HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 04-12 04/05/2004 I. . . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RESOLUTION NO. 04- 11... A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ALIGNMENT, RIGHT-OF-WAY WIDTH AND DESIGN ELEMENTS FOR THE MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. PARKWAY PROJECT. WHEREAS, The Gateway Refinement Plan was adopted by the City Council in November, 1992, to address the land use issues and identify the public facilities needs in the Gateway area of Springfield; and WHEREAS, Section 24 of the Gateway Refinement Plan Transportation Element specifies that the City shall design and construct a north-south arterial corridor in order to accommodate increased traffic flows associated with future development of the north Gateway area in a manner that minimizes impacts on existing Gateway area residences; and WHEREAS, Section 24.4 specifies that the City may plan for the design extension of \ the Pioneer Parkway northward from Harlow Road to Belt Line Road, coordinating with the design and development of road systems that will service the McKenzie-Gateway SLI site and the 180 acre MDR area; and WHEREAS, Section 24.6 specifies that the design and construction of the extension of Pioneer Parkway shall occur in a manner that significantly reduces noise impacts; and WHEREAS, On June 15, 1998, based on a preliminary planning and alignment study, the City Council approved a preliminary alignment and right-of-way width for the Pioneer Parkway Extension and resolved that the project design shall include some means of mitigating and significantly reducing noise impacts, as specified in the Refinement Plan; and WHEREAS, The City Council renamed the Pioneer Parkway Extension to be called the Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway on July 7, 2003;and WHEREAS, The Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway is identified in TransPlan, the regional transportation plan, which is the transportation element to the Eugene-Springfield Metro Plan; and WHEREAS, The Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway is estimated to cost $9.3 million and these funds are programmed in the City and Lane County Capital Improvement Plans for construction in 2005; and WHEREAS, The City and Lane County have executed an Intergovernmental Agreement on February 25,2003 for the funding, general implementation, joint approvals, coordination, design, and construction of the Parkway; and I. . . Res. 04-12 WHEREAS, The City and Lane County will, under the terms of the Intergovernmental Agreement, jointly approve the design elements of the Parkway which then allows the City and County to begin final design, right of way purchases and project construction; and WHEREAS, Further traffic studies, sound studies, public input, coordination with the Riverbend master planning effort, and other further design review and refinement have resulted in different staff recommendations than those recommended and adopted in 1998 for the alignment, right-of-way width and design elements for the Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Springfield as follows: That the following alignment, right-of-way and design elements shall be used as a guide for the final project design of the Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway: 1) Alignment of the parkway The alignment of the Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway will begin at the Harlow/Hayden Bridge Road intersection and continue to the Game Farm Road South/Beltline intersection as depicted on exhibit 1 and includes the "North Link" that was unanimously approved by the "North Link Stakeholders" on 1/14/03. 2) Bike and pedestrian paths Locate bike and pedestrian routes on Game Farm Road South where feasible but create easements where possible and with neighborhood support in the area near the Parkway project for bike and pedestrian paths. 3) Parkway elevation in the floodplain Construct the Parkway to provide access from Harlow Road to the proposed Riverbend Drive during the 500 year flood and to provide 500 year flood emergency access from the north via an emergency access connection between Game Farm Road and Riverbend Drive. The remainder of the Parkway should be constructed at a minimum of the 100 year flood elevation. 4) Tvpical cross sections and right of way Construct the Parkway with a typical section of approximately 76 feet of right of way in the southern narrow segment that includes a minimum 6 foot shoulder for landscaping and "shy distance" from a sound barrier, and approximately a 96 foot typical right of way width in the northern segment (PeaceHealth section) except where feasible include the eastside 6 foot landscaped shoulder in the PeaceHealth buffer and easement areas, and a continuous median that is a minimum 8 feet wide at the intersections will be constructed as depicted on exhibits 1 and 2. r-- Res. 04-12 I. 5) Intersection layouts Locate intersections on the Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway at RiverBend Drive, Cardinal Way, McKenzie Way, and Game Farm Road South as depicted on exhibit 1 and construct them to the forms as depicted on exhibit 2. Design and construct the Game Farm Road SouthlBeltline intersection concept and supporting text for the Option 1 that was unanimously approved by the "North Link Stakeholders" on 1/14/03. 6) Intersection form for the Harlow/Hayden Bridge Way intersection Construct the Harlow/Hayden Bridge Way intersection with Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway as a two lane roundabout with a connection to Wayside Lane as depicted on exhibit 3. 