HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-7-3 CITY OF 8r.Kll~GFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008,00767 ISSUED 07/03/2008 APPLIED: 06/02/2008 EXPIRES: 01/0312009 VALUE: $ 67,000,00 -iik~ Status Issued 225 F,fth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541.726,3753 Phone 541,726-3676 Fax 541-726,3769 InspectIOn Lme SITE ADDRESS 3197 U ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1702302102900 Sprmgfield TYPE OF WORK Manufdctured Home on Pnvate Lot TYPE OF USE New ReSIdential PROJECT DESCRIPTION Manufactured home replacement Owner Address RICK HAGLER 3197UST SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION. Contractor Type General Electncal Mauul Home Inst Plumhmg Contractor HARRISON JACOBSON INC ROBS ELECTRIC INC HARR1S0NJACOBSONINC HARRISON JACOBSON INC LIcense 66447 156678 66447 66447 BUILDING INFORMATION I # of UOItS Pnmary Occupancy Group Seconddry Occupancy Group Pnmary ConstructIOn Type Secondary Construction Type # 01 Bedrooms 1 R,3 # of Stones' 1 HeIght of Structure Type of Heat orced Air Electnc Water Type Electnc Range Type Electnc Energy Path Sprmkled Buddmg No VB 3 I. DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I Phone N umher 541-741,2942 ExpIration Date 05/07/2010 08/14/2008 05107/2010 05/07/2010 Phone 541,689,7762 541,686,5444 541,689-7762 541,689,7762 Lot S,ze Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other Occupant Load 8,276 1,620 REQUIRED PARKING 2 Overlay Dlst Total. 'ou to {pn'\ It;;l ) # Street Trees Rqd.:._ , C~ 0,0('02 \3'~ - Ct.'~gglcappeij Paved Dnve Rqd;X I \ Et TI "a(jOptsd I,y tha I !SOJW'@ct fOlth % of Lot Coverage".)W · \.o\e~cent~2,90,ose lU he OAR 952.-001- Not\I'cat\0~_001_001 0 thlOUg s 01 the luleS by .... nA.R 95 . "''''''>11'"1 r:001e .. _....."-n.oA :J I ,G';' I PUBLIC II\:lP.ROVEMEN'1'S ,:o~~~a~e~tel lNot~tl~:;; N~t\\lcat\on Street Improv.emenfs'ifV1\T SHALL EXPIRE .r M"ITn-IS" NOT .. ;~m~~llcg,m\l.~~~t:a32.'2344). '1Tf.!'1DI7ED UNDER THIS PER centell Storm Sewer,..~~~'J~ble OR IS ABANDONED FOR DownspoutslDrams SpeCIal Instrucllon ENCED ANY 180 DAY PERIOD, Frontyard Setback SIde 1 Sethack SIde 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks 2600 10 00 1800 4600 000 Notes Paee 1 of3 Status Issued 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541,726.3753 Phone 541,726,3676 Fax 541,726,3769 InspectIOn Lme Description Tvpe of ConstrnctlOn FonndatlOn Onlv Use BId Amonnt Mannf Home Mannfactured Home Fee DescriptIOn Plan RevIew ReSIdential + 10% AdmmlStratlve Fee + 12% State Snrcharge + 5% Technology Fee FIre SF Fee. ReSIdential FoundatIOn PermIt Manuf Home State Issuance Manufactured Home Conn, Plmb Manufactured Home Feeder Manufactured Home Placement Manufactured Home ServIce Plan ReVIew Mmor ' Planmng Samtary Sewer. Improvement Samtary Sewer - ReImbursement SDC Samtary/Storm