HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1977-3-8 ~ , \. I ',' ,\~j\,/ : 'r'/I-."TRS, l' / ./ /%-3'-/} JOB LOCATION dnJ 9 ~it1A1J l;hA')~ . - ~ rJJ PERMIT ,# ,.., ..,-j , 394:.. '71 LANE COUNTY PERMIT APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDR':C'" ..- OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRES~ CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRF"" Mail permit to (L.)-Applicant ( ) Owner I ' 1-- c;:. p"/ ~.. ... ( ) Completed Subdivision:> ....J I Lot <'. " . Bloc~ . ;....., ,: . , ,--0-' IV;' /J / "" l'ACI /''l~' "'''~'' l.. -f. ~'()<I~~I/j"'I' LA , . /. !~ ;-- '. \-...... '. Acreage or Lot Siz~ Contractor's O.S. ,# Partitioning # ~l~_ STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY OTH~S PERMIT IS FOR, (&;7.-(',11 ) WATER SUPPLY: c' ,- '" .".' , . ) Contractor. I. I r ' ., O'A~J r .r. . 1.. d' THIS PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MI LE OF THE CITY OF ) Prefer to.p' ck up. , f (l.' ....:,., Call Phon~l.)?- Phone Phone (owner, etc.) when ready, '7 ..: I~ ..~ r-.N:l ~ SEWAGE DISPOSAl \ # BEDROOMS_# PLUMBING CONNECTION5-- . I .fr'} ./..-. ,...."" ...." ... / S.I. # / . PLUMBING BY ""'0<- ~' t ',) I hereby certify that the above statements are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner of record; contract purchaser; _ potential buyer; _ realtor 'or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. ---1. -'. I Fee Paid <l: ,..!. Signatur~ j Datp ( /lfSPECIAL PMT. AREA. MIN. ELEVATION: ) NEW ADDRESS SANITATION ) FACILITY PERMIT TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT. Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required, Lineal Feet Maximum Depth BUILDING ! " J ~ / .,": 0'1. Type,of Construction "- -'\.::-/ r J Use Classification - , . Comments: .,.; , / i i (.;roup Fire Zone r-Comments: q ) '---" : ~- ;, ,! ",' . I. .... .I By: ..f ,:... Date: " By: 'j.. . .r-.',', , PLANNING REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED. By:. Date: ZONE: ,....{ -/ I YI .J. SETBACKS: FRONT L/ r::t SIDE FACING STREET t/.~ I (FROMC/U I. _4_ ____ . ./ >(L.~tl.f .~~.. .jf. , ;:.,.-; 0....... ,\ Date: _ ~~ ,6:2--;1 _ ~_..' Date Issued: :.. :,.r ., i INT. SIDE YARD -C-:' REAR j{)/(FROM PILL L.;'<NE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 ", PHONE: 687-4394 POST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BUILDING AT SITE C55,13 BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE; BUILDING - GREEN; PLUMBING - CANARY; SANITATION - GOLDENROD; OFFICE COPY - WHITE , \ \ .. i j7' / P.ERMITl;39cj-77 JOB LOCATION ;:) ()J C( ~..Jij1.l(Jj{ rJI // )0.01 J /.?/ .cV jI . LANE COUNTY PERMIT Partitioning # '( ) Completed Subdivision <? .J~l6-vt f" :~ Lot . c::;;/). Bloc~ j,J ~l1AJ-- b1euJ--P/u c2()t/q~.!ri/Z~J tJlfLq Phon;,l;b- t70t /,-, Phone . v Phonp .. (owner, etc.) when ready. , l/ J / [- 3 - / / .' Acreage or Lot Si?