HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 05-12 03/21/2005 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RESOLUTION NO: 05-12 . A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: General Fund; Street Fund; Special Revenue Fund; Transient Room Tax Fund; Community Development Fund; Riverbend Development Fund; Building Code Fund; Fire Local Option Levy Fund; Sewer Capital Projects Fund; Development Assessment Capital Fund; Development Projects Fund;Justice Center Fund; Regional Wastewater Capital Fund; Street Capital Fund; Sewer SDC Fund; Regional Wastewater SDC Fund; Insurance Fund Emergency Medical Services Fund; and, the Vehicle and Equipment Fund. WHEREAS, the 2004-2005 fiscal year appropriations for the City of Springfield were made by Resolution No. 04-27 dated June 21, 2004; and, WHEREAS, at various times during the fiscal year the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the fiscal year budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities, to recognize new revenues, or to make other required adjustments; and, WHEREAS, the Common Council handles such requests for adjustment to the budget through Supplemental Budget Resolutions presented at public hearings at which the public may comment on such requests; and, WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the Common Council of the City of Springfield as follows: Estimated Revenues Court fines and fees collections Recognize forfeited deposits in Fund 82 I GENERAL - FUND 100 AVlJTovriations $: 110,376 Departmental Operating: $ 44,000 City Manager's Office Court Finance Department Fire and Life Services Development Services Total Departmental Operating . Non Departmental Reserves Transfer Total Non Departmental Total General Fund $ 154.376 Total General Fund Estimated Revenues STREET - FUND 201 Avvrovriations Non Dep~mental Reserves Transfers Total Non Departmental Total Street Fund $ Total Street Fund Estimated Revenues Beginning Cash Additional STOP Grant revenue . Child Services Improvement Grant 04-05 SPECIAL REVENUE - FUND 204 Avvrovriations Departmental Operating: Police Library Development Services Total Departmental Operating $ $ $ (6,185) 8,399 7,039 Total Special Revenue Fund $ Total Special Revenue Fund 9,253 Attachment 2-1 $ 11,223 $ 24,000 $ (40,250) $ 170,000 $ (1,223) $ 163,750 $ (49,624) $ 40,250 $ (9,374) $ 154.376 $ (500,000) $ 500,000 $ $ $ 4,136 $ 7,039 $ ( 1 ;922) $ 9,253 $ 9,253 Estimated Revenues Transient Room Tax revenue . Total Transient Room Tax Fund Estimated Revenues Total Community Development Fund TRANSIENT ROOM TAX - FUND 208 Aoorooriations $ 40,000 Non Departmental Reserves $ 40,000 Total Non Departmental $ 40,000 $ 40,000 Total Transient Room Tax Fund $ 40,000 $ $ $ (10,700) (10,700) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT - FUND 210 Appropriations Departmental Operating: Development Services Total Departmental Operating Capital Projects $ 10,700 Total Community Development Fund $ Estimated Revenues Planning Fees RIVERBEND DEVELOPMENT - FUND 222 AlJlJrOlJriations $ '(76,020) Departmental Operating: Public Works Total Departmental Operating Total Riverbend Development Fund Estimated Revenues ReconCiliation between Riverbend Fund revenue . and Building Code Fund revenue Total Building Code Fund Estimated Revenues Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund Estimated Revenues Total Bancroft Redemption Fund Estimated Revenues . Total Sewer Capital Projects Fund $ (76,020) $ (76,020) Total Riverbend Development Fund $ (76,020) BUILDING CODE FUND - FUND 224 AlJlJrOlJriations $ (1,920,924) Non Departmental Reserves $ Total Building Code Fund $ (1,920,924) $ (1,920,924) FIRE LOCAL OPTION LEVY - FUND 235 AOlJrolJriations Departmental Operating: Fire & Life Services , Total Departmental Operating BANCROFT REDEMPTION FUND - FUND 305 AlJlJrolJriations , Non Departmental Loan to Fund 428 Reserves $ (1,920,924) $ $ $ $ 94,000 94,000 Non Departmental Reserves $ (94,000) Total Fire Local Option Levy Fund $ $ 146,020 $ (146,020) Total Bancroft Redemption Fund $ SEWER CAPITAL PROJECTS - FUND 409 AplJrolJriations Capital Projects $ 67,875 Non Departmental Reserves $ (67,875) Total Sewer Capital Projects Fund $ Attachment 2-2 Estimated Revenues . DEVELOPMENT ASSESSMENT CAPITAL - FUND 419 Appropriations 'Capital Projects Total Development Assessment Capital Fund $ Estimated Revenues MLK Peacehealth (Riverbend) Total Development Projects Fund Estimated Revenues Loan from Bancroft Fund (305) Total Justice Center Fund . Estimated Revenues Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund Estimated Revenues Transfer from Fund 201 (Street Fund) Total Street Capital Fund Estimated Revenues Total Sewer SDC Fund . Estimated Revenues Total Regional Wastewater SDC Fund Non Departmental Reserves Total Development Assessment Capital Fund $ DEVELOPMENT PROJECTS - FUND 420 Appropriations Capital Projects $ 2,970,020 $ 2,970,020 Non Departmental Reserves Total Development Projects Fund JUSTICE CENTER - FUND 428 Appropriations Departmental Operating: Development Services $ .146,020 $ 146,020 Total Departmental Operating Total Justice Center Fund REGIONAL W ASTEW A TER CAPITAL - FUND 433 Appropriations Capital Projects $ Non Departmental Reserves Total Regional Wastewater Capital Fund $ 500,000 STREET CAPITAL - FUND 434 Appropriations Capital Projects $ 500,000 Total Street Capital Fund SEWER SDC - FUND 436 Aporooriations Capital Projects $ Non Departmental Reserves Total Sewer SDC Fund REGIONAL W ASTEW A TER SDC - FUND 437 Aoprooriations Capital Projects $ , Non Departmental Reserves Total Regional Wastewater SDC Fund Attachr(lent 2-3 12,050 $ (12,050) 3,045,020 (75,000) $ 2,970,020 $ 146,020 $ 146,020 $ 146,020 $ (1,587,500) $ 1,587,500 $ $ 500,000 $ 500,000 $ 100,000 $ (100,000) $ $ (762,500) $ 762.500 $ ADOPTED by the Common Council ofthe City of Springfield this 21st day of March, 2005. The effective date of this Resolution is the date of adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. '" Adopted by a vote of 6 for and o against. ATTEST: Amy~' . REVIEWED & APPROVED ~~R~ ~ DATE:~ ' OFFIG~ QF GIn AnORNEY Attaclunent 2-4