HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/14/2008 'City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Minimum Development Standards '. . Phone: ~()t, - ~ 4 ~ ~ ' Applicant Name: ILL l 0/-1111.=:5 Icompany: fvIT VEf2]0C to L H DO CH IAddress: Q ~ 6' ~, LJ Q~{) ~T, SLOpL{) I "~I Fax: q () LJ f} '<( IAPPlicant's Rep.: Icompany: IAddress: I r r --, _, , I Property Owner: bvlM rrr H"2DP. LLC. Icompany: IAddress: \J. 0, Bo'X '2552 Y I CLACI<AM US. Oft, cr,0 It{ IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: I~ -D3-~- 3~ ITAX LOT NOeS): 3LJDO I Property Address: l'-l D'6 MAIIJ ~T. I Size of Property: 4 5" ~ , I Phone: I Fax: Phone: Fax: Acres ~ Sauare Feet D Description of Proposal: I Existina Use: If you are filling 10 this form by hand, please attach your proposal deSCription to this application - - tJl1~()f) ~e kETAl L .. . . t- , .. a Associated Cases: Icase NO.:~ rLLJ-DG{ - 600L{<; I Date: {I, ~ I O( I Reviewed by:A ITechnical Fee: $' '-~& ~ 0 (' Application Fee: $ 1)1; 00 ITOTAL FEES: 11!QL5D I '-"":~''''''''->W: !!!'I~ &t~ I Postage Fee: $0 PROJECT NUMBER: " ".....1' '......... ,. .,~';;;-,- ~~ :I.."........'<-,"'-.'''''~.~,.....,---"..~ ReVIsed 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of6 "', Signatures Applicant: ~~~~tlon '~thIS apPII~tIO:':::~ect~n~a~r~teo~ Signature ~\\..L ~h-\ \ '\6 Print If the applicant IS not the owner, the owner hereby grants permission for the applicant to act In his/her behalf Owner: ~ Date: "':J. \, \ O~ I Sig ~ t:\~ l , ~~ l- ~ w I-~'-f Print I certify that I prepared the attached plot plan and that It contains the information specified In the submittal requirements checklist I certify that the plot plan IS accurate based upon field locates and the best avaIlable information I understand that City staff will rely upon the plot plan In making any decIsions regarding the Minimum Development Standards appll~tlon I accept full responsibility and liability In the event that there are any omisSions, mistakes, or inaccuraCies In the plot plan Plot Plan Preparation: < '-.... (~ ~'- -.~ ~~ Plot Plan Preparer Signature 8r L. L0H I TL=::. - Print Date: 1 ~ I L1. ' DY ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 2 of 6 - ~A A D D '!.. Minimum Development Standards Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to this form ~ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropriate fee calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department Any applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the pre-submittal and submittal stages Minimum Development Standards Application Form D D D Copy of the Deed Copy of a Preliminary Title Report Issued within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances Right-of-Way Approach Permit Application prOVided where the property has frontage on an Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) faCility. Detailed Written Explanation of the Proposal to Include: D Project name fI\'"\ \J e: !l.t..:>o tV CH U JGGt+ D Size and location of property..6(O ACnE ~ AT '\Ae- J.0 t= CoQP EQ cJ; 14 T~f D ZOning and plan designation of the site and adjacent properties cl tv\ A \ ~ D proposed<;fsfof the development area and