HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotice PLANNER 6/1/2006
County of Lane )
I, Karen LaFleur, being first duly sworn, do hereby depose and say as follows
1 I state that I arn a Prograrn Technician for the Planning DIvIsion of the
Development ServIces Department, City of Springfield, Oregon
2. I state that In rny capacity as, Prograrn Technician, I prepared and caused to be
mailed copies of1>~200'-oao38 Noir:e. 0). t.o~ DWP
(See attachment nAn) on....!E.L1 -. 2006 addressed to (see
Attachrnent Bn), by causing said letters to be placed In a U S rnail box with
postage fully prepaid thereon
STATE OF OREGON, County of Lane
~IUlU I. , 2006 Personally appeared the above narned Karen LaFleur,
P 0 rarn TechnicIan, who acknowledged the foregoing Instrument to be their voluntary
a Before rne
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" COMt.!ISSION NO 379218 j
._s:~...;~~~_~~~YI~E~. ~~~, 2008 !
Date Received
Planner AL
tl h4lt
225 1'11' 1 rl STREET
(541) 726-3759
Date of leller
June 1,2006
Journal Number
Andrew Longworth
Sycan Developments
840 Beltline Road, Suite 202
Springfield. OR 97477
Approval is requested for the construction of a six-storey, 153 room hotel with allached restaurant and
meeting rooms. The development comprises a total of 94.900 square feet of building area. with outside
landscaping and parking for hotel patrons. The property is located at 919 Kruse Way in Springfield
(Assessor's Map 17-03-22-20, TL 6800, 6900. 7000 & 71(0) and the 5 year TOTZ contour runs through
the middle of the property. As such, about half of the site is within the 1-5 year Time of Travel Zone
(TOTZ) and about half is within the 5-10 year TOTZ from the Sports Way wellhead. In accordance with
SDC Section l7.040(3)(c) the site shall be governed by the 1-5 year TOTZ standards.
Nearly one hundred percent of Springfield's drinking water comes from wells. Springfield's drinking
water supply and water quality protection is a critical part of Springfield's Drinking Water Protection
Plan. A Drinking Water Protection (DWP) Overlay District application is required in conjunction with
any development application when Ihe develvy,,"vut will affect the storage, use andlor production of
hazardous materials that pose a risk to groundwater (SDC 17.050). A Tentative Site Plan Review
application (DRC2006-00037) for the subject y.vyw.,y has been approved with conditions. This DWP
decision is a condition of site plan approval.
Preliminary Plan Approval. with conditions. as of the date of this leller.
Other Uses Authori7.ed hv the Decision
Date Received'
Planner: AL
SDC 17 050(4)(a-g) sets standards for revIew materials
(a) A Hazardous Matenal Inventory Statement and a Matenal Safety Data Sheet for any or all
matenals entered 111 the Statement unless exempted under 17 060 of thIs artIcle Hazardous
mdtenal weIghts shall be converted to volume measurement for purposes of detemllmng
amounts - 10 pounds shall be consIdered equal to I gallon 111 confomlance wIth Umform FIre
Code 8001 15 I,
(b) a Itst of the chelnIcals to be momtored through the analYSIS of groundwater samples and a
momtonng schedule If ground water momtonng IS antIcIpated to be reqUIred,
(c) a detaIled descnptIon of the actIVItIes conducted at the faClhty that Il1volve the storage,
handlIng, treatment, use or productIon of hazardous matenals 111 quantItIes greater than the
maxImum allowable amounts as stated m 17 070(1)(a),
(d) a descnptlOn of the pnmary and any secondary contall1ment devIces proposed, and, If
applIcable, clearly IdentIfied as to whether the devIces WIll dram to the stoml or samtary
(e) a proposed Hazardous Matenal Management Plan for the faCIlIty that mdlcates procedures to
be followed to prevent, control, collect and dIspose of any unauthonzed release of a
hazardous matenal,
(I) a descnptIon of the procedures for mspectIon and mall1tenance of contall1ment devIces and
emergency eqUIpment,
(g) a descrIptIOn of the plan for dIspOSItIon of unused hazardous matenals or hazardous materIal
waste products over the maXlIllum allowable amounts 111c1udmg the type of transportatIon,
and proposed routes
Springfield Development Code 17 070(2) sets the standards for 1-5 year TOTZs
