HomeMy WebLinkAboutApplication APPLICANT 7/11/2008 City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Floodplain Overlay District Development ~~eg~it;e~;p:r~J~cti;Infor'!!~,i\fOI1~;~~,r ;',' , ",', ~ '~;;:;j,'t:, ,(APP1~~al1.tLcbmp~~i~cthjS ,s"'ection) . Applicant Name: PeaceHealth Oregon Region Icompany: IAddress: I !APPlicant's Rep,: Philip Farrington, AICP !company: IAddress: I I Property Owner: same as applicant Icompany: IAddress: I [ASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-15-40 ITAX LOT NOeS): 2200 I Property Address: 353 Deadmond Ferry Road ISlze of Property: 107 I Izonmq: Low DenSity ReSidential (LDR) I Existing Use: ReSidential I Description of If you are filling In this form by hand, please attach your proposal deScription to this application Proposal: Proposed nurse midWifery birth center ISiqnatures: Please slqn and Phone: same as above Fax: 777 E 11th Ave, POBox 1479 Eugene, OR 97440 PeaceHealth Oreqon Region I Phone: IFax: 686-3828 335-2595 123 International Way Spnnqfleld, OR 97477 I Phone: IFax: Acres ~ Sauare Feet 0 . . - - Associated Cases: Icase No.: C U~ JDD{ - onnO--:r1 Date: 1/,,1 /)'{ I {L/:l r 00 ., I Application Fee: $ J I OS Co 'ITechnlcal Fee: $ 1 & .(, S Postage Fee: $0 TOTAL FEES: $ J If{ff . ~ s I PROJECT ~UMBER:"Pf<::)2..oo7-o0017 I I ReViewed by: --h ''1ttN I Date Received. JUL 1 1 2008 Onglnal Submittal ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 1 of 4 Signatures Applicant: d,je u:~rsl ngne: aCrdges ~~,:~atlon '" this application IS correct and accurate JI'~~ Date: 7/7/08 Signature , . Philip Farrington Print If the applicant IS not the owner, the owner hereby grants permiSSion for the applicant to act," his/her behalf Owner: Date: Signature Prmt Date Received JUL 1 1 2008 Onglnal Submittal Revised 1/1/08 Molly Markanan 2 of 4 Floodplain Overlay District Development Submittal Requirements Checklist NOTE If you feel an Item does not apply, please state the reason why and attach the explanation to thiS form [gJ Submitted Concurrently with Site Plan Review, Minimum Development Standards, or Residential BUilding Permit applications, where applicable [gJ Application Fee - refer to the Development Code Fee Schedule for the appropnate fee calculation formula A copy of the fee schedule IS available at the Development Services Department The applicable application, technology, and postage fees are collected at the time of complete application submittal [gJ Floodplam Development Application Form [gJ Copy of the Deed [gJ Prelimmary Title Report Issued Within the past 30 days documenting ownership and listing all encumbrances [gJ Narrative explaining the proposal and any additIOnal Information that may have a beanng In determining the action to be taken, including findings demonstrating compliance With the Floodplain Overlay Dlstnct Development Standards deScribed In SDC 3 3-420 NOTE Before the Director can approve a Floodplain Overlay Dlstnct Development request, information submitted by the applicant must adequately support the request All of the Floodplain Overlay Dlstnct Development Standards must be addressed by the applicant Incomplete applications, as well as InsuffiCient or unclear data, will delay the application review process and may result In denial [gJ Three (3) Copies of a Plot Plan drawn to scale to Include [gJ Name, location, and dimenSions of all eXisting and proposed structures [gJ Name, location, and dimensions of all fill [gJ Name, location, and dimenSions of all storage of matenals Date ReceIved [gJ Name, location, and dimenSions of all drainage facilities [gJ Base flood elevation area JUL I I 2008 [gJ Elevation In relation to mean sea level Original Submittal [gJ Of the eXisting grade of the proposed development (for residential struc';;;es, show elevations at the corners of the proposed structures) [gJ Of the lowest floor (including basement) of all structures o To which any structure has been flood-proofed o For reSidential structures, elevations at the corners of proposed structures [gJ Certification by an Oregon licensed Engineer or Architect that flood-proofing methods for any non-residential structure meet the flood-proofing crltena In SDC 3 3-420 B2 [gJ DeSCription of the extent to which any watercourse will be altered or relocated as a result of the proposed development ReVised 1/1/08 Molly Markarian 4 of 4 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 8PRINGrnm.o i,I"".. ",' -1iiL~ r 'v of Sprmgfield Official ReceIpt L.