HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/16/2008 , City of Springfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Site Plan Review Date Received. JUL 1 6 2008 AI____ Denn IS 01 em 689-7848 Company: I Address: Applicant's -D..,- . JellY's l3uIldmg Malellals, Inc dba JellY'S Home Improvement I Fax: 689-2735 P 0 130x 2611 James Robertson, AlA Phone 342-8077 Company: I Address: Property ^...---- Robertson/Shel wood/ Archllects nc I Fax: 345-4302 132 East BlOadway, SUite 540, Eugene OR 9740 I Company: I Address: - -- ASSESSOR'S MAP -"U' . Property A......., The OlympIc LLC I ~hone I Fax: J I 1"1-07,- -Z-S--4? / kcc>o POBox 26125 I TAX LOT MaLt:'" . 17-03-25-00 802 -<l- {tM 2525 OlvmOlc Street - -- Size of Property: 784 Acres c><J Sauare Feet D I ~~~~_osed Name of . -~. JelTY's Ilome ImJllovement Cenlel/McKenZle f!eld E.!'panSl(jn I Description of If you a;~ filling In thl~ form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlOn to thiS application Proposal: New coveled outdoor slorage buIldmg for Jerrv's, mtenor renovations of warehouse for Jerrv's I Existma Use: Parkmg 101, vacant letall space m Wllco blllldmg I New Impervious Surface Coveraae (Includma Blda. Gross Floor Area): 0 sf I Signatures: Please sign and print your name and date In the appropriate box on the next , ,~. this section} '3u>--rt - ~~ Associated Applications: <Da.c. Z-fu6 - ro4'b ( 'DV...J(-' Sians: 1 --h,) - -- - - - Pre-Sub Case NO.:Prc. ~-ffil4(.." I Date: I Reviewed by: I Case No.: ~c..7 hl'l<f. - CfOLj 1-- I Date: -::J IlL / rltf.:,. I Reviewed by: ~ ~ppllcation F~~: ~ -40 ?-4.<5IJ Technical Fee:' ~ I Postaqe Fee: $ I <"0 I . - TOTAL FEES: $ '4 43 t .:to PROJECT NUMBER: (DR0 Z6D€ -W::I-Io ReVised 11/06/2007 Molly Markarian 1 of 10 ") Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An application without the Owner's original signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned acknowledges that the Information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre. Submittal Meeting Owner: Date: Signature Prmt Submittal Owner: I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent With the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the informatIOn Identified by the City as necessary for processing the application IS proVided herein or the information will not be provided If not otherwise contained Within the submittal, and the City may begin process 109 the application With the information as submitted This statement serves as wntten notice pursuant to the reqUIrements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a \;.~= J1(J~. Da'e, ~>/o<< Si~ure DenniS G Olem Print Date Received- JUL 1 6 2008 Onglnal SubmittaL. _ ReVised 11/06/2007 Molly Markanan 2 of 10 "", / Owner Signatures This application form IS used for both the required pre-submittal meeting and subsequent complete application submittal Owner signatures are required at both stages In the application process An applicatIon without the Owner's onglnal signature will not be accepted. Pre-Submittal The undersigned aCknowledges that the information In this application IS correct and accurate for scheduling of the Pre- Submittal Meeting Owner: Date: Signature Print Submittal I represent this application to be complete for submittal to the City Consistent with the completeness check performed on this application at the Pre-Submittal Meeting, I affirm the ",formation Identified by the City as necessary for processing the applrcatlon IS provIded herein or the informatIon will not be provIded Jf not otherwise contained within the submittal, and the City may begin processing the applicatIon With the information as submitted This statement serves as written notice pursuant to the requirements of ORS 227 178 pertaining to a complete application Owner: - ff-;(bd/,- h-____~ slgnaturp' / r: ~~~ // - /?w-.I<.--' Print Date: ~~ ~ Date Received JUl I 6 2008 Onglnal Sub'Tl,,__ __ _, Revised 11/06/2007 Molly Markarian 2 of 10 I-~ - .. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD VICINITY MAP DRC2008-00047 2525 Olympic Street (vacant - parking lot of Wilco) ~TI I I I CL YMFIC/ S( I u: l Date Received: JUL 1 6 2008 Original Submittal_ SITE Map 17-03-25-00 Tax Lot 802 & 17-03-25-43 TL 8000 Norh 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number DRC2008-00047 DRC2008-00047 DRC2008-00047 Paymenls Type of Payment Check cRelemtl RECEIPT #: Description CTY SIte Plan - Major Mod + 5% Technology Fee Postage Fee Type II - $160 PaId By JERRY'S HOME IMPROVEMENT CENTER ~~ 3200800000000000503 r y of Spnngfield OffiCIal ReceIpt ~"velopment ServIces Department PublIc Works Department Date' 07/16/2008 I 53 39PM Amount Due 4,07400 203 70 16000 $4,43770 Item Total Check Number Authorl.latlon Received By Batch Number Number How Received tJ Page I of I Amount Paid 245124 $4,437 70 In Person Payment Tolal $4,43770 Date Received JUL 1 6 2008 Original Submittal 7116/2008 .,zooe__I._I"'MI<U~ ~j - V> ~ =i ; '" " r > Z 0 .., cC ::; 0 !!!. en l- ll) - C c: (l) IJ' r :::0 3 -, g en (l) (') r 1'-' (l) <=> <: <=> , ex> (l) -, , 0- , - I @@ @ @ '" 008080 8 88 ~ ~iE!; ; ~a ~~ ';l~ ;:; I ~~ ~ ; ; s~ ~a ; -< ~~~~hi~i~~i ~~I~~ :i\i~~ 8 !~; ~ ~i ii i~ h ~ n ~ i i ~; n I; ~ d il ~~ ~~ ~~ a i :i : ~ ! :~ ~; , r;l j!i : ;! l! j: !! 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"" I .wp....nn' I -~'*"-..-"'" "",...0""",,,..,, 'SOIliJ.l5A3t>> I .Jerry"s Home Improvement McKenzie FIeld Center ExpanSion Ie, :- Type II Site Plan Approval Narrative for Jerry's Home Improvement Center- McKenzie Field Center Expansion 2525 Olympic Street Date Received SpringfIeld, Oregon 17 June 2008 JUL 1 6 2008 Prooertv Owner (Tax Lot 201) Paclilc Coast Options LLC 2600 Highway 99 North Eugene, OR 97402 Applicant Onglnal Submittal Jerry's Home Improvement Center POBox 2611 Eugene, OR 97402 Attn Dennis Orem Prol:!.ertv Owner (Tax Lot 802) The Olympic LLC POBox 26125 Eugene, OR 97402 Architect Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc 132 E Broadway, SUite 540 Eugene OR 97401 Attn James Robertson, AlA Phone 541-342-8077 Fax 541-345-4302 PrOject Location The property IS Tax Map No 17-03-25-00, Tax Lots 201 and 802 The project address IS 2525 Olympic Street PrOject Description This application IS for Major Site Plan Modification approval of an expansion to the Jerry's Home Improvement Center at McKenzie Field The expansion has three components Intenor renovations to the eastern portion of the eXisting Wllco store (Tax Lot 802) to create receiving and warehouse space tor Jerry's A new covered dnve-thru warehouse sales bUilding located In the parking lot north of the Wllco store (Tax Lot 802) Renovations to change the current covered outdoor storage area of Jerry's to Intenor retail space (Tax Lot 201) Approvals Requested Type II, Major Site Plan Modification Dnnklng Water Protection Overlay Dlstnct (application submitted concurrently) Modification of two prevIous Site Plan Review approvals IS requested Jerry's Home Improvement Center (Tax Lot 201) was approved under Journal No 2001-08-0160 The most recent Site Plan Review approval for the Wllco bUilding (Tax Lot 802) was approved under City file number DRC2007-00017 The maJonty of work proposed under this application occurs on Tax Lot 802 The work occurrrng on Tax Lot 201 IS limited to Intenor Improvements to change a covered outdoor storage area to Intenor retail sales There IS no proposed Increase In bUilding area or Impe~~tfia not change In use occurrrng on Tax Lot 201 :S..