(a) The storage, handlIng, treatment, use, applIcatIOn, or productIOn or otherwIse keepmg on
premIses of more than 20 gallons of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater m
aggregate quantItIes not contall1ll1g Dense Non-Aqueous Phase LIqUIds (DNAPLs) shall be
allowed only upon complIance WIth cont31mnent and safety standards set by the most recent
FIre Code adopted by the CIty
(b) Except those exempted, all hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater shall be stored
111 areas WIth approved secondary contall1ment 111 place (Umform FIre Code ArtIcles 2 and
8003 I 3 3)
(c) All new use ofDNAPLs shall be prohIbIted
(d) Any change 111 type of use or an mcrease \l1 maXlIllum dally mventory quantity of any
DNAPL shall be consIdered a new use and shall be prohIbIted
Date ReceIVed
Planner AL
, I
(e) The followmg certam types of facIlIties or changes m chemIcal use and/or storage of
hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater shall be prohIbIted
1 hazardous matenal product plpelmes used to transport the hazardous matenal off of the
tax lot where It IS produced or used,
2 mjectlOn wells, except dry wells for roof dral11age,
3 sohd waste landfills and transfer statlOns,
4 fill matenals contal11mg hazardous matenals,
5 land nses and new facIlIties that wIll use, store, treat, handle, and/or produce DNAPLs
(I) ReqUIrements found m Umfoml FIre Code AppendIx Il-E 3 2 6 for a momtonng program and
m 8003 I 3 3 for momtonng methods to detect hazardous matenals m the secondary
contamment system shall be met for all amonnts of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to
groundwater except those exempted
(g) ReqUIrements found m Umfonn FIre Code AppendIx Il-E SectlOn 327 for mspectlOn and
record keepmg procedures for monthly m-house mspectlon and mamtenance of contanllllent
and emergency eqUIpment for all amounts of hazardous matenals that pose a nsk to
groundwater except those exempted shall be met
SubmIttal Standards
Procedural Fmdmg I The ApplIcant submItted a DWP Overlay Dlstnct Development apphcatJon
addressmg SDC 17505(4) whIch was deemed complete for the revIew of a commerCIal hotel bUlldmg on
Procedural Fmdmg 2 The CIty of Spnngtield Development ReVIew CommIttee and Spnngfield UtIlIty
Board (SUB) Water QualIty ProtectIon Coordmator have reViewed the submItted matenals (See SUB
Letters from Amy CIllmtz dated May 12 and May 25, 2006)
Approval Standards
Fmdlllg 3 No hazardous matenals m the sIze or quantities cIted are proposed dunng constructlOn or
expected on the hotel sIte The applIcant has prOVIded a copy of a proposed Wntten Hazard
Commumcatlon Program (WHCP), proposed Tralllmg Record for Hazard CommumcatlOns, Hazardous
Matenals Inventory Statement, and Matenal Safety Data Sheets for chemIcals to be used at the hotel for
Fmdlllg 4 The Hazardous Matenals Inventory Statement provIded by the applIcant lIsts quantIties of
chemIcals to be used at the hotel whIch (m aggregate) exceed the 20 gallon threshold of the SDC for non-
DNAPL matenals As such, the proposal cannot be exempted from the Dnnkmg Water Protection
standards m accordance WIth SDC 17 060(2)(k) ,
Fllldlllg 5 All hazardons matenals typIcally assocIated WIth nOffilal hotel, restaurant and swnnmmg pool
nse shall be stored WIth secondary contamment approved by the FIre Marshal
Fmdmg 6 The applIcant has stated that no DNAPL use IS proposed dunng construction or normal
operatlOns Matenal Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) proVided by the applIcant for all chemIcals to be
used/stored on the sIte have been reViewed, and no DNAPL chemIcals have been proposed for use at thIS
Date Received 6/ ;fOI7G
Planner Al
locatIOn Use or storage of DNAPLs by the hotel and future assocIated actIvItIes IS prolublted
Fmdmg 7 The proposed development sIte IS currently vacant and contaIns a prevIOusly mstalled paved
dnveway, cul-de-sac bulb, and underground utIlIty lInes There IS an electncal transnusslOn Ime Just
mSlde - and runmng parallel wIth - the eastern boundary of the sIte However, It IS not expected that any
prevIOus actIvItIes occumng on thIS sIte used or produced DNAPLs