~velopment ServIces Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journal Number SHR2008,00007 SHR2008,00007 SHR2008,00007 PaymeRls Type of Payment Cred llCard cRecemt\ RECEIPT #. Date' 07/11/2008 2200800000000001068 Description CTY Floodplam Dev Base Fee CTY Part /SlleP]an PerAcre fee + 5% Technology Fee PaId By PHILIP FARRINGTON Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn ReceIved By Batch Number Number How Received emm 081760 In Person Payment Total Date Received JUL 1 1 2008 Onglnal SUbmittaL Page] of] 11 14 32AM Amount Due 1,]0500 428 00 7665 $1,60965 Amount Paid $1,60965 $1,60965 7/1112008 , LlIl' OF SPRINl.r IJ~JL..D VICI.l"H.I i MAP SHRl008-00007 353 Deadmond Ferry Road ~E-F- ,BMBD_ElEAElMeNEl-FERR-Y_ ._ Date Received: JUL 1 1 2008 Original Submittal SITE Map 17-03-15-40 Tax Lot 2200 North + 1I PeaceHealth July 7,2008 Floodplain Overlay District Development Application PeaceHealth Medical Group Nurse Midwifery Birth Center Written Explanation of the Proposal Applicant and Property Owner Peace Health Oregon RegIOn 777 E nth Avenue POBox 1479 Eugene, Oregon 97440 Date Received JUL 1 1 2008 Original Submittal RepresentatIve PhIlIp Farrmgton, AICP DIrector, Land Use Planmng & Development Peace Health Oregon RegIOn 123 InternatIonal Way Sprmgfield, OR 97477 (541) 686-3828 * Fax (541) 335-2595 pfarrmlrton(a)Deacehealth or~ PrOject Name PeaceHealth MedIcal Group Nurse MIdwIfery BIrth Center Map No 17-03-15-40, Tax Lot 2200 353 Deadmond Ferry Road, Sprmgfield, OR 97477 Approx 1 07 acre Low DenSIty ResIdentIal InsIde Sprmgfield CIty IIrnlts, UGB Assessor's Map/Tax Lots SIte LocatIOn Property SIze Zonmg/Plan DeSIgnatIOn JUrIsdICtIOn 1.0 Land Use Request The ApplIcant/Owner (PeaceHealth) seeks approval of thIs Floodplam Overlay DIstrIct Development applIcatIon m conjunctIOn WIth a proposed new Nurse MIdWIfery Buth Center ("BIrth Center") to be operated by Peace Health MedIcal Group at the above-referenced locatIOn ThIS narratIve deSCrIbes the project's conformance to applIcable development standards m SDC 3 3-420 The area subject to thIS applIcatIOn IS synonymous WIth the area proposed for development m the concurrently submItted applIcatIOn for SIte Plan ReVIew TentatIve Plan Floodplam Overlay DIstrIct uevelopment ApplIcatIOn PHMG Nurse MIdwIfery BIrth Center Julv 7. 2008 Page 2 Appended to this narrative IS a completed application form, a copy of the title report and deed showmg PeaceHealth ownership of the subject property, and all supportmg matenals consistent WIth Code applicatIOn reqUirements 2.0 Background/Context The subject site IS WIthm the boundanes of the approved fuverBend Master Plan (LRP2005-000l and as last modified LRP2006-0001O) Pnor to development of the master plan, the applicant conducted extensive floodplam analysIs pursuant to obligations through ItS annexation agreement WIth the City Master Plan condition of approval #80 states "All development vilthm the Master Plan boundary shall be constructed m compliance WIth SDC Article 27 [now SDC SectIOn 3 3-400] WIth respect to flood protectIOn For the purposes of thiS ConditIOn of Approval, the base (lOo-year) flood plam shall be taken as the 100-year flood plam Identified m the Corrected Effective Model (CEM) m the McKenZIe Rzver Floodplam Assessment prepared by DaVId Evans [&] Associates and dated November 6,2002, or the FEMA Flood Insurance Study for the McKenZie River, whichever shows the greatest extent of floodmg Impacts" Pursuant to the above conditIOn of approval, a "flood hazard boundary" was Identified to represent the "worst case" of either the CEM or FEMA base flood elevations throughout the master plan area As noted on the Site