HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 13 Intergovernmental Agreement with Lane County for Construction of Phase 2 of the Bob Straub Parkway Meeting Date: April 16, 2007 Meeting Type: Regular Department: Public Works~ Staff Contact: Ken V ogeney -..;y::.. S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: 736-1026 C I T Y C 0 U N C I L Estimated Time: 5 Minutes ITEM TITLE: INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH LANE COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE 2 OF THE BOB STRAUB P ARKW A Y. Approval or disapproval of the following motion: AUTHORIZE THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE ATTACHED INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT WITH LANE COUNTY FOR CONSTRUCTION OF PHASE 2 OF THE BOB STRAUB P ARKW A Y - CITY PROJECT P50529 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: The execution of the attached Agreement will allow construction of the project to move forward. ATTACHMENTS: A: Intergovernmental Agreement DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMP ACT: Lane County is proceeding with the construction of Phase 2 of the Bob Straub Parkway and anticipates advertising the project for bids in May, 2007, issuing Notice to Proceed in July, 2007, and completing the project by the end of September, 2009. The work includes extending the Parkway from its current terminus at S. 5ih Street to a new intersection at Jasper Road near Brand S Road. Under the terms of the attached Agreement, the City's obligations are to pay for widening the new pavement in the area of 2 future intersections; conduits for future traffic signals and communications; 50 percent of the cost to remove an existing railroad track switch that will be impacted by the project; and some other minor construction. In addition, the City will be responsible to landscape and maintain the median island that will be constructed from Mt. Vernon Road to the north end of the project. This landscaping project will be designed and constructed by the City under a separate contract once the Parkway construction is completed. Lastly, the Agreement obligates the City to annex and take jurisdiction of Jasper Road as the City annexes properties along Jasper Road for urban development. The City's financial obligations to the County under the terms of this Agreement are estimated to be about $241,000, 'with the actual costs to be determined during construction. Prior Agreements for .this project obligate the City to pay an additional $826,900 towards right-of-way and removal of a railroad spur track. A portion of the funds for the City's obligations are included in the current budget ($422,900), with an additional amount included in the Capital Budget for FY08 ($379,800), and the remainder to be appropriated via an upcoming Supplemental Budget action ($265,200). Jurisdiction of the Bob Straub Parkway will remain with Lane County until such time as the City annexes the right-of-way and requests jurisdictional transfer from the County. Staff recommends that the City Council authorize the City Manager to execute the Agreement. " ....'.............:,i...~.N~~~~~~~~~i~l~~~~~~IF... lri.!~~~~~~t~~[:JI~. . THIS AGREEMENT is entered into by and between Lane County, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as COUNTY, and the City of Springfield, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as CITY. RECITALS 1. ORS 190.010 and the Lane County Home Rule Charter provide that units of local government may enter into agreements for the performance of any and all functions and activities that a party to the agreements, its officers or agents, have authority to perform; and 2. ORS 373.260(1 )(a) provides that counties and cities may enter into intergovernmental agreements for the construction, improvement or repair of, and the acquisition of right-of-way for any county road or city street within the corporate limits of the city; and 3. Through adoption of the FY 06/07 through FY 10/11 Capital Improvement Program, the Lane County Board of Commissioners has allocated $5,700,000 in General Construction funding to the Bob Straub Parkway (Jasper Road Extension) Phase II project, which will connect the southerly terminus of the previously-constructed Phase I of the Parkway to Jasper Road. Work of concern to CITY in connection with this project includes existing and future city street connections, continuing maintenance of the center median strip between 57th Street and Mount Vernon Road, provision for future traffic signal installation, and. provision for future connections to the proposed storm sewer system. AGREEMENTS COUNTY AGREES TO: 1. Survey, acquire right of way, perform design and construction engineering, acquire all necessary permits, prepare plans and specifications, call for bids, award and administer the construction contract. 2. Pay 50 percent of the cost .of removing the existing rail road switch located on the Union Pacific main line that currently serves the industrial spur trackage located on Assessor's Tax Lot 18-02-10-00-00900 (McDougal), should the owners of said property opt to not relocate the spur trackage to accommodate the proposed road project. 3. Construct tapers and additional pavement width consistent with a 5-lane configuration for future intersections at or near Quartz Avenue near Engineer's Station 103+60, and at approximate Engineer's Station 129+75 (Milland), and construct a ATTACHMENT A - ~age 1 of 4 City of Springfield Bob Straub Parkway, Phase II Page 2 of 4 temporary intersection at approximate Engineer's Station 135+00 to accommodate the reconnection of the private road known as Brand US" Road. 4. As requested by CITY, install stub outs for storm sewer connections extending beyond the paved section to accommodate future development at the Quartz Avenue intersection. 5. As requested by CITY, install conduits for future communication purposes at the Mt. Vernon Road intersection, the future Quartz and Milland intersections, and at the intersection of Bob Straub Parkway and Jasper Road (Springfield-Creswell Hwy #222). 6. Provide CITY opportunity to review the bid summary as a means to determine whether to proceed with construction of bid items described in items 4 through 6 above. 