HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence SUB 5/25/2006 .. SPRINGFIELD UTILITY BOARD W/\ II R ...rRVICE C!:.N [J R 202 South 18th Street Springfield OR 97477 5240 Tel 541 7262396 Fax 541 7477348 www subutd com May 25, 2006 Andy LImblrd Development Plannmg Clty of Spnngfield 225 FIfth Street Spnngfield, Oregon 97477 e~",,~e/ 3?5J'06 RE Hohday Inn (919 Kruse Way, DRC 2006-00038) Dear Andy I have revlewed all documents provIded for Hohday Inn (919 Kruse Way, DRC 2006-00038) m hght of the ltems reqUIred for a DWP Overlay Dlstnct ApphcatIOn by the CIty of Spnngfield Areas that stIll need to be addressed are explamed All reqUIrements are as follows I ARTICLE 17050(4) REVIEW a) Hazardous Matenals Inventory Statement and MSDS sheets MSDS sheets for all chemicals to be used/stored on th,s sIte have been revlewed No DNAPL chemlcals have been proposed for use at th,S locatIOn b) LIst of hazardous matenals to be momtored through analYSIS of groundwater Hohday Inn does not anl1cIpate use/storage of any extremely hazardous or large amounts of hazardous matenals Therefore, no groundwater momtonng wll1 be reqUIred for thIS slte c) DetaIled descnphon of achvihes condncted at the faclhty that mvolve hazardous matenals (I e what processes - pamtmg, parts c1eanmg, etc) ACI1VIl1es that mvolve use/storage of hazardous matenals have been reported for th,S slte These mclude . general cleanmg and ongomg mamtenance of guest rooms, pubhc areas, restaurant and lounge, k1tchen, and serVlCe areas of the hotel, and . saml1zatIOn of the swnnmmg pool and whIrlpool No grounds-keepmg actIvll1es or matenals were reported If grounds-keepmg matenals WIll be stored on sIte, please provlde the MSDS and mdlcate wherelhow they WIll be stored d) DescnptlOn of pnmary and secondary contamment . MaIntenance Items wIll be stored m the mamtenance room when not bemg used Flammable ltems WIll be stored wIthm a flammable hqUlds cabmet Please descnbe the secondary contamment for those hazardous ltems not stored m the flammable hqUlds cabmet . Kitchen Please descnbe pnmary and secondary contamment for hazardous products stored m the k1tchen Date ReceIved 5";/t2 J hJJt'6 Planner AL 1/- Slle Plan #DRC2006-00038 DWP Holiday Inn, 919 Kruse Way May 25,2006 Page 2 of3 . Housekeepll1g Cleamng agents WIll be stored m theIr ongmal contamers m the laundry room unhl they are dispensed mto one-quart sqUIrt bottles and stored on housekeepmg carts The apphcant proposes to use a floor dram connected to the samtary sewer to dIspose of any spllls m the laundry room However, dIscharge to the samtary sewer IS approved only for diluted residue when recommended by the manufacturer Spills and leaks should be prevented from draining to the samtary sewer Items m the laundry room and on the housekeeping carts should be stored m secondary containment, please descnbe the method of secondary contamment The housekeepmg carts may serve as secondary contamment If they prOVIde suffiCIent volume capacIty (Plashc bms Will suffice as secondary contamment for most Items ) All contamers WIth hazardous matenals must be clearly labeled SIgnage should be prOVIded at all hazardous matenal areas to proVIde safety mformahon and cleanup procedures SpIll kIts should also be available m these areas e) Hazardous Matenal Management Plan that mdlcates procedures to prevent, control, collect and dIspose of any unauthonzed release of hazardous matenals Hohday Inn proVIded a WTltten hazard commumcatlOn program The department supervIsors WIll be responsible for mspectmg, mamtammg, and cleanmg contamment areas The Safety Committee Will conduct quarterly mspectlOns of the property to ensure that protectIve and emergency eqUIpment IS m place and m good workmg order Please descnbe the procedures to control, collect, and dIspose (or recover) any unauthonzed release of hazardous matenals, both for matenals m storage and In use SUB recommends that released matenals be recovered for re-use whenever pOSSIble Extenor slgnage should be placed m a conspIcuous locatIOn to alert patrons to notIfy 911 In the event of an unauthonzed release of hazardous matenals (SIgn standard attached) Please contact Amy Chlmtz at SUB (744-3745) If you would hke to purchase the sIgns dIrectly