Assessment of eXlstmg conditIOns as part of the Site Plan ReVIew package (Sheet C2 0) Identifies the flood hazard elevatIOns extendmg across the site The proposed birth center location has an eXlstmg average grade height around the bUlldmg of approximately 434' above mean sea level (amsl), which IS above the closest flood hazard elevation of 433' amsl Site contours are such that the site begms to slope downward at the southwest corner ofthe site The proposal leaves that area essentially mtact, and no watercourses on-site or off-Site WIll be altered by the proposal The site plan (Sheet A2 1) and site gradmg plan (Sheet C4 0) Identifies that the proposed birth center bUlldmg WIll be constructed WIth a fimshed floor elevation of 435 50' amsl - well above the flood hazard elevation and m conformance With Code standards m SectIOn 3 3-400 The site gradmg plan also Identifies that the approximate cut volume for development on-site IS 250 cy from eXlstmg grade to proposed grade Name, location and dimenSIOns of structures, dramage faCIlities and elevatlOll.s are . d shown on the accompanymg plot plan uate Receive JUL 1 1 2008 Onglnal Submittal Floodplam Overlay Dlstnct Development Apphcal10n PHMG Nurse MidwIfery BIrth Center Julv 7. 2008 Page 3 3.0 SDC 3.3-420 Development Standards A General Standards In all areas of speczalflood hazard wlthm the City and Its urbamzable area, thefollowmg standards apply 1 Anchormg All new conMructzon, manufactured homes and substantzallmprovements subject to less than 18 mches of flood watel durmg a 100 year flood shall be anchored to preventflotatzon, collapse or lateral movement of the structure and shall be mstalled usmg methods and practzces that mlmmlze flood damage The birth center project WIll result m the demolItIon of the eXlstmg dwellIng on-site and new constructIOn of a 4,022 sf bUlldmg The filllshed floor elevatIOn of the structure WIll be at 435 50' and WIll not reqUIre anchormg beyond foundatIOn work that WIll be reVlewed and approved through the bUlldmg permit process 2 Constructzon materzals and methods a All new constructzon and substantzal Improvements shall be constructed With approved materzals and utzllty eqUIpment resistant to flood damage b All new constructzon and substantzal Improvements shall be constructed usmg approved methods and practzces that mlmmlze flood damage c Electrical, heatzng, ventzlatzon, plumbmg and azr-condltzomng eqUIpment and other service facllltzes shall be designed and/or otherWise elevated or located to prevent water from entermg or accumulatzng wlthm the components durmg condltzons of floodmg All bUlldmg constructIOn and utilIty eqUIpment WIll be constructed and mstalled WIth approved matenals and methods to be resistant to and/or mmlmlze potential flood damage as reqUIred above All utilIty and bUlldmg sefVIce systems WIll be elevated or otherWIse designed and mstalled to prevent flood Impacts as reqUIred above 3 Utzlztzes a All new and replacement water supply systems shall be designed to mmlmlZe or ellmmate mfiltratzon of flood waters mto the system, Date Received JUL 1 1 2008 Original Submittal Floodplam Overlay Dlstnct LJevelopment ApplIcation PHMG Nurse MIdwifery Birth Center Julv 7. 200& Page 4 b New and replacement sanztary sewage systems shall be designed to mlnzmlZe or ellmznate znfiltratzon ofjlood waters znto the systems and discharge fi om the systems znto jlood waters, and c On-site waste disposal systems shall be located to avoid Impazrment to them or contamznatzon from them durzng jloodzng The proposed bmldmg sIte IS fully served WIth eXlstmg water supply and samtary sewage systems, the latter haVIng been mstalled WIth CIty approval last year (COM2007-oo894) There IS no on-site waste dIsposal system B Specific Standards In all areas of speczaljlood hazard wlthzn the Czty and ItS urbanlZable area where base jlood elevatzon data has been provided as specified zn Sectzons 3 3-41OA and B or 3 3-41Sb 4 , the followzng prOVISIOns are requzred 2 Nonresldentzal Constructzon a New constI uctzon and substantzallmprovement of any