HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2008-7-3 -~.""""" Status Issued CITY OF SPRIN\JJ:'1J'..LJJ Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008,00581 ISSUED. 07/0312008 APPLIED: 04/24/2008 EXPIRES: 01/03/2009 VALUE: $ 5,098,553.00 225 Fifth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541-726,3753 Phone 54],726-3676 Fax 54],726,3769InspectJon Lme SITE ADDRESS 400 INTERNA TlONAL WAY ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703]54000500 SPRlNGFIETYPE OF WORK Office TYPE OF USE New PROJECT DESCRIPTlON Office use and atnum tenant mfill, Pkg "C" Commercial Phone Number 541-335-2205 Owner HAWES INVESTMENTS LLC Address 2892 CRESCENT AVE EUGENE OR 97408 Contractor Type ArchItect General Electncdl Engmeer Fire Contractor Mechamcal Plumbmg I CONTRACTOR INFORMA TlON I LIcense ExpIration Date Phone 541,688-5594 541-687,9445 541,485,0922 541,746,0637 54],741,1775 541,726,0100 541-688-1444 Contractor ERIC HALL ARCHITECTS, INC 1996 LLC U\teS ~OIl!~8 BUILDERS ELECTRlI" \a'tl t~le90" ~~l\h BRANCHi~ ted '0'1 \\\~\es ate:\ .oO~. OMLID !Mi~ tet.1\\Oseu l\Ot>-t:\ slb'f COMFO~~~~.~ ~~~1.0010\\\I~p~S 0\ ~~~~!e TWIN Rl~~~n\e: \\\e .)nhll._n OO:\I~g~:6I,~q!(~UmoN I (libel \UI \, \6 ".oJ. t\U cen't1of Stones B Height of Structure A3 Type of Heat lIB Water Type Range Type Energy Path Spnnkled Bulldmg 05/30/2011 12/10/2011 12/15/2011 06/27/2009 03/ll/2009 # of Umts Pnmary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy Group Pnmary ConstructJon Type Secondary ConstructIOn Type # of Bedl ooms Frontyard Setback Side I Setback Side 2 Setback Rearyard Setback' Solar Setbacks Street Improvements Storm &ewer Available SpeCIal InstructIOn Notes Lot S,ze Sq Ft I st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garage/Carport Sq Ft Other Occupant Load 3 307,098 35,521 24,663 22,177 598 Yes I DEY~~ENT INFORM.0,. ,nE'NO,"," ......,..e'S PERM\1l:1r,r,,:'.. ~H\S PERM\i \5 tlO't iIH\\tilWtUNOER ..t>\OONEO fOR ~ Mt3&.\\JS ~~" c ~aR\OO. AoW:} t 'l::~~e~age REQUIRED PARKING Total HandIcapped Compact I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I SIdewalk Type Downspouts/Drams Page I of5 -iii:~ Status Issued 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541,726,3753 Phone 541-726,3676 Fax 541,726,3769 InspectIOn Lme Description Tvpe of ConstructIOn Eshmate Eshmate Fee Descnphon Plan RevIew Comm/lnd/Pubhc Plan RevIew FIre & LIte Safety -Mech Iss 2+ Apphances- + 10% Admmlstrahve Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 5% Technology Fee Addressmg AssIgnment Air Handhng VUlt 10,000 & Ovr Apphance Not LISted Backllow Device BOller/Comm 30-50 HP BOIler/Comp 3,15 HP BOIler/Co lop V p To 100,000 btu Bmldmg PermIt Exhaust Hoods Fire SF Fee, Non,ReSldent131 Fixture Gas Outlets 1,4 Gas Outlets 4+ Samtary Sewer, 1st 50 Feet Samtary Sewer Each Addt1100' Storm Sewer, 1st 50 Feet Storm Sewer EJch Addt1100' Vent Fan Water Lllle' 1st 50 Feet Water Lme - Each Addt1100' Total Amount PaId Imtlal ReVIeW Imhal ReVIew 04/2712008 04/28/2008 I Val,!lah?n Descnotioo , $ Per Sq Ft or mulhpher $100 Square Footage or BId Amount 5,098,553 00 Total Value of Project Fpp:~.~ Amount PaId Date PaId $12,03752 $7,40770 $40 00 $2,095 97 $2,492 55 $1,038 56 $35 00 $340 00 $490 00 $32 00 $14700 $50 00 $1400 $18,51926 $10 00 $18840 $832 00 $500 $400 $50 00 $1600 $50 00 $48 00 $98 00 $50 00 $1600 4/24/08 4/24/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 713/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7/3/08 7'3/08 7/3/08 $46, I 06 96 I Plan RevIews, , 04/27/2008 APP NJM 04/29/2008 APP LLH Paee 2 of5 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00581 ISSUED, 07/03/2008 APPLIED: 04/24/2008 EXPIRES, 01/03/2009 VALUE: $ 5,098,553,00 Value Date Calculated $5,098,553 00 $5,098,553,00 04/24/2008 RecClpt Number 2200800000000000518 2200800000000000518 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 1200800000000000738 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD - Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00581 ISSUED' 07/03/2008 APPLIED. 