HomeMy WebLinkAboutBuilding Sewer Connection Record 1966-9-21 I 7 SEWER LIEN AND CONNECTION AGReEMENT KNOW ALL HEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That for and inconsideration of the provision of a public sewer facI I, ty constructed by the City of Spllllgfield, 11 municipal' , corporation In _L~ne cour,r.;7i::;on, for r~h,e benefit 9f ~E}' real property herein described, we.2I..Lj:' ,1', v: ~"", #/-~hi."- -- ' . - , TIlE LEGAL OWNERS OF THE pruperty do hereby agree to the pJa~em~nt ot, and grant to said City a lien upon our property benefitted and described as follo~/s: 1275 Industrial Ave THE WEST HALF OF LOT 10, BLOCK 2, FIRST ADDITION TO ADAMS PLAT, IN THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, LANE COUNTY, OREGON. (1275 INDUSTRIAL AVE.)* Amount of llent SEP 2 6 (# CITY OF ..." /' SPlii1l3FiELll !' ~/ RECORDER ,~<> / , 'I:i \ Said real ,property described shall be held as securlty~for the re-payment of the above sum In ten equal semi-annual Installments, plus accllred Interest at tre rate of 6% from the date hereof on the balance of the unpaid asseS$ment. The initial pay- ment of principal and interest will be made by the property owner six (6) months from the date 6f this agreement. $ 272.00 It Is further provided that this lien may be foreclosed as other city liens !n accordance with the provisions of the OrdInances and Charter of the City of Spring- field in the event that installment payments including interest, are not paid within six (6) months of their due date. This lien has beeil computed as being one'" half H:> of the equivalent cost of ail eight (8") Inch lateral sanitary sewer at the rate of S~.4o per abutting front foot for 80 feet and does not Include the cost of a house connection to said trunk sewer, sewer user dharges, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. This lien and agreement to pay the same shall be binding upon the undersigned who are the owners of the real property herein described and shall bind their heirs, executors, administrators, assigns and successors in Interest, and until paid, shall be construed to be a covenant running with the land. Dated at Springfield, Oregon, thIS ", day of ~41.-yL , ,19(,..t: (SE;L) JI:)j Y,/~ (SEAL) c!'"/& 71,1. t:? u7.Lr STATE OF OREGON ) '1U7~/ ) County of ~ ) On thi s 3. / day of k;:>f . 19)', (' . personally came bef~ me. a Notar\(,/p,ul?lic in39d 19r said tounty and state, t'he within named kJ,/1"': -Iqr.lAA!Yh ~ ~,?~! ~q~~ , to me personally known to be Identlfai persons described in and vi1ho executed the withIn Instrument, and acknowledged to me that they executed the same freely and voluntarily for the uses and p~rposes therein named. *THIS ADDRESS & LEGAL DESCRIPTION PROVIDED BY JOE REEVES. BUILDING DEPARTMENT. ss WITNESS my hand and seal this day and year last above written. '\' I...... '\-.:' " ~,' '. {!6N 4-" ;Z'h' %ZM ,tf)Je,u: 'NOTARY PUBLI C C/ -.., O~il--i"'';:''~/ /Yh 7 My Commission expires / , ,'/ J ,J , 1 " ~ j , " .. r-\' , September 9, 1966 Mrs. Etta Lathrop Rt. 4. Box 364 Sherwood, Oregon Dear Mrs. Lathrop: In reQards to your letter of September 3, 1966, you will find enclosed four caples of