HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DRC APPLICANT 4/18/2006 " " Cltv of Spnngfleld Development Services Department 225 F lfih Street Spnngfield OR 97477 Phone (541) 726.3759 FaA (541) 726.3689 SPRINGFIELD ~"-'''='~'" DWP Overlay Dlstnct Application, Type I Q "'" IJAJc...c<0 " Applicant Name _0\t'A'J j )TIIEl..d:>fHrAJr /lmJ1 J ",""",,'1oe:Al Phone ~n' '2,YL\<{ x.2'1 Address "'r+ln "'l!:l...'T'ue ,r 'kb. S,-"T€ ~ 'S?eJl.)-::'F,e:t..J">, Ci2.. C/"1!:ll7 Property Owner Name ~y'~.,Q.J R t"nf?1P . Phone.2!if." - f,,4 '-IJ Address <6'40 OEt...TW"le r;&.. 3" In. '?N' ~f2.'iI-1bj::\e:c..~t"lQ. <1-,<.!T7 Developer Name~.u 'Uevl!:c..cPlUl!""" Phone..2:Ji. - e<N4_,- 21 Address <(flc ~l.J""""~' :"."'12 Po? ~/VAFI€U">.c)l2. "'Qh7 Propeliy Address Q/'1 k'Pu"",", I&IL<-: ~/AJ,4FllLD ~R CI::l::I.:L7 Assessor's Map No 17 0,"';>2 20 Tax Lot No 1..P'ft!? u,9~ 7ow. 7/00 {!C Zonmg of Property SIze of Property t?O#'JIJllltJJ11;1y ~J1JIJI":I2I'~1A1 Acres 1, ?oZ or Square Feet E;l.lstmg Use of Property \/Qc.o.J. I......J...\.,' 'fl.n.n_'l~51 O.A"^~ d~UQ. t <"\~','Yib__\r-_ i \ Speclflc Descnptlon of Proposal ~o..\oc S;:",,:\. '* lD ~-h:....~, \'5" ~Q ~...r~.~ ...J . ('0<'>..... Kcl,^'4 1~^1.i ...."R. 4.1n> ~'''''~- loll ,,\~....... """(l'hn~:'-'.:L_-:~;;.!": r4^..,m..~ Was thIS development proposal revIewed by the CIty through a Pre-appltcatlOn Report7 Yes_I NoJ( The underSigned acknowledges that the mformatlOn In thiS applicatIOn III correct and accurate APPhcantSlgnature~ /'~ Date -<I/1/Z0d.o If the apphcJ.nt 1S other th:l.n the oJ't,!H';t.,the oYl-ner he for thoe 'atPePhCU/:: ~~;;; ~er beh.lf Owner SIgnature c-?-~~ 7'// //tb ,/ -C/ - - Map No For Office Use Only 'bile 7fir-.L- 0,1::;3,0"" \ 1-06 ~ 2...2-20 ReceIved By ~ Journal No . Tax Lot No Jil:Dojld100,'1(XfrUDD Date Accepted as Complete Date Received 'f II ../200b Planner AL 1/ 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ,. ~ Clt- ')f Sprmgfield OfficIal Receipt D~ _/opment Services Department Public Works Department RECEIPT # 3200600000000000199 Date 04/18/2006 3 18 06PM PaId By GOPURA, LLC Item Total {;hcck Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received lJ 1023 In Person Payment Total Amount Due 725 00 $725 UO Job/Journal Number DRC2006-00038 DescnptlOn CTY DrInking Water ProtectIOn Payments Type of Payment Check Amount Paid $725 00 $725 UO Date Received Planner AL '/11 f ;0>JN , I cRecemtl Page I of 1 4/18/2006 ,- -, Dnnkmg Watel Ovellay DIStllCt Development ApplIcatIOn HolIday Inn - Spnngfleld 919 KlUse Way, Spllngfleld, OR 97477 Item #3 a) A Hazardous Material Inventory Statement and a Material Safety Data Sheet for any or all materials elltered m the Statement, See attached Hazardom Matenal InventOl y Statement and MSDSs b) A List of chel1Jlcal ~ to be momtored through the analysIs of groundwater samples and a mOllltormg schedule If ground watel momtorlng IS anticipated to be requIred, The!e are no cUlTcnt plans to conduct glOundwater samplIng or mOl1ltor fOl any chemIcals c) A detwled delcrlptlOn of the activIties conducted at thefacIlzty that mvolve the storage, handlmg, treatment, use or productIOn of hazardous materials m quantities greater than the maxnnum allolo/able amounts, ActIVItIes mvolvmg lIsted cherrucals WIll mclude general cleanmg and ongomg mamtenance of guest lOoms, publIc meas, restaurant & lounge, kItchen, and servIce areas of the hotel, along WIth samtlzatlOn of the sWlImmng pool and whIrlpool d) A deSCriptIon of the primary and any secondary wntalllmelll deVises proposed, and, If applzcable, clearly IdentIfied a!> to whether the deVices wIll dram to the storm or sallltary sewer, Cleanmg agents ale stDled m thell ongmal contamers, 5-gallon buckets, m the laundry 100m untIl they me to be dIspensed At that tune, they me dIspensed flOm the 5-gallon bucket thlOugh an automated dIspense! mto the applIcator, most commonly a I-quart sqU111 bottle The I-quart bottles are then stOled on the housekeepmg carts for use The housekeepmg calts me stOled m locked housekcepmg rooms on each floor of the hotel when not bemg used The maIn laundl y room WIll have a flom d! am connected to the Sal1ltal y sewer system to dIspose of any spIlls Items used for mamtenance w1l1 be stored m the Mamtenance Room when not bemg used Items that are flammable WIll be wlthm a flammable IIqUlds cabmet e) A ploposed Hazardou, Material Management Planfor thejacIlzty that llldlcate\ procedures to be followed to prevent, control, collect and dispose of any unauthorized release of a hazardous material, See Wlltten Hazmd Commul1lcatlOn Proglam f) A deSCriptIOn of the procedures for lllspectlOn and mamtenance of colltalllment deViCe> and emergency equipment, See Wlltten Hazard Commul1lcatlOn Proglam g) A delcrlptlOn of the plan for dispOSitIOn ofunuled hazardous material!> or hazmdous material waste plOducts over the maxll1JlIl1J allowable am01l11lS mcllldmg the type of transportatIOn and proposed routes The Items on sIte me used on an on-gomg baSIS, so the only unused or excess hazardous matenals found would be the lesldue left m the shlppmg contamels ThIS lesldue would be dIsposed of m accOldance WIth the manufactUler's lecommendatlOns, most commonly SImply nnsmg out the bucket, the!eby dIlutIng the chemIcal and dumpmg It down the smk Date Received Planner AL 1/ /; J' to~, / / . . WRITTEN HAZARD COMMUNICA nON PROGRAM Holiday Inn - Sprmgfield GENERAL INFORMATION The man.Igement staff of the Hohday Inn - SpnngfIeld IS corrumtted to the pleventlOn of mCldents or happcnmgs that result m mJulY and/or Illness and to comply wIth all .IPplIcable feder.Il .Ind state health and s.Ifety lUles We reqUIre that management spare no eff0l1m provldmg .I s.Ife and healthful work envIronment for all employees, that allleyels of supervIsIon be .Iccountable for the health and safety of those employees under theIr dIrectIon, and thlough thIs wlltten hazard commUOlcatlOn plOgram share .IS sIgned responsIbIlity In Older to comply wIth Olegon OccupatIOnal Health and Safety Code Hazald CommunIcatIon, 1910 1200, the followmg wlltten h.Izar d commUnIcatIOn plOgJam h.IS been established fOl Gopura, LLC employees All comp.Iny depaltments ale mcluded 10 thIs plOglam The wntten proglam wIll be avmlable In the Wnllen Proglam Bmder 10c.Ited 10 the offIce for reYlew by any mterested employee Wc wIll meet the reqUIrements of thIs rule as tallows CONTAINER LABELING Each depal1ment manager or supervIsor wIll venfy that all contamers recelyed to theIr department for use wIll clearly lIst contents on the label, note the appropll.Ite hazard wammg, and list the manufacturer's name and address It IS the pohcy of thIs company that no contamer wIll be released fOl use untIl the above data IS venfled The supel Ylsor m each department wIll ensUle that all secondary cont.Imers are labeled WIth eIther an extra copy of the ongmal manufactUler's label 01 wIth the "centlal stores" genenc labels that have IdentIfIcatIon and hazard wammgs For help wIth labelIng, see our safety/health offIcer MA TERIAL SAFETY DA T A SHEETS (MSDS) Cople~ of MSDSs fOl all hazmdous chemIcals to whIch employees of thIs company may be cxposed wIll be kept 10 the followmg locatIons Each depm1ment supervIsor wIll mamtam a MSDS bmdel 10 a gener.IllocatIon for all depar1ment employees cont.Immg caples of .Ill MSDSs fOI that depaltment, The comp.Iny's Wlltten PlOglam Bmdel shall be located m the FlOnt OffIce .Ind contam copIes of all MSDSs applIcable to the entIle bUlldmg ThIs mfOlmatlon shall be mamtamed by the ASSIstant Gencral Manager MSDSs wIll be avaIlable to all employees 10 theIr wOlk are.I for levlew dunng each work shIft It MSDSs are not ayaIlable 01 new chemIcals 10 usc do not have an MSDS, the ASSIstant Genelal Manager wIll ImmedIately contact the manufacturer EMPLOYEE INFORMA TION AND TRAINING Pilar to startmg work, each new employee wIll attend a health and safety onentatlOn and wIll Date Received Planner AL 'I//J/;-&t I / " ~ recelVe mformatlOn and trammg on the followmg An ovelVlew of the leqUlrements contamed m 19101200 - Hazard Com mum catIOn Standard ChemIcals present m thell workplace operatIOns LocatIOn and aVaIlabIlIty of our wlltten hazard plOgram PhysIcal and health effects of the hazardous chemIcals Methods and observatIOn techmques used to determine the presence or release of hazardous chemicals m the work area How to leduce or preyent exposUle to these hazardous chemIcals through use of control/work pi actlces and personal plOteCtl ve eqUIpment Steps the company has taken to I educe or prevent exposure to these chemIcals Safety emergency procedures to follow If the employee IS exposed to these chemicals How to read labels and levlew MSDSs to obtam appropnate hazard mfOlmatlOn *After attendmg trall1ll1g, each employee will sIgn aform to venfy that he or she attended the trall1mg, received our wntten matenal~, and undelstood this company's pollues on hazard C0l11JJ1Ull1catlon Pnor to a new hazaIdous chemIcal bemg mtlOduced mto any sectIOn of thIs company, each employee of that sectIon wIll be gIven mfOlmatlOn as outlIned above HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS LIST The attached IS a lIst of all known hazardous chemIcals used by employees More mformatlon on each chemical noted IS avaIlable by levlewmg MSDSs located m the wntten program bmder located m the office (NOTE The hazard-commullIcatwn standm d requIres a lIst of all hazardous chemIcals, however, Identifyl11g locatIOns and processes may help you carry out the program) HAZARDOUS NON-ROUTINE TASKS Penodlcally, employees must perform hazardous non-routme tasks Before starting work on such plOJects, each affected employee wIll be given mfOlmatlon by their supervIsor about hazardous chemIcals to whIch he or she may be exposed dunng such activIty ThIS mformatlOn wIll mclude SpeCIfiC chemIcal hazaI ds Protective/safety measures employees can take Measures the company has taken to reduce the hazalds, mcludmg ventIlatIon, respIrators, plesence of anothel employee, and emergency plOcedUles CONTAINMENT DEVICE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Each department supervisor wIll be responSible for mspectmg all con tamers on a legular baSIS, to aVOId leaks and SPIJ]S If a leakmg contamel IS found, the chemIcals wIll be moved to a new, properly labeled contamel All lealang contamels wIll be leported to the Safety CommIttee The Safety Committee will conduct quarterly mspectlOns of the plOpelty to ensure that the proper Date ReceIved Planner AL <;// t /UJ06 / / - o '. protective and emergency eqUIpment IS 111 place and 111 good work111g order CHEMICALS IN PIPES Work activIties are often performed by employees 111 areas where chemIcals dre tl ansfelTed through pIpes PllOl to start111g work 111 these aJeas, employees wIll contact Ma111tenance fOl 111formatlon regdld111g The chemIcal 111 the pIpes 01 the 111suJatIOn matena] on the pIpe Potential hazards Safety plecautIOns to be taken INFORMING CONTRACTORS When contrdctOls are at our workslte fOl jobs such as roof or floor lepalr,ja111tondl serVIces, pestiCIde applIcatIOn, etc , they wIll be 111fonned of hazards related to OUl processes 01 operatIOns they may be exposed to They wIll also 111form us of any hazards that may be related to the oper dtIOns conducted by theIr employees or ans111g out of theIr work processes It IS the Icsponslblllty of HolIday Inn - Spnngfleld to provIde contractors (wIth employees) the followmg mformatIOn Hazardous chemIcals to whIch they may be exposed whIle on the job SIte and the procedure for obta111111g MSDSs PrecautIOns employees may take to lessen the POSSIbIlIty of exposUle by US111g appropnate protective measUles and an explanatIon of the label111g system used Also, It IS the lesponslblllty of the contractor(s) to Identify and obta111 MSDSs fOI the chemIcals the contractOl IS bnng111g 111tO the workplace Date Hecelved 1/;1; ~/004f __ Planner AL - / I '. TRAINING RECORD FOR HAZARD COMMUNICATIONS ThIs IS to certIfy thdt r have been tramed and mfonned about the hazards dnd precautIOns assoCIated wIth the use of hazdrdous chenucals m my wOlk as leqUlred m the company's wlltten hazmd commumcdtlon program To confu m my undel standmg of such tl ammg and mstructlOns, reVIewed them wIth me and he/she mdlcdted hIs/her sallsfactlOn by checlang the box before each of the tOpICS hsted below OverYlew of the requuements contamed m the Hdzatd CommunIcatIOn Rules, CFR 1910 1200 ChemIcals plesent m my workplace opelatlOns LocatIOns dnd dvmldblhty of OUI wntten hazard COmmUnICdtlOn plOgrdm dnd the MSDSs for the hazardous chemIcals PhYSIcal dnd health effects of these hazardous chemIcals Methods and observdtlOn technIques used to determme the presence 01 release of hazardous chemIcals m my WOl k area How to lessen or preyent exposure to these hazardous chemIcals through control and work practIces and use of personal plOtectlye eqUIpment Steps the company hds taken to lessen or prevent exposure to these chemIcals Safety emergency procedures to follow m the event of exposure to these chemIcals How to lead contamer labels, reVIew, and mterpret MSDSs to obtam dppropnate hdzard mformatlOn Employee's name Date Tramer Ddte Note to employee ThIS form wIll be made a part of your personal fIle Please read and understand ItS contents before sIgnIng Notes on trammg Tlammg shdll be proYlded dt the tIme of InItldl assIgnment to task whele OCcupdl1ondl exposUle to d hdZdrdous chemIcal may take place TI atnIng shall be repedted whenever d new chemlcdl or d new hdzard IS mtlOduced m the work med It should be estabhshed that the employee undelstood the tlammg eIther by dn ordl or wntten test Da~l\IEl~~",. ~(; (}{Jilt PI~ef#.[ 'L , DlInkIng Watel Oveilay DIStllCt Development ApplIcatIOn HolIday Inn - Spllngfleld 919 Kruse Way, Spnngfleld, OR 97477 Item #3 a) A Hazardous Matenallnventory Statement and a Matenal Safety Data Sheet for any or allmatenals entel ed In the Statement, See attached Hazardous MatenaI Inventory Sldtement and MSDSs b) A LIst of chel1l1cals to be mOll/tored through the analysIs of groundwater samples and a monltonng ~chedule If ground watel mOIl/tonng IS antICipated to be reqUIred, Thele ale no CUlTent plans to conduct glOundwater samplIng or momtor fOl any chemIcals c) A detmled descnptlOn of the activities conducted atthefauhty that Involve the stozage, handlmg, treatmelll, u~e or productzon of hazarclou~ matenals m quantitIes greater than the I1WXlmum allowable amountl, ActIVItIes InyolvIng lIsted chemIcals WIll Include general cleamng and ongoIng maIntenance of guest looms, publIc areas, restaurant & lounge, kitchen, and serYlce areas of the hotel, along with sanItIzatIon of the sWImmIng pool and whIrlpool d) A descnptlOn of the pll1nary and any secondary containment deVises proposed, and, If apphcable, clearly Idenl1fted as to whether the deVices Will dram 10 the storm or ;all/tary sewer, CleanIng agcnts ale stOIed In theIr ongInal contaIners, 5-gallon buckets, lo the laundry 100m untJ! they ale to be dIspensed At that tIme, they are dIspensed from the 5-gallon bucket through an automated dIspenser lOto the applIcator, most commonly a I-quart squIrt bottle The I -quart bottles are then stOIed on the housekeeplOg carts for use The housekeeplOg carts ale stOlcd lo locked housekeeplOg rooms on each floor of the hotel when not belOg used The malO laundry room WIll have a f100I dlalO connected to the samtal y sewer system to dIspose of any spJ!ls Items used for malOtenance wJ!! be stored lo thc MalOtenance Room when not belOg used Items that ale flammable WIll be wlthlO a flammable lIqUIds cablOet e) A proposed lIazardou; Matenal Management Plan for thejaclhty thatllldlwtes procedures to be followed to prevent, control, collect, and dispose of any unauthonzed release of a hazardous materIal, See WlItten Hazald Com mum catIOn Program f) A descllptlOn of the plOcedures for mspectlOn and mamtenance of contalllmelll deVIces and emel gency eqlllpmenr, See WIJtten Hazald Commumcatlon Proglam g) A descnptlOn of the plan for diSpOSitIOn of WI used hazardous matenals or hazardous matenal waste products over the maximum allowable amowlIs IIlcludmg the type oj transportatIOn and proposed routes The Itcms on ;,Ite ale used on an on-golOg baSIS, so the only unuscd or excess hazaldous matenals found would be the reSIdue left lo the shlpplOg contalOers ThIS lesldue would be dIsposed of lo accOldance WIth thc manufacturer's recommendatIOns, most commonly SImply lInslOg out the bucket, theleby dllutlOg the chemIcal and dumplOg It down the slOk Date Received ;i /; t !;t:tJ{ Planner AL T' WRITTEN HAZARD COMMUNICATION PROGRAM Hohday Inn - Sprmgfield GENERAL INFORMATION The management stdff of the Hohday Inn - Spnngfleld IS commJtted to the preventIOn of IncIdents or happenIngs that lesult In Injury dnd/or Illness and to comply with all dpphcable tederdl dnd stdte health dnd sdfety rules We legulle that mdndgement spaIe no effort In plOvldIng a safe and healthful work envlfonment fOl all employees, that all levels of supervIsIOn be dccountable for the health and safety of those employees under their directIOn, and through thIs wntten hdZdrd commUnICatIOn program share assigned responsIbIlIty [n Older to comply wIth Olegon Occupalional Health and Safety Code Hazard CommUniCatIOn, 1910 1200, the folloWIng wntten hazard commUnIcatIOn plOgram hds been estabhshed for GopUla, LLC employees All company departments are Included In thIS program The wntten program wIll be aYaIldble In the Wlltten PlOgrdm BInder located In the offIce for leVlew by dny Interested employee We wIll meet the regullements of thIS rule as follows CONTAINER LABELING Edch depdI1ment manager OJ supervIsor will venfy that all contaIners receIved to then department for use wIll clearly lIst contents on the Idbel, note the appropnate hazard warnIng, and hst the manufdcturer's ndme and address It IS the pohcy of thiS company that no contaIner wIll be released for use untIl the above data IS venhed The supel visor In each department wIll ensure that all secondary contaIners are labeled wIth elthel an extra copy of the ongInal manufdctUler's Idbel 01 wIth the "central stores" genenc labels that have IdentIfIcatIOn dnd hdzaId warnIngs For help wIth labehng, see OUl safety/health offIcer MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEETS (MSDS) CopIes of MSDSs for all hazdrdous chemIcals to which employees of thIS company may be exposed wIll be kept In the folloWIng locatIOns Edch department SUpelYISOr wIll maIntaIn a MSDS bInder In J generdllocatlOn for all depJI1ment employees contaInIng copIes of all MSDSs for thdt depdrtment, The company's Wntten Program BInder shall be located In the FlOnt Office and contdIn copIes of all MSDSs apphcable to the entire bUIldIng ThIS InformatIOn shall be maIntaIned by the ASSistant Geneldl Managel MSDSs will be aVaIlable to dll employees In theIr work area for reYlew dunng edch work shIft If MSDSs are not avaIlable or new chemlcdls In use do not haye an MSDS, the ASSistant General Manager wIlllmmedldtely contdet the mdnufactUler EMPLOYEE INFORMATION AND TRAINING Pllor to startIng work, each new employee WIll attend a health and safety onentatlOn and wIll Date Received ~/; y h~t16 Planner AL / " recel ve mtOlmatlOn and trammg on the followmg An overvIew of the lequnements con tamed m 1910 1200 - Hazmd CommunlcatlOn Standmd Chemicals plesent m theIr workplace opelatlons LocatIon and avmlablllly of OUl wlltten hdzard plOgram Physlcdl and hedlth effects of the hazardous chemIcals Methods and observatIOn techmques used to deternune the presence or release of hazardous chemIcals m the work area How to reduce or prevent exposUle to thesc hazardous chemIcals thlOUgh use of contlOl/work prdctlCes and personal plOtectlve equIpment Steps the company has taken to reduce 01 prevent exposure to these chemIcals Safety emelgency procedures to follow If the employee IS exposed to these chemIcals How to lead labels and levlew MSDSs to obtam appropnate hazmd mformatlOn ~Ajter attendlllg trallllllg, each employee Will sign aform to verIfy that he or she attended the tra11l1l1g, received our WrItten matellals, and understood tin, company's polICies on hazard communIcation Pnor to a new hazmdous chemIcal bemg mtroduced mto any sectIOn ot thIS company, each employee of that sectIOn will be given mfoflllal1on as outlIned above HAZARDOUS CHEMICALS LIST The attached IS a lIst of all known hazardous chemIcals used by employees More mfollnatlOn on each chemlcdl noled IS aVailable by revlewmg MSDSs located m the wntten program bmdel located m the offIce (NOTE The hazard-communlcatlOn standard requires a llst of all hazardous chemzcals, however, zdentzfylllg locatIOns and processes may help you carry out the program) HAZARDOUS NON-ROUTINE TASKS Penodlcally, employees must perform hazardous non-lOutme tasks BetOle startmg work on such projects, each affected employee WIll be gIVen mformatlOn by theIr supervIsor about hazardous chemlcdls to whIch he 01 she may be exposed dunng such actl Vlly ThIS mfonnatlon wlll mclude SpeCIfIc chemIcal hazards PlOtecl1 ve/safcty measures employees can take MeasUJes the comp,my has taken to reduce the hazards, mcludmg yentlldl1on, lesplfatOls, pre,ence of another employee, and emelgency procedures CONTAINMENT DEVICE INSPECTION AND MAINTENANCE Each depmtment supervIsor