HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Septic Tank 1976-5-13 ~ . . ~~ ~ ;Qq'4 IftU1V16(1~ Fl,~7:ffice ~~ ____ ~. "/~. """""'''!'~;,'''' ,\""" '.'.' . \ ..... ';;,d.~ Use Only _~ '.. \Ao ~ Yes No Re~~e 'b' Code C.T, Number Soeci~l Permit Area Urbanizinq Area THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH OOES NOT INSURE THE~SUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. PLANS OR EXPENOITURES MAOE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK. ~~I . PLEAS E P R I N T ~ If Subdivision - Name~1,,~~ JJ.A ./.....>::-fJ- ~l;I. C1.d2.Jl.. Lot Block K9si o 7;> /F2--.j~, 6z.o0 P J"~~J Yes V No ' ;>0 Townsh ip Range Sect ion Tax Lot No. "~f Property Owner I 5 Consent ~ ~~nY.l . ~dJT No. of Sites I $ \-1~ Na' ., S"~3.r- J1tt~ s::::p. No. of Acres $ 0= ____ M:sf~Ci/ _ ~~j Total $ n C..:::::.-----~ ~ 7tr7~8'7s.- {~~A7ld.~ y,s::/B-7t.= ~~:~k . \,2 /" ~ Telephone # SJnature of Appllc nt Date Owner /Seller Proposed Use '\u. n 'II ...I'r'U~n Appl icant's Interest BUy/, t-/' Realtor of Property: lVI~ k1ror-~ in Property: Other (SpeC/ifv.yt ~OX).-Ir~~ ~.. Property Size Legal Access - Road Name Existing Structures~n Property ~s Property Within One Mile of C~it J Proposed Water. Supply es / What City? .~ Publ ic _ ~trict.: p No V I Spring /'ilell Other (Specify): Property Locat,jon (D i rect ions): In \ :2- ~ P .:z.;.., ~~/I.-/ ~~.) ~ QJ r /. -, IV I / When Will Test Holes Be ReadY?~ \( ~ . { ilb)'. :L'1.1 tp MARK TEST HOLES WITH OUR FLAGS (Da7~'r . ~ \V' . " Location of Test Holes on Property: Draw diagram of property showing locltiln of any landmarks and re"ationship of test holes to these landmarks: V ~IT #!>t/- , IF V> 't. ;t ~/ <:'> :> ~h .... , , ~ '~':i' ' ~'fu ><k.,~ fi~r;.r<) , j o C;, .~ J ~ MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO: ENV I RONMENTAL MANAGEMENT MAIL TO: LANE COUNTY OEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL C55-55 '. Phon e: 687-4065 MANAGEMENT, 135 E. 6th Ave., Eugene. Ore. ~- .,' SITE EVALUATION WORKSHEET \. LOCATION: / tr RANGE rrl, TWP. ZONING: PROPOSED ( I 6}) X ~1S- SIZE OF PROPERTY: WATER SUPPLY: COMMUNITY ~ SECTION ;?, J' )' TAX LOT # r; :20-0 USE: , ~~ ~ ;f~J~7 USABLE kEA: ?Y....,.[ AMOUNT PUBLIC I I INDIVIDUAL I -I IF SITE MEETS STANDARDS FILL OUT: Type of structu~e and approximate sewage flow: Single Family Multi-family gpd'., 0' Industrial Commercial gpd Institutional MINIMUM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS: Length of disposal trench Distribution Method: required Equal 0 Yes tJ Curtain drain required: Other: ::n-o I tn) 7e Ser~al D No Q(L gpd gpd gpd /150 gal. SPECIAL SITE CONSIDERATIONS OR VARIANCE OPTIONS OR OTHER ALTERNATIVES: NAME: -dJ~ (- < (J C74-126 DATE OF EVALUATION: 0'-.;2. J;. 7c BUILDI~G SITE EVALUATION ... '..- '&~rr *B.UILDING,~ERMIT.AP.PLICATIO.N~O. 7b;"''32-7.-. () SITE INSPECTION PLANNING DIVISION Not' Applicable I. . Zoning Ordinance Compfiance:Zone l'J4-1nIf( ) 2. Subdivision Ordinance Compliance ( ) '3. Required A.ccess .. . . ( ) 4.. Building Site (Area, Wi,dth, Frontage) ()' 5. Other (see comments)' , . ( ) COMMENTS: . T S SUBDIVI~. " Tf-X LOT LOT: BLOCK: APPLICANT DATE No Ye,s T)TI () (I ,) ( ). ( !~ ( ) (VI) ( )'(q. CK'D By~ff~/.<'-7b 6. Setbacks frbrn'cfl-of road~ Front AI/A Side Exierior , . 'Setbacks from inter I or 1 i nes: Side I Rear V~ .. PLANNING DIVISIPN ACTION.PENDING: YES( .) ND( } APPLICATION# Not. Appl icable. No Yes ( ) Tl.o/J ( ,). ( ):~...> . BUILDING INSPECTION DIVISION Not Applicable ( ) ( ) () ( ) .' 7. Plans Submitted ' " . 8.Soi I.Stabll ity (footings) .. 