commerczal, zndustrlal or other nonresldentzal structure shall have either the lowestjloor, zncludzng basement, elevated to a level at least Ifoot above the basejlood elevatzon, or together With utzlzty and sanztary facllltzes shall I Bejlood-proofed to Ifoot above the base jlood level, so that the structure IS watertzght With walls substantzally Impermeable to the passage of water, II Have structural components capable of reslstzng hydrostatzc and hydrodynamiC loads and effects of buoyancy, III Be certzfied by an engzneer or architect that the design and methods of constructzon are zn accordance With accepted standards of practzce f01 meetzng prOVISIOns of thiS Subsectzon based on their development and/or review of the structural design, specificatzons and plans The certzficatzons shall be proVided to the Buzldzng Officzal as specified zn Sectzon 3 4-1SB 6 b Date Received JUL 1 1 2008 Original Submltta' Floodplam Overlay Dlstnct Development ApphcatlOn PHMG Nurse MIdwIfery BIrth Center Julv 7. 2008 Page 5 ConsIstent WIth the above reqUIrement, the bnth center IS proposed to have a fimsh floor elevatIOn of 4355', rnore than two feet above the closest flood hazard boundary elevatIOn The structure WIll have a foundatIOn WIth crawl space and no basernent Proper certIficatIOns WIll be dernonstrated through the bUlldmg perrnlt reVIew process that the proposal meets all applIcable standards and reqUIrements b Nonresldentzal structures that are elevated, not flood-proofed, shall meet the same standards for space below the lowestfloor as specified m Subsectzon B 1 b , above See above c Appllcantsflood-proofing nonresldentzal buzldmgs shall be notzfied thatflood msurance premzums will be based on rates that are lfoot below the flood-proofed level (e g ,a buzldmg constructed to the base flood level will be rated as lfoot below that level) Not applIcable, smce the bUlldmg IS proposed to be bUIlt above the flood hazard elevatIOn 4 Foundatzons Foundatzonsfor all new constructzon, substantzallmprovements and manufactured homes subject to 18 mches or less of flood water durmg a 100 year flood shall be as specified m the Sprmgfield Buzldmg Safety Codes Foundatzonsfor all new constructzon, substantzal Improvements and manufactured homes not m a Mobile Home Park or Subdzvlszon subject to 18 mches or more of flood water durmg a 100 year flood or located wlthm a deslgnatedfloodway shall be certzfied by an engmeer to meet the followmg foundatzon requzrements a Concretefootzngs slzedfor 1000 pSI sOil pressUl e unless data to substantzate the higher values are submitted, b Footzngs shall extend not less than 18 mches below the undisturbed natural grade or engmeeredfill and m no case less than the frost lme depth, and c Remforced concrete, 1 em forced masonry, or other sUitably deSigned supportzng systems to resist all vertzcal and lateral loads which may reasonably occur mdependently or combmeoDate Received JUL 1 1 2008 Original Submlttsl Floodplam Overlay DIStrIct Uevelopment ApphcatlOn PHMG Nurse MIdwIfery Blfth Center Julv 7. 2008 Page 6 The project proposes to construct the bIrth center on a concrete foundatIOn WIth a crawl space of 18" mlmrnum frorn average grade heIght to the bottom of the foundatIon footIng, and 32" mInImum from the top of the footIng to the bottom of the subfloor The foundatIon WIll be desIgned to meet the above standards and be consIstent WIth prOVISIons In the SprIngfield BUIldIng Safety Codes, as WIll be demonstrated through the bUIldIng permIt reVIew process E Encroachment The cumulatwe effect of any proposed development, when combmed wzth all other eXlstzng and antzczpated development, shall not mcrease the watel surface elevatlOn of the base flood more than 1foot at any pomt As reqUIred by ItS annexatIOn agreement WIth the CIty, the applIcant engaged DaVId Evans & AssocIates to perform a "post-development" floodplaIn analysIs that gauged the cumulatIve effects of not only total buIld-out of the RIverBend Master Plan area (whIch Includes the subject SIte), but also buIld-out of the entIre SprIngfield urban growth boundary