HomeMy WebLinkAboutDeed APPLICANT 7/16/2008 ,. Rd'slm TO CASCADE TITLE Ct - U--.. =-= I \ C~OE co TITLE NO 0243992 ESCROW NO EU05-0203 ~ TAX ACCT NO 13000035 17-<>5- z.s /1- f~1- DivisJon of ChJ f. l C . ~.puty Clerk ~I~lltll~l~ft~ill!wm~~jmilliillllll RPR-DEED en\:1 Stn=4 071ZB12005 01 21 '08 PM S10 00 SII 00 $10 00 CRSHIER 02 2005-058025 $31.00 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED "" 2002 VERNON 04~~TZ, TRUSTEE OF THE VERNON 0 BORTZ REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST DATED MARCH 27, , AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST, AND DORIS J BORTZ, TRUSTEE OF THE DORIS J BORTZ REVOCABLE LIVING TRUST, DATED MARCH 27, 2002, AS TO THE OTHER UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST, Grantor, conveys and specIally warrants' to THE OLYMPIC LLC, an Oregon Linuted Liability Company, Grantee, the followmg descnocd real property free of encumbrances, created or suffered by the grantor except as specifically set forth herem. SEE EXHmIT A WHICH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE TIllS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF TIlE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, TIlE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CllECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAcrJCES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 Except the followmg encumbrances Covenants, Conchb.ons, RestnCbOns, Easements and R.Jghts of Way of record, If any The true cODSlderabon for tlus conveyance 15 $3,405,000 OO~ as paid to accommodator as part of an IRS 1031 Exchange . a.OaJ dayof .1",1" , Dated tlus ,;l b fh VERNO!J-D BORTZ REVOCABLE lJVING TRUST DATED 3127/02 BY 'L...... u:>~ ~ VERNON 0 BORTZ, TRUSTEE DORIS 1 BORTZ REVOCABLE lJVING TRUST DATED 3/27/02 BY ~_. 4_/f,-J' DORIS I BORTZ, ~EE StuHf lJ'jtJCIII (,1"'1 ~county of Ho>"\ok.. 1<_ ~.....~ - _ ~s~Wll!.acknowlcdgedbefo"''''''on J:" l4.ab, dCOS- , 2005 by VERNON 0 BORTZ, C:"'::~.abTRUSTEE qF~TfIl!'VERNON 0 BORTZ REVOCABLE UVING TRUST DATED MAR0I27, 2002, AND DORIS - 1 BORTZ, TRUSTEE OF TIlE DORIS 1 BORTZ REVOCABLE LMNG TRUST, DATED MAR0I27, 2002 ~~~ ~~~e- (htary Pnbhe)~r I)f" H&jtJi" UlII/"-1, f\'iI / Or-.-.sh'jf My COmmISSIOIl CXPlres~'; VERNON 0 BORTZ REVOCABLE lJVING TRUST DATED 3127/02 Unbl a change 15 requested , ~'l;:.:,\ '",4<, '-::"\V;. ~,~ ~~;~~ -' Dat~ecelV ~d ~ :).-" ;:..., GRANTOR S NAME AND ADDRESS all tax statements shall be sent to the followmg address .""'SAME AS GRANTEE"'" TIlE OLYMPIC LLC POBOX 26125 EUGENE. OR 97401 ~ Grantee's Name & Address After rccordmg return to CASCADE TITLE CO 8 I 1 WlU.AMETTE Eugene, Oregon 97401 JUl 1 6 2001 OnglOal Submittal . , - '. , -. EXHIBIT nAif PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beglnn~ng at a pOlnt 60 0 feet South 88 03 I 47 n East of the Southwest corner of the B B Powers Donat~on Land Clalm No 81, Seetlon 25, Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West of the W~llamette Merldlan, thence South 88 03' 47" East along the South Ilne of sald Donatlon Land Clalm No 81, 443 1 feet, thence North 1 57' 1411 East, 282 66 feet, thence South 88 a)' 47" East, 98 4 feet thence North 1 57' 14" Eastl 296 91 feet, thence South 88 03' 47" East, 110 5 feet, thence North 1 57' 14" East, S9 J feet. more or less, to the South boundary of the "Q" Street Floodway Channel, thence North 88 03' 47" West Feet, 652 feet to Easterly margln of 21st Street, thence South 1 57' 14" West, 640 7S feet, more or less, to the pOl-nt of beglnn1ng, 1n Spr~ngf1eld, Lane County, Oregon, TOGETHER WITH a non-exclus1ve easement for veh~cular access over, through and across the followlng descr~bed property Beg~nnlng at a pOlnt 60 0 feet South 88 03' 4711 East of the Southwest corner of the B B Powers Donatlon Land Clalm No 81, 1n Sectlon 25, TownshlP 17 South, Range 3 West of the wlllamette Merldlan, thence South 88 03 47" East along the South Ilne of Bald Donat1on Land Cla~m No 81, 652 feet, thence North 1 57' 1411 East, 640 75 feet to the true pOlot of beglnnlng, thence South 88 03' 4711 East, 22 feet, thence South 1 57' 1411 West, 60 feet, thence North S8 031 47" West, 22 0 feet, thence North 1 57 I 14" East, 60 feet, to the true pOlnt of beglnnlng, 1n Lane County Oregon, TOGETHER WITH a temporary easement for vehlcular 1ngress and egress as set forth 1n lnstrument recorded December 30, 1976, Receptlon No 7669157, amended by lnstruments recorded October 20, 1977, Receptlon No 7767263, and November 28, 1977, Receptlon No 7775932, Lane County Offlclal Records, over, through and across the followlng descrlbed property Beglnn1ng at a po~nt 60 0 feet South 88 03' 4711 East of the Southwest corner of B B Powers Donatlon Land clalm No 81, ~n Sectlon 25, Townsh~p 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mer~d~an, thence South B8 03' 47" East along the South Ilne of sa1d Donat1on Land Clalm No 81, 443 1 feet to the true po~nt of ~eglnn~~~I.<<,:.~,gn~~~h 1 77' ;411 East, 282 66 feet, thence South 88 ~3' ~7" East, -.'!Li-,'.~:!lit<'''~''''L'-'''''".J' 1 57 14 West, 282 66 feet, thence North 88 03 47 West, 3U 0 feet to the true pOlnt of beglnnlng, 1n Lane County, Oregon -~~ - Date ReceIved JUl 1 6 2008 Onglnal submittal