HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1975-2-27 ',6~)S7":;'~::""" :::~:d~:' ';~I::"':~';~'D~:: ;::-R:';:'"'::'P::~~;::'" :'::"r~~: '~;~~:;;:C~ " c ~. ~~' ~ /'~' , ,', \ . _ " ' .BUILDIr'll:i b)' 'MH n 'PERMIT NO, 330-75 . 'P.ROPERTy'!,OWNER . . MAILING ADDRESS PHONE 46 :.i;.q\!,9n~61 OAK s 257~ NOR,1'H 35ni SPRI NGrlEl.-O OREGON 7 .2~~ CONTRAGTOR MAILING ADDRESS PHONE 1 KEN CLARI( -p', o. Box, 10881 EUGENE, OREGON 6(j6-8555 PROPERTY LOCATION -INCLUDE POST. OFFICE' ,2040 I'NLAND \1AY @'FILBERT GROVE, PROPERTY LEGAL DESCRIPTION - METES, BOUNDS '..: .1:' TWP 18 RANGE 03 SECTION 11.2.2 TAX LOT NO. 1800 CODE CENSUS TRACT 17-186 & GEORGE OAKS /Cdrm P., O. Box 10881 EXISTING STRUCTURt~_ QN PROPERTY , " " 20'1() INLAND WAY lEG~L tCC~S.S. ::N~gEERTY PROPERTY ;SIZE ~ FT. . APPl. NAME ',' MAILING ADDRESS EUGE NE, OREGON FOR MOBilE' HOME PERMITS ONLY , No. of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS'PERMI! , PERM I T' TO CONSTRUCT CAPORIlT WIDTH DEPTH AREA Connect "to, Existi,ng TYPE.CONSTRU<;:Tl0N Sewage System D SQ, FT. # BDRMS New System n VALUATION 'j I , , . ," -"' ,.[.f.SEW AGE DI~Po.SA~ " ,PUBLIC' D:.te:X~SSEPTlC TANK D ':':<'BU'ILDINd . '\ <l" . , WASTED"SPOSAL , .."..-: PLUMBING' . PLAN REYIEW PARK TRAILER' l%SURCHARGEIIl TOTAL $ , OTHERD 2ij.OO FEES Pll.:'MB~NG ,INSTALLED BY OWNER D OTHER, NAME WATE~ SYPPLY PUBLIC ~D. n OTHER ! .. .04 24.04 COUNT,Y 'BUILDING & SAN IT ATlON: SPECIFICATIONS DRAIN FIELD REQUIRED MIN. SEPTIC ,TANK CAPACITY WITH DIST. BOX: GAL 'lIN. FT TRENCH WIDTH,. FT. OR SQ. FT. " ' TYPE OF STRUCTURE' OC,cUPANCY ,~ ZONE PUBLIC UTll. EASEMENT ~ J BLDp. .SETBACKS n FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY USE ClASSIFICATION fRONT 40;' SIDE INT. 51~ 'SIDE EXT. AUTHORI?ED SIGNATURE- DATE REAR),' DATE , /sl J,. E. Boss BY.,C. HARBAUGH JOHN SHOOK/SAN I TAR IAN 2/27/7'5 OLM,' BLDG. PERMIT'- WHITE OffiCE COPY - WH.ITE COUNTY TAX - PINK . . PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDfNG- GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD Call.687-4065 to schedule all requ'ired inspections, All construc- tion shall comply with' Uniform Building Code, D,E,Q. standards, IMPORTANT: for 'subsurface sewage disposal and co'unty regulations covering" plumbing. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy bef~re being occupie"d. (See De~ails on Reverse 'Side) " , "FORM:::: C55--13 (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT, SITE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE. ANNEX, 135' EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401. , ' ',,;~.~, , BQ'ILDING SITE (~BUILDING , -TI vJ~Vd EVALUAT ION 0 ,_ ..~l\ , , PER,MIT APPLICATION NO.. ::y/~' C,H-T_'~~R O~ SUBD, ,S ION: :S;<'O'--'~ LOT: S I \-2.