will be responsIble for mspectmg all contamels on a regular baSIS, to avoid leaks and spills If a leakmg contamer IS found, the chemlcdls will be moved to a new, propelly labeled contamer All leakmg con tamers WIll be reported to the Safety Committee The Safety Committee w1l1 conduct quarterly mspectlOns of the property to ensure that the proper Date ~ecelved Planner AL 'I /; ~ ~tJt , I plOtectlye and emergency eqUIpment IS In place and In good worlang order CHEMICALS IN PIPES WOIk dctIvltJes ale often performed by employees In areas wheIe chemIcals are tlansfeITed through pIpes PIlor to startIng wOlk In these areas, employees wIll contact Mdmtcnance fOI mfOlmatlOn regmdlng The chemIcal m the pIpes or the msulatlon matenal on the pIpe PotentI al hazards Safety precautIons to be taken INFORMING CONTRACTORS When contractors ale at our workslte for Jobs such as 100f or floOl repaIr, Jamtondl serVIces, pestIcIde applrcatlOn, etc , they wIll be Informed of hazards Ielated to our plOcesses 01 opelatlOns they mdY be exposed to They wIll also Inform us of any ha~ards that may be related to the operatIons conducted by then employees or aIlsmg out of theIr wOlk processes It IS the IesponslbllIty of Holrday Inn - Spnngfleld to proVIde contractOls (WIth employees) the follOWIng 1l1fOrmdtlOn Hazardous chemIcals to whIch they may be exposed whIle on the Job SIte and the procedure for obtaIn1l1g MSDSs PrecdutlOns employees may take to lessen the possIbIlIty of exposure by US1l1g appropIlate protectIve measures and dn explanatIOn of the labelmg system used Also, It IS the responsIbIlIty of the contractor(s) to IdentIfy and obtaIn MSDSs for the chemicals the contrdctOlIs bnngmg mto the wOlkplace Date ReceIved ~/; S' ~06 Planner AL '/ .. TRAINING RECORD FOR HAZARD COMMUNICATIONS ThIS IS to celtlfy that I have been !lalned dnd mformed about the hazards dnd plecautlOns assocIated WIth the use ot hdzmdous chemIcals In my wOlk as reqUIred In the company's wntten hdzard commUnlcatlOn plOgram To confIrm my understanding of such tralnmg and instructIOns, levlewed them WIth me and he/she indIcated hIs/her satIsfactIOn by checlang the box before each of the tOpICS lIsted below OvervIew of the reqUIrements contained In the HaZdrd CommunlcatlOn Rules, CPR 1910 1200 ChemIcals plesent m my workplace opelatlOns LocatIOns and avaIlabIlity of our wntten hazmd communication progl am and the MSDSs for the hazmdous chemIcals PhysIcal and health effects of these hazardous chemIcals Mcthods and observatIOn techniques used to determine the presence or release of hazardous chermcals In my work area How to lessen or pI event exposure to these hazardous chermcals through control and work prac!lces dnd use of pelsonal plOtectlve eqUIpment Steps the compdny hds tdken to lessen or prevent exposure to these chemIcals Safety emergency procedures to follow m the event of exposure to these chemIcals How to read contamer labels, reVIew, and mterpret MSDSs to obtam appropnate hazard mfOlmatlOn Employee's name Date TJamer Date Note to employee' ThIS form WIll be made a pdrt of YOUl personal fIle Please read and undelstand ItS contents befOle slgmng Note_ on trammg: Trammg shall be provIded at the tIme of mltlal assIgnment to tdsk where occupatIOnal exposure to a hazm dous chemIcal may take place Tlamlng shall be repeated whenevel d new chemIcal 01 a new hazard IS mtroduced m the work mea It should be establIshed thdt the employee undelstood the tra1l1111g eIther by an oral or wntten test Date ReceIVed Planner AL t/I yutJ6 Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement Holiday Inn - Springfield Deoartment Aaent _Quantttv ChemIcals CAS No Percent Total Amount Maintenance Aqua Balance Chlorinating Tablets 2 gal Calcium hypochlorite 7778-54-3 065 13 gal ~ Maintenance Essentials Germicidal Ultra Bleach 4 gal Sodium Hypochlorite 7681-52-9 007 o 28 gal ~ Maintenance Hydrochloric aCid 12 gal Hydrogen Chloride 7647-01-0 1 12 gal ~ "- Maintenance Magic Scrub 05 gal Ethylenediamine tetraacetlc aCid 64-02-8 002 001 gal~, Maintenance Magic Scrub 05 gal Sodium carbonate 497-19-8 011 o 055 gal Maintenance Magic Scrub 05 gal Sodium dlchlorolsocyanurate dihydrate 51580-86-0 001 o 005 gal '0 Maintenance Marc 50 Bowl Cleaner 05 gal Hydrochloric aCid 7647-01-0 o gal ~...J Maintenance Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polisher 680z LlqUlfled petroleum gas 68476-85-7 015 1020z (ii<( 0 Maintenance Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polisher 680z Aliphatic hydrocarbon 8092-41-3 005 340z :D ... "'0) Maintenance Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polisher 680z Polyglycerol ester of oleic aCid unknown 005 340z -'- e: <lie: Maintenance Xylol 10 gal Xylene 1330-20-7 075 75 gal -ro m_ Oo.. Kitchen Essentials Germicidal Ultra Bleach 2 gal Sodium hypochllte 7681-52-9 007 014 gal Kitchen First ImpreSSions metal polish 704 oz Ammo'nlum hydroxide 1336-21-6 o 01 7 04 oz Kitchen Lime-A-Way 8 gal Phosphoric aCid 7664-38-2 03 24 gal Kitchen OasIs 255 SF 640z 2-butoxyethanol 111-76-2 009 5 76 oz Kitchen OasIs 255 SF 64 oz Propylene plycol n-propyl ether 1569-01-3 02 1280z Kitchen OasIs 255 SF 640z AmmOnium hydroxide 1336-21-6 002 1280z Kitchen OasIs 255 SF 640z Ethanolamlrle 141-43-5 005 320z Kitchen OasIs 255 SF 64 oz Amphoteric and AniOniC surfactants mix 005 320z Kitchen Silver Power silverware pre-soak 2 gal Sodium cabonate 497-19-8 022 o 44 gal Kitchen Solid Power silverware detergerlt 12 gal Sodium hydroxide 1310-73-2 041 4 92 gal Kitchen Solid Power silverware detergent 12 gal Sodium carbonate 497-19-8 02 24 gal Kitchen Solid Power silverware detergent 12 gal Sodium phosphate, tribasIc 7758-29-4 027 3 24 gal Kitchen Solitaire 3 gal Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate 25155-30-0 04 12 gal Kltcherl Solitaire 3 gal Sodium lauryl ether sullate 9004-82-4 012 o 36 gal Kitchen Urnex Urn & Brewer cleaner 02 gal Sodium carbonate 497-19-8 o gal Kitchen Urnex Urn & Brewer cleaner 02 gal Sodium SIlicate 1344-09-8 o gal Kitchen Urnex Urn & Brewer cleaner 02 gal Sodium Trlpolyphosphate 7758-29-4 o gal Kitchen Urnex Urn & Brewer cleaner 02 gal Sodium Perborate 7775-29-4 o gal Kitchen Urnex Urn & Brewer cleaner 02 gal Dodecyl Benzene Sodium Solfonate 25155-30-0 o gal Kitchen Wash N Walk floor cleaner 2 gal Ethanolamine 141-43-5 005 01 gal Kitchen Wash N Walk floor cleaner 2 gal BOriC aCid compound with 2-amlnoethanoI26038-87-9 02 04 gal Kitchen Wash N Walk floor cleaner 2 gal Surfactants mix 02 04 gal Page 1 : '----' v -----./ Hazardous Materials Inventory Statement Holiday Inn - Springfield Deoartment Aaent Quant/tv Chem/cRls CAS No Percent Total Amount Front Desk MARC 66 Odor Neutralizer 640z Isopropyl alcohol 67 -63-0 o oz Front Desk OasIs 255 SF 640z 2-butoxyethanol 111-76-2 009 5 76 oz Front Desk OasIs 255 SF 640z Propylene plycol n-propyl ether 1569-01-3 02 1280z Front Desk OasIs 255 SF 640z Ammonium hydroxide 1336-21-6 002 1280z Front Desk OasIs 255 SF 640z Ethanolamine 141-43-5 005 320z Front Desk OasIs 255 SF 640z Amphoteric and Anionic surfactants mix 005 320z Front Desk OasIs 270 Up N' Away odor eliminator 640z Amphoteric and Anionic surfactants mix 005 320z Front Desk OasIs 270 Up N' Away odor eliminator 640z Sink salt of 12-hydroxy-9-octadecanolc ac 13040-19-2 001 o 64 oz Front Desk OasIs 270 Up N' Away odor eliminator 640z Ethanol 64-17-5 005 320z Housekeeping Antibacterial Clean & Smooth 6 gal 68585-47 - 7 005 03 gal Housekeeping Antibacterial Clean & Smooth 6 gal 110645-47-9 005 03 gal Housekeeping Antibacterial Clean & Smooth 6 gal 7647-14-5 005 03 gal Housekeeping Lemon Lift 576 oz Sodium hypochlorite 7681-52-9 002 11520z Housekeeping Lemon lift 576 oz sodium salt 5324-84-5 005 28 8 oz Housekeeping Stain Blaster A 3 gal benzenesulfonlc aCid 27323-41-7 01 03 gal Housekeeping Stain Blaster A 3 gal propan-2-01 67-63-0 004 012 gal Housekeeping Stain Blaster A 3 gal glycerin 56-81-5 02 06 gal Housekeeping Stain Blaster A 3 gal trlpropylene glycol monomethyl ether 25498-49-1 005 015 gal Housekeeping Stain Blaster A 3 gal alcohols, c12-16, ethoxylated 68551-12-2 005 015 gal Housekeeping Stain Blaster A 3 gal sodium metablsulphite 7681-57-4 005 015 gal Housekeeping Stain Blaster A 3 gal a-amylase 9000-90-2 001 o 03 gal Housekeeping Stain Blaster Power Pak 2 2 64 gal trlphosporlc aCid, pentasodlum salt 7758-29-4 011 o 2904 gal Housekeeping Stain Blaster Power Pak 2 2 64 gal sodium perborale, monohydrate 10332-33-9 035 o 924 gal Housekeeping Stain Blaster Power Pak 2 2 64 gal Dlsodlum metaslllcate 6834-82-0 035 o 924 gal Housekeeping Stain Blaster Power Pak 2 2 64 gal Sodium carbonate 794-19-8 035 o 924 gal Housekeeping Stain Blaster Power Pak 2 2 64 gal poly(oxy-, 1,2-ethandedlyl) 9016-45-9 005 0132 gal Housekeeping Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polisher 1020z Llqulfled petroleum gas 68476-85-7 015 1530z Housekeeping Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polisher 1020z Aliphatic hydrocarbon 8092-41-3 005 51 oz Housekeeping Stainless Steel Cleaner & Polisher 1020z Polyglycerol ester of oleic aCid unknown 005 51 oz Page 2 '--./ "-../ J ( Maintenance Department ( ( Date Received Planner AL 1//J/0-biJ6 i / :s: ;ll ::J ro ::J ;ll ::J o (j) o (j) u ;ll ~ 3" (j) ~ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET MEDICAL EMERGENCIES ONLY (24 Hour Servlce): Medlcal Calls from Outslde of the USA: INSTI '!lJTIONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. Ecola b Center St. Paul MN 55102 Product Informatlon: 1-800-352-5326 ( ( E€:OLAB Ecolab Inc ) Ecolab Center St Paul, Minnesota 55102 1790 1 Page 1 of 2 1-800-328-0026 1-651-222-5352 ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- ----- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue Date: December 8, 1999 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 IDENTIFICATION / ~ Product Name: AQUA_ BALANCE CHLOR}NA~INq~T~B4~TS ~ ~ltJ l7~~ Product Type: Chlorlne Bloclde Tablets bazard Ratlng: Health: 3 Flre: 0 Reactlvlty: 2 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Substances SubJect to SARA 313 Reportlng Are Indlcated by "I" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 2.1 ~AZARDOUS COMPONENTS / (In mg/m3) CAS No. % PEL TWA 7778-54-3 65 * * *Suppller STEL = 2 mg/m3; ACGIH TWA = 1.5; ACGIH STEL = 3 Calclum hypochlorlte *PEL for chlorlne = 3 C; -------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEL = ACGIH short term expo Ilmlt (15 mln) PEL = OSHA 8 hr ave In alr TWA = ACGIH 8 hr average C = celllng Ilmlt In alr, do not exceed " ( 3.1 3.2 3.3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10 PHYSICAL DATA / Appearance: Whlte tablet wlth blue colorant; Sllght chlorlne odor Solublllty In Water: Appreclable pH: 10-11 (1%) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Speclal Flre Hazards: OXldlzer. Hlgh temperatures may generate hazardous decomposltlon products lncludlng chlorlne and oxygen. 4.2 Flre Flghtlng Methods: Cool flre-exposed contalners wlth water. Use method approprlate for surroundlng flre. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stablllty: Stable under normal condltlons of use and handllng. 5.2 Condltlons to AVOld: M1X only wlth water. Do not mlX wlth aClds or ammonla - wlll cause hazardous vapors. Contamlnatlon wlth kerosene, 011 or many other organlc materlals can cause flre. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 Cleanup: Plck up wlthout ralslng dust. Flush area wlth water. Smaller amounts may be flushed safely to the sewer. 6.2 Waste Dlsposal: Consult state/local authorltles for Ilmlts on chemlcal waste dlsposal. Do not reuse empty contalner. I l Date. Received (/; J'htJ06 Planner AL 7- ECOIlAR Ecolab Inc Ecolab Center 5t Paul, Minnesota 55102 ( 907576-03 Product: AQUA BALANCE CHLORINATING TABLETS INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 Page 2 of 2 ========================================================================== 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / DANGER 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: Eyes: Causes severe chem1cal burns. May cause bl1ndness. Sk1n: Causes severe chem1cal burns. If Swallowed: HARMFUL OR FATAL. Causes chem1cal burns of mouth, throat and stomach. If Inhaled: Vapors or m1st cause 1rr1tat1on, 1nclud1ng a burn1ng taste, sneez1ng, cough1ng and d1ff1culty breath1ng. People w1th asthma or other lung problems may be more affected. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8,0 FIRST AID / 8.1 Eyes: Flush at once w1th cool runn1ng water. Remove contact lenses and cont1nue flush1ng for 15 m1nutes, hold1ng eyel1ds apart so as to r1nse ent1re eye. CALL A PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY. 8,2 Sk1n: Immed1ately flush sk1n w1th plenty of cool runn1ng water for at least 15 m1nutes wh1le remov1ng contam1nated cloth1ng and shoes. D1scard or wash before reuse. ( 8.3 If Swallowed: R1nse mouth at once; then dr1nk 1 or 2 large glasses C of wacer. DO NOT 1nduce vom1t1ng. NEVER glve anyth1ng by mouth to an unconSC10US person. 8.4 If Inhaled: Immed1ately move to fresh a1r. IMMEDIATELY CALL THE MEDICAL EMERGENCY NUMBER, 1-800-328-0026, A POISON CONTROL CENTER, OR A PHYSICIAN -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9,0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES / 9.1 FOR CONCENTRATE: Eyes: Wear chem1cal splash goggles. Sk1n: Wear any 1ndustr1al rubber glove. Resp1ratory: Vent1late to ma1nta1n a1r levels below exposure Ilm1ts. AV01d breath1ng dusts of th1S product. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / 10.1 Purpose of 12/8/1999 1ssue: Add Ilne 1.3, ed1tor1al update. Replaces January 17, 1995 1ssue. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above 1nformat1on 1S bel1eved to be correct w1th respect to the formula used to manufacture the product, As data, standards and regulat10ns change, and cond1t1ons of use and handl1ng are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. ( ( 02/17/04 12 05 FAX 5039802228______ FSA PORTLAND ~002 ( 08/08/2003 08 02 FAX 905 800 9433 KIK CORPORATION r.JJ002 q-qg75Lf Page 1 of! ~ M t . IS .& t 0 h a ena a1e y ata S eet KIK INTERNATIONAL Contatt N.mbCT: Prep...." By' D.te La,t Revised: Replaces D.te, Section 1. Chemical Product and Comj!-(1lly-Identij"zc<<li,o.. .. .... ... - c':........- Produ<ll'lamerrracte Name I ~1J:",",6a" G...-mfCllla' U1tra.BW>_~ - Manufacturer: ~lNrHRNll:110NAL 2921 Cord.er,Street Houstnn, Texas 770.>4 Tel 713-747..87J:"Q KlK INTERNATIOlolM. la:L";"J June 15, 2003 June 9, 2003 2 tDt\V-5 l~ccUon) ( ( Sectwlt 2. HtlZtu'dous Inm-edwms I Name - % &dwmH~m<~e 60-70 CASi/ 7681-$2-9 LD50!I.C50 l S800~/~10500~n?(Ih>) I Sectwlt 3. Pl1ysicaJ Data , State T 'qmd I Aeu..ran<e Clear Colorless IOoo~ ~ I ~cific Gamtv 1..080"""''''- I SolubIlity lCO% llH % Volao1e lloilm~POlllt VaDour2L'-O.n.U.~ 126~.~ 93%Am:>rox.. 100'C NAv Section 4. Fire & Exo!osion lil:lmmabJe: YES NOX Means IlfElrtitlCl1on: Water. CliIbon DlOXlde, Dry CnOlIlloal or Foam Special PrOCedur..F"" fighllm< shO\lJd wellr GOlf.aonl31ned breailfu1g- a""",..= Flasb Poma &Metbod: Not Apphoablo Hozardo...CombUSlJonProducts: Cblorme Gas. Semoll 5. Reactivitv Data ,- . ChOJIIloz) Slobilfty' YES X NO Cond!6olW T""'l'etalure above 40'C. sunltgbtand metllIs, mCOlllPaolnlity- YES X NO I Whet Stbstane.., ACldB, """""1lla. urea. m..-tllls & (OCl<Uzt:rs ReaCI1V1ll< I COlldrtlo:ns: Not Apphcable !la=d_ PeoO"'P<"lOOIll'roducts Chlonno gus:released by COlllaa1; with IlClds C<Jll!act witil ammonIa or . lItea produces mlrogen g.., and ch!oramrn.. o><ygon.. released..", e_l-with ~ \. ( Date Received Planner AL '//;//2-006 / V~/~I/V~ k~ uv r~ uUu~OV~~~O r.:l'1. rU1\~Ll1lU.l 08/08/2003 08'02 FA! 905 660 9~33 KIE: CORPORATION Pa~e 2 of2 Essentials Germicidal Ultra Bleach Seetloft 6. Toxicological Properties Route of Entry SIan Contact X Skin Absog:hCJ1 Eye Contaet X I I'.nh:ilihon Acute X !.'lllaJal1on ChrOlllo lilg""l1Qtl X "1 Elfeots or Actlte E%posure- lnbalatum of vapours will imtale broathmg passages and lllllY c,,,"'" ~.~ dJf&uIty CORROSIVE will cau.. seve: nn1atlOD to eyes and sh:l. Mry =e peIIIlllIlent <l=ge una! tre.n:d ptoperly Inge>lion"",o cause =0S1,", ofllIUc<lus m.ttlht"""" s<v.,." osophagea\ bUl"ll!l and pe>f"",non of esophagus or stomach. Elfecls or cbromc uposur.: Not Known. Car<lnogewcity ReprO<!uct.ve Effects TeratogenICIty MutlIgemcrty EI'fcot> not kom;ll. Section 7.. Prev/mtat/Ve Measures Protcotlve l!:qlllplllent Glo~ !mperv>0I1< pve or :r~.._ Eves: Cbr:mIcal sPlaslr ~ p""".aIno4i o1so 1lclpfi:ll. Rellpwtmy Notnmmall, ....~.J. F~~,~ .....Jfr:otwhtllll$ingproilactfor:floor cleanmg LEAK AND SPUJ.. PRlYJ.'J!1CITON: SIllllll tpills: DilIrte :product by ll:oodme 31= w;;I, J.rge quanlIly of _ter andfl11<h to sanllary."""" Large spills:- Cont=mo-of!'bydiJcins"Wl1li~nmtena1 Soakup bq1nd on men absorbe::1tll1ld trmlSfer to "r'" ".':=m= l'revlmt spill from e=mg stwa> or ( .........~ ....)'> WASTE DISPOSAL: ReclaI):II or dlSpOSO m s.ccrrimce wi'.h loc.I ~ations. STORAGE REQUIREMENTS; Stor: m a -cool, Cry lI1ld wcII-vcmila%od area. SeduJn 8. Fmt A.id Measures I Skin. Wash WilD. so!!, and water l!ty;:::s.}l~n eyes wiw. COOl nmmng ~rn.olatog eyend9 apart to-ensmeihorougnrinsmt fut"i3~ ~ CQD12et lenses See a d..,,,,,\L,l.;,. """h~ih.:l.tp1y Inhalation: Mo~etotiesh elr andresmre;"""':;"", rf."'i=";' IugooliOlll:DO NOT INDUCE'" vm...",>3J Dr!lJl( latg"amounlS ofwalttormilk. 130 DOt gMl ~by moufb to a convu),omg at UlJCClnSclotlS1l=lL SeJ>lhdoctor =e.j,ately. -Genern!AdvIt:e: If A.'u...,..........0cd:tr9 seel1do'et(n:'nnmed1afelye Section 9. PreparailOn Information WHMISRatlng' Health Hazord 2 Ftte!l=d 0 ReaotMty 2 I DOT;Non--~ ~ tl"lo hanahl19 .ancJ use of prcductli U.,der l..ser's concltlons ~ra beyOnd our cont[Ql, no 'IWtT8OtY. cxp~ or ImplIelj Is mode concerning thf3 produet. ihe information ......,.~..,,;...: ~In Is offered ooIyas gulde:m 1M handUnQ of thIS !>P6crfic rn~s.l efId 1$ not mtenc'ed to be aJl~ncllJ$lVe tT'l the manner and eondJ~ons of ~ ~ h::mdllttg The user ~~ :In . I1ska of use or handlIns, WhOU'tcr cr not In BGtoolar.eQ1 \11th :ll'\)' dlre::!Iorn w 5Ll9r...stioi13 of 1111~ manufal;tu~r. Manufa~ shall not bl! liahli!l to ~urehase- or any olh9t ~ for loss ~r damdQQ; directly or Indirectt)' Orf~I~~ 'i'om U'le use of our Pr'QQucl. ~ "l::..J vvv IilJ003 ( ( l ( ( 710 IS 0; l7 ~ , MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Complies wIth OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 19101200 Date of Prep 2/27/96 I' SUN~YSIDE CORPORATION 225 CARPENTER AVENUE WHEELING, ILLINOIS 60090 EMERGENCY TELEPHONE SECTION 1, l' ,i; ~ , , FOR INFORMATION (847) 541 5700 (847) 541,5700 (800) 424,9300 SUNNYSIDE CORPORATION CHEM TREC Product Class InorgamcAcld_ Manulaclure(s Code 710 TradeName t HYDROCHLORIC ACIO,J NPCA HMIS Health 3 (MunaucACld) i 2- [3 won -s\ '3-G)ott~~~I;~~JVIIy 1 Product Appearance and Odor Clear coloness to pale yellow liqUid, pungent lmtatmg odor " " INGREDIENT CAS # Hydrogen Ch!ands 764HJ1-ll ( C ~J""~""""'~<~''''~_ ..~~o- >, _~,.. __..n"'-' _ '." ' , SECTION 27 .' HAZARDOUS INGREOIENTS 1 ~ I v , J 11' i I ~' I r 'i,", r' , ,'_ ,'" " " OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE LIMITS ACGIH PERCENT TL V (TIIA) 5PPM ACGIH OSHA OSHA TLV PEL PEL VAPOR PRESSURE (STEL) (TIIA) (STEL) 5PPM 5PPM 5PPM ApproXImately 25 MM H9 @ 200C (Ceiling) (Ceiling) " I ,..~ -, _ l.r"~ -.--<">.'\1'" """- ,~J,. 1 ~.... ~::. ".... - "" ~ ~ '- - ~, . ~~...... , ? SECTION 3,:)EMERGENCY AND FIRST'AID PROCEDURES'; , ft ...,," I 1"1, ''I. ' , -, '. ," "I "" - . , I' Eye Contact Skin Contact InhalatIOn Ingestion 1 ~ , , Immediately flush the eyes With large quantty of we<-er while holding the eyelids apart. for at least 15 to 20 mlflutes Severe eye Injury can occur particularly If nnslflg IS delayed Get medical atlenbon Immediately Apply cool packs on eyes while transporting vIctim to medical laGlfity Remove contaminated clothing and shoes Immediately Wash affected area With soap and large amounts of water for at least 15 to 20 minutes In case of chemical bums, cover area With stenle, dry dreSSing Keep affected area cool Get medical attentJon Immediately Remove to fresh air Administer oxygen as soon as pOSSible (6 liters per minute) If breathing IS difficult If not breathing, give artlfiaal respiration Immediately contact a phYSICian Keep the vlcbm warm and at rest Do not Induce vommng If consaous, gIVe large amounts of water or milk II vomlung persists admlfllster ftulds repeatedly Maintain BlrNay and treat for shock If vomlbng occurs, keep head below hips to prevent aspiration Get medical attention Immediately ~'- .~;'({SE'CTrON~)':' PHySic~.L'DATA"!,' ,~ " IP~ ~Z:l,~{oI.{"'l.h~S<;-",j.);"c~~ ,:; 'J\~ \,_~,~.-'~ , ~ ... ~~~ .,...~ " , The follOWing data represent approximate or typical values They do not constitute product speclficabons HeaVier than air 100% BOlhng Range Evaporation Rate Weight Per Gallon SolublhtymWater Approx 176' (F) I B P Slower than ether 950lb, 100Wt%pH <10 Vapor DenSity % Volatile By Volume I' " - ~, I ~ ~ .... I' , \ ( Flammability ClaSSification Flash POint Lower ExplOSIVe limit ExtingUishing Media Unusual File and ExplOSion Hazards SpeCial Fire Flghbng Procedures "-l~l ~'I__~" ... ^ ~), "'''''_~<r ': SECTION 5~'FIRE'AND EXPLOSION DATA , :::.~ ''lJ.-1<-;....;;rJ;.f J,..,.