HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 05-05 02/07/2005 . . . . . RESOLUTION NO 05-05 A RESOLUTION INITIATING EXPEDITED ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORY TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD AND REQUESTING THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION. WHEREAS, The City Council is authorized by ORSI99.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be' annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed; and, WHEREAS, no registered voters reside within the territory to be annexed; and, WHEREAS, the property owners of subject territory described in Section 1 below signed a consent to annex (Exhibit A); and, WHEREAS, the applicant is proposing to annex said property for future residential development; and, WHEREAS, the territory to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary and it has been demonstrated the property can be provided with key urban services contingent upon the execution of an Annexation Agreement satisfactory to the City of Springfield. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the annexation of the subject territory to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territory being described as follows: SITUATED in Lane County, State of Oregon in the Northwest ~ and Southwest ~ of Section 3 and the Northeast ~ and Southeast ~, Township 18 South, Range 2 West ofthe Willamette Meridian and Described as Follows: BEING two separate portions of Parcel 1 of Land Partition Plat No. 99-P1279 as Platted and Filed August 17, 1999 in Lane County Oregon Land Partition Plat Records and filed as County Survey File No. 36134 in the Office of the Lane County Surveyor. Said portions being more particularly described as follows: ANNEXATION AREA A BEGINNING at the west..:southwest comer of the plat of JASPER MEADOWS FIRST ADDITION as platted and recorded November 22,2002 as Lane County Survey File No. . , . . . 37786 in the Office of the Lane County Surveyor and given Recorder's Number 2002- 091218 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; THENCE leaving said POINT OF BEGINNING and along the general westerly line of said plat of JASPER MEADOWS FIRST ADDITION the following on numbered course: (1) NORTH 81045'27" EAST 285.28 FEET to an angle point in said line; THENCE continuing along said general west line and the southerly prolongation thereof the following one numbered course: (2) SOUTH 08014'33" EAST 1116.72 FEET to a point on the south line of aforesaid Parcell of Land Partition Plat No. 99-PI279; THENCE, along said south line of Parcel 1 the following one number course: (3) SOUTH 89048 '0" WEST 288.21 FEET to a point at the intersection of said line with the southeasterly prolongation of the western most plat boundary of said JASPER MEADOWS FIRST ADDITION; and THENCE along said prolongation the following one numbered course: (4) NORTH 08014'14" WEST 1076.39 FEET RETURNING to the POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 7.2 ACRES more or less. ANNEXATION AREA B COMMENCIN:G at the west-southwest comer of the plat of JASPER MEADOWS FIRST ADDITION as platted arid recorded November 22,2002 as Lane County Survey File No. 37786 in the Office of the Lane County Surveyor and given Recorder's Number 2002-091218 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; THENCE leaving said point of commencement and along the southerly prolongation of the western most plat boundary of said JASPER MEADOWS FIRST ADDITION SOUTH 08014'14" EAST 1046.39 FEET to a point on the south line of aforesaid Parcel 1 of Land Partition Plat No. 99-PI279; THENCE along said south line of Parcel 1 SOUTH 89048'06" WEST 201.98 FEET to point on a line that lies parallel with and 200.00 feet southwesterly by perpendicular measurement from the aforesaid southerly prolongation of the western most plat boundary of JASPER MEADOWS FIRST ADDITION, which point is the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING ofthe lands being described herein; THENCE leaving said TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and continuing along said south' line of Parcel 1 the following