~TAX LOT, \8Oel BLOCK: , (), SITE I NSPECTI ON PLANN ING 0 I V I S'I ON ' Not , ',Appl icable -,1..' Zoning 'Ordinance Compl iance: ZoneeA--M\-\( J 2. S'ubd i vi s ion Ord i nance Comp 1 i ance (-.l 3. Requ i red Access ( ) 4. Building'Si~e (A~ea; Width, Frontage) () 5. ,Other (see comments)' , (J , COMMENTS,: ' r APPLICANT DATE (Q:B'h /C/t:lr~ f No Yes, CKID,BY~ uzJ4:hs:- () (.'i- 6. ~Setbacks from c/1 'of'road,: ( ) (l)J/' Front 45 ' ( ) (i1; ( ), ('1 ( ) ( ) r .,J 1....1,;;; "^Lt::f I or Setbacks from' in~erior lines: , Side 5' 'Rear .~ 'PLANNING DIVISION ACTION P~NDING: YESl } NOl } APPLICATION# " BUILDING INSPECTION DI,VISION Not App I icab Ie' ( J ( I) I ( ) ( ) , , '7. Plans Submitted 8. So; I S t'ab iI i ty (foot i ngs) 9. Flood Plain, ' 'IO~ Other (see comments) COMMENTS: , , 'WATER POLUTION CONTROL " , Not Appl icable YJ ( ) , II. Meets Department,of Qual ity Standards. 12. Other (see comments) Environmental , COMMENTS: , - r)m (,) (,), . (.) ( ) ( ) ( ) CK'D By:&JI~A.'').1r7( , tDATE , \ No Yes 'P),n ( ), ( ) CK'D By:\'~~~')16 " \) DATE" to APPLI CANT: , '~~r'Building./ Site In5pectio~: " , : ( AI, Can be approved. '.." -1Y C) Canno't be approv,ed at, this time as indicated ,on item NO. above. . f) Q.;lp, Quest.ions and 'furthe~ information on items ,I through 6 contact the LANE- oL/ ~~ COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION., Questions and further information on items 7 , , 'V ' through 12 contact the-!-ANE COUNTY BU I LD I NG AND SAN ITAT I ON I 0 I V I S 1'01'1. \ " ( ) Will be held .in,thi~ office,until you can(r,esolve the problems indicated. ( ),Is being returned. " , ! ( ) Your bu i 1 d inq 'perm it api:> I i c"!.!..i.9!!..Je~_~ bei n,q' ret_urnEpd under senar?t~ cQY'lr , DEPARTMENT OF ENV I RONMENTALMANAGEMENT 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene' Oregon 9740.1 ,- PHONE: 687~4065 ' LANE'COUNTY PLANNII'lG DIVISI0I'lPHONE:-687-4186. . " \ C55-28 ~..'~~:'" , ',' Date FEBRUARY 2v, 1975 Permit No, 1'10-7'5 CURB 'CUT:: , .: it. ", ,P'E R MI T IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS ,Of LANE COUNTY " WHEREAS, 'the attached application has been fully considered' by the Board c:f County Com- " missioners of L,ane County, and it is the opinion and judgment of'the Board that the said application should be granted, and that. a permit should be issued, no'ij, therefore, it is hereby. . " , '.' ORDERED"that a p~> O. Box 10881 or constructing the follo-.ying permit be'a'i1d is hereby iss'ued to 'GEORGE OAKS FILBERT'GRO~E ,EUGENE, OREGON facility: , 2040, INLAND WAY for ,placing, building, . :; . ' upon the right-of-w~y of <;:ounty Road No. ' "', Mile Post, , in strict 'conformity to,the exhibits attached hereto, and,suojeci toalJ terms, conditions, agreements, stipulations and provisions contained in the application,and'permit, the Rules and Regulations Goy- erning Facilities t6 be 'Permitted upon County ,Road Rights-of-Way, as se,l forth by the Lane Man- ual 50.1,90(2) any amendments thereto.. and any other a'pplicable regulations, law or ordinance. ' " Specia I 'P.rovisions: 1. Dri~eway will be constructed', in accordance with, the' attached driveway approach specifica- tions' (Drqwing M98-50). 