~ ''1l,''l ~'-o::. ~ 'l- <r ~ ", Non flammable Not applicable Not applicable Use water spray fog, foam dry chemicals carbon diOXide or olller agents as appropnate for surrounding fire Reacts With active metals (Potassium sodium, calCium powdered aluminum ZinC magnesium) to produce flammable hydrogen Use self-contamed breathing apparatus and full protectlve aCid resIstant clothing Water spray should be used to cool fire exposed rontamers and to control vapors ~ ~ ~' ~, U Ql >...J &<( Q) .... !2::Q) <Ii C _C roro cO: ( ( \ ) Ecolab Inc ECOIUW Ecolab Center 5t Paul, Minnesota 55102 12480 *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 Medical Calls from Outside of the USA: 612 292 4064 (USA) INSTITUTIONAL DIV., Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Ctr. St. Paul MN 55102 Product Information: 1-800-352-5326 Date of Issue: June 11, 1996 ======================================================================= 1. 0 IDENTIFICATION / LL.1 ft:) 1.1 Produc t Name: : ,rMkG'I>SI:I':S.CRU,!!" J- OW l 1\.;C(,c, C- 2 Product Type: Bathroom Tub and Tile Cleanser ( ++ SARA 313 Toxic Chemicals, If present, Are Preceded by "#" ++ . ~ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / (mg/m3) % PEL TWA -Z None UNK 2.1 Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, tetrasodium salt 64-02-8 Sodium carbonate (soda ash) 497-19-8 11 None Sodium dichloroisocyanurate dihydrate 51580-86-0 < 1 Nona * Supplier recommendation ThiS product also contains ingredients for scrubbing action. * Note: For nUisance particulates (in mg/m3): PEL = 15 mg total and/or 5 Mg respirable; ACGIH TWA = 10 mg. ThiS product contains no other components considered hazardous according to the criteria of 29 CFR 1910.1200. 2.2 2.3 )2.4 } 2.5 UNK 0.5* ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UNK = Unknown at thiS time PEL = OSHA 8 Hour Average in Air 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 Appearance: White powder 3.2 Solubility in Water: Partial 3.3 pH: Not Applicable 4.0 FIRE ~ND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Special Fire Hazards: None ( 2 Fire Fighting Methods: Product does not support combustion. ( /"REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stability: Stable under normal conditions of handling. 5.2 Conditions to AVOid: Use only with water as directed. Do not mix with aCids or ammonia products - will cause hazardous vapors. 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EOUIPMEN~ ~ '{ ~, ~ - )':, "0 ~--' ii)<C o (1),- a::;<ll Q)c ...c t\l.!!! 00.. ( ( ECOLNJ Eoolab Ino Eoolab Center St Paul, Minnesota 55102 Product: MAGIC SCRUB l \ bottlo- - 3201:- 0 INSTITUTIONAL DIV., Ecolab Inc. MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 Page 2 of 2 920082 ======================================================================= 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / CAUTION 7.1 Effects of Overex~osure to Concentrate: Eyes: May cause lrrltatlon. If swallowed: May cause stomach dlstress, nausea or vomltlng. 8.0 FIRST AID! 8.1 Eyes: Flush lmmedlately wlth plenty of cool runnlng water. Remove contact lenses, lf used, and flush agaln. 8.2 If Swallowed: Rlnse mouth; then drlnk 1 or 2 large glasses of water. DO NOT lnduce vomltlng. Never glve anythlng by mouth to an unconscious person. l 9.U PROTECTIVE MEASURES / IF IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT PERSISTS, CALL A PHYSICIAN. 9.1 In case of skln dryness, gloves are recommended whlle USlng product. 10.U ADDITIONAL IN~'ORMATION/PRECAUTIONS.I ( KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above lnformatlon lS belleved to be correct wlth respect to the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, standards and regulatlons change, and condltlons of use and hand11ng are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. " ( ( -----~ - ---- -- - ---- -~ --- - -- Material Safety iJata Sheet '\~ May be used \0 comply wHh OSHA s Hazard Comm\J]llcallon Slandard HWo; NrPA HMIS SYMBOL ~ rh~ ~~, IHECALm 1'1 :;"'!1'r~s """ 'F1.AMMABlUTY 01 MOQ<"IlATE 2 MOOER.O.TI! Ifl!W:lIVlTY 01 ll~HT surliT MINIMAL INSIGNIACANT SecUon I - Product ~ARC 50cBOWL CI.,EANER. (MILDL_ MId Amerlr::an Re.,.earch Ch('Omlcal Corp p 0 BOJl 021 Columbu!I NE 68602-0927 GENERAL INFORMATION I hl.p~"n.tI. (402)51>4 7104 0.1. 7-21-93 Ccmp.", Add,."" Section /I - Hazardous Component Hydrochloric ACid SectIOn III - D<>llnllP<>nl 1__'.) vaP"'~'e>~urU\mmI1gJ Y'p"'u.mmy\""~" So\l,f-/,.~'tIt.... 'c-!;{i'fl.~tQ .:~~ ..~~ (I d b0t1 ~ Full. (402)563-1290 TrarleSccrct Fc.mur. HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY INFORMATION ExposurQ TlV(Unl1s) 5 ppm CAS Number 7647 01 0 %(Opthmal) PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS I 212 I -.. A t:;echon IV - , fnr';~ "-nOD O11d Od", ~ ",II'~d( pml( hqUld with s<lssafn.o:s scent \II_'~{II>II>.o"'od} E.Ungul'hlngModT... sp.~,'" Mrn Rgh~nf1 P'''~Brlut~S Unu.tr.dRrnond&:pl~onlj_~ NIA =0 Not Appl1cabh> NfD ~ Not O<lhnmltmd SpOClncGr"V1Iy(l-l ~O-IJ NIA NIA M~L"ml,.an! ....." I:;Vop"rMcnl1S'B \BulylAocl1lt,,_l! Nrne FIRE ANa EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA N/A No,le Heat mav caUse evolutIon of hvdrogen chlondo fumes rag" 1 (Ccm/InU<ld On At:>yon<" Sid,., /'1 \ -. MARC 50 Sechon V - REACTIVITY DATA 51_billy I......w IIC""dlll""Sto"""d 1_ X tn~p~11y (M"lerlBr~tl>llvoldJ Alkalies neutrallze effectIVeness of product, chlanne products f1 \.l(j.Y !-1';&n:l"'" ~ocmpO'iIl"" '" Ccmbu",lon By ",oduels Hydrogen chlondo t !1m.dwV I......."'" 1 ICondIII~$laAl'DId N/A Pdyr-norlz_Ucn I""'.''''M I X N/A Secllon VI - HEALTH HAZARD DATA Rotl1o(ol"'Enlry r"""'o"",, ~xl EIdn HoolIhH<I2llT<l. (Ao",oondC/I,,,n1eJ Irnlahon IxU 1T1l1"'U"" Comncn..-rlolly "W u IARGMonogroPIl.ll.i 05......RIllJl11.I.d SI"n.Bn<!SVtnPlcm."IQ""""'Pc_. Irrrlahan of mucoUS membranes Madl""'Coodlllcn' O"".....lyAggrtlv.b>dby &:pcwno. None Eyes Flush wrth water for 15 mInutes Skin Flush With water Internal Dnnk large amounts of water Can phYSICian Immediately EmarQ""qor,{lFl..,AldProc.dc,., Section VII - PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE SI'p'l<>bBTok""InC"'~M"to>n"'lsR.I""SDd~Spmad Flush wJlh waler or soall un on solId absorbent noulrallz:e With soda ash W""IBDI pa 01 Motlmtl 10' N/A Dlsposo of rn accordance wrlh government regulatIOns Pr=tluUo""lol><tTok"'"l1on<!1lnOlrndSlmnll DO NOT TAKE IrfTERNIIUY Avard eye nnd skm contact <1 oa,..p,,,,,o,,~..'," KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CfJ'/WRENI CAREfUllY /lEAD ENTIRE: LABEL BEFORE USEI SectIOn VIII - CONTROL MEASURES ~ Ro'pol"'l'P,C'ocbcrr VOnl1l"Ucn IlccoTE.dmu I (S~lryry"", nxl IM"""'''''l''' (Gono...rj ~ H 1=. Proll>CQVuGl",,", Prorerred l~y"prolPOU"" GOQqles If splashing expected OIh..-P,ol"olrv"C1o1hln[lcrE'lulpm~t W""'/llY!ll.nleP...c~".~ While !he Inlonnallon conlaln"d heroin I~ b..t1oved 10 be correct no w<lrrantll!a ;un made wllh ruspecllhHeto ami allllabUlty Imll1 lellilnc" lhereon Is dlscralmad Paga2 ~ a:= c' r. ~ r-' -- ~ -. -r "0 Ql..J ~<:( (,) CD .... !l:Ql c: ~~ ECOIAB ( Ecolab Center ( St Paul. Minnesota 55102 Ecolab lnc 18903 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES ONLY (24 Hour Serv1ce): 1-800-328-0026 Med1cal Calls from Outs1de of the USA: 1-651-222-5352 INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Center St. Paul MN 55102 Product Informat1on: 1-800-352-5326 Issue Date: February 8, 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 IDENTIFICATION / 1.1 Product Name: STAINLESS\STEEL CLE.ANER'&:,I:OLtSH 2 bD11Le.-s (Y::j- O?-~ 1.2 Product Ty~e: Aerosol Sta1nless Steel Cleaner & POI1Sh .~ 1.3 Hazard RatIng: Health: 1 FIre: 3 React1v1ty: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Substances SubJect to SARA 313 Reporting Are Ind1cated by "#" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / 01e1c aC1d CAS No. 68476-85-7 8092-41-3 unknown % (In PEL 1800 No No mg/m3 ) TWA 1800 350 No L19u1f1ed petroleum gas Al1phat1c hydrocarbon # Polyglycerol ester of 15 5 5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEL; OSHA 8 hour average In aIr TWA ; ACGIH 8 hour average In a1r -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PHYSICAL DATA-; 3'- f 3'-:,,- 3.3 Appearance: Aerosol spray; mIld hydrocarbon odor SolubIlIty In Water: Not soluble pH: Not ApplIcable ----------------------------------------------------~--------------------- 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Spec1a1 FIre Hazards: Contents under pressure. Flammable. Vapors of th1S solvent may develop a flammable atmosphere In confIned areas. 4.2 F1re Flght1ng Methods: Use fog, foam, fIne water spray, dry chem1cal or C02. Cool flre-exposed conta1ners wIth water spray. ------------------------------------------~------------------------------- 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 StabIlIty: Stable under normal cond1t1ons of use and handl1ng. 5.2 Cond1t1ons to AVOId: Contact wIth strong oX1d1z1ng agents, strong alkal1es, strong mlneral aCIds, and chlorInated solvents. 5.3 Do not spray near fIre or open flame. Do not store above 120 deg F. Exposure to sunlIght or other heat may cause burstIng. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 Cleanup: Remove all 19n1t1on sources; ventIlate. Recover fre~ llqU1rl. Add absorbent to sp1ll area. 6.2 Waste D1sposal: Do not puncture or 1ncinerate contaIner. Wrap empty can and d1spose 1n trash. Unused product IS RCRA 19n1table (D001). ( (- Date ReceIved ;;/~-<J06 Planner AL ICOLAB II ~fI'!' 0'Pi r=D' - \...L ... i ./'1 \ I-'J MAY 0 R 7001 Ecolab Inc Ecolab Center St Paul, Minnesota 55102 , I IB~"r L-=-.- 161 Page 2 of 2 juct: STAINLESS STEEL CLEANER & POLISH rITUTIONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. ICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 ====~================================================================== HEALTH HAZARD DATA / CAUTION Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: Eyes: Causes m1nor to moderate 1rr1tat1on. Skin: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause m1nor 1rr1tat1on. If Swallowed: May cause stomach d1stress, nausea or vom1t1ng. If Inhaled: Del1berate 1nhalat1on of concentrated product spray can be harmful or fatal. ExceSS1ve a1rborne concentrat1ons may cause breath1ng d1ff1cult1es, d1zz1ness or headaches. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- FIRST AID / jes: Flush w1th cool runn1ng water. Remove contact lenses and ont1nue flushing for 15 m1nutes. ~kin: Flush sk1n w1th water; wash w1th soap and water. Remove and wash contam1nated cloth1ng before reuse. If Swallowed: R1nse mouth; then dr1nk 1 or 2 large glasses of water. DO NOT 1nduce vom1t1ng. NEVER glve anyth1ng by mouth to an unconSC10US person. If Inhaled: If affected, move to fresh a1r. c ----------------------------------------------------------------------- IF IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT PERSISTS, CALL A PHYSICIAN. PROTECTIVE MEASURES / FOR CONCENTRATE: Eyes: Wear chem1cal splash goggles. Sk1n: Wear any 1ndustr1al rubber glove. Wash well before eat1ng. Resp1ratory: Vent1late to ma1ntaln a1r levels below exposure Ilm1ts. ------------~---------------------------------------------------------- o ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / 1 Purpose of 2/8/2000 1ssue: Add L1ne 1.3; QC and ed1tor1al update. Replaces October 16, 1997 1ssue. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN above 1nformat1on 1S bel1eved to be correct w1th respect to the mula used to manufacture the product. As data, standards and v t10ns change, and cond1t1ons of use and handl1ng are beyond our f ,1, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE ;TENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. l "u.....vn ,nJ,I't1 VU ... I-' 02 MATrRTAL SAI'ETY Df.ITn Sl-lI:y--- [. OR =TII<IGS FlESH,IS ANfl Rfl ATFD MnTE.-r"H1L'1 DATE OF PG.1::PARATlCN. &/25/'35 1:'AGr~ 1 MANUFAn1f.fF. S I~ AD~'ES.'S ADDI':ESS CTTI,ST():T': f;.UDDA F'ATi'rr COJ-no?lHY 2> L ~ Q)10Yl -5 ,'?-e) p:^J nts il\.JEOlLlE '3721'3 sq,-;:;;? G:;M v,t~ I' IHI,.....--tUI-ll 1 Fq.;:"\"'Lf1ND, (JI~EGCII-I Ff'1!'-F'GFlJe'1' TEJ EP'..O-E '-10" TI'lFor~ nrJl-.1 T 1"1 1"1.'I-O-E i'JO. DAY, (:",0,".\\ 24', /",11' i'lTGI-IT: (0'.0.1) 1",4'';-;''1'.,42 I~W, (503) ?-"4"'~1ir! HIGHT, (503) 545--5642 SErTTnN J - F"'frolICT TD!"N I"[FTmTTn-I ~nJF'1("TURFR'S amF IDf'NTrrTf::J'\TTOCI: 2S7 Pf';,'OIlUI:'T C1J1SS" n IT ~lEF TR>1DF 1-JAf'IF.:" XYLC!... HMtt; nlFffi'MATIOH "... f-B1L n+-. 2 FL."""IJ-WTI II'( :l REriCTIVJTI- P.J 1:1':r\<3(N~. !='R'-JII-_L.I tvE EQl)I,~'EfT - H S1':cr I CJt-1 n HAZ.Pr:I)('lIf- rNG1;'~.D fI:"ITS n-F MA'l'F'RT(-'l! G J I-I THIS f'F.'Ol)IJCT !-'nVE l-rrr ~ ' rSTl'J) BY i'lIP, l("RL, or-:. 0GHiI (is CI'1F\{;Ti'IOf1tl~IC" ( ( .. n"IIS PRODUrT mJ'j"AINS n lFS::: TOXIC CI '=J~ICALS SUl'<.Tn~T TO Tl-IE F,8:ffi'lING RFfl. m,'FMENTS OF SECna-1 311 OF 1HF F'Mf:l\'GFH::Y Pl.J,,",~IING f1l'-1D CfJI'1I'1\INTTY R[f'~T-TO-+'.NO:.I I::CT (F l~"<: AND ,IF 1+\0 CFR 372.. -- I~IENT .. -.... mTERlAi. DESt1HPTTllN ~ X "y klETGHT TLU- (TL.bI) VA!={IR r-of-'M MG/N3 LFl me,*" JRF MMHO I'lf.f\Dr XY'_ Ehl'" ..1 "l30--2@ '1 J 50 - cOO J 100" ~r 4:~_ fRf l..PlT f,,,OO SECTIO'I J II i=~-ffS rl:R: OATf':l roTI TNG f;.'N-IGE ~1"If'OR PF\'F.SSliRE ~ DE:NStTY &.......'Jr-iH' fa-I RA rE !.EX GHT ar::rc a:u..LN " VOl ATU..E BY UOLUME ,: VCt.J'lTILE BY WEIGI-fT ()!:'I'€ARANCE--GOCJR- CI "'AR HTGll ;;n':5M 0 (,,,00 f.F.RVTFR 'THAN ATl-< SLCUCR THAN ~J1,(L '1"20 11'l\'J" l'Wl 100..00 I Tcp"JTj) I,ru 281 "0 AlT,:1TITF , Date Received -if ~;;tJ06 Planner AL , '-.... ......-' ...~-'-' , l .' MATEI,Ir-L SI<FETY DATA SHEJ.i rorGE 2 Ml=i )F nCTtROR 5 CX1D!", 2l'~ 7 DriTE rF ~"". r"Hl-:l'lT 10-1- 3/2'5;0/'; SEC, na-I IV - FJPF A1'ill FXl=UJSION HA7..fflD DATA FLPI'1'lABILTT'r' r:L.FISSIFICf-lnCi'-l CE1-I'l-O ASS H DOT - Fl Rl'lMABt C LIQUID U:n,iEST F1 ~:()l NT T. l:_ r; , E\ 1. ~ UJ1.El, =LCb IIJ-~ L.8.\:::J (IJ-.U 1. 0 EXT1HG\.JtSHJ~1O I'EDIA: (Yes) -FOnM (y"r}-A! crl!:'"L FOAM (Yesl-cR2 (YE'Sl-DRY CHEJ"1TrPl (Y"sl ~'1T:R F1JG (N/A) -OT! n:n Blri.rt'pt, f1.re tI.,Ilm af'le of thE" atx~ E?':!tJ1\qulshJnq med::1a" lJNlISAL nRE AND ~_OSTn~ HA7.AROO" 'Japors <1r(" h,?a'.1,",C 1;1lAn a1 rand ""'Y rcC1.YI? I alonq th<1 [I NOtL1;rl eYr 00 fl1C)VGCI by "",whlatHl1O an:! I all I t--'?Cl hy hG,,-t'1 1"1.ot ll.qhts'f c:r'd1i?r fl.=i.I'l'JP'<, t\pt1 J qnJtlon sr)1,J~ At 1 C)("'ACl,OnS d~Gt.iLllt from m.;1.tc:rr1.iIll ha'ndlJnq j:".o)Y1l" 1-+?l.R'r 'l~ welrbnrj r::tr t."\\tt1Ti':1 T..lTf"rh on rrr- ,..-,e(,:\r ("1r'urn (e"YE"'l1 erl1ptv) ~r4.us.e I'I""'r'l(i1 H~T (JusT 11:."":,1 due) rA11 111')] t';~ r:X:rLCS1W] Y l '1I''f\IAL FIF&: FTGHTING ffi1')("fl)l!RF<;,f'crr f1 rC"'3 ,,,\Xll V""~ t-'n <-, m"t-",r1al, do r\C'\: pnter ~ny G\""lC'lo-:;ed ar- coY'lf:ln9(1 fl N? sp("C't? W1'l.i10Ut: p""';-'f1'Pr prot~tlve eqU:lp- ment_ Self--cO'nt-A.I~-1 b'f'i"'attnng apparv:tt..lC"::. LJJth ....\ f~t11 faceD~ece o~rt\tt?d ~'\"\ Pr'G'5Sllra---dEm\Cl.t1t1 or (1+11~r [)o<:;.:.t1.\..'Q pl""\':.T:3r'lU'''t') jj'rO(1::,~ f:;n f"H"oi:;rc-r u~Vl]rEt t:h~ h2\'::!:MrrlOW::i l?ffectt; of 'l'j(""l'Ml'k"\1 rTrnrh_u:...-tn of c-cm,b\~t'an nT' n)(YlJel1 rl.Qf1..C1~'1ICY" ( SECTT\lI'I V ,- Hi"f1LT1-1 1-F17ARD DATA l:.1-'""f"1"CTS OF CI\..'t-"r",.~, FCF 1:~;'\Jru:T-PfFC;.r;an ",,,,lse 1rrlwtlon, r8d\"","",S, 1\.rlY'Iq'J b1.~lr-r?ci Y'\SlCJn. 9:",,1"'I;Pr-t,ld~~rr}ed C}r- 1""f='Ot-,?.:::rtOO corrt.:lct can c-aLlSE" nlI::x;lp-r ...e 1. r'r1 t::2t1.011'J di?f.=:rt:tll1Q, der'T'i'l\Cl.cj t'ts.. ,~'1FlRY RQ.JTF.(S) OF rNTl'.'Y. ,YosJ-Dffi'Hr'rl, (Yp5)-T,~<<ATTOi-I (y"",)-INut::OIION E\;.mi}IING" EXC."'8SS1~ bT"1'?~thlno of v.1l.pl.jrs. r-~n r-A'l~ n(~r"'1.1 al'ld tet;p, r-At,.nry l.rn,T,.<....rtl..ot'I,J d1.'1Z11~'7-')' "'Je<R~'Tl'P-'SS fat1qUC::''j Ilal\C,i:)\''1 hRi,.rl;1Cho, ~s't\"llf' l\r"lrOn c.c.lDllSl'1G!'SG'J ani ey(3)1 ..:!,c;ph.,r;:r:l.t\tl.Oll~ c;LJALlXlWTI'4G:: Can c':\tlc.Q qu.'Gt-r"',:JJ HI..A-:'St 1 '\1<-\1. J.Trlt?t1m1'J Th\\\se.a., ....-om1T1Y11,! t\'\"1t1 dl,\r'rf1e<:;L~ ~Dll"atl.on of matl:'rl.-\l lrrt-..a lll'fl!J<; ('.-\\1 C~aLlSEJ d"l3Tl~cal p,~m)(J":! 1-,... ~1ch CKll l)p fatal" ",\-",,,,-,,-,,(Y /li F [RST ATD ""'L,-,~vllZ'FS~ SKTM- [.L,sh ex",_;;;::_: ,,""'^ w1m ~^""P I< ~",te-r E"'T'FS-Flu'\h "I;Lth li:l~qe o,",oun\."'5 of W<\tR'r" TNGESTTOH-])n '''''' 1\'1<1\\N" vn!1n=TlQ' oet m<"CIl"'i:ll i:ltbmtlcm' It+PLATTf1N-Tf affG'C'l:sd, 'c,"~.~ 1,0 f~ i'\1r [f hN-ai\"t\11 n1] 1 s dJ ff'lcu] t,) I"V1011 11' c,tQr oxvqG11_ If b~A1;;h' nil h~9- q;tonped I q'lV8 ar-tlf1r1.A1 reSr1 rD.-bCiil~ \~. nIPr!11_al attantJO'l MED1~, rn'illJTICNS ""'frE TO I"('l)"-:AVA T ION BY I:_F"'_'bLR!=: ~ Non" I ',-,own- ( SECTIrn VI - RF.AOrVtlY OOTn STABJUTY, ( \.-I.JHSTAJCi..E ('("",)--sTA~ F HAll'lRDO\JS PO, 'm"'..F.IZATIrn ( J -!'t1'( c:a:u-.. ()(XX) - WTl.l Hm 0Cf'iJl' HAZARDOUS \Jt'_'-'--"I~'8SITION PRODlJ::TS- epTmal =1lI:>...l5t10\~ fnnll"_ ""rbon dlon de & WG"\t,(~r- v.."no'r''j l.nconH:'IJP'te ("\"')mr-.lst 1 rn'l Ct=lP orc.dUt"'"'i? r' -If I~)n rnn1'lOXl rlp_ [).lHDITIOHS TO A')[]TD-FxcesS;Lve te1l1pe-r~b..lre~" INClJt'1='ATIBILITY (1'''-i1",rdAt <; TO A\.JOTDl- Stmnq ,x,d'l7lTlJ:! aqent<:J (N~tr1c And" r:'Grmanqa.na~'l MF1<. PeT'O)(] oe J E-t.("' iI ) =\,1 ION VT! SPILL DR I.F;j< Pku::EDlJC.\::S ( cE{,-03-1999 07 10 . lDDA PA HH DO 25 P DC! mTF~ T0L (::II jl~ t:. I -I DATR '-*..J_""f' F'RGF "] -- ---------"-'~-- , \ hANlJFAClU'IE'R' S mDF, 2:6,7 DATe CF F'!i:EPAF:ATION - B/?5/"F.i ""~I_'" TO BE" TAYJ::N n~ ~ MnTEPJ~ TS RilEnSED OR 9"tLLED- E1U,"Y''''cP all 19mhcm "'tJlLr-c<~ (f}"res, fJan\i"'\ ,=lctdln1 pllc..t 11 Dhi-s 8. i?l"..-tnC'al spar{s) r1:rr<.::::..c.l"f::. nnt VJPZlr"'l"'\ll j"tl"L,t':.(....lCC11...G Qqu~pn'rcn"t ~-hnl..\,rl tJE. @x:clurl~ fl~om ~J""'E:'<J. of spJ..l1 t)~ll cl@CI:rr--t.tp hAS l-:e:P-n C'O:'l'l.pli?tl?rl" G:;top splll at $nl\~~ dlh~ <<rGa of ,=,p111 'f-..o [1r(?"'Jei;t Spl~a..dl"I]J pUJllp 1111U1rl to '2<lJvaqc t.:\)'fI. LI RemalTi1nq lli]\lld n.....l.y he t,.i'l~.;?n up em <;';;~\lid'J r-1AY, l'ur-t::n, fl("'Icrr ..-'\..)....~orh(:rnt,! nt' ot;:kpr ",,-l:r~ sorbe'nt It\ii\ter,~l ~,1d sh~lc'trl 1i11,M rTl~"111"rC?~~... P-~'11T T'Ll'-,.........,:1ff to <=.Pl,L1'P"f""'5.. ,?~ams, ar- athE" r- b:od lE'S df lrJCL tp f" I WASTE DISPOSAL ~EIHOIr 0-t,"<O)' hy 11 qLlld 1 rlCl ,-""'I'l\b on Q'r"'r Citr=',O'r-t):l?i'"\t !\"\.r..\.te,-.l.al may 1"8 t1~pos1. tE'd 1 n -3n ~il1!").rnvGd 1?i;1j(lfJll lD ~C'CCrtl":\'nc..'1? uJJth lOC-ctl.j ~t.A.TR'J ..=t.rd frxIe-r-al i'\.,tr;c~",l rnl11?c:1:ed t-D:t 1 C <:.;J, lb'.::>t..an::-e rp!J\ t laTlOllO SECTIa-I V1Tl S"lFE ~IJX-JNG Al--al liST: THFffi'l'mTTrl-I F.'ESl"JRAm ,I''llTECTIm, If n.V of thr; 1)1'Cd\Lr't Of' any romo"nxmi:; 1'7 p~~ed, a NIOSH/l'FSA 10Hrtly Olpp'KlY<"<1 "",,1 f-'C'orrt,,u yed t1f'l'''at,tll rr~1 appa I"a e'LlS W'L th " fLtll fdcr~ f11~ o~rated lri {)f"PS.'2::J.~rG demarid or 'JLhi?r [1OS1.t1......-G p~~,<;ur? modo I"; "'IYI~'; h~c" CS-IA r'''D"latJOTlC", ;:11"<" r>-~l"1'lnt othO'r HIOSH/1'ESA f"Njp~r- ",i:",{'H'S c",d"r GpE'C1.f'le<1 ,')1-.i,tlOI'lS. (Se@ 7't1\\C SAf"ty e<:jU"lpl1\,,"'t S\\[1\111pr). VEWll ATION, 1='roV1.de SI.\ft I npnt rm=fl;:rtnr-aJ ~'"J('l/r,r lcc.,l ,,~hi't\<;t ,,() rn~ In,"",'" E<[1(1S1LCC' bG] cw TLV(s) " FIr F,!<1]TECTIDl'-I' CtlP\'I' IrA) <;f'lasn qogql es 1 n c-<mlp] 'La",,"", Wl to-, CJSHI:1 r-~Qu1 "tUJTlS e advlgOO" wTECTI~ GLd.!i:':S, ",leAl" Ces1S-tz.nt q1""""'" ~L\ch as" EU-1A-N" ( B"! ~"u, cc" TVF rn'TP",'WT, To pc<=vP\\'O CPI:)l'Ol\ted cr p-ro1anll<"d '01 , n C'ontc~c:1:'1 -c."M..r' lmpETrY' 01..\'=;. rlnt::h"nq ~m baotGu IIYGFNTC F'RllCTTI'FS, (,l,sh hand", OOfoK! '>I\~;1 nl] tOC Llslng Wed; cooo\" ( ~>E,CTIDl'-1 IX- st:€r.TPI ~~Cr-uTIONS 1='K'ErnITTOi'B TO BF T~El'l 1>-1 f1Ct{DLIi'.G AND <:;TORIH3, S't:D'ti" 1\" e ("OOl, dry ctr'PI\" Ke:-Pf1 ~l.L.LaY f1"Oll heaty ,:;p.,"I'I'+.5, elm oppn f1AITJe.. It.;c..ep contct11ler-:; closed l.,iiC!-'i'i '~rt. JTl Llse~ U,;(-' cmly llJlth adaqUC\te ye1Tl-;ll~":\-tl.on OTI-ER ~JTTct4S= Conr.all1eM (:>1 *;hl~ n'k1.Wf"1.$.J mAY l~ h,::17ardous l.I..lhe'l'1 8fll(.i'l:1ti<!" SJ'f'lCe E'ITlptJE>d CiJni'All"PrC"~ r'0tuln prnrlt\( t- r~ldllQS (vt\pO'r"J 1'<1'l~cl") a'lid/u(~ <!',(""I[ld) J i'\11 ha7<1.rn nr9C':l,ld::l(")"r)'r !11I..J'1:"l"'l 1" mlS do.-1::.a ""-1'lE1':'1~ I))\\<::;T on 00-..>0"""",1" rc'!' mJ nr-ID CIB"E'.~ ALL f'RECAUTIONS ON 1''li,'!JIJlCT L.AF8 ' ( ( Date ReceIved '(,1.'/;r~iJ6 Planner AL 1 ~ TOTAL P D4 ( Kitchen ( ( ^ ;:;. () :r CD :J Date Received ifrlz(ltl{ Planner AL /~' { ( f~ c C 02/17/04 12 05 FAX 503980222 FSA FORTLA~D Ii1I 002 0&/08/2003 OS 02 FAX 905 660 9433 KIK coRPORATION i;!J002 , , ~-qg78'-t Page 1 ofl ~ M 'IS aterla afety Data Sheet KIK INTERNATIONAL SectWn 1. Chemical Product and Company Identification _ Product l'lamerrr.d:e Name ljj:.,';;;&lS G~mi.Cl'i.ililtr. B~cl! 1 \0 .y(\ ~ Manuf.cturer: KIKJXrERNAUClN'A!- a \ )~ - 2921 Corder, Street \) HOU5ron, T= 771t,54 i;i~;:~7J~oN!IL~'';__J ~ (so..;~\b{l 1_ 15, 2003 Jun. 9, 2003 Contact ~t1mber rr.p....<1 By" D.te La,t R.vised' Repl..", nate: Section Z. Hazardous Iltwedwnts I, Name % l SodLOlIlH~orh. 60-70 CAS# 7681"s2-9 LD50I!.CSO l , S800",zlkg1;.10S00mglm' (1m) 1 Seclwn 3. P/rpsical Data I Slate r Awe:;rfanoo I odour i Soe.ific GraVltv i Solubility 12 6llllmnmm 9,%A= IOO'C NAv L=d clear Colorles. Cblor1ne 1.06U ","l"I,l't'\~ 100% e!1 % Volaule BoiIm~ l'.nnt Vaouul '1L-W;)\U~ Section 4. Fire. & &Dlosion liIarnmable; YES NO X Means ofExnnouon: Wtrtet. COlIbon D10Xlde. DzyCnOllllcal or Foam Specl3l Proeedures F= fighton< sh,,"l~ wo... self.coo!tlined breailling .