HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-12-8 ,'-' ", ~ 'Co~/j ~ .~\;'\. . ~? ~ I ~ rlane Cou~~y Authorizatio~ '~/' . ,~3}~~~Y?ft/~~ NWW'HIP. I ~ I RANGE';{J s, .1 SECTION ~ / / z. z.1 TAX l'b 90c::?OF . S,.:;;~~~~., 1 ":'$C/ LOC~/1'rSz::;'~ET . -:? .:1'//' ,./ '~"T ~P PROPOSEO USE OF PROPERTY (7({/(P?'(JI' ~..,r:::~/';r~ . ~n~ Qg'Rmde.ntial D I~dusti:-ial. ~j3~~~/~~.~z)";O'" 4a?/MJ r2dtj& - ~ ~~ /Z~M'~ ."C~~~~ ~y'~~~r'"7/, ~.1.6~C~(VALU~ /(~~M~ . I # OF "!;~ORIEj / ' ,. I ij- ~F _E:iPIfYES ,I' ~ATE!, SUPP:Y. ~ CJ pr~po7ed . .. ~A". .' rC//,,4 ". . nEXlSting O,,~ER' ~)?~~~~~~~~~~/""'~l~;?~~ . ~~R'S NAME A~O ~:.. . ~ . -. . '... I. T~~'}JiIl9E ~Y'-7? ~~/ ~ ~ '. /f "'. ,..', ?r/:/T/~ ~RNr~ BE MAILE Tci~E.,: ~', I ~ELI:;P~ NUMBER ~[",,*1~/. I'~ 7~...4" ..,. . , . ~~ - -' FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Ap~Ucati"'o...7 /7/7 07 Perm1t ~~' -) ~ I'-{fl -J I-'BLOCK ' , . tJ TwS', C~pies of Plan~ ' n'Thr'~e C~pies of -Plot Plans o Mech/Plumi;>ing --Che~klist DLegal Interest Document D pran fhe~'k 'Info sl?~.et' I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAlHNED THE COMPLETED APPLICATION' FOR PERMIT, and do hereby certify that :all inf~:nnatio'n hereon is true and corI:(~ct, and that I have the following, legal in~erest.i in the property,: ttx;'wner of 7ecord;, 0 contra_ct purchaser; Qauthodzed ,agent _wi th evidenc:' of authori ty attached, I f'..:rther certify that any and all work perforrned.~l be done in accordance with the Ordinances of Lane County and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertaining to the work,described herein, and that NO OCCUPANCY will be-made of any ,structure without the permission of the Building Division._ I fur~ ther certify that registration with the Builder's "Board is in full' force .and 'effect,a~ required by,ORS 701:055, that if exempt the basis for cxemp'tion is noted hereon, and!,that only subcontractors 'and' emplo'yees who are in compliance with'ORS.701.055 wiH be used on this project',' I HAVE READ'AND CH754;;;'"~UGHLY~71~;-' '.' y:.f)a.3, .t,'i~_/~d" i 'j.<.h~1S3 . . . 'NAM' (p~int). .! . 5I""",,URE - , . ,'DATEI Parcel # C'")" CONDITIONS! . ' , Parcel sizeyO'y7'21 re~~ 7' V L.\f..' READ THIS SECTION CAREFULLY. YOUR~ApTHORIZATION~HAS o PLANNING/ZONI~G~:, '. ,Zone ~4/H:H ~ part~ticin # C. ..dc:..,1 c'" Minimum Setbacks: L, front I. J L, side COMl.'ENTS, R.o~o-':":t BEEN' BASED 'ON THE FOLLOWING interior 01.. U tv\l-\,4"Kb:":]"). -','- ;., Date: /2 -:23-~ 1- $"'-,..8 3 ;5WJ1 ~ Yf FL~ODPLAIN: ....j,' '" . - '. . In flood hazard area? 0 N? ~ ~e~, SEE .- < ~ ' - ..' .' ATTACHED SHEET.. , ',:'r Date':- .' .. '.' ~ SANITATION: S. 1. # <.' 8, p(?I1i 4<ft5-j~ InS~~;l~tion Re"~ord:'{s,u;d? ~ ;., D No 'Installation Gallon" Lineal Feet "'. ~ Ma?=im'um.Depth . Specifications: Tank of Drainfield , of Trenches . ~~~;i.; ~~1~f!:'-~ ""i:4~#jI, , ~',-;I$ij ~PA~7 ~h ~L,~~~~/I~~ /~~<~~-<rf. ~ >~ PLANS EXAMINATJ.: Type -- Grouo 6se - '-;-:~"I'~ - . COMNENTS, PERMITS rOR ALL ELECIRICAL WORK. Pvr;. Vol~ P1~:'Pa:I4I6~ tJ~ ~~~~~f~~~1~~:~iYo~~ ~~~~~~~~::~~:!.