HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 04-20 05/17/2004 . . . ^ . RESOLUTION NO 04-20 A RESOLUTION INITIATING EXPEDITED ANNEXATION OF 350 FEET OF LAURA STREET RIGHT OF WAY AND CERTAIN TERRITORY ABUTTING APPROXIMATELY 203 NORTHERLY FEET OF LAURA STREET RIGHT OF WAY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE EXPEDITED ANNEXATION USING THE PROVISIONS OF ORS 199.466. WHEREAS, the Common Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate expedited annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed WHEREAS, the property owners of certain territory signed a consent to annex (Exhibit A) and there were no electors registered in the territory, and WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, abuts the city limits and can be provided immediately with a full range of urban services, and WHEREAS, the delineation of the urban growth boundary for this territory is described in the legal description in Exhibit B of this Resolution. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the annexation of the subject territory to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territory being described as fo!loV\is: A portion of Tax Lot 7500 Lane County Assessors Map 17-03-22-44; and a portion of Tax Lot 5000 Lane County Assessors Map 17-03-27-10; and, a portion of Laura Street right of way more particularly described in Exhibit B and shown on Exhibit C of this Resolution. Section 2: The Common Council further requests that the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission approve the proposed expedited annexation in accordance with ORS 199.466 without the study, public hearing and adoption of a Final Order required by ORS 199.461. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 17th day of May, 2004, by a vote of 2-- for and --..lL against. The effective date of this Resolution is May 17, 2004. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 17th day of May 2004. \ "'- ATTEST: City~e~ REVIEWED 8Y, APPROVE~ :S~~~~~ ~_ QATF: ._'5:.l~'5"=J-o':..t OFPGE OF CITY ATTORf\l~Y"" ANNEXATION DESCRIPTION . The Northerly 350 feet of the Laura Street right of way, Southerly of Harlow Road, being more completely described as follows: Beginning at a point, being the intersection ofthe Southerly right of way of Harlow Road with the Centerline of Laura Street, said point bears 40 feet Southerly along the Westerly line of the Jacob Halstead, Donation Land Claim No 47, in Section 22, Township 17 South, Range 3 West---- of the Willamette Meridian; thence Westerly along the Southerly Harlow Road right of way 65 feet to point of intersection with the Westerly Laura Street right of way; thence along the Westerly right of way of Laura Street the following four courses: 1) thence along the arc of a 25 foot radius curve to the right, and arc distance of39.27 feet to the point of tangency, said point lies 40 feet Westerly of the above said Donation Land Claim Line, which is the centerline of Laura Street; 2) thence Southerly parallel with the above said Donation Land Claim Line, 238 feet to ajog in the right of way; 3) thence Easterly, parallel with the centerline of Harlow Road, 15 feet to a point which lies 25 feet West of the above said Donation Land Claim line; 4) thence . Southerly, parallel with the above said Donation Land Claim line, and the Centerline of Laura Street 87 feet to a point; thence leaving the Westerly right of way of Laura Street at right angles, Easterly 55 feet to the Easterly right of way of Laura Street; thence along the Easterly right of way of Laura Street the following 5 courses: 1) Northerly, parallel with the above said Donation Land Claim line 186.26 feet to an offset point in the said Easterly right of way; 2) thence Easterly, parallel with the centerline of Harlow Road, 5.00 feet to a point; 3) thence Northerly, parallel with the above said Donation Land Claim line 65.00 feet to another offset point in the said Easterly right of way; 4) thence Westerly, parallel with the centerline of Harlow Road, 10.00 feet; 5) thence Northerly, parallel with the above said Donation Land Claim line, 98.74 feet to the intersection ofthe Easterly right of way of Laura Street with the Southerly right of way of Harlow road; thence leaving the Easterly right of way of Laura Street on the extension of the Southerly right of way of Harlow road, 25.00 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. . . LEGEND ~ .0 LAURA STREET ANNEXA TION ~ 1Il o Z '\ R/ (COUNTY ROAD NO. 439) / WNW Cor f DLC No 47 EAST '\ HARLOW ROAo' / HAYDEN BRIDGE WAY '\ R/ R==25 ? . 00' ''''';90. ( oo.~ '6; :'::< :.-': ::>: PORTION OF LAURA STREET TO BE ANNEXED. PORTION OF LAURA STREET VACATED. 17-03-22-44 TL 7400 17-03-22-44 TL 7500 ^'..Y:- ~ o -'\r-- ~ . /:PROPOSED f ~ENTERLlNE 17-03-27-10 TL 5000 ?- 17-03-27-10 TL 4903 b """ ----"v- 'b """ 17-03-22-44 TL 7600 o~ 9:--0 -1y- v~ 17-03-22-44 TL 7700 17-03-27-10 TL 11 00 ~'t- 0~ ~ ~ 17-03-27-10 TL 1200