one numbered course: (1) SOUTH 89048'06" WEST 969.36 FEET to the southwest comer of said Parcell; THENCE along the west lines of said Parcell, the following six numbered courses: (2) NORTH 00000'09" EAST 1182.15 FEET; (3) NORTH 00022'51" WEST 542.36 FEET; (4) NORTH 75017'02" WEST 112.75 FEET; (5) NORTH 07012'15" EAST 496.33 FEET; (6) SOUTH 89052'01" WEST 386.46 FEET; and (7) NORTH 00000'42" EAST 151.07 FEET more or less to the south line oflands that were conveyed to Lane County by that certain Bargain and ale Deed that was recorded April 22, 1997 in Reel 2286R at Reception Number 9727039 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; THENCE along the south and east lines of said lands that were conveyed to Lane County the following five numbered courses: (8) SOUTH 85012'45" EAST 14.48 FEET; (9) SOUTH 84005'53" EAST 23.74 FEET; (10) NORTH 75028'44" EAST 63.86 FEET; (11) NORTH 69025'44" EAST 2 Resolution No. 05-05 . 68.77 FEET; and (12) NORTH 00015'32" WEST 13.53 FEET to a point on the aforesaid north line of Parcel 1 of Land Partition Plat No. 99-PI279; THENCE along last said north line the following one numbered course: (13) NORTH .89044'28" EAST 867.23 FEET to a point on a non-tangent curve to the right tl:1at lies concentric with and 200.00 feet southwesterly by radial measurement from the west plat boundary ofthe plat of JASPER MEADOWS as platted and recorded February 15,2002 as Lane County Survey File No. 37396 in the Office of the Lane County Surveyor and given Recorder's No. 2002-012568 in the Official Records of Lane County, State of Oregon; Thence (14) along said non- tangent curve to the right having a radius center that bears SOUTH 72026'01" WEST 1540.49 FEET, a central angle of 090 19'45" and a long chord of SOUTH 12054'06" EAST 250.55 FEET, an arc distance of250.83 FEET to a tangent point on a line that lies parallel with and 200.00 feet southwesterly by perpendicular measurement from the west plat boundary of the plat of JASPER MEADOWS; and THENCE, along said last line and continuing along a line that lies parallel with and 200.00 feet southwesterly by perpendicular measurement from the western most plat boundary of the plat of JASPER MEADOWS FIRST ADDITION and southeasterly prolongation thereof the following one numbered course: (15) SOUTH 08014'14" EAST 2225.07 FEET RETURNING to . the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING and CONTAINING 47.3 ACRES more or less. Section 2: The Common Council further requests the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission approve the proposed expedited annexation in accordance with ORS 199.466 without the study, public hearing and adoption of a Final Order required by ORS 199.461. . This Resolution shall take effect upon Adoption by the Council and Approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 2th day of February 2005, by a vote of.!... for and ~ against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Sprin ATTEST: ~Mu>>-- City Recorder ":;l'-\'I ~-\f\!r::-n . D .-. : v..:: r.:H & j1," PROVED , ,.... '''l F-~rr'l>V ~Ct\~ ~JOJ~ L~\"'r-\ ")' _.'. n \. \ _} -;-~ '~..,:. ::<=~= 2_""? 0 OFFICE OF CITY ATTORNEY . 3 Resolution No. 05-05 . . . . SEP-21-2004 TUE 11:16 AM BRANCH ENGINEERING 5417460389 P. 04 FORM #1 PETITION ANNEXA nON TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION We. the undersigned. constitute the owners of at least one-haJf of the land mea of the property described in the attachment marked "fW1ibit A" ~ We dcs;te to be annexed to the City of Sptbigtie1d. A map is attached marked "Exhibit Bt" showing the '. affected territory and its relationship to the present city limit bOWJdaries, The annexation constitutes a minor bounda!y cbange under the Boundary Commission Act and should therefore . . be considered by the Boundaty Commission and. a.ftcr s~Y. a Final Order should be entered by the Boundary . Commission. . By/j . By ",4:- ;.;>~~""" , ~"""'''''-15 l:'>~'-'..' ~'I.c .Pa1c Date ~ J..' I o'i By C..S"ta~"!"~~ ~ ~\~V',-.a..-~ \ L\ l Date . By Date MAP# J B-OE> -02 .3>t..