HomeMy WebLinkAboutMiscellaneous APPLICANT 7/14/2008 I, II II '~ II il I 'I II I '- "--- 07/15/2008 03;28 -"OS 12 02 3&0&540339 14 28 F.X 541 349 . '8 J C L I< C, PC G BALDWIN MARKETING PAGE ~005 03 ftO,.UI.....11t.."':r.u..r:no.-- Of ..~GAGI~kt... "'~I NT !-.i."IUt\,I" l-W ui'\")~"'lJc. 1'......1:. ..;"'" ex ~~'1 ~"'L .re.... SATISfACTION OF MORTGAGe _ Garv ~al dW"1 and l'l,d.. Ba1r1w] ~. __ __~!J.<;~_.1~ ~_~. g!. j:.h~ _~_'itQ:1.1!'L.L'l!Rth. .1~.t __..~Z.LQ~Jdln'_~ ~ ,__':1~.ltL19Jit;t.n--"""" -"-C$:';;~~Xf-.~~ .~~~-;;i...,.~m--- -- - -p- '0' 'Bo-.:.l'HlJ'----m----- ..m.. .--- - - -.. __m_ '--'Co-ris"lfiiT-lllr-~ 14<U __mn.__._._....__.____ ~~-~-~------~*~---~~~~-.~N;m;~~;I;~-.--.----------. 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Purpose The plltpose of thIS lImIted lIabIlIty company IS to lOvest and manager real property, and may mclude the transacl10n of dIlY ana all lawful business for whIch limIted lIabIlIty companIes may be organIzed In the ntate of Oregon 3. Address of Office where Records llre Kept The address to wluch Interested persons may dlrect requests for copies of any operatmg agr,~ement and any bylaws oftlus hmited lIabIlIty company is PO Box 2829, Clackamas, Oregon 97015 4 Pertod of Duration ThIs LLC shall eXist for 30 years, and thereafter, at the agreement of the members, year to year perpetually s. Registered Agent The name and address of the RegIst~cd Agent for the lImIted lIabilIty company is "- Scott C. Schultz, Esq. 969 Willaglllespie Road Eugene, Oregon 97401 6. Management The lImited liabIlIty company WIll be manager managed and there will be at least one manager at the tune the hmIted lIabIlIty company IS formed The !lames of the tnitial managers !!Ie ~ follo"'s GARY LEE BALDWIN DREWSILLA BALDWIN 7. Organizers' The names and addresses ofthe organizers are as follows Gary Lee BaldWin 13593 SE Portland VIew Pl. Happy Valley, OR 97086 '-"fc:;.- r (~ 40 't s-s- DrewsIl1a Baldw\U 13593 SE portland VIew PI Happy Valley, OR 97086 Page 1 of 3 - ArtIcles of Orgaruzahon for EMMITT PROPER TILS, LLC /b l' (/{) 07/15/2008 12 04 G BALDWIN MARKETING 3&0&540339 -j); <<J~ ~ .; /-96 ---- 8 CONFIRMATION The Address where the DIV'/slOn May Mall Notices COPY PO Box 2829 Clackamas, OR 97015 9 AdmissIon of New Members WIth the wntten unaromotm consent of the mWlbers, new members may be admItted mto the LLC upo n the payment of such capItal contnbul1OD and upon such terms as the members unanimously decIde In the event that new members are admItted mto the LLC, thE' share of each new member m the profits and losses shall be m such proportJorJ as may be agreed upon between all the members and the new member 10 Members Right to Continue JJUSIDess The temammg ID,embers of the hmlted hablllty company shall have the nght to continue busmess on the death, rel1rement, reslgnatlOn, expulSIon, bankIuptcy, or dIssohitlt'D of a member or the occurrence of any other event wluch terminates the contmu;:d membersh1p of a member m the lunlted hablhty company as further set fortb m the Opetatmg Agreement of the hffilted hablllty company. IN WITNESS WHERREOF, we have hereunto subscnbed our nll<n les on Apnl 11, 2007. ......... .~~~~~ Gary Lee Ba1~ -- r--_~~~..~~ Drewsllla Ba1dwm Contact Name Scott C Schultz, Esq Daytime Phone Number (541) 485-5515 (In accordance WIth Oregon RevIsed Statutes, the execul10n OfthLB affidaVIt consbtutes an affinnabon under the penalties of peIJury that the facts stated h,::rem are true and correct) \, , "'"' Page 2 00 - ArtIcles ofOrganlzal1on for EMMITT PROPERTIFS, LLC PAGE 02 07/15/2008 12 04 3&06540339 G BALDWIN MARKETING PAGE 03 it t/J'~<.p~/- 7'~- C01\ FIRMATION COPY '-' ORIGINAL APPOINTMENT OF REGISTERED AGENT (for limited liability company) The undel'slgned, bemg at least a maJonty of the membel's of EMMITT PROPERTIES, LLC, hel'eby appomt Scott C Schultz, Esq, to be the agent upon whom any process, nonce at demand required or permitted by statute to be served UpOIl the lumted hablhty company may be served. The complete llddress of the agent IS Scott C Schultz, Esq 969 W1l1agJllesple Road Eugene,crregon 97401 Ha.vmg heen named as registered agent and to accept setVlce ofprClcess for EMMfIT PROPERTIES, LLC at the place deSignated in tlus certificate, I he, eby accept the appOlntment as statutory llgent and agree to act m thiS capacity I f.uthel' agree to comply Wlth the provisions of all statutes re1atmg to the propel' and complete performance of my dunes, and I am famlhar With and accept the obligatIOns of my posll1on as registered agent ' . offiCIAl.. sEAl e SCOTT C SCHUL~_ ~ ~OTARYPUBl.lC.ORE""," ~ (;OMMISSlONNO~=, _ . ~-- ,____ Ml'C!~:msSlOHEllI'IRES' . Scotte''S''Jitift.z. Esq- ~ ~ \.,," Page 3 of 3 - Articles of OrganJzanon for EMMITI' PROPERTIES, LLC