HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1975-9-19 i'.. <,-' _!O- ;,.. ,NOTE:. NO PERM" ~ILL BE. ISSUED UNTIL THIS APPLi nON : .... .. 'PERMIT l/I'JII-l/i!;.Y HA~S"~EENAPPROV~D . /. '.: ~ OWNER J)c(.v APPLICATION FOR:. c=;J ~O~I!,E H6~~: ,.~ , !,LAN REVl;EW R- f.ifAJ}.;t':, '. P. o,:Rov af! Address ' ., " , c:=J 0,,-fhi:~ hJ CHANGE OF PCCUPANCY I==:J Oe(, 1's"'7 -Bell!:- ZiPT~~;7 Phone , CONSTRUCT~ON 'Name City' c=J CONTRACTOR ,- Namel. Address' City" , Zip Phone '_",1 O.S. R~G. if -=..:.-- ,':" .Twp. /8 Range C> 3,'se~tion~/' 1;ax -Lot Subdivision stI. /f/lt:e! til2ot/j- . ~ot 30 ACCESS TO P~OPERTY (Road Name) ~'--lJ,'~ . II .' .. , / /17-/ g~ Code Census Tract / Width Depth /.- / ? ./ ./ Block 'b Property Acr.eag~ Existing Structures.on Property: ~ , . / . t,;.,j a......./ 17' / .;< .' . '" 'Property Location ~. Address/pirections: '~oi:.~ ~./~ ~ ,. , - '.~: "j ~ ._/<.j)-X- SEWAGE DISPOSAL, . Sit~ Inspec't~on.. II~./I_____~ WATER SUPPLY: Well I",.. or Ne~ System Required I7S:?"I Public ~pring Other FEES, PLUMBING: . Bldg. Other. c:J N~jne Wa'ste Disp. Plumbing /tJo. 06 ~ /./, 6'0 Plan Review .< Sewage Connect~o~ ,,__'_~.~ , Wat'er. Co~nect~on c:/_ Mobile Home az. Surcharge . ~;f::ISHE~'."~~.~o'r .~~~E:ERM~ NO Sign~t~reof' Appli~~~t :''1' .l/J.4L/ j? J{J1~ ..E;ee:~eceiVeny, '~~'Date: -9-r- :7)-' .'. V 7_""'-' ""..f,.k Min. Septic Tank Capacity 7:>~ Drainfield Required - Lin~al Feet / {)oc~xi~~ De~-'_-;- ~JJ,;'~l/f2, .[;;,k '~J~J~ ...P~)?~~ ~~~J~ h~c . . 1)...<,4 . 7.;/;rJl,p, _b--:,J~L~fP." . _..1 tJ. ()lJ J.2-- TOTAL Type of Construction Group Fire Zon~ . Use Crassificati~n, Bldg Setbacks'~ from Center of , l!j '-f' Side Int. '. Road Right' 'of Way: . - ~. Sid~,~._~. .~ Rear j~ Zone j( )/- /J1 p Front P'tw;.G:. s-kJ; ~ if DATE: ~~ ~ . DATE' -u,'~~, ~ J{L-h..- ~ I . I /.? IlJM'ARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT HUIJ.DING: . <;11'1 P:J",/ DATE: 9-J~.-'} ~ " . ..'CS5 - 12 LANE COUNTY BtJl!iDINGSIH EVALUATlON~",'~'" . ~~MtjL'LR,\63-S'/r"'TAX Lot'., ( 0i';1ofNli.'ph~IT APP'i~IE~TI6~'NO.'!J11l-'iM -7J-~~~,U.I~.~~I.ON\OT;. ." 11 .BLOCK;";'" ( ) '$ I fE ~I~SPECT ION' . - .. , . .:A~'~L ~CANT . 'iK0~dx[ .; .' . ':. , .' . , ': ,D~TE " PLANNING DllilslON .', '>".; ,;. Not , . ,.' .... " . :,...... :.:.: ."', c.' Ayplicab.le 1..' Zoning ,Ordiri~n.ce Compthinc",:.Zorif!