~, \ W\1Lp . I MAP# ~r-H on o.f.. LOT# -501-- .L.OT# With the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent . to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm, agency or trust. llcviIcd 121"..8100 s . . . EXHIBIT A-, 1 After Recording, Return to: , Unless requested otherwise, send all tax statements to: City of Springfield Dennis Ernst, City Surveyor 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Crossroads Development, LLC ANNEXATION AGREEMENT This Annexation Agreement ("Agreement") is made between the City of Springfield, an Oregon municipal corporation ("City") and Crossroads Development, LLC ("CROSSROADS"). A. CROSSROADS owns the parcels ofland leg .ydescribed in Exhibit A, the Property, and shown on the map attached as Exhibit B. ') ~'y~~~erty i '\,: ,pximate to the jurisdictional limits of the City and is subject to annexation bY~~~4;,!:- ~ty Local Government Boundary Commission ("Boundary Commission"){\ . g minor boundary change processes. B. CROSSROADS has submitted to the City an Annexation X . ~c tron Journal No. LRP2004-00028, dated October 7,2004, for Xssessor's Mapi:v . 18-02-03-00 (Detail Map #1), Lot 00507 (portion) ("Property"). ' ex the Property to the City and seeks support from the City oundary Commission. The Springfield City Council has nditionally supporting the annexation "contingent upon the nt satisfactory to the City of Springfield." D. The Property is currentl zoned LDRJUF-1O accordi approval of a Master Plan, Ca development of 67.2 acres ated as w Density Residential on the Metro Plan and IS he Springfield Zoning Map. CROSSROADS has received mber LRP2004~000I4, for the phased residential E. CROSSROADS has previously annexed three development areas into the City that are contiguous to the Property. These prior annexations are commonly known as Jasper Meadows (Journal No. 1999-09-0226), Jasper Meadows, First Addition (Journal No. LRP2002-01-0018) and Jasper Meadows Second Addition (Journal No. LRP2003-00001). The Property is commonly known as the Jasper Meadows Master Plan. F. Annexation of the Property requires a showing under SDC 6.030(2) that the Property can be - provided with the minimum level of key urban facilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan Policy 8a, p.II-B-4, and such showing is supported by the substantial evidence in the record of the proceeding on this annexation. City staff has determined the minimum level of key urban services is currently available to the Property with the exception of long-term public sanitary sewer service and fire and life safety services that fully meet City Standards. The purpose of this Agreement is to memorialize CROSSROADS' and City's commitment ANNEXi\TION AGREEMENT-Page 1 of? 2 . . . and agreement to the allocation of financial responsibility for public facilities and services for the ptoperty and other users of the facilitie~,sufficient to meet the City'~ requirements. for the provision of key urban services necessary for an affirmative City recommendation for the annexation request. - G. A public sanitary sewer system with sufficient capacity to serve the Property and other existing and proposed land uses in the vicinity of the Property is necessary to support a finding that this key urban service is available to serve the Property. H. The existing public sanitary sewer system serving the Propert):l~fticient reserve capacity at the present time. However, this reserve capacity<> een previously allocated to provide sanitary sewer service to a currently undevelope f the MountainGate Master Plan development. The long-term plan for prov, g sanl sewer service to the Property is via a new sanitary trunk sewer that will be ext~ded in r Road from S, 42nd Street as follows: . When this trunk sewer is constructed, the existing pump station, loca.",. n Mt. Vernon Road and the new temporary pump station being proposed t04A~i-ve Phases 6- 10 of the Master Plan will be decommissioned. The flows from the pump stations will be diverted to this ne trunk sewer. . . The new trunk sewer is parti to come from several owners 0 trunk sewer. The design for th with the construction to occur on benefited properties, and CROSS by the City, with the remainder of the funds