scope of proposed development gj Access Wroposed off-site Improvements (I e installation of Sidewalks, fire hydrants, sewer main, etc ) D Current use of the sIte and any eXisting Improvements ~ Special site features (I e wetlands, watercourses, steep slopes, etc ), a general statement addreSSing sOil type and drainage conditions ~ Estimated quantities and type of matenals Involved If any fill or excavation IS proposed ~ Number, type, and size of any trees to be removed ~ Explanation of any land to be dedicated to the City o Proposed modifications being requested l2rAddltlonal planning applications required for proposed project gf Justification for proposed MDS exceptions .eg Time line extensions being requested Five (5) Copies of a Plot Plan Including the Following Information: D Proposed bUildings and/or additions. location, dimensions, size (gross floor area), setbacks from property lines, distance between bUildings, and height D The scale appropnate to the area Involved and suffiCient to show detail of the plan and related data, such as 1" = 30', 1" = 50' or 1" = 100' o North arrow D Date of preparation Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 6 , , Minimum Development Standards Application Process As stated In SDC 5 15-100, the minimum development standards (MDS) process IS Intended to support economic develDpment by minimizing City review for minor addltlDns, expansions, Dr changes In use as specified In SDC 5 15-100 MDS ensures that such development, however, complies with specific appearance, transpDrtatlon, safety and efficiency, and stormwater management standards specified In the SDC and otherwise protects the public health, safety and welfare 1. Applicant Submits a Minimum Development Standards Application to the Development Services Department · The applicatIOn must conform to the MinImum Development Standards SubmIttal RequIrements ChecklIst on pages 4-5 of this application packet . Planning DIVISiOn staff screen the submittal at the front counter to determine whether all required Items listed In the MinImum Development Standards SubmIttal ReqUIrements ChecklIst have been submitted . Applications missing required Items Will not be accepted for su~mlttal 2. City Staff Conduct Detailed Completeness Check · Planning DIVISion staff conducts a detailed completeness check Within 30 days of submittal · The assigned Planner notifies the applicant In writing regarding the completeness of the application · An application IS not be deemed technically complete until all Information necessary to evaluate the proposed development, ItS Impacts, and Its compliance With the prOVISions of the Springfield Development Code and other applicable codes and statutes have been provided . Incomplete applications, as well as Insufficient or unclear data, Will delay the application review process and may result In denial 3. City Staff Review the Application and Issue a Decision · This IS a Type I deCISion and thus IS made Without public notice and Without a public heanng since there are clear and objective approval cntena and/or development standards that do not require the use of discretion. . DecIsions address all the applicable approval criteria and/or