HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 7/9/2008 9:11:38 AM Permit 1~.tA-~l..~"''r' '''~~~'~~.~~\'(';!'~P~'''/:'~;;~~:l'.:~:;;\~,..,~.;; ;~:.d".~'( .....~_:; ";.,~" ..-4'~.'l,' ,or" r4~-':~,:'~\' ~~';"y':n .". ------ "',,!\\':.,; ~" ,;~< -,\0" LANE COUNTY"BUILDING PERMIT :OR' MOBILE HOME ..."') ! XV ".--, , BUILDING 0" "MH ~D I P.RQPERTY OWNr.R MAILING ADDRESS .' I-lOMER ANDERSON' 2555 GATE\:'AY "~->-...:. ~" it.:'1~:. /' f~; -''1/ :':~:" ,;- USE PERMIT 'PERMIT NO, MH '103- 75 PHONE 726-0192 ' PHONE #14 S'PR INGF I ElD "OREGOIl CONTRACTOR SAllE PROPERTY LOCATION -INCLUDE POST OFFICE ,S,PtiINGFlELl! GILBERT GROVE MAI.L1NG ADDRESS 2026 INLAND WAY ", PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION 7" METES, BOUNDS f II "'''liT GIlOVI" SUBO' V'S ION: 'lOT ':<< c;TH ADD I T I ON: Blor_'" (,.. TWP RANGE SECTlON- - TAX LOT NO. CODE 18 3 11.2.2:IF /9cjZ/ CENSUS TRACT 17-186 '\:. '. '-';'- & APPl. NAME. EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY ,,-...,........ HOMER ANDERSON NONE' LEGAL ACCESS TO' PROPERTY ,2026 l'lLANO WAY PROPERTY SIZE'- FT. 2555 GATEWAY #14 MAILING ADDRESS' Si>R J NGF' I ELO' FOR MOBILE HOME PERMITS ONLY No. of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO .BE;BUILT THIS PERMIT Pt::nMITTO INSTALL SEWAGE OlSPOSAL SYSTEM OREQOH WIDTH DEPTH AREA Connect to Existing Sewage System D. TYPE CONSTRUCTION SQ. FT. :;; BDRMS New System 0 VALUATION .~ ".f.' ,- ,.." PERMI7 ,TO PARK MOBILE HOME ) , " , .~ ". ..., .,,,-,,U;.';l"'!':lI'P-' 'v::-':'" ." " "'~.. SEWAGE DISPOSAL . - PUBLIC r~ I OR SEPTIC .TANK n BUILDIN'G <t FEES PLU.MBING I~STALLED BY: OWNER n OTHER; NAME WA.TER ,SUPPLY OTHERD WASTE DISPOSAL PlUMBING' , . , PLAN REVIEW PARK' TRAILER' 1 %5URCtl.A~Qr. TOTAl. .. t '50.00 ,4:00,' PUBLIC 0 ", . D OTHER. ,30.00 · , .04 :tl4.04 "COUNTY 'BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS MIN. ,SEPTIC' TANK' CAPACITY, WITH DIST. BOX; GAl. 900' 'DRAIN FiElD REQUIRED 150 UN: FT TRENCH, WIDTH FT. DEP.Tti 3 OR SQ. FT. . ; "TYPE OF STRU.c:rURE M-)' OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBLIC _ UTIL EASEMENT '.. BlDG. SETBACKS u FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT. OF WAY FRONT It5" SIDE INT. ' 5' SIDE EXT, ' .A,UTHORIZEO SIGNATURE -' DATr '/S/ J. Eo Boss BY. C. HARBAUQtI USE ClASS)F.1CATION REAR 7' PUE 'JOHN SHOOK/SANITARIAN DATE 3/21/75 DUI BlDG; PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE; COPY -WHITE .COUNTY TAX - PINK PlUMBING -.CANA~Y BUilDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOlDENROD. . . '. Lf ~ ~ - IMPORTANT: . 4' - ' Call, 687-4065 to schedule all required inspections. All construc- tion shall comply with Uniform Building Code, D.E.G. standards for subsurface sewage qisposal and county regulations covering plu~ng. All buildings ~quire a certificate of.1occup-'~ncy,! b.efore being occupied. 7 /" N "IN (See Details on Reverse Side) , - , , " ,1;~'(?!2. )11.dr7' (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) ,LANE COUNTY. DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ' .COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EU.GENE, OREGON 97401 FORM = C55-\3 , . ,LANE 'cOUNTY ENVIRONMENTAL Q '0.