~:~~~:~i~'::'~~ :n~"IIJ.; ~',gy ~F'AI.J~ ..REQUIREMENlS.: ,,' '." ., ',. . '. Dete. -L- ~ _' , 0 . . , - -I TOTAL VALUATIC)N, '$. . . ."S~~'Ption t7/~). 'ft. fL60.D-'~. lNtI." ~~ ~~, m. el~M', ~ - -d n"/, . . - . I:L...J ~~ 4? ~ 'i ~, ~ ;P~rt' /////' ~L--/. ,. . . /7;,r'-.5 . I. , #$~' CONSTRUCTION AUTHORIZED BY THIS PERMIT -- ..' , T.oTAL.'FEE . $ .- $ $ $ . $ . $ $. '$$ Il)~ /C1.~ ~7J'?. / tJ4-,- '77"" ",.<:_.-- <<).~ /tft1"CI , . Floo?plai"n Fee" 's~u1?surf~~e Fees Building fee \. t-1zch/P 1mbg' Fee .'pl ans, Ch~ck Fee. ~State. Surcharge' . ~ ' . , DEQ Surcharge ~ .11/'{j1PA PERMIT APPROVED BY BUILDING OFFICIAL/DESIGNEE (per ORS 456.B05(lJ) . ,. DATE LANE COUNTY.~EPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS LAND MANAGEMENT DIVISION, 687.4061, 125 EAST 8TH AVENUE, EUGENE, OREGON 97401 '. SEE REVERSE FOR LNSPECTLON LNFQRMATLON .; . t~2'} ;- -\ ,::,: . ,. r." ~,.. '.' '. '. /"" .. r . .'. 'j .'...; f v! , .:,)"\' .,. , <:,) ::L' '."t~' J~ .... . I ..' ".'./::... .'... .' .:.0' , , , " . - , ') \ - .-... .....-~.:;- ._':.:'. '- ,.:: ~~, ~~,'_ ,_ ~;: - ~,::~ "-,::-~,. ''I ,-,~ ''''_ ~,' ,.,:" >1.., ~ ~ ,~' _.~'~'_': :.. 1" }'. : '-,1 "'1'''; '.~:' ".f"-~" :r', .:"J ~~' ;f ":;' ~..,. .., ,-;' . '.~ '- " '" - , ~.. .......... " ~ ...... '" ...~ "" /., - ..... ......~...... ~\." .... ~ ~ '".", -.-> A......., ,-... <. '-- '>....t .~" '........".::-..~ ""'-'.' . , ''-' \'~'_.~ -~_.,;:..~,~.. , . ," . . 1:.. ,;:1 " , .....~.......,.. . 'j, ". -~,\..-,," ~,:-' \-..~ " -,.... ~_... ~ " . " - ,-::. " " ~~. .. '....' '-of" ., ~ , ~'~ .... . ",,' .-: 2: . ..~-t?r~\~~.....- \ "I~ .... 5 ~ Final' Inspection:~' To ':be made' after the. ,building "is' complete'~an~before occupa~cy. -;----', . " .'.'.. ,I~' ~~. . .. ,APPROVAL REQUIRED.' N,O work~shall be done on~any part .cir the 'build{ng':or- :structure beyond the point -' . - indic'a ted in eacn' suc.cE:!ssive' 'inspection 'wi thout" fj,rst obtainiI?-g the' ~appr'oval "'of the". J:iu'ilding.~ of ficial:. ;3uch approval sh'alf. be gi\~en. only' after an in~pection shall have been ,made' of each su.ccessive' step. '. . in the construction .as' indicated by each ,of the inspections required. {. -... '''. NbTE: \All bu~lding permits~!;equire 'inspe~tion's f~r the\work authorize.d: 'su~n;as: but not lim~t:ed I-tO: .\ ..'''' ._ :'i '_. ".~,).o \. .' .\....~. '". .' .., .. )0......._._ A~ Block Wall: To be made after reinforcing.'is in place, but before any grout is pour'ed. This ' -< '~'.: ~. :.:' inspection.' is, required'" fot each: borip ~beam ~poui. There ,wil1. ,be' no~approval'un'ti'l, the"plUinbing' ,'.an~ electr ~cal inspections. have been m~<;1e a'nd ,?ppr~ved. ... B." ,Wood ,Stove:. To be made .aft'er completion o.t'masonry (if applicable), and when installation is '..' 'l?omple'te. 1I1stallation shall: pe"'in accorda'nce with an appioved',':-'hationally recognize!2!: b~sting_!"" agency and the manufacturer's installation instructions. . \ .', . I J, I" . ~'. '.. ' ,C. 'Mobile Hoihe: An inspection is required after the mobile home' is con'nected' t"o an approved sewer or septic system for setback requirements',~ blocking, footing' connection, tiedowns, .skirting', an'd plUmbing conriections~~ . -. -' ".' . ...;.. .. . " . '.