Admm Storm Dramage ImpervIOUs Area Total Amount PaId Imtlal ReVIew 06/03/2008 Pubhc Works ReVIew 06103/2008 Structural ReVIeW 06/03/2008 Plannme: ReView 06/0312008 CITY OF SPRINt..1'lJ<..LJJ Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00767 ISSUED, 07/03/2008 APPLIED, 06/02/2008 EXPIRES: 01/03/2009 VALUE' $ 67,00000 I ValuatIOn Descrinhon I $ Per Sq Ft or multlpher $100 $100 Square Footage or Bid Amount 7,00000 60,000 00 06/0212008 06/03/2008 Value Date Calculated Total Value of Project $7,000,00 $60,000 00 $67,000 00 FW' P~i'iLI Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Number $60 39 $43 45 $49 55 $26 45 $2160 $92 90 $30 00 $50 00 $55 00 $16000 $55 00 $11600 $61 21 $80 50 $1456 $14948 6/2/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 2200800000000000802 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 2200800000000001019 $1,06609 I Plan ReViews .1 06/03/2008 APP LLH 06/05/2008 APP LKW Storm to eXlStmg system 06/18/2008 APP DLM 06/19/2008 APP TAJ 2 street trees are reqUIred unless they are already 10 ' one tor each street frontage To Request an mspectIon call the 24 hour recordmg at 726.3769, All mspectlOns requested before 7'00 a 10, wIll be made the same workmg day, inspections requested after 7 00 a,m. Will be made the followmg work day Paee 2 of 3 -~~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit Status Iss u ed PERMIT NO' COM2008-00767 ISSUED: 07/03/2008 APPLIED: 06/02/2008 EXPIRES' 0110312009 VALUE: $ 67,000,00 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726,3753 Phone 541,726-3676 Fax 541,726,37691nspectlOn Lme I Relluired rn.nect,J~n. , Uter Electrical Gronnd Install ground rod at footmg and call for inspectIOn In conjunctIOn With footing and/or foundatIOn inspectIOn Foundahon After forms are erected but prior to concrete placement ManufHome Set Up When mstallatlOn of all pIers or stands" complete Fm.1 Manuf Home Set Up After all reqUired mspectlOns are requested and approved and porches, sklrtmg, decks, ventmg, street address numbers, trees, drIveway, etc have been lDstalled Fmal BUIld 109 After all reqUIred inspectIOns have been requested and approved and the bUIlding IS complete Manuf Home Plumbmg After home has been connected to water and sewer Storm Sewer Lme Prior to filling trench, MH ServIce Approval reqUIred prior to uhllty company energlzmg service MH ElectriC When blockmg, setup and plumbmg mspectlOns have been approved and the home IS connected to the panel By sIgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed appllcahon and do hereby cerhfy that all mformahon hereon IS true and correct, and 1 further cerhfy that any and all work performed shall be done In accordance WIth the Ordmances ot the CIty of Springfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertalnmg to the work deSCribed herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be