~ Attached Information &> Site Plan Review Application and Fee Narrative 8,1/2" x 11" Site Plan Full Size Plan Sets (9 copies) Preliminary Title Report, for each property Deed, for each property -1 ~;~~' Jerry's Home Improvement Center- McKenZie Field Expansion Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Page 1 of 4 Site Ownership The proposed work occurs on two tax lots with different ownerS Lot 201, where the current Jerry's store resides, IS owned by PacifiC Coast Options LLC Lot 802, where the current Wllco store resides, IS owned by The Olypmlc LLC Phasing The project would occur In fwo phases The first phase would Include renovalions at the Wllco bUilding for warehouse space and construction of the new covered drlve-thru sales bUilding When these are complete the currenf drlve-thru covered sales functions at the east end of the eXisting Jerry's would be moved over and renovations of that space Into new Interior retail space would be done Zoning The site IS Within the City of Springfield's Urban Growth boundary and IS zoned MRC (Major Retail Commercial) The current uses on site are permitted for thiS zone and there IS no major change In use proposed Off-Street Parking FaCilities Based upon SDC 4 6-125, Table 4 5-2 Parking Ratio for Retail Parking Ratio for Warehouse 1 parking space for 300 SF of gross area 1 parking space for 600 SF of gross area Jerrv's Prooertv Parklnc Analvsls (Tax Lot 201) ~ BUilding Area 78,361 SF 27,645 SF 8,214 SF 19,003 SF 12,134SF (EXisting Enclosed Sales) (New Enclosed Sales, was drlve-thru sales) (Exlstmg Outdoor Sales) (EXisting Garden Center) (Exlstmg Warehouse) Number of EXisting Parking Spaces On Site 480 Number of EXisting Parking Spaces To Be Removed 5 Number of EXisting Parking Spaces Remaining 475 (after reconflguratlon for outdoor storage unloading area) Number of Parking Spaces Required 78,361 SF 1 300 SF per space= 27,645 SF 1 300 SF per space= 8,214 SF 1 300 SF per space= 19,003 SF 1600 SF per space= 121:14 SF 1600 SF oer soace= Total ReqUired 261 spaces 92 spaces 27 spaces 32 spaces ;>0 soar-A, 432 spaces Number of EXisting Surplus Parking Spaces 43 Date Received JUL 1 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal Jerry's Home Improvement Center- McKenZie Field Expansion Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Page 2 of 4 Wllco Prooertv Parklna Analvsls (Tax Lot 802\. East Tenant BUilding Area (Proposed Jerry's warehouse) 39,476 SF 4,242 SF 30,890 SF (Enclosed Sales) (Garden Center) West Tenant BUilding Area (Wllco) (Warehouse) New Dnve-Thru Sales Area (Proposed Jerry's outdoor storage) 32,106 SF + 9,883 SF = 41 ,989 square feet (Covered) (Open) Date Received Number of EXisting Parking Spaces On Site 376 JUl 1 6 2008 Number of EXisting Parking Spaces To Be Removed 136 Original Submittal Number of EXisting Parking Spaces Remaining 240 (after construcllon of covered outdoor storage bUilding) Number of Parking Spaces Required 39,476 SF / 300 SF per space= 4,242 SF / 600 SF per space= 41 989 SF / 600 SF per space= 30.890 SF / 600 SF Der SDace= Total Required 132 spaces 7 spaces 70 spaces 51 SDaces 260 spaces Required Additional Spaces 20 parking spaces Additional spaces from Jerry's propertyto be applied toward reqUIrement At the approval by the City of this parking analysIs, an access easement and shared parking agreement Will be drawn up and recorded between Tax Lots 201 and 802 Bicycle Parking There IS an adequate number of bicycle parking spaces proVided for the eXisting uses on the site The new covered dnve-thru sales bUilding on Tax Lot 802 has a bicycle parking requirement of 41,989 SF / 6,000= 7 spaces 75% long term/25% short term= 2 long term/5 short term Short term bicycle parking IS provided by new bicycle racks to be located adjacent to the proposed bUilding Space InSide the renovated warehouse space In the Wilco bUilding Will be designed for the (2) long-term bicycle parking spaces Loading Areas There IS adequate loading area proVided for the eXisting bUildings on site The proposed covered dnve- thru sales bUilding to be located on Tax Lot 802 has a fenced In area Just outside of the covered storage area that IS adequately Sized for vehicles to maneuver without encroaching upon Internal dnve aisles or public nght-of-way Utility Infrastructure The project site is served by adequate public utilities The project proposes to extend these utilities on the project SIte as reqUired to serve the proposed new uses Jerry's Home Improvement Center- McKenZie Field Expansion Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Page 3 of 4 Stormwater Management The eXisting site IS adequately served by a stormwater sewer system, which also has mechanical pretreatment structures for most of the parking area There IS not a significant change In the amount of ImpervIOus area due to this project since new bUilding roof area occurs In area of eXisting asphalt parking Floodplain The property IS not In area 01 flood plain Wetlands The property IS not In areas Identified In the Spnngfleld Local and National Wetland Inventory Map Fire Protection The eXisting bUildings on site are served by automatic fire sprrnkler systems and provide emergency vehicle access around all Sides of the bUildings The site IS also served by multiple eXisting fire hydrants The new covered drrve-thru sales bUilding Will be constructed with a fire sprrnkler system A new backflow prevention device Will be located adjacent to this bUilding Irrigation Both tax lots are currently served by an automatic Irrlgalion