Fmdmg 8 There are no antIcIpated operatIOns that would be usmg DNAPLs on the sIte AddItIOnally,
the MSDS for chemIcal, proposed for use at the HolIday Inn have been evaluated and determmed not to
contam DNAPLs
Fmdmg 9 The applIcant does not antIcIpate use or storage of any extremely hazardous matenals, or large
quantItIes of hazardous matenals, on the sIte Therefore, as proposed and condItIOned herem, no
groundwater momtonng wIll be reqUIred for the sIte
Fmdmg 10 The approved parkmg and stonnwater faCIlItIes have been de'lgned to prevent any spIlls
from entenng the groundwater A water qualIty manhole IS proposed to manage storm water runoff from
the hotel parkmg lot and rooftop dramage areas All fill used dunng constructIon shall be clean fill
Fmdmg II The applIcant has descnbed matenals and actIvItIes that wIll be present on-sIte upon
completIOn of the bUlldmg and ImtIatIon of hotel operatIOns ProtectIon of groundwater also Will be
reqUIred dunng the sIte preparatIon and bUlldmg constructIOn phases of the project Tlus IS especI3l1y
Important as not all dralllage management and groundwater protectIOn faCIlItIes wIll be m place and
functIOnal dunng constructIOn Pnor to project start-up, an "actIon plan" for groundwater protectIon
dunng sIte preparatIOn and bUlldmg constructIOn should be prepared and submItted to the CIty and SUB
Water QualIty ProtectIOn for review
Fmdmg 12 Most actIvItIes that mvolve the use and/or storage of hazardous matenals have been reported
for thIS site However, antIcipated &'founds-keepmg/landscapmg actIvItIes have not been reported If
grounds-keepmg chemIcals (such as pestICides, fertIlIzers, fuel, etc ) are to be stored on SIte, the proposed
storage locatIOn, contamment measures, and MSDS shall be proVIded
Fmdmg 13 The flammable hqUlds cabmet wlthm the Mamtenance area has been descnbed m the
proposed WHCP submitted by the applIcant However, secondary contamment measures for hazardous
Items not stored m the flammable lIqUIds cabmet have not been descnbed
Fmdmg 14 The pnmary and secondary contamment measures for hazardous products stored m the
kItchen have not been descnbed m the subnutted WHCP
Fllldlllg 15 The proposed WHCP mdlcates that housekeepmg cleamng agents wIll be stored m theIr
ongmal contamers m the laundry room untIl they are dIspensed mto one-quart sqUIrt bottles and stored on
housekeepmg carts The applIcant proposes to use a floor dram connected to the samtary sewer to dIspose
of any spIlls m the laundry room However, dIscharge to the sallltary sewer IS approved only for dIluted
reSIdue when recommended by the manufacturer SpIlls and leaks should be prevented from drammg to
the samtary sewer Items m the laundry room and on the housekeepmg carts should be stored m
secondary contaInnlent, please descnbe the method of secondary contamment The housekeepmg carts
may serve as secondary contalllment If they prOVide suffiCient volume capacIty PlastIc bms can suffice
as secondary contalnnlent for most matenals
Fmdmg 16 All housekeepmg contamers WIth hazardous matenals must be clearly labeled Slgnage
should be proVIded at all hazardous matenal areas to proVIde safety lllfonnatlOn and cleanup procedures
Date ReceIVed __~tl:Z{il!L
Planner Ai
SpIll kItS also should be aVaIlable In these areas
FIndIng 17 The proposed WHCP descnbes staff traInIng for safe handlIng procedures and appropnate
precautIOns to be used when handlIng chemIcals However, a descnptlOn of staff traInIng for IdentIfYIng
and appropnately handlIng spIlls or leaks of hazardous matenals has not been provIded In the WHCP
Staff should be traIned to properly handle accIdental spills or leaks of hazardous matenals to aVOId
dIscharge to the stonn or samtary sewer system and ensure protectIOn of !,'foundwater Staff traInIng
should Include proper dIsposal procedures for matenals recovered from spIlls or leaks
FIndIng 18 Inspection and maIntenance of any secondary contaInment areas reqUIred dunng IndIVIdual
DWP applIcatIOns shall be In accordance WIth adopted fire codes The submItted WHCP IndIcates that
InspectIon of contaInment devices wIll be perfomled "on a regular baSIS' 1n accordance WIth SDC