development standards . Applications may be approved, approved With conditions, or denied. . The City mails the applicant and any party of standing a copy of the decIsion, which IS effective on the day It IS mailed . The deCISion Issued IS the final deCISion of the City and may not be appealed Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 30f6 "...cr:~~;~ t~ ~ I WIit~. ~~ --" - 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job! Jallrnal Number ORC2008-00045 ORC2008-00045 Payments Type of Payment Check l.Recemtl C' of Spnngfield OfficIal ReceIpt D~. dopment ServIces Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT #. 3200800000000000493 Description CTY Minimum Oev Standards + 5% Technology Fee Date 07/14/2008 11 00 45AM Amount Due 726 00 3630 $76230 Pa,d By MT VERNON CHURCH OF CHRIST <..:heck Number Batch Number Item Total AuthOrizatIOn Number How Received Amount Paid Received By emm In Person $762 30 2835 Payment Total $76230 1/ Il/II or - (LfUIV{r{ W/oa{- d euJ 'I-- ht/~ reporr (t~Ulr LI fut--, OII/t{ah on, tYVlt:{_ On! D/~ CD~ ~O O~/r'dL f for f I pf;J~ ' 0llt t {S r{ 0 LU n u-- /!IJuZd C(!J1 ML +(J y- ~ ])eecZ +- lrM ( fejof +---- 1!1\ o( - 1\0 CiJJ.A -ron- OWIlvL--. J1lJ (/111lC dt II~rd 5'h aj!t/,{!(jf;~h, CaLud /flj#rfha{;O~ (\0 'P//lff {alldJ. BtlLiUI1itL -I- rJSkd If1 ~UtDYvL ~ _ ~L S~;~ U t w!Juld eta! t~ I {Llttivfif--- 'II~/D( II SO -kJJttYn'r f\6 -H+t~ (tfclY Page I of 1 7/14/2008 I LII i OF ~.nlNl.rlJ~,LD VILll\u.l i MAP DRL~u08-0004S 1408 Main Street \JATE'DT~ 1-+ :.f VATE ..-:- :p MAIN-BT- IN-ST- MAIN-Sl ~ I J:l , SITE Map 17-03-36-32 Tax Lot 3400 North :rl H ~ ~ ir-j ~ ... . Date Received: JUL 1 4 200S Original Submittal Streets Springfield Streets - Tooltlp IS Street Name o Tax Lots - Tooltip IS Maplot Spnngfield UGB II Major Water Features by Type - Tooltip IS Feature Name Spnngfield City Limits Inside City LImits Not within City LImits Eugene CIty Limits EUG SCALE 1 387 - -- =1 60 20 0 20 40 FEET htlp //splntranet/mg_mwf/spr_maln_83 mwf 1408 Vlain ~~ PaOj:l6S2iJ e,>lf' B!:>.<: I< ( ,\) TOT~L l.l)PAQK\~G. <;'tJAL0'S ,l\\-'- ~A RJ<- t l\.')c, ~flACc5 \()\ BY l1s" JUl 1 4 2008 j" Date Received. N 0rr:),11:1 ~'jbmlltal Tuesday, July 08, 2008 2 15 PM . , , :j . il I :,i I' I !; PRO Jbcr NAME:: /VlT Ve F<I0ON CH uRCtJ ,It , I 'j !i ,I ,I I, "-S~ ACRE~ AT Il/O~ fIIA\~ ~T A'SSt~SORS fJlffJ 1\)0. 1'7 -0'3-30 - 3~ lAx LOT 3460 Ii ,I' 'I II " 2001::. 0: COfVlfVlL)~ ITY COMME i~ C \ A L , II JI PRtOR U~l:; I~E:TA\L i: II ji We PROPO~t: lC l)~E T\-\\ ~ ~\Tl:: !!: A~ A CHuRCH BUILDING ,I Wt: A.RE A CHU((CH .g:- SO PUJ~ H:oPLt ':f A}0\} OPt:RATt: A~ A CO!\JGREGA TI ON :i! PR\MARI L Y 0l'0 ~Clt0DA1 MOi~Nt k)G, J ijl WtlH SM,~'-l G~aula~ MEt: \ I~c. J Hf(OLX;- :1 00'1 \HE ,WEE\< CGR~~ D):"" STo 10) 'I. W~ W\LL ?0T \~ A 8\~E QA~~ A~ tli (l , : f r\I.::Q 01.:: ~Tt: D) At0~ On-\t: Q \TI:::M S A~ i RI:: QUt:: ~ TE a . :1 !HE Pa{<llO~ WE' ARE LEA~\t0 G R~t f j; ~ CFi2()\.)1 A~w 8AC-l<) \(;,00 ~~ I=T PoRT\OtvS :i O~THt: SAfv\2: BO\k'iJl~. 