HomeMy WebLinkAboutADMIN 6/24/2008 10:12:33 AM Building
Planning Department
December 29, 1986
Mr. Al Cockerline
3651 Game Farm Road
,', Springfield, OR 97477
,,:,:, ,SUBJECT: Bui 1ding elevations in the flood plain
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Dear Mr. Cockerline,
, ,
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~')~'The .nclosed flood plain
. ,
",,':' CH2M-Hil1 Co., identifies
property. The dark area
,,' two lighter areas (Zones
I~. . respectively.
part of a comprehensive flood plain study prepared by
of the various flood plain zones on and near your
A6) is entirely within the 100 year flood plain. The
C) are in the 100-500 and the 500+ year flood plains,
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. In addition to these flood plain zones, the map also includes elevation contours which
represent the estimated level of flood water in the event of a 100 year flood. You
will note that I have annotated elevation figures between the map's contour lines.
These figures represent the ranges of finished floor elevations that would De required
for structures* Duilt in Zone A6. This requirement is derived from standardS
established Dy the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and incorporated into
City Ordinance by the adoption of Article 27 FLOODPLAIN OVERLAY DISTRICT of the
Springfield Development Code. The City adopted this flood plain study and FEMA
development standards on September 3, 1985 in order to remain eligible for Federal
Flood Insurance.
, .
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During our telephone conversation of 12/29/86, you mentioned that you ha~ seen the
:_City's flood plain maps and that the figures on these maps did not jibe with figures
provided to you by an independent contractor who had shot elevations of your property.
You emphasized this point by stating that your house had never been flooded and had a
finished floor elevation of approximately 426 feet. Rather than dispute ynur figures I
would just point out that your house is located in Zone C, an area that is subject to
flOOding only once every 500+ years. To appreciate the severity of such a flood, the
flooding which occurred in the early sixties. while fairly extensive, did not even
achieve the magnitude of a 100 year flOOd.
*Non-residential structures may be constructed below the level of the flood plain only
if they are floodproofed:
1. As provided in State Structural Specialty Code, Chapter
base flood level so that the structure is watertight
impermeable to the passage of water; and
56. to one foot above the
with walls substantially
2. Have structural components capable of resisting hydrostatic and hydrodynamic loads
and effects of buoyancy; and
3. Be certified by an engineer that the standards of this Subsection are satisfied.
The certifications shall be provided to the Building Official as set forth in Section
27.040(3) of this Article.
225 North 5th Street ยท Springfield. Oregon 97477 . 503/726-3759
The other point you raised concerned the possibility of challenging the findings of the
CH2M-Hill study. When the City adopted its' current flood plain standards (Article 27)
the CH2M-Hil1 study was the only supporting documentation used as findings for
approval. In fact, the federal government required the City to use this study as the
basis for its' floOd plain ordinance or else lose eligibility for Federal Flood
Insurance. The City Council held a public hearing on August 19. 1985, providin9 a
forum tor anyone to speaK for or against either the proDosed Flood Plain Ordinance nr
the findings of CH2M-Hill. Short of preparing an entirely new flood plain study
ShDwlng tnat the CH2M-Hill study was no longer valid, and in so doing gain federal
support, the City is not likely to jeopardize its' insurance status by making
:;"('"" ;. individual adjustments to flood plain elevations. ., ,
. 'If I can be of further assistance, please call me at your convenience.
G~ego~y ~. Mott .
Development Code Administrator
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