><~...:..... Fh<sb Pomt: .so Metbod: Not Apphoablo Biu<ardoos Con1bustLon ProdUcts' Chlorln. Gas. . Semon 5. Reflctiv,tv Data . Cbenuccl SlM1I(1)" YES X NO Co.dl6ons Temperalllre .move 40'C, sunllgbtand motal" InCOUlPab1mity- YES X NO WlI.t Sob.lanCes A01dB, ~ urea, """* & <:rx:IdJzers R.eaCtivt!\< I C"...:.~.~: Not Apphcable iIaz.m_ D,,"OJ:ll!lOSIUOJll'~ Chlotmo gos:released by conlaOl; WIth "",tis Conlaet mtD. emmolll. or urea produces xutrogen gas and cblorammes Oxygen 1!1 :released (T.Il c~t"W1th ~tE1S. J Date Received ~f.o"6 Planner AL 06,..'01/2003 08 02 FAX 905 660 .J3 !II!{ COlU'OR,\.TION 1l!J003 P"lle 2 of2 Essentials Germicidal maa Bleach SeetlOft 6. T"xfCIJwglCal Propertres ROllte of Entry SIoJ1 Ci>ntact X S!dn Abso'1'IlOJ1 Eye Conlaet X I Inhalation Acute X bilialatton Chronic lilg""l1on X. Elfeelil or Acute E%posure- InheJallon ofv.pour, wlll irntalc brcatlnngpassages and ""'y c'=~,~.;."g dff1lou1ty CORROSIVE WIll C\lUse Sever rrniallOD to eyes lllld skn1. M<<y =e P=Jlent d=go uDOt treared properly Ing1libon ""0 c,,,,,e =0"''''' OflnUcOUS motnbtatlos, "'''ere esophageal bUl'llS and parl'on.nml of esophagus or stomach.. Etrects of chrome expOllurt'!li Not Knmvn Car<lllogoDicity ReprOductive Effects Ter.togel1I1;lty Mutagenlcrty Sffeot; not_ SectioJt 7. Preventative Measunls ProtoI:tlve EqllipmOJlt GIo~ lmpervIons pve or N""Pf""e Eye,. Chemlcal,;p!aslrg<>wes. Pote.alne14. >lso bclpfill. Rssplmltlry" Notnmmall~ FoolWel!l11'rot1lCt .hnc!<<mdfu:twbtll nsingprodiJct:f'<lffloor cleanmg LEAK AND Sl'UJ..:PRO~HV"'. SIllllll!pills: DiInm product by lloodme "=' wi&lugequamrty of _Ie>' ""d flush to sanbary sewer Large sp1lls-- CllntoJ>i=--ofl'by diJang"WJ.tli ~_te=l Soakup IJqu1d on wen absorbent and ~......::... ro ......"'..J=mtr Prevent spil1fr= enllOnllg s= or ( .. ..."""......i~ WASTE DISPOSAL: ReclaJjn 0< dISpose W5.tOotdzcce with loc.ll>'l;lll.l!ons. STORAGE REQlJIREMENTS: &0", In . enol. d<y ond wclI-vcIllilatOd area. ( Sl!d>tJn 8. FIrSt Aid Measures I SkiD. Wash WIth!iOlqI and wator J!.y~: ,l;'lW>Q eyes wnn COO! nmmng ~ nolQIDg eyeU03 spart. IO:ensme ib.OrrfugU. IlDSlIlg-mt D ~ ~ conl>ct I=s See a doo1o:<-~il....1y Inhalation< Move ro t;esl> aIr and =i!'re~~~... u~ I_.....;..,: DO Nor INDUCE VOMITING! DrllllUargumnunlS ofwalttormilk. Do not give _,~bY moutlI tn. =vuls!n,g CT< _clous1'="- S~",dnctnr umn..-diatelY. 'Gener.d Adv~e: If ..,.u~;......... occtJ:rB see A do'etbt ..................1....fely.. Section 9. Preparatton rnformo:tion WHMIS Rating: He<ilih Hozllrd 2 Fn:eB_ 0 Rene""'ly 2 I DOT:N_~ p:; tl'Io hesni;JIlog ami use of jJftlducm under \,,&;.rs concmrons;;lfa beyond 0\.11' COlltrol, no~. ~re:ssed or1rnpned.l5 mode concernIng 1hrs prndUet. The mformatlOll conmllled twain Is offered 001" 35 guide in tl'1e: handllng. of th~ l>Pflctfic matGJ'la( and 1$ not m\~d'ed ~o be aJl.J:ndu.swEi 111th!:! manner Md condl~ons of LlM a:.-r:Il'I:Il'Idlmg The user dSSUlTl~:t1l ns)t.a of use or handTing v.+r.Oili-or or not In accoroanCQ with >lr.y c!lrec!lOll3 or .5U'ij~t10n:3 of th!!l manufat;W~rr Manufar:turet .shalll1ot b3 !table to purchaMl' Oi' any o!h9( ~n for loss or damd!jQQ. directly or lndiremty ;)rl.cll"!~ f(Om the use of our product. ( \ ECOLAB Ecolab Inc c ( Ecolab Center St Paul, Minnesota 55102 1148 0 *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 Medlcal Calls from Outslde of the USA: 612 292 4064 (USA) INSTI TUTIONAL DIV., Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Ctr. St. Paul MN 55102 Product Informatlon: 1-800-352-5326 Date of Issue: September 13, 1994 ======================================================================= 1.0 IDENTIFICATION / (-lqjiW?ro"d~ct 1 Ngh;e : ':F:IRST~;'I'MPIfES'ScIOl:l\;; --.:11 I=~\RST \ \'YlPKESS\ ON ~~:_;::;;;~-;:;:~~~;;:~~=;:~~:;~_:~_:~=~=~:~-~~=_:~===~=~-~~_:~~~~~~ 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / (mg/m3) % PEL Other 2.1 # Ammonlum hydroxlde 1336-21-6 <1 ~5 * *(ACGIH STEL = 24) 2.2 ThlS product contalns no other components consldered hazardous accordlng to the crlterla of 29 CFR 1910.1200. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- UNK = Unknown at thlS tlme (c STEL = 15 Mlnute Average - \ :.0 PHYSICAL DATA / PEL = OSHA 8 Hour Average ~ = Cell1ng Llmlt; Do Not Exceed 3.1 Appearance: Llght tan cream; ammonla odor 3.2 Solubll1ty In Water: Mlsclble 3.3 pH: (100%) 9.9-10.4 3.4 Inltlal BOll1ng POlnt: 212 deg F 3.5 Speclflc Gravlty: 1.14-1.18 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Speclal Flre Hazards: None 4.2 Flre Flghtlng Methods: Product does not support combustlon. ~.u REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stabll1ty: Stable under normal condltlons of handllng. 5.2 Condltlons to AVOld: If used to P011Sh a food contact surface, wash and sanltl~e artlcle before uSlng. [ '6. U SPI LL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT , 6.1 Cleanup ~nd Dlsposal: Rlnse small amounts to the sanltary sewer dra~n with plent~ of water; mop up spll1s and rlnse area thoroughly wlth water. " (c ~ .' Date Received Planner AL 1j; t h~(J6 / ECOLAB Ecolab Inc Ecolab Center 81 Paul, Minnesota 55102 , ( " ~roduct: FIRST IMPRESSION INSTITUTIONAL DIV., Ecolab Inc. KEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: Page 2 of 2 912477 1-800-328-0026 ~~=== =====================================================~=====~====== 7.0 KEALTH HAZARD DATA / WARNING 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: SkLn and Eyes: May cause lrrltatlon. I I~Swallowed: May cause stomach dlstress, nausea or vomltlng. B.o F 1RST AID / 8"1 8.2 8.3 E~es: Flush lmmedlately wlth plenty of cool runnlng water. Remove contact lenses, lf used and then flush agaln. Skln: Flush skln wlth water, then wash wlth soap and water. rr-swallowe~: Rlnse mouth; then drlnk 1 or 2 large glasses of water. DO NOT lnduce vomltlng. Never glve anythlng by mouth to ap unconSClOUS person. IF SWALLOWED OR IN CASE OF PERSISTENT EYE OR SKIN IRRITATION, CALL A POISON CONTROL CENTER OR PHYSICIAN IMMEDIATELY ~.O PROTECTIVE MEASURES I (( 9.1 Wnen uSlng cnlS product: ReSPlralory: AVOld breathlng mlsts or vapors contalnlng product. E1es: Goggles recommended lf rlsk of eye contact. S In: Rubber gloves recommend€d fQr cont1nued or frequent exposure. iO.O ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS I KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN ,,,- ..... ~ The above 1nformablon 1S bel1eved to be correct w1th respect to the :ormula used to manufacture the pr~Buct. As data, standards and regulat10ns change, and cond1t1ons of use and handl1ng are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. l ECOlAB Ecolab Inc t tcolab Center ~t Paul, Minnesota 55102 , J _ *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* Page 1 of 2 12,021 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 _ ~edlcal Calls from Outslde of the USA: 612 292 4064 (USA) INSTJTUTIONAL DIV., Ecolab Inc. ,Ecolab Ctr. St. Paul MN 55102 Product Informatlon: 1-800-352-5326 Date of Issue: May 22, 1994 ======================================================================= 1.0 JDENTIFICATION / ^ ^) l'.l' Froduct Name: ,I':.IMEi'A-WAY} Ll b~S GgoJJO'{) 1.2~Produci Type: Aqueous ACldlC Cleaner/Dellmer ~k SARA 313 tOX1C Chemlcals, It Present, Are Preceded bY "I"~ ++ ----~------------------------------------------------------------------- :2 . 0 HA jARDOtJS COMPONENTS / (mg/m3) % PEL Other 30 -r 1* *ACGIH STEL = 3 contalns no other components consldered hazardous the crlterla of 29 CFR 1910.1200. 7664-38-2 2,1 -if Phosphonc aCld 2.2 ''l'hlS product accordlng to ----------------------------------------------------------------------- c UNK = unknown at thlS tlme STEL = J,5 Mlnute Average :'.0 PHYSIO;LJJATA-j--- PEL = OSHA 8 Hour Average C = Cell1ng Llmlt; Do Not Exceed 3.1 Appearance: Clear green llqUld; mlld organlc odor 3.2 SOJUblllty In Water: Complete 3.3 pH: 1.0-1.5 (100%); 2.0-3.0 (1%) 3,4 Inltlal BOll1ng POlnt: 212 deg F 3.5 Sp€clflC Gravlty: 1.20-1.30 4.U FlEE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 So€clal Flre Hazards: ~.2 Fire Flght~~9 Methods: l /~ None Product does not support combustion. 5.U HE~CTIVI'I'Y DATA / , 5.1 JStabll1ty: Stable under normal condltlons of handl1ng. 5.2 CO~dltlons to AVOld: M1X only wlth water. Reacts wlth some . metals; reacts vlgorously wlth alkallne chemlcals. Do not mlX wlth chlorlnated detergents or sanltlzers ~ will cause hazardous vapors. 6. U SPJLL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 Cleanup: Rlnse small amounts to draln where posslble. Dike or dam large spllls; pump to contalners or soak up on lnert absorbent. Flush resldue to sanltary sewer; rlnse area thoroughly. 6.2 Waste D1Sposal: Consult state and local authorltles for restrlctlons on dlsposal of chemlcal waste. Unused product as a waste lS Corroslve (D002) by RCRA crlterla. (c \ \ \ \ \ \ , Date ReceIved Planner AL 'I/; ,rh-PtJt / I leGum Ecolab Inc Ecolab Center St Paul, Minnesota 55102 \( _';p'r'dduc't:, I LIME-A-WAY INSTITUTIONAL DIV., Ecolab Inc. MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVI CE : Page 2 of 2 942771 1-800-328-0026 =======~=============================================================~= 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / DANGER 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: Skin and Eyes: Can cause severe lrrltatlon, posslble chemlcal burns. I f Swallowed: Harmful. Can cause chemlcal burns of mouth, throat and stomach. If Inhaled: Vapors cause lrrltatlon/ lncludlng a burnlng taste, sneezlng, coughlng and dlfflculty breathlng. People wlth asthma or other lung problems may be more affected. tJ.U FIRST AiD / I~. 3 Eves: Flush at once wlth cool runnlng water. ienses; contlnue flushlng at least 15 mlnutes, apart to ensure rlnslng of entlre eye. CALL A IMMEDIATELY. Sk~~: Immedlately flush skln wlth plenty of cool runnlng water for at least 15 mlnutes whlle removlng contamlnated cloth1ng and shoes. Wash clothing before reuse. I f Swallowed: Rlnse mouth at once; then dnnk 1 or 2 large glasses ot later or m1lk. DO NOT lnduce vom1t1ng. NEVER glve anyth1ng by mou'h to an unconSC10US person. I f Inhaled: Immed1ately move to fresh aH. Remove contact hold1ng eyel1ds PHYSICIAN 8.1 8.2 (c ,8.4 , IMMEDIATELY CALL A POISON CONTROL CENTER, A PHYSICIAN OR ~HE ECOLAB 24-HOUR MEDICAL EMERGENCY NUMBER (1-800-328-0026) ~.U PROryECTIVE MEASURES / 9.1 CONCENTRATE: ~eSp'lratory: Avo1d breath1ng dusts or m1sts of th1S product. Eyes: Use chem1cal splash goggles. For contlnued or severe exposure wear a face sh1eld over the goggles. Sk1n: Rubber gloves - protect1ve cuff or gauntlet type preferred. 9.2 USE SOLUTIONS: Avo1d contact w1th use Solutlons. These may also be tlazarcious. 1U.U ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS / KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above 1nformatlon 1S bel1eved to be correct w1th respect to the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, standards and 'egulat1ons change, and cond1t1ons of use and handl1ng are beyond our bntrol, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETE~ESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. ( ( l- ( ECOLAB Ecolab Ino Ecolab Center St Paul Minnesota 55102 10909 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES ONLY (24 Hour Servlce) 1-800-328-0026 Medlcal Calls from Outslde of the USA: 1-651-222-5352 INSTIrUTIONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Center St. Paul MN 55102 Product Informatlon: 1-800-352-5326 Issue Date: August 22, 2000 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 1.1 1.2 1 3 [DENTIFICATION / I Product Name: OASI S . 25'5'-5F) \ \:7S1;~ L 3~ ot?) Oroduct Ty~e: LlqUld Glass Cleaner Concentrate qazard Ratlng: Health: 2 Flre: 2 Reactlvlty: o -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Substances SubJect to SARA 313 Reportlng Are Indlcated by "#" 2.0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / mg/m3 ) TWA 97 CAS No. % 111-76-2 9 (absorbed through skln) 1569-01-3 5-20 No No 1336-21-6 2 35* 17* *As Ammonla; ACGIH STEL = 24 141-43-5 1-5 6 7.5* *ACGIH STEL = 15 ~ 5 Amphoterlc and AnlonlC surfactants mlxture 1-5 No No (- )------------------------------------------------------------------------ l orEL = ACGIH short term expo Ilmlt (15 mln) PEL = OSHA 8 hr ave In alr TWA = ACGIH 8 hr average C = celllng Ilmlt In alr, do not exceed 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 (In PEL 240 * 2-Butoxyethanol (ethylene glycol monobutyl ether) Propylene glycol n-propyl ether ~* Ammonlum hydroxlde Ethan01amlne (MEA) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 Appearance: Clear blue llqUld; ammonla odor 3.2 Solublllty In Water: Mlxes wlth water In all proportlons 3.3 pH: 10.4 - 12.0 (100%) 3.4 Inltlal BOlllng POlnt: 212 deg F / 100 deg C 3.5 Speclflc Gravlty: 0.994 @ 68 deg F / 20 deg C -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Specla1 Flre Hazards. Combustlble llqUld; vapors released at or above the flash pOlnt may travel to 19n1tlon source and flash back. 4.2 Flre Flghtlng Methods: Use fog, foam, water spray, dry chemlcal, C02 4.3 Flash POlnt: 135-145 deg F / 57-63 deg C (TCC) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stablllty: Stable under normal condltlons of use and handllng. 5.2 Condltlons to AVOld: M1X only wlth water Do not mlX wlth aCld or chlorlne-contalnlng compounds, wlll cause reactlon or tOX1C vapors. Store In a cool dry place away from heat, sparks or open flame. --------------~----------------------------------------------------------- 6.0 6 1 6 2 (c SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Cleanup: Ellmlnate 19n1tlon sources. Contaln large spllls, soak up on lnert absorbent Flush resldue to sanltary sewer. Waste Dlsposal: Consult state/local authorltles for Ilmlts on chemlcal waste dlsposal. Date Received f/;1oM Planner AL Ecolab Center Sl Paul Minnesota 55102 (RF( -i~7VRD] : N 'l V ~C91'l,~~'),C I U I...' 1 LUUU ECOLAB i i~] ~( ( 909986 Page 2 of 2 Product' OASIS 255 SF INSTITTIrIONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE. 1-800-328-0026 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7.0 HE~LTH HAZARD DATA / WARNING 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: Eyes: Causes severe lrrltatlon or eye damage Skin: Causes lrrltatlon, posslbly severe. Prolonged contact may cause chemlcal burns. May be absorbed through skln. If Swallowed: Harmful. Large doses may damage Internal organs. If Inhaled: May damage resplratory tract dependlng on degree of exposure. Effects vary from Sllght lrrltatlon to bronchltls or pneumonla. People wlth lung problems may be more susceptlble 7.2 Note: In rats and mlce, heavy doses of 2-butoxyethanol damage red blood cells, WhlCh In turn can InJure the llver, kldney and spleen. These effects have not been observed In humans. 8.0 FIRST AID / 8 1 Eyes: Flush wlth cool runnlng water. Remove contact lenses and contlnue flushlng for 15 mlnutes. 8.2 Skin: Flush skln wlth water; wash wlth soap and water. Remove and wash contamlnated clothlng before reuse. .3 If Swallowed: Rlnse mouth; then drlnk 1 or 2 large glasses of water. DO NOT Induce vomltlng. NEVER gIve anythlng by mouth to an unconSClOUS person. 8 4 If Inhaled: Immedlately move to fresh alr. IF IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT PERSISTS, CALL A PHYSICIAN. , I C 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES / 9.1 FOR CONCENTRATE: Eyes: Wear chemlcal splash goggles. Skln: Wear any lndustrlal rubber glove. Resplratory: Ventllate to malntaln alr levels below exposure llmlts. AVOld breathlng mlsts or vapors of thlS product. 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / 10.1 Purpose of 8/22/2000 Issue: Formula change, assoclated edlts. Replaces October 11, 1999 lssue. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above Informatlon IS belleved to be correct with respect to the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, standards and regulatlons change, and condltlons of use and handllng are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE ,OMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. ( ( l~qq'LJ bOL~~O~U~O 12922 *MATE VOf.LvfVV kL SAFETY DATA SHEET* Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE 1-800-328-0026 Medlcal Calls from Outslde of the USA 612 292 4064 (USA) I, ( ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 'STITUTIONAL DIV , Ecolab Inc ~lab Ctr st Paul MN 55102 Product Informatlon 1-800-352-5326 Date of Issue May 13, 1993 1 1 Product Name 1 2 Product Type ;;i~~RE~~;:' sll;hwa~~~a{ ~C00lon) 1 0 IDENTIFICATION ----------------~------------------------------------------------------ ++ SARA 313 Toxlc Chemlcals, If Present, Are Preceded by "#" ++ 2 0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS j '" -2- 22 (mg/m3) PEL TWA No No 2 1 Sodlum carbonate (soda ash) 497-19-8 2 2 Thls product also contalns enzyme 2 3 Thls product contalns no other components consldered hazardous accordlng to the crlterla of 29 CFR 1910 1200 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- TWA = ACGIH 8 Hour Average In Alr PEL = OSHA 8 Hour Average In Alr 3 0 PHYSICAL DATA_/ 3 1 Appearance Llght blue solld, cltrus odor 3 2 Solublllty In Water Appreclable 3 3 pH 10 8-11 3 (1%) 4 0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / (1 1 Speclal Flre Hazards )2 Flre Flghtlng Methods None Product does not support combustlon 5 0 REACTIVITY DATA j 5 1 5 2 Stablllty Condltlons lndustrlal d.l.spenser Stable under normal condltlons of handllng to Avold No speclal requlrements, use standard practlces Use only In the approprlate Ecolab 6 0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES j USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6 1 Cleanup Flush area wlth water 6 2 Waste Dlsposal Consult state/local authorltles for llffilts on chemlcal waste dlsposal ( 'l Date Received, Planner AL >-1/ J" hotJ. / / 09/15/00 FRI 05 11 [TXlRX NO q334] 411002 lb441LJ b0iLLOwV~O vCJ,..........,vv " Product SILVER POWh~ INSTITUTIONAL DIV , Ecolab Inc MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE Page 2 of 2 961870 1-800-328-0026 ==================================================================~=== o HEALTH HAZARD DATA / CAUTION ( I 1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate The sol~d form of the product makes any exposure unl~kely ~n normal use The follow~ng appl~es to contact w~th solut~ons or res~dues of the product Sk~n and Eves Causes ~rr~tat~on and poss~ble sk~n rash If Swallowed Harmful Causes ~rr~tat~on, stomach d~stress 8 0 FIRST AID j 8 1 Eves Flush at once w~th cool runn~ng water Remove contact lenses Hold~ng eyel~ds apart, cont~nue flush~ng for 15 m~nutes 8 2 Skln Flush sk~n w~th cool water, then wash thoroughly w~th soap and water Wash contam~nated cloth~ng well before reuse 8 3 If Swallowed R~nse mouth, then dr~nk 1 or 2 large glasses of water DO NOT ~nduce vom~t~ng Never g~ve anyth~ng by mouth to an unconSC10US person IF IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT PERSISTS, CALL A PHYSICIAN 9 0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES I ( 9 1 Due to the sol~d form of SILVER POWER, no spec~al protect~on ~s necessary under normal use and cond~t~ons The follow~ng recommendat~ons may apply ~f contact w~th th~s product or ~ts solut~ons ~s l~kely Eves Eye protect~on ~s recommended Sk~n Rubber gloves are recommended ~n case of cont~nued contact w~th or ~mmers~on of hands ~n use solut~on ( 10 0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION/PRECAUTIONS / 10 1 Keep product dry Do not store ~n a wet or mo~st area 10 2 Purpose of 04/11/97 ~ssue Ed~tor~al changes KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above ~nformat~on ~s bel~eved to be correct w~th respect to the formula used to manufacture the product As data, standards and regulat~ons change, and cond~t~ons of use and handl~ng are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION \ ( 09/15/00 FRI 05 11 [TX/RX NO 9334] ~003 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET: USA MEDICAL EMERGENCIES ONLY (24 Hour Serv1ce): Medlcal Calls rrom Outslde or the USA: INSTI TUl'IONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Center St. Paul MN 55102 Product Inrormatlon: 1-800-352-5326 r ECOlNi Ecolab Inc lcolab Center ~ Paul, Minnesota 55102 10371 Page 1 or 2 1-800-328-0026 1-651-222-5352 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue Date' August 20, 2001 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 ITIENTIFICATION / ;' Product Name: ,SOLI'D'P0WER'J -LQ loom Q ~ L8cUJm) Product Type: Solld Hlgh Caustlc Warewash Detergent ~ Hazard Ratlng: Health: 3 Flre. 0 Reactlvlty: 1 Substances SubJect to SARA 313 Reportlng Are Indlcated by "#" HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / ( In PEL 2 No No mg/m3 ) TWA 2C No No Sod1um hydrox1de (caustlc soda) Sodlum carbonate (soda ash) Scdlum phosphate, trlbaslc CAS No. 1310-73-2 497-19-8 7758-29-4 41 5-20 27 % STEL = ACGIH short term expo llmlt (15 ffiln) PEL = OSHA 8 hr ave In alr TWA = pCGIH 8 hr average C = ce1llng llmlt In alr, do not exceed xc- ).0 3.1 3.2 3.3 PHYSICAL DATA / Appearance: Blue SOlld; no odor Solublllty 1n Water: Apprec1able pH: 12.0 - 13.0 (at 0.2%) 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Speclal Flre Hazards: None, does not support combustlon. 