WIthIn the DEA study area [See copy of "Post Project McKenzIe RIver FloodplaIn Assessment", DaVId Evans & AssocIates, AprIl 2003, Included In publIc record In LRP2005-000l] The results of thIS study showed that the maxlrnum rIse In base flood elevatIOns based upon assumed full buIld-out of the entIre Master Plan area and entIre UGB IS 0 40 feet, or less than the 1 foot rIse maxlmurn allowed above Therefore, the proposal IS consIstent WIth the above standard Date Received JUL 1 I 2008 Original SUhml(ld' Consulting Engineers 1201 ADak SI, SUlle 100 Eugene, OR 97402 (S41) 684-4902 FAX (541) 684-4909 M E M 0 RAN DUM DATE July 9, 2008 TO The City of Springfield CC Philip Farnngton FROM Matt Keenan RE Peace Health Medical Group Nursing Midwifery Birth Center - Flood.proofing Methods PROJECT NO 307829 The flood hazard boundary shown IS a compilation of the 100.yearflood elevations from the two floodplain studies that show the greatest extent possible flooding (the worst case condition) The studies are the FEMA flood Insurance study for Lane County dated June 2, 1999 and the CEM IS the McKenzie River Floodplain Assessment prepared by David Evans and ASSOCiates dated November 6, 2002 According to the flood hazard boundaries, at the structure the flood hazard elevation is 432 80 The fimsh floor elevation IS 435 50, which exceeds the reqUIrement of being 1 foot about the base flood elevation Sincerely, ~~ Matt Keenan, PE Date Received JUL 1 1 2008 Original Submittal Flood Proofing Melhods doc Page 1 of 1 ---- --~ / ---- DEADMOND FERRY RD r-=-=_ r '------' '- { " J " , ~.:>"./ ,,<;/ '" "",y .' ? , , / ./ j r ~ I I "'-C;""i. ~::t~~~~' ~ ;[ ,~~:::=y ~'<<-, ~ ~'Q/ ~"'. ~ d ~, ~I )i~':2'" 1\ ~=,J ;- ~~:';';550 r-'~" ~' , ~-";;, ~ ~ 4057 SF \ ,I" PROPOSED'- / ~ l'~ '- tEh~... ~TRUCTU E I .. /- A-< we , \!.~~::l ~.-- I......omo , ''''~ _. ~<,~_" __~ I ',' ,~"_,,._ 7~ r """ " -..; ~ ' "" ,-",," \ , ~" .---'1 ' -.', ," ~ ,'- , , -------...~'---~---- " " ' ," , " I .;:,..;; ~~ ----->1.0 ...0.0<100 ! l I ! t , ------ ' r' ' .'" fO'~~ ",,'--- ----- , ' " " l' e _e ., ~' .' ;:-$ .~ l.! ..----- ---- PROPOSED SITE ~ y I '" ~r' I ,,,,,,y '. , /" /' " -"- J ./ --- _ L... /.- DEADMOND FEImY RD ". 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II g...A...,r:!' .p,,,., oq;s'.;:.,-, ./- 0 ANDERSON DABROWSKI ARCH ITECTS ce' Jl) 1OJ4e:l<<lA....... -~ P""*"'lOR""" ;:~1g::~ --- ~~~(HE.O,UHIoEDO:AL OIlOUl'N......._1IY ~IRTH cnnm ...--......."""" ...............__onn ~T>>o __~lOUEJPI.AIN DEVELOPMENT -- PERMIT i .. ;1 " ;~ ~~ ~< .~ " " ., " ; ! . , ! ..-/ ./ ..-/ -"- _ /-..~ DEADM I /' , . _ ~."::.D--""RRYRD /' __~-'-'1&--;,~ .. ~----'-l<DJ - ~------- - , ~j _ ~'1. ~-=ua "'--- ..'" ,.~. _~~""'>~_~~ --r ~--- ---- ~. . - ,~. ".. ~' ~ F'::'=~- ~-.. ~~ ... :?:>\ .. X-. '" ~... X~""""", ......::... ~.... \".X .~.. "'- "'" - -"""""" ..-/ ~ 1..-/ V I /'/ I ~ ;1 :;... '1 " . I , I; , I I J. r~. Z.:.-:: "" V - 0" -="- ~ ~ ""'''/~ ~""___ I ,dJ~ ---- ,,~~._~.~ '- ~--- ~ san_,,,:!.... --- oP' .~---- ;!'~~ ..-/ "'= , ~lc~~FlEIl...la;[. 2 __'r'E"Il-OODTY~"'IliI<1l<E~~"~~ S~=~P~""TllE01Y" ,"^""-~tTI~TII,,:~~tnCH H 'IUI>,- -'- ~: ~ ,... .1lI: :.:;~ AP:'; _~I\J':;:E z... OOl:GcN Tl<ESC$'\(I,~~rc::~~~,.. ,- ~ Date Received: ~ . '"l ; ! 2~O8 UllglIl~. ~.- NORTH ..--- ~ ~ \ " . SCALE ~ " \ "NO<_20'",T C1!l/J ....=.!7'~~.:::. ,..q ..... ca ~ ;:c ~ () cd ~ p.., II ANDERSON DABROWSKI ARCH lTEeTS cec }]) 10130 SE3'" " s...oo.oo- _dOR Pf2,. ;:\~W~illj _.ADo"""""''''''''' ~i~~H:ALTH"'EDlC.o.l. - :'~oc~'ji:O"'OWlFERV _=0:::':;:: ~;:'~T~ -- -. "-.... '" __ SITE ASSESSM~NT -- C20 D~ND-EERRY RD - - EVLT - PPwnH UHDUlClROUKD U'I1llTi'DROP nT .-';w--- -- '~J~~~,r-~_L~p~OP ~I__. _"l - . ;1". _ __ l'Q----r" ~", I ::.... _ _ -'~ ----'~ 888'1640'E - GP~ "" em ~ ,,,m . 'K.. I I I I I I I .36 I 34 Fla. I I I ~ 4'~ 4 UNDEROROUND UII'&Il _____ QLH"'l'Itl.a'HO~ 2r..~ 'I1Wf t, W11lcurNCIIllP' 11l"'~ _________._ ____ -f - ~ ".::":::---":"-~ -"'- ='-~roIJHOS/a IROHROD .... ,,"" .'Sg ,."" .nOll / I . .., .."" .M "."" . . ... ,."" ~ .~ ~ . ~'i''''' .." ...'" '" .., 'rPlR .41- 3X t!!!.... ~~3 --'7. f.