HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1976-9-1 !'~ ~'-" " -'''''''7'<' . ,~. b.J -<"" }7J~ \....~. .\0;' .,~ " ~~..........~,. ,0 LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: o PERMIT NO. 1960-76 o' . 11.5::(' " CONSTRUCTION [ll] MOBILE HOME [] PLAN REVIEW [] CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] o Owner Kenneth E. Kite 1994 Harbor Drive. S'Prindield 97477 747-5875. NAME ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE o Contractor O.S. Reg. # Twp 18 Range 03 Section 2.2.3 Tax Lot 6200 Code , 4th Add . . Subdivision Filbert Gr ,Lot 34 Block 3 Acreage NAME I ADDRESS CITY ZIP CODE PHONE Census T.ract Access to Property (Road Name): Harbor Drive Existing Structures on Property: Mobile Ho me Width 60 Depth 215 Directions to Property - Address: 1 QQt.. H:l'I-hn1" .D1"ive _,-_ ,~\, \.,- - - ,.-1 7 -L., .~. STRUCTURE 1# BEDROOMS) cr.n"~t"ed deck ~- t';':::~~;A9-.or1 ilc"tr SQ. FT. 400 (d 2.80 ??n ra 1 'in VALUATION $1.120.00 330.00 /9~ ;;z,.vs SEWAGE DISPOSAL: PUBLIC I] SEPTIC TANK Ill] $15.00 OTHER I ] PLUMBING INSTALLED BY: OWNER I ] OTHER I] NAM" WATER SUPPLY: PROPOSED [ ] EXiSTING [] [ Jl: PUBLIC [ ] COMMUNITY ,NAME: [ ] PRIVATE WELL I ] OTHER, SPECIFY , . cd,l "5- . /.. - ~ t;/ I'~'-') , -- BUILDINC: PLUMBING 3% SURCHARG" MOBILE'HOMF WASTE DISPOSAL PLAN REVIEW b.r:;. TOTAL Sl'i.4'i CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: GALS. MIN. DRAINFiELD UN. FT. MAX. TRENCH DEPTH INCHES neck 'will be l' from drainfield. This mav 'cause~undue stress and n-o~1r.o til'tJ~4".s:"_A'''; -FA.Jl11"~, T-f ....h-la. ahn'11A 'h::lnn~n.~:Jl nio..-rnit" ml1J1t' 'hA ~_L__ __.~ __.. _1.._ ..__,_~._,.. ____,__.J STAY100'FROMALLWELLS TYPE OF ccii:isTR-UCTION ---5N---- GROUP---J--- -F'fR"E"ZON-E- 3 USE CLASSIF. Accessorv .....; SETBACKS - FT. FROMCTR. OF r/W: . FRONT . 45' SIDE EX:r: , "-..... FT. FROM PROP. liNE: SIDE INT. 5'. REAR 150 I ZON" RA-i1H AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: /s/ .1 _ RosaLM.. .Neilson '.; MeKB'I1/Grav iSSUANCE DATE: '-9";1-7-6 sk .: ::1'1\" BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY',- WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT, , Call 687-4065 to schedule"all r-equired construction inspeCtibns.' Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic: system inspections. All construction shall comply with the Stale Buidtlng Code, D.E.O. standards for subsurface sewage aisposal and the Stale Plumbing Code. All buildings require a c-erlificate of occupancy before being occupied (See Details on Reverse Side) (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) C5S" 3 LANE COUNTY. DEPT, OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUSE ANNEX, 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGO~ 97401 'fJ!!:i.'j: - ~;;'t ~ tl""'l~":;,;;\~,,,":.:,;u;q~~;::~'~;-'~~~rt~",:.p.+.jJ'l""';t:~-:;'Z!f!;';' "?;-...~~tl7.~)!;,\~,,",-~~,ti-..~~~~.~~,,~'Prt!.';t~'\;i~~I!"'~1"/~Il,"-:;~'.i.'