HomeMy WebLinkAboutMeeting Packet Planner 12/18/2024
Completeness Check
Development and Public Works Department
Conference Room 616 & Zoom
Tuesday, January 7, 2025
10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m.
DPW Conference Room 616 and Zoom
Completeness Check Mtg (Subdivision Tentative Pre-Submittal) 811-24-000308-PRE 811-23-000175-PROJ
Gansen Construction
Assessor’s Map: 17-03-22-13 TL: 20801
Assessor’s Map: 17-03-22-12 TL: 02100
Address: 3333 Pheasant Hill
Existing Use: Vacant
Applicant has proposed 30-lot residential subdivision
Planner: Tom Sievers
Meeting: Tuesday January 7, 2025 10:00 – 11:00 via Zoom and Conference Rm 616
811-24-000308-PRE Subdivision Tentative Pre-Submittal
17-03-22-13 TL 20801
17-03-22-12 TL 02100
3333 Pheasant Hill
Gansen Construction
Revised 1/7/14 kl 1 of 10
City of Springfield
Development & Public Works
225 Fifth Street
Springfield, OR 97477
Land Division Tentative Plan
Partition, Subdivision
Application Type (Applicant: check one)
Partition Tentative Pre-Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Pre-Submittal:
Partition Tentative Submittal: Subdivision Tentative Submittal:
Required Project Information (Applicant: complete this section)
Applicant Name: Phone:
Company: Fax:
Applicant’s Rep.: Phone:
Property Owner: Phone:
Property Address:
Size of Property: Acres Square Feet
Proposed Name of Subdivision:
Description of
If you are filling in this form by hand, please attach your proposal description to this application.
Existing Use:
# of Lots/Parcels: Total acreage of parcels/
allowable density: Proposed #
Dwell Units
Signatures: Please sign and print your name and date in the appropriate box on the next page.
Required Project Information (City Intake Staff: complete this section)
Associated Applications: Signs:
Pre-Sub Case No.: Date: Reviewed by:
Case No.: Date: Reviewed by:
Application Fee: $ Technical Fee: $ Postage Fee: $
December 13, 2024
Subdivision, Tentative Plan
Map 17-03-22-13, Lot 20801 and 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100
In accordance with the Middle Housing Land Division - Tentative Plan submittal requirements, this written
statement describes the proposed development and demonstrates that the proposal complies with the
criteria contained in the Springfield Code Section 5.12.225.
This application requests approval of a Middle Housing Land Division of a 2.54-acre, residentially
zoned property into 30 lots, 28 attached single-family homes, one single-family home to remain,
and one common lot that includes associated private road system, stormwater amenities, and
improvements. The intent of the development is to create a residential middle housing division
with a variety of lot sizes for housing. This will require the approval of the City of Springfield
Middle Housing Land Division, Tentative Plan and Final Division Plan.
B.Project Directory
1.Owner / Applicant
Mike Gansen Construction Co.
Mike Gansen
P.O. Box 26208
Eugene, OR 97402
2.Professional Design Team
a.Owner’s Representative/ Designated Contact/ Landscape Architect
John Schmidt, ASLA
The Satre Group
375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201
Eugene, OR 97401
Voice: 541-686-4540
Email: John@satregroup.com
b.Landscape Designer c.Surveyor
Heidi Dufek, Dan Nelson, PLS
The Satre Group Branch Engineering, Inc
375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201 310 5th Street.
Eugene, OR 97401 Springfield, OR 97477
Voice: 541-686-4540 Voice: 541-746-0637
Email: Heidi@satregroup.com Email: DanN@branchengineering.com
d.Civil Engineer
Eric Favreau, PE
Favreau Engineering, Inc.
2206 Country Haven Dr.
Eugene, OR 97408
Voice: 541-556-4425
Email: Favreaueng@gmail.com
Game Farm Subdivision Page 2 of 7
Subdivision, Tentative Plan – Written Statement
December 13, 2024
The Satre Group 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 686-4540 www.satregroup.com
A.Development Site and Zoning
The existing property is comprised of two tax lots
(Map 17-03-22-12, Lot 02100 & Map 17-03-22-13,
Lot 20801). Tax Lot 2100 is accessed from
Pheasant Blvd. and has a single-family structure
on it. Tax Lot 20801 is an old railroad right-of-way
and is accessed from Game Farm Road. The site
is approximately 2.54 acres in size combined.
Abutting the property to the north and south are
single-family residential. To the north of Lot 2100
is Community Commercial. To the east boundary,
across Game Farm Road, is Mixed Use
Commercial zoned property.
To date, the following land use approvals have
been issued for the property:
An Annexation (File No. 811-24-000051-TYP4) – to annex the property into the City of
Springfield. This was approved on June 17, 2024.