~<l2\. ",Ox\. Telephone: --\'5:\.s,;,-_9I'i';) Name and Address of Owner MANAGEMENT ~~-QV PLOT PLAN The building being Date th~y ,constructed under this permit will be used for was' purchased Do' you now, or did you ever own property adjacent to this tax lot? If so, please list those tax lot numbers or draw those properties on the plot plan below. Indicate on your drawing the location of all homes (including mobile homes) now on the property, as well as, the location of the new buildin,. ----- .~ ~;~;'\~. ~ ~~ ~ ,,\; :'~' .4=, ~~ jc ':;~\', n - . - ..- - - T - -1 ,., ,. --'"\ 3'~%-.-- ---- -,:.-' ''"'-.-' . --; ;~~~ ~ - ~ ~ = ,~~~~~~~ ~,,~~~~ -~0r -" ~ ;~~=~- :: =: ==:~: -- n -- , :,,_ _ T -- - -"; ~' - '. u - - ~~- i ~~~~-~~ ---- ~'__ ~' ~u _;':'-' ' ;" - - ", =:,~ - - - - - - -- - - - - ~,~, ~ :. -: - (..::~ ~-: ~ ,- .."d~ ~~~::=f-~~:~~:_~~(";;~~--------' r-' "<:, _ - n'::::,",(~:::t.:::: .. -.. __ r- '" _ -~- - - - -!- ~ ~- , - -'---- - ----- \.' '" ,'_ '_',. _: 1,1.",,1,',',' - is' l.( ),lI ):, , ._ _ _. _ _. _._ u _ _. _ _,: ." " I I' ' Name of Applicant (if different from owner): Address Telephune Applicant's Interest: Buy~r c=J M74-99 Seller 0 Agen t ,0 Map-~,\\\)~c-\- ~, Tax Lot ";l...3 "::;-~ Permit If\'(\ \{. \.C'D-~\ , ,~c./~ C-1' ' r R 03 S 1\ ,2.2rAX LO~ . . , ' ,...::_:-- - - _ -'SUBDIVISION: ~ ~\h,..ri- ~ ,~ )", BUIL~ING PERMIT.APP~IC~TlONC...N1H /e:>iB....?>'( - 1" 'LOT: BLOCK: ( ) SITE INSPECTION '~~ APPLICANT '~ISev--.... '\ _ DATE, , .'" . BUIL~IN~ SITE EVALUATION . ' PLANNING DIVISION Not Applicable No , Zon ing Ord i nance 'Camp 1 i ance: Zone ,f;:).L1-M H{) T) Subdivision Ordinance Compliance', , (,), () ,. ,Required Access ' , ( ) " ( ) Bui Iding Site '(Area, Width, Frontage) () () , Other (see comme~ts) (), () Yes 10 2. 3. 4. , 5. CK'D BY~ 3-/$'-7r 6.... Setbacks from ell of r~ad: " Front ':1I'.r- Side Exte'r i or Setbacks from interior Side \ Rear " l'ines: ,C- "7 COMMENTS: ~ PLANNING DIVISION ACTION PE,NDING: YES( } NO(,} APPLlCATlONH BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION i. 8. 9. 10. ' Plans SubmitteCl Soil Stability (footings) Flood Plain ~ , , , Other ..(see comments) Not Appl icable , ( ) J/~ ' ( ) T-)~.d;/ () fj' , ,() ( ) ( ) ( ) CK' D . BYtf~~-;ZD~' liJATE COMMENTS: WATER POLUTION CONTROL Not Appl icable ( ) ( ) No Yes T) TI ( ) ( ) CK'D , 'l BY:~~ DATE ,11. Meets Department of EnvLronmental, ,Quality Standards. 12. Other (see comme~ts), COMMENTS: ': TO APPLICANT: , ~ Your Building I Site Inspection: 3/;-0/1 ~ ~)-.Can be approved. G1v () Cannot be approved' at this time as indicated on item'NO. above. I Questions and further information on ite~s 1 through 6 contact the LANE- 'COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION. Questions and further information on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE,COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. ( ) Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated. ( ) Is being returned. ' . , ( ) Your building permit apy1 ica!J~,!!,...fe",--:J.s_beinSl.te.!.!!..!:!!.!l.d under seo.9ilte cover, , , "EPARTMENT OF ENV I RONMENlAL HAMGEMEtll ' , 135 Sixth,Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 PHONE: 687-4065 ~ " LANE COUNTY PLANNING,DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 " C55-2~ ~, . " " , Date Q, 3-2~-75 N ~H 103-75 Permit, 0.' ,CURB CUT. PER M I '",f, '.' IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY " WHEREAS, the attached,applicatiqn has been fully considered by 'the Board of County Com- missioners of La'ne County"and it is, the 'opinion a nd judgment of the Board that the said application should be gran.ted, and that ?permit, should be issued, now, therefore, it is hereby. " . , ~'.. ~ ' Homer, Anderson . ,ORDERED"thata permit'be arid, is hereby 2555 Gateway Apt. 14, Spr i ngf i e 1 d, Or. or constructing the following" facility: ' a Filbert Grove' Lot 33 Block 6 is sued to for placing, building Mob i J..e: Home ' 5th .; 2026 In' and Way: . "-, :upori the' right-of-way ofCourity RS~d _No. Mile Post,' , in stile! confor'mity to the exhibits' a'ffached hereto, and subjed to all terms, conditions, agreements; stipulations Cll)d pr,ovisions coritqined' in, the appl ication and 'permit, the Rules and Regulations Gov- erning Facilities to be, PermitlEid upon ,County Road 'Rights-of-Way, as set forth by'the Lane Man- ual' 50.190(2) any. amend';'ents thereto, and ,any other app,lieable regulations, law or ordinance,.' Specia I Provisions: 1. Driveway will be' construe!edin accordance with the attached driveway approach specifica- tidns (Drawing M98:50). " , , '. , 2. Permittee will be responsible for the immediate, removal. of all mud, diriand debris from the roadway and right of way caused by his operation, lea'vin'g the roadway and area in a neat, acceptable, condition. ' 3. Sidewalks w'ill be constructed in accordance with the attached sidewalk' spec i.f i cat ions ,'and drawi ng M98-49. The standard curb ,type sha 11 be constructed ,unless otherwise sp,ecified. , , " ,- that <, ' This permit ,is: revo~able'-cWany time, and wIll be' stricti/adhered :pecifi,ca'lIy mentioned above: is hereby aut~6rized." , ~ "', ,to and no 'work other than , . , This permit shall be void un'less ,the 'work herein contemplaied, shall have' been completed .be~" forI' March 28;, 19~;' Expires ,19~. Inspee!ed and Approved '~ - , , Approved by, Board of County Commissioners' , By , ,#p7 :A/!~ Date By Director:" of Public .Works WHITE -:- OFFICE FILE' GREEN - RESIDENT -ENGINEER PINK --' PERMITTEE' ,.:; BLUE - ROAD 'SUPERVISOR --ORANGE - BUILDING- 8. SANITATION DEPT. YEllOW - REAL ESTATE ,. . ~: 'C98C79 /~ I l .PROPEP.TY OWNtR , ~CM(II AI/OlliSON, -.......... ~ --,~ ......,.. _-"1..._ - ._ -.,..,..... ,.___~.U<.....~__...._ ___~' ...---.",- ....-- --- -.. .....,., -----,.. ."..~ . ,- 10 ., Li -r\ r- " / " ) \ i " . . :,. ,. LANE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT OR MOBILE HO~E USE PERMIT BUILDING D MH'b PERMIT NO, MAILING ADDRESS '<:3,5 GAll,""Y ~ l+I Hj ~- 7'; f;ll ~PitING"CLl! vRr~(U; PHONE 7'3"--,,, <- .c.. .-'. " CONTRACTOR s..."'" PROPERTY LOCATION - INCLUDE POST OFFICE I I ;A'RHiGFU'LO GH..E~1 a"O\=-Z -: PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION - METES, BOUNDS MAILING ADDRESS " PHONE . 2026 INI.A"D WA" rll.tlEIlT TWP GII()~[ SU3D I V W f Ot; RANGE ., ,. !,r;rr "1':1 SECTION 11.2.2 "iT" Al)llITIOIU TAX LOT NO. 1J4.. {, CODE CENSUS TRACT .. l'U 'i- UO APPL. NAME & tit/Me;> Jl'''Uf:RSCn EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY ,~()n" LEGAL ACCESS TO PROPERTY 2026 I,*-AIIO 'rIAY 25)5 GAI,-"AY #1', MAILING PROPERTY SIZE - fT. ADDRESS FOR MOBilE HOME . No. of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT S"qIN(.i1' 1,;'0 PERMITS ONLY O"f.llON WIDTH DEPTH AREA Connect to Existing Sewage System 0 TYPE CONSTRUCTION SQ. FT. ;;;; BDRMS New System D VALUATION ;'I.