11-1 ~ SLf~TIDr0 i:l ID FQ()~T WrLL t5f2 l)~tD A~ AN ::! Au a \\0 R I Dfv\ J\f\JU . I He Re-AQ ~t: C-T~ Ot0 i'i WILL 8l: L)~E'D A?J CLA~~ ROOMS r II We ~D \SMALL'? \-\A\Jb \ D TD \ ~ ill CA\L~ O~ ~0t0j)AY MDkl0l-\\SGS . " '1 \I . :I I ,I , I " - i f Nt OTHER IENAN 1 ~ lJU I He- 1/1 / CDMPLeX ARE CLD~t:.O O~ ~\)~WA.y il MOf~N IDG ) G/VII0G U<s E )(T'lcA :' PA '< ~ H,j G A 9::, "-J1=:E DE [J J , , 11 :i ~I I, - :1 ;f\ ) , :r II " I: :r 'I .ll '11 I~ '" , " l' ,I , .1 ,I ~ I ! ,I, 'I ,1 t ' , I ;Ij : I I ',f " ;1' ,. I I! Ii "I 'I I, I, " "I " ':1 'I' 1,1 07/15/2008 11 01 3606540339 G BALDWIN MARKETING PAGE 01 4-bl - ~ rrlJ&, Jf~ 0\ '<- ~8~ ~ ~ er &\ ~ilLo (~ lo~ -to c~J lud ~c!J(j l~ ~aJJ~--- , sD3 - 7 it? D - I ~ I ;:~ o'ctf:l6 - 87']- "15'15 ~cJ){J Q.~.,)~ ~ 0\ ~ ~:5 ,- J-/1) - 67 6...3 v~6v T;:J~ I ~ II) 07/15/2008 oa/28/05 11 01 3&0&540339 14 26 F_X 5~1 349 5f G BALDWIN MARKETING - ~!-~~!~ PAGE Iili 001 02 /" M1MJP- C JOtltolSON J/loC08 K C!..l~rClN JfI all::lt1...~O L I,.....SON COl,jGLA5 Go SC.IoIA.Llli~ o~..u C J')Io(N,OM N.l'lprr.lJ$'" G~"\'. M,Ul.IL.YN ~ I4H<fiN "c:o'I'T c U...:~3 J"Me:a t: "'.I\~t1 .....1C;....Ui!:::: nuTl-' JOHNSON, CLIFTON, U,RSON & Se:HALLER. P.C A'rTORNe'l'S AND COUNSe1.0RS "T 1./>oW H50M$TR'iT 3\J11€ lO!t1 l!!ul'll!lIIi DlttGOIll thOl '11~ (5.\lU~ 2~~t J....CO!l1l: C..IFTOIll , "':all 1,llrl~'1Cj)~lll C~IJI G"ll C l;FlOSS LOllIJ....I.l_11 f ....',1 '''''''3.elJ~I' ~o" '- DI.Itc:\rAJA. {5"11"U &03' l: f>olAll ADCAI1!3 ItlcOl~l~ ~(lm -.I.tzl_~IIU""W~-l'- ~I'I--.l)-.w_ March 28, 2005 YlJ!.Yal'smule 1-360/654-0339 Q;;uy Baldwm POBox 179 North Lakewood WA 98259-0179 Re SJ{uatlon update Our file no 7950-000 Dear G;;uy Enclosed are caples of the BArgam and Sale Deed and Sal1sfactlon of Mortgage rela:.mg to the 14'" Street property WhlCh have now ooen recorded in the records of \,.ane Coun 1)' '--' JKC/gcc Enclosures '-- '13. .;) i 10 07/15/2008 11 01 3505540339 03/28'05 lJ 27 FAX 541 04P , G BALDWIN MARKETING J eLL C, PC PAGE 03 I€I DOZ "-- After R,,",ordong. R~turn TO' Jacoo K CI~ton Jr Jotm$or, Clifton Larson &. Schaller, PC 975 Oak Street, SUite 1050 Eugene. Oregon 97401 ----- - --;;1111$10-'::- o~- Chid O.;~'l-; CI...... 2~\999) Lan. l;aur,t..'1 Deecls ill'ut R~~ol"'d. . t~ ~~~U] ~HMI~ll\\~~~~~~~5 11:0,$:::: IlP".DfED Cr<hl st...... CRSHIE1l a;z S~5 00 Sll 00 $10 00 l":i~r;Il' ~"~a( IiTLE CO <lEnlR~10 CASCADE TJ!lE CO (.,. T 1J-\U 1- -ll_J C- Until A Change Is Requested. All Tax Slalement Snail 6e M2.led To Gal)' Beldwln POBo.,79 North Lakawood, Washington 96259-0'79 eARQAIN AND S~ DEED GARY BALDWIN AND LINDA BALDWIN, Successor Tr\Jstee$ of the Baldwin Family Trust, heremaffer "Grantors," con\ley to GARY BALDWIN hereinafter "Grantee". Grantors' mterest In the follOWing descnbed property situated In lane County, Oregon The lrue and actual consideration for thiS conveyance IS, 0-, dlstnbutlon to trust beneficiary Parcel 1 ,~ Beginning at a pomt on the East line of 14'" Street In Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, which pOint IS 120 feet North of a point that IS 1920 feet East of a pOint thai IS 94 57 feet South 40. 