~' ~!. "'Rrif""y-' I,?'j],....,,:" ,''''~<'''~;"' 'I._J",r ";. r,,", " ...~."~.. ,.;:~_~ '-1(""'- ..._,--;.!_,.:.e'^.f"'~ _"',1'1'.-~ '+u ./' -1]", ..;r~'". _"~I ... j" ""'! '>~ <, .' , '. '. . 'i. /(il", " ""'>, "; "."~'; " .. ,. .;', .' 02- ';;3 ~~.'BU!tD'11~"SITE EVAl'uATI()'~..'.;:>IU" /16~ '. T /Y~()3 s' . TAX LOT'h2.80: "~J"'./'~' . .) '.'" ~. - SUBDIVIS, ... ......" ~,,/._ ....."t. . J.. ,~~"4.. /:-("h B'U ILD I NG,PERH IT APPl:ICAT ION NO. I:;~"";" 7(,'" LOT: 'BLOCK: r~'.~' '" . J:. - r () SITE INSPECTION . APPLICANT ~' .. DATE ~.PLANNING DIVISION Not ( Applicable II ,! 1. Zoning Ordinance Compl iance: Zone .hll - () (.2. Subdivision Ordinance Compliance f.1'wlf'I.C ) ~ .)... Requ i redtAccess /If HI( ) V 4. Building~Jte (Area, Width, Frontage) () ~:. 5. Other (see "coffiments) ( ) ; :: : COMMENTS: . ....~~ < \" .. , ] . . I' /PLANN I NG r" . No Yes T) VI 6. ( ) (, ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ~ ) ( ) ( ) ;, CK'D BY: u;fJ::;, -( 3 ~ ,76' Setbacks from cll of road: . Front L,t- y:=:' S i,de-Exter..i.or___ Setbacks from interior lines: Side ~ J Rear ./ c-;n ~ ;,i .' Q.IVISION ACTION PENDING: YES( ) NO ( ) APPL,C~TlO.N#}I"t;GU1;ti L. "Ifi. J'('::.l' \. --,--- "....,....*_.:..l.-' ~ ;(, :' TO APPL I CANT: . Your Building t Site In~pection: ~ (~)~an be approved. ;<, ();..f0 l~) Cannot be .approved.at this time as indicated on item NO. above. "lJ /i)() Questions and further information on items 1 through 6 contact the LANE- ': <l. I. '). \1' COUNTY PLANNING DIVIS.ION. Questions and further information on items 7 :i". I Q through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY BUILDING AND SANITATION DIVISION. E :.' ( ) Will be held in this office until you can resolve the problems indicated.' ,'A, .1. ( ) , '-.c. c. r:... yr. I s be i ng returned. _-. .:::: / ( ) Your buildinf'pernJ'it ap~~.!:!~!)_Jeei~e'inq.~~tur:n,'ad under_.ieoarate cnvp.r, j -DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEM~NI :i 135 Sixth Avenue East Eugene Oregon 97401 ~ PHONE: 687-4065 LANE COUNTY PLANNING DIVISION PHONE: 687-4186 . 11.~',A'. . : ,BU,tt:DING INSPECTION DIVISION .{ :::"'-J .~. P.lans'Submitted 8'd Soil Stability (footings) 9.11 Flood Plain . 'jl ' (..- ) d 0'1;! Othe:..- 'see.. comments " !I . ./ .,..1 r ),COMKENTS : ..J...,. .':<. . ~. I~ : ./ J '" ' Not Appl icable ( ) (\;l <{). ( ) '. . WATER POLUT10N CONTROL Not App 1 i cab l,e ( v)" ( ) , , , :11. Meets Department of Environmental Quality Standards. Other (see comments)' J . ; ,12. ~;. :' . COMMENTS: . ..l 'i. ~ . " No Yes l) OfT ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) No Yes l)TI ( ) ( ) , 1'.1 :, .., - _ f / ., CK'D BY ;)- /~ L xy:-yh.h -DATE '~I '"i ~ ,. .~ ", . .J CK'D BY: ~W~ U U 3' -;2.0-7 b DATE I '~ ,; ';,j ., ~i y 1 .;j , t ,j " ~;~':AI'~~'€ :'~~,l>l~,..~~.-!.;,Il>"'~~'\.AX:h!t~~f.*-1"";\l-'Ml-.'t:;'Jt};u~'\;:,~~lJ.,.l.~"';",;~Ii...~";'M,."b<.;.~..,.:.:,;..:_",;.)qti':... ~~:j "',J:,j,.i--:;,~:j~~_~i;>.