system for the landscape areas Work for this project will Include extending thiS Irrigation system to serve new landscaped areas that abut the new covered drrve-thru sales bUilding BUilding Height The new covered drrve-thru sales bUilding IS approximately 36' tall at ItS highest pOint There are no restrrctlons to bUilding height In the MRC zone unless the site abuts a reSidential zone and the proposed new bUilding IS within 50' of the residential zone The new bUilding IS farther than 50' from any property line that abuts a residential zone There IS no new roof top equipment Extenor Lighting Exterror parking lot lighting IS not proposed to be changed except for the removal of some poles lights where the new covered drrve-thru sales bUilding Will be located ThiS bUilding Will have wall mounted light fixtures on each Side All new light fixtures Will be full-cut off Date Received JUL 1 6 2008 Original Submittal Jerry's Home Improvement Center- McKenZie Field ExpanSion Type II Site Plan Approval Application Narrative Robertson/Sherwood/Architects pc Page 4 of 4 ,. Ad'!llUl TO CASCADE TlTIL Cl - (0--... =-= ') \ CASCADE TITLE CD TIJ'LE NO 0243992 ESCROW NO EU05-0203 y... TAX ACcr NO 13000035 I7-<>S-ZS /1- r~Z- Division 0' Chi ,. Lane County De.:s ~~:u~y CI:rk 2005-058025 ~l'lWIIJll~WW!~WWI~mill,illllll $31 00 RPR-DEED enl=1 Sln=4 07128/2005 01 21 '08 PM $10 DO $11 DO $10 DO CASHIER 02 SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED .* 2002 VERNON O~~TZ. TRUSTEE OF THE VERNON 0 BORTZ REVOCABLE LlVlNG TRUST DATED MARCH 27, . AS TO AN UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST, AND DORIS J BORTZ. TRUSTEE OF THE DORIS J BORTZ REVOCABLE LlVlNG TRUST. DATED MARCH 27, 2002, AS TO THE OTHER UNDIVIDED ONE-HALF INTEREST, Grantor, conveys and specIally warrants to THE OL YMPJC LLC, an Oregon Linuted LiabIlity Company, Grantee. the followmg descnoed real property free ofcncumhrances created or suffered by the grantor except as specifically set forth herem. SEE EXHmIT A wmCH IS MADE A PART HEREOF BY THIS REFERENCE TInS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPUCABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TInS INSTRUMENT. THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE ITI'LE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRAcrJCES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 Except the folloWIng encwnbrances Covenants, CondItions, Restncbons Easements and RJghts of Way of record, If any The true consIderation for ttus conveyance 1$ $3,405,000 00. as paid co acccnmnodator as part of an IRS 1031 Exchange . ;:;.OOS- day of c'1",/", Datedtlu,,!lbfh VERNO}!> BORTZ REVOCABLE UVING TRUST DATED 3127/02 BY '~....... U'q~ VERNON 0 BOR1Z, TRUSTEE DORIS J BORTZ REVOCABLE UVING TRUST DATED 3127/02 BY ~...... /1 _ /.Y,.,z DORIS J BOR1Z, ~E State of lJ'llJaIJ c'1"1~countyof fio"ok"l" !W;, -- T1us~Wll!.acknowledg.d hefo"'",.on J", 1':1 aG, J.cOj .2005 by VERNON 0 BORTZ 1;,"C:::;;;;';'"CifRUSTEE qF_TIJil'VERNON 0 BORTZ REVocABLE UVING TRUST DATED MARCH 27,2002. AND DORIS J BORTZ, TRUSTEE OF mE DORIS J BORTZ REVOCABLE UVING TRUST, DATED MARCH 27. 2002 ~-::~~ - ~ '/1b. ~(. c;,<~tary Pubhcjsi~{(' QT He!LJ:I" "",a",11'\1 e O,,-.s~ My comnusslon e'Xfures~1- VERNON 0 BORTZ REVOCABLE UVING TRUST DATED 3127/02 Until a change IS requested ." ~ J 'i pol.p I.l~-:;-r~~~ t3: ~ t't-.. :. Dat~ecelV ~d ~ :)~..... p;: ...{ GRANTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS all tax statcmcnts shall be sent to the followmg address ...SAME AS GRANTEE... mE OL VMPIC LLC POBOX 26125 EUGENE. OR 9740 I W5 Grantee's Name & Address After recordtng rctwn to CASCADE TITLE CO 811 WlLLAMETIE Eugene, Oregon 97401 JUl I 6 200r On91081 Submlttai. J .. , - -, . -. EXHIBIT "A" PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Be9~nn~ng at a po~nt 60 0 feet South 88 031 47" East of the Southwest corner of the B B Powers Donat~on Land Cla~m No 81, Sect~on 25, Townsh~p 17 South, Range 3 West of the W~llamette Mer~d~an, thence South 88 03' 47" East along the South l~ne of sald Donatlon Land Clalm No 81, 443 1 feet, thence North 1 57' 14" East, 282 66 feet, thence South 88 0)1 47" East, 98 4 feet thence North 1 57' 14" Eastl 296 91 feet, thence South 88 03' 47" East, 110 5 feet, thence North 1 57' 14" East, 59 J feet, more or less, to the South boundary of the IIQn Street Floodway Channel, thence North 88 03' 47" West Feet, 652 feet to Easterly margln of 21st Street, thence South 1 57' 14" West, 640 75 feet, more or less, to the pOlnt of beg~nn1n9, 1n Spr~n9f1eld, Lane County, Oregon, TOGETHER WITH a non-exclus~ve easement for veh~cular access over, through and across the follow~ng descr~bed property aeg~nnlng at a po~nt 60 0 feet South 88 031 47" East of the Southwest corner of the B B Powers Donat~on Land Cla~m No 81, 10 Sect~on 25, Townsh~p 17 South, Range 3 West of the W1llamette Merldlan, thence South 88 03 47" East along the South llne of sald Donatlon Land Cla~m No 81, 652 feet, thence North 1 57' 14" East, 640 75 feet to the true pOlot of beglnnlng, thence South 88 03' 47" East, 22 feet, thence South 1 57' 14" West, 60 feet, thence North 88 03' 47" West, 22 0 feet, thence North 1 57' 14" East, 60 feet, to the true pOlnt of beglnnlng, 10 Lane County Oregon, TOGETHER WITH a temporary easement for vehlcular lngress and egress as set forth 1n lnstrument recorded December 30, 1976, Receptlon No 7669157, amended by 1nstruments recorded October 20, 1977, Recept~on No 7767263, and November 28, 1977, Receptlon No 7775932, Lane County Offlc1al Records, over, through and across the followlng descrl.bed property Beglnn1ng at a pOlnt 60 0 feet South 88 03' 47" East of the Southwest corner of B B Powers Donat~on Land cla~m No 81, 1n Sectlon 25, Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Merl.dl.an, thence South 88 03' 47" East along the South ll.ne of sa~d Donatl.on Land Cla~m No 81, 443 1 feet to the true po~nt of beg~nnl.n9~..t?,~nc~~h 1 571 14" East, 282 66 feet, thence South 88 031 47" East, 3t.L,;;._;/.)~=--4t<he:DE~'_'~!...I.,~..r-l 571 1411 West, 282 66 feet, thence North 88 03' 4711 West, 3~eet to the true pOlnt of beglnn~ng, ~n Lane County, Oregon -~-~ - -~'.. '-~-- - . .