04/24/2008 EXPIRES: 01103/2009 VALUE: $ 5,098,553 00 --~......~ l1AIlIIi .- Status Iss u ed 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541,726,3753 Phone 541,726,3676 Fax 541,726-37691nspechon LlDe Structural Review 04/27/2008 05/02/2008 WE LLH SUB RevIew 04/27/2008 OS/28/2008 APP JF Fife Department Review 06/09/2008 04/27/2008 OK GRG IDlhal Review Pubhc Works RevIew 06/24/2008 04/27/2008 06/25/2008 06/2512008 APP APP LLH JHJ Structural RevIew 06/25/2008 06/26/2008 APP LLH Plan DIne RevIew 04/27/2008 06/27/2008 APP TAJ FIre Department RevIew 06/25/2008 07/0112008 APP GRG Plans revIewed by Mlck Nolte WIth the BmldlDg Department f under contract WIth the CIty of Spnngfield See attached documents for Items that need to be acknowledged or resolved pnor to plan approval and permit Issuance See attached documents for energy plan review approval See attached document for FIre Department Plans ReVIew comments Attached SDC Worksheet SDC's deferred to PKG D (JHJ) ReVISIOns revIewed by Mlck Nolte at the Bmldmg Department under contract WIth the CIty of Spnngfield cannot be occupied un hi sIte plan review DRC2007,00060 IS SIgned on as approved See Mark Metzger, th! assIgned Planner ReVISIOns See attached document for reVIsed FIre Department Plans ReVIew Comments for Package C To Request an inspection call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769, All mspectIons requested before 7.00 a m will be made the same workmg day, inspectIOns requested after 7:00 a m will be made the followmg work day ~1'lrp.11n~nections I SUB Insulahon Vapor Barner To be called for at the same hme as the SUB framlDg IDspectlOn SUB MechaDlcal FollowlDg CIty Rough MechaDlcalmspectlOn approval and pnor to dny cover SUB CedlDg Gnd Intenor LIghtlDg SUB Extenor LlghtlDg SUB FlDal After all reqUIred energy mspechons have been requested and approved Shear Wall Nadmg Before covermg sheathmg wllh fiDlSh matenals FramlDg InspectIOn Pnor to cover dnd after all rough ID mspectlOns have been approved P dee 3 of 5 -iir~ CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO: COM2008-0058I ISSUED: 07/03/2008 APPLIED 04/24/2008 EXPIRES: 01/03/2009 VALUE: $ 5,098,553 00 225 FIfth Street, Spnngfield, OR 541,726,3753 Phone 541,726-3676 Fax 541,726,3769 InspectIOn Lme Firewall Located and constrncted accord 109 to plans Strnctural Welds To be done dunng constrnctlOn by State CertIfied SpecIal Inspector, ProvIde mspectlOn test results to CIty Bulldmg Inspector SpeCIal InspectIOn HIgh Strengtb Boltmg InspectIOn To be done dunng constrnchon by a State Cerhfied Special Inspector WIth approval from the CIty of Spnngfield COpIeS of mspectlOn results shall be provIded to the CIty of Sprmgfield Spec la' InspectIOn Masonry, Mortar, Grout, and Remforcmg Steel Cerhficates Inspechon To be done durmg constrnctlOn by a State CertIfied Special Inspector With approval from the CIty of Spnngfield Copies of mspechon results shall he provIded to the CIty of Sprmgfield SpecIallnspechon Masonry, Placement InspectIOn of Umts and Remforcement InspectIOn To be done dunng constructIOn by a State Cerhfied SpecIal Inspector WIth approval from the CIty of Sprmgfield COpIeS of mspectlOn results shall be provIded to the CIty of Sprmgfield, Undertloor Plumbmg Pnor to msulatlOn or deckmg Rough Plumbmg Pnor to cover and mcludmg reqUired testmg Water Lme Pnor to filhng trench and mcludmg reqUIred testmg Samtary Sewer