- f<..f.I-MI:I( ) . 2. . Subdlv is i on .0 rdi nanceComp I i ance.' . , (~ 3; Reql.l i'r%d .Ac'cess , . .',.( .) 4. BlIi1ding~Site (Area, Width,' Fcontage) ..(), ..5,:" Othero{see '~omments) . C-,y ~~ ,- .: ..\ ~.'. ~ .'. COMM'ENTS :-.', . - .. No Yes, ""CK'D BY: ~:,~~.7.5-:- ~~,~~' 'Setbacks 'from.'~fl of.~"~~d;~ ( ) ( ) '." ,F ron t . , , ";3, . ( 'J. U~".. .. \. . "S'J~ ;:;"Lenor', . ();, (~:' ;,set~a.c~~.frOm i riteri..or'I1f..: ( )( )", . de.. . '. . -." "Rear'~ '-'~' .. .).. " , . "iT: .:'(.- ,', PLANNING 0 I \,ItS ION ACT ION PEND ING :'. YESl ) NOil :) A~PL'JCATlON# ,", .. COM'MENTS: '., ;, _, _L_ Not" .. ~:;,;", ,.'.. '.:, Applicable{No_'Ye~' .' . .', . .. ~!~~J! rn"c~:,':;,.;?J~ .9c)j"ir' "., . .c . '., . ...,. DATE' , "..-, . , ,'.BUILDING .INSPECTION DIVISION -, ~ > . . .-, 7. . PI~'~s:'.SubmH:t'ed " ,',.," . , 8. 'S,oi I 5.fabjJi,iy (footings). 9. . Flood "p fa in'. . . , . . . 10. . Othe'r.:'(s.ee cOlT)~ents) ,. .'~ . ~..; . " .....-. - Not AppHcable No. Yes.. . . ( ) ... ',T) '64.,' ." ....;,. WATER POlUTION'CONTROL . , II. ..;.. .,,-.. . - ~ ,..' COMMENTS;:.' ',,- . ((' .:J )('h>....C,~I.~' ByrJ&d~,rtl.'1!U?i(- .. " .,. . ~ ' OAT,. ,-- -'. ',' .' . _. . ~ r. "~.".:. . '.- 12. ::\,0.. , <;";i ". _ ~ . _ .__ .:...~ _ ~";._._ ., _ _.t..- . ~ \ 'f .0 .. -~.-., _.f:_ '._," , TO APPL"fCI.\NT: '-~.-- './" _ , >C.., ., .n '.-'0- . . ',Yo~rB~ilding I Site I'nspedion:.. ,,;. .' .~. .' .,/'*an be approved,. :...... '; ," ., . ,". ,: .' 1'l1fJ~'< .> :ah!1o~ ,[)e approved .aL~his tIm7 as}"?ic'ated on item NO.. . above. . q/p~' '. Qu~st Ions and .further, I nformat '.o? ?,n. ~~I\tems I thro~gh 6 '.co?t.act. t?e LANE-,. . . '. COUNTY PLANN I NG DIVISION. Quest I ons'and. further I nformatTon on., terns 7 . . ", ;,through 12 contact the LANE COUNTY. 'BUILDINGANlf SANI,TATlON.DIVISION. . (')W..hl1,be:held'i:n.thisoffic.e untl1V:ou can resolve the pr,ob1emsindtcated." .C) I{beingr.eturned.;.. . ,';'.;', , .' .' ,. (. ) . Your buil d i nQ permit .aR'? U cat i on fee'i 5 be i n.q retur.n.~d underseoar.ate cover . ' .OEPARTMEN1' Ot . ENV I RONMENTAL HANAGEMtN I .. . .: 135 Sixth Aven'ue East Eugene. Oreg()n '97401 "PHONE:. ,687-:4065 . . . .' . LANE. COUNTYPlANN I ~G 0 Iv I S I ON PHONE:. 687.'"1+186' '"., '"- C55-28 . '. '.-. , .