4.2 F1re Flghtlng Methods: Use method approprlate ror surroundlng rlre. Keep water rrom enterlng contalners, generates slgnlrlcant heat 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stablllty: Stable under normal condltlons or use and handllng. 5.2 Condltlons to AVOld: Reacts vlgorously wlth aClds. Reacts w1th sort metals l.e. alum1num or Zlnc, produclng rlammable hydrogen gas. 6 0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / WEAR PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 Cleanup and Dlsposal: Sweep up SOlld product. Rlnse area wlth water. Consult state/local authorltles ror llmlts on chemlcal waste dlsposal. ( Date Received Planner AL 'I/;f;5~~6 I / EC@U\B Ecolab Inc Ecolab Center St Paul, Minnesota 55102 , } ( 949008 Product: SOLID POWER INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE' Page 2 of 2 1-800-328-0026 ============================================================================ 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / DANGER 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: The SOlld form of th1S product makes exposure unl1kely 1n normal use. The follow1ng appl1es to contact wlth product Solutlons or resldues: Eyes: CAUSES CHEMICAL BURNS. May cause bllndness. ++ Immed1ate water flushlng IS v1tal In case of eye contact ++ Skln: CAUSES CHEMICAL BURNS. Harmful contact may not cause ImmedIate paln. If Swallowed: HARMFUL OR FATAL. Causes chemlcal burns of mouth throat and stomach. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.0 FIRST AID / 8.2 Eyes:. Flush at once w1th cool runnlng water. ,Remove,contac~ lenses and,contlnue flushlng for 15 mlnutes, holdlng eyellds apart so as to rin~e entlre eye. SEEK MEDICAL ATTENTION IMMEDIATELY. Skln: 'Immedlately flush skln wlth plenty of cool runnlng water for at least 15 mlnutes whlle removlng contamlnated clothlng and shoes. Dlscard or wash before reuse. ( If Swallowed: Rlnse mouth at once; then drlnk 1 or 2 large glasses (' of water. DO NOT Induce vom1tlng. NEVER glve anythlng by mouth to an unconSClOUS person. 8.1 8.3 IMMEDIATELY CALL THE MEDICAL EMERGENCY NUMBER, 1-800-328-0026, A POISON CONTROL CENTER, OR A PHYSICIAN -----------------------~---------------------------------------------------- 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES / 9.1 FOR CONCENTRATE: Due to the solld form of thlS product no protectlve equlpment should be needed under normal use condltlons. For exposure to concentrated Solutlons, the followlng measures are appllcable: Eyes: Wear chem1cal splash goggles. Skln: Wear any 1mperv1ous glove. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / 10.1 Purpose of 8/20/2001 1ssue: Add Ilne 1.2; QC and ed1torlal update. Replaces December II, 1998 Issue. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above Informatlon IS bel1eved to be correct w1th respect to the formula used to manufacture the product In the country of or1gln. As data, standards, and regulatlons change, and condlt1ons of use and handllng are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. ( ( ( ( ICOU\BS Ecolab Inc Ecolab Center St Paul, Minnesota 55102 1730 ] *MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET* Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 Medical Calls from Outside of the USA: 612 292 4064 (USA) INSTI7UTIONAL DIV., Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Ctr. St. Paul MN 55102 Product Information: 1-800-352-5326 Date of Issue: May 12, 1994 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 IDENTIFICATION / 1.1 Product Name: 1.2 Product Type: SOLI'TAI REJ Solid Hand DiSh Detergent 3 B01U_3 ++ SARA 313 Toxic Chemicals, If Present, Are Preceded by "I" ++ ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / (mg/m3) % PEL Other 2.1 Sodium dodecylbenzenesulfonate 25155-30-0 ~ None UNK 2.2 Sodium lauryl ether sulfate 9004-82-4 12 None UNK 2.3 ThiS product contains no other components considered hazardous according to the criteria of 29 CFR 1910.1200. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- (- UNK = Unknown at thiS time STEL = 15 Minute Average 3.U PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 Appearance: Pink SOlid; lemon odor. 3.2 Solubility in Water: Complete 3.3 pH: 1% = 7.5-9.0 PEL = OSHA 8 Hour Average C = Ceiling Limit; Do Not Exceed 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 S~eclal Fire Hazards: 4.2 Fire Fighting Methods: 5.U REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stability: Stable under normal conditions of handling. 5.2 Conditions to Avoid: Do not mlX with anything but water. None Product does not support combustion. 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES I USE PROPER PRuTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 Cleanup: Dl~e or dam large spills. Pump to containers or soak up on inert absorbent. Flush residue to sanitary sewer. 6.2 Waste Disposal; Consult state and local authorities for restrictions on disposal of chemical waste. (c Date Received r/; f. ~t?b Planner AL IF r-rom LJI<lna VVIIJ)<:c>r IU 11!....nl:u;:; Cl.-IVVI-I"'l.-I.:J '-'''''"''' ..,.....""-,, .....,.~.. ~ .. RECEIVED SEP 14 2000 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET BY PRODUCT IDENTIFICATIO"'1 URNEX URN & BREWER CLEAl\ER Cornmon Trade Name Manufacturer URNEX URN & BREWER CLEANER Royal Enlcrpnhe<:; Ine 170 Ludlow St Yonkers NY 10705 USA. I ""ne Date January 01 2000 Emergency Telephone number (914) 963-2042 Suppher As Above MSDS Prepared By Royal Enterpnses Ine Product Use Coffee EqU1pment (Brevnng storage or servmg) Cleaner II NGREDIENTS NAME LD 50 LD ,0 CAS l\JUMBER 1 Hazardous Per OSHA SDdmm Carbonate SDdmffi Silicate SDd11lffi TnpolyphDsphHte SDdium PerbDrate Dodecyl Benzene Sodium Sulfonate 4090 1153 6500 1200 1260 2300 NA 'fA NA NA 497-19-8 1344~09-8 7758~29-4 7775-29-4 25155-30-0 1 Haz.ardous as defined by OSHA Hazard Commumcal:1on Standard m 29 CFR 1910 1200 LD 50 value<:; are gIVen for Dral rat e:>"'Po<:;ure JJl rmlhgrams per lalDgram of body weIght and LC 50 values are gIven fDr JJ1.halooon by rats 1TI rrul.l1grams per CUbIC meter of HIT for 2 hour e:>"'PDsure * I >I NA means the data was not apphcable Df not av81lable as appropnate "-Items marked \'11th an dStensk are tOXlC cheJ111cals subject to the reportIng requrrement<:; of sectlOn 313 of the Emergency Planmng &.. Commuruty Rlght-To-Know Act of 1986 (40 CFR 372) The table below g,1ves the form, when apphcable and de mnurrus concentraUons Items are potentIally reportable only when present above the de ffilll1JTl1S concentral1on and 11 manufactured proce<:;sed or otherwISe used m the mmcated form CHEMICALIMETAL DE MINIMIS CONCENTRATION No SARA 313 Chenucals Present OccupatIonal Exposure Llffilts (TW A ill mg/m3 unless noted) CHEMICALIELE.MENT ACGIl-l TL V OSHA PEL OTHER None of the chenucals m tlu" nuxrure have estabhshed exposure mmts III PRODUCT PHYSICAL DAT A P ARM.1ETER DATA/DESCRIPTION PhYSICal Form & Appearance 'Nlute granular to crystllilme powder shg,ht alkalme odor Boiling PDmt ""Jot Apphcable AClthtyl A}kabroty Ph 12 a<:; a l%soluuon Water Solubility Soluble SpeCIfic Gravlty of Deruaty Bulk densIty 551bs Icu ft Meltmg PDmt/Freezmg Pomt Not Apphcable decomposes at}ugh temp Vapor DensIty "\fot Apphcable Date Received P1annei AL II/; fl,"'! / 1 09/14/00 THU 10 09 [TX/RX NO 9324] 1itJ003 SEP ~ Royal Enterprises, Inc. I www urnex cor'ky RECEIVF:D 14 2000 ( ) Dear URNEX@ clearung compound purchaser, bG;< Llrn~y- VCu0~i-S Enclosed you will fmd the MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET (MSDS) you have requested regardmg an URNEX@ product specially manufactured for cleanmg coffee or tea brewmg, storage or servmg eqUlpment Ail you read the MSDS please keep m mmd that the mformatlOn, as reqUired by law, IS mtended to Inform workels comIng In contact With the product of all pOSSible effects these chemicals rrught have when used as rntended and directed m the workplace SInce common chelTI1cals are used m these products they are lIsted by 0 S H A (along With thousands of other chelTI1ca1s) as "Hazardous" ThiS deSignatIOn does not mean that these products are conSidered "dangerous" The Intended and drrected use of our f1illshed products pose no danger to any worker wlu1e bemg used m regular maIntenance programs The quantity of the product that your employees or your customers would use In any gIven mamtenance task IS usually 1 oz of product or less ( \ The MSDS mforms workers concerned With mamtenance of eqUipment that" It IS highly recommended that the eqUipment bemg cleaned be attended by the person perforrnmg the procedure unb1 the enbre procedure IS completed, all solutIOn and reSidue IS disposed of, and the urut ready for reuse' We strongly suggest that t1u, recommendatIOn be followed to prevent any ml,haps ( Royal Enterpnses,!nc has been manufactunng URNEX@ for over fIfty years and IS confident that the products Will safely assist you In maIntaInmg eqUipment properly ill order to serve coffee or tea Just the way you mtended, Without the effects of reSidues and mmeral depOSits We would welcome any COIDlnents or suggestIOns you mIght have regardmg our products, servIce Of responses to your mquInes Ail the employees here at Royal Enterpnses!ne appreciate your busmes< Smcerely, T oseph M DIck PreSident 170 LudlowS!reet Yonkers, NY 10705 USA Tel (800) 222-2826 or (914) 963-2042 Fax (914) 963-21451 e-mail Info@urnexcom ( OQI14/00 THU 10 09 [TX/RX NO 9324J IiZJ002 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET: USA MEDICAL EMERGENCIES ONLY (24 Hour Servlce): Medlcal Calls from Outslde of the USA: INSTIT~IONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Center St. Paul MN 55102 produc t Informatlon: 1-800-352-5326 r -ECOUU! Ecolab Inc Eoolab Center S Paul, Minnesota 55102 14278 Page 1 of 2 1-800-328-0026 1-651-222-5352 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Issue Date: November 7, 2003 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 IJJE:NTIFICATION / 1 \ P rDduct Name: ,WA'SHFN'tWAT:.K ;NO!RI'NSE:::FLOOR CLEANER! \ bDlR..J0 C (,\ a1\'Ull ) PrDduct Type: LlqUld Enzymatlc Floor Cleaner and Degreaser concedtrate HClzard Ratlng: Health: 1 Flre: 0 Reactlvlty: 0 Substances SubJect to SARA 313 Reportlng Are Indicated by "I" 2 . 0 HA ZARDOUS COMPONENTS / 2.1 Etnanolamlne (MEA) CAS No. 141-43-5 (In mg/m3) % PEL TWA 1-5 6 7.5* *ACGIH STEL = 15 5-20 No No 5-20 No No and l1pase 2.2 Borlc aCld compound wlth 2-amlnoethanol 26038-87-9 2.3 Su rfactants mlxture 2.4 Also contalns <1% each of vlable bacterlal cultures enzyme proteln. ((~-~~-:-~~~~~-~h~~~-~~~~-~~~~-1~~~~-(15-~~~)-----~~~-:-;~~~-8-h~-;~~-~~-;~~-- _ rl = ACGlh 8 nr average C ~ celllng lImIt In alr, do not exceed ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 Appearance: Clear green llqUld; fresh and clean fragrance 3.2 Solublllty In Water: Mlxes wlth water ln all proportlons 3.3 pH: 9.0 - 10.5 (at 100%) 3.4 Inltla1 BOl11ng POlnt: 212 deg F / 100 deg C 3.5 Speclflc Gravlty: 1.050 @ 68 deg F / 20 deg C -------------------------------------~-------------------------------------- 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 4.2 Speclal Flre Hazards: Flre Flghtlng Methods: None, does not support combustion. Use method approprlate for surrounding flre. 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 Stablllty: Stable under normal condltlons of use and handllng. 5.2 Condltlons to AVOld: Reacts wlth aClds and soft metals l.e. alumlnum or zlnc, produclng flammable hydrogen gas. M1X only wlth water. Keep from freezlng. Mlxlng wlth strong aCld or alkallne materlal or oXldlzers may lnactlvate the enzyme. 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / 6.1 ( WEAR PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Cleanup: Dlke or dam large spllls. Pump to containers or soak up on lnert absorbent. Flush resldue or small spllls to sanltary sewer. Waste Dlsposal: Consult state/local authorlty for Ilmlts on chemlcal waste dlsposal. Date Received Planner AL 'it flh4l6 / , , ICOlAB Ecolab Inc Ecolab Center St Paul, Minnesota 55102 ,( 910179-01 Product: WASH N WALK NO-RINSE FLOOR CLEANER INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: 1-800-328-0026 Page 2 of 2 =~===================================~====================================== 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / CAUTION 7.2 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: Eyes: Causes mlnor to moderate lrrltatlon. Skln: Prolonged or repeated exposure may cause mlnor lrrltatlon. If Swallowed: May'cause stomach dlstress, nausea or vomltlng. Note: Chronlc exposure to enzymes can lead to allerglc sensltlzatlon, dependlng on exposure level, duratlon, and susceptlblllty. Subsequent exposure can cause resplratory allerglc react lon' In mlnutes to 24 hrs after exposure, wlth lrrltatlon, coughlng, or dlfflculty breathlng. 7.1 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8.0 FIRST AID / 8.1 Eyes: Flush wlth cool runnlng water. Remove contact lenses and contlnue flushlng for 15 mlnutes. 8.2 Skln: Flush skln wlth water; wash wlth soap and water. Remove and wash contamlnated clothlng before reuse. 8.3 If Swallowed: Rlnse mouth; then drlnk 1 or 2 large glasses of water. DO NOT lnduce vomltlng. NEVER glve anythlng by mouth to an unconSClOUS person. 3.4 If Inhaled: ImmedIately move ~o f~e5h alL. ( IF IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT PERSIST, CALL A PHYSICIAN ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES / 9.1 FOR CONCENTRATE: Eyes: If exposure lS antlclpated, eye protectlon recommended. Skln: For prolonged exposure, wear any lmpervlous glove. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / 10.1 Purpose of 11/7/2003 lssue: ReVlse health hazard data. Replaces September 19, 2003 lSSUe. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above lnformatlon lS belleved to be correct wlth respect to the formula used to manufacture the product In the country of orlgln. As data, standards, and regulatlons change, and condltlons of use and handl1ng are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. ( ( Front Desk ( ( Date Received Planner AL "Tl ~ o ::J - o ro (f) x f!lthptJb / / terml Safety Data Sheet HMIS SYMBOL '''~"' I'J bllUslldtocomplywllh )fl.AMMABIUTY ,4 A s Hazard CommuruC<lUon SLand...rd I Af..AC;TMlY 10 ------- ~ ct MABC-660DOR,NEUTRALIZER- \ ::tion 1- <-./' / GENERAL INFORMATION POBoX927 MId Am"rlcan Research Chemical Corp Columbu"NEtiBti02.{)927 I T8tsphon..N<> 0"'8 HAZARDOUS INGREDIENTS/IDENTITY INFORMATION %(OpUonal) 'lion II- tillS Component oroPVI Alcohol tlon 111- _n "Olmml1l1) V (Nt_1) II..t", Iplete I>IldQd", scented liquId tlOn IV- CAS Number 67630 Sp""f'o&svl\y(H20~1) ..",unll..""n' ~VsP""'"OIl Kat" (6ulyl,o,oets,.~l) FIRE AND EXPLOSION HAZARD DATA nru,."""oo..Ij 60 (feC) Dry chemical alcohol type foam Cool exposed contamer 1M.... F1gtlhnIlProoedu"," S/1d&pI",,'<><lHo=d. None NolApphcabla ~ Not Oetermlned Page 1 ,~~ SEflIOUS MonEAATE/~ SUGl-/T , MjNIM,o,L " (402)5647104 12 05-00 w...._n HMIS :1 botl ~ ~ --- NFPA ~/ LKTf.EME HIGH MOo~AAT~ SUGHT IN~ICNIHCANT FuN" romul_ Exposure TLV(Units) 400 ppm NFPA SYMBOL ,~~~-"" (402)5631290 Trade::.ecret 0988 NIA <, (Conlmuedon RevsrseSlds) ~3~(J~ ') MARC 66 Section V - St~~IIlt'f 1~'otI. 1- REACTIVITY DATA lr",omp"tobllltv x I~O!1ctIUOOS\()P,~Ctl Stronq oXldlzmq aqents PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHARACTERISTICS 1212 IN/O N/A MIA (fAaleJisl.10 AvoidJ H"""dou>Ocornp""U""..-Ccrnbu.b""ayp'oduoI. Carbon OXides NIA llrunrdou. I.......... P<>l\'l'Jl"""'~on I WI" ...... I xjC;OIldIUon.loA....d Section VI. HEALTH HAZARD DATA I\oUlB( )<>lEnl<y Inloleti<><l 11?Clj Skin Ilxll HnallhHozonh (Acur..sroChmn.cj Irntahon Ingenen Ix ~ CarC.r>oR....lolty 1II1 OSH,o,R9a",.loo n tARC u<><la~",ph.11 ~ m, SIIfI1'S/1~Symplom'Qtov"""'Posur" IrritatIon M<<II<zIConI1Won, G""eral[y A09rauied bV Expooure Derma1Jtls Em"llonoy""d."'tN~Pmc<<lur.. Eyes and Skin Flush well With WOller Inqest10n Call phYSICian Immediately DO NOT Induce vomlllng Excessive Inhalation Get fresh air Section VII ~ PRECAUTIONS FOR SAFE HANDLING AND USE SI~.tOb..Tekl!l1lnCe.'ol.l.ierillll.Rei"".erlorSprIlBd Soak up on solid absorbent or flush area well WIth water W...,..o"p",slMelhcd In accordance Wll~ .l1~vernmellt regulations f'r"""U~OJ1' te b.. Tel<"" In Hsndllng ""d Btoony DO NOT T AleE INTERNALLY Keep away from heat sparks and open flames OIl1"'p,"""UU"''' KEEP OUT OF REACH Of CN/WREN! CAREFULLY READ ENTIRe: LABEL BEFORE USE' Section VIII - CONTROL MEASURES R""p~al"'VP""=tiOll (Speolly Ty""J AVOId prololl!:jed breaUllnq of vapors In verv confmed areas ~I IM._,~ ,,""",.) n V..,IillMi"" IlooalE<ho.w'l IOlh..- P,oteUV9G1"".. Rubber 1 Ey~ p",t""~",, Goq(Jles If necessary Olh<'lP'olecllvoCloth!ng",EqLlpm<nl WmkjllyglBnloPr=UeB WhUe the Informatlon contaIned h..reln l~ believed to be correct no warranlles are mad.. wllh wsp"ct therelo and allllablltly Irom reliance th..reon Is disclaimed Page 2 . r~Rc;FT\)~D JUi'! 2 ( 2002 BY: --~- -~ '- "- ___ r, - ',- ~ ' ",. ~ '"0 (I) >_\ (jj<!' U (I)... a: 21 (]) c: 1OJ.O OD ( --\ MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 2 MEDICAL EMERGENCIES ONLY ~24 Hour ServIce): 1-800-328-0026 MedIcal Calls from OutsIde of the USA: 1-651-222-5352 INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. jl Ecolab Center St. Paul MN ~5102 :~~~~::_:~~~~~atlon:__:=~~O-~~~=~~~~__J_____:~~~~_~~:~:_~~~~~:_~~~_~~~~___ --------------=====-------==---------------------------------------------- ( 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Date! I ,ecelved ~ 1/ Y!z,<i{J{, Planner AL 'I ECOIJ\B \bDtRL C320?=-) Ecolab Inc Ecolab Center 5t Paul, Minnesota 55102 10909 IDENTIFICATION / _ ___-"'_~-=::::::--- / Product Name,:/OASI-S;''255- SF~- Product TYI?E!-:--L-lqU-rd-Grass Cleaner Concentrate Hazard RatIng: Health: 2 FIre: 2 ReactIvIty: o -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Substances SubJect to SARA 313 ReportIng Are IndIcated by "#" -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.0 t 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 )2.5 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / ~ 2-Butoxyethanol (ethylene glycol monobutyl ether) Propylene glycol n-propyl ether #* AmmonIum hydroxIde EthanolamIne (MEA) (In PEL 240 mg/m3) TWA 97 CAS No. % 111-76-2 9 (absorbed through skIn) 1569-01-3 5-20 No 1336-21-6 2 35* *As AmmonIa; ACGIH STEL 141-43-5 1-5 6 *ACGIH STEL 1-5 No No_ 17* = 24 7.5* = 15 No AmphoterIc and AnIonIc surfactants mIxture -------------------------------------------------------------------------- STEL = ACGIH short term expo lImIt (15 mln) PEL = OSHA 8 hr ave In aIr TWA = ACGIH 8 hr average C = ceIlIng lImIt In aIr, do not exceed -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3.1 Appearance: Clear blue liquid; ammonIa odor 3.2 SolubIlIty In Water: MIxes wIth water In all proportIons 3.3 pH: 10.4 - 12.0 (100%) 3.4 InItIal BOllIng POInt: 212 deg F / 100 deg C 3.5 SpecIfIc GravIty: 0.994 @ 68 deg F / 20 deg C -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 SpecIal FIre Hazards: CombustIble lIquId; vapors released at or above the flash pOInt may travel to IgnItIon source and flash back. 4.2 FIre FIghtIng Methods: Use fog, foam, water spray, dry chemIcal, C02. 4.3 Flash POInt: 135-145 deg F / 57-63 deg C (TCC) -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 StabIlIty: Stable under normal condItIons of use and handlln9' 5.2 CondItIons to AvoId: MIx only wIth water. Do not mix wIth aCId or chlorIne-contaInIng compounds, wIll cause reactIon or tOX1C vapors. Store In a cool dry place away from heat, sparks or open flame. (c -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.0 6.1 6.2 I SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT Cleanup: ElImInate IgnItIon sources. ContaIn large spIlls, soak up on Inert absorbent. Flush resIdue to sanltar~ sewer. Waste DIsposal: Consult state/local authorltles for lImIts on chemIcal waste dIsposal. ( Ecolab Center 8t Paul, Minnesota 55102 IIREC~JVED "0 \' Ijqll'J,b Inc I 1\, ~ 1 L3GB t~~,c_ - --- ~--- ECOIAB 909986 Product: OASIS 255,S~ INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. MEDICAL EMERGENCY ONLY, 24 HOUR SERVICE: Page 2 of 2 1-800-328-0026 ========================================================================== 7.0 HEALTH HAZARD DATA / WARNING 7.1 Effects of Overexposure to Concentrate: Eyes: Causes severe lrrltatlon or eye damage. Skln: Causes lrrltatlon, posslbly severe. Prolonged contact may cause chemlcal burns. May be absorbed through skln. If Swallowed: riarmful. Large doses may damage lnternal organs. If Inhaled: May damage resplratory tract dependlng on degree of exposure. Effects vary from Sllght lrrltatlon to bronchltls or pneumonla. People wlth lung problems may be more susceptlble. 7.2 Note: In rats and mlce, heavy doses of 2-butoxyethanol damage red blood cells, WhlCh ln turn can lnJure the Ilver, kldney and spleen. These effects have not been observed ln humans. ' ______________________________________________________------------______1 ( 8.0 FIRSTAID/ ' 8.4 Eyes: Flush wlth cool runnlng water. Remove contact lenses and contlnue flushlng for 15 mlnutes. Skln: Flush skln wlth water; wash wlth soap and water. Remove and wash contaminated clothlng before reuse. If Swallowed: Rlnse mouth; then drlnk 1 or 2 large glasses of water. DO NOT lnduce vomltlng. NEVER glve anythlng by mouth to an unconSClOUS person. If Inhaled: Immedlately move to fresh alr. IF IRRITATION OR DISCOMFORT PERSISTS, CALL A PHYSICIAN. 