- .._--~-- - - Date Received JUL 1 6 2008 Onglnal Submlttal_ Date Received r =-= CASCADE TITLE co. JUL 1 6 2008 IIIII~"IIIIIIIIIIIII illl~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII' , Onglnal Submlttl'l STATUS OF RECORD TITLE REPORT ARNOLD GALLAGHER SAYDACK PERCELL, ET AL ATTN BILL POTTER 800 WILLAMETTE ST , SUITE 800 EUGENE, OR 97401 Our No CT-0259184 Date JUNE 13, 2008 Charge $200 00 Government Servlce Fee $25 00 As requested, Cascade T~tle Co has searched our tract lndlces as to the followlng descrlbed real property A T T A C H E D and as of June 10, 2008 AT 8 00 AM, at 8 00 A M we f~nd the follow~ng Vestee THE OLYMPIC LLC an Oregon L~m~ted L~ab~l~ty Company Sald property 18 subJect to the followlng on record matters 1 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provls1ons thereof, granted Northwest Natural Gas Company, a corporatlon of the State of Oregon, by lDstrument recorded September 19, 1961, Reel No 179, Recept~on No 44348, Lane County Oregon Deed Records 2 Easement, lncludlng the terms and prOV1Slons thereof, granted the Clty of Spr~ngf~eld, a mun~c~pal corporat~on, act~ng by the through ~ts Spr~ngf~eld Ut~l~ty Board, by ~nstrument recorded May 12, 1977, Reel No 846, Recept~on No 7728224, and Declaratlons of Correctlon, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, recorded October 20, 1977, Recept~on No 7767263, and recorded November 28, 1977, Recept~on No 7775932, Lane County Off~c~al Records 3 Easement, ~nclud~ng the terms and prov~s~ons thereof, granted the C~ty of Spr~ngf~eld, a mun~c~pal corporat~on, act~ng by the through ~ts Spr~ngf~eld Ut~llty Board, by ~nstrument recorded May 12, 1977, Reel No 846, Recept~on No ,7728225, and Declaratlons of Correctlon, lncludlng the terms and provlSlons thereof, recorded October 20, 1977, Receptlon No 7767263, and recorded November 28, 1977, Recept~on No 7775932, Lane County Off~c~al Records 4 Easement, lncludlng the terms and provlslons thereof, granted to Harry Mllton Ruberg, by ~nstrument recorded November 7, 1978, Reel No 951, Recept~on No 7873979, Lane County Offlc~al Records con!"-"ued- ", _~ " .".~~:_"..._- -. ",."- MAIN gl!l:lMC~~8;,W__LLAMEl'TE ST FLOREN~-1901 HW?101 - S 2 EUGENE FAX 485-0307' E-MAIL . EUGENE, OREGON 97401. PH (541) 687-2233 . FLORENCE, OREGON 97439 . PH (541) 997-8417 ~nfo@cascadet~t1e ~orn . FLORENCE FAX 997-8246 5 Easement as reserved ~n deed, ~nclud~ng the terms and prov~s~ons thereof, from The Ra~n~er Fund, a Wash~ngton General Partnersh~p, to Vernon 0 Bortz and Dor~s J Bortz, husband and w~fe, recorded November 30, 1978, Reel No 956, Recept~on No 7878932, Lane County Off~c~al Records 6 Deed of Trust (L~ne of Cred~t), ~nclud~ng the terms and prov~s~ons thereof, executed by The Olymp~c, LLC, an Oregon l~m~ted l~ab~l~ty company, to F~rst Amer~can T~tle Insurance Company, Trustee, for the benef~t of Umpqua Bank, Benef~c~ary, dated July 26, 2005, recorded July 28, 2005, Recept~on No 2005- 058026, Lane County Off~c~al Records, to secure payment of a note for $2,725,000 00 Sa~d Deed of Trust was mod~f~ed by Agreement dated September 17, 2007, recorded September 17, 2007, Recept~on No 2007-064817, Lane County Off~c~al Records Sa~d Deed of Trust was mod~f~ed by Agreement dated October 9, 2007, recorded October 10, 2007, Recept~on No 2007-069848, Lane County Off~c~al Records 7 Ass~gnment of rents due or to become due and accru~ng from sa~d property, ~nclud1ng the terms and prov~s~ons thereof, from The Olymp~c, LLC, to Umpqua Bank, dated July 26, 2005, recorded July 28, 2005, Recept~on No 2005-058027, Lane County Off~c~al Records 8 F~nanc~ng Statement recorded July 28, 2005, Recept~on No Off~c~al Records, l~sts The Olymp~c, LLC, as Debtor, and w~th secur~ty ~nformat~on obta1nable from cred~tor 2005-058028, Lane County Umpqua Bank, as Cred1tor, NOTE Taxes, Account No 1300035, Assessor's Map No 17 03 25, #802, Code 19-00, 2007-2008, ~n the amount of $44,299 90, PAID IN FULL Th~s report ~s to be ut~l~zed for 1nforrnat1on only ThlS report 1S not to be used as a basls for transferr1ng, encumberlng or fcrecloslng the real property descr~bed The l~ab~l~ty of Cascade T~tle Co ~s l~m~ted to the addressee and shall not exceed the prernlurn pald hereunder CASCADE TIT CO , by / Date Received JUL 1 6 2008 kd/T~tle Ofhcer COLLEEN LEAHY Onglnal Submittal ---- .' . . .ii=..:,~Jt" , ,....".lI. .~_..---< '-~ ~".,"'l-w.....,,,.. . PROPERTY DESCRIPTION Beg~nn~ng at a po~nt 60 0 feet South 88 03' 47" East of the Southwest corner of the B B Powers Donatlon Land Cla~m No 81, Sect~on 25, Townshlp 17 South, Range 3 West of the W~llamette Merld~an, thence South 88 03' 47" East along the South llne of sald Donat~on Land Cla~m No 81, 443 1 feet, thence North 1 57' 14" East, 282 66 feet, thence South 88 03147" East, 98 4 feet thence North 1 57! 14" East, 298 91 feet, thence South 88 03147" East, 1105 feet, thence North 1 57' 14" East, 593 feet, more or less, to the South boundary of the nQn Street Floodway Channel, thence North 88 031 47'1 West Feet, 652 feet to Easterly margln of 21st Street, thence South 1 57' 14" West, 640 75 feet, more or less, to the p01nt of beg1nnlng, 1n Sprlngfleld, Lane County, Oregon, TOGETHER WITH a non-excluslve easement for vehlcular access over, through and across the follow~ng descr~bed property Beg~nn~ng at a pOlnt 60 0 feet South 88 03' 47" East of the Southwest corner of the B B Powers Donatlon Land Clalm No 81, 1n Seetlen 25, Townsh~p 17 South, Range 3 West of the W~llamette Mer~d~an, thence South 88 03 4711 East along the South Ilne of sald Donatlon Land Clalm No 81, 652 feet, thence North 1 57' 14" East, 640 75 feet to the true po~nt of beg~nn~ng, thence South 88 03' 4711 East, 22 feet, thence South 1 57' 14" West, 60 feet, thence North 88 03' 4711 West, 22 0 feet, thence North 1 57' 14" East, 60 feet, to the true po~nt of beglnnlng, ~n Lane County Oregon, TOGETHER WITH a temporary easement for veh~cular 1ngress and egress as set forth ~n 1nstrument recorded December 30, 1976, Recept~on No 7669157, amended by lnstruments recorded October 20, 1977, Recept~on No 7767263, and November 28, 1977, Receptlon No 7775932, Lane County Off~c~al Records, over, through and across the follow~ng descrlbed property Beg~nn~ng at a po~nt 60 0 feet South 88 03' 47" East of the Southwest corner of B B Powers Donat~on Land cla~m No 81, In Sect~on 25, Townsh~p 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wll1amette Mer~dlan, thence South 88 03' 47" East along the South l~ne of sa~d Donatlon Land Cla~m No 81, 443 1 feet to the true po~nt of beglnnlng, thence North 1 57' 14" East, 282 66 feet, thence South 88 03' 47" East, 30 feet, thence South 1 57' 14" West, 282 66 feet, thence North 88 03' 47" West, 30 0 feet to the true p01nt of beglnnlng, In Lane County, Oregon Date Received JUL 1 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal PRE-SUtil\l\fllp.L RECu JUL - 2 2.008 ~';;;;;';.