7) Seward Street connection Open Seward Street during the construction phase of the Harlow/Hayden Bridge Way roundabout and request Lane County Board of Commissioners to evaluate whether to keep Seward Street permanently opened after completion of the roundabout construction. 8) Havden Bridge Wav parking Remove parking on Hayden Bridge Way for approximately 1000 feet and construct, where feasible, and with owner consent, shared or modified driveways for better access to Hayden Bridge Way as depicted on exhibit 3. . 9) Septic drainfields along southern segment Mitigate the impacts on septic drainfields of adjoining residences where they are negatively impacted by the construction of the project within the 0 to 10 foot impact area in the southern segment of the project. 10) Soundwalls in the southern segment Affirm Council action in 1998 and locate and construct a 7-9 foot high sound absorptive pre- cast concrete walls along the southern segment as depicted on exhibit 1. 11) Criteria to establish soundwall height Use a combination of late night and 24-hour criterion noise measures that requires about an average 7 to 9 foot sound wall height in the southern segment. 12) Beltline sound walls Do not construct sound walls along Beltline Road (Hutton to Game Farm Road South) as part of the Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway project. 13) Springfield Utility Board (SUB) transmission lines in the southern segment Direct staff to keep the existing SUB (115 kV) transmission poles within the 76 foot southern segment right of way and provide design elements to reduce the potential fixed object hazard of these poles. . Res. 04-12 . 14)Undergrounding southern segment transmission lines if agreement reached by SUB and Lane Transit District (LTD) That if in the future there could be a way for SUB and L TD to come to an agreement on undergrounding the transmission line in the southern segment that it is allowed to occur at LTD's expense, or at shared L TD and SUB expense. 15) Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) in the southern segment Locate BRT in mixed traffic in the 76 foot right-of-way in the southern segment of the Martin Luther King Jr. Parkway with possible operational modifications at intersections such as transit priority. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, to forward the Council approved alignment, right-of-way and design elements as recommendations to the Lane County Board of Commissioners for their deliberation and approval. ADOPTED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON, THIS 5th DAY OF April ,2004. Adopted by a vote of 5 for and o against. c . ATTEST: ~ CITY RE RDER Rr:;VIEWED & APPROVED 1\ '" -'" r'1RM \ ~~"., ~ ~\~ f)l~r::._"3/2b )2aoi_ OFF!CE OF CITY ATTORNEY . . . . Typical Cross-Sections, Alignment Intersection Locations, Soundwall Location Springfield, OR March. 2004 RIVERBEND DRIVE (RECOMMENDED RIVERBEND ORNE INTERSECTION) >- ~ a:: ~ > :c: ~ .., m CIl :J: o ~ 1- ~ 6' 6' 12' 12' 12' . 54' PROPOSED ROW (TO BE DETERMI EO DURING LAND USE PROCES ) . 6' 6' 12' 12' > J J :c: ~ g ill CIl :J: g r- 0 ~ 9 3: ; t t 8 12' 12' A landscaped shoulder at this location may be Included In the PeaceHealth 30 foot buffer and easment If the landscaped shoulder Is not Included in the buffer or easment, It will become right-of-way. >/ ~ CIl :J: g r- o ~ 6' 6' RIVERBEND DR. 66' PROPOSED OW BE DETERMINED DURING D USE PROCESS) 12' 12' 14' 6' t t ,. ~ A landscaped shoulder at this location may be Included In the o PeaceHealth 30 foot buffer and easment If the landscaped ~ shoulder Is not Included In the buffer or easment, It will ill become right-of-way. ~ o c:: ~ . (RECOMMENDE [ Y INTERSECTION) 1 1 0' A landscaped shoulder at this location may be Included In the >- peaceHealth 30 foot buffer and easment IF the landscaped ~ shoulder Is not Included In the buffer or easmen~ It: wfll become right-oF-way, ~ ~ / 0:: ~ ~ ~ ~ !2 !2 ~ ., l l .. .. ~ t t ~ ~ '" 6' 6; 6' 12' 12' 12' 12' 12' 8' 12' 12' CARDINAL WAY SIDEWALK '" lANDSCAPE STRIP '" BIKE lANE 0) <4- :; MEDIAN "'l R f) , FlTTURE LEFT' TURN lANE ~ 97' PROPOSED ROwJ'- ~ 'V:; PROPOSED RC Vi (TO BE[ ETERMINED DURING lA D USE PROCESS) BIKE lANE 0) lANDSCAPE STRIP III SIDEWALK '" A landscaped shoulder at thIs location may be Induded In the 6' 12' 12' 22' 12' 12' 12' 14' PeaceHealth 30 foot buffer and easment IF the landscaped ! l l ~ .. t t ~ shoulder Is not Included In the buffer or easmen~ It wrJI ~ .. become right-of-way. ~ / ~ III :r: ~ 0 ~ !I:l ~ 1 1 , ,ffi~~~ ~A . . . RECOMMENDED MCKENZIE WAY INTERSECTION) 9 r- , D Reserved for future right-of-way if necessary; to be reserved at time of subdivision approval. > > V 2: 2: 5:: 5:: I !2 g ~ ~ ~ Vl :r: 0 .J 3: 0 c: .J ~ ~ t t c: r- r- 0 0 m 2: m 6' 6' 12' 12' 12' 8' I 12' 12' 6' 6' 12' MCKENZIE WAY I >- ~ 76' PROPO ED ROW 0::: (TO BE DETERMINED OUR NG LAND USE PROCESS) ~ r landscaped shoulder at this location may be included in the 6' 6' PeaceHealth 30 foot buffer and easment. If the landscaped 12' 12' 20' 12' 12' 14' 6' shoulder is not included in the buffer or easment, it will s;: .J .J 3: t t ,. s;: become right-of-way. 2: ~ 2: / ~ ~ ~ 2: ~ "tI m Vl Vl :r: :r: 0 0 c: c: r- r- 0 0 m m 98' I MCKENZIE WAY . . GAMEFARM ROAD RECOMMENDED GAMEFARM ROAD INTERSECTION BEL/LINER DAD Q cr Q:' $ r:l ~ iJ t ~ Q cr ~ ~ ;:l ~ CJ Reserved for future right-of-way if necessary; to be reserved at time 0 subdivision approval. ~ MLI( .J r: PA/?Y,AI . 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