of land that will be served by this new 'Y;~cheduled to commence in 2005, remaim . nding is secured from the DS is on~'of these benefited property owners. . A new sanitary sewer main will need,~0t"e constructed from the new trunk sewer across lands not owned by CROSSROADS to the Property to provide the long-term sanitary sewer service for the Property. anagement system with sufficient capacity to serve the Property and ,.sed land uses in the vicinity of the Property is also necessary to '> key urban service is available to serve the Property. J. The sto ter runoom the Property currently flows through a series of wetlands and shallow co Is on~.e Property and discharges onto the adjoining lands to the southwest. -" The runoff th - ingles with flows from other properties and is collected at a culvert that crosses unqFJasper Road and eventually discharges into the Jasper Slough. Once the runoff leaves me Property, none of the drainage path followed by the runoff is located within existing public easements. K. Pursuant to the approved Master Plan for the Property, CROSSROADS is obligated to manage the stormwater runoff from the property to predevelopment discharge conditions. . ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 2 of7 3 . L.. An interconnected transportation system with the existing and proposed land uses in the vicinity Ofthe'Property is also required in ord~r to provide access and a transportation system for the provision of Fire and Life Safety services to and from the annexed p~operty. M. The nearest Springfield Fire Station in the proximity of the Property is located at the comer of Main Street and S. 68th Place. The Springfield Fire and Life Safety Department has an operational response time goal of four (4) minutes or less for the provision of Fire and Life Safety services. The response time to the northerly boundary of Phases 9 & 10 of the Property is approximately 4 minutes and 15 seconds from the nea e~t Fire Station. N. In order to facilitate orderly development ofthe Property an re the full provision of key urban services that are satisfactory to the City and m.~~' e;,,~"~!l"s conditions for an affirmative recommendation for annexation to the Boun~4ry C;: '*", ion, and in exchange ';~\';' ;. for the obligations of the City set forth below, CROSSRO~DS sha ply with all requirements imposed on CROSSROADS in this Agreement. Now, therefore based upon the foregoing Recitals, which are specifically made a pa Agreement, the parties agree as follows: 4f "this Apply Cod within six of CROSSRO of Section 8, bel' 1.2 Apply for, and obtain, 1~isionPlat approval pursuant to Springfield Development Code Arti e 35, from the City for Phase 4 residential subdivision on the Property within two (2) years of the date of the Limited Land Use Decision issued by the City for the Subdivision Tentative Plan approval issued pursuant to Section 1.1, above. This section is subject to the requirements of Section 8, below. e above recitals and subject to the OSSROADS agrees to perform . 1. Obligations of CROSSROADS. Cori' .......~ issuance of subdivision and public improveme'%;; the obligations set forth in t. tion. 1.1 approval, pursuant to Springfield Development se 4 residential subdivision on the Property te of the Boundary Commission's approval st. This section is subject to the requirements 1.3 Develop on-site and off-site public sanitary sewer conveyance systems to provide long-term sanitary sewer service to the development as follows: 1.3.1 Construct public sanitary sewer systems within the Property consistent with the approved Master Plan to serve the Property. . 1.3.2 Within 60 days of their receipt of written notification from the City that the Jasper Road Trunk Sewer will be advertised for construction bids, or prior to or concurrent with the approval of the final plat for Phase 10 of the Master Plan, whichever occurs first, CROSSROADS will provide a payment in full ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 3 of7 1.4 Pursuant to the approved Master Plan, stormwater run, " from the Property shall be managed to predevelopment discharge conditions. In'the event that the development of the Prope ot be reasonably accomplished to satisfy this obligation, CROSSR,~: ,s to construct, or to participate in the construction of, an off- site stq~i'ater m ment and/or conveyance system that is designed and consthlct!