__.-:-_4t_ ~..::-~ ~...... '., . ,p 17-03-2;--3 SEE MAP 17- 03-25-1-4 -- <.. jl("'I:-;;"'/';:";", NO 278 ,,_ ~ -'=..; : u . '", ~-- i~ I - -4B5- ,.,<< ~~, ~+OO- ~T '*-~* 1*" ~ ;~61 ~,. I ~ \~: IG~jJ ~{ ,... ",,,/,1' r- .1 10../0 ~ . , ~~ * :J ,. ~ ,~ 1/4 I.'Yr.... noOO'} I 'I.. _".0'" , .: COUNTY ROAD .. I_~ .... ... -'~ ~ it! :J:t'P,.s~ lr ~ l 110 ... t no! 140........1. ; lL'e..... ..",,-... ~.. ,,'II"'-........w . . , . , ~ Nee. 0"' ,., v.J -i64- :Tac.).._ &" ,,,.. ,.",'- -~-_. I 1-10:5 - ~.~: Y'~'" l /', I" ""/1 '" """OS,l". 2~S~DO I..- -/11,." ,J- r. s eePOI40e (Cr,.dJ 3...'----- '" . ~ , "5 ~INT ELL COR RS ~'8 e POWERS " ~OL C NOBI P{ ... 1/ "'70- ... , pf .l S//'rrS1 . ~~, /~~ 1/ "15 "I' ~ t'l\='''r^' .',,',',',," ..6 f1 ;Dr/P'" t') ~ 9.l.,;- .Ii J 9Zf"lZ 9J.Pr ("1P .~ I ~l ~~ .,7.,1 ,"-/or If J~ "I" : ~ ~~ 17-03-25-4-2 ~ ~t~ /C. 11,.. a #lJ "l l'l~' /' ~~ ... ""'I/! N.w _ _ ~c p JJ If ~~)~~~/ .n' / d"" ~ -'" . \ ' ;:c" " -\ ~Rh'.l..t:' /~r'''s.'~' "".'.' '"'c/"".,........ ~,. """'- ~ . -~ ~ '"lI" .''l'~~_ !iole; :;-1..~~., "'1\JlJlJVV~1 p~ "''',..7......~;:-.h.'\..~ ~.. "..-or,,_.,," .1 -2B+ ",..J' C;:'''' !;:. _ BO~ ___ ~-------------_:!!~~-------------------------------f~;~~:C\ ~ ~ ~ I ~'~ -aee- S36275 ' ~ ~:" - :~- - - -:i"i"',.zV--- - - - ---+ -;: ~~ n ~ ~... ~- 2.;;rr, $36990 +.: ~ ~~ -2 '~I.t>Q "l. - S~COR... :- 1-600 DJ...c.&4 .. , 3017 AC See Mop 17 03 25 44 S '~-' st: COR.. S E.eCR / 31 1;1. CIo: ::lor.,.. .rr 0 LC No.II ,DL~~'" - - - - ---- - - - - - - - - ~.., ~.< ~ / ( "" f';r - ;"HHI ~f1 ...., o~... A, '.olo J't6-F Z-l ~, . . _ " r,"'.';'ADr" . . r"bs,. ).71OD HWY - SEE MAP 17-03 -25- 4-1 ~ C , ""'U,~ ,,,~..,STREET ~ ~ . . , -, sweOR I..~ 1'.1 D.L.c tIlO 81 ; ~ ..A.O~""1. _'00 .- j!, STREET f- If) "-:! ~.. Mop 17 03 25 4 3 CENTENNIAL ~ s.. Mop 17 03 25 ~ aBOULEVARD 44 .' rJ., i ~ i .... . ~ - . , , .. N r-~ , ; ....... .~ ( , \...._..~ - , ~-p i- , Lot 6 21 40 25 30 . STREET " ....' 36 31 ee Mopl70336 12 Date Received S . e Mop 17 03 36 I I JUL 1 6 2008 11-0<' -z,S" -0:) fYIS MAP IS TO ASSIST LOCATING ~>\OPERTY THE COMPANY ASSUMES NO LIABILITY FOR INACCURACIES Onglnal Submittal CATALOG NO TYPE NO FloodPak Series FPM ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number Example FPM175MAL-8 I FPM I I I I LAMP SOURCE I MA,Metal Halide (CWA) I WATTAGE I LX High Pressure Sodium 57,57W (HX-HPF) 70-70W HFL,Compact 100 100W Fluorescent 150.150W PMA,Pulse Start 175 175W Metal Halide _ (HX-HPF) ,- ,._'~." - tI. -;::;;;I ~ HID umts supplied with clear medium base lamp 't:- *AMC oot~le on 175W fixtures I SERIES FPM FloodPak Medrum . - ..... ."" . ACCESSORIES FPSKNUCKLE - 1;2" Adjustable Knuckle FPSARM - Shoebox Arm Converts RoodPak to pole-mount (minimum 4- square pole) FP2 - Single hole round cover for use with standard 4" round surface boxes FP4A - Single hole FS style cover cover for use on standard sIngle gang FS boxes TECHNICAL INFORMATION JOB NAME" I LAMP I L-Lamp furnished OPTIONS AMC Automatic standbyauXlhary light Lamp mcluded * I VOLTAGE I 1120V 8120V, 20BV 240V, 277V FP4B - Three hole FS style cover cover for use on standard single gang FS boxes FPMSH1ELD - Vandal Shield Helps protect lens and lamp from breakage Clear pOlycarbonate shield snaps In place over glass lens FPSRPA - Round pole adapter FPM552 - Replacement Lens ~I ~m.Bl ~ .@ UL Wet Location listed 7/04 Date Received JUL 1 6 2008 Onglnal Submlttal______ Sloneo 2..3 PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS . The RoodPak IS a pertect blend of architectural deSign and perfor~ mance . The FloodPak can be surtace mounted In vanous positions Use It as a cut-off wallpack or tip rt up 22 5" for forward throw Wlth seml-cut-off rip rt up 45" for fioodlightlng, or turn It over and use It for IndlfecVaccent lighting . The RoodPak can also be pole mounled or ground mounted uSing mountIng accessones . PrecIsion die cast aluminum con- struction All exposed hardwa.re IS stainless steel . Duraplex II dark bronze polyester powder finish IS standard but the RoodPak IS available In a vanety of deSIgner colors . Hinged door frame With clear tempered glass lens . Multi-faceted reflection system prOVides uniform dlstnbutlon . Injection molded tnple finger SIIl- cone gasket . UL wet location listed for above or below honzontal aimIng . Complete With a UL approved mounting box rated for 90"C sup- ply wife Wlth Integral bubble level . Integral heat Sink ensures cool operatIon . Meets IESNA cut-off requirements . Contractor Fnendly deSign WIth Integral cable pennltlng easy, hands free wIring creseenlflonco -- 2345 Vauxhall Rd . Union NJ 07083 . 908-964 7000 2-3 PHOTOMETRies 3MH ~~, (;~~~ "(rl)L) \~~~TI \~~~ ~::::::::::/ 3MH I 2MJ J ,I J J 3MJ I 2MH lMH - o 1MH 2MH I 3MH I 3MH 2MH lMH 0 lMH 2MH 3MH FPM175MAL-8 @ 00 3MH' 1- I h~"\ / ~ dY~ 5 '" Cr~;-Y5)' (\~) ) )-- ~..- ~~/ 2MH 1MH1 o J 2MJ J I 3MH 2MH lMH 0 lMH 2MH 3MH FPM175MAl,8 @ 450 MOUNTING OPTIONS . FloodPak Series FPM - I ;; '~1 ,/~ - '".---.. I /". "-.. : t::)'; ~~/ ) '~~VI -I I 3MH 2MH 1 MH 0 1 MH 2MH 3MH FPM175MAl-8 @ 2250 FOOTCANDLE CORREC1l0N Multiply the following factors times the footcandle values for changes In mountIng height To Change from 15' New Hght 8 10' 15' Factor 35 23 10 ~ ..~ 20' 06 LAMP AND WATT CONVERSIONS Lamp 70W 100W 150W Multiplier 36 57 0 7 175W 10 Date Received JUl 1 6 2008 Onglnal Submittal ~ ., 00 Down 22 50 Down 450 Down CrlJSClJnllflonco ._- 2345 Vauxhall Ad . Unton NJ 07083 . 908-964 7000 00 Up 22 50 Up 450 Up 7/04 CATALOG NO TYPE NO FloodPak Series FPL ORDERING INFORMATION Catalog Number Example FPL400MAL-8 FPL I I SERIES FPL- FloodPak Large I WATTAGE I 250-250W 400 400W' I I LAMP SOURCE I MA,Metal Halide (GWA) LX-High Pressure SodIUm (GWA) "Requires reduced outer Jacketed lamp HID Units supplied with clear medium base lamp ACCESSORIES FPLKNUCKLE - Adjustable 2" Tenon Slipfitter FPLARM - Shoebox Arm Converts FloodPak to pole-mount (minimum 4" square pole) . - ----.... .IipNEfi-~CA("IM~ATION ~~di-'V1lt . }\ I~u~_ 14718 Date Received JUL 1 6 2008 Original Submittal .@ UL Wet Location listed 7/04 JOB NAME I LAMP I L-Lamp furnished OPTIONS AMC AutomatIc standby auxIliary light Lamp mcluded I VOLTAGE I H20V B 120V, 20BV 240V, 277V FPLSHIELD - Vandal Shield Helps protect lens and lamp from breakage Clear polycarbonate shield snaps In place over glass lens FPLRPA - Round pole adapter FPL552 - Replacement Lens 18-314 rr-I -~ Ia ", -- fIJ ... - StoneD 2-4 ~~;:J I1i l~ 4..rl~~ =;-.