(;,,,,:l.;-'-b..,~:r:" :Ti<;'''U,L~_:.,;..':. ,:.Ii;.,,!~,jl.c'/,.:" '-I<",~': ,',,".,:;_,:,,;:~"~c,l"!.. ,.-,..l~--1.":;L~.:~;.;:J~ << , PERMIT iI/9t:o -/6 NOTE: NO PERMIT WILL 'BE ISSUED UNTIL THIS APPLICATIt..... HAS BEEN APPROVED APPLICATION FOR: CONSTRUCTION ~ "OBILE .IIOME c=J PLAN REVIE~ 9 " C1W'GE.oF OCCUPANCY c=:::J '. p"L, OWJER =/~tL l' ,~ A-/t. /f'lYl(tUh)PD;.,v'~ s;; 97<//? 71/-S"jJS .~ J Name 'Address" 'Cit~ IIl'ip Phone c:::::J CONTRACTOR ..---7) e./ ,L . I O.S: REG. II ,/' Name Address .jCity Zip. Twp. I '~L Ra~ge 03 Section (l ~ ~ :5 Tax Lot..k '") /j of.cod.L~ ~tS ~ Census Tract SUbd~~"r G;-t)U~ Lot 3 Y Block '?J Property Acreage Width bODePth~ AC~ESS TO PROPERTY (Road Name) N-WtAL 'Dr ," ~ I . Exist>ng Structures on Property: 7tJ X' / 'f fnoh/~41/J/n.f'< propert Location - Address/Dire~~s: J 9 9'4 kJ. tLlr btJ r 'D rIb 't..,... ~'{\ ~rn~ 5J!,-~ ~ ~ V I Below for Office Use OnlYXXXXXXXXXXXXXXxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Sq. F~ 62 g--O IIBedrooms Valuation 4~cJ _.' I /:uJ. 0 () b.J.O V?/'.::fZ) , ;)30,(; 0-, J '" u. <;77, t? t'J 1 ' / ' .r Existing Sewage Disposal System ~1~ PuJlic I .....-\- Other CTunity ~ ~!"e of Community or Public PLUMBING: . 1 . - Installed 'by Owner- cz=I PLUMBING FE~S: ,I... . ~ -Fixtures J \ > C] CASa I :~ F::ISHED,-, No~FACIL~I~ PE~;:-~ . /~ ~ ~- ~ ~~. /S. L() ~HEC\% I i Signa,ure of Applicant: h . ~ , Fee Received B~ ----- Date: 7"'1/?t: ~ . . Min. Septic Tank Capacity . Drain\ield Required - Lineal Feet' Maximum Depth ik_.t_I./~.t.. y~ A^" ,~J1. ~~ A::Yo-ILU. CIJ.dd.a.l'. i'~d.o.# ~ r:vr-d AYV.J../a M~ zf.Jrl- "-4' '--H..u,." ~-! J,,,, ffh ~_ (aV..~ J....;.r'>~::... ~ .I,~ ~ ~ r7n.ri ~ ,.. dMJ- (Au..P ' A ~",/ ~ ;::Ill 'I / 'Phone "'1 .. . (-It t:a.-~ . % 0,. ! - ~ A-.h'/ . t.~ A 6'\...... --..dJ ~~~.J SEWAGE DISPOSAL: Site"Inspection # .or New System Required C=:J WATER SUPPLY: Well Sprin~~~;~ ! . /)#/7 System ':7f-A ~ FEES: Bldg. PlUmbing .. - /5/00 Other c=J. Name . 3 % Surcharge ,I{c<) Sewage Con,nection Water . Connection Waste Disp. " Plan Review Mobile Home TOTAL Type of Construction bit/' Group Fire Zone .= ~ Use Classification ~~ /'.P..... V' A.7 Bldg Setba5~ :-from Center of Road Right of Way: Front 7:'> '. Side Int. ~ Side :.._..:-_':'UIL ~ Re8;r , /S'7) Zone. X A- -In t4- PlANNING: -v-11kJ DATE: I~ h',nz.16 . 17-II~ LANE .~.SANITATION: DAT)Z:. BUILDING: '1Yl 1..J:kd.vv' K -~~7('" ,'~ L!f ~vk'&L . ~ ' , COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT %TE:./. ?/:://;> f, (55-12 \'\'\4 I ~~\?O~ VR. '. - "t ~ \...-<-t.-J .0 LANE COUNTY PERMIT FOR: .0 PERMIT NO. J,,.;., " CONSTRUCTION [2] MOBILE HOME [ ] PLAN REVIEW [ ] " CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY [ ] pawner' ~kt.:l"1OQ NAME ;-> ..... Z!f~~.J :1S.Y4 ea~ba.r' ~-}:;'Z:~V~. ADDRESS , = " _. \. (.'jrr=:I..1~:"~~>~' ~!. .< CITY .., 7 . ,......., -I __:"Jr !J ZIP CODE 7c."j'~~-)l- " PHONE o Contractor NAME ;" ADDRESS' \ CITY .r' . 