2. Permittee will be responsible for the immed;'ate" removal, of all mud, dirt and debris from the roadwayand"right of way caused by his operation, le,aving ihe roadwayand.area ina neat, ,?cceptablecondition. ' 3. S~DEW~~KS WILL BE CONSTRUCTED' IN ACCORDANCE' WITH THE ~TTACHED SIDEWALK , SPEC.! E1 CATI,ONS' A;'W DRAW,I NG M98-49. THE STANDARD CURB TYPE ,SHALL BE' CONSTRUCTED UNLESS,OTHERWISE 5PECIEIED., , . ,', , ' This permit ,is revocable af any time, and will be: strictly adhered to and no work other than that specifically mentioned aoove' is hereby authorized. , ' "'-, This permit shall ~be vO,id unless the work herein contempl~ted shall have. been completed, be- 28 ' , '76 for.. FEBRUARY ,J9_., Expires .. 19_. Date ", , , ,P..pproved by Board of County Commissioners By' Inspected and Approved' 'iV,' , ' , -" ;/)' '_ _' r ", _'4!1J...l.LA. . Djrector pf -Public \1orks By WHITE - OffiCE _FilE GREEN - RESIDENT ENGINEER PINK -_ PERMITTEE BlUE-'ROAD SUPERVISOR ORANGe'"":,, BUILDING & SANITATION DEPT. YELLOW -; REAL ESTATE C98"79 '_;,~r _- "'-:;.*'__ _ ~," ,~,~ .. .' --". ,~ "'-:_'~'''''''''--~-''' ~ .........--. i',~..~;j".~ Date .. f'E3IlUMIY (-) ~ 19'15 (\ "') Permit No. '1};;..15 CURB CUT . -- PERMIT IN THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF LANE COUNTY WHEREAS, the attached applicatian has been fully considered by the Board af Caunty Com- missioners of lane County, and it is the opinion and judgment of the Board that the said application should be granted, and that a permit should be issued, now, therefore, it is hereby. ORDERED, that a permit be and is hereby issued to CrO'!Q.t; C':Jd>fl ~. O. Oox loeB. ~uGt~C. ~Ut~oN or constructing the following facility: rl~!J!:I01T Gllovr; :;tate DIlI.AIIO WAY for placing, building . . '\~pon the nght-of,way of County Road No. , Mile Post i); strict conformity to the exhibits attached hereto, and subject to all terms, conditions, agreements, stipulations and provisions contained in the application and permit, the Rules and Regulations Gov- erning Facilities to be Permitted upon County Road Rights-of-Way, as set forth by the lane Man- ual 50.190(2) any amendments thereta, and an yother applicable regulations, law or ordinance. Special Provisions: 1. Driveway will be constructed in accordance with the attached driveway approach specifica- tions (Drawing M98-50). 