~ :'. D:~2F1~ -18'-+- -36nR'>- ( 131 \ 13.. 1000YlW/_ . 2 3 0.." 4 r.. 50 5 , 0"" I -+. ." 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Midwifery Birth Clmter 353 DEADMOND FERRY RO",D SPRINGFIElD OREGON 97417 SubmIttal Type R........ Do. "". ,~. 1 ~20'-O" Prnjflt:lNo 07155 FIIINlmlI Kll_8ITEPI..AN """"''>' OD' C~ck.dey "'" JijrbdltlJcnApprova~ ---- ---- DEADMOND FERRY RD / Y r" ""'7 ..... /" /" /' /' I I ./ i i , . , , ! 1 , , ~ I > ! , ~ j I ,! .' :1 11 ;;I! " ~! ", > !' ;1 ~ ~ ---- PROPOSED SITE L.. /" --~ -~ 1[.0<1-07 .--;;; . ~~ , ----- .'" fU'~~ .. .. --- ~ --~- '-- I --- DEADMOND FERRY RD \ =-=-=-----. --- ~ /" --~ /" ""Y ""'7 ~.. /-" o ./ -~ I J ~, I ~- "'JSF' FF.'_ rJ ~ ~ .t,"}1.,------ --~~- ....~ .....-:i .:-- . - ,--[~ -,,-- - I 'IlOiElS--.LFI..l.CllIITL IHtTCTIIt. OJTYW..ul:IS_",ATUY=CY Z._..NO.....'fDIIALSTI::fIAG(CIIsm:. "'J\lEPllOPOl;llISIR!CT\.Iā‚¬DOaNOTHA'o'EA ._~ ~a.o.-fUQlDLYA1lCIIf1lO___lS ~~ L NORTH ~ SCALE ~ ~ c - , lNC:1t_lOFttT ~~- -:=.:-.:=.=---=---=..- 1 , --' -~ /! / .~--- - EXISTING SITE fO'~~.' ",....-- ----- ..r:: ..... - ctl (\) ::r:: (\) u ctl (\) 0.. 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'" -- ;;::",..FLOODPLAIN DEVELOPMENT PERMIT PRELIMINARY TITLE REPORT ( '\ TO: PEACEHEALTH EMAlL: pfamngton@peaceheaIth org ATTN PHILIP FARRlNGTON RE PEACEHEALTH 353 DEADMOND FERRY RD SPRINGFIELD , / Order reports and listIng kits online at (wwwevergreenlandtltlecom) Date Received 'Juhf 8, 2008 EL T -55428 JUL 1 1 2008 Original Submittal Main Office: 1651 Centenmal Blvd Sprmgfield, OR 97477 Phone # (541) 741-]981 Fax # (541) 741-0619 Branch Office: 875 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 9740] Phone # (541) 687-9794 Fax # (541) 687-0924 : 1651 CENTENNIAL BLVD . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 POBOX 931 . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 PHONE 541 741 1981 FAX 541 7410619 .. ~ ~~ ~x~rg~~~~ TITLE INSURANCE SERVICES . ESCROW CLOSINGS 87S COUNTRY CLU8 RD . EUGENE, OR 97401 POBOX 10211 . EUGENE, OR 97440 PHONE 541 6879794 FAX 541 6870924 July 8, 2008 OurOrderNo ELT-55428 SUPPLEMENTAL TITLE REPORT PeaceHealth 123 InternatIOnal Way Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 Attn Pluhp Farnngton Estunated PremIUm for PARTIAL BILLING $200 00 TOTAL $200 00 Dear Pluhp We are prepared to Issue on request and on recordmg of the appropnate documents, a pohcy or pohcIes as apphed for, WIth coverages as mdICated, based on thIS prehmmary report LEGAL DESCRIPTION' SEE A IT ACHED EXHIBIT A Showmg fee sImple title as of July 1, 2008, at 8 00 am, vested m PEACEHEALTH, a Washmgton non-profit corporation Subject only to the exceptIOns shown herem and to the terms, condItions and exceptions contamed m the pohcy form No habIhty IS assumed until a full premIum has been paId Date Received JUL 1 1 2008 Onglnal submltti'll CONTINUED "IN OUR 8USINESS, YOU MATTER MOST" www evergreenlandlltle com , , ELT - 55428 Page 2 SCHEDULE B GENERAL EXCEPTIONS I Taxes or assessments winch are not shown as eXlstmg hens by the records of any taxmg authonty that leVies taxes or assessments on real property or by the pubhc records, proceedmgs by a pubhc agency winch may result m taxes or assessments, or notices of such proceedmgs, whether or not shown by the records of such agency or by the pubhc records 2 Facts, nghts, mterests or cl81ms winch are not shown by the pubhc records but which could be ascertamed by an mspectlOn of the land or by makmg mqUlry of persons m possessIOn thereof 3 Easements, or claims of easement, not shown by the pubhc records, reservatIOns or exceptrons m patents or m Acts authonzmg the Issuance thereof, water nghts, cl81ms or trtle to water 4 Discrepancies, conflIcts m boundary hnes, shortage m area, encroachments or other facts whIch a correct survey would disclose 5 Any hen, or nght to a hen, for servIces, labor, matenal, eqUipment rental or workers compensatIOn heretofore or hereafter furnIshed, Imposed by law and not shown by the pubhc records CURRENT EXCEPTIONS 6 2008-2009 Taxes, a hen not yet due or payable 7 RIghts