASE BID - TOTAL $ 194,590.67 $ 205,284.88 $ 280,203.00 $ 194,590.67 $ 205,284.88 $ 280,203.00 TRAFFIC BID - TOTAL $ 5,410.00 $ 3,713.00 $ 13,090.00 $ 5,410.00 $ 3,713.00 $ 13,090.00 BASE BID - TOTAL (Construction and Traffic Items) $ 200,000.67 $ 208,997.88 $ 293,293.00 $ 200,000.67 $ 208,997.88 $ 293,293.00 ROUNDING DIFF I Percent Over or Under (-) Engineer's Estimate II II II 'II 4.50%11 46.65%11 II ,II I S:\AIS\2008 - Council\July 21, 2008\P21 006 Bid Summary Slurry Seal 2008 070808.xls - Attachment A - 3 Page 3 of 3 HARLO\J RD Z -.J Z Z -1 <[ 2: ~ W n::: :J <[ > I n::: <[ W -.J U ~ (.I) Z 0 c:::l l- V? z ~I \ SHELLEY SCOTTS GLEN ST Z -.J -.J W LJ Z <[ -j to r < t:::l I . LINDALE DR l- (/) LOCHAVEN AVE DR EUGENE -SPRINGFIELD H\JY ~ -I <I: :z D l==l U L SHELLEY ST <[ n::: ::J <[ -.J >- -.J -.JQ::' Wq Z Z o c:::l : S p i--- . 'vi QUINAL T ST c.: ~448~ ~ I f"'\ Iv ------------ ------------ , "-...~ ~ ~ Attachment B Page 1 of 8 ZONE 1 i~ . I . . . H' YDEN BR~;E .~~.... . .. ...---.... "'.~ .......-...._-_._..._--~.~..,-~......~._.._...- HA YDEN BRIDGE RD V ST V ~ (/.l ~ ~ (/.l ...- (/.l I I l- I I- l[) ~ (J\ (X) "'-... RITIGE. NGR1\-\ , ----- -------- T I ST '--- .. ''''''-'''''J' '''- ,-- r ~ (/.l I I- o T""""l ~ (/.l T ~ ~ ~ (/.l (/.l (/.l R ST l- V') I R I l- I ~ I C) ~ .--I l[) "- I- \ 0' '. Q ST . '..~ "._.0 ~'--''''''''-'''' .". -. . Attachment B Page 2 of 8 I ZONE 3 J I S ST -----JL ~L ~ ST ST T ST j' LDMDND ------------,..- l- e;, l:l D~~ ~ FIRTH AVE o (U T ST :;:'::~~~~~~~}:~,. ',,' ., , , :{ 7,'0. l- e;, l:l > ..J '" Q ST l- e;, i= :r i= "/ ~ ~"I .r....~ ~I .... '" .... '" / ( Z ..J ....., '" ~ w ..... ~ <1: U :r ..... ~ :r I- !:: SCDTT RD; I" ~~ ......~ '............ 1-; Ill' M ST :ri ...., ~: ST }" ~ ~ L CENTENNIAL BL VD J S1 I ~ r S1 ~i_ L~" :r: r ......{. I~ ~"~r ~~~ ~. I . ~ ~T .~ - ~ f~ I ru ':::T'~cf ------.---- . .....'--r D ST I I I Attachment B Page 3 of 8 I- III I- '" ru '. -j' I MARCDLA RD t;/ I ~ ~~ EUGENE :. SPRINGFIELD H'JY ..... '" :r .... <Xl (U D~ YMPIC ST ~I l\J ;-., L ST J ST 1-1 "'/ t;;i r J I, S1 HT ~ I I ~ -.. S1~J Ii G~ l- e;, :r ..... lI) l\J DUBENS LN "" Z l\J l\J c::l ~ I"} (\J G ~r I") , (U, ..J ... ..., '., . '~'~h'_' .,_... .... l- ll. e;, '" :r :r :r I- .... .... \D \D 'JHIT'JDRTH LN r ST 111 III (U (\J E ST -.' -.-...--.--..........-..-.....-....---..- '. - . D ST J ZONE 6 R ST I ST ~I ,I MAIN ST l- (/) -1 (L. I I-- o 7 (/) ~I ~ , ~ (L. -1 >- <[, ~ I I-- :J o --, (/) (/) BLUEBELL I-- S\ (/) l- V) ::r:: CAMELLIA l- I-- V) ~ 0 ~ ~ V) VIRGINIA AVE wI \ V) ~ ~ 0 -l I V) S1 -l -1 (L. l- V) ...--l ~ (/) 'WAY CAMELLIA ST -1 / (L. Y<Jl\ ~\ ~ "'- -',- BOOTH kEllY Attachment B Page 40f 8 l- V) q Z CU ~ V) ST TRUCK On ZONE 8 I ,I- .CO ,~ H ~ . I ~ 1-, V)' I I- .' CO .: ~. . 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