Lme Pnor to filhng trench and mcludmg reqUIred testmg Storm Sewer Lme Pnor to filhng trench Backtlow DeVIce Pnor to covenng and provIde a copy of the test report on sIte at the hme of mspechon Undertloor Mechamcal Pnor to msulatlOn or deckmg and mcludmg reqUIred testmg Undertloor Gas After hne IS mstalled and reqUIred testmg and capped Ifnot attached to an apphance Rough Gas After hne IS mstalled and reqUIred testmg and capped If not attached to an apphance GdS ServIce After hne IS mstalled and hne has been connected to a mmlmum 01 one apphance mcludmg reqUIred testmg Presure lest done at thIS pomt. Rough Mechamcal Pnor to Cover Fmal Gas When all gas work IS complete Fmdl Mechamcal When all mechamcal work IS complete Fmdl Plumbmg When all plumbmg WOI k IS complete Fma! Buddmg After all reqUIred mspechons have been requested and approved and the bUlldmg IS complete Page 4 of 5 Status Iss u ed CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2008-00581 ISSUED, 07/03/2008 APPLIED' 04/24/2008 EXPIRES' 01/03/2009 VALUE: $ 5,098,553,00 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541,726-3753 Phone 54 I ,726,3676 Fax 541,726,3769 InspectIOn Lme By slgnatnre, I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed applicatIOn and do hereby cerlIfy that all mformatlOn hereon IS true dnd correct, and I further cerlIfy that any and all work performed shall be done m accordance With the Ordmances of the CIty of SprIngfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work descrIbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY WIll be made of any structure WIthout permISSIOn of the CommuDlty ServIces Dl'IIslOn, BuIldmg Safety I further cerlIfy that only contractors and employees who are m comphance WIth ORS 701 005 Will be used on thIS project I further agree to ensure that all reqUired mspectlOns are requested at the proper lIme, that each address IS readable from the street, that the perm.t card IS located .t the front of the property, and the approved set of plans wIll remam on the site at all times dUrIng construction _\)~_ ~~ 7-3-og Owner or Contractors SIgnature Date Pa!!e 5 of5 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541,726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2008-00581 COM2008,00581 COM2008-0058I COM2008,0058I COM2008-0058I COM2008,0058I COM2008,0058I COM2008,00581 COM2008,0058I COM2008,0058I COM2008-0058I COM2008,00581 COM2008,0058I COM2008-0058I COM2008-0058 ] COM2008-0058I COM2008-0058I COM2008,0058I COM2008-0058I COM2008-0058 ) COM2008,0058I COM2008,00581 COM2008,0058I COM2008,0058I Payments Type of Payment Check cRecelOtl RECEIPT #: DescrIption FIre SF Fee - Non-ResIdential BUIldmg Penmt Addressmg ASSIgnment Fixture Samtary Sewer, J st 50 Feet Samtary Sewer Each Addtl 100' Water Lme - 1st 50 Feet Water Lme.. Each AddtlIOO' Storm Sewer, 1st 50 Feet Stann Sewer Each Addtl 100' Backtlow DeVIce BOIler/Comp Up To 100,000 btu BOIler/Comp 3-15 HP BoIler/Comm 30-50 HP Air Handlmg Umt 10,000 & Ovr Vent Fan Exhaust Hoods Gas Ontlets 1,4 Gas Outlets 4+ ApplIance Not LISted -Mech Iss 2+ Apphances- + 5% Technology Fee + 12% State Surcharge + 10% AdmmIstratIve Fee PaId By HA WES INVESTMENTS LLC "lI.~'I'i'J'_'1I_" '" _~ t "I ....-- I ~- - CIty of Sprmgfield OffiCIal ReceIpt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department 1200800000000000738 Date, 07/03/2008 Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn Received By Batch Number Number How Received DJB 3039 In Person Payment Total Page I of I 1 28 48PM Amount Due 18840 18,51926 3500 832 00 5000 1600 5000 1600 5000 4800 3200 1400 5000 14700 340 00 9800 10 00 500 400 490 00 4000 1,038 56 2,492 55 2,095 97 $26,661 74 Amount Paid $26,661 74 $26,661 74 7/3/2008