2, Permittee will be responsible for the immediate removal of all mud, dirt and debris from the roadway and right of way caused by his operation, leaving the roadway and area in a neat, acceptable condition. ' '. 3- l>IOf.\(Al.ltll WIIl.I. 8~ ItO~YOUeVltD HI "tl:Olilll'Mltlil Qilfll 9PEClfICATIO~ A~D C?AWINO M98-49. lfl~ STANPAnt> tClUOTlWct-, 'J'I'l.l!G!.l E;iTt-Io;fNteli r;ptCIFU:O. ~~ f far ATTAtWr.O et~L~A~~ tu~~ TVPG ~h::~'0r. '" 1JrP This permit is revocable at any time, and will be strictly adhered to and no work other than that specifically mentioned above is hereby authorized. This permit shall be void unless the work herein contemplated f~~n~A~v r.~~ i6 19_. Expires shall have been completed be- forp ,19_. Inspected and Approved Approved by Board of County Commissioners By Date By Director of Public Works WHITE - OFFICE FILE GREEN - RESIDENT ENGINEER PINK - PERMITTEE BLUE - ROAD SUPERVISOR ORANGE - BUILDING & SANITATION DEPT. YELLOW - REAL ESTATE C98-79 . PROPERTY ,OWNER GrOtu_ 04K. SPIUQf'lI"LD T. 1/"'. 330-75 I PHONE ., OIlUUH tc-j;',~) pHONE ~...(5'Z). . I ..,:. \__.;..' , " LANE CO'.. 'TY BUILDI~". L BUILDING PERMIT OR MOBILE MH D MAILING ADDRESS ?5fi; ~Rflt 35TH MAILING ADDRESS ,Po O. $1M 10881 ..,ME USE PERMIT PERMIT NO, 'I , CONTRACTOR / , K[II Ct./lllK- CYClIC, ,"-UOH PROPERTY LOCATION - INCLUDE POST OFFICE . t ~ '''LAND WilY 'fFFii1!el'lT GllOVI: l. I PROPERTU.cGAL _D~SrtHPTIC?N - METES, 80U~ _ ' ,~:':----UJ'/t/.~~ ~ . TWP RANGE SECTION t8 03 11.2.2 " chr ..3.2- dJ-e;G ~ TAX LOT NO CODE 1800 CENSUS TRACT I'H86 .\ APPL. NAME GrOUE OAIt, /Ct.Afllt EXISTING STRUCTURES ON PROPERTY 20~ hlLANO W...y & 1>,_0. (MIx 10881 \\ . j \ E'VclltHI!, OIIIC1OIll HOME PERMITS ONLY LEGAL ACCESS TO PROPERTY No"E MAILING ADDRESS fOR MOBILE .\ , -""I:,;'; \ \-~ ,PROPERTYj'SJZE'~ FT. WJDTH DE~TH , \ AREA No. of Bedrooms STRUCTURES TO BE BUILT THIS PERMIT \ Connect to Existing TYPE CONSTRUCTION Sewage System 0 SQ. FT. #BDRMS New System 0' VALUATION PC"MIT TO eoM$TllU!;T CA~ORltT, '.1 ,/ , I J II , I' I, .~ MIN. SE'PTiC"TANK CA~ACITY ! WITH DfST.- BOX: GAL. t .0' , ,lM.t:l1+ COUNTY BUILDING & ,SANITATION SPECIFICATIONS DRAIN FIELD REQUIRED ,.,.. " 1', 'J. ~. :! , J, 1v :~'; i 1, ", it it' ,'~ ,.' I" ,h . ,""SEWAGE DISPOSAL ; 'PUBLIC D txt,.SEPTIC TANK D' .'-;-"'BUILDING It , WASTE DISPOSAL l'f ... '.. .', - , PLUMBING , ' PLAN REVIEW' , ' PARK TRAILER .1~\t^lUlI.. . TOTAL $~ OTHERD i!4.00 FEES PLUMBING INSTALLED BY OWNER D' OTHER: NAME WATER SUPPLY. PUBLIC 0 D OTHER __" '1" -I'-, >r; ,r. L1N. FT TRENCH WIDTH FT. OR ,~SQ, FT. I 5\, '>...' i " ~ i \ "OMIf SIINIl/SII" 11M ,..." DATE , ..-. ./. ;'1:: " L; ~. .,~'.', " " '1' . :'l-<:-! I' ,I I' :, "1.. lj\,1t. f-,;-j . , , I i '-- ; TYPE OF STRUCTURE 5H OCCUPANCX J ZONE PUBLIC UTIL. EASEMENT i BLDG. SETBACKS' _ FT. FROM CTR. OF ROAD RIGHT OF WAY t FRONT 451 /s/ J. t. lJtIlNl ." C. 