our Sewar Lien and Connection Agreement. This Agreement is set up to allow you to make ten equal semi-annual Installments plus interest over a five (5) year span. In as much as you indicated that you would like to make monthly payments, If you would please fill out all four forms as indicated, the legal description of the property (the west half of Lot 10), have them signed and notarized and send all four caples back to us. The total amount of assessment Is Indicated on the enclosed forms. The space for the notary should be changed to correspond with the notary req~Irement of your county. Your cooperation In this natter would be appreciated. fours truly, { ~d /7 L '==' 11 / k:#....v.r4- j1 ~JOs ph F. Reeves, Jr. ) I rector of BuIlding ~nd Zon I n9 JFRI J J .~ , '"Ail' ,fl' ,l, ,j of, .tei ;(), #' It "" II dt,/lf .J" , rpr" r . f /ly. pJ.I PIM} jW jl <J .1 /f~ I I 4 (j J-~ '7 r) , I c August 13, 1966 I ,i Mrs. Etta Lathrop Rt. 4, BO)I 364 Sher\<.'Ood, Oregon Dear tlrs. LDthrop: In regards to tho lettor sent ~ou dDtod June 20, 19(\6. Infor"lng you of the unpaid sewer OSsuSSfllont ~or the west half of Lot 10, Block 2, vlrst AdditIon to ~doms Plat. and tho two fur~s ;or paying sarno, It Is 'olt that sur?lclcnt tl~c has lapsed for ~our c~lrliancc. I , You there~ore arc hereby notIfied that you hove l~ days In uhl ch to contact thl s Dcportr,]ent an< rnoke orrangemonts for pOYHlant 0; tho sewer assessment on the obovl r'entl,med property. V~ur ceor~r2tl~n In thIs ratte1 wo~ld be appreciDted. , I '1'ours trVly, JFR/JJ I I , Jospeh r. Reevos, ~Ir~ctor of Dulldlng & ZonIng I I I I June 20, 1966 Mrs. Etta Lothrop Rt. 4, Bon 364 $horv~d, Oregon Dear Mrs. Lathrop: It has coma to thIs department! attentIon thot the house locally known os 1275 Industroll, Lot 10, 8~oc~ 2. FIrst addition to Adams Plat. owned by you, bes been hooked to & tlty Sewer. ~Ie also find the SCHor <lSSOSSFll3l'lt for tho west hI:! r of this property has not been paid. I lhe 8ne$llm3nt for this half 01 the. property Is besed on iii rote of $3.40 a front foot as your prope ty 15 ao' wide your assessment will be $272.00. We are sending two forms of whlch you have a choice, one Is for cash and the other 15 for time pay~nts. Please fill out the one you choollo eJnd have It notorlzod. MclI(G choclt out to the CIty of Spring" field. Your c:ooperatlon In thts mattol' will be apprec:lated. Yours truly, , , k'-~ / /^( -~.;~ ...~,.-:~ '/ ;i: rap-ph/If. RGevSll, -Jr-;' ' / Director of BuildIng end ZonIng JFR/JJ Enclosures (2) I ~\. ~< ..~" .; I ~ ;} ~~ f:-..-r ~ 7..~r/d J".;;e/.-...2.. June 20, 1966 ~..u) .ta)~..(,.c:..-"~{/ ~U<f.. Mrs. Etta ~athrop Rt. 4, Box 364 Sherwood, Oregon Dear Mrs. Lathrop: ~., ~ 0/ \ \' tll f' .;J- ~ t\~ (l.... " \ li) o It has come to this departments attention that the house locally known as 1275 Industrall, Lot 10, Block 2, FIrst addition to Adams Plat, owned by you, has been hooked to a City Sewer. We also find the sewer assessment for the west half of this property has not been paid. The assessment for this half of the property Is based on a rate of $3.40 a front foot as your property Is 80' wide your assessment will be $272.00. We are sending t~ forms of which you have a choice, one 15 for cash and the other Is\for time payments. Please fill out the one you "- choose and have It notorlzed. Make check out to the City of Spring- field. Your cooperation In this matter will be appreciated. Yours truly, 1".11rl -tAt<<- .