HomeMy WebLinkAboutCorrespondence APPLICANT 7/31/2006 L Sycan B Corp. 8./0 Heltlme Road, SUIte 202, Sprlllgfield, OR 97./77 (5./1) 7./6-8./././ * Fax (5./1) 7./6-2590 ~M July 3, 2006 Andy Llmblrd City of Spnngfleld Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfleld, OR 97477 RE DRC2006-00038 Holiday Inn Dnnklng Water Protection application Mr Llmblrd, In response to the conditions of approval for the referenced case CondItIon 1 New use, storage, or sale of Dense Non-Aqueous Phase LiqUIds (DNAPLs) IS NOT permitted m the 1-5 year Time of Travel Zone Sycan B Corp Will do everything within Its power to ensure that no known DNAPLs are used at any time on the Site, from construction through opening and Into routine operations CondItion 2 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg pemuts for the hotel, the applicant shall provide the City and SUP Water Quality ProtectIOn with a Wntten Hazard Communication Program or similar "action plan" for the sIre preparatIon and hotel constructIOn phases of the project The "actIOn plan" shall contam language reqUlnng all contractors, tradesmen, and vehIcle and eqUIpment operators to comply with SDC Article 17 dunng any constructIon actIVitIes occumng on site A Hazardous Matenals Management Plan has been developed and IS attached that Will address site preparations and construction Normal hotel operations are addressed by the Wntten Hazard Communication Program CondItion 3 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg permits for the hotel, the MSDS, storage locatIOn, and contamment measures for landscapmg and grounds-keepmg hazardous matenals shall be provIded to the City and SUB Water Quality ProtectIOn Acknowledged Condition 4 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg permIts for the hotel, a descnptlOn of the secondary contamment measures for hazardous matenals kept m Mamtenance (that are not stored m the flammable liqUIds cabmet) shall be provided to the City and SUB Water Quality ProtectIOn Acknowledged DateRecelved /7~/~t Planner AL '/ -" ConditIOn 5 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg permits for the hotel, a descnptlon of the method of pnmary and secondary contamment measures for hazardous matenals kept m the kitchen shall be provided to the City and SUB Water Quality Protection Acknowledged Condition 6 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg permits for the hotel, a descnptlon of the method of secondary contamment measures for hazardous matenals on housekeepmg carts shall be provided to the City and SUB Water Qualtty Protection Chemicals are kept on the top shelf of the housekeeping carts, which are designed to hold the contents of the bottle In the case of a spill or breach In essence, the cart becomes the secondary containment device Condition 7 All con tamers with hazardous matenals shall be clearly labeled and appropnate slgnage and spill kits shall be proVided at all hazardous matenals areas Spill kits Will be located In the maintenance I storage room on first floor, the kitchen, and the laundry room In addition, a spill kit Will be located on the 4th floor In the storage room across from Stair #2 Condition 8 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg permits for the hotel, the Wntten Hazards Commurt/catlOn Program shall be revised to proVided for staff trammg on proper handlmg, contamment, and disposal of spills or leaks of hazardous matenals The Wntten Hazards Communication Program has been revised to Include training regarding proper handling of chemicals, appropnate containment and markings, and disposal of spilled or leaked hazardous matenals Condition 9 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg pemuts for the hotel, the Wntten Hazards Commurt/catlOn Programs shall be revised to proVide for appropnate mort/tonng of secondary contamment systems for all hazardous matenals m accordance With SDC 17 070(2)(f) Acknowledged \ Condition 10 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg permits for the hotel, the Wntten Hazard Commurt/catlon Program shall be revised to proVide for at least once-monthly mspectlons of all secondary contamment measures and emergency eqUipment m accordance With SDC 17 070(2)(g) The Wntten Hazards Communication Program has been revised to require the department supervisors to Inspect, at least monthly, all containers, secondary containment deVices, and emergency equipment Condition 11 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg permits for the hotel, a Itst of proposed secondary contamment measures for the laundry room, housekeepmg carts, kitchen, mamtenance room, and any grounds-keepmg /Iandscapmg rooms shall be proVided to the City and SUB Water Qualtty Protection Acknowledged Condition 12 Pnor to Issuance of bUlldmg permits for the hotel, a copy of the mspectlons form to be used for (at a mlrt/mum) once-weekly mspectlons of all areas where hazardous matenals are used and stored shall be proVide to the City and SUB Water Qualtty Protection Acknowledged ConditIOn 13 Pnor to Issuance of building permits for the hotel, a descriptIOn of the procedures to control, collect, and dispose (or recover) any release of hazardous materials In storage and/or In use shall be proVided to the City and SUB Water Quality ProtectIOn Acknowledged A standard operating procedure Will be submitted when developed Condition 14 Prior to Issuance of Final Occupancy for the hotel bUilding, extenor wellhead protection area sign age shall be placed In a conspIcuous locatIOn to alert patrons, staff, and contractors to notify 9-1-1 In the event of a hazardous matenals release Acknowledged Condition 15 Pnor to Issuance of bUilding permits for the hotel, the Wntten Hazard CommunicatIOn Program shall be revised to Include the names and telephone numbers of the individuals who serve as the hotel's emergency contacts Acknowledged ConditIOn 16 Pnor to Issuance of Final Occupancy for the hotel bUilding, a final inspection of the facJltty shall be completed to the satisfaction of SUB Water Qualtty ProtectIOn Acknowledged The Written Hazards Communication Program Will be submitted at a near-future date along With the product specifications for the secondary containment devices and spill kits Thank you for your time, ~g(.~ Assistant Project Manager Date Received Planner AL 7/3/2006 , I Hazardous MaterIals Management Plan Sycan B Corp for property located at 919 Kruse Way, Spnngfield, OR 97477 Adopted May 25, 2006 ConstructIOn PractIces All constructIOn shall be conducted m accordance with mdustry standards, with highest regard given to preventmg groundwater contammatlon Recommended practices mclude constructmg a concrete washout and hazardous matenals disposal area, contammg all chemicals and hazardous matenals wlthm a water-tight contamer, and ensunng that any fill used does not contam hazardous matenals Suma{!e Wellhead ProtectIOn Zone signs shall be posted on all bUlldmgs near parkmg areas with the proper notIficatIOn phone numbers Dunng constructIOn, the Job supenntendent's after-hours phone number shall also be posted All hazardous matenals storage facIlitIes, both temporary and permanent, shall be Identified m accordance with local, state, and federal regulatIOns Garba{!e Enclosure All garbage dumpsters shall be enclosed on all sides and covered A dram shall be mstalled for the enclosed area that shall be connected to the sanitary sewer system No cross-connectIOn to the storm dram system IS allowed Secondarv Contamment DeVices All secondary contamment deVices shall be constructed and positIOned so that any hqUld waste shall dram mto the sanitary sewer system and shall not be permltted to enter the storm dram system Secondary contamment deVices shall be mamtamed by the mdlvldual tenants and are not the responslblhty of the owner Smll Kits Appropnate spill kits shall be located near the hazardous matenals storage and shall be labeled for easy reference Tenants are responsible for provldmg and mamtammg all spill kits for their r leased property Date Hecelved ~/3( 2otJ(; Planner AL Page I Hazardous Materials Management Plan J':men!encv Contacts, Upon release or dIscovery of un con tamed hazardous matenals, the followmg notIficatIOns shall be made m order FIre Department - 911 Property Manager - (541) 746-8444 ext 15 Tenant (If applIcable) SDnm!field DeveloDment Code ArtIcle 17 ArtIcle 17 of the Spnngfield Development Code (SDC) establIshed reqUIrements and restnctlOns for all property wlthm the Dnnkmg Water ProtectIOn zones ThIs property falls m the 1-5 year TIme Of Travel zone and all tenants shall be reqUIred to abIde by all applIcable standards as publIshed per SDC sectIon 17 070 (2) Storage, productIon, manufactunng, or use of Dense Non-Aqueous Phase LIqUIds (DNAPLs) IS stnctly prolublted on thIs property InformatIOn regardmg ArtIcle 17 can be obtamed at the Spnngfield Development ServIces Department, 225 FIfth St, Spnngfield , , Page 2