~q.vi:'!":~ '':' {;,-~~: .'. -""\~ *'" '~tRi:;k~:~ ~~ PRODUCT SPECIFICATIONS . The RoodPak IS a perfect blend of archrtectural deSign and perfor- mance . The RoodPak can be suriace mounted In vanous poSItions Use It as a cut-off wall pack or trp rt up 22 50 for forward throw 'Mth semi-cut -off Tip It up 450 for floodlighting, or turn It over and use rt for ,ndrrecVaccent lighting . The RoodPak can also b€ pole mounted or ground mounted uSing mounting aCC8SS0nes . PrecISion die cast aluminum con. structlon AJI exposed hardware IS stainless steel . Duraplex II dark bronze polyester powder finrsh IS standard but the RoodPak IS available In a vanety of deSIgner colors . Hinged door frame with clear tempered glass lens . Multi-faceted reflection system provIdes uniform dlstnbutlon . Injection molded tnple finger SIli- cone gasket . UL wet location listed for above or below honzontal 8Jrnlng . Complete with a UL approved mounting box rated for 900C sup- ply wire wrth Integral bubble level . Integral heat sink ensures cool operation . Meets IESNA cut -off requirements . Contractor Fnendly deSign wrth Integral cable perrnltlng easy, hands free wIling crescentr/onco -- 2345 Vauxhall Rd . Union NJ 07083 . 908-964 7000 , . 2-4 FloodPak Series FPL PHOTOMETRies 3MH I 21;1,..-:---, 3MH I . Itt5 "'~' , ~~~ J 2MH j~)\ ~ ~0~ I J 1MH '(~> '\' ,I 11\3 .! J ():- ' 1MJ I \ I \ ~ \ ~ /)) ij~ " ~J/~ J \~ - I) 2MH '~/II '~::::'i 3MJ 3MH I~ I "----" I 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH FPL400MAL-8 @ 0' FPL400MAL-8 @ 22 5' o 25 / "- ~~ ,\5\ /f~ ,\> , ' -\, ::::: / / ~~ J ( \"-.. = / ",,--- ) / FOOTCANOLE CORRECTION Muttrply the following factors times the footcandle values for changes In mounting height 3MHI J 1MJ To Change from 20' New HQht 15' 20' 25' 30 Factor 1 78 1 0 64 44 1MH I ::1 I ., LAMP AND WATT CONVERSIONS Lamp 250W 250W 400w MH HPS HPS Multiplier 57 79 1 39 3MH 2MH 1MH 0 1MH 2MH 3MH FPL400MAL-8 @ 45' .-. MOUNTING OPTIONS ....r..., 0' Down 22 5' Down ~'Wn-~ "~--~ 22 5' Up 45' Up IIt1rA *iI7"'-"~ ......_~~.,...1iI cr8SC8n~ftonco ._- 2345 Vauxhall Rd . Union NJ 07083 . 908 964 7000 7/04 .. . 1'r:T'~ RE~ORDING RETURN TO F:l)~hl NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE ~UMPANY OF OREGON PO BQ)( 10627 Wt!i!N~. OR 97440 After recordmg, return to Wal-Mart Stores, !nc Sam M Walton Development Complex 2001 S E Tenth Street Bentonvllle, Arkansas 72716-0550 AttentIon DaVId Lynch , , Division of Chief Depuly Clerk ~~~I.~A~:I~ Lene Counly Deeds and Records 'VV V~'~' 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 $41.00 001915122001004.!512J0~J042 07J10/200112:02:00 PM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=6 CRSAIER 02 $20 00 $11.00 $10 00 Until a change IS requested, mall all tax statements to PaCIfic Coast Options, LLC PO Box2611 Eugene, Oregon 97402-0228 Tax Account No SPECIAL WARRANTY DEED WAL-MART STORES, INC, a Delaware corporatwn, Grantor, conveys to PACIFIC COAST OPTIONS, LLC, an Oregon lImIted lIabilIty company, Grantee, the follOWing-descrIbed real property Lot 201 of the Southeast quarter of SectIon 25, TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West, W M , Lane County, Oregon Also known as EX]l1bJ. t "one" = , The lrue-conslderatwn for thIS conveyance IS $3,763,584 00 TO HAVE AND TO HOLD said land unto Grantee, and Its successors and asSigns, forever WIth all tenements, appurtenances and heredItaments thereunto belongmg, subject to easements, conditions, restnctlOns and other matters of record, and sublect to the followmg conditions and restrictIOns (a) Grantee covenants that the Property shall only be used for purposes of the kind typically found In shoppmg centers, including, but not limited to, offices, restaurants, and retaIl shops, and for no other purpose Without the WrItten consent of Grantor or Its successors, (b) Grantee further covenants that the Property shall not be used for or In support of the followmg (1) a general merchandise discount store whose overall retaIl concept IS based on a dlscountmg pnce structure greater than 10,000 square feet (except that a home Improvement store such as Jerry's Horne Improvement Center, Lowe's or Home Depot shall not be conSIdered a general merchandise discount store), wholesale membership/warehouse club, grocery storelsupennarket, phannacy/drug store, (11) gas statlOn, dIscount rack shoe store, qUick lube/oil change faCIlity, automobIle tIre sales, (m) movie theater, bowlIng alley, health spalfiOless center, or (IV) adult book store, cafetena, movie theater, bowling alley, health spa/fitness center, bar, night club, bIllIard parlor, any place of recreation/amusement, or any busmess whose prmclpal revenues are from the sale of alcoholic beverages, (c) Grantee further covenants that only two (2) one-story buddlngs may be erected on saId Property, whIch buildings, so long as the applIcable parking ratIo set forth square feet In floor Size collectIvely and shall not exceed thirty-five (35) , '< feet In height, I I~.." Date Received' ~ 5.;.,~~~''''''''"",,",- ,,' H, .!":;"~"....w;.~"'1;1.'~'__""""""'4 ........- - - -~- '- ~.i"I~~?;l:.:;- -~~ . ''''t JUL 1 6 2008 I Original Submittal 'FNT /o;;l~ 7 y ~ , ' . ~ Cd) Grantee further covenants that In the event the Property 15 used for a sit-down table service restaurant, there shall not be less than fifteen (15) parkmg spaces on the Property for every one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor buJldmg area thereon, In the event the Property IS used for a fast-food restaurant offerIng drive-through servIce, there shall not be less than twelve (12) parking spaces on the Property for every 1,000 square feet of floor buJldmg area thereon, for all other uses permitted hereunder there shall not be less than five (5) parkmg spaces per one thousand (1,000) square feet of floor bUlldmg area on the Property, (e) Grantee further covenants that (I) only signs advertlSlng bus mess located on the Property may be erected thereon, (II) the Property and all Improvements erected or constructed thereon shall be malntamed In good condltlOn and repair, and (JII) the exterior of which shall not be constructed of metal, (f) Grantor reserves the nght to approve, prior to commencement of any construction by Grantee of any bUlldmgs or Improvements on the Property, Grantee's (I) Site plans, (II) utilIty plans mcludIng conneCllons, (111) gradmg plans including stonnwater management, (IV) setbacks from lot Imes, (v) location and dlmenslOns of parkmg areas and