'HA"II-Al,lGH USE. CLASSIFICATION SIDE INT. 5t SIDE EXT. AUTHORIZED' SIGNATURE - DATE REA,!)' 2/!7175 BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COpy - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK 'PLUMBING -.CANARY BUILDING - GREEN 1 SANITATION _ GOLDENROD ~",-"." ,.', ',. ...... ,_,.J,~, _ ,_ '" ' - ! . Call 687-4065 to schedule all required inspections~ All construc-i tion }hall comply wilh Uniform B~i1ding Code, D.E.Q. standards IMPORTANT: for ~ul?su'r.tci~,~ js,~~age dis'posaland cou'nty regulations covering plumbing. All buiJdings require a certificate of occupancy before , '. ", \ ,.,~.b~ing occupiee. \, f... "- ~ .. <' '. J~ "cd' ' (See' Details 'on Reverse Side)":' ' ~ \ ~ -.f' - ,\ ..' , FO'RM ::::: C55-13 (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG, AT SITE) LANE COUNTY, DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, _135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, ~REGON 97-401 . ';.<,~'" ;.'.,...>>....-, "-~<< ...... ~~~ " '. SITE I NSPECTI ON ApPROVED Cl DISAPPROVED Cl DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FOUNDATION INSPECTION ApPROVED;----Y DISAPPROVED / / DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS r) 4:'16 ,,1/AUli!/ J/f(I'{/{":~'f~ a.-ie Y 7- /' j' / I' " FRAMING INSPECTION / ~ r--7 ~/l.i?e ApPROVED' ~/ '~'SAPPRDVtD 1--1 DATE j ~ r-/ ~, INS PE C TQR..---7--.. REMARKS LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVED /, 1 DISAPPROVED ;----y DATE INSPECTOR REMARKS FINAL INSPECTIOY ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED /'} .., ,.,' /{/ DATE j '.21/-7~sPECTOR // , I ' (,co -, / 1 REMARKS CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY READY TO ISSUE I I NOT READY TO ISSUE /7 DATE INSPECTOR REMARK 5 '33()- ?S' ~O/fO ~ '~-_\..':"P' /I') r:; ./, - ( r:' 0 '. ,-.{ . .~' , , -.;-' NOTE: NO PI?RMlT ?~6,-.:zJ4-Y ..Phone LPp-,"7~~rr') ---Ph,?ne " , O:S", Rt/G.;, , ,u.;~ ::~iViSi:~~/t~f =;~3;x LotB:~ (; ,ACCESS 'TO PROPERTY (Road ~~m~) '1';j)/;;;;, -I1l1l1.;QO~ b Exis~ing Stru~tures .on Property:. "A/~ p~" ~. ~ : . Proper~y Location" _- Address/Direct;ons':f - -:r. In bnrL, " ;:" . Code Census Tract vr-/~ Width..zeDepth 91 . ~.ro'per'ty, .Acreage ,.,. I / " '~l/ ",/ Below for Office Use ~~s, - ({ Mf"ll?; Ie...- Oil I v XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX c, Sq'. -Fe, ,_ "", IIB# Valuation- .. ,/ 'R" / . ' / ,.f' "" ~~, " , ~ SEWAGE DISPOSAL:: Site Inspecti~n' # FEES: J PLUMBING: , Insi~lled 'by Owner or )~ew System ~equired ~ Na!"e of :ommunity or Public' System Sp'" 'lJ~'e~ , WATER SUPPLY: Well ,Spring E;>cisting- .Sewage Di~posal' Sys~em" ',. . . Public .~ . Qther' . COmIDuni'ty .. . " i Bldg. , Waste Di's~p. Plumbing Plan Review' Mob~le Home 1% Surcharge Other' -~ N~me " ,- ~ .q-), - 4. ~ PLUMBING FEES: ~,' II of, Fixtures Sewage' .. Co,p.nection Water Connection ~ TOTAL ,So, - ,o!! b,'CASH '.