~ - . 1. . Footings, and piers. to comply..wi th.;S,tate 'foundation ~equirernen ts for mobile homes .or _as recommended by. the manufacturer. '.. - '.' . Mobile 'home'minimUm finish floor elevation shall be certifiea when required bi a. flood~ ~~~~Ji')~anage~~nt':letter. '''','' .~' '<I ..' 7:_::." l' ,-n.' 3. Mobile hometiedowns, ~hen required, and skirting shall be installed and ready for inspec- tion within at least 30 days~after occupancy. '~Tiedowns a~d sk~rting shall be installed 'per enclosure-." . ',..~ . .'j ,'\" .., ';...., , ,x.. . -. ....,.. ". _ 'J ~,'. . D. S'wimming Pool: ~ 'Below grade when stee1- is in "plac'e and before c'oncrete' is poured. Above grade when P?o:..;'s'iristaL!..e~.. .... ' . . .- 1'" ."1 " ;, ~. , ",', ,-- APPROVED PLANS MUST SEON THE JOB SITE AT ALL TIMES DURING WORKING HOURS~ THIS PERMIT ~~L~'EXPIRE ~. - ",IF 'WORK DOES'iNOT"':BEGIN' \lITH-IN~~1:80jD.AYS';'.OR' IF )W'ORK<IS fSUSPENDED"o'R'.ABANDONED FOR, MORE.:THAN ,,180 'DAYS'. ~ SQS..PP:N~~-lON.~,OR RE.v:OCATI~N"}l1A.y~...oCCUR ~F THIS' P~RMIT W~S ISSUED' ON THE B!\S~'S ,Or: INCOM~LETE OR ERRqNEOU? . INFORMATION~...A"--"')", .. ''''^"~'~'~'''.' ,'_, "'."l\.~j-. .)..... .,... \' ". ......~_.'- -.. .~...\.,.... . ANYONE PROCEEDISJG>. P~AST:.:rH~J,r.\O+NT ~E. ,~~Q1,~R~I?,LI.NSR~CTI'?~f~:~~I~V~~pO~~S,?'.f\T ~TH~iR"O,"_:~~.~.I~r ...... 'l " 1::;~' "::e"!.' ...-;, ~........"L'1" . \.. SUBSURFACE AND ALTERNATIVE;',SEWAGE DISPOSAL SYSTEMS: 'I "~'" ',(f... " .:. , f' 'H.}~..~~-:~~~~i ({:~~~~h~~~-l e.~\~:~:1~~~t.?:J'~o~e ~e~:. ~.~~~,;~~~. c~a ~~~~~f. ~s~u:~nce. " _, . _ . . .2. 'upon ;.~9mp'1~ting' the constructiou;Jor which. <: .-p~rmi t"h~~. ;been ~"~ssued" tffe.. p~;::m~~t_...hi>1-,9p~J;;.,sr~tl ,. ,!,j'.'\""l,."I.i~e,ti'{Y~ .tp~ .~:<t:n.e.l~~oIY;1s..x .9,~~~!;t#tep~ ~f p~~.nn_~t:.g:~~d .~~t;!;rll.::ni,t~~'_~~ve1?pme~tj~l:!Y: .s;U12TIlj~t;t~R9.: '~7J:i1~'''' " 1 , . ".' ~nstalla t~on~ r~~o,r~. form. The .Departmefl€ll shal;l- inspect,.lthe'"construct~on I"tot..deterrnJ.:!le ....l;f,-.~t:.' " complies wit'o,<,:ri-nej.\:rules ,contained in this .division. . If the construction does compl}rrtv..-rth,.tsuch '. rules, tne DepartmeI'lt shall issue a'certi'ficate' of 'sati'sfactory comp'letion to the permit,: holder. -.. If-- theconstructlon does no't 'comply.'wfth such rules, - the Department shall 'notify the permit' holder .and shall require 'satisfac.tory complet.Hm,'be'fore issu~ng the'. certificate-.,. Fai'lurE? to :-:.me~t. the requ~rernen ts for' 'sa tisfactory completion ~wi thin a reasonable t~me coils ti tutes a. vio- . lation of ORS 454:605. to 454.745 .and this rule. ; ,'.' ,-', ' '.:/i.J!J\ 10 OOOJ']R " -~, .Settiacks Su.bsurface _,Sewaqe Dispo~s~:t\J '1 1 ':'. ...., \ . {. ;) . .. .., ., . rfC!M5I~tSV Drainfield, ''''~ .... '. :'-':';'" ~F~6~':L Int;.erior.- pr6'perty ,J.ines (' ":.-)..-\ ~......, ~Ol'~!'" (~~\ 10" . T>" ':.......,.. Edge of road right-of-way.),' J,'j.; ~).l'Oj..~;.~ ,::.~ 10_'.... - .- . ~..... Building 'foundation'" 5t . 