~ Contractor's O.S. # APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRES<: OWNER'S NAME AND ADDR"<:<: CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDR"<:<: Mail permit to {L)-A'j5plicant ( ) Owner ) Contractor. ( ) pr;lefer to pick u.p/ Call I /J . "_ '-'111~ 1 J .~___ '. STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY THIS PERMIT IS FOR d/ J' .&j " '- ~ # BEDROOMS_# PLUMBING CONNECTION5-- (l A~ r. ,,~ _t:.. SEWAGE DISPOSAl c-&Lr if / THIS PROPERTY ISWITHIN ONE MILE OF THE CITY OF PLUMBING 8Y. " , I hereby certify that the above stateme'nts are true and accurate, and that I have the following legal interest in the property: _owner of record; contract purchaser; _ potential buyer; _ realtor or agent. I further certify that (if not the owner) I am authorized to act for the owner of record, and that said owner is aware and approves of this action. I hereby agree to comply with all applicable Codes relating to this permit. Fee Paid $ ----J. ::2- I . . Signature J > - , . Dat~ . } NEW ADDRESS (. ) FACILITY PERMI" TO TRANSPORTATION DEPT ( ~ISPEGIAL PMT. AREA. MIN. ELEVATION: - BUILDING. I _ / ~AI Type of Construction ,V Group .1I17.'''..r I Use Classification u.d_ .-.1 "- ~ WATER SUPPLY 'S.1. # SANITATION Minimum Septic Tank Capacity (Gallons) Drainfield Required, Lineal Feet' Maximum Depth .:;:> --> Fire Zone Comments: Comments: ~ .df I. . ~----L;~ By: dhd;&! ;:j &-r.Jb~ DateJ- 8- 77 PLANNING REQUIREMENTS SATISFIED. By:~,<<,- \.. .:';:.~ Date: --=<""\jL~- Date Issued:,-"'\ t")\ '-\'\ ZONE: tzLl-r /n.J SETBACKS: FRONT L..jc0 SIDE FACING STREET 41~/(FROM elL) _ iNT. SIDE YARD .<)I,REA~/D'1FRc5M Pig LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, 125 EAST 8TH AVE., EUGENE, OREGON 97401 PHONE: 687-4394 Date: r:'J!J77 .~) --'" /.$, - / 8(:.,// ~ ? C55,13 ~OST THIS PERMIT ON MAIN BU'LD'NG AT S'TE BLDG. PERMIT - WHITE; BUILDING"- GREEN; PLUMBING - CANARY; SANITATION- GOLDENROD, OFFICE COPY - WHITE , . .,1 .,~, '~ . , :;:....."" '.' ~::. " , . " .' il'l .', SITE I NSPECT ION' :~~ ApPROVED ~ DISAPPROVED L:::7 DATE REMARKS 'REMARKS INSPECTOR FRAMING INSPECTION ApPROVED m 01 SAPPROVED I I DATE t;:- <1- '77 I NSPECTD'R ~ REMARKS .LATH OR SHEETROCK INSPECTION ApPROVED 1----1 DISAPPROVED ~ DATE REMARKS FINAL INSPECTION ApPROVED d D'SAPPROVED C1 DATE 5-</- 77 REMARKS b./~ ./-Z, _ -' r:?./ CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY R.EADY TO ISSUE / / NOT READY TO ISSUE L:::7 DATE REMARK S INSPECTOR INSPECTOR V--?-rlrf , INSPECTOR }RS. -TJ /i 2,-1/ , . Plot 'p';lan ". 'b'd' .. ..--tl..' /' L' 'I.~ ," Su ~v~s~on.='; u., (,(/A Ff!t.'7-~' . s-o .....,. v rJ Lot Biock cr-- / \ /. Vicinity Map. - N C74-150 Job Location Permit If Permit II Permit II -j I .! ; , i' " \'-....: 'J; r.o , I 1, (Add res s ) .For For For . r:..,. /)1: /-'7/1'" ,,( " . Permit If 'Permit. II Permit II ~) a..