~~"T TO IHIT"I.!. 5tWAGE {)IG"OSAL 5VSTIlM pc ,,'II r TO PARK l4oulL.. 'IOl4( SEWAGE DISPOSAL 'PUBLIC Po 1 Oft BUILDING WASTE DISPOSAL ~lUMBING PLAN REVIEW PARK TRAILER I~UIlC"""'f. . FEES PLUMBING INSTALLED BY OWNER 0 OTHER: NAME WATER SUPPLY SEPTIC TANK D OTHERD )y.w 't.W PUBLIC 0 D OTHER q I, " I TOTAL jU.~ 'u:' C~.U't . 9"YI COUNTY BUilDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS or""1l 'I TRENCH WIDTH FT. .... i " MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY : WITH DIST. BOX: GAL i DRAIN FIELD REQUIRED 150 " . ..!.: lIN. FT OR SQ. FT. ,; " TYPE OF STRUCTURE :<,'" OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBLIC UTIL. EASEMENT I BLDG. SETBACKS n FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY 'FRONT 451 SIDE INT. 5'. SIDE EXT. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE - DATE /,/ J. L. Bon ay Co 'i.I.t!~U(.H REAR USE ClASSIFICATION 7' PU( JOlIN ';HOOll/UNITAllIAN DATE 3/2.1/75 .ll..< 'BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHtTE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY. BUILDING - GREEN I SAN IT A nON - GOLDENROD Call 687-4065 to schedule all required inspections, All construc- tion shall comply with Uniform Building Code, D,E.Q, standards I IMPORTANT: for subsurface sewage disposal and county regulations covering plumbing. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. .. (See Details on Reverse Side) ~~O'M '" css ",'L.;" (POST THIS, PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 9~401 .:",.... f.;~ .,............,....-::-~-',.--,.,~~:~~-....~'-.. ,~- ~""~~"~~~--"""",-,-,,-,.".;.~.~~......_..,,,..,..,,........_--~~._--- . ,,- " -, ,- :r~~, , . . ( ) , , " ' .. c) , ^. ., LANE COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT OR MOBILE HOME USE PERMIT '.' BUILDING D MH1b PERMIT NO, MAILING ADDRESS 2555 GATEt:lAV rr.il 103-"(5 PROPI;.RTY QWt{iER :{o~,l/m AWO:!RllON 01" SPl1 INCF'I tLO Qal!GOtl PHONE 726-0192 CONTRACTOR SAr,!E PROPERTY LOCATION - INClUDE POST OFFICE Spn IImf"lllL 0 GIL:CleRT'''GIloIIE PROPERTY LEGAL OESCR\Pl\ON - METES, BOUNDS MAILING ADDRESS PHONE 2026 I!\lLAND ~/Av : .~-~ ;::''!1rl'..~:!-'. F'IU3~"'T TWP 18 G!!OVE SUOD I \/1 S I ou ).OY ~~ 'iTN ADD I 'I' I atJ: RANGE SECTION TAX LOT NO. CODE CENSUS TRACT 17-186 3 11.2.2 APPL NAME HOMItR AlllltllSON EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY NONE LEGAL ACCESS TO PROPERTY 2026 INLAtISl \:IAV & MAILING ADDRESS ~555 GATEWAV 014 PROPERTY SIZE - FT. I FOR MOBilE HOME No. of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT SPRINGFIELD PERMITS ,ONLY, OREGON WIDTH . DEPTH AREA Connect to Existing Sewage System 0 TYPE CONSTRUCTION SQ. FT. 1+ BDRMS New System D VALUATION PeRMIT To'lflIS'I'AI.L SEI1AGE 'DISPOSAL SVSTEM Pr,ClIHT '1'0 f'llntl MQS'L!': HOIIIC SEWAGE DISPOSAL PUBLIC r[j I OR BUILDING WASTE DISPOSAL PLUMBING PLAN REVIEW PARK TRAILER I ~,~t;;::CHAlloe . FEES PLUMBING INSTALLED BY OWNER n OTHER: NAME WATER SUPPLY .r"',.?'r SEPTIC TANK 0 OTHERD 50.00 '1.00 PUBLIC 0 o OTHER TOTAL :;a.olf .04 oq.