B.Development Objective
The development objective is to create a linear housing project with associated parking and
amenities. Converting the old property into residential would require an Annexation (completed),
a Subdivision, and a possible Site Plan Review. Access from the lot will be from both Pheasant
Blvd and Game Farm Road.
This section is presented in the same order of applicable requirements found in Section 5.12.225 –
Middle Housing Land Division, Tentative Plan, of the Springfield Code. Applicable sections of the
Code are in italics, followed by proposed findings of facts in normal text.
5.12.205. Purpose and Applicability - The procedures of this section are applicable to partitions and
subdivisions within residential zoning districts as provided in ORS 197.365.
5.12.225. Criteria of Approval—Middle Housing Land Division - (A) The Director will approve a
tentative plan for middle housing land division based on whether it satisfies the following criteria of
(B) The application provides for the development of middle housing in compliance with SDC
3.2.250 as applicable to the original lot or parcel.
Finding: The property went through an Annexation (June 17, 2024) to bring the property into the
City of Springfield with a designation of Low Density Residential (LDR), R-1 Low Density
Residential. The proposed middle housing land division is consistent with the Metro Plan
designation and the current zoning. Once the land division is complete the property will provide for
development of the middle housing, in compliance with Section 3.2.250. This section is for the
Middle Housing review and, as shown below, how the project will meet or exceed these
requirements. No housing is being proposed with this Middle Housing Land Division but a section
exhibit has been submitted and additional exhibits can be provided if requested to show the
compliance with the lot sizes relative to housing types being proposed (attached single-family unit),
meeting the Townhome section (SPC 3.2.265), also demonstrated below.
Game Farm Subdivision Page 3 of 7
Subdivision, Tentative Plan – Written Statement
December 13, 2024
The Satre Group 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 686-4540 www.satregroup.com
3.2.250(C) Sufficient Infrastructure - For all middle housing types (except duplexes) in the R-1
district, applicants must demonstrate that sufficient infrastructure is provided or will be provided.
The applicant must provide the information to demonstrate that sufficient infrastructure will be
provided with the submittal of the development application for the proposed middle housing. The
sufficient infrastructure must be provided prior to occupancy of the proposed middle housing.
Sufficient infrastructure must meet the established service levels as specified below.
(1) Sanitary Sewer. The subject property and any existing and proposed dwellings must be
connected to sanitary sewer. The sanitary sewer must be designed and constructed in
conformance with SDC 4.3.105, and Chapter 2 of the Engineering Design Standards and
Procedures Manual (EDSPM).
Finding: The site has access to sewer services, which are proposed to extend the sewer along the
entire length of the site and connect to the existing City sewer infrastructure. Sewer will be
designed and constructed in conformance with SDC 4.3.105 and Chapter 2 of the EDSPM.
Preliminary design is shown in the civil plans.
(2) Stormwater. The subject property and any existing and proposed dwellings must have a
stormwater management system that is sufficient to detain, on the lot or parcel of origin, any
increase in on-site surface water drainage, including roof drainage or other impervious surface
drainage, to not increase flows from the lot or parcel above the flow levels that existed from the
lot or parcel prior to the development of new middle housing.
Finding: The project is designed to comply with all stormwater regulations. Submitted with the land
use division application is a Stormwater Report with preliminary plans for compliance. See report
for compliance with stormwater requirements.
(3) Water. The subject property as well as any existing and proposed dwellings must be connected
to a public water system. The public water system must be capable of meeting established
service levels as determined by the Springfield Utility Board (SUB). Documentation must be
submitted from SUB with the development application demonstrating that the water system
meets the established service levels or what improvements must be completed by the applicant
prior to occupancy of the proposed middle housing to ensure established service levels are
Finding: The project is designed to comply with all public water regulations. Submitted with the land
use division application are preliminary plans for compliance.
(4) Streets. The subject property must have access that meets the standards in SDC 4.2.120(A)
and the fire apparatus access road standards as required by and in compliance with the
Oregon Fire Code.
Finding: The project will provide access from Game Farm Road and Pheasant Blvd. It will have two-
way drive access from both public roads. The proposed private street through the project will be in
a common lot and maintained by the future HOA. The private drive meets the standards and also
provides fire access through the project.
3.2.265. Townhouses
(A) New townhouse units must comply with the requirements in subsections (A)(1) through (4) of
this section.
For purpose of this section, a “townhouse” means (as defined in SDC 6.1.100) a dwelling unit
that is part of a row of 2 or more attached dwelling units, where each unit is located on an
individual lot or parcel and shares at least 1 common wall with an adjacent dwelling unit. Single
unit attached homes may have detached garages or ADUs that share a common wall between
Game Farm Subdivision Page 4 of 7
Subdivision, Tentative Plan – Written Statement
December 13, 2024
The Satre Group 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