17 070(1) a momtonng program for secondary contaInment systems IS reqUIred, but IS not dIscussed In the
proposed WHCP A lIst should be provIded contaInIng the full descnptIon of all secondary contaInment
measures for the laundry room, 1I0usekeepIng carts, Iutchen and maIntenance room
FIndIng 19 SDC 17 070(2)(g) reqUIres record-keepIng, and monthly In-house InspectIOns and
maIntenance of safety and emergency equIpment for contall1ment of hazardous matenals The proposed
WHCP should be revIsed as necessary to provIde for at least monthly InspectIons of all secondary
contaInment measures to ensure protectIon of groundwater
FIndIng 20 InspectIOn of all areas where hazardous matenals are stored/used should be perfomled and
documented on at least a weekly baSIS - If not more frequently ThIS Includes keepmg a logbook of
InspectIOns that lIsts the date and tIme of the InSpectIOn, who conducted the InSpectIOn, any
InCIdents/spIlls, and how any InCIdents were resolved Please provIde SUB Water QualIty ProtectIOn With
a copy ofthe InspectIOn foml
FIndIng 21 The proposed WHCP states that department supervIsors will be responsIble for InspectIng,
maIntaInll1g, and cleamng contaInment areas The WHCP states the hotel's Safety CommIttee WIll
conduct quarterly InspectIOns of the property to ensure that protectIve and emergency eqUIpment IS In
place and III good worlung order Please descnbe the procedures to control, collect and dIspose (or
recover) any unauthonzed release of hazardous matenals, both for matenals In storage and In use SUB
Water QualIty ProtectIon recommends that released matenals are recovered for re-use wherever pOSSible
Also please note that IllspectIon of contaInment and emergency measures for protectIOn of groundwater
must be completed more frequently (Ie at least monthly) III accordance WIth SDC 17 070(2)(g)
Fmdll1g 22 Extenor sIgnage should be placed In a conspICUOUS locatIon to alert patrons to notIfy 9-1-1 In
the event of an unauthonzed release of hazardous matenals A SIgn standard dIagram IS prOVIded WIth
thIS deCISIon The applIcant IS to contact Amy ChInItz, SUB Water QualIty ProtectIon CoordInator at
744-3745 If SI!,'llS are to be purchased dIrectly from SUB
FIndmg 23 HolIday Inn proposes that the only unused or excess hazardous matenals would be reSIdue
left m shIppIng contaIners The reSIdue would be dIsposed of In accordance WIth the manufacturer's
recommendatIOns Please note that any quantItIes greater than dIluted reSIdue should be prevented from
dramIng to the samtary sewer
FIndll1g 25 The Indlvldual(s) who serve(s) as the hotel's emergency contact and theIr telephone
number(s) should be prOVIded In the WHCP Pnmary responders are Spnngfield FIre and LIfe Safety (9-
I-I) and OERS (1-800-452-0311) McKenzIe-WIllamette HospItal IS the closest medIcal faCIlIty The
standard procedure for notIficatIon of a hazardous matenals release In Spnngfield IS to call 9-1-1 The
911 dIspatcher WIll relay pertInent InfonnatIon to SUB Prompt notlficatJon of SUB IS cntIcal to ensure
Date Received _!?/ptrJb
Planner AL
evaluatIOn/procedural measures are taken ImmedIately, as a chenllcal release may have the potenl1al to
contall1mate nearby dnnkmg water wells
ConclusIOn The above findmgs mdlcate that the future commerclal use (hotel) can be protected If the
proposed Wntten Hazard CommunIcatIOns Program and other appropnate pracl1ces are followed m
accordance wIth SDC Arl1cle 17 The approved sIte plans and the Wntten Hazard CommunIcatIOn
Program shall mclude prOVISIons for compliance wIth SDC ArtIcle 17 The followmg conditions of
approval are applied for full compliance wIth the above standards of SDC 17 050, 17 070(2), J 7 080 and
the Spnngfield FIre Code
The condItIOns of approval must be addressed pnor to Issuance of any bUlldmg penmts Fmdl approval of
the DWP Overlay Dlstnct ApphcatlOn occurs when the followmg condll1ons are sal1sfied
New use, storage or sale of Dense Non-Aqueous Phase LIqUIds (DNAPLs) IS NOT penmtted m the 1-
5 year Time of Travel Zone
2 Pnor to Issuance ofbUlldmg pemllts for the hotel, the apphcant shall proVide the City and SUB Water
QualIty ProtectIOn with a Wntten Hazard CommumcatlOn Program or smlllar "actIon plan' for the