made of any structure Without permIssIOn ofthe CommuDlty ServIces DIVISIOn, Bulldlllg Safety I further cerhfy that only contractors and employees who are III compliance WIth ORS 701 005 will be used on thIS project I further a e to ensure that JII reqUIred mspectlOns are requested at the proper hme, that each address IS readable from the street, that t~hl rd IS cated at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans WIll remam on the sIte at all times dur g c os u tJ n CC ~ ~ /-. 7J~/IJ 'B Owner or Contractors SIgnature ~ Date Paee 3 of3 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT SPRINGFIELD 1:"- ;., ~. .~~ 1l1J<""ii?ol"Ik"",,"W"''''.'-''' ,",,'~ ~- *!'-f::~-~"'1l~.. l'j'..-~~~~ ~~;..j . ~....H.~,'~.1':::i*~~~~:t&"':4'~~oo;., ~~ ....'t~1tJ . . rp, 1 .~, 225 FIFTH STREET - . SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726 3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 wwwc, spnngfleld or us ~'iit~"~r!J1~~~.~ijjj'ir'lr~r~=rg!Jj'f'i'{~. @]. r;~_~: ~';;d''t.,~~, ~". ,,-\~. ..1;.., _ ~t(.~ ~ri.t-Vt"l.t:_,+ R. MANUFACTURED HOME SET-UP AGREEMENT ... -- As IeqUlred bv the City ofSpnngfield Development Code, [undelstand and agree that wIth the approval o~~ the attached pelIDIts, one of the followmg manufactured homes WIll be placed at '3 I q ~ .'U.... y , Spnngfield, Oregon, CIty Job Number .1- \lIo1^ -uJ.) q, - 6b '9-G.~ ~e IM~nufactured H~ ~~tlOnal (double WIde 01 WIder) Ulllt wIth an enclosed floor area of not less than 1,000 squme feet, that-has a nommallOOfpltch of 3 feet III heIght f01 each 12 feet 111 Width, that has no bare metal sldmg or roofing and that has been certIfied by the manufacturer to have an extenOI thermal envelope meetll1g pelformance standards whIch reduce heat loss to levels equIvalent to the performance standards requlled for smgle family dwellmgs at the tIme of constructIOn ~ mItIals Type II A umt ofn t less than 12 feet m WIdth enclosmg a mlmmum floor area of 500 square feet that has a nom mal roo Itch of 2 feet m heIght for each 12 feet m WIdth, that has no bare metal sIdmg or roofing and that has b n certIfied by the manufacturer to have an e'<.tenor thennal envelope meetmg performance standards 'Wl11ch educe heat 10% to level<; eqUIvalent to the pelf01mance standards requIred for <;mgle famIly dwcllmgs the tunc of constructIOn mlt1als I further state, by my SIgnature below, that I have been provIded ';lth the followmg mformatlOn Manufactured Home BlockIng, Water Lme ConnectIon, Sheet Tlee Standards, SanItary Sewel Connection Electl1cal ConnectIOn and Mmtmum reqUIrements for pemlanent ~tep~ I also understand that the manufactured home shall be placed on an excavated and backfilled foundatIOn not to exceed 6 percent slope "dthm 10 feet of the penmeter enclosure, enclosed at the penmeter wIth stone, bItCh. or oth con ~te 0 masonry matenals apploved by the BUlldll1g OffiCIal and wIth no more than 24 m/\ of he n le;111 atenal exposed ab~ve grade _ .tV- ~ ~ ~ SIgnature ~ 7/3/0'/ Date SPRINGFIELD ZON 'vi V ~ INITIALS ....