(4- . ( /For . For For ~? n cI q ., ' J ,I. 0 /, .-~'-. ----. -~~--_.._._- , .~ I I " . . "-,----.. f\i\ or:.~' Ie.. : i. . r-r." .{_:. ..- ~~~-'-~J-'- . . . . . . I' -~-.-_.--.:-- . I'" I ''p<:.~' K" . _ -;0 . \ oJJ. . Cf". . ' ',' "0/' '/ ' '.' It . "0":" . \/:y~~~. ~'9-:2-' . '. . .dc<lr t&~rJ (,.J~' . ~, ~}'n ,l' /I) (). G --1-.f ; I (y ( r <Y . . ,,-,.'- ./ / / ./ , , . \ \ . :\ ',,- 1 - " . ~. \. \ , \. ; \ 1 /, _.of-- .' Ih /{}"r! [Uti i.I -J 3~cf7'7 SfJ}./ .;, (j h{j./ (7)Nfl 01 I 97177 ~., .' TRS. TI , ---- '-----~---- ----- . _.- - --"it' / S.:- II / '-Job Location -'-'j j;J, 0 Lf 9 ,-' INFORMATION SHEET C ) Building Permit ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank. Number of sites ( ) Would like to meet on site. Call , (owner. etc,) Acreage or Lot Siz~ Test holes..w~ reag,y/. A.: Partitioning # ( ) Completed Subdivision. ,S ,_-lA/lirA/-' /-...MJV'u<-<' Lot ,~() Bloc~ ( ) Pending APPLICANT'S NAME AND ADDRESc; ~(JB~,.. ( () j?hUJtf-.. JJen "/~.a ;;L P)-J:./U<_ OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, if different from ilRP!itant's CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS ,"'ovz" ~_ Mail permit or results of site feasibility study to ( ) Applicant ~) Owner ( ) Contractor, ( ) Prefer to pick up. Call . (owner, etc.) when ready. STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY ~dfJ,'/v I...(,'"M.. ~ Phone ?" (. -t. 7 ",y- Phonp Phon~ PROPOSED USE (this permit) B<.Jl / J,~.. (j~ , ~ FlfJ"~J (-hovi::.. IJI'~"'- ,({.. ..,I,e 7"I-1r . 'TJE-ck- 70 13<=.- o-~ 7:-.. ')-u" R.;t~ /-,/;'-"~ .. / /~2l/ C // WATER SUPPLY, <:;.; (~xisting or proposed well, etc, If public, name of system) SEWAGE DISPOSAl (~xisting or proposed septic tank, etc.) S,I..J< PLUMBING BY OWn<:.-r Address ) PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE MILE OF CITY ( ;J ******* **** ** ** ** ******** ***** ** ******* * *.*.. 0 FF ICE USE ON L Y BE LOW TH IS Ll N E *** ** ******** ** **** ** ** **** ** ** ** **** ****** ( ) New ~'iTss Nec,elsary ( ) Facility Permit Ne'cessary ZONE . &It--m H SETBACKS: Front Side Facing Street . ( (FROM CENTERLINE .OF ROAD) ) Special Permit Area, Minimum Elevation' I nterior Side Yard Rear (FROM PROPERTY LINES) To: Planning/Building InspectorlSanitarian/Surveyor. This applicant appears to have a problem wit~, Your assistance will be appreciated. By Permit Processing Section Responc:t::.o C55,12 By DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT Permit Processing Section 125 East 8th Avenue 687 -4394 lIivision . TRS'; TL /1- 2, -/ I Job Location . Permit II 'Plot ~an Perm~t II ~ ~..~ Perm1t # Subdivision ~ ~~~ vr~ Lot :::.-0 Block ~ "- '-Sl / I Vicinity Map . N C74-150 (Address) For For For ~ ~ !?