(!! ;7' acco ce with the then current edition of the City's Engineering Design Sta edures manual. . . . 4 to the City equivalent to $181,000 in January 2005 dollars. The actual . payment amount shall be deterrp.ined by increasing the stateq payment amount by the percentage increase in the ENR 20-City Construction ,Cost Index. The base index to be used for this calculation shall be 7297.24 which is the published index rate for January 2005. City and CROSSROADS hereby agree that such payment amount, in addition to the anticipated local Sanitary Sewer Improvement SDC fees to be paid based upon the approved Master Plan for the Property, is a fair share of cost for the Jasper Road Trunk Sewer based upon the anticipated development of the Property. 1.3.3 CROSSROADS agrees and understands that the City may initiate a Local Improvement District (LID) to construct an off-site sanitary sewer main from the Jasper Road Trunk Sewer to the Property. In the event that the City does initiate said LID, CROSSROADS a "e~ to abide by the terms of Paragraph 6. below. CROSSROADS further/ nd understands that construction of the Jasper Road Trunk Sewe s not ~nclude the construction of said off- site sewer main and that not}1t this A 'hement obligates the City to construct said off-site sewer mai ' "tjme. The City anticipates that said off-site sewer main will be" ted'concurrent with the development of the lands lying south~~'t~k' between the Property and Jasper Road. 1.5 Prior to approval of $30,000 as an ob . nfor Jasper Meadows to pay an equitable share of the eventual construction ow.,.lj~ation of a Fire Station by the City. Such amount is calculated by the City ajPfut estimated fair proportionate share of cost for the Fire Station based upon anticipated development. 1.6 Subject to a demonstrated public purpose, the City will facilitate procurement of easements for such off-site facilities that"CROSSROADS may be obligated to construct under the terms of this Agreement if the City finds that the easements are in fact necessary for a demonstrated public purpose. CROSSROADS shall .reimburse the City all acquisition costs, court costs, relocation assistance and acquisition fees. Such acquisition costs include but are not limited to attorneys' fees, appraisal fees, and other expert witness fees to the City or which may be awarded to the owner of the underlying fees of such easements by any court of competent jurisdiction upon trial or appeal. 1.7 CROSSROADS knows and understands its rights under Dolan v. City ofTigard and by entering into this Annexation Agreement hereby waives any requirement that the ANNEXA nON AGREEMENT - Page 4 of 7 5 . City demonstrate the public improvements and other obligations of CROSSROADS, for payments, financial responsibility ~d reimbursements set forth ~n Section 1, required herein are roughly proportional to the impacts of the Master Plan. CROSSROADS further waives any cause of action it may have pursuant to 'Dolan v. City of Tigard and its progeny arising out of the actions described herein. 1.8 Provide and be financially responsible, including the construction and maintenance thereof, for the provision of the urban services and facilities identified in the approved Master Plan as necessary to serve the developm . of the Property. 1.9 In determining CROSSROADS' share of costs for 11;\ this Agreement, the full cost for the provision of t . ~f 2. Obligations of City. Consistent with the above Recitals, City agrees to: 2.1 Initiate and support annexation of the Property to the City of Springfield before the Boundary Commission an~V1~.uPPort CROSSROADS' defense of any appeal of a 'decision of the Boundary Ct0" 'ssion annexing the Property to the City. However, the City will not assumeany\ responsibility to provide legal counsel on appeal. . 