\I'V' A!. DATE (-,-0;( 225 FIFTH STREET' SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH (541)726-3753 . FAX (541)726-3689 ." SOURCE ~ ELECTRICAL PERMIT APPliCATION ~./ 'I City Job Number ~.2/.X2J9, -t2fl7&"7 Dat;'!?/ () K 1 l.f9~Af.rgN OF llVS'I~O~: 3 I.COMJj>1,RtE~E;SCiIEjjfjfE)J~(jliT-J;:f1i~0r~~;:f~'-- q/97 U fiT" " . ~.:"' .'4~ ,,<.-' ~;j ~':' ,"' ,. ":;" :- L '~, '-:~QIT~ pF.~sg~GF::W:I;;~~.g1WGO~ : ~"'_ ,,;' LEGAL DESCRIPTION 170z 3Q2! JOB DESCRIPTION >>t;:-~ lJ, fh># D 027&0 Permits are non,transferable and expire If work IS not started wlthm 180 days of Issuance or If work IS Suspended for 180 days 2 "goIftilA'qiOR'nyl.ffAtUitOI;l ~~ ElectncalContractor Al9h'S 1---lufY'1 L Ln< Address f c) fj,,,, )<. 2 'i? 2- I CIty E"17<.'''t(.. Phone (icll) {" 'i(, nriY SupervIsor klcense Number '/7'1 tj S NOTIl;l:.: I ^' l=lPIRF IF THE WOKK TI'''' nCRMIT '\.l. _ Exprral10n Date .. 'iJlL ~~T ~\C ~~i\i-?s NOT AUTHORIZtu ,w..iYl, ~ R consG-ClrAMEillhlJi.~ePR_IS ABANDONED ~~~t. 78 ANY 180 DAY PEhlfi{; ExprratlOn Date )( -I Y - 2-0 I 1 Signature of SupervIsmg ElectrICIan O/~ z:.- Owners Name ~/CK. fIM~ Address ~ rJ q .,0 'S 7. CIty 5// A . / Phone 21/ - z.1'~ 2- / / OWNER lNSTp.LLA nON The mstallatlOn IS bemg made on property I own whIch IS not mtended for sale, lease or rent Owners SIgnature InspectIOn Request. 726,3769 A ",~~,,~, '"' ,,,'-~/" ""~~~-"~-,,1~ ""!'Y')""""'" '~" \' M~'" _v_","::~""i 'Y",Ji'f' !'lew Resid~~ti!thSingle~tMultl~t:ajIiIly p~r dwening UOlt. . Service Included 1000 sq ft or less Each addItIOnal 500 sq ft or portIOn thereof Each Manufac!' d Home or Modular Dwellmg ServICe or Feeder $1l7 00 $2100 ;z.. $55 00 / II) .- , '" '"" j'i..~' f d2-'" ;~ :~' ;;;;,1;' n -,;o:,-':l1("'"'0'!:::;:;;''j;Ff;'4'i'fj;;:0.\it'4~,,'Z>';"!i:, I B l ~~~i~\'S ,o'.:Ji:e,t;d~rs;:- ~ns~ll~pon,:Alt~!:~![(}~~~~~~!~cl\tlOn: '. 200 Amps or less 201 Amps to 400 Amps 40 I Amps to 600 Amps 60 I Amps to 1000 Amps Over 1000 AmpsIVolts Reconnect Only $ 70 00 $ 83 00 $13800 $18000 $41300 $ 55 00 c InstanatIon, AlteratIon or RelocatIOn 200 Amps or less 201 Amps to 400 Amps 40 I Amps to 600 Amps Over 600 Amps or 1000 Volts see "B" above D $ 55 00 $ 76 00 $11000 J New Alterat~mll:iteIiSl<liirPeJ:.Panel -Of" "^ "~ , [, One C]fCU~fOIlOW rules adopte'l 'J I , _ r) $ 48 00' ,~" EachAddJ 8&i~&l!fi'iii&~Wrthr 1hosnl''',a:,..o:fOlth ServIce or Jdm~1-0010thrn", h "$~,tH92-C3-< 90 You may obt~ln ol;~ o! 'hp, ,"~,. E FM;i~ei",.:p'!!!!,lf}S~W.fc~~3~' D1Jifillclt".r.;Ii)'~El~ll'r~t;li',;ti~~ 1 .... m. ... '~Gr-~@JFegoli'!:1lmry4rql.llm1:11I/()rt- Pump or lITIgation Center IS 1,aOO'332'23i'!j, 00 Slgn/Oullme LIghtmg $ 55 00 Lmllted EnergylResldentlal $ 28 00 Lmllted Energy/Commerc131 $ 50 00 MlOlmum Electnc Permit Inspection Fee IS $50 00 + Surcharges ~~~ w" ",',,,,~,,"b_ ,"f '''~~~''''''''~--'~~=E:illit%'.