spaces, dnveways, and service areas, (VI) landscapmg plans, (VI1) the placement of Purchaser's bulldmg(s) and other Improvements Includmg square footage of buIidIng(s), (VIII) exterior elevatIOns and (IX) slgnage ("Development Plan") prepared by certIfied/lIcensed archItects and/or engmeers and conformmg with the restnctlons set forth above Grantor shall have thIrty (30) days after receIpt of the Development Plan from Grantee to approve or disapprove the Development Plan In wntlng If the Development Plan IS disapproved, Grantor shall give the reasons for such disapproval, and Grantee shall resubmit to Grantor a reVised Development Plan mcorporatmg Grantor suggested reVlSlOns wlthm thrrty (30) days from the date of Grantee's receipt of Grantor's dlsapproval, and the same time schedule as mentioned above shall be repeated unol the Development Plan IS approved, Development Plan shall be sent to the attentIon of Dorector of Realty Management, Wal-Mart Realty, 2001 S E 10th Street, BentonvIile, AR 72716-0550 (g) All such covenants, condItIOns, restnctlOns and approval nghts shall remain In effect for a period of fifty (50) years The aforesaId covenants, conditIOns, restrictions and approval rights shall run wlth and bmd the Property, and shall bmd Grantee or an affiliated company, or Its successors or asslgns, and shall mure to the benefit of and be enforceable by Grantor, or an affilIated company, or Its successors and assigns, by any appropnate proceedmgs at law or In eqUIty to prevent vlOlatlOns of such covenants, conditIOns, restrictions and approval rights and/or to recover damages for such ViolatIOns Date Received JUL 1 6 2008 )nglnal Submittal AND SAID GRANTOR does hereby warrant the title to saId Property, and WIll defend the same agamst the lawful claIms of all persons claImIng under Grantor, but none other, subject to the easements, encumbrances, restrictions, and other matters of record and the covenants, conditions, and restrictIons as stated herein, and subject to real property taxes for the year of200 I, and thereafter ...;::~~ THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS -= UMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS ""'1Il!!':;'''- "~RE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING TH1S INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE -'-TO.T~ PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRlA TE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING ~,.-- -.----.. -- 2 ....... ., -, DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMlNE ANY LIMITS ON LA WSUITE AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PARCTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS rNSTRUMENT MAY NOT BE WITHIN A FIRE PROTECTION D1STRICT PROTECTING STRUCTURES THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO LAND USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS, WHICH, IN FARM OR FOREST ZONES, MAY NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OR SlTlNG OF A RESDENCE AND WHICH LIMIT LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30930 IN ALL ZONES BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTrNG THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNT PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND EXISTENCE OF FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURES DATED Ju..)v I 1 ,2001 WAL-MARTSTORES,INC Attest BY p1r'LfJ ~ QI." Michael W Kersting, / ASSistant Secretary ( By --r:~~ J Scok/Greear, D~tor of BUIlding Development STATE OF ARKANSAS ) Bel"ltof'l ) ss COUNTYOFWtr'..,iJI-I~~',-':'l. ) This Instrument was acknowledged before me on ;:w J t i ~ .200 I by J Scott Greear, Director of Bull ding Development, of Wal-Mart St8r;Irii: , a Delaware corporation and by Michael W Kerstmg. ASSIstant Secretary, ofWal.Mart Stores, Inc J a Delaware corporatIOn (Yuch,oOt ~ f1~ Notary PublIc for Arkansas My commISSIOn expires ? -/\.1 -0 '7 JUl I 6 2008 f "NOTARY SEAL" . MIchelle L Rhoden, NOlary:a~~~; Benton countoYn' ~~pt~eO~ ~~ 412007 My CommlsSI ) ~ Date Received. Onglnal Submittal ~ ---.--.:..;.c.... - --...._~ . '. -- ~ -- tL.~., . .'."_ wt"I'!;~~ -,,'3':.-~ ~ "... 3 . .. '" "'\ Order No 00-702467-46 EXHIBIT "ONE" A tract of land lYing within the Southeast 1 /4 quarter of Section 25, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the W,llamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, begin described as follows Commencing at the Southwest corner of the B B Powers Donation Land Claim No 81, said corner being marked by a 23/4 Inch diameter, brass cap inscribed "1971 - SW COR B B POWERS - DLC #81 ", thence along the South line of the B B Powers Donation Land Claim, South 880 03' 47" East, a distance of 503 10 feet to a 5/8 Inch Iron rod with an orange plastic cap inscribed "FNF" marking the True POint of Beginning of the tract herein described, thence North 01 0 57' 48" East, a d,stance of 282 66 feet to a 5/8 Inch rod with an orange plastic cap inscribed "FNF", thence South 880 03' 47" East, a distance of 98 40 feet to a 5/8 Inch rod with an orange plastic cap Inscribed "FNF", thence North 010 57' 48" East, a distance of 298 81 feet to a 5/8 Inch rron rod wIth an orange plastic cap Inscribed "FNF", thence South 88003' 47" East, a distance of 11050 feet to a 5/8 Inch rron rod with an orange plastic cap inscribed "FNF", thence North 01 057' 48" East, a distance of 5949 feet to a pOint In the South right-of-way line of the "Q" Street Floodway Channel, said pOint being marked by a 5/8 Inch rron rod with an orange plastic cap Inscribed "FNF", thence along said South right-of-way line, North 880 04' 12" East, a distance of 583 09 feet to a 5/8" Iron rod with an orange plastic cap inscribed "CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES", thence South 010 56' 13" West, a distance of 641 03 feet to a 5/8" rron rod with an orange plastic cap Inscribed "CONSULTING ENGINEERING SERVICES", thence North 880 03' 47" West, a distance of 792 27 feet to the True POint of Beglnnrng, In Lane County, Ore90n Date Received. JUL 1 6 2008 Onglnal Submltrai ~}!......~-r=:':~~ "..,-...,"" - ~- ~eau~l&~..t~ ~~-=- ~.)(O~~ - --...;;;, ........ 2 06/12/2008 10 31 FAX 541 73 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD P ~002 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT / Englneenng DIvIsIon Phone (541) 726-3753 Fax (541) 736-1021 STORMW ATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SCOPE OF WORK (Ar<JJ below thrs 1m. filled out by Appltumt) (pleas. return 10 'Mall Stouder@ Oty ofSpnngfield fuMe Works Engmeenng, Fax # 736.]02], Phone # 736-]035), emall mstauder@C1 opnnflfield <>r U$ ; PrOject Name: Jerry's l{Qme Inwrovemence Expansion Assessors Parcel TM 17- 03 -25, TL 802 Land Use(s): CommercJ.al Project SIZe (Acres): I 0 . 