from SUB t) DescnptlOn of procedures for mspectlOn and mamtenance of contamment devIces and emergency eqUIpment Weekly or more frequent inspectIOn of all areas where hazardous matenals are stored/used should be performed and documented ThIS mcludes keepmg a logbook of mspechons that hsts date/tIme of mspecllOn, who conducted It, any mCldents/spllls, and how they were resolved Please proVide SUB WIth a copy of the mspectlOn form g) DescnptlOn Df plan for dIspOSItIon of unused hazardous matenals or hazardous matenals waste products over the maxImum allowable amounts Hohday Inn reports that the only unused or excess hazardous matenals would be the reSidue left m the shIppmg containers The reSIdue would be disposed of In accordance WIth the manufacturer's recommendatIOns Please note that any quanhhes greater than dlluted reSidue should be prevented from dralnmg to the samtary sewer II ARTICLE 17 070(2) STANDARDS FOR APPROVAL OF DWP OVERLAY DISTRICT APPLICATIONS WITHIN TIME-OF-TRA VEL ZONE 1-5 YEAR STANDARDS a) All ha~ardous matenals that pose a nsk to groundwater stored 10 approved secondary contamment All secondary contamment needs to be compatIble WIth matenals stored wlthm and large enough to contam full volume of ongmal contamers Please submIt fuIl descnptlOn of all secondary contamment (laundry room, housekeepmg carts, kItchen, and mamtenance room) \\5vr-dala\wscengnr\SITEPLAN\Hohday Inn AppS #1_5-23-06 doc Date t'<6celved Planner AL 5 In Iwt I / SIte Plan #DRC2006-00038 DWP Hohday Inn, 919 Kruse Way May 25,2006 Pagc3 of3 b) All hazardous matenals will be stored m approved secondary contamment See SectIon I (d) above c) DNAPL chemIcals prohIbIted MSDS for chemIcals proposed for use at the HolIday Inn sIte have been evaluated and deterrnmed not to contam DNAPLs d) Any change m the type of use or an expansIOn of any eXlstmg use mvolvmg any DNAPLs shall be consIdered a new use and shall be prohIbIted No DNAPL chemIcals are proposed for use at thIS facIlIty e) ProhIbItIon offacllltles that mherently pose a nsk to groundwater Not applIcable t) Momtormg program to detect hazardous matenals m secondary contamment system ThIS applIes to hazardous matenals m all amounts See SectIon I (I) g) InspectIOn and record keepmg procedures for m-hDuse mspectlOn and mamtenance of contamment and emergency eqUIpment See SectIOn I (f & g) m OTHER AREAS THAT NEED TO BE ADDRESSED a) Please mdlcate the mdIVIdual(s) who serve(s) as the emergency contact Pnmary responders are Spnngfield FIre and Life Safety (911) and OERS (1-800-452-0311) McKenzle-Wlllamette HospItal IS the closest medIcal faCIlIty ThIS IS m accordance With the standard procedure for notIficatIon of a hazardous matenals release m Spnngfield to call 911 The 911 dlspatcher wIll dlsperse mforrnatIOn to SUB ThIS IS Important because, should a chemical release have the potentIal to contammate our welles), we need to be notIfied as soon as pOSSIble for evaluatIOn/procedural purposes b) Any new chemicals proposed for use/storage at HolIday Inn need to be evaluated for DNAPLs Please submIt MSDS for any such products before purchase c) An mspectIOn to venfy phYSIcal aspects and processes of the sIte IS reqUIred Please contact Amy Chlmtz at SUB (744-3745) to sLhedule the mspectIon d) Employee trammg IS reqUIred to make them aware of the sensItIve areas that HolIday Inn occupIes and speCIal precaullons that need to be taken to protect the dnnkmg water supply, mcludmg proper clean-up procedures Trammg should mforrn employees that even common cleanmg products can pose nsks to groundwater when not handled and/or cleaned up properly Should you have questIons, please feel free to contact me at 744-3745 Smcerely, A':::l" ~ Water QualIty ProtectIOn Coordmator Date ReceIved Planner Al j; r/~OD6 / Enclosure Ilsvr-datalwscengnrISITEPLAN\Hohday Inn AppS #1_5-23-06 doc DRAWN BY EJN APPROVED KC REVISED 1/31/00 A :2 ::J :2 z :2 - ~ ~ , 17" MINIMUM - Springfield's Wellhead Protection Area Help protect our drinking water Report all leaks or spills to: HAZARDOUS MATERIAL RESPONSE 911 Site operator: Springfield Utility Board 746-8451 Date Received ~/2.-?tJ6 Planner AL SPRINGFIELD UTIUTY BOARD DATE 1/5/00 SCALE N/A DRAWING # FF11 DE40 WELLHEAD PROTECTION SIGN