40' East from d pOint 1052 feel North of the Southwest corner of the Paul Brattain Donatlor' land Claim No 63. In Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mend Ian In Lane County, Oregon, from saId PO"'it of bS9lnnlng, running t!lence East and parellel to the South line of A street 120 leetto a pOint, then:e North 10 feet, thence Wesl and parallel With the South line 01 A street 120 feel \0 the East line of 14'" Street, thence South 10 feet along the East line 01 14" Street to the POint of beginning Parcel 2 Beginning at a p01n1 on the East line of 14'" Street In f;pnngfleld, Lane Coun1y, Oregon at a point Which IS 130 6 feel North of the North line of Main Street. and running thance East parallel to Main Street ,,00 feet. thence South 12 0 feet. thence East parallel to Main Street 60 0 foet, thence North parallel to 14" Street. 82,0 feet to Ihe South line of the al ey, thence West along the alley 120 0 feet to the East line of 14"' Street, thenee Soulh 70 0 feet to the pOint of beginning In Lane County, Oregon BARGAIN AND SALE DEED - Page 1 of 3 '--- e 3 ~JD 07/15/2008 03/28/05 11 01 3606540339 14 27 F~l 541 J49 . G BALDWIN MARKETING '~----l C L & c, PC PAGE 04 1m UUJ , '- '--' Parcel 3 Begll'll'ling at a pOint on the North line of Main Street In Springfield. Lane County. Oregon, which said pOint .s 1920 feet East of a pCllnt that III 94 57 feet South 40. 40' East from a POll'lt 105 2 feet North of the S :luthwest corner of me Paul Brattain Donation Land Claim No 63 In TO!'\/'1shlp 17 South. Range 3 West of the Wdlamette Meridian In lane County. Oregon, running thence East along the NDrth line of Main Street 120 fe~'t, thence North parallel with the East line of Tenth Street 120 feet, runnl11g thence West parallel With the South line of A Street, 120 feetto the East line of 14'. Street, thenea South parallel With the East line of 10'h Street and 81,)ng the East line of 14"' Street 120 feet to the place of beglnnll'lg SubJect to and excepting covenants, cOndlttons, restrictions, reservations, easements, and rights of way of record, If any THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PI"OPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE L~,NO use LAWS AND '- REGULATIONS. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THI:; INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIAl E CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT 1 OVERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETER\II.INE ANY UMITS ON LAWSUITS i\GAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30930 THE PROPERTY Df:SCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT MAY NOT BE W~THIN A FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT PROTECTING STRUCTURElL THE PROPERTY IS SUBJECT TO LAND USE LAWS AND REGUlATIONS. WHICH, IN FARM OR FOREST ZONES, MAY NOT AUTHORIZE CONSTRUCTION OR SITINC~ OF A RESIDENCE AND WHICrl LIMIT LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST ~nACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30 930 IN ALL ZONES BEFORE SIGNING ()R ACCEPTING THIS BARGAIN AND SAl..E DEED - Page 2 of 3 ~ rp/j 1 a6 lD 07/15/2008 12 02 3606540339 03 2&r05 14 2; Fn 541 H9 . '6 G BALDWIN MARKETING J \- L lI. ~ '"c PAGE 02 't:.., VU"I '- INSl RUMENT, THE PERSON ACQuiRING FEE TITLE TO TH~?ROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DePARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND EXISTENCE OF FIRE PROTECTION FOR STRUCTURES DATED this u..l>- day of Marctl. 