/l/lj} l) CJ:.-.<.d- -, . Permit II - .{JFor Permit # For Permit # For _"2 () cj.q ,--, /04- 0-'1 I " f\^ Q W:)'<. /;-/" >... } 0~eK ~.: . -rb L. "J<i_ J~' t, '/ I E ~;L dO'ir ~ ~ In/Ond WOe/' '-.. ~--=- '- I ~ ) g--- () 3- /I,';)';!. -so-o '};RS~TL /7.5 - 3U!.. ~'~~/!.J'Ob Location ,:f'/Jc./9 //l..//_4P}/) aJ,4JJ ~ ~,.c;/7a.I?,...Al Written DirectionSjAJ +he. (LJrIosm:;.J 0/1- J-I!);.{J/! #..ee,<:< /}hh/I l1f-mp Park. INFORMATION SHEET . ( ~uilding Permit ) Site Feasibility Study for Septic Tank. Number of sites - Acreage or Lot Siz~ _' Test holes w.!!Lbj ready '/,./ d-l Partitioning # ( ) CompletetYJETAL C.&lIbqi,'{i~I'pn 0~ 4d'~ 7.///h'AP.I:h.r?.<.fL ( ) Pend,ng Ll:\U tlu LDrRS . APPLlCAr~T'S NAME AND ADDR ESS ~ .,;;83.~ RIV~~ ROAD ,- ~.._J. I.li. un '''''''0' D_ LL I .0 Ii!.. ,.., . OWNER'S NAME AND ADDRESS, if different from appricant's 1Tnn~r<:, ".., ('OJ l ~~ CONTRACTOR'S NAME AND ADDRESS ,_"'A-/77~ #,"", A~pJ/'O::i-:n-7 . l'.:1ai~rmit or results of site fe~lb.iDJ.Y~tudy to} ) Applicant ( ) Owner ( ) Contractor. '1../) Prefer to pick up. Call -0 Y':."- - (L<;:--V _ (owner; etc,) when ready, STRUCTURES NOW ON THE PROPERTY ffc;b) ~~. '. Lot ,.-;-v Bloc~ --:2- Phone..&:>- f/SV'/"" Phone~{i?70!, Phone&'5-41S~/ Contractors O. S. # /J?5'c'S . PROPOSED USE (this permit) iJaro[;e WATER SUPPLY~ f'(Jd/7l/L~:r SEWAGE DISPOSAL ~~,>-i-/ .0 PLUMBING BY CJ:k/'ts//'I1t? ) PROPERTY IS WITHIN ONE Mlt OF CITY '( (/dee ~5j~ H P;o.iroan.c; (existing or proposed well, etc. If public, name of systeml le"isting or proposed septic tank, etc.) S.1. ;: Address '7JY? ( ) ~re 1'J.$.2~ssary ( ) Facility Permit Necessary ;/; IT . / ",ONE Y SETBACKS: Front Ie;;- . Side Facing Street (FROM CENTERLINE OF ROAD) ******* ************ ****** *** ** ************* OFFICE USE ONLY BELOW THIS LINE ********* *.. ...... ** '" ***** ** **..... -lH--ll--ll-.* ***.................. IJ; ~ecial Permit Area, Minimum Elevation: ( Interior Side Yard !: r Rear c: / (FROM PROPERTY LINES) . To: Planning/Building InspectorlSanitarian/Surveyor. This applicant appears to have a problem with Your assista will be appreciated, ~_I ~ /(j' ?Clk" ~ Respon<:':p. By Permit Processing Section C55,12 /f/~ . ~GV~ {/ By DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT ! /1' d Permit Processing Section . 70)'-- /'---{ 125 East 8th Avenue mll- 59 /-7 ;::; 687-4394 nivision TRS, Tl-l~-:~LJ,)- \\\.\.l)~j-~{OJ\-'~~ocation (Address):')o4-9 Permit # For Permit # For Permit # For . P'lat Plan Subdivision Lot r \ ) C74-1S0 Block , .;2no'O+ c,u..--\- ~~ . ,.~~ .Y '\:: "\! It Vicinity Map -... \ \ I,' Tt0LA"-\\l \^-'\~ S?,,', (\QI~,e.\D: Wf.f?CjOU Permit # For Permit # For Permit # For (,G1rr "pP __S'S"' "'--'-- WijA"" , . " rlfJP. IS' :>, , '0:> ;~ " +k,'-'" .Q. ~c."'''~W RPf ;;7 II (,;? ' ~ ~' wo.--\,,^- ~^-\"--\"-'-'-t, \.0 ..c...~ . N