of the pubhc m any portIOn of S81d premIses lymg wltlun the hmlts of streets, roads and hIghways 8 Declaratron of Access and Mamtenance Agreement, mcludmg the terms and provlSlons thereof, between PeaceHealth, a Waslnngton non-profit corporatIOn, Wlllamalane Park and Recreatron Dlstnct, an Oregon specIal dlstnct, and the CIty of Sprmgfield, a muniCIpal corporatIOn of the State of Oregon, by mstrument Recorded May 10,2006, ReceptIOn No 2006-032093, Lane County Oregon Records NOTE Taxes, Map No 17-03-15-40-02200, Code 04-78, Account No 0150514,2007-2008, $2,85343, paid m full NOTE The address of the property to be msured herem IS 353 DEADMOND FERRY ROAD, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON 97477 NOTE A JUDGEMENTILIENIBANKRUPTCY SEARCH was done for the name(s) PEACEHEALTH, and as of July I, 2008, none were found Date Received CONTINUED JUL 1 1 2008 Original Submltt;:>1 i ELT - 55428 Page 3 NOTE As of July I, 2008, there are no hens for the CIty of Spnngfield INFORMATIONAL NOTE The vestmg deed and changes WIthm the last 24 months are as follows WARRANTY DEED RECORDED December 31,2001, FROM ARLlE & COMPANY, AN OREGON CORPORATION, TO PEACEHEALTH, A WASHINGTON NON-PROFIT CORPORATION, RECEPTION NO 2001-088570 NOTE: SUPPLEMENTED TO UPDATE REPORT. Very truly yours, EVERGREEN LAND TITLE COMPANY HOME OFFICE BY(} ~ ~ /~7?-~->> Joseph M Sllence TItle Officer NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED HEREUNDER UNTIL POLICY IS ISSUED AND PREMIUM PAID IF FOR ANY REASON THE REPORT IS CAN CPT T PT), A MINIMUM CANCELLATION FEE OF $200 00 WILL BE CHARGED r" ...~- , }0'r! c. DIf':\- 'Ie: ,... .....,\ , ~~UL' \ ~~,) onglnal submittaL '. ELT - 55428 Page 1 of 1 Legal DescnptIOn EXHIBIT A Begmrung at a pomt on the South lme of County Road No 90, smd pomt bemg 489 0 feet North 890 55' West from an Iron pIpe, wluch accordmg to records IS 168 feet South 260 38' East and 57 34 chams South 890 55' East from the Northwest comer of the WIlham M Stevens DonatIOn Land Clmm No 46, m TownshIp 17 South, Range 3 West of the Wlllamette Mendlan, and runrnng thence North 890 55' West parallel to the North lme of saId ClaIm, 169 8 feet, more or less, to the East lme of that certam tract conveyed by John Haxby and Esther Haxby, to Earl H Brown and Eva L Brown, thence South along the East lme 274 2 feet, thence East 1698 feet, more or less, to the West lme of the tract conveyed by John Haxby and Esther Haxby to Opal Irene Allen, thence North 274 2 feet to the Place of Begmrung, all bemg In SectIOn 15, of smd TownshIp and Range, In Lane County, Oregon Date ReceIved "ate Received. ." JUt 1 , 2008 . , " '000 Ori..."..,_,t"'I , 0 -' I ~!'0:r;,t'<..~_ ~---- '- ( ~ , 'i' Let"... . -,-I-{1=" ( _ f 'J v ,., ~ - , , > ~ fYlA/ f7-c7 -/5-'-10 L If-\c~jl t r r' ~ ~(1 f\,c,CL uh. ", vv N -l- E t fJURH:.;:-Y OF L \ l:~GH! i~~ LAND TITLE (,.C 7,,~ 1t:m -, cp .... I 0-\ q:. 0 0 11500 ill 0 J S 89'5900' ." 9 ~ 0 Oil lf1 =(0) lf1 . 11'/ ~Oli2700'''' q:. -> 0 U" N99'59E .l ",!!? 0 0 oS! 5154 3553' W '" 3 24 AC S _ N 13'5900' E S 45'1330' ." () ~:tj",,fy 70 0 7 ,,00 ~ () I 10 1 1il~6 ~9';:!46'00' ." I ESE COR '<)- CD n'lj n n V nO" 9R"j, 'l..n n n nY n n () n n n __ '" S 9956 00'." 5~2.90 V ..,.. C:T!:'\I ~ - ~ ''''''4/0.'w - luJ.S * - - t'~O. . g'Q';'" I ~ 4.5 · 995600' E . - - e-11F~n-- l::C'DC'" .G>f'\.A""- ,... ....,..-..;...... "","", /~ '~)I, ~/'^ ~ \:; , &O~_{,,o ,,/;}o noOcfZr&~-e-~~W::;~SOSV3'~')~r>lJn.~r>~ :: S ::; s ,h<h 0(1 ~-O llh: \ 0-:0 -Or.!: ~ \ 17S 60 16'38 \ BL6 80' 95 62.6 15'3 11';11:)6 I t. ~ ~'2500 u, ~ , 2400 0< 2200 \ o~ o~ 1700?? ,,~o... 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DivisIon of Chief Depuly Cle~k Lane Counly Deeds and Records After Recordmg Return to: Roger M Saydack Arnold Gallagher Saydack Percell Roberts & Potter, PC POBox 1758 Eugene, OR 97440,1758 ,~~l.~~~m 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 $41.00 ,)0..:4 ,"06,,00.0J885 .