8.1 8.2 !3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9.0 PROTECTIVE MEASURES / 9.1 FOR CONCENTRATE: Eyes: Wear chemlcal splash goggles. Skln: Wear any lndustrlal rubber glove. Resplratory: Ventllate to malntaln alr levels below exposure Ilmlts. AVOld breathlng ffilStS or vapors of thlS product. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10.0 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION / 10.1 Purpose of 8/22/2000 lssue: Formula change, assoclated edlts. Replaces October 11, 1999 issue. KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN The above lnformatlon lS belleved to be correct wlth respect to the formula used to manufacture the product. As data, standards and regulatlons change, and conditlons of use and handllng are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION. I Ie "'''RIAL SAF"Y Dm SHEET, "SA (" MEDICAL EMERGENCIES ONLY (24 Hout, Sel'vioe) , Med:Loal Calls from Outude of the USA, INSTrTUTIONAL DIVISION Eoolab Ino \ ECClllb Center st, Paul MN 55102 \ " Pr.odlot Information' 1-800-352-5326 IsSUe\lIate' Ootober 31, 2001 }' ==================================================c========================= 1 () IDENTIFICATION / __ - - --- --______ -----, "" 1 1 Produot Name' (OASIS '270' UP' N'" AWAY FABRIC opon, ELfMINATOR / 1. 2 Product Type, t':1.~u;Ld_l:'jlj;),,:L~_Osl_~r_!i'~ut;:ah~ef'_ ~_ -- - ---- 1 3 Hazard Rating' Health' 1 Fire' 0 Reaotivity' 0 1 but1t(32 O~~ 1:35; 6 Page 1 of 2 1-800-328-0026 1-651-222-5352 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Substanoes Subjeot to SARA 313 Reporting ArB Indioated by "#" 2 0 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / CAS Ho. % mixture 1-5 13040-111-2 * *approximate1y 64-1"-5 1-5 (in mg/m3) PEL TWA No No No No 1%, as zinc 1900 1860 2 1 2, 2 2, 3 Amphoterio and Anionio surfaotants # Z:Lnc salt of 12-hydroxy-9-0otadeoanoio acid Ethanol (ethyl alcohol) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEL" OSHA 8 hour average :Ln a:Lr TWA " ACG H 8 hour average :Ln a:Lr -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- 3, 0 PHYSICAL DATA / 3, 1 Appearance. Clear pale yellow l:LquJ.d, fresh fragrance 3 2 Solubility in Water' Mixes with water in all proportions 3 3 pH, 7.3 - 6,2 (at 100%), 7,2 - 6.3 (at 10%) 3.4 Initial Boiling Point' 212 deg F / 100 deg C 3.5 SpecJ.f:Lc Grav:Lty. 1.095 @ 66 deg F /20 deg c: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 SpecJ.al F:Lre Hazards, May flash, but does noi support cornbust:Lon, 4.2 Fire Fighting Methods' Use method appropriat.. for surrounding fire 4.3 Flash PO:Lnt. Product does not flash to bO:L1J.llg pOJ.nt, -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------- 5.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 5.1 5.2 Stab:Ll:Lty. Conditions freez:Lng, Stable under normal cond:Lt:Lons of use to Avoid: Hig-h temperatures, ignition MJ.x only w:Lth water as d:Lrected, and handling, souroes Keep from ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6.0 SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / WEAR PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT 6.1 Cleanup, DJ.ke or dam large spJ.lls, Pump to oonta:Lners or soak up on inert absorbent Flush residue or small spills to sanitary sewer. 6,2 Waste Disposal, Consult state/local authorJ.t~r for l:Lm:Lts on chem:Lcal waste disposal Date Received Planner AL L//;j/;,,( , ( Housekeeping Department ( '- I o c (f) CD ^ CD CD "D :J co o CD "D OJ ::l. 3 CD :J ( Date Received 1/ /;? ;;~t __ Planner AL /j In case of contact Immediately flush eyes with cool runmng water Remove conlact lenses and con!lnue flushIng With plenty of water for at least 15 minutes Get medIcal attentIOn If IrntatlOn persists Rinse with plenty of running waler Get medical attention If Imtallon develops Wash clothing before reuse If Inhaled remove to fresh air Do NOT mduce vomlllng unless directed to do SD by medical personnel Never give anythmg by mouth 10 an unconscIous person If potentIally dangerous quantities of thiS matenal have been swallowed call a physIcIan Immediately r- \ Material Safety Data Sheet ANTIBACTERIAL CLEAN & SMOOTH 'tlon 1 Chem'9!Lproduct-and.compaR~~ntlflcatlon r : A~~~~RIAl CLEAN & SMGe'f..:!!J"\ ~kIR.Gleaner -- "--- Ecolab Inc Institutional DIvIsion 370 N Wabasha Street St Paul MN 55102 1 800 352 5326 924027 08-December-2005 EMERGENCY HEALTH INFORMATION 1 800-328 0026 OutsIde Umted States and Canada CAll 1-651 222 5352 (m USA) 'name lcl use her 3 )fls tlon 2 CompOSItIon, information on ingredients C aCid mona-c10 16-alkyl esters l)odlum salts opyranose oligomenc c10-16 alkyl glycosldes y:y 1 2 ethanedlyl) alpha sulfa- omega hydroxy c10 16 alkyl ethers sodium fAS number 68585477 11061547 9 68585342 n chlonde 7647145 tlon 3 Hazards Idenllflcatlon alstate lency 'w liqUid (Gel) CAUTIONI MAY CAUSE EYE IRRITATION Repeated or prolonged contact with !mlants may cause dermatitis AVOid conlact With eyes ml acute health effects Moderately Imtatlng to eyes Slightly Irntallng to the skin Ion Slightly Imtallng to the respiratory system on No known slgnrflcant effects or cntlcal haz.ards {ICO I mfonnatlOn (section 11) tlon" FIrst aId measures Intact )ntact ,on Ion Ion 5. FIre flghtmg measures >OInt ts of combustion Ihtmg media and lions > 100"C These prod~Is are halogenated compounds hydrogen chlOride Use an extingUishing agent SUitable for the surrounding lire Dike area ot fire to prevent runoff No speCifiC hazard '-' , , 1- f'. ECeJ!Jl\B" I ANTIBACTERIAL CLEAN & SMOOTH Page 2/3 Special protectIve equIpment Fire fighters should wear appropnate protective equipment and self contained for fIre-fIghters breathing apparatus (SCBA) With a full faceplece operated In pOSitive pressure mode I SectIon 6 ACCIdental release measures Personal precautmns Ventilate area of leak or spill Do not touch damaged containers or spilled matenal unless wearing appropnale proleclw8 eQwpment (Section 8) Stop leak If Without risk Prevent entry Into sewers water courses oasements or confined areas AVOid dlspersdl of spilled matenal and runall and contacl With SOil waterways drains and sewers If emergency personnel are unavailable contain spilled matenal For small spIlls add absorbent (Sail may be used In the absence of other SUitable malenals) scoop up malerlal and place In a sealable liqUid proof container for dlsposar For large spills dike spilled matenal or otherwise contain malenal to ensure runoff does not reach a waterway Place spilled matenal In an appropnate container lor disposal I SectIOn 7 Handling and storage Environmental precautIOns Methods for cleaning up %bvWC!(11:!! 15 15 15 Handlmg Storage 5 AVOld contact With eyes Keep out ollhe reach of children Keep contamer lightly closed Keep container In a cool well ven!llated area Do not store above SooC I SectIon 8 Exposure controls, personal protection Englneermg Good general venulallon should be suffICient \0 control airborne levels conlrols .Persnnal orotectlon Eyes Eye protection recommended Hands No proteclive equipment IS needed under normal use conditions Skm No protective eqUipment IS needed under normal use conditions Respiratory No protective equipment IS needed under nonnal use conditions Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits ISectlon 9 PhYSical and chemical propertIes Physical state liqUid (Gel) Color Blue Odor Sweetish pH 65(100%) SpeCifiC gravity 1 04 (Water", 1) I Section 1 0 Stability and reactIvIty StabIlity Hazardous decompositIOn products The produc! IS slable These products are !lalogenated compounds llydrogen chlonde ISectlon 11 TOXIcologIcal information Potentml acute heallh effects Eyes Moderately Imtallng to eyes Skm Slighlly Irntatmg to the skin Inhala!lon Slightly antatlng 10 the respiratory system Ingestion No known 'llgmllcant effects or cntlcal hazards -u-- - ---- ~ -~ ~ '"", ~ ':;i::, l -0 (J.l >...J ai<{ '-' (J.l v - ~ (J.l c: $!ic: <1l<1l 00.. J ~CTERfAL CLEAN & SMOOTH Page 3/3 1 J I ts of degradatton Ion 12 Ecological information These products are carbon oXldps (CO CO~l and water halogerldted compounds Some metallic OXides J Ion 13 Disposal considerations disposal The generallon of waste should be avoided or minimIzed wherever possible Avoid dispersal of spilled malenal and runoff and contact with soil waterways drains and sewers DIsposal 01 fhls product solutions and any by products should at all times comply with fhe requirements 01 environmental protection and waste disposal legISlation and any regional local aulhorlty reqUirements It y( calor regIOnal authontles .010 .4 Transport information ::1 UN number Proper shipping name Class Nol I""[regulated JES ONLY DURING ROAD TRANSPORT lanatlOn of the shipping descnpllon based on the packaging IS not addressed Packing group Addillonal Information laSSlficatlon lion 15 Regulatory informatIOn --I ~deral regulations a{b) Inventory rom Prop 65 Irntatlng malenal Target organ effects SARA 3021304/311/312 extremely hazardous substances None SARA 302/304 emergency plannmg and noliflcatlon None All matenals are fisted or exempt No products were found dousMaterlal JatlOn System (U S A..) tlon 16 Other information Reactlvrty A Personal protection i8 DeCember :.!UU~ Regulatory Aff81rs No prevIous validation )flSSue )nslble name )f prevIous Issue etoreader bove mformatlOn IS beheved to be correct WIth respect to the formula used to manufacture the product country of ongln As data standards and regulatIOns change and conditions of use and handling are \d our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPUED 15 MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR INUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION Material Safejy-9a!a..Sheet EC~B' (LEMONL~_ q bot1~S(3FO?) ectlon 1 Chemical prodiJcnmdcompany Identification lEMON LIFT Cleaning product Ecolab Inc InstitutIonal DIvIsion 370 N Wabasha Street 51 Paul MN 55102 1 800-352 5326 912485 07~November~2005 EMERGENCY HEALTH INFORMATION 180()..328-0026 Outside Umted States and Canada CALL 1-651 222~5J52 (rn USA) s:de name oductuse rppller do leof." lctlon 2 Composition, information on ingredients no ~mhypochJonte tanesulfomc aCid sodium san CAS number Yo bv we,nht 7681529 :> 5324845 1 5 'ctlon 3 Hazards IdentIficatIon J ,real state rgem:y vIew Liquid (LiqUid) WARNING I CAUSES SEVERE EYE AND SKIN IRRITATION Untreated contact may cause severe ImtatlOn or chemica! bums HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED CAUSFS RESPJRATORYTRACT IRRITATION 00 nollngost Do no! gel In eyes an skin or clothmg AVOid breathing vapor or ml<;t Keep container closed Use only WIth adequate venllJallon Wa<;h thoroughly aftprhandllng ltlal acute hp.alth effer.ts - Severely Irntalmg to eyes Untreated contact may cause chemical burns Severely Imlatlng to the skin Untreatpd contact may cause severe Irrllatlon or chemical bums Irntatlng to respiratory syslem Harmful jf swallowed May cause bums to mouth throat and stomach II mformallon (sectIOn 11) ttlon '00 )XIC( tlon 4 First aid measures ontact In case 01 contact Immediately flush eyes with coot running water Remove conlact lenses and continue flushmg WIth plenty of water for alle8st15 minutes Get medical attention Immediately tn case of contact Immedmtefy flush skin With plenty of water for alleasl 15 minutes while removmg contaminated clothing and shoes Wash clothing before reuse Clean shoes thoroughly before reuse Get medical atlentlon Immediately II Inhaled remove 10 fresh air If not breathing give artifiCial respiration If breatJllng IS difficult give oxygen Get medical atlentlon Rinse mouth then dnnk one or two large glasses of waler Do not Induce vomitIng NeVel gIVe anythIng by mouth \0 an unconscIous person Gel medical attention Immediately ontact tlOn .00 'LEMON LIFT -~ -- -~- Page 2/4 ] ----J [Section 5 Fire fIghting measures Flash pOInt Products of combustIOn FIre-fIghting media and InstructIons > 1000C These products are halogenated compounds hydrogpn chlOride Use an exlmgurshfng agent sUllable for the surrounding fIre SpeCial protectIVe equIpment for fire-fighters Dike area of lire 10 prevent IlJnoff No speCifiC hazard Fire fighters should wear appropnale profertlve equipment and self-contained breathing apparatus {SeGAl Wllh a lull faceplece operated In poslllVe pressure mode Personal precautIOns jSectlon 6 ACCidental release measures EnVironmental precautions Methods for cleamng up Venlllate area of leak or spill Do not totJch damaged containers or spilled malenal unless weanng appropnate protective equIpment (Section 8) Stop leak If Wllhoul fisk Prevent entry Into sewers water courses basemenls or conllned areas AVOid dIspersal of sprlled matenal and runoff and contact With SOil walerways drains and sewers If emergency personnel are unavailable contain spilled matenal For small spills add absorbent (5011 may be used 1[1 the absence 01 other sUllable malenals) scoop up matena! and place In a sealable liqUId proof container for disposal For large spills dike spIlled matenal or otheflNlse contain matenallo ensure IlJnoff does not reach a watervvay Place spilled matenal In an appropnafe container for disposal Handlmg ISecllon 7 Handling and storage Storage Do nollngest Do nol get In eyes on SkU1 or on clothing Kepp container closed Use only With adequate venWalion AVOId breathing vapor or mist Wash thoroughly after handling Keep out of tl1e reach of children Keep cOnl,'lIner llghlly closed Keep cOntalnPf In a cool wet! ventilated area Do not store above 5D C Engtneermg control<; I Section 8 Exposure controls, personal protectIon ProVide exhaust ventilation or other engineering controls to keep the airborne concentrallons of vapors below their respecflve OCcupatronal expo~ure limits When workrnq WIth concentrate have eyewash available ~r!':nl1a] nrntp.ctlnn Eyes Use chemIcal splash goggles For continued or severe exposure wear a face shield over Ihe goggles Hands Use chemical resistant ImperviOUS gloves Slun Use SUitable protecllVe eqUipment RespIratory AVOid breathing vapor or mist Consult local authontles for acceptable exposure hmlts I Section 9 PhYSical state Color Odor pH BOIlIng/condensation point SpeCIfic gravity PhYSical and chemical properties Liquid (LIqUId) Amber citrus 128(100%) 100 C 1 047 (Water 0, 1) ~ 0, '" ~ -, ' S:: -:,:::. 'C OJ >_\ ii.i<{ u a> G:: "- OJ t:: cDc:: C5~ ':J 0_ Page 3/4 \ LEMON LIFT ISectlon 16. Other informatIon Hazardous Matenal Information System (U 5 A.) Page 414 I I lUFf lous decomposition ", The product]S stable Extremely reactNs or Incompatible 'Nlth aCids Mlxtng thiS product with aCid or ammonia releases chlorine gas These products are halogenated compounds hydrogen chlonde chlorine o B Ion 10 Stability and reactIvIty Y ,rty tlon 11 Toxicological information Date of Issue Responsible name Date of prevIous Issue NotrcE'! to read",!: The above mformatlon Is believed Lo be correct With respect to the formula used to manufacture the product In the country of ongm As data standards and regulalloll5 change, and conditions of use and handling are beyond our control NO WARRANTY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION Reacl1Vlty I Personal ~rotectlon 07~NovembCr-2DO~ Regulatory Affairs No prevIOUs validation lal 'lcute hP.a1th P.ffe<;ts severely Irritating to eyes Untreated contact may cause cllemlwl bums Severely Irritating to tile skin Untreated contact may cause severe Imtatlon or cllemlcal bums lmtaling to respiratory system Harmful If swallowed May cau<.e burns 10 mouth throat and stomach Contains matenal which I::auses damage to the followmg organs upper respiratory tract skin eye lens or cornea ~tlon tlon llC effects on '"' tlon 12 EcologIcal information These products are carbon oxides (CO C02) and wdter su\lur OXides (S02 SOa ) halogenated compoundS Some meldJlrc OXides J lets of degradation tlOn 13 DIsposal conSiderations The generallon of wasle should be aVOided or minimized wherever pOSSible AVOid dIspersal of spilled material and runoff and contact 'Nlth SOil waterways drams and sewers Disposal ot tillS proDuct solutions and any by products should at all times comply with the reqUlrements of erwlronmental protel::!Jon and waste disposal legIslation and any regiOnal local authority reqlllrements Unused product IS 0002 (CorrosIve) , disposal Iflcatlon ult your local or regional authontles :tlon 14 Transport information J 1 ~., Corrosive liqUid baSIC I B IlnorgalllC nos (sodium I hypochlonte Sodium hydroXide) , Packm9 I group 1m Additional mformatlon I - ~~-~j .Iory UN number Proper shlppmg name Class .hon U N3266 11Jmlted Quantltv IYes , I SDeClallJrOVISlons 1183 T7 TP1 TP28 PUES ONLY DURING ROAD TRANSPORT y vandtlon of the shipping descnptlon based on the packagl.:'9 IS not addressed ctlon 15 Regulatory informatIon J ClaSSification Corrosive materral Target organ effects SARA 3021304/3111312 extremely hazardous substances None SARA 302/304 emergency ptanmng and notlllcallon None Atl mateflalS are \lsted or exempt No products were found Federal regutatlons A 8(b) Inventory Iforma Prop 65 Trade name Product use Supplier 1.>".e of Issue Page , ""1 ., 214-1 ~;_ I':-:::: j~.... --- - ---- I STAIN BLASTER A I SectIon 5 Fire flghtmg measures Flash pOint Flre-flghtmg media and Instructions 433333 oC (Closed cup) In case 01 lire use water spray (fog) foam dry chemical or CO., u (!) "'..J ep<t' '.) CD ~ci3 (jjC ~C tIllY 0,., Material Safe'!y_Daiq-Slleet I5COIlAS" [STAIN BLASTER ~- \ ? p)(S I SectIon 1 Chemlcal-prodUCI'and company IdentIficatIon STAIN BLASTER A Spot and stain remover Ecolab Inc Institutional DIVIsion 370 N Wabasha Street St Paul MN 55102 1 BOO 352 5326 910704 14-JanuarY-2005 EMERGENCY HEALTH INFORMATION 1 800-328-0026 OutSIde Umted States and Canada CALL 1 651.222-5352 (m USA) Dike area of fire to prevent runoff Combustible liqUid and vapor Vapor may cause flash fire Vapors may accumulate In low or confined areas or travel a considerable distance to a source of Ignition and !lash back Runoff to sewer may create fire or explOSion hazard FIre fighters should wear appropnate protective equipment and sell contained breatrllng apparatus (SCBA) WIth a lull lace piece operated In pOSitive pressure mode Special protective equipment forfire-flgtrters Personal precautIOns ISectlon 6 ACCidental release measures Immediately contact emergency personnel Ehminate alllgnrtlon sources Keep unnecessary personnel away Use SUitable protectIVe equipment (section B) Do not touch or walk through spilled malenal AVOid dispersal of spined matenal and runoff and conlacl Wllh sO/! waterways drams and sewers II emergency personnel are unavaltable contain spilled matenal For small spills add absorbent (SOil may be used In the absence 01 other SUitable matenals) and use a non sparl(lng or explOSion prool means to transfer malenallo a sealable appropriate contamer lor disposal For large spIlls dike spilled matenal or otherwise contain It to ensure runoff does not reach a waterway Place spilled matenalln an appropnate container lor disposal - I Section 7 Handlmg and storage ISectlon 2 CompOSitIOn, mformatIon on mgredlents EnVIronmental precautions Methods for cleaning up Name benzenesulfomc aCid dodecyl compd With '2 2 2 mtnlotnethanol propan 2-01 glycerin tnpropylene glycol monomethyl ether alcohols c12 16 ethoxylated sodium metablsulphlte a amylase CAS number 2732341 7 67630 56815 25498 49 1 68551122 7681574 9000 90 2 % bv welQht 10 4 5 20 15 15 15 <10 -_____J Handhng I Section 3 Hazards Identification MAY CAUSE ALLERGIC RESPIRATORY REACTION COMBUSTIBLE LIQUID AND VAPOR VAPOR MAY CAUSE FLASH FIRE MAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWED MAY CAUSE RESP\RATORYTRACT AND EYE IRRITAT\ON Repeated or prolonged contact With Irntants may cause dermatltls Do not ingest Do not get on skin or clothing Do not breathe vapor or mISt Keep away from heat sparks and Ilame Keep container closed Use only with adequate ventilation Wash thoroughly after handling Potentnl acute health effeC~ Eyes Moderately Irntatlng to eyes Skm Slightly Irntatlng to the skin Inhalatton Moderately Imlatlng to the respiratory system May cause senslllzatlon by InhalatIOn Contains an Ingredient that can cause asthmatiC like reactions In sulfite senSitive individuals IngestIOn Irntatlng to mouth throal and stomach Contains an ingredient that can cause asthmatiC like reactions In sulfIte senSltlvemdlVlduals See tOlucologlcal mformatlOn (section 11) I Section 4 First aId measures PhYSical state Emergency overview Eye contact Skin contact Inhalation IngestIOn lIqUid (LiqUid) Caullonl Storage [Section 8 EngineerIng controls f'erson<'ll orotectLoll Eyes Hands Skm Resptratory Name glycenn Do not Ingest AVOid contact With eyes Keep container closed Use only With adequate venlllatlon Do not breathe vapor or mist Keep away from heat sparks and flame To aVOid ltre elimInate Ignition sources Wash thoroughly after handling Keep out 01 the reach of children Store In a segregated and approved area Keep container In a cool well ventilated area Keep container tlghlly closed and sealed until ready lor use AVOid all possible sources of IgmtlOn (spark or flame) Do not store above 50~C Exposure controls, personal protection I J ProVide exhaust ventllatJon or otller englneenng controls to keep the airborne concentrations 01 vapors below their respectIVe occupatJonal exposure I1mtls In case of contact Immediately Ilush eyes With cool running water Remove contact lenses and continue flushing With plenty of water lor at least 15 minutes Get medical attention II Irntahon persists Wash Wllh soap and water Get medical attentIOn If lmlatlon develops Wash clothing before reuse If mhaled remove to fresh air II not breathing give artifiCial respiration II breathmg IS difficult 9",e oxygen Gel medical attention Rinse mouth then dnnk one or two large glasses of water Do not induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel Never give anything by mouth to an unconscIous person Gpt medical attention Immediately propan 2 01 sodium metabJsulphlte Eye protectIOn recommended For prolonged or repealed handling use ImperviOus gloves No protective eqUipment IS needed under normal use conditions AVOid breathing vapor or mist Exno!:lure hmlts ACGIH TLV (Umted States 9/2004) Notes InhalablefractlOn See AppendiX C, paragraph A Inhalable Particulate Mass TLVs (IPM-TLVs) for those matenals that are hazardous when deposited anywhere In the respiratory tract TWA 10 mg/m' B hour!hours Form Mist OSHA PEL (United States, 6/1993) TW A 5 mg/rn' B hour/hours Form RespIrable fraction TWA 15 mglm' 8 hour!hours Form Total dust ACGIH TLV (Umted states 112004) Notes ACGI1-I2003 Adoption Refers to AppendiX A - Carcinogens STFL 400 ppm 15 minute/minutes Form All forms TW A 200 ppm 8 hour/hours Fonn AI! {arms OSHA PEL (United States 6/1993) TW A 980 mgfm' 8 hourfhours Form All form~ TW A 400 ppm 8 hour/hours Form All forms ACGIH TlV (United states, 5'2004) Notes 1996 Adopt/on Refers to I STAIN BLASTER A ISectlon 9 Physical state Color Odor pH Specific gravIty Solubility [STAIN BLASTER A ISectlon 15_ Regulatory information HCS ClassifIcatIon Combustible lIquid Irntatlng material Sensltlzmg matenal Target organ effects SARA 30213041311/312 extremely hazardous substances None SARA 3021304 emergency planmng and notificatIon None All matenals are listed or exempt No products were lound TSCA 8(b) Inventory CalifornIa Prop 65 I SectIOn 16 Other information Page 3/4 Appendix A - Carcinogens TWA 5 mg/rn' B hourlhours F-orm All forms PhYSical and chemical properties liqUid (liqUId) Amber (light) Fragrance-like 768 (100"10) 109 (Water = 1) EasIly soluble WI cold water hot water U S Federal regulatIOns Hazardous Matenal Information System (U SA) ..;>lablllty 'ctlon 10 Stability and reactivity The product IS stable lSectlon 11 TOXicological information Potential acute health effects Eyes Moderately Irrltatmg to eyes Slun Slightly Irritating to the skin Inhalation Moderately Irnlatlng to the respiratory system May cause senSItization by InhalatJQn Contains an Ingredient that can cause asthmatiC Ilke reacbons In sulfite senslll'le IndiViduals Irntaltng to mouth throat and stomach Contains an Ingredient that can cause asthmatIC like reactions m sulftte senSitive IndIViduals Contains matenal which causes damage to the follOWing organs kidneys mucous membranes upper respiratory tract sl(ln central nervous system (CNS) eye lens or comea Ingestion Chromc effects on humans Page 4/4 1 , -.J l,.