[0~cii'$j0;li'i'i1\-..''''Cjja '1 ' ~ ';:;--::;ii l'lff,' rtt@?-i0h""%' ~"';J 4 ~L~VB,{fJ!Af ~gf:N}OJ{!f+;~~j3;,r::jf;~'f'Ck3~qf/J!!!/j_m~~~~'&JL/),. (}O t2A"/. State Surcharge I 3 ,:La 10% AdmunstralIve Fee -, ,. ~ 5% Technology Fee 'j'": S-o TOTAL n1 yo Shared Dnve(T )/BUlldmg FormslElectncal PermIt ApplicatIOn 7-07 doc v CITY OF SPRINGFIELD SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT WORKSHEET JOURNAL OR JOB NUMBER C0M2008,00767 NAME OR COMPANY lUck & Candy H""ler LOCA TJON 3197 U Street TAX LOT NUMBER 1702302102900 DEVELOPMENT TYPE Smg}e FamIly ResIdence NEW DWELLING UNITS 0 BUILDING SIZE (SF 1620 LOT SIZE (SF) 1 STORM DRAINAGE 8276 r--' 1m t.L1 I~ - I 8 'I ~ 1t.L1 1-< '1 ; " DIRECT RUNOFF TO CITY STORM SYSTEM I IMPERVIOUS S F x I COST PER S F CHARGE I 43200 i $0346 1 = I $14948 I RUNOFF ROlITED TO DRYWELL DESIGNED AND CONSTRUCTED TO CITY STANDARDS I IMPERVIOUS S Fix 1 COST PER S Fix I DISCOUNT RATE I I DISCOUNT J 0 00 I .1 $0 346 I I 50% I = 1 $0 00 ITEM 1 TOTAL - STORM DRAINAGE SDC 2 SANTTARY SEWER - r:JTY A REIMBURSEMENT COST I NUMBER OF DFU's I I 3 I B IMPROVEMENT COST I NUMBER OF DFU's I I 3 x COST PER DFU $26 83 COST PER DFU $20 40 x $14948 ITEM 2 TOTAL, CITY SANITARY SEWER SDC = I 1 TRANSPORTATION A REIMBURSEMENT COST I ADTTRlPRATE I x I - 957 I B IMPROVEMENT COST I ADTTRlPRATE I I 957 I $141 71 I NUMBER OF UNITS I x I I 0 I I COST PER TRIP 2043 x INEW [RIP FACTORI 100 - I I NUMBER OF UNITS I x I I 0 I I = , x ITEM 3 TOTAL - TRANSPORTA nON SDC COST PER TRIP $9010 $000 x I NEW TRIP FACTORI 100 - I 4 SANTTARY SEWER - MWMf; A REIMBURSEMENT COST INUMBER OF FEU's 1 x I 0 I ICOST PER FEU I $95 35 B IMPROVEMENT COST INUMBER OF FEU's I x I 0 I ICOST PER FEU I $990 39 MWMC CREDIT IF APPLICABLE (SEE REVERSE) MWMC ADMINISTRATIVE FEE ITEM 4 TOTAL - MWMC SANITARY SEWER SDC = , $000 ~, $29119 I~ CHARGE I $1456 SUBTOTAL (ADD ITEMS 1,2,3, & 4) , ADMINlSTRATlVE FEE 'SUBTOTAL x I ADM FEE RATE I $291 19 I 5% TOTAL SANITARY ADMINISTRATION FEE TOTAL TRANSPORTATION ADMINISTRATION FEE $14948 $80 50 $6121 - $000 $000 = $000 Kaye Wilson 6/4/2008 PREPARED BY DATE TOTAL SDC CHARGES 11070 11091 I 11092 ,[ I 1093 . 1094 1054 DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNIT (DFU) CALCULATION TABLE NUMBER OF NEW FIXTURES x UNIT EQUN ALENT = DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS (NOTE FOR REMODELS CALCULATE ONLY TIlE NET ADDmONAL FIXTIJRES) NO OF FIXTURES DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS o o o o o o o o o o 3 o o o o - 0 o o o o UNIT FIXTURE TYPE NEW OLD EQUIVALENT IBATHTUB 2 2 3 = I DRINKING FOUNTAIN 0 0 1 = IFLOORDRAIN 0 0 3 = !INTERCEPTORS FOR GREASE I OIL I SOLIDS I ETC 0 0 3 = IINTERCEPTORS FOR SAND I AUTO WASH I ETC 0 0 6 = [LAUNDRY TUB 0 0 2 = ICLOTHESWASHERI MOP SINK 1 1 3 = ICLOTHESWASHER - 3 OR MORE (fA) 0 0 6 = IMOBILE HOME PARK TRAP (I PER TRAILER) 0 0 12 = I RECEPTOR FOR REFRIG I WATER STATION IETC 0 0 1 = IRECEPTOR FOR COM SINK I DISHWASHER I ETC 1 0 3 = I SHOWER. SINGLE STALL 0 0 2 = ISHOWER. GANG ~ER OF HEADSi. 