sIte preparation and hotel constructIOn phases of the project The "acl1on plan" shall contamlanguage
requmng all contractors, tradesmen, and vehicle and eqUIpment operators to comply With SDC
Article 17 dunng any constructIOn acl1vlties occumng on sIte
3 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg penmts for the hotel, the MSDS, storage locatIOn, and contamment
measures for landscapmg and !,'Tounds-keepmg hazardous matenals shall be proVided to the City and
SUB Water QualIty ProtectIOn
4 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg permits for the hotel, a descnptlOn of the secondary contamment
measures for hazardous matenals kept m Mamtenance (that are not stored m the flammable liqUIds
cab met) shall be proVided to the City and SUB Water Quality ProtectIOn
5 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg pen11lts for the hotel, a descnptlOn of the method of pnmary and
secondary contamment measures for hazardous matenals kept m the kitchen shall be proVIded to the
CIty and SUB Water QualIty ProtectIOn
6 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg permIts for the hotel, a descnptIon of the method of secondary
contamment measures for hazardous matenals on the housekeepmg carts shall be proVIded to the CIty
and SUB Water Quahty ProtectIOn
7 All contamers With hazardous matenals shall be clearly labeled, and appropnate SIgn age and spIll kits
shall be proVided at all hazardous matenal areas
8 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg permits for the hotel, the Wntten Hazard CommunIcatIOn Program shall
be reVised to proVIde for staff trammg on proper handlmg, contamment and disposal of spills or leaks
of hazardous matenals
9 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg permits for the hotel, the Wntten Hazard CommunIcal1on Program shall
be reVised to proVide for appropnate mOnItonng of secondary contamment systems for all hazardous
matenals m accordance WIth SDC 17 070(2)(f)
Date Received
Planner AL
6/ /:W06
I I ---~~
10 Pnor to Issuance of buddmg pemllts for the hotel, the Wntlen Hazard CommumcatlOn Program shall
be revIsed to provIde for at least once-monthly mspectlOns of all secondary contamment measures
and emergency eqUIpment m accordance WIth SDC 17 070(2)(g)
II Pnor to Issuance of buddmg penl11ts for the hotel, a hst of the proposed secondary contamment
measures for the laundry room, housekeepmg carts, kitchen, mamtenance room, and any grounds-
keepmg/landscapmg rooms shall be proVIded to the CIty and SUB Water Quahty Protechon
12 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg pemllts for the hotel, a copy of the mspechon fonn to be used for (at a
mlmmum) once-weekly mspectlOns of all areas where hazardous matenals are used and stored shall
be proVided to the City and SUB Water Quahty ProtectlOn
13 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg pemllts for the hotel, a descnptlOn of the procedures to control, collect
and dispose (or recover) any release of hazardous matenals m storage and/or m use shall be proVIded
to tile CIty and SUB Water Quahty ProtectlOn
14 Pnor to Issuance of Fmal Occupancy for the hotel bUlldmg, extcnor wellhead protectlOn area slgnage
shall be placed m a consp'cuous 10catlOn to alert patrons, staff and contractors to nohfy 9-1-1 m the
event of a hazardous matenals release
15 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg pen111ts for tile hotel, the Wntten Hazard CommumcatlOn Program sllall
be revised to mclude the names and telephone numbers of the md,vlduals who serve as the hotel's
emergency contacts
16 Pnor to Issuance of Fmal Occupancy for tile hotel bUlldmg, a final mspectlOn of the faclhty shall be
completed to the sal1sfacl1on of SUB Water Quahty ProtectIOn
Please call the Development ServIces Department at 726-3660 or Amy Chmltz at SUB Water Quahty
ProtectlOn (744-3745) If you have questIOns regardmg thiS process
preDared bv
Andy Llmblrd
Planner II
Date Received
Planner AL
6;; /JoO&
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, --,
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Andrew Longworth
Sycan Development
840 Beltllne Road, Ste 202
Sprlngfleld, OR 97477