(/ z.-jlJ,n JFR/JJ Enclosures (2) - (~A .:,t ~~-rf ~~spph/F. Reeves, Jr. DIrector of BuildIng and Zoning > -~, cPz;. ~ .8~.N-# Jk~,Cdu_ . . D/A.JJ .J~~., ,~v-O...~~'_7:) C)"'" n,'f/'P- -.A~/)7-..s;;;- - n ... ,dd ,_0; -0- d, <<-<-_01'--.2...],- c?~il7(j -;J -~- "..n,_ AhP;7_r!"-".!?,!?, __z;)_ Z'aliz-L~ ~_~_,~-<--_ A ' -'., -, ~ __ d~) t'k_J{~ .A.,_ . -, H-~-:tI .J. ~- d~~rg_d ijf--~~-- S/L....~___ k", -f...,. cSl ~ /,., _, ---+-<4" .o,J7..i/ ,p /l ,..Nd -(j' /~ - -- J) 7----- -rf&-.....A~. z'P-r-7/'" -t!-4J__I?, -~ ,.~...dl _70_~~_zb_~n/ HO'd' ~d_ _~.. ,-,., d'=u-.. ~~' -,- .----.-:".(J!!#_~ ,- - . - rY~- .-Pd_-=".J'_-~~<6---'1J--<' "t:, , '/J ..<::;?#-a.-.r - . '-7~,- _-zV ,t _~ ~_ _ .;1/7:// a..~Y,d?, _ J~eue/ A-d-4 cUe-,-- __ ))Jf's ()) Id 117>'7/"F .P,i f $~3f~ 6ft~rWc{)".I(J;d~' . ---- --- ' J /t~;;}~~ l'w - \ ... L - PM .t:. ~~( S~ 0 ~- - -...~...~~-- ........~--- .......--- ...' - '- NatiOnal~5 Park Servic t 19161966 g" ' ---.""l-~~-- _ -, ..---.-.-.......... ~ -. -, ------- ..- ---~_... ~. - --~.....-...-.. ~- -~, -----........~ ----:~- ~' ------..... -..'" .......~-~ -- ~--..~~ ~~-'--."........-..... ...~-"-- ~'"' ---.~ '-........~ ~ \ S/,r/p,$/"Jft)cI C!-rr'j /7-4A/ /' 5.Pr/;v :J?>rU~ cI/ cPr~- t b'/ 1_";//C1,~/-, ~ OSJ~ 11 l' /: t(];I/ j/V !P~ctt/ /: tv ," .~ ~-- I I '--- q-7-00 BUILDING DEPAR'I , LJ -\ L' LETTER YESTERDAY - WROTE THIS REPLY BUT--- LEARNED MRS. LATHRUP APPARENTLY WE WILL NOT SEND ANY LETTER, YOU SO THAT YOU WILL HAVE ALL PURPOSE OF EXPLAINING THE ASSESSMENT AND THE CONNECTION t- - 1" CITY OF SPRINGFIELD OREGON 97477 OFFICE OF THE FINANCE DIRECTOR: September 6, 1966 Mrs. W. K. Lathrup Route 4, Box 364 Sherwood, Oregon Dear Mrs Lathrup: In reply to your recent note regard~ng the bond~ng of sewer assessments, our records show the sewer assessment ~n your name, aga~nst vacant property on North 31st Street, more part~cularly descr~bed as the East ~ of Lot 10, Block 2, F~rst Add~t~on to the Adams Plat, as pa~d ~n full on November 22, 1965. I cannot f~nd any record of corres90ndence to or from you s~nce that date. We have been ~n touch w~th Lee D~llon of the Ut~l~ty Board and he ~nforms us that h~s off~ce rece~ved a payment of $44.83 on August 22 of th~s year wh~ch pays the sewer user's charges on the above descr~bed property through September 30, 1966. If you have any quest~ons regard~ng these charges you may wr~te Mr. D~llon at 346 Ma~n Street ~n spr~ngf~eld. In the event that you have purchased other property ~n Spr~nqf~eld, may I suggest that you forward the address or other legal descr~pt~on to me so that I may check for any outstand~ng l~ens. I s~ncerely hope th~s ~nformat~on w~ll be of ass~tance to you and that you w~ll not hes~tate to contact me aga~n ~f you need more ~nformat~on on th~s matter. Very truly yours, N. L. Teague F~nance D~rector NLT/ed roo"... !_se DJ..J1AYl S~;p..l.~g-:: .l..c::'J uL;...t.:':"LY 'joc.:!-d