'l'P :f.DE fHONE ,\ \\ \ "\~fl1- d.ec\,-(.o'1l~ 0.5. Reg. # Tw" "fJ t':'~ '"-" Range ,""W (~<:ii. L1.'\.~;; . Subdivision F~:iE'!er~ '" '" " a. It ,,~,..;J Section Tax Lot L!=:):i Codp Census Tract "'"' ....r.'Lot ~.r: \1.;..;,) t" . r':c.::t:m: Block 3 Acr~agp Width (if') Access to Property (Road Name)" i)~ive " Depth ~ """'r .b":..~J Existing Structures on Property: Ilrin2,;J,e no Il;i~ ').1& lilt:- '-- ,,'" ! ' Directions to Prope;;~.y ,Address: 19\-..'tb n",T.Xl1:' Dr!...'i)' ,. / STRUCTURE 1# BEOROOMSI U:H,~rOW ~"dl; ITn:::nw'?':2i1 rlt~{j~t saC FT. 4eG 0. 2.80 ' <"\0;"" .;> 1 "'I .;-1"..U ~~ " &,2" ......------ ( ~ ! I , ...-..-...-..----./ VALUATION 'I' 1: 1 ";~'. ~np '" .~_t; ,,",~j.....,1 :.:~?r~. ~J.' ./ SEWAGE DISPOSAL... ;><- PUBLIC [J SEPTIC TANK [2J OTHER [ ] 7 BUILDIN(; ~.2.t.(l1;1,A'.....t,<:,..., "~ - .;; PLUMBING I~L'''._'. '''';..t...,,:1,v-;:'FI1~ I~ "'L.~""'--- I ',rl /......_!t-'~- 3% SURCHARG'" ," . 1I(4:lt? ;1 MOBILE HO~Ji"F'{"""~ ' WASTE DISPOSAl PLAN REVIEW ~. ~r~. '..r__ " _; TOTAL ... ~J r:: .(',:~ .... P~UMB!~~ <!f'l?JA:LLW:g.yf ) :~~.' i<r.'... I' , OWNER [,J OT.HER,[.']" NI)(M" '/."'....-W1\:dR st~;c1:.p~OPOSED ~'[Jl"-<'" II?~. ': . .' EXISTiNG [.] [lJ: PUB L1C \ [ ] COMMUNITY, NAME: [ J PR IVATE WELL , [ J OTHERSPEf'F.,";\:~: Ip \ " - ..tl .J:> .J:. \~. L .......... "- , LC V'\ \ ~~ \ . ~ ~ .~ CONSTRUCTION PERMITS & INSPECTIONS AND WATER POLLUTION CONTROL SPECIFICATIONS MIN. SEPTIC TANK CAPACITY: GALS. MIN..DRAINFIELD L1N. F.T. '. MAX. TRENCH DEPTH INCHES L;'Zr:C ~~J.~i, ,"It).;:" ,;",~;j (j1!:<11:lk'"'1V.Clld. '1'.:rL'3 r:;sy e""lR0 t!,'%~:!'{.' 11'1:1'eSn ~n.U {u.~k{l 'S1;_L"'lt;';~=~Jid ~af..ll.t!:e. 1:: tlti9 a~~:l~u t".n~~~}a ~r; r::.1!ti~;i.t: must; 00 -\,'1l'\'~ "~"!;lt" '\.1nl'~! <(.r.10 ,..~"...~,l;...,.{N.n'~1'f. ~lI'fnA.'}"'~f.i STAY 100' FROM ALL WELLS TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION :n GROUp.I FIRE ZONE''t> USE CLASSIF. .l\CC19RQ';."}' SETBACI(S",Fif. FROM CTR. OF r/W: FRONT .l)~;) SIDE EXT. FT. FROM PRO~"L1NE: \:'c}t SIDE INT. ... REAR ZON" ~~}t"" ~.t,>,! AUTHORIZED SIGNATURES: /s/ ;;. &7<ttlt! ;.. t'j,!):\ltK1 H.cRlty/,.$1;BY ISSUANCE DATE: f?""14i4p"6 c:~ BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE OFFICE COPY - WHITE COUNTY TAX - PINK PLUMBING - CANARY BUILDING - GREEN SANITATION - GOLDENROD IMPORTANT: Call 687-4065 to schedule' all required construction inspections. Call 687-4061 to schedule all required septic system inspections. Ali construction shall comply with the State Buidling Code, D.E.Q. standards for subsurface sewage disposal and the State Plumbing Code. All buildings require a certificate of occupancy before being occupied. . \ (See Details on Reverse Side) \ (POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BLDG. AT SITE) C55.13 LANE COUNTY, DEPT. OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT COURTHOUS~ ANNEX. 135 EAST 6th, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 '.