~ COUNTY BUILDING & SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS .": . MIN. SEPTIC. TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAL. 900 DRAIN FIELD REQUIRED '50 L1N. fT TRENCH WIDTH FT. OE PT" 3 OR SQ. FT. TYPE OF STRUCTURE If.H OCCUPANCY ZONE PUBLIC UTIL. EASEMENT BLDG. SETBACKS _. FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY FRONT 45t . .rSIDE INT. 5'. SIDE EXT. AUTHORIZED SIGNATURE - DATE /5/ J. E. BOSll BY C. HAflSAUGH REAR USE CLASSIFICATION l' PUE JOtW SHOOlljoANITARIMl 't ~;>o >J,;.L..t~ .~", Call 687-4065 to schedule all required inspections. All con~truc- tion sholl comply with Uniform ,Building Code, D.E,Q. stondords for subsurface sewage disposal and county, regulations co~ering plumbing. All buildings require a certificate of occupan~y"before being occupied. (See Detoils on Reverse Side) DATE 3/21/15 BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COpy - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD " IMPORTANT: ,- rORM == C 55 -;:\t:.,:_~ '''''.:. (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ; PERMIT f\\ \.\. \\)Q'1s NOTE: ,NO PERMIT WILL BE ISSUED UNTIL'THIS APPLlCAuON HAS BEEN APPROVED ,..' . .' . -. , '- .- ; ,',' , . ' " " ':, ,-" .APP;ICAT;O~ FOR: S&" ",' , , C~NSTRUCTION 0:, ,:~OBILE,,!iOME [~':'. 'PIf' REVIEW [=:J", CHAl'.GEO"o'CCUPANCY c=J , /SJ" W"~~~'" ~C- C',;"AA.~ ~S,',. ..Ss,' --hJ~~~,-~~" ~j); P, ~J (' ~ :CO~TRACTO~:e~ ,,'~ ,Addre~s:._ ,,' cny. , ,\. ~iP~a-~~" .' ~ . Name . .. Address , q.ty Zip Phone ::: RE(2; ~'sect~~: J\~' :':Lot C~de Census Tract /, I-In SUb~iV~SiO~~\~..e::-Z ~CL~_ "-~ Lot" ~~ Block ,Property Acreage Width_Depth , . ''2:.~~--" ',', ' ACCES~ TO PROPERTY (Road Name)" ".' ,d:Dd..~, ~,,\~ Y"\. 6, ,~ Existing Structures on Property: ~~ >----' " '. ' Pro~erty ,Location - 'Add.~ess/Di' ctIO~"'" ~~, ''''''<:::.~: e \. ~ --'~, \. \.,?""L -{., ~":('J,'L"-'" .~::-> ~ h " "C'Or\\ c*' '. , , ~u.. ~ \.-u-{ :,=<:=<" 'N,OW for Off 1:" e Use Onl v'rv'nnryvyxxxxxxxxixXi~xxxxxxxxxxx:xxxxxXXXXXXXX_XXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxy'r,.,rV'l"'r'r'~ , ' \ ~" ,,( -Sq. I(!::" , ,lIBedrooms ' " Valuation " . \ , ""'"', '~C')' ~ ',~= <;;Lg_ c::;..... "-~S' ' , t'VE"~~ ~, J..~ ~~~\\:)\.,Q ~^"..~ / -, , .. .. ------..;/ ;/ SEWAG~ ~ISPOS'AL:~'-: . Site Inspection If J Min.'Sep~ic Tank Capacity Type or: com;>tr'~ctiori' WATER SUPPLY: Well FEES: . 'Bldg'. + 'Waste Di~p. Plumbipg' 'Plan "Review: . Mobile Home . .~(' 'Surc~arge ~ TOTAL Bldg Setbacks - Fron t iJ .s- J PIA~ ;' , C55-12 ' " .' '""I:'!. ..., Existing Sewage DiSPO~'~1 System c=J. ," or- New sys~em Req~i~ Lf::J-"""'- PubIic r:---'I.----:-' L Instal1"ed ~y Owner Other c=J Name _ r 'PLUMBING FEFS: _ '. . ,"" / 1/ of Fixtures sewage~ Water". ~::>.... , <. c~,n~e/,on _' Connection ", PLAhS FU~~HED " FAciLITY PERMIT, ,'CJ'~S 'c=J NO [=:J YES~O 'Sign~r~ of A;pl(fant:'JJiu; ~.A . _ .' .Fe/Rece~ved By: \ "'" _ ~ Date: 6- '\ - ,,, \' 0' I> ' " , Dr,ai~fie\j\d ReqUired:jf.ined F.ee,: :' 'I5T~ , J " " Spring = r. =~ ' -:::-'I...~ " '-\.('{') '~'r.....c::::.6: . (l~_-->_ 'h>--\ , ." <""")1-\' ,o>-\-: , I:. :~~cq\ Cfo.-o., Miiximum D~epth_ 1 fVJ' ~Group ,\ , Fi.r,e Zone: Use Classification ,from C;:enser of ""Road Right ofWay~ Side Int'. '- -S- Side Exteri"or , R~~~\--1^Yl\'C, ~~zone dQ-7'I-;1tL#- 3_/r;Ar;:r' ,_~TION:~h7!Y}~ f1j~/2~ " LANE COUNT~ D~~:E~T O~ 'ENVIRONME;TAll1ANAGEMENT' - DATE: ' :f'" '7.. I::) -: "J~ .