2005 ~, ~ c::::- ~~ Gilry Bill In, CCe5~,gr Tl\lstee (~A7rI A., CA'.......l.(],.,//VI..! '-({;JiI Baldwin, Succe~sor Trustee STATE OF WASHINGTON County ofC;"""'~' ~1. ) ) 55. ) Gary nus Instrument was acKnowledged before me this \J...~ day of March. 2005. by BaldWin Family Trus l~ "h:~' "'- N(IlCIIY PuI:llIC Slate QI \Na! . ..". MIljlI$SA L PAl!lCE~ ~y Appol/ll\Tlet'lt trpIre. f;sb 2ll 2QlII ,--,' srATE OF OREGON ) ) 55 County of Lane ) ThiS Instrument was acknowledged before me thiS "Z- I day of March, 2005. by Lmda Baldwin, Successor Trustee of the Baldwin Family Trust . . . Q<AOOl...Al- : JACOI It CLIFl'ON i1. ' lIllTurf PUIIUC c.~GON CONloIISllfC N NO 3) 0020 .. II "." Y..lIlU: II.. JII' .. BARGAIN AND SALE DEED - Page 30f3 '----' ~~6 ~ 10 07/15/2008 03/28 'OS 12 02 3505540339 14 28 F.X 541 J49 - "6 Foul .... 111 _ .....nu..n1O... OJ uOlnGAG. (iNlW14_ ,., Capwtal NT I-H'", I UtiN J U u"~~I'\Ur;, II' LE. GO eX' Z~~ z:lL ,H... '-- SATISfACTION Of MORTGAG! G,arv ~al dW11J and! 1 rdp Ba1.dlur;>. __ __~\l.c;!;_.IEJ~_~. _Qf. _j_b~ j_QJ!;!~1~_.b1Jrl_!J _L1~,t nn~ ?_~_,QAL~H!t~ ~ ,__~!l.1tl:_19_~9_ _u___" - -_. ..--C~~'~~~f:.~. .~~-=;nd.....~n---- -- - V' lJ-llox--114\r--n _nn_____ m.. __n - - --.------ '-.'Cciois--riiy--llR' ~ 14<: u ________n'_______,__..._ ~...-----------.-...;.;;:;.;;~-.;;~~;N--.--..----~~--.. '-- "- ""j ;Int'V""t, 'l'n~'''l --9-75-'O.ak-'S-t;:ee-t~. s-ul.iil-'-crs-6---------- '____n__.' .O...-----n--.-----.--.--..---------------- _J_~.9.~!1.L~9.()!1.___J_HQJ..__.____ _-----._m , PAGE ~005 03 G BALDWIN MARKETING J eLl c, PC . i...., ' ! MY COM~f)IIWI~ " ;"'" 'rWV~v.wPUIlU91~CO ~ oaa~ Olvl.IDft gr ChI.' D.p~ty CI.rk Lane County D..d, ..,ldl RceDP'cls 2~1999~ llill~lljnmillmJ!\~lmtll'~~;~I/~5 1I :07~:: :~ Ill'R-~RT C,,~=l St",,'1 Cll$1I11!R 02 Ie 00 $11.00 '10 00 ~eJ\Eli~ff'\I'l!D ''''' Reco.-0lIf6 UlQ n~~___ ______ 8Dd/Of as fce/file/l,nstrll. ment/Jlucrofilmtruepllon No ____.~~~...__ Rocord. of S8,ld Counly WILn'" illY hand and seal of County o1li;o;",j ------- ~~,----~~--~~----------.-T~------- m 0 ~ ID 07/15/2008 12 04 G BALDWIN MARKETING PAGE 01 3505540333 ~ -"-it c(3~(P~(- % CONFIRMATIl COPY FILED MAY 0 1 2007 OREGON SECRETARV OF STATE o ARTICLES OF ORGANIZATION EMMITT PROPERTIES, LLC. A LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (Under the provlSlons ofO,R S Section 63047, Ch,'pter 60) 1. Name The name of the hmlted babthty company IS EMN[[TI PROPERTIES, LLC 2. Purpo~e The purpose of thiS hrmted hablbty company IS to mvest and manager real property, and may mclude the tnmsacl10n of .my ann all lawful busmess for which hmlted hab1hty companu;s may be orgamzed m the ntate of Oregon 3. Address of Office where Records are Kept The address tD wInch mterested persons may direct requests for copies of any operating agr,eement and any bylaws oftills hmlted hablhty company is PO Box 2829, Clackamas, Oregon 97015 4 Period of Duration TIus LLC shall eXist for 30 years, and thereafter, at the agreement of the members, year to year perpetually s. Registered Agent The name and address of the Regtstered Agent for the bmlted hahlhty company is "- Scott C. Schultz, Esq. 969 Willagillespie Road Eugene, Oregon 97401 6. Management The Illntted Iiablhty