~~il ~2 ReactIVity 0 I Personal B ~rotectlOn 14-January :lOU5 Regulatory Affairs No prevIous validation Date of Issue ResponSible name Date of prevlOus Issue Notice to reader The above informatIon Is beheved to be correct With respect to the formula used to manufacture the product In the country of ongm. As data, standards, and regulatIons change and conditions of use and handling are beyond our control, NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED IS MADE AS TO TI-IE COMPLETENESS OR CONllNUING ACCURA.CY OF THIS INFORMATION Products of degradatIOn [Section 12 Ecological informatIOn These products are carbon OXides (CO CO,) and water nitrogen OXides (NO etc) sullur OXIdes (SO, S03 elc) phosphates Some metalliC oxides I J NO, I J The generallon of waste should be aVOided or minimIzed wherever poss!ble AVOid dispersal of spilled matenal and runoll and contact With SOil waterways drains and sewers Disposal 01 thiS product solutions and any by products should at alll1mes comply With the reqUirements of environmental protection and waste dIsposal legislation and any regional local aulhonty requIrements Unused product IS 0001 (Igmlable) Waste disposal I Section 13 Disposal conSiderations Waste classlfll:;allon Consult your local or regional <luthorlttBS J Section 14 Transport information - I Packmg roop I AdditIOnal Information DOT Not Ct=llI<:ntl"" regulated ~~=O';: UN number : Proper shlppmg name Ctass APPLIES ONLY DURING ROAD TRANSPORT Any vanatlon of the shlppmg descnptlOn based on the packagmg IS not addressed I _;::-I~ Page 2/4 Material~y-aat-a-sneet ECOU\S' (' ~STER POWER P";;;:) \ '/ pC1C!?- S Section 1 Ci1emlcaLpraduct..and-~Y IdentifIcation I STAIN BLASTER POWER PAK 2 I Section 5 Fire fIghting measures Flash pomt > 100 C Product does nol support combustion Fife flgh1mg media and Use an extingUIshing agent sUitable lor surrounding fires instructIOns STAIN BLASTER PQWFR PAK 2 Spot and stain remover Ecolab Inc Instrtutlonal DIvIsion 370 N Wabasha Street 81 Paul MN 55102 1 800 352 5326 926113 25-February 2005 EMERGENCY HEALTH INFORMATION 1 800326-0026 Outside Umted States and Canada CALL 1-651 222-5352 (In USA) [Section ~ COIllposltlon, Information on Ingredients Trade name Product use supplier Special protective equipment forfire-flghters Dike area of lire to prevent product run off No speGlflc hazard Fire fighters should wear appropnate protectIVe equipment and self conlalned breathing apparatus (SCBA) With a lulllaceplece operated In POSitive pressure mode Code Date of Issue ACCidental release measures %bVV@9t!! 11 20 50 2050 20 50 1 5 [SectIon 6 Personal precautions j Environmental precautions Methods for c1eamng up I SectIon 7 Handling Storage [Section 8 Engmeermg controls Name tnphOsphoflC aCId pentasodlUm salt sodium perborate monohydrate DISodlum metaslllcate Sodium carbonate poly(oxy 1 ? ethanedlyl) alpha (nonylphpn'fl omega hydroxy CAS number T158 29 4 10332339 6834 9? 0 497198 9016459 I Section 3 Hazards Identification Ventilate area of leal( or spill Do not touch damaged containers or spilled matenal unless weanng appropnate protective eqUipment (Section B) Stop leak II Without nsl( Prevent entry Into sewers water courses basements or confined areas AVOid dispersal 01 spillpd matanal and nmoJf and contact Wlth SOil waterways drainS and sewers 11 emergency personnel are unavailable vacuum or carefully scoop up spilled matenals and place In an appropnate container tor d\sposal AVOid creal1ng dusty conditions and prevenl Wind dispersal Do not Ingest Do r1Gt get. I'i\ e)les on skin or on clothing Keep container closed Use only With adequate ventilatIon Do not brpflthe dust Wash thoroughly after handling Keep out of the fl'acl1 01 children Keep container hqhtly closed Kppp container In a cool wpll venhlatedarea Do not store above 40 C --J Handling and storage PhySical state Emergency overView SolId \Powder) Danger! Exposure Controls, Personal Protection Use chemical splash goggles For continued or severe exposure wear a tacp shIeld over the goggles Use chemical resistant Imperv\OUS gloves Use synthetiC apron other protective equipment as necessary to prevent skin contact Use a properly fitted particulate filter respirator comptymg WIth an approved standard If a nsk assessment Indicates thiS IS necessary Re<;plrator selection must be based on known or an!lc\pated exposure l~vels lhe hazards of the product and the safe working hmlts of the selecledresplrator Consult local authorities for acceptable exposure limits I Section 9 PhYSical and chemical ~Jropertles CAUSES RESPIRATORY TRACT EYE AND SKIN BURNS MAY BE HARMFUL IF SWALLOWFD Do not mgest Do not get In eyes on skm or clothmg 00 not breathe dust Keep contamer closed Use only wIlh adequate ventllallon Wash thoroughly alter handling p('\,-.,tml ac:L.Ite health effects E =---com;slve to eyes SI-. Corrosive to the skin InhalatIon Corrosive to the respiratory system lngestlon Harmful If swallowed May cause bums to mouth Ihroat and stomach See toxIcological Information (section 11) Personal nrntf!r:tlOn. Eyes Hands Skm RespIratory I Section 4 First aid measures ~ In case of contact Immediately iiusn eyes wIth cool runmng ~emove contact lenses and contlllue flushing With plenty of water lor at least 15 mmutes Get medical attention Immediately In case of conlact Immed13tely flush skin With plenty of watpr lor at least 15 minutes while removing contamInated clothmg and shoes Wash cloth\ng bP!ore reuse Thoroughly clean shoes belore reuse Get med\cal attention Immediately llmhaled remove to fresh air 1! not breathing give artlhclal respiration If breathing IS difficult give oxygen Get medical attenl10n Immediately Amse mouth then dnnk one or two large glasses of water Do NOT Induce vomiting unless directed to do so by medical personnel Never give anything by mouth to an unconSCIOUS person Get medIcal attpnllon Immediately Eye contact PhySical state Color Odor pH BOlling/condensation pomt SpeCIfic gravity Dispersion propertIes Skm contact Inhalallon Ingestion Solubility Use process enclosures local pxhaust ventllallOn or other engln8pnng controls to kepp airborne levels below recommended exposure limits If user operations generate dust fume or mist use ventilation to keep exposure \0 airborne contaminants below the exposure limit Solid (powder) WhIte Faint Odor 117(1%) 100 C Q(Water=1) Dispersed In hot water Partl3lly dispersed In cold water Soluble \l1 hat waler Partially soluble In cold water ~ \'S ~ -, ' ~ " , -0 (!) >-' (jj<C (.l (l) '- ~ (!) e:: :Be:: CO ltl ':lQ., J I STAIN BLASTER POWER PAK 2 I Section 10 StabIlIty and reactivity The product IS stable Highly rf'acl1ve Wllh aCIds Reactive wllh metals mOisture Slightly reactIVe to reactIVe with organic materials ISectlon 11 Toxicological infOrmatIon Stability ReactIVIty Pnf<'ntl:'ll aClltr- hF!alth effect~ Eyes Corrosive to eyes " ., Corrosive to lhe skin atJOn Corrosive to the respiratory syslem "",,sllon Harmtutlf swallowed May cause burns to mouth thrrnt and stomach Potential chromc heallh effects ISectlOn 12 Ecological information Products of degradation These products are carbon oXides (CO CO,) and water phosphates Some metallic oXides ISectlon 13 Disposal consIderatIOns Page 3/4 ] J .v"J I l STAIN BLASTER POWER PAK 2 I SectIOn 16 Other information Hazardous Matenal ''WOj'~ii-r~~ 3 Information System (U SA) ~;;"_::6S i ~gc ~o ReactIVity 0 [Personal U protectIOn 25 t-elJruary :.wu~ Regulatory Affatrs No PrevIous Validation Page Date of Issue Responsible name Date of prevIous Issue Notu~e to reader The above mformatlOn IS believed to be correct WIth respect to the formula used to manufacture the product m the country of orlgm As data standards, and regulations change and conditions of use and handlmg are beyond our control NO WARRANTY, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED IS MADE AS TO THE COMPLETENESS OR CONTINUING ACCURACY OF THIS INFORMATION ] Waste dISPOS;}] The generation of waste should be aVOided or minimized wherever posslhle AVOid dispersal of spilled matenal and runoff and contael W1th Sail waterways drainS and sewers Disposal of Ihls rroduct Solutions and any by products should at all limes comply wllh the reqUirements or environmental protection and wasIl' dlsposalleglslahon and any reglonaltocal authonty requirements Consult your local or regIOnal authOrities ISectlon 14 Transport information !Aegt-;!aIOI'./ in!orma~on iClass ! B , I AdditIonal mformatlon UN number Proper shlpprng name IPackmq group 'II i !,-muted Duantlly V" OOT UN3262 Corroswe solid baSIC Inorganic nos (Sodium meta<:ailcatf') IpaCkaqmH Instruction Passenger Aircraft IOuantllyhmltallon 15kg I I Cargo Aircraft I Quantity Ilmllallon ,0 kg SoeC18I, n,rQVISIOns IG8 IP2 IP4 Clo=r=J"" APPLIES ONLY DURING ROAD TBAN'3PORT Any vanatlon of the shipping descnptlOn based on the packagrng IS not addressed ISectlon 15 Regulatory information HCS ClaSSJflcatlon U S Federal regutatlOns Corrosive matenal SARA 302/304/311/312 extremely hazardous substances None SARA 302/304 emergency planning and notlllcahon None All matenals are listed or exempt No products were found TSCA 8(b} Inventory Gahforma prop 65 1 . { , ECOIAB Ecolab Inc Ecolab Center Sf Paul, Minnesota 55102 18903 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Page 1 of 2 MEDICA~ EMERGENCIES ONLY (24 Hour Servlce): 1-800-328-0026 Medlcal Calls from Outslde of the USA: 1-651-222-5352 INSTITUTIONAL DIVISION Ecolab Inc. Ecolab Center St. Paul MN 55102 Product Informatlon: 1-800-352-5326 Issue Date: February 8, 2000 ~~o==~;~~;~;~~~;~~~=/=============================~===================== 1.1 Product Name: ,STAINLESS: STEEL -CLEANER:& POLISH,~bD1iLtS lJ+ O'l- ~ 1.2 Product Ty~e: Aerosol Stalnless Steel Cleaner & Pollsh .~ 1.3 Hazard Ratlng: Health: 1 Flre: 3 Reactlvlty: 0 -------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Substances SubJect to SARA 313 Reportlng Are Indlcated by "I" 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.4 HAZARDOUS COMPONENTS / Llgulfied petroleum gas Allphatlc hydrocarbon # Polyglycerol ester of 15 5 5 olelc acid CAS No. 68476-85-7 8092-41-3 unknown % (In PEL 1800 No No mg/m3 ) TWA 1800 350 No -------------------------------------------------------------------------- PEL = OSHA 8 hour average ln air TWA = ACGIH 8 hour average ln alr -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3( RHYSICAL DATA-j 3 Appearance: Aerosol spray; mlld hydrocarbon odor 3.2 Solublllty ln Water: Not soluble 3.3 pH: Not Appllcable -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 FIRE AND EXPLOSION DATA / 4.1 Soeclal Fire Hazards: Contents under pressure. Flammable. Vapors of thlS solvent may develop a flammable atmosphere ln confined areas. 4.2 Flre Flghtlng Methods: Use fog, foam, flne water spray, dry chemlcal or C02. Cool flre-exposed contalners wlth water spray. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.0 REACTIVITY DATA / 3.1 Stablllty: Stable under normal conditlons of use and handllng. 5.2 Condltlons to AVOld: Contact wlth strong oxidlzlng agents, strong alkalles, strong mlneral aClds, and chlorlnated solvents. 5.3 Do not spray near flre or open flame. Do not store above 120 deg F. Exposure to sunllght or other heat may cause burstlng. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- l.O SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES / USE PROPER PROTECTIVE EQUIPMENT l.l Cleanup: Remove all 19n1tlon sources; ventllate. Recover free llqUl~: Add absorbent to splll area. l.2 Waste Dlsposal: Do not puncture or lnclnerate contalner. Wrap empty can and dlspose ln trash. Unused product lS RCRA 19n1table (DOOl). \ Date Received ~/; 1ZcJ{Jt Planner AL f.. .., I~ J 7 - ~ -J.:?'- -~ . ~ --~ nol_~\o_. _ I... JUIi 22 1990 I'~ -..l\-~t"..:;"...."" -~~....r":\.~.-~ ~__-if.. 0# - e::-- ~. -. --> ,4IS...... ----.sliWJ- ---"'- .. ---- ...... SYCAN.LDK/lh062090 9023259 , VO_"'..COO.......LTO J ..- - ::'L '" .J Approved As To form By General Counsel January 1990 5'ACII: ...,V1: T~1. U"'I: '0_ -I[CO_ot... US& --, OUITCLAIM DEED ~....h;",,"1 .:: ~jj(j~C l5 j() ~!:..L:''' = ?Glki"S?FUND 10 Xl :J1:~~-... "I ~ 91J#05A& T ;\"'1<.-0 20 )J KNOW ALL MEN 8Y THESE PRESENTS That SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAHSPORTATIOH COMPABY, a Delaware corporatlon, Grantor, 1n conslderatlon of the amount of NIL DOllARS (SO) paId to Grantor, does hereby release and qUltcla,m unto SYCAN B CORPORATIOI, an Oregon corporatIon, Grantee, all of Granter's rlght, tItle and interest, In and to that certaln real property sltuated 1n the C1ty of SprIngfIeld, in the County of lane, State of Oregon, as more partlcularly descr,bed '" the ExhIbit 'A' attached and hereby made a part hereof The foregoIng recItal of conslderat1on 1S true as Grantor verily bel1eves. . THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY OESCRIBEO IN THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OF APPLICABLE LANO USE LAWS AND REGULATIONS BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTING THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACQUIRING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPROPRIATE CITY OR COUNTY PLANNING DEPARTMENT TO VERIFY APPROVED USES [ORS 93 040(1)] In W1tness Whereof, the Grantor has executed th1s lnstrurent thlS 20 rH day of ~LlA/~ , 1990, If a corporate Grantor, ,t has caused ;t5 name to be slgnea ana lts seal afrlXed by ltS offlcers duly authorlzed thereto by order of lts Board of Dlrectors GR.AIITOR SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRANSPOllTATIOII COlIPAIlY ~~L/0 By Tltle lis VICe Prosdelt Tllle L /7'-,..-v'"] ... ,tutl'. ~ r-NlA //(~L,(/,Y--" . ... / ..? 0--- ..... A5SlaTANT $ECRE"'S" ,.~ . !- "1-" - " .. ~~ ... ~ "'~, "'u," Attest. ~ STAT'EOF~lA } eu,.-d COMq 0( S. F,.... a:r. Qu_ 20th ~of June ",_~a.~Mw!la:lllod_-.lii""'+u b1tft:- -. MAllY DA.CJ: 1UlZ.. N-,1'WrW hllUldfor. Cq _ a:-q,o{ S. F~ ~ rf~ ~~ W B Curt18 and B J. Medina 1 i I Date Hecelved _ 1j'lt/}'o(}6 Planner AL I . tllC_lO_ftj/wdw. VJ,ce Pres1dent and ASs1stant Secretarv 0{11tt..... .. _~...wllwlQJlOfMf/'~..,...---...'*'.t-.a to_tobtrrJwflt'l"lD#l..:L-..-c:.Qc/II_kIwIIt#"drt, ,. ". -"---=-- ..---.Jg~~"---=*alI'JIIlr*-_I:Zl:OSIU.== l r~~. cr..;-r.:~...;t ~ .-, t:"'_'t?W...l.:J...fQ;a ~~ m l'r~fokf:llf'J~b I .......,."Y-/ CTf"'~t....'""..hTrU . - ."''''=0 ~ }' .."'~'-~ - ::~.~-- IN WTmESS WHEAEOF t..-..r"'--MM""Ir=d_.tTf:I:Id.T,g-rnd-=l_QI r>ff-rUllvc..!I'..vCcvz:J?r;f~F~ ,.,/Iq..."............ . ;"'" ",.. ~L _~~ ~ rJ ( t1I'''!''''':'J'. . '- .....'~~~~_".. '. ~' r....,.~...:~~sr- r Gl'"lntor's nutS and addrD1l: 90~9~9 SOUTHERN PACIFIC TRAlSPORTATIOI ~AIJ One Harket plaza San Franc,sco, CA 94105 Grantee' s num and 1d.E:uJ.: SYCAJI B CORPORATIOI 3405 Baldy View Lane Spr,ngf,eld, OR 97477 Until a chanoe is reGUosted. all tn statl!lDl!nts shall hfl sent to the followina add~sl: SYCAJI B CORPORATIOI 341)5 Ba 1 dy V f ew Lane SprIngfIeld, OR 97477 Orloln.l of rec~od deed shall be sent to: SYCAJI B CORPORATIOI 3405 Baldy V,ew Lane Spt1ngfield, OR 97477 ,J".ClollII.:a~I,,~., '-"'.-"-1.' II.. "'-.--<.l.... -~ .# - .;4C JUN 22 1990 "3gF .w ~~.. ~ ~. .___~ .~ IJocumlrt 0059 POfCl Z of 2 , , -,-~ -. --. ~...~--~~~-~'.. ,....h.:.~'L'.-~........~ .. , .to "-!.\'-.1:2 ~<;"'(r.V"iIM""."'''''-'-f'~~''u~~",::-= ~ JUN 2Z 1990 1~38Rf ,1 .1 ~~~_~_~__ - --- -- ~- - ~ 90Z9259 ~~ " I~~f) 1- ~ /1,3'') ,; y I EXH18IT 'A' That portlon of the sald Southern Paclflc Transportatlon Company strip of land lYlng between the Westerly prolongat1on of the South 1 me of the land descrlbed 10 the deed to Durward L. Boyles, recorded March 15. 1984, Reel No 1268, Receptlon No 8410022, and North of the Easterly prolongat,on of the South 1 'n~ of the land descr-lbed' 1R the deed to 8utte-rf1eld Savlngs and loan Associatlon, recorded October l, 1984 Reel No 1l17, Recept,on No. 8439115, lane County Oregon Records, Except That portlon thereof lYlng below a depth of SOO feet, ...sured vertlcal1y, from the contour of the surface of said property: /7~~-Z2. ~~ 9~p d. ~ -I,ll j In ~h N ~il a: ~ a'J ~ ~~ N I~ 41 (0 0 ~ C") a'J 51 CD n '01:- ~>- ~ 'F' "j l' " -g III ] .H t; .. _<.J -- J, (~,I \" f$~ \rJ.; "~i'" ~ ~* J-f .=-" ;""jyt 1'''' - - .,..-- .......r b~:~5 1 ~ . \ Hi/ Y 1;,006 Date Received -+r'-f-- - Planner AL I 1 4 ~- ! I. ^ r , ~. - ": ...... ~~- , - ~ 1. ~ K_ "- , ~~_ ~_J ~~"~'If"""_'~Wf'2"""~"''''''_~'"""""",",''_'','''__~''~ ... ._~....._-- .....,......... -,............ Ifa) w _ ./lu4 ~,~--:;/3}-7<_~ SEP'~~~~:' @::":...DIe fJ././ ~?7 /0 TilOHA.$ G !U.IOTT aDd .IUIlrTH AIRI' !LLron. ImsbAnd ad. vite ~.r 91'69 WARRANTY DEED - STAlVTORY FORI.! (INDIVIDUAl 01 CORf'ORATlON) Gn::n!a:lr~cnd1lll:l:l'l'lntl1D SYC/JI a CDRPoRAnDD' _ Iho~""",-...._........... ........" "":'''' ...__ SU EXHHIIT "A" ATTAOI!l) 8!RttO AND BI nus IlEFEREKCE II!lCORPORAfE:D H!RtIN AS THauCH HERE ruu.r S!T FOItm ~ 2DP~ 1O.CIJ !!BSEP 2JJ"B9tI05PFUO 10.00 Tbla In ,. , '0 win not IIfIcrlr USO oftht propeny ...,c.ftb,.,.4 in ttda fnannnent In wIoJatfon of appIlca!Mo laid UM J...,. and ntgulatlona. Before signing or D:eeptlng thlo f~ 1M poraon oc:qulrtng '00 us. to.... PI'OpOf'ty sboutd c:hDct. vtth the aps:lropriuta city or countr p&cnntng ~t to vortfy appnwad usom. E __:..._.__ Condihoas. "'Stnctl.0n5 easements tit ~rd aDd 1989-90 tUes. a lien !lOt doe ADd payable The lrue cotwdotabon for una _. or ORS 93 030' "-.... If'~ ...... be SIgned by order oIa bom:I d chdl:n. '" 441.33 is' (Hero comply wdh tho req\I'''monts s'""~ ..19.82 iaCClrp:ll1dogmntor .ha~bnanetg ~ G ELLIOTT A..:~~ STA.TE CF CfElJCN. CDn,a1 J. SC!p'taaher I i' II 8~ J ~~"ablMo__ Thoma. G Uliott and Judith Ana E:ll1ot:t .JUD1T11 ANlf Ul.laT!' C"",/'~d,,,.v' ~ e STAlE ~ORmcIt.Cl:utrot c.... J_ It -- ... ....t..gGllr-. -=tI fcrm.ll -.lid l:nI br.. ce.. lilt ..,.....t;n,.. .. ~..,........... -... .~In1........-.- -lIlllMCl..c.t.IlolA-:l~tIr~otbb:la'dot"'---= W'I1-=nd....... _, .lIoIOd--....lO.b~a_ ..... Wd _. " ...~~ ---.. tbef.z: ~c..,~ ~~~U-)~ I.t1 .. -...: Aacu-t 29. 1990 -- .' ft:aIrr'"-c:bOl.g::n ....-- ~ ..... -. :- =---r:adorbcaz:lo._lMlPIItYor......ICtlI..~ --rr.~ccr--..._OIcrftt:la:aGlw~or1QUloi-nO"~..,.ilPM~......~~~ ;./' 'IBIJI(A.S. G.,. lU.IOT1' .aIId JUDlTa MIl I5U.IQTr .JJ4& c..uat URX..RQAD SPaIHCl\ru.D y oa. 9747: ar..:.r-.