2.2 e Subdivision Tentative Plans, applications for individual Phases Covenants Running With the Land. It is the~. ention of the parties that the covenants herein exation and development of the property and as such shall run with . g upon the heit's, executors, assigns, administrators, and successors of .e construed to be a benefit and burden upon the Property. This .. on its execution in the Land County Deeds and Records. This ROSSROADS and shall benefit any assigns or successors in SROADS.i;vv ution of this Agreement is a precondition to the support of the or annexat!i~n ofthe property described in Exhibit A for the City of Springfield. . ~n rights for enforcement of this Agreement. 4. Limitations on t.. Development. No portion of the Property shall be developed prior to the approval of a Subdivisi~n Tentative Plan. . 5. Mufual Cooperation. City and CROSSROADS shall endeavor to mutually cooperate with each other in implementing the various matters contained herein. . 6. Waiver of Right of Remonstrance. CROSSROADS agrees to sign any and all waivers, petitions, consents and all other documents necessary to obtain the public facilities and services described herein as benefiting the Property, under any Improvement Act or proceeding of the State ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 5 of7 . 6 of Oregon, Lane County or the City of Springfield and to waive all rights to remonstrate against these improvements. CROSSROADS does not waive. the right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the assessment thereof, if the assessment appears to CROSSROADS to be inequitable or operate unfairly upon the Property. CROSSROADS waives any right to file a written remonstrance against these improvements. CROSSROADS does not waive its right to comment upon any proposed local improvement district or any related matters orally or in writing. . '7. Modification of Agreement. This Agreement may only be modified in writing signed by both parties. Any modifications to this agreement shall require the appro~511 of the Springfield City /V:-::.'.>":" Council. This Agreement shall not be modified such that the key urbaQi,fi:fCilities and services as defined in the Metro Plan Policy 8a, p.II-B-4 and as required herein /l~'not provided in a timely manner to the property. 8. Land Use. Nothing in this Agreement shall be construed ",. waivin>,requirements of the Springfield Development Code or Springfield Municipal Code which may be plicable to the use and development of this Property. Nothing herein shall be construed as City pr(j\fi,~~p:~ or agreeing to provide approval of any building, land use, or other development application or lanosc'd drainage alteration permit application submitted by CROSSROADS. 9. Invalidity. If any provision of this Agreement shall be deemed unenforceable or invalid, such enforceability or invalidity shall not affect the enforceability or validity of any other provision of this Agreement. The validity, meaning, enforceability, and effect of the Agreement and the rights and liabilities of the parties hereto shall be determined in accordance with the laws of the . State of Oregon. . ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 6 of 7 . . . DATED this~ day of ,2005. 7 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Applicant and City have executed this Agreement as of the date first herein above written. . CROSSROADS, LLC By: Its: STATE OF OREGON, County of ,2005. Personally appeared th~/ acknowledged the foregoing instrument to by their vol My Commission expir, , ,I By: Its: STATE OF OREGON, County " , 2005; Personally,", ared the above named acknowledged the foregoing instrumeIlffo by their voluntary act. Before me: who who Notary Public for Oregon My Commission expires ANNEXATION AGREEMENT - Page 7 of7 . FOR ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION ONLY SEC. 3 T.1 85. R.2W.W.M. DETAIL MAP NO. 1 LANE COUNlY 1QIoI..II:f'-'- _ IW' It 01 os 18 02 03 . ~ DETAIl. _NO.8 f: tOO 83/91 - -------------- SITE 3 I , O~9- ~5 di~ @J~~ (6',-::P'S .oW '1M umm III 1W'1.1lI01~ . . ..... __180110 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 18-02-03-00 Detail Map 1 TL 507 -" ... .. *- .. ... .. :: :: .. ... .. ... .. ... oar ... ... .. :: :: '" ... II. ... N ... m :3 "I! 1M "' ... = :: II :. ... .. .. .. = = .. .. \1 II !! 