<10"..0045 12/31/2001 08: 17: 26 AM RPR-DEED Cnl=l Sln=6 CASHIER 05 $20,00 $11 00 $10 00 Until a Change IS Requested Mall Tax Statements To' PeaceHealth, a Washmgton Non-profit CorporatIon POBox 1479 Eugene, OR 97440-1479 GRANTOR ArlIe & Company, an Oregon CorporatIon 722 Country Club Road Eugene, OR 9740 I GRANTEE PeaceHealth, a Washmgton Non-profit CorporatIon POBox 1479 Eugene, OR 97440-1479 After Recording Return To: Western Title & Escrow Company 497 Oakwav Rd SUlle 340, Eugene OR 97401 30 -O;S03~ 0 I STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED Arhe & Company, an Oregon corporatIOn, heremafter called Grantor, hereby conveys and warrants to PeaceHealth, a Washmgton non-profit corporatIOn, heremafter called Grantee, and all of Grantee's heirs, successors and aSSigns, all of that certam real property With all tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belongmg or m any wise appertammg, Situated m the County of Lane, State of Oregon, descnbed as follows, to-WIt See ExhibIt A attached hereto and by this reference specifically made a part hereof, together WIth the Grantor's mterest, as Lessor, under any and all leases pertammg thereto To Have and to Hold the same unto the Grantee and Grantee's heIrs, successors and assIgns forever And the Grantor hereby covenants to and WIth the Grantee and Grantee's heirs, successors and assIgns that the real property IS free from all hens and encumbrances except as shown on ExhIbIt B attached hereto The true and actual conslderal1on for thiS conveyance stated m terms of dollars IS SIX Hundred Thousand Three Hundred Dollars ($600,300) ** which lS paid to an accomodator pursuant to an IRS 1031 Exchange In construmg thIs deed, where the context so requIres, the smgular mcludes the plural and all grammal1cal changes shall be made so that this deed shall apply equally to companIes and to mdlVlduals Date Received STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED-I N \P -1\PeaceHealth Oregon Region 13967\Arhe & Company IJ961-0004\Documcnt.s\Stat War Deed DeadmondFenywpd JUL 1 1 2008 Original SubmIttal .' THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LAND USE LA WS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES AND TO DETERMINE ANY LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST PRACTICES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30930 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Grantor has executed thiS mstrument effective j)E(.<?~ Bt:R. 3/ ,2001 Grantor: ~ STATE OF OREGON ) ) ss County of Lane ) ~f- The foregomg mstrument was acknowledged before me thls~ day of December, 2001, by ~IAZII-j(.WI'f K Ihe(,.i~ ,the Pl2cs1Dt;;.ur- ofArhe&Compan ,onbehalfofthe "'POrnt." ~ Notary Public for Oregon My CommiSSIOn Expires .J----"'-'..-.-..-. ==-------=<'.- - -"1 '. OFFICIAL SEAL KAREN EI~HELBERGER I , NOTARY PU8L1C, OREGON II COMMISSION NO 338910 _ _~ MY CO~~S-,?~ E~P.!.R~ _OC! ~3.;2~_J Date Received JUL 1 1 2008 STATUTORY WARRANTY DEED - 2 N \P l\PeaceHealth Oregon RegIon 1396Mrhc 4 Company 13967 0004\Documenls\Stal War Dccd DeadmondFeny wpd Onglnal submittal , EXHIBIT A Beg1nnlng at a point on the South l1ne of County Road No 90, sald p01nt be~ng 489 0 feet North 890 55' West from an iron plpe, WhlCh accordlng to records lS 16 8 feet South 260 38' East and 57 34 chalns South 890 55' East from the Northwest corner of the Wlll~am M Stevens Donatlon Land Clalm No 46 ln Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the W~llamette Merldlan, and runnlng thence North 890 55' West parallel to the North Ilne of sald clalm, 169 8 feet mOre or less to the East l~ne of that certa1n tract conveyed by John Haxby and Esther Haxby, to Earl H Brown and Eva L Brown, thence South along the East l~ne 274.2 feet, thence East 169 8 feet more or less to the West l1ne of the tract conveyed by John Haxby and Esther Haxby to Opal Irene Allen, thence North 274 2 feet to the place of beg1nning, all be~ng 1n Sect10n 15, of sald Townshlp and Range, ln Lane County, Oregon Date Received JUL 1 1 2008 Original Submlttai .. r EXHIBIT B The r1ghts of the publlC ln and to that port~on of the prem~ses hereln descr~bed lYlng wlthln any publlC road or hlghway Date Received JUL 1 1 2008 Onglnal Submittal