__cn:I~ .1405 w.ny ft!V LAB!" "PRlffGPI~~W~ Afttr~lQ-.1I: 'Ever&:Tl!l!n Land Ti'tI~ tDmp4ay. ~pdDStleid. CIl "ax .<CCOtm't No. 1888D3 Escrow 80. ~1Icboaa..,.tre Ka.. 9W9 thI.c:rw..,......-.sCl=~~_...Il:t..~ ..- Grantee's Add~. AS stAnD ABOVE Date Received Planner AL ifra'/6 ...............'" bwotr.......~...,._..... ...... - ......... ......- ~ ..I.o..l:l~L ..1. '''''l,.~ __.. !J.U!lIII.lIIi.,,[.1 - <<-._~;~___' ..,... J~~~~~~r_ ~U!'"___ -~"'....:1 ~_ ~~':- _ ~ -.-. ..,...t"'<_ ~--" - . SEP.2 0 1989 J 5'lLl .e.~'-f':.._ ~ t~~-1 ~ ba424'i'i' or.~-9'O' PIlOPD!T EIIIID1% -1.- ~-.~ - A portion of that tract of land con.eyed to Cat! B. B~er. et UX. by deed reeorded Yoveaber 2,. 1'42 on Pi!tge 259 of voluae 238, Lano Count,. Deed Reeor:Ss. Doro speeUlcal.ly d.escribed as follOlq. Beginning .~ ~ point Borth 19- 551 53- EaB~ 78.82 feet and Soath 00- 07. 45- eo.t 20600 feet froa the aorthea.t corner of tot S,. ~ ~~~IAL p~~ a~ platted and recorded in ~ile 73, Slide b ~ "EIiO: 104fti' County at Recorda, L&n.o County. Oregon.. said begt.nnin; polDt helD) on the easterly liDe of the vacated SODthern Pac::ltic RailrOad Rlqbt-of-wayr thence Bortb 89- 45' 20- East 555.2' feet to a 5/8- lron rod, thence South 00- 07' 45- East 202.5. feet to . 5/8- iron rod, thence South 89- 45' 20. West 373625 feet co a point on sala Easterly liner thence Horth 42- 071 45- West 272.05 feet along said &ast.cl,. line to the PODft OP &.:.__~''''''I.'''', all in LAne Coanty, Oregoa. ~~. ~ ::1 J ~ ~~J a:: .,. 'ff ~ :7) 11 li I ~o::t b ,. 'll =lCb C' . '1'1 ]-ij s~ n "I" :f ~ J !! a.! _~ ~ D j ..- _._-~.. .- J J 1~90~\~/p~j /1.(,7 , . ;9(, I,. / ?~.3 -:;~/-~'/ X:k-c~,,~~~~,,_, Il(,'; 9057493 ~..o"lNoIt,MOWlOIIIl I! / _ ~~O~ ALL _MEN BY THESEPRESENTS, Tho' Sycan>> Corp. f;n rM cg,m,der.tlall r,elel('after )t.t~ doe~ ~ffby ;rnll bAri'lA sell.nd COflUY tmto , hernrwJter ~Jtd ;retot, Sycan B Corp. hermtwltu C4J/.d _rutu tllrM'tnUJt1: h.,edltuncntl 01 _Lane .nd \,Into ir.nte. J heltt =c:euon IUld .sulltlJ ~J oJ that c"'rt4ttl rutl P,"'(J~.T7 11tb tit. and IIppur el"lll11Cl!~ therflunto btlon4m4 or 1M UlYW'" .ppertl!utllnl .l!'nl'l '"j IJI f,>; County , Stlte oJ Ore~ de)Crlbed AI 1011011" h>WJt !..1.WfJU~:I).~ Bf!Ktnnning at the Hortheut corner of Lot 8 oC Ste.'" COHHERClAl.. PHI, IS ,htted and -.eo-d.d 1 '14 ., II File 73, Slide v of the L.ane County Plat Records, '.0. id .... County, Onson. .. point being on the Vesterly line of the ucot.d Southern Pad(1c Railroad (S P R R ) Right-of-V . tl ttorth 8ge55153" Ea"t 276 2' (eet. th~nce ')outh O.;;."S..I::;: 216 86 feet to II point on the Easterly line of s~1d S P R R Ri&ht~of-lier. Slld pOlnt lIlso beIng on Lhe South lin~ of II 5 57 acre trllct conveyed to CllrJ r. 1I1!11111!l~r, et u.lI:, by d.ed recorded Hovellber 2 1942 on Paae 259 lIoll1l11e 238 L County deed tecorus, lh~nc.~ along saJd Easterly 11n. a:f S P R R Il:JSht-of-WII.Y South 62.01'''5'' East 210 '6 ( point Horth 89.45'28" East SO 59 (eet fro. the S::tth~~!I~ co~ne~ o~ Lot 8 of~ said SYCA~ COMHFRCIAL P~~l. thence South S9 45 28 West 80 :.19 feet to . point on the !Jester!, I in. of 'laid S P If If IfJRht~of-Way, saJd pOlnt .1"0 b~inl the Southeest corner of Lot 8 of uid S'fCAN C.OMMERCIAL PARI thene.1I! Il10ns the FlIst Hne of SBld Lot 8 Moith 42e07"5~ West 562 86 feeL to the Polnt of !le,zl'1nlng, all In Lan County, Dreson . !!..lliOJ.30~9l)tI(J5lf1.N) platted County ,"d Plat uSO lot 8 of SYC^~ COMMFRCIH r^ RK. a.s rt"cortlrd In File 1), Slide 614 oC t.he LnnQ Record" Lllne LounLy. Oregon I , Y"C( It&Jf'.CLE..rf ~Ot<"""'l P!so<o"Ot< ON IfO'lut ~'I>ll To Have and 10 Hold rhe same untO rhe slud jlrant.e.! afld j!rllntee I It""n wcc.euon IInd 1IS5.f1M tareru rh, lru. 4.--C 4cClJol cor-s:dellll,on paid 'or tfus lander stated m fe-rml oJ dollarl I. ~ 10.00 (!}Howel'er 1M lI(wal conslderlltlOn consuh Q/ or I1xludes orher property or \'llIue jl'ven or protfll..d .1uch I. ~~conSlderl!llor- (Ind,cate wfuch) 'J:(The ",n,."".betwHJI'N.rmbol.:D II n,,'.PP,,:.bJe aIlouldb.<leJ.,ed S.ORSf:IC;JO) 11'1 construmlf rlul de"d and wh~r' rhe contut $0 r..q.:ud, rhe S1.njluJar mc1ud", Ih" plural and itll ".~tlC.ll1 chllnjn sJll:ll be- ImplIed ro maJ..e th" pro\' ,,'om hcr.,oJ IIppJy tfjl.ll!lIy to corporAtlClru and to 1'1d,vldualJ. In W,tness ~ hl!reol the Qrllfl10r /loss e%ecured thos In~lrument tlla.30 d.y 0/ No....ember 19 90- d .II CQrporale jlr.ntor It hll! Cll\,l~ Its n"me to be' SJ'~ and C>e"J aJt"'~b ,u?",cen duly aurhl;m6ed l1Mrwto by order of IU bolIrd oJ d,r~loll 7, / nus lkSUlJ'-lEIH WILt. "aT ~llOW uSE OF TIlE YIKlHRfT OE ~ SCRIIIEO ,It Tj;IS IIosnu"E..T IN \IOL~tLO'l Of ~~Y~IC~lIt[ L.l.HO ~-I,/ USE L~\:S .I."" REGUl.l.TIONS IIHORE SIGrtlNG Oil' 4CCEPflllG f.i1 Yll.e-- THIS. \..'>11IU~E"T TME ,ERSO>l ~COUI!lING HE TITlE 10 THE I'I'lO,ERfl ,>HOUlD (KEell; WIT>! THE ~1"RO'1!14l[ ell' 0" CO\,l!!TT ,t,o,NNING OEYARTIol[HT TO Yt!llfl4P'1l0Y[C usn -- -.-........-..;IqI "..~o~'~~ <'~ "'- S.!Il \1 11 " 'I 'I I, 1 I' " :1 II " " I 10 !Il " !ll!.!NOV 3O'90lW5A&T fU(l 33.00 ,0osl..VOI ...p ST.A1E:OF O!?EGON Coutl1y,,1 OIa It..1.-' )IL TI>o> I" .,"'J\4"..lrun>aj,.......cJr""..ledt-d"y.I..,...... tloM I.(JOl'fmbu" :$Q !'} 90 by Jf'~ ha rd D DC'jk.5 v.....~ - pt....d.rtJendbl" .'?- _ ~"M'~ Sj,afll,J (!arf&1a.IrClV ckLPa9 }L;!}I /~,uor.fJ4:F~Fn;:I:.~;,~.r/o& :1 Nolen' /'oJbJ" (... 0".- !}t-,;;,,-., /'IJbJlC (", O,~~"r J'u. A. OIi:Of' t::11 M, """""PJo"':t~"" ~ ;W;~f~:;7~ ..r~ ~EGO'I (5 , alIa /'19.3 ~c.r...l!.mll'_ - , :1 'I IU__...._~..___ ___....____..1 ST.ATE0' Olfl!GOlf , ,. ~- ' n. l",.f0UJ4 ....."'...", ....&01 ed.,..,..ledft'd brJ",. _..~___ lJ b, (SZAL) /IIr__'-' $ltIH B~ 3"l5BALDl'/IEWUHE $.'ilIGlflll.OiISW7--- STATEOFORfGON, r__-' . ]l. !!] ! ], l';.l -5'::1 a: - ~t "f ~~ ~ g. N lD !::.i /it: ~ ou ~.3 '-l!l U) H o. i:~'l 51 11 i' ~ ~~ !i ,.. vu ~ 1II ,'E i! i B ~d :~] Sl . :; ~c;.....-;:-...;;o-.;.__..;-- M al ~ r- L" o al SltAIIBClIlfOR,\1Ul 3"l5 SAUlY'/IEWl>>! -- ~.~!"?!.,~.- ---... $ltIHBCOllPWl1OlI-- l'!>5IlA1J)IVlEWUHE lI1l,lW,IE}..!.9K tl~17 _........~.....,.-......_~..-.....~- S'1'a.HS"""'r"^"'........- 3-lO5 BAlDY VIEW UHE SPIWlGfIall,Ollflfn- ~A.' .gg..... ZI" Date Received ii/ (fJ!!:; - Planner AL 1~"':.. -;.~ ,~~ ( ~ ~:l>1i <-,- --- - - - -------- - . r ---} '1'IIn ,1'>>l'rII-' ~OII'I ,,,- _,II __ ...""""'" ---Qr1 JJ~/~ 0-_ __ ", "'MOld - _0._ liP !I II il I II 'I I ! :~ 'Z, J - ' " I) ~ I "0 (]) >-1 03<( (,) (j) 2:: '- (]) c: ~c: ro,!!! Cl 0_ ~^.~ ~_.~ ~ ~~ ~. ,~......--~~ ~~--~ ?UL./~'_h_ _ _ ~L.r J.;j j;'OOI ~ i n=1~~kJf rf ,,:~,,-ft'll_, /7 ;.:-~ -:;>-.-z-.- Z-- , r ~ 1 ~31;'1:10 ~~'.~. uu "'" n,-,....n=.--,-"",,:.c~~~ jli; I KNOW AL... MEN BY THtSE PRESE,YTS That .cw..ard L.. Eoyles 111 I ht-fL'ln..dftr~!k IJtantot', ./101' thf! ccn<Wf>M"On h~r~'"VIfI~f' S18f~ ~. her~by gnmt ~TI1Jlt" ~JJ Mnd CCJ(lve/ unto Syc<>n J..\ ~7 I I an O:'e-gon O"J!pJrat..lcn 1Jt'rp.,"",'tf'r called Rr4nt~ .nd um" I.r.ntt"f!' ~ ~hSl:>l" and lISSttn. alt 01 ,1-at ~rrjlm t\ '!J -r-'pz-!~ r"th the teM~nt. h't1rd,t~nt. .and appllft.n.rlCI.', tMu~nto bt'lorttm4 or In any;".. .PPU'amm.t. &iltu.l..~ In UI!J C<1unJr 01 lAce _ . St.t. 01 CJrc.Pi. r:U~ All lall"".. to-rrt b I, '1 See at:tachad ~t -A" I I I I : I lo-n~p~1 OQ/:9/3S:ASC UC~'t:"I' l5 9Jbject to eascrrcnf..s, l""E:sar..-atlcns, restnct....ons of record, and th::lse ~er.s and eno.. :....."'.,~~s set forth 0.' 5ctedule B, att:a.cl'm re...-eto and L____t""'-'.o..1ted rereln, wru.ch Grantee assJ"l.s and agrees to pay II ,., l.PACI >(lJ.p' C 'NT CONT''''''I NSC>',"ooo. ON rf'lU5f 5'01"1 To HiI"'c .nd tg Hold Uw: ~me untl) he s..II d trunlre 6nd t.'lI~tt'e t I'l~lfll lIUcr::t'Hor. .J.nd IIlfltns fo 1!'i"U' Thr t""~"f!! .nd "ctual consdt'r.JI,on paid lor t'vs tr.n..Ju d./..d In rum, of do/",s UI 11 00 ....How..~t'r tht- '1;'..16/ cor Idud L>n COTl""t.s 01 or I.,c!udes 0 hu prope y or 1 nlue ~/"~'" Cl'r protnl~ w,uch J. ':;,M:/~'~.. con' dr~all()n (,,-'d ~lJ.'c "",r;h)r(TJ.. ...",.."".. ~I.........tl.. ~....b,;,/." "tIOltpl'o'UW" .ft<x.I<1 ~"rl..l...J ~OR5" OXi) In Cl'" ,"tr.JmA tl'l d~1"fi /1M ../>..re ttwo r;r'nlt'st.so Uc;t.HI'S In.e uf'(;u/i" Irr/udes the pJr~rtol en.;! all tr~mn ~hcd r;Jw"{.r~ ,1,,)11 f>, '''l1plu'd to IT'akc the prOI' tC.,5 Mrrol DtJp I equa h 10 Corpar..llon.s 4nd Ie u11V1o.J';:/' III ol rf,...", W~rrl"'O' ,h.. .r~nt.,;r "ilS rl....ulra "In tn~lrurut'nr II'IIs 19t.h dJty 01 SCpte'rba::: 19 S6. rI 011 corpu 1I1t' ,/,rMflar If /,to~ c.suW"d 1/'1 f1.Srm- to b<!' S1i1nrd IInd K-l ~lil1l.c.;:J b:;t'rs o!fJ9's, duly tJurhonzl"'d thao:to bT orc:!rrO/lt~/XM,doJd".....C)r~ ~'.., --!../'rr~~ ~~~I\~':1;:l;~~~~,,~, ~ \,~{'I...?r ~~l~~l~~~",,~~;~~~~~:~Nl..O,,~ iA....-.....ard La ...15, , - --- l,J~E l' S ..." ~(o:. l~ ,-...s SU,"E s.'...."',..GOiJ..lClnl.ll(;. _ ___ ___ _ ______ q_____ 11"S .. ~"'''~''T 1"( HI; ,)0( 'cr,,'~IN'C HE Tnl[ 1.0 THE PlI"PEItIY S.......ulO C> c:~ ... r"l 1/<( ..,.,.lIo",n41:( CITY C. Cl)lo,T1 Pl'....I..C ~li'.<ll~t..t TO vEil' rr "P;>IlO\Ul USEs.. ;: I"-,_~""""'-". .....-_ -_.- ,-,----_..., ~1"~lU STATE OF OREGON c..,"f)' 01 )-. Tn. tMrPnl ,,,.,,,..._..... ..,;A_W~ lwl..._ fA. STA.TE OF ORcGflN ) ~""'" ).... C....n'l..oI : J :;'~""~', ) 'T"""~,,~ .r~....~,~"... ,&J,_W~l>o-'~ ...."','-'oJ~.;:.1l&x'~......,~.../'/.. J~f:.,.,. ~, . '" 1" _ ~~Jy~'.. ll~ ~-_ - .... (1". V. . - - ---- ~-, r>>>'A~~;:ih &d'/ {' ,:"j' ~v.; t~.wy.....,y/dMo.-...... rSE CL} , I' -\ ~ - { {_, \ 1 ceO. 'I~..P''''''' 'i.( 'j ., ,......, ""'.. __,.,.,01 . ~_.,._ _beIwlJoIrA.__./.. No'." ""bloc I.. o.r:c- M,.C'OO'WaO~-,"" (S'EtJ.) ~I--,-lo? _.___ - ~-.- i S:::'yO~ OREGON,.. .. _} .;1 I rut:Jy fh..t I/H: wII'>:n mul'U_ . m~nt ",n rl"Cl!/ved 101 ~rcf ClT tit. I' dllY 0/ 19 .t _ _ 0 clock _ 'U and ffOC7rd~ ! mb<xJk/,ctI/yc'umI!Na_ _ _ on I Pill!! or II' It"I!/!"~/J"lstru- ml'nt/mjClol,Jm/~plJofl No~__ __. . Il<<.ord vi D~I of ~.d county Wltll<!'U m) Mt>d and _CJ of CO/.JlIty .Jbnd ~ D....n.ard L Boyles 3405 Baldy VlfS .t.a.ne Spnngf le.ld .::...~.. 9..?~:z.,,_... I I .,......_ ,..___ Ir S}can B .:'om I 3..05 EUldy vlMo' Lane ib""nn<Jf"Old' ~ .,9:..~::', .. . ; ~~;:=;..~;;~--_.._.._--- 3< 05 Baldy VIew Lane . Spn.ngf1eld, OR 974n_ .....,..e._....... S'.ican B Corp. 3405 Baldy V'<:>I La:", sprLngflcld, ~q 97477 ~. ~ II ... ~< ~"e. .......... ..c____c ---- -.-- 1 ~. =:""'. :1 BT_=___~______~ --.,.,..... .... ,,- ~ Sl ~ II 1<U-L /t'.:to , i ;)l:.r' ill I;;,,: 'f .._" ... ........t... .. ., SCHEDULE II 8636140 .. .L"-"'f'''~''''-I'''''''UV~''''Io';.I~'-'\Po;v.i''Io.',JQ;:P::-'"'^~''-"'''''' .-.....!'--..!_....u.... g.. .,._~__. . _ >.."VJUv:..~J'..I."-'...'-w\Jv...r..VJ..1o~'\N. ..,.e.I'.Ai'J.l.I'~I(JQ"..~"00...u.:......"'"..J.l.oJ'~IJ'.JI..NV\:h..'.JclDt.~J'"""^"...............vv...r...I.....-...,:~"'...~;O<~ i....._""~."'~.............,..~.u,............"'..........~ I Tnl:1 Of' ~umtnll .~.(.. an nor inll...n as u.."nr; I~ns bylh!: ncords of .ny ,nine ..'''''''1 th.. k.... L&.l;fS or ..~men~ (I" rflll property or b,l~ puhl,e Ncords, p.n<ttdln:- by . pubLac .~n(l ..b.d.. -, ~"lt r. I.&s.-. or ~m..,,(f. ~ "nhel'll 01 n1ch proceclflnt;r.. ....hclbo:t' 01' Nt u.o_ by doc rrcotdll 91 IlK" attr.c1 ell' b7 Roc publiC' ~On!I. L Any fKts., n::hu.. inln-nls. or d~"" ...b..cll ~ hot Ih-.- 110,. the p..bloC rt"("QllrQ but ...li..d,. c_W be 1l5oC~ by In ""P'C'clloa of ~ bnd or by 1I\:llunr taqll"7 of PffJO'" la p__ Ilwf'l'Ol 3 Eaumu.~ t1r,,~ or .acum""DC_ or d:o.UIftI 1~UOr ...tucb arIl DOl! doowa try 1M ~Ilblk ~ _pe.4cPcll ....""IC cI.,ms, rn.c".~ ~ uc<:i'll..... .. p.I""ts OC' III Act! a>>Iborl:bttC 01.. tGUa.nc-e dllCftOl, w>>n' "'cbs. ~ OI"uclll ~o _ler . DIS.i:u<,,,nc'f! eonlhcts III boundary UMS, JhoIUlCe 1a an.. rDcroKb:raew M ...., O{Mt fldl ..akb . c<<nd ~1 wovld dlsc~ 5. Taxes for the fiscal year 1966-67, & lien not yet payable. 6. Ea~ements. including the terms and p~ov181ors thereof. granted Paclfic Northwest Bell Telep~one Company. by l~strurncnt reeorded J~ne 2, 1961. Reception No 86679, Lane Co~~ty Oregon Reeords. (Arrect~ the Vesterly 1 91 feet) 7. Easement, including the terms and prov1sions the~eof. grAnte~ Pacific power , Llgh~ Company, by 1nstr~mcrt recorded Feb~uary 3. 1971. Reception No 3~627. ~ane County Oregon Records (Tax Lot 1500 404 l~OO - route not described) 8 ~3eMent. including the ter~s and provisions thereof. grante4 ?acirlC ?ow~r & uight Ccnpa~J' by l~struMert recorded November 6. 1972, Rece~~lo~ ~o. 21017, Lane Cour~y Orpgon ~eco~d3 (Tax Lot 1500 and 1~OO - route not descrIbed) 9 Easpment. PacifIc Power Reception No includinG the terns and provIs1ons thereof. granted & L1sht Company. bJ ln5truMen~ recorded March 7~ 1973, 7309790, Lane coun:y Oregon Records 10. RestrIetions as set forth 1n 1nstrument recorded January 25. 1979. Reception No 79048U5, Lane County Oregon Records. to-v1t. "No hotel o~ ~otel cay be const~ucted. erected or operated upon 3ald property for a per1o~ of ten (10) years from the date ~ereof.n " -cont1nued- .....Ge ,,0' flQi.lC'l'''o. -- 249616 CT-17n209 ~I ...~.~ -=""",'" ..... - ....., 'I' .. -"~ : 'II": F:,., ". -, -----..::="~. ..? 1 : . ' ....- ~ '.., - . ~_~ ,;- :-"1i' -:. ,"' _ ~,... .r:;1-~~ "': ',1" '1 - "" . , , , .. .....: , , - . ~~r r .=.>-.... , " . , ,. , ........, -~ -\",-'\ ~ f'" I - < ,~ ....... .... . , ' .. - . - , " .... ., . ..; -, , ~ . ~. ..," );# , " , .... ~ .-__ - ~~ i .. ..--.--_-...,'- -......-...~ - I .:.~' L~~ u.,;..I'~ . . ,I...:'\. __.._ ~.....,.. ~.~~. -:!'rt-#:$~';"""; , ~ ~?........ ..........-..::;- ~~;;r____';~.._._if.r:.cr=.~. "r.J"~~"'~.- -.. ~'''''''''''''l.''''''~~''' -:.."':&..... .......-..:'~~~.,(';~" ,. ~ '''i ~ ~' ~ U <11 >..J (jj<( o (l)r- !J::(I) ale: _e: CIl.!!! 00. .._~. ,,"_"~'m~" ~"'~....._.".I!ol,i"",'iIofl""""",,,,---""""" ....... -~ ?eu It'oU) ~ ~t~' 1 9 J51361 "' I, ~ I , , ) ,",,-~\"::<"""A..\lIIt:t . .. 8636440 .' SCHEDULE B - Continued I I: '- \ :-4 " 11. Publ1e utility easement, 1nelud1~g th~ terms and prov1alon5 thereor~ granted The City of Springfield. ~y ~n3trurnents recorded October 15, 1919, R~ceptlon ho 7962151. and ~ay 12. 1980, Receptlo~ No. 8024054, Lane County Oregon Records 12. Access restrlctlons contained 1n ~lnal Order by the Board ot Commissioners of Lane County, riled A~gu3t 9. 1968. 1n the =atte~ or the establishment of East Belt Ll~e Road, Order No. 2652 13. Restrictlon contained 1n unrecorded AgreeMent, deted Ja~uary .... 1979. bet....een Charles? Larson. Jr and Wlldlsh Land Co. as follOW". nWILDIS~ asree~ to notlfy any subsequert purchaser~ ~t the G~te~ay property of tre ~estrletlon contained 1n the VIP'S lease. that thc~e can be no free-st~nding re~taJrant wit~lo 1000 feet of the exlst1rg VIP'S restaJrant during the term of s~c~ lease. In the event that ~ILDISH co~veys any portion of t,e Gateway property for value. 1t shall include 1n sue, deed and/or contract ~uch re!trictlon . 1~. Pending suit to quiet title flIed April 23, 1986, 1n Lane County Clrcult Court Case No 16-86-03256~ McDonald'~ Corporation vs. Charles F. Larson, Jr ~ et a1. 15 Power line ease~~nts to Tr1-State Railway as set forth 1n ln3tr~~ent recorded ~ovember 1, 1910, In Book 81~ Page 235~ an~ reC'orded Nove'llbe- 27, 1910, in Book 87. ?age 239, and I"ecct"dea November 29. 1910. In B~ok 87. Pa&e 279~ La~e County Orego~ Deed Recoras. 16 Plghts of the publ1c in and to that portion lying w1thin the bound. of Beltllne Road. 11. crosSlrg pet"mit for construction and M~1~tenance or sewer p1peline~ 1nclud1n~ the ter~s a~d provisions e,ereoC. g-anted City of Sprlngfle1d. by instrument recorded october 28, 1970~ Reception No. 25080, Lane County Oregon Record5. 18. Ex1~t1ng utility l1nes crossirg the here1n described pt"opel"ty. 19 EncroBchnent. it any. of exl~tlng Improvefient~ Crom adjacent 4 prcpertle~ onto tho. rere1n described property 20. Deed of Trust and Security A~reene1t with Asslg1ment or Rents, 1ncluding tre te~3 and p-o.1s10ns the-eor. executed by D~rward L. Boyles, to Stewa~t Title Company of orego~. Trustee, for the bener1t or 3~tterf1eld sa~ings and Loan A5~Oclatlon, a federal ~avlng3 and 10&n association. Beneflclary. d&ted June 18. 1986, ~ecorded Septe~te~ ~. 1986~ Reel ~o~ 1~17. Reception No. S63~029. Lane County Oregon Recorda. to 8ecu~e payment or a note ror $874,925.05. page 5 of Po11ey No. 249616 CT-170209 ~ .,-', .: -, , -< ~f=F-~- .:::..=....;;;;:=- : ;; ... , . ".< ~~ ~ V- .t.- " . . -., t--t-:-'-=-.-~- '" - ,...., .. ,~. , ....~ ,-'" . ~ .. '" .; "oJ; ".. ~..." .. '.... ~t;:. \~. . ....... t.. t" ... I ~~j:, _v-. ..... ;~~.. ,... \!... I ~ -:...:.....- (' , .." a J -4*~ '. .. ~ r ~Cj~) .-; - :; ',', ~ .t f./ - I ." ~_, :.- ,-- ~ 'T-," '-,., '...,.~~'...~:"-.....,,~ .... ." I . ...." ,." . ... .. \. 14... ~~~..(. ~~<......... , ~~~~:1~~~~~~~~~~7~~~~~~~ '-~ i u ~'-"'''' ...................x.&-,"".............JO;~mlli""u.'.~~..._"~~ \ ;<UJ...I"l~ v~... J.. ~ .~QC , .. '. ;. t .' 1 I I J , -. EXHIBIT "'A"' 8636440 PARCEL 1 Beglnning at a peint on the E~~terly ~lght or way line of Cdt~~~y Street. gald point being 89~ U4 teet South ~nd 495 70 feet E6~t of tho Nortrwest corner of the ~11li8rs Stevens ~cn&tlon L~nd Claim No. ~6. i'oWn.!l~"1D ~J ~r-.,,!" ~.~::'..:._.:_,:.:..;..~. r/1l1a1'ette M~t"idlan, run thence North ~5') t.ast 215 00 feet. thence NOI"t'1 00 all' 07" West 279 76 reet to the Sout~ern light of ~ay line or Beltline Road, thence along .!laid right of way line ~jorth 390 55' 53" East 192 58 feet to the Southern Paclfic Railroad rI;ht of way. thence South ~20 07' LIS" ~a~t 118211 feet to the Northeast corner of the ~I~ST ADDrTIO~ TO GAME BIRD VILLAGE, as platted and recDrded in BDok 19. Page 21. Lane County Oregon Plat Reco~d9. thence South 890 45' 28" we~t 1199 50 reet to a point on tha Easterly right of way line of Gateway Street. thence along sa.id right of way line of North 00 041 07" We"t 601.52 reet to the point of begIrnlng. all 1n Lane County, Oregon. PARCEL 2 That parcel of land situated 1n tre No~th haIr or the North hslr at Section 22. To~nshlp 17 South. Range 3 West ot the Wl11amette Me~idlan. voun I.) ur L!ri~-;" "'I;<..l."~~"":"...'""''' ,-1.:;;":;. I:"t'" -''l:'.:....,..-:~~...o.....'- ~~l Co llo.c~. The lle:st 30 feet of that portIon of th~ Southern Pacific ~ran5portatlon Company (fori1erly Oregonian Ran road COJ'1j:lanj) right or way (abandoned) lylng South of a line 13 29 chains South of the Ncrth lIne of William Steven3 Donation Land Company No 46 and North of the ~e3terly prolongation or the South line of the land described to the deed to OLrw3rd L. Boylea, recorded March 15. 193~. Pppl ~.o. 1288, !:{eceptlon No_ 8~10022. Lane Cou~ty Oregon Peeord3. EXCEPT That por-tion thereof ly~ng beloW' a. depth or 500 feet~ ~easured vertical:y. from the eontou~ or the su~face of sa.id pr~nef"c.f. ALSO That POI t1cn or the said $Ollt~e,l"~.~.Si O~ T;;~~!!PBrL1.,tLnn ~r:n~p right of way described above li1~.~tietween tOe Wester!y prolongs. ...on 0 the South 11: e of the land de5cr~bed 1n the deed tD Durward L. Boyles, recorded March 15, 198Q, Reel No l28a. Receptlon ~o 8410022, and North Df the Easce~ly ?r~lo~gation of the Sout~ li1e of the land de~crl~ed i~ the deed to Butterfield Savings and Lnan AS50clat1on, recoI"~ed October 3. 19811, Reel No. 1317. Recep~1on No. 8439115. Lane County Oregon Records. EXCEPT- That portlon t,ereo( lying below a depth ot 500 feet, neasured vertically, trom the contour ot the surface of 5a1d property. ALSO The We3t 30 feet of that portion of ~aid Soutl'er-n Paclt"1c Trarspor~ation Conpany righ~ or way descrlbed above lying South of ~enter11ne cf aeltll~e Road and Nor~h or a line 13 29 cha1n~ So~th the ND-th line of ~illlam Stevens Do~at1on Lana Claim No. ~6. 1n ::;'~;.'~ .,7':l :". ,__:..~~.... ...... P~r.:rP" 'ie:st. W'111Ilmett.e Meridian, ~-County. Oregon. the or In CT-170209 Page 3 of ?o1~cy No 24gS16 CT-170209 'T, I t},t il' '~- , .i"t' ~-:~.. ~~..;; : .."1..." 1~ , ~"1' "'f.,.' \.1 ~ .,.~. "i-l~"'. ~.J i ,..... ~.... " ", . . l< ,\ -=""'"' .- " -~- .- ~ I , " \ . . . . . Ii ., '.' . - ), . ...::. w II' ~ . , , .(,...........')." ~ ' '" .' j . , f .. , , , 0/ ~Lr'f r~_~~ '- .. ' 'J . .' . .' , ) . . \; -_ _ -" . " . " J ---...-......-... j . -.r!...'_l'..t'<o..:..;...)..'l~.~~ "' -, ---.,r-.o..-"' ~......~~""","---~~,~,,,-..c.\. '.... - ,---- -..... .., .~. ..'- ~'E-l-TLI N [ r~.~ ~ ~ KRUSE "'~ -';5J' l'F~O\f~~ ~':":J\" "'N 89.55"53' \::"'230-;7 u<< 805 0 ~2~c o 50 AC 42730 so n 21962 SO FT pel .3 e PCl 2 '\ ~e {I- ,\0\ ~ ~ AD <.,\n ,) D..'" 0\ ".., r1 \~ n~\l- JO.Jl' I ~Oj,~LI '\ AC S 1~~'5'I' j,it 1,11'''" , I~~?'O c" "B9,~~,2~5Dn, '/(.' :,~,"l1l~,.5S./53_ ,~" }2Il.OO 'f -l.'" un N..89 55-53,,[. lS?3Ru "" Z '\' '\ S895553 V 55738 , \ \ , ) 803 '\ \\ C 3 54 AC T \ \ f-- 154289 ~Q n \. , pel 3', " :i jJ ~ ~ 0 "" "'" 8 ! I'~ ~ "" ' ; ;t.',~ ", "'" 2 29 AC S ~~!.fJ2J!.fJ2J ~ . '" ',', \())~ rfi.!lt ~ 125 ACS " ' em""'\) " )"Vp, ~~90B , ,', fo\;(!:? 30 r ~O~t\",0~ ,~ ~,.."f~"25'~10 r,~C T .. \. ,~~,.., ~.., ,55W.., .... .... .... 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'i'",A,tl 4 > 6600 1 65 AC 7201" SO FT ~ ~ ~ z c c ~ ~ 1 SITE 'ff>'*' ~: ~: oW>~~;~ R &"~0'~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ \;1<- \,.W>~ " riP:,'!'\" ~ (l,\~ ." ~, ~..p .".N,S,'J~5.?,s.En lB~,OO.... .N,a<L~'i;:>.q '.~~"-""- . ~~.tLE1'l4:). -.......- l'~' _.-.-+-r_~i7~p:?,x''1'7tr-'-'--~-~ ___ - ~_ ()6g=oo dTYOFS~RI'~GFIELDo04-62 '. 17-03-22-20 Dl TL 6800,6900,7000,7100 L;f pqx < N894529 E 20646 M c ~ ~ 7100 o 95 AC ~1570 sr FT ~~ .~ ee g~ 7000 SITE SITE 7 Date ReceIved Planner AL