1 . 18 02 OJ DETAIL MAP NO. 1 BOUNDARY MAP JASPER MEADOWS ANNEXATION ~.~~ ---J j.~ ~(\~ ' /116.72 ~ . CD ' pC\j coco ,:!CO enl\! m AREA 'A I TO BE ANNEXED POINT OF 7.2 ACRES BEGINING OF AREA 'A' ~ ep1co Plen '16 mil\! POINT OF BEGINING OF AREA 'B' S080/4,4"E '" o o '8 1076.39 . MEADOWS EXTENSION FU'fURE JASPER S080I4,4"E 2225.07 ~'. CD ~ CD en CURVE C/ GRAPHIC SCALE o 100 200 AREA 'B' TO BE ANNEXED 47.3 ACRES 400 jlt CD P co ':! en m 200 It\ ~ CD co liNE TABLE LINE BEARING LENGTH LI N750/7'02"W 1/2.75 L2 NOooOO'42"E /51.07 L3 S850/2'45"E /4.48 L4 S84005'53"E 23.74 L5 N75028'44"E 63.86 L6 N69025'44"E 68.77 L 7 NOO./5'32"W /3.53 542.36 SCALE' /"-200' 1U co N 'Q' 'Q' . en ~ NOO.OO'090E IIB2J5 NOO.22'5/0W CD No70I2'50~ ~ 49a3 ~ TOTAL AREA TO BE ANNEXED 54.5 ACRES ,.. S5 ~ Ol ~ ~ Branch E~gineering. Inc. 310 Fifth Street ' SpriDcfield, Ore,on 97.77 (6..)7.6-0637 FAX (6.1)7"-0389 PROJ. NO. 97-/736 DRAWING NO. Z.\I997\97-/73\97-73g\ANNEXATlON-TOTAL S/TE\97-/73G annex /flga/.dwg /0/4/04 ARS <C GAAPt<<: SCALE ""'y""'200 L... _ ~_--... r-- _ I ~ MASTER PLAN FO FUTURE PHASES OF JASPER MEADOWS SPRINGFIELD, OREGON t 1 4j TAX MAP ,s-oi-{)3 D€TAL MAP NO. I. PORTION OF TAX LOT 507 LEGEND _ iIotSTER Ft.AN SOlNWlY PtWIE ."'~A1" BIOSWALEIORA"Mif"WAY sm Ie PROJECT DATA DI/SClIlP'IfON , fAX AIAP 18-02-0' DETAL MAP NO. I PORTtoN OF TAX LOT 507 ZONING IH -' LOW PENSlTY Rf"SDEHllU (THIS WCLWlZ8 PROPERTY rrrrTHN 100 FffT.! DlS'lING US . VACANT _ PUN DII8lGlanON A-f .. LOW Df'NSITY RE&ODmAL fTI-fS WCLUAES PROPERTY Ir'lTJ-lll 100 FEET.I PHASING SCHEDULE PILISIl 4 YCAR OF COHEn,- -., NtMBER OF lNTSo DENSITy. ZOO5 BJ ex. t: ,. .....~,aI... PBASI' Gi (ClUSTER) YEAR OF CONST.' 2005 AREA' 2.0 or:. t MM1ER OF LNTS. 22 Df'NS'rft 11.0 lOW<<. PILISIl . YEAR OF CCWSf.' -.. NlAt9fR OF WTSo . DENSITY. ZOO6 ,,~ . Z. 4.7 ""VfJI:. VICINITY JUP BI'I'If 2'.uJuunON TOTAl.. SITE AREA. 67.2 IX. t .JAsPER RD. EXT. AREA' "'" ex. NEr AREA' '18 <<. t AIA.lC. ALLOWED NLIiIBER OF I.NT~ 558 I'tlOPOSU> MMC8ER OF lMTB' 41'1 DENSITy.' 7.4 tn,s!... MAl(. HDGHJ OF STAUCR..AESo ,0- MAX. SIZE OF plt'E'tJ.lllli LNT' ,"000 SF PILISIl ., YEAR OF ccwsr.' -... NlM1ER OF LNTSt PENS/Jr' z007 BJ at. t .. 5J ...We. PILISIl " YEAR OF CONST.' 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SEP-21-2004 TUE 11:16 AM BRANCH ENGINEERING 5417460389 p, 04 11 FORM #1 PETITION ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION We, the undersigned, constitute the owners of at least one-half oflhe land area of the property descn'bed in the attacbment marked "Exhibit A" AND We desire to be annexed to the City of Springfield. A map is attached marked "Exhibit B." showing lhe affccted territory and its relationship to the present city limit boundaries. The annexation constitutt.'S a minor boundary change under the BoundaI)' Commission Act and should therefore be considered by the BoundaI)' Commission and, after sl\ldy, a Final Order should be entered by the Boundary Commission. . BY/{ .. . By \\.0:: '-"-\""> I h~",."",o-"1s \::>........... .'1.. Date ~I 'J-' I o'i Date By c:....~~~! ~~~ ~ ~\~'?t~\ \ L\ ( Date By Date MAP# J B-03 -0').. .1>t..~\ \ W'\llp . I MAP# -:Vort\ on o~ LOT# :5'01- .LOT# With the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent ~ to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm, agency or trust. ReWed 12lZ8l00 5 . , SEP-21-2004 rUE 11:16 AM BRANCH ENGINEERING 5417460389 P, 06 12 . 'PETlTION SIGNATURE SHEET Owners I Electors . (Note: This petition nUzybe signed by qualified persotJs, even though they do not knoW their ~ 101 numbers,) e NAME . ADDRESS TAX LOT NUMBERS Twp R See % 1/1 () Lot # , (Example) John Doe 135 6th Avenue East, Eugene - . .....- /7 , /J/ v 1& ~: \-\.~ ell!.... ~C"_~::.;::,r~ 2464 Glacier Place D2 n~ \-\~"a""_n 'tJv~~, u~. Suite 110 u 0 r ,..~<:.. t"t.n..-\ ~ ';:::.~~.. \ ':"'r-..M~ ~ L L Redmond OR q77r;6 , . " , l, With the above signature, I alll verifying that I have the authority to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or.on behalf of my rum agency or trust. ' e Revised 12128100 10