9. Flood Plain 10. Other (see, com~ents) COMMENTS: '. WATER POLUTION CONTROL II. Meets Departmen~ of Environmental Quality Standards. Other (see comments). 12. !I COMMENTS: '. . ~ '. ., No 'Yes T) TI ( ) ( ) () ( ) () ( ) CK'D BY: DATE '. ,," !; .. ~K'D BY#d~/~ $"-.;2~ 7~ . .. j . DATE .'. TO APPLICANT: ...... . '{our 'Bu ild ing I Site Inspect i on: /}(~.N Can .be'approved. .L )~Ir () Cannot b(! approved at 'tl')is time 'as indicated on item NO. above. ')... , f?' Quest i OilS and further i nformat i on. on items .1 thr.ough 6 c9ntact the LANE- :1)\ COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION. Questions and further information .on items 7 through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. . ( ) Will be held in this.office until you. can' resolve the problems. indicated. ( ) Is being 'returned. . . . " . . ( ) Your building permit appl ic~.!.L~-,,-fei" is .bel,ng .(~tul:'(l.~d und..u:~r"t" r.nv"r DEPARTMENT OF ENV I RONMENTAL AANl\La:MtN I . .135 Sixth Avenue East. Eugen.e Oregon 97401. .' RHONE:. 687-4065 " . . , "LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 C55,..28 1 1 , ' ~.J.IlJm:t; ,.~O\~~ . i:':"4c.h c':~r!\.~. V.c3 O.j O~oJc>3 \J~.~~J Twp. Range Section Tax Lot , )~;., "-"' Code ~ J ...:' . .;. \ .... '.:.....l':::~! .l~.l1n:.)"i:h . S'Ir.name - ,,...3 Census Tract Receipt No. Date :,.;o~.J-75 I Own~~:: I n~] Owners Consent Yes--, No REQUEST FOR SITE FEASIBILITY STUDY THIS IS A PRELIMINARY REPORT WHICH DOES NOT INSURE THE ISSUANCE OF A FUTURE BUILDING PERMIT. ANY PLANS OR EXPENDITURES MAOE IN RELIANCE UPON THIS REPORT ARE AT YOUR OWN RISK: Name K.:nns(-.h l;;I.tc 1 $ :'5:lJQ and No. Sites Addreso 5335 L~1" 3i.:t> Sp.1CC 121 $ No. Acres ~l?r!'lLfbld. :)1:c30n n07 TOTAL $ i~.UO Telephone No. 70-5875 Property Size 60,;.n5 Existing Structures i.1or.t: Proposed Water Supply publ ic District,;.t Sorinq Applicants Interest J>uyor Legal Access - Road (!"rboL' uri.ve in Property I P~~1s1~d H~~J~ of Property Nam~ Ispecial.permit Area I Urbanizing Yes "-l. No Yes No .., Is Property Within One Mile of a City? What City? :']t:~.n~;,:~.cJ.,~ Yes.iUt. No Other Soecifv Area Well ,Property Location: (Directions) ,;O:'1.t:11 2.11Q 81:0 ::0 L"~1.'bor .l.t~':;./'l ',.1 ..:i.'.Jl:ie0Z~.ul;:~o APPROVEO .~~l NOT APPROVED 'l.'L.~ t:.r.c;.:. ():~ tn.:: i:cwi: ~101cl) can 02 ';.J,'?ZOUV(;'c1, ':':or sept:l.c (~:tE,..pO.3'.J. .;,yit81ll-3 :,.n ..:2.'(;,] trU;i;': j~3 .t..U~H.:'LVCo. fvX' the ~3pi :::'31f.3il~ Ot U1(. d.::':-.b~';':i,..:J.do OAR Chapter 340 Divlsion 7 Section 72-020 (6). This report shall remain in effect until issuance of a permit to construct. unless in the meantime conditions on this or adjacent properties have been altered in any manner which would prohibit issuance of a permit in which case this evaluation report shall be considered null and void. Technical rule changes will not invalidate any evaluation report issued pursuant to this section. BEFORE CONSTRUCTION IS STARTED bring this form to the Department of Environmental Management and make application for a building permit. If the property is a por- tion only of a tax lot, a metes and bounds description of the parcel must be fur- nished. Exact specifications for the sewage disposal system wi' 1 appear on the building permit. Two sets of building plans and a plot plan will be required. LANE COUNTY DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 135 EAST SIXTH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 (;..~'-' ,.., [:.:, ---, C55-32 B t"fU~~~,oS.i~e.d ~'li gnatu re Date ..", ,.. " ,