HomeMy WebLinkAboutPacket, DIM APPLICANT 5/30/2008 City of Spnngfield Development Services Department 225 Fifth Street Spnngfield, OR 97477 Date ReceIved: MAY 3 0 2008 Onglnal Submittal ~ Development Issues Meeting (DIM) . , Required Project Information- (Applicant: complete this section) Prospective Applicant Name: Geoff Cossen Company: Address: NjA 445 E 50th Av, Eugene OR 97405 Phone: (541) 954-3821 Fax: I I Prospective Applicant's Rep.: Joe Ferquson I Company: IAddress: I I Property Owner: Geoff & Elizabeth Cossen [company: IAddress: I IASSESSOR'S MAP NO: 17-03-36-11 I Property Address: 2660 G St Spnnqfield ISize of Property: 12,825 I I Description of If you are filling In thiS form by hand, please attach your proposal descnptlon to this application Proposal: PartitIOn property Into two residential parcels (see attached descnotlOn) IExisting Use: One smqle family residential house 1# of Lots/Parcels: 2 IAvq. Lot/Parcel Size: 5,850 I Phone: 747-4917 Joseph Ferquson, Prof Land Surveyor Fax: 2130 Daphne St, Spnngfield OR 97477 I Phone: IFax: ITAX LOT NOeS): 9100 Acres 0 Square Feet L2J sf I Density: 7 5 du/acre Prospective Applicant: fJ)r~!4 (->~f ~ SlgnatJ{'j r=Pr?tf-',C:;:;CA? ^ Print Date: 5 fcx7/ot) I . f Rl;lquir.ed Proje~t Informatio!l . . (City Inta/ie- Staff: cQmpie~f} th~s sect!~~) Case No.: ~ Zm <:2 - 6Gb 2.-(0 Date: t::j /10/ otb Reviewed by: ~ G- ot) I . I Application Fee: $ 50fo Technical Fee: $0 Postage Fee: $0 I 5D/ txJ I 0 TOTAL FEES: $ (L:J PROJECT NUMBER: .1 t\ 7.f1'S - CJDb1? '- 225 Fifth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~ Ow of Sprmgfield OffiCial Receipt 1 ~Iopment Services Department PublIc Works Department RECEIPT #. 1200800000000000571 Date. 05/30/2008 2 10 57PM Job/Journal Number ZON2008-00026 Description CTY Development Issues Mtg Payments Type of Payment Check PaId By GEOFFREY L COSSEN Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received Amount Due 506 00 $506 00 Amount Paid tJ 1095 In Person Payment Total $506 00 $506 00 Date Received MAY 3 0 2008 Onglnal Submlltal /J/2 v cRecLlrltl Page 1 of 1 5/30/2008 LAFLEUR Karen Subject Location' ZON2008-00026 Development Issues Mtg - Cossen Andy L _SP_ConfRm616 Start End Thu 6/26/2008 1 30 PM Thu 6/26/2008 2 30 PM Recurrence (none) Meetmg Status: Meeting organizer Required Attendees LAFLEUR Karen, L1MBIRD Andrew, Engineering Group (DIMs), MCKENNEY Gary, GORDON Gilbert _SP _ConfRm616 Resources A Development Issues Meeting has been scheduled for Thursday, June 26,2008 @ 1 30 - 230 P m In DSD 616 The planner assigned to thiS application IS Andy Llmblrd The applicant submitted plans to discuss partitioning one lot Into two parcels Please confirm your attendance at thiS meeting Thanks Karen Date Received MAY 3 0 2008 Original Submittal. Or- 1 Lll i OF SPRINGFIELD VICINi'IY MAP ZON2008-00026 2660 G Street ....J OJ. :It trl (';I ~ ~II~ Map 17-03-36-11 Tax Lot 9100 G. T G.S- GST- North t III I Date Received: 'A i MAY 3 0 2008 Original SUbmiltal~Y Development Issues Meeting For Minor Partition at 2660 G Street Taxlot 17-03-36-11 #9100 Prol)osal: PartItion the pwp..:...;j mto two resIdential parcels, one WIth an eXlstmg house and outbUlldmg Construct a duplex on the new vacant comer parcel ApplIcant proposes to dedIcate 5' addItional publIc nght-of-way on both 26th Street and G Street If reqUITed After dedICatIOn, total dImensIOns WIll be 90' x 130' = 11,700 sq ft Both parcels can meet mllllmUlll reqUIrement of 6,000 sf (comer lots) and 5,000 sffor others The proposed parcel line wIll be 5' south of the south SIde of the eXlstmg bUlldmg to meet the mmImUlll SIde-yard setback After the dedICatIOn, the new vacant parcel will have 90' of ;;vu~e on G Street, but only 45' frontage on 26th Street The property IS served by exIstmg Improved streets, publIc stormwater and wastewater sewers, and utilIties The property IS not served by any transit routes The nearest routes are at 14th/G Street or 28th/OlympIc The nearest fire hydrant IS on the south SIde ofG Street 300' west of the sIte There IS no PUE for the powerlIne on the east SIde of the property The property IS affected by two easements to Mountain States Power Company m the 1940's Note ElevatIOns are based on City benchmark at 26th/G Streets usmg 1929 NA VD Date Received: MAY 3 0 2008 Orlgmal SUbrnlltal-P )? Cossen D.I.M. Taxlot 17-03-36-11 #9100 Date Received MAY 3 0 2008 Original SUbmlttal~ Ouestions 1. What will Springfield requirefor r/w dedication in G Street? ApplIcant IS WIllIng to dedicate 5' of addItional nght-of-way on both 26th Street and G Street If reqUIred Exaction of more than 5' would severely Impact the abilIty to develop the new front parcel and would be problematIc from a proportIOnalIty standpornt related to a residential partition Is there a Development Code reqUIrement for specIal setbacks for future expansIon of the nght-of-way? 2. Must the applicant include an application for a minor variancefor streetfrontage on 2(/h Street with the partition applicatwn? The parcel contaIllIng the eXlstmg house WIll meet the street frontage reqUITements of 60' on a N-S street I he new parcel WIll exceed the requirements for frontage on It'S pnmary access (G Street) but have only 45' of frontage on 26th Street, a shortage of 15' (25%) 3. If the full 6,000 sf area is achieved for the new corner parcel, can a duplex be constructed there? There are three optIOns for achIevrng the full 6,000 sf SIze for the corner parcel a) The "zlg-zag" property line shown on the drawmg, b) Removal or relocatIon of the eXIstIng shop, or c) Removal of the 8' x 12' sectIon at the SE corner of the eXIstIng house We favor optIOn a) If the resultant parcells OK for a duplex 4. If a duplex cannot be constructed on the corner lot, can we apply (successfully) for a minor variance to create a 5,400 sf corner parcel (a 10% reduction)? 5. Engineering Services: How do we obtain the necessary waiver and exemption to reqUlrementsfor civil engineering services? Or limit the scope/complexity of those services? Development Code reqUIres the servIces of a CIVIl engmeer for a site assessment drawrng(5 12-120B) and stormwater management plan 5 12-120C) . SIte Assessment There are SIX Issues to address on the SIte Assessment rhree of them are not applicable (B 1 - No watercourses; B 4 . No slgmficant phYSIcal features, and B 6 - No NR protectIons areas) The other three (B 2 - FEMA deSIgnation, B 3 - TIme of Travel Zones, and B 5 - Sou types as mapped by NRCS) are based on data from docUIllents already m the CIty'S possessIOn and use . Stormwater Manal!ement ThIs proposal creates a smgle new bUIldable parcel whIch IS already served by Improved streets and publIc stormwater system