- qLJ"~t/' ~'v~ I '+ ' ';:: I. ~r. .' ',PLANS ,FURNisHED - ,t< ~ FACILITY J:>ERMIT " >~ I,;".'IYE~ ' ~ 0 ~ ~ m c::;J NO ~.:~gnature of App1~cant. . .~ . ~ ;t'~A j ".Fee Received By:"., Date: , , . Min. Septic Tank Capacity q rfJO . 'J..':hL.'rrf/cfdtD Jp' a.. j>tI,IAi:7 .f,h!'_C-. ' D:qlirifleld _,Required -. ~ine?~ Fe~'t----& b I'h.l:4t\"u J>-.. oF ',-(:-On '.JCe-e',~ , '"~xlmum"Depth ,~ p~~..f', .- c Typ~ of Construction f1'fJ " 9roup ) . fire Zone' 'Us~ Classification " ~ "". . " Bldg'Setbacks Front_ 4,c;' from Center of Road 'Right .of Way: Side Int. .~,. ,.. >"~_.-_.o. =:;"'~""~' , ~, Rear~ ~ ""..... "r Zone /?/f-MI-j' ~ ~o/;,h< I ~ DATE: ATE)1~-JM~d IT DE;r:ARTMENT ,OF ENVIRONMEl'lTAL ~~~ENT ( , ' DATE: :2,-", j II - J'.J C55-12 LANE ,NOTE: ,NO PERMI, ,ILL BE ,ISSUED UNTIL THis ApPLIL LON HAS , -...:::"-,.. " c '-::::;? r;,,' "-\'" ., PERMIT ~C~S- BEEN APPROVED " . Co'NSTRUCT;?N ~ MOBnE HOME CJ PLAN REVIEW c:::::J CHANCE OF OCCUPANCY [==:J CJ OWNER~-nE>~~~P V~) dS\'\8, '\"0~~ ~:~. . ~~\a-~~~ ,9<2 CONTRACT~R~~e:- ,G"aL(St)~ X ~M\~':~~n;::~R~A~ 'O.S. R~)n '" lo \o~ ' ';"'p.\PZ~ng~- D~ Section ( \ .~..::lTax 'Lot \. ~ Co~e S'ubdiViS~ . \. .\o'..e ..... {. ~~t.' ~ BlOCk' Lr,.. P;roperty Acr~ag~. ACCESS T; PROPERTY (Road Name) ~(~')~~ ~\Q~c:\,. ~ ~, . \ EXist,lng :?t-ruc6.~.res ~n Propert~ ~ ~: - "T ~ \. n. '"' A.~ ~ X--~ ~u~\o d (lh!;:i'~,:~ \ APPLICATION FOR: Census Tract \ ('\ ~ ~AL-, Width~Depth , , Property Locatio~.~ Address/Directions: ~c:)~ C) ~'"") ~,.\ \D<.Qv~ ~v~ \. ", , ....-, Below fo r Of f ice., Use Onl vXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX '--- ~;,~A~,'" . f Sq.'-3..C..,/ X::)~~ed~.t~,~(Jl~a~~.:St)\ c.,~ C"".....,""'~,-~,.- ~.l~-'YC>, ~' ,. ' 't\:/ ' , , , /' / --- SEWAGE DISPOSAL: ,~ "-I. Site Inspection c.--'I" t x:..~-'\ Existing Sewage Disposal System CJ or New' WATER SUPPLY: Well Other ,~g~:e~ PLlJ~G: Instal~ by Owrier Coimnunity G:=:J c.::J . Name of C=:J FEES: 'Spri~g ~ 'd>-.lC<C Public :?ystem c.::J / _ It of Fixtures Other c.::J Name Sewage ./' , , YE.S CJ NO [=:j YES 0 N~ d ,70ignatur : of A;tHcant; ,(~ ~.W..~.......... i Fee R7 i,;,ed BY:~~~ .~ate";J ~~ \<\~ J ' ;" J Re~U,ir~d vi Feet " Water Connection Bldg. Waste. Disp. Plumbing Plan Review Mobile Home.' 1% Surchargf?: 'PLUMBING ,FEES: c,:-t, FACILITY PERMIT ';' TOTAL I .:::i.N'~ 'cii~d;~;{.d- ' .:r : C] Min. Septic Tank Capacitv Drainfield ." Maximum -Depth" .Type o{'Construction .1)'# 'Group'~ -,- Fire Zone Use .Classi~ic~tion Bldg'-Setbacks -, , A~I Front ~ from ~enter ~f Road Right ,,c-I' "~ Side Int., _-) of Way: ; ,C''<.'._ ~ I Rear~" Zone QA.-M~ ~~24~~ ~ (55,';' '.' DATE: f!'~ TJ;,I~N:'~!Jl//K. ff//;::;;%A(lt';2~7~ I, . / - -~7 . DE ENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ' , LANE COUNTY