0 0 2 = I SINK COMMERCIALIRESIDENTIAL KITCHEN 1 1 3 = ISINK COMMERCIAL BAR 0 0 2 = ISINK WASHBASINIDOUBLELAVATORY 0 0 2 = SINK SINGLE LA V ATORYIRESIDENTIAL BAR 2 2 1 = URINAL. STALL I WALL 0 0 5 = TOILET, PUBLIC INSTALLATION 0 0 6 = ITOILET, PRIVATE INSTALLATION 2 2 3 = MISCELLANEOUS DFU TYPE NUMBER OF EDD'S 20 = TOTAL DRAINAGE FIXTURE UNITS o 3 "EDU (EQwvalent Dwellml!: Urnt) IS a dJ.sc~ eqwvalent to a smgle family d,:ellmg urn! (20 DFU's) set at 167 gallons per day MWMC CREDIT CALCULATION TABLE: BASED ON COUNTY ASSESSED VALUE 'i YEAR~REDIT RATE/$I,OOO ANNEXED ASSESSED VALUE IS LAND ELGIBLE FOR ANNEXATION CREDIT? 2 \ BEFORE t 979 $529 (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) 1979 $529 IS IMPROVEMENT ELGIBLE FOR ANNEX CREDIT? 2 I 1980 $519 (Enter I for Yes, 2 for No) I 1981 $512 BASE YEAR 1998 - , 1982 $498_" 1983 $480 CREDIT FOR LAND (IF APPLICABLE) 1984 $4 63 VALUE I 1000 CREDIT RATE 1985 $440 $000 x $048 ~ , $000 1986 $407 -; 1987 , $367 CREDIT FOR IMPROVEMENT (IF AFTER ANNEXATION) 1988 $322 VALUE 11000 CREDIT RATE 1989 $273 $000 x $048 ~ I 0 1990 $225 1991 -$180' 1992 $159 TOTAL MWMC CREDIT = $000 1993 $145' 1994 $125; ,- 1995 $109 , , ,,-_ $092 - - 1996 , 1997 $072-' , ~ , 1998 ' ',,' $048 $028 , ]999 " 2000 , $009 2001 ' . $005 ~ " I ~ l I I \ I 225 FIfth Street SprIngfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone ~j~Q~;~ ~. - CIty of Sprmgfield OffiCIal ReceIpt Development ServIces Department Public Works DepartmeDt Job/Journal Number COM2008-00767 COM2008-00767 COM2008-00767 COM2008-00767 COM2008-00767 COM2008-00767 COM2008-00767 COM2008-00767 COM2008,00767 COM2008-00767 COM2008-00767 COM2008-00767 COM2008-00767 COM2008-00767 COM2008-00767 Payments Type of Payment Cred1tCard cRecemtl RECEIPT # 2200800000000001019 Date' 07/03/2008 DescnptlOn FoundatIOn Perrmt Manufactured Home Placement Manuf Home State Issuance FIre SF Fee - ReSIdential Storm Drainage ImpervIous Area Samtary Sewer - Re,mbursement SanItary Sewer - Improvement SDC SanItary/Storm Admin Manufactured Home Conn - Plmb Manufactured Home Serv,ce Manufactured Home Feeder Plan RevIew Minor - Planning + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% AdministratIve Fee Pa,d By WILLIAM B HARRISON Item Total Check Number AuthOrization Received By Batch Number Number How Received nJm 113063 In Person Payment Total Page I of I 9 34 59AM Amount Due 9290 16000 3000 2160 14948 8050 6121 1456 5000 5500 5500 11600 2645 4955 4345 $1,00570 Amount PaId $1,00570 $1,00570 7/3/2008