7. Provide CITY with detailed documentation of any expenditures associated with the construction of Phase II of Bob Straub Parkway/Jasper Road Extension for which City has, with the execution of this Intergovernmental Agreement, agreed to pay, within 90 days of project completion. 8. Construct a center median strip which will accommodate future landscaping within the project area from 57th Street to Mount Vernon Road. COUNTY shall install chase pipes for future irrigation lines, place topsoil to a depth of 18", place a weed barrier, and place 3" of bark mulch covering the surface of the topsoil. 9. Following requests for surrender from CITY, COUNTY agrees to surrender annexed sections of Jasper Road (Springfield-Creswell Hwy #222) under COUNTY jurisdiction to CITY as annexations occur. CITY AGREES TO: 1. Pay 50 percent of the cost of removing the existing rail road switch located on the Union Pacific main line that currently serves the industrial spur trackage located on Assessor's Tax Lot 18-02-10-00-00900 (McDougal), should the owners of said property opt to not relocate the spur trackage to accommodate the proposed road project. 2. Pay 100% of the cost of the design and construction of the additional pavement width required for the turn pockets and tapers at the Quartz and Milland future intersections. 3. Review the bid summary provided by COUNTY as a means to determine whether to proceed with construction of bid items described in items 4 and 5 below and in items 4 and 5 above under "COUNTY AGREES TO:". Notify COUNTY of decision within 5 working days after receipt of said bid summary. 4. Pay 100% of the cost of design and construction of the storm sewer stub outs, if any, at the future Quartz Avenue intersection. 5. Pay the costs associated with design, materials and installation of conduits for future communication purposes at the Mt. Vernon Road intersection, the future Quartz and Milland intersections, and at the intersection of Bob Straub Parkway and Jasper ATTACHMENTAA - Page 2 of 4 City of Springfield Bob Straub Parl..'WllY, Phase II Page 3 of 4 Road (Springfield-Creswell Hwy #222), and as described in Item 5 above under "COUNTY AGREES TO". 6. To submit for review by COUNTY Public Works Engineering Division, any proposals for additional development or division of any parcels using the temporary reconnection of Brand US" Road for primary access. If, as a result of said review, COUNTY finds that said proposal(s) will adversely impact the operation and use of the temporary intersection, County may require the closure of said intersection and the connection of any such development to the permanent Milland intersection as described above. 7. Pay 100 percent of the cost for the removal of the existing driveway ramps on both sides of the Parkway that were installed as part of the Phase I construction and that were intended to accommodate occasional use of the Weyerhaeuser Haul Road in the event that CITY obtains ownership of the Haul Road and the intended use in this area is for non-vehicular traffic. If CITY obtains ownership of the Haul Road and intends to open it for vehicular traffic, then CITY agrees to pay the cost of necessary intersection modifications, including signalization. 8. Maintain the center median between South 57th Street and Mount Vernon Road, including the continuing maintenance of any landscaping installed by CITY subsequent to completion of County's construction project. 9. CITY agrees to annex adjacent sections of Jasper Road (Springfield-Creswell Hwy #222) as CITY annexes property along Jasper Road for urban development. CITY agrees to request surrender and accept jurisdiction of these annexed sections of Jasper Road as COUNTY offers them. BOTH PARTIES AGREE: 1. This agreement shall be effective upon execution and shall terminate three years from the date of execution OR: upon surrender of the completed roadway to CITY, upon transfer of jurisdiction for control and maintenance of the roadway to the State of Oregon, or by COUNTY, due to cancellation of the project for any reason, including but not limited to, failure on the part of County to receive funding, appropriations, limitations or other expenditure authority at levels sufficient to pay for the work provided for in the agreement, or upon failure on the part of COUNTY to receive necessary permits and approvals necessary for the project, upon 7 days written notice from COUNTY to CITY. 2. To the extent allowable by the Oregon Constitution and limitations of the Oregon Tort Claims Act, each of the parties hereto agree to indemnify and save the other harmless from any claims, liability or damages resulting from any error, omission or act of negligence on the part of the indemnifying party, its officers, agents or employees relative to the responsibilities of the indemnifying party in performance of this agreement. 3. This agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the COUNTY and CITY on the subject matter hereof. No waiver, consent, modification or change of terms ATTACHMENT A - Page 3 of 4 City of Springfield Bob Straub Parkway, Phase II Page 4 of 4 of this agreement shall bind either party unless in writing and signed by both the COUNTY and CITY. Such waiver, consent, modification or change, if made, shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose given. There are no understandings, agreements, or representations, oral or written, not specified herein regarding this agreement. The delay or failure of the Board to enforce any provision of this agreement shall not constitute a waiver by the COUNTY of that provision or any other provision. CITY, by the signature below of its authorized representative, hereby acknowledges that it has read this agreement, understands it, and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions. ********* CITY OF SPRINGFIELD LANE COUNTY By: Gino Grimaldi By: William A. Van Vactor Title: City Manager TItle: County Administrator Date: Date: Address for Notice: Address for Notice: APPROVED AS TO FORM Date Lane County Office of Legal Counsel ATTACHMENT A - Page 4 of 4