73 ac Approx. ImpervIous Area: 0 73 ac Applicant: Date: Phone #. IFax#' EmaLl: Lane Branch 6/g/0B I iSH) 746-0637 (541) 746-0639 lane@branchengineering corn PrOject DesCription (Include a copy of Assessor', map): Cover approxJ.mately 0 73 acres of eXJ.stJ.ng asphalt parking lot with a covered storage area Dramage Proposal (publ1c connectlOn(s), dIScharge locatIon(s), ctc Attach addttlOllaJ shcct(s) lfncccssary' The proposed roof drain WJ.ll be plped to the eXlstlng parklng lot ~rea drain The area draln dJ.scharges to the Q Street Floodway Channel (See Attached Drawing) I ProDosed Stormwater Best Mana2'ement Practices: S~nce tbe proposed covered storage area w~ll be coverlng a portlon of the eXlstlng asphalt park~n9,the water qual~ty of the runoff ~nto the eXlstlng area dra~n w~ll be lmoroved because the area drain wtll receive less vehlcular runoff I, ' tAreD A60'W thn Jm~ fiUed out bv the Cltv arrd Returned to the ADp'/.zcantJ (At a minImUm, all boxes ,hecked by Ihe C"yem the/rani and back afch.s sheer shall be submlttelL for arl a0l111cahon to be comolete for submmal althou2h other reautreme11lS may be necessarv J Drainal!e Studv Tvoe (EDSPM Sectlon 4.03.2): (Note. UH mav be substituted for RatIOnal Method) , /, 0 Small Site Study - (us. Ratlonal Method for calculauons) Date Received tJlA 0 MId-Level Development Study - (use uo.t Hydrograph Method for calculatIOns) o Full Dramage Development Study - (use Unit Hydrograph Method for calculatIOn,) JUL 1 6 2008 Environmental Considerations: r-r- .. Onglnal SUbT/X"n-----' III Wellhead Zone '2-~,(~...... I.""....... ~?~..L ~ HillSide Development tJ/~ I ~~:l~:panan \~ ~ \ew..Ui'b>u..L~ (~If~I~~:;7:::~~~a1D ~~2ML ~ , -- JI..; Downstream Analvs1S:. . N/A o Flow lme for starimg water surface elevation o Design HGL (0 use for sta.rtJng water surface elevatIOn o M!lIIhole/Junetlon to take analySIS to " 1 0 ~nii Return to Matt Stouder@ CIty of Sprmgfield, emall mstoud..rlliJcI sormafi..Jd or us, FAX (541) 736-1021 06/12/2008 10 32 FAX 541 736 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD PW Date Received ~003 COMPLETE STUDY ITEMS JUL 1 6 2008 I F"'OffiClll!U'cOnl~ + Based upon rhe '"formallon provIded on the f,Qn@loml ~l1Jllt~i1owmg.,epre$enls a m"'lmum a/ whallS needed/or an appllcanon /0 be complete lor rubml<tal wllh respeclta drainage, however, th. 1m should nol be u..d In lieu oflhe Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) or the Ory '" Engmeerrng D~lgn Manual Compbun<e wllh Ihe:,e requlremenls does nal canslllule Slle approval, Add/lIOnal S'le specific tnformal/on may be required NOle Upon scop"'g sheel submittal ensure completedlarm has bee. SIgned In Ihe space provIded be/ow Intenm DeSJgn StandardslWater Quahty (EDSPM Chapter 3) Req'd NIA o III All non-bUlldmg rooftop (NBR) ImperviOUS surfaces shall be pre-treated (e g muJu-chambered carcbbasm w/od fillrauoD medIa) for stonnwater qualIty Addll1onally, a IDmlmum of 50% of the NBR unpeMous S\l1face shall be tre.ted by vegelllted methods o III Where requrred, vegetallve stormw.tcr deSIgn shall be consIStent WIth mtenm deSIgn standards (BDSPM Seclton 302), set forth by the Bureau 01 Environmental ServIces (BES) or Clean Water SelVlees (CWS) o . For neW NBR unpervlOUS area less than 15,000 square feet, . Slmphfied deSIgn approach m.y be followed as 'Peclfied by the BES for vegetatwe treabnent o III If a stormwater treatment swale IS proposed, subnut caloulanons/speclficatlOns for SIZmg, veloCIty, Ilow, "de slopes, bottom slope, and ,eed nux conSIstent WIth eIther BES Or CWS reqmrements o III W.ter Quahty calcldatlons as requl/ed m Secllon 3 03 1 of the EDSPM III 0 All bulldmg rooftop mounted equlpmen~ or other flUId containing equIpment located oWlde of the bll1ldmg, shall be prOVIded With secondary contammcnt or weather resIstant enclosure General Study Requirements (EDSPM Section 4 03) o III Dramage study prepared by 0 ProfeSSIOnal CIVIl Engmeer heen,ed 10 the Slate of Oregon Oil/A complete dramage study, as reqwred 10 EDSPM Section 4 03 1, mcludmg a b,ydrologJcalstudy mop o . Calcnlal10ns shOWIng system capaCIty for a 2-year .tonn event and overflow eff..,ts of a 25-year storm ovent o iii The tune of concentrallon (Te) shall be d.._...._.d usmg . 10 mmute stllI1 tunc for develnped basms Review of Downstroam System (EDSPM Section 4.03,4,C) o . A downstream dramoge analysIS as descnbed In EDSPM Section 4 03 4 C On->,te dram.ge s~lJ.\lI' !\'irli'il'li~^tj1eREC'D Oregon Plumbing SpeCialty Code (OPSC) t'1<!:-JUOIVllllhL o III Elevations of the HGL and flow Imes for both Clly and pTlvate systems where .pphcable ~008 JUL - 2 L Design of Slorm Systems (EDSPM Section 4 04) . 0 Flow bnes, slopes, nm elev'llons, pIpe type and SIZes clearly mlhcated on the plan set o . Muwnum p'pe cover sh.ll be 18 lOches for remforced pIpe and 36 mches for plam concrete and plasuc pIpe m.tenals, or proper cngmeenng ea1culallOns shall be prOVIded when less The cover shall be suffiCIent to support an 80,000 lb Ioed WIthOUt f..lure of the pIpe structure o . MannUlg's "n 'value. for pIpes shall be consIStent WIth T.ble4-1 of the EDSP All storm pIpe' sh.n be deSIgned to ach1eve a mmunum velOCIty of three (3) feet per second at 0 5 pIpe full b.sed on Table 4-1 as well OtberlMuc . ~ .0 o EXI>'bng and proposed contollrs, located at one foot mterval Include spot elevauons and slle grades showmg how Slto drams o Pnv.te Slormwater e..emenlB shall be clearly depicted On plans when pnvate stormwater flows from one properly 10 another ~ Drywells shall not receIve runoff from my surface w/o bemg Ireal~ by one or more BMPs, WIth the excepuon of resldennal bulllhng roofs (EnSP Secl10n 3 03 4 A) AddllJonal provIsIons .pply 10 tlus 89 reqUired by the DEQ Refer to the webSlte www rleo state or us/wa/2rtlundwaJUlchome hem for mOre mfonnahon IlDetenuon pond. shall be deSIgned to hnut runoff to pre-development rates fnr the 2 through 25-ye.r storm events o ~"':~~~ 1it mclud.ed as an auGchment, ",sld, the frOnl coyer, of the ~tormwater study ~~ ..:'.,~,.L_ . IMl'011.TANT, ENGiNEER PLEASE REAl> BELOW AND SIGN! J As the engmeer of record, I hereby certify the above required Items are complete and mcluded WIth the subnutted stonnwater study and plan set SIgnature Form Vemon 2 Mlll'Ch 2004 Dale