HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 05-29 05/16/2005 . . . RESOLUTION NO ~29 A RESOLUTION INITIATING ANNEXATION OF CERTAIN TERRITORIES TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) AND REQUESTING THAT THE LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION APPROVE THE ANNEXATION BY EXPEDITED PROCEDURES IN ACCORDANCE WITH ORS 199.466. WHEREAS, the City Council is authorized by ORS 199.490(2)(a)(B) to initiate annexation upon receiving consent in writing from a majority of the electors registered in the territory proposed to be annexed and written consent from owners of more than half the land in the territory proposed to be annexed; and, WHEREAS, the City has received consent from the property owner and there are no electors residing on the territory to be annexed (Exhibit 1); and, WHEREAS, the territory proposed to be annexed is within the Eugene-Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, is contiguous to the city limits and can be provided with a full range of urban services. WHEREAS The City Council requests the Boundary Commission approve the proposed annexation authorized by ORS 199.466 without the study, public hearing and adoption of a final order required by ORS 199.461. NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: Section 1: The Common Council of the City of Springfield does hereby recommend approval of the annexation of the subject territory to the City by the Lane County Local Government Boundary Commission, Lane County, Oregon, said territory being described as follows: (Exhibit 2). Section 2: The Council further requests Expedited Boundary Commission procedures III accordance with ORS 199.466. Section 3: This Resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approyal by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 16 th day of May 2005, by a vote of 2 for and ~ against. (1 absent) ATTEST: ~ ,M;-w",-- City Recorder APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this EXHIBIT 1 FORM #1 . PETITION ANNEXATION TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD TO: LANE COUNTY LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION We, the undersigned, constitute the owners of at least one-half of the land area of the property described in the attachment marked "Exhibit A" AND We desire to be annexed to the City of Springfield. A map is attached marked "Exhibit B," showing the affected territory and its relationship to the present city limit boundaries. The annexation constitutes a minor boundary change under the Boundary Commission Act and should therefore be considered by the Boundary Commission and, after study, a Final Order should be entered by the Boundary Commission. ~ By ~~ Date I /~I / ~ / / By Date . By Date By Date MAP# /1- ()~- ?> '3 -4L1 LOT# fo~ MAP# LOT# With the above signature, I am verifying that I have the authority to consent to the annexation on my own behalf or on behalf of my firm, agency or trust. . Revised 12/28/00 5 . . . .. EXHIBIT 2 Annexation Description Commencing at a point marking the intersection of the southwesterly right-of-way line of County Road No. 493 with the northwesterly right-of-way line of Judkins Road, said point being North 117.17 feet and East 89.99 feet from the Southeast comer of Section 33, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian; thence along the northwesterly right-of-way line of Judkins Road, South 21006'30" West 696.88 feet to a point marking the intersection of the northwesterly right-of-way line of Judkins Road with the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway I-5; thence along the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway I-5, North 22015'00" West 890 feet more or less to the POINT OF BEGINNING of this property to be annexed into the City of Springfield; thence continuing along the easterly right-of-way line of Interstate Highway I-5, 183 feet more or less to a point; thence North 67045'00" East 76.70 feet to a point on the southwesterly right-of-way line of County Road No. 493; thence along the southwesterly right-of-way line of County Road No. 493, along the arc of a 2934.82 foot radius curve to the right (the chord of which bears South 56042'54" East 86 feet more or less) a curve distance of 86 feet more or less; thence leaving the southwesterly right-of-way line of County Road No. 493 and running South 26001 '53" West 168 feet more or less to the point of beginning all in Lane County, Oregon and containing .35 acres, more or less. The bearings and distances are based upon C.S.F. 35755 by Don Stemm / / ,. / ,~ ~~-6~~qf.IC ~ "'<no,,,'" _ ~ (.< C c ~ l ~ / ,. <.;. j'y.J_. 0 () ( ~. ~~ ~y .. /~~ "A . 11 i; .....-:L~, o f;~\ ,':::.::::.-.=~i / / : / /. ..i iI,0+ . / / / / /' ~/' (I) I;j ~ .t .,.d "~I' ... '. . 't:: 00' :;a: CD · I~h '" \ '.~ e .Y ~C/; G> ~..: --'-'",; <:: ~' . : ';..Ji / ,> 9--- .~ b",,-'" ...,/ ...-0 ,~ J ~"- ("(.oX 1\ o c ~I .".., ,.. ,\,"0 C l;~' '1 " I I I I I I I I I I I I I J :1 ~I ~I ~I I 1_ ,J ~ __-----J +.., c4. ~/'7....~ . - o (' ,,) (~ 0 000. :;(~ ~O~ \r ,; ?'~ 40-#. 11~'1 - ~ r:>~ '~d' I~ ~i r. cj~. .tr~-:" n " ~ ~~~p ~j r", ((.-)f.\ .....,-;...~ ....... ...... ....... ....... /....... <If;' ....... >~ ~. / / / I I~ 1\ ...... :~~; ~~~i ~~;~ ~ ~~ \!. = 1\, :~ /~.. ""-J o Vol Vol Vol ~ ~ o SEE lAAP 17 03 34 33 . .. / \ o .-j' - r.: .... ;. io:I (:; U I' ~ U ..... 0 (i) \' (.oj 8 c (; c it c o