10,' Wells-. other water sources-. ..'50' 100'", . "....: .4 . '- ; -...., ., " "-".'" '-' :;r,) .. ".::::. .....'......... Y,.' -,::. . C1i":1Y, ~ " -. ~ -' 'f. ....~~ '", """, , , "'; ',..' ".)'0"" ;.'. ~ . . ........ ,.~. I........~........:... ...,.... i 'I" '\ ~ ~.i.'".;~\ ~'", \ \ \ '.. I _ ~ ',.1. .. ~ 't-" .: , ....~, '~}. "\.~.....~ t'" . \~..1:':...'~ .' . ~ .~. '. I,.., I. _J ::' ..'.l,' ';.' " .' ~+\ ..., '. t j',\ ,'~ , " .' . -t. ~ .' " .' ... ,It' f,'. )..: r' '.1,' t.. ,.' ,r '\ '" ~ 1 ~.i ~I . f'r, i' APPLICANT BENDT, TL~ 180311220j600 :1f.:w BLDG' TYPE Ii 1..1 l 'I 'Ii :: II , '~ATG : SE(~U : TMEN AI"P () BY F:I...H r, ~ 1 ., DM! SUBDIV USE:: 1'( BDPMS ;, COUNTY DEPT ENV MGT PE::CEIPT ~ 237783 DATE 12288! ADDP 2068 INLAND WAY, SPRINGFIELD, OREGON LOT BL.I< OBI...DGS 001 PHONE 686 9915 LANE UNITS 001 STOPIES (,DDI~ SQ FT UNIT COST VALUATION , 'NO. CONNE::CTOI":S: j"lECHAN I C,~L FEE ST(~T[ SURCH()I,GE Ft.M, CHECI< FE:E 'I ~)~ 00 Er,CH .... 'O.JNEF: NI1E ,:tODE APPI... 'NO ACTION DESCPIPTION "'{p . . i:<F' ..! '81"\ . r 'I'" , I.:CP MH I...C 237783 MH 'lHPI.. NO. l"IXTUm::S: t1ECH . SUr:: ":'C1< ;:lDS SUI':: "'1'" 4'" ,,, 0% SD,oN FP F:t, 1::'1'" . 1 [ST "' SI IS'S PCI< 3 OTH SDS 2 .:1 C[)~lPI...ETION D,;TE T[)T':~11... F'EElf.j, 'f'{ FEE D,WS 62., ~~~0 :i 0 .00 2.,.9(-) ..,n j 0 ,(-)0 ~:)" 00 .l0,,00 1 ::1 100.,40 CI< 'q ~1 (. . . . ~"--, , ... l{...l . ') : ..... l' . .' (),' Date To: 1- s- 84 F~OODP~Ai:~~;A~~A~~~~rHO . Management/125 East 8th' Ave., 687-4357~ B ..~ Y . . .... Pennit No. .2377- 83 Partition No. Subd i vi si.on No. '.' ~. .". . Department of Envi ronmenta 1 Eugene.,. Oregon Klpennit Processing o Planning O'Pubi ic Works Applicant.Name . Adpress of site' o lKl '00 o o .' . nAI\..:/ .2-0(;,8 SFD AG 13 {!:7 Al D -;- TAlLAAln wAv @' ADD. ' . sP'r,o COMM. ('JetS (gJ. o . . . Approximate fiobdhazard study area.. extra precautions may be appropriate to assure that the building site will .be.reasonably safe from flooding. Detail flood hazard study area: Data Source MAP #3t. Mobile home tie,downs required. Substantial improvemerit. . . Site in regulatory floodwiiy channel ,building prohibited unless it.is demonstrated that the cumulative effect of proposed.development will not increase the base flood at any point. .Contact Floodplain Management for more information.. BASE FLOOD ELEVATION +1' = ,J./-:;-Oi O. 'U1SL). Certification at or above this elevation required as 'checked below. , , OTH ER :*********************************************************************t**********~****~**************~ .~ D ,0, 10 "[j o .,-i CERTIFICATION OF. ELEVATION . . , a Registered Professional in .the State of Ore.gon, do 'hereby certify to Lane County, that .the following efevation represents a survey made by me or under my supervision. Th~ f'oundatio~ elevatfon (including. basement slab) =' The ground elevatiort~ilt structure will be pl aced on The: first floor elev.ation = ' .(MSL). The el'evati on of the ,top of floodproofing Other I I, 3:. '" -0 . , ...... .~ (r~SL). : (~lSL). ~ "'l I ..... " , (MSL), N I'" Reference Bench Mark No.. Location .i I ,. ; Signature Date SEAL. -I r- '- ()\ 8