company will be marl11ger managed and there will be at least one manager at the time the lrmited liability company IS fOlffied The names (lfthe Initial managers are ~ fol1o"'s GARY LEE BALDWIN DREWSILLA BALDWIN 7. Organizers' The names and addresses ofthe orgamzers are as follows Gary Lee Baldwm 13593 SE Portland View PI. Happy Valley, OR 97086 '-7'7 r (~,< ~ 'fS-S- DrewsIlIa Baldwin 13593 SB Portland View PI Happy Valley, OR 97086 Page 1 of 3 - Arttcles of OrgllIUZabon for EMMITT PROPERTlLS, LLC A l' .(1() 07/15/2008 12 04 G BALDWIN MARKETING 3505540339 if. ~J...2 ~ .; /-96 -..-" 8 CONFIRMATION The Address where the DIVIsIon May Mall Notlces COPY PO Box 2829 Clackamas, OR 97015 9 AdmissIon of New Members WIth the wntten unantrnow: consent of the members, new members may be admItted mto the LLC upo n the payment of such capItal contnbutlOn and upon such terms as the members uHanunously decIde In the event that new members are admItted mto the LLC, thl' share of each new member In the profits and losses shall be m such proportIol1 as may be agreed upon between all the members and the new member 10 Members Right to CQntlnll.e JJusmcss The temainmg members of the liImted hablhty company shall have the nght to contInue busmess on the death, retirement, reSIgnatIon, expulSlOn, bankruptcy, or dlssolutl('X1 of a member or the occurrence of any other event whIch termmates the contlm~;:d membershIp of a member III the hmlted hablhty company as further set forth In the Operatmg Agreement of the lmuted hablhty company. IN WITNESS WHERREOF, we have hereunto subscnbed oW'names on Apnl 11, 2007, "-- .~~~~~ Gary Lee Bal@ - --'~-~~~~~ ~. Drewsllla BaldWIn Contact Name Scott C Schultz, Esq Dayttme Phone Number (541) 485-5515 (In accordance WIth Oregon RevIsed Statutes. the executIon ofthlll affidaVIt constttutes an affinnahon under the penalties of pelJury that the facts stated h,::rem are true and correct) \ .... Page 2 of 3 - ArtIcles ofOrgal1l.zatIon for EMMITT PROPERTIFS, LLC PAGE 02 07/15/2008 12 04 3505540339 G BALDWIN MARKETING PAGE 03 ii ~3'~JJ~/- 7~- {;OJ\ FIRMATION COPY , .....- ORIGINAL APPOINTMENT OF REGISTERED AGENT (for 1inuted l1ablhty company) The undersigned, bemg at least a maJonty of the members ofEMMITI PROPERTIES. LLC, hereby appomt Scott C Schultz, Esq, to be the agent upon whom any process, nonce or demand required or penmtted by statute to be served UPOIl the Irmlted hablhty company may be served. The complete address of the agent IS Scott C Schultz, Esq 969 WllIaglllesple Road Eugene,cnegon 97401 Havmg been named as registered agent and to accept Servlce of precess for EMMm PROPERTIES, LLC at the place designated in thIs certificate, r hf~ eby accept the appomtment as statutory agent and agree to act m thiS capacity I brther agree to comply Wlth the provisions of all statutes relatmg to the proper and complete performance of my dunes, and I am fanultar With and accept the obligations of my pos lhon as registered t agent "'OFflCIAl.SEAL . SCDTT C SCKUL~.... ~(ITARYI'UBU&.ORE""" " \:OMM1SSlON NO ..;r~~ I - '" ct<l'MlSSlOH ElIl'IRES """..... ."- ~~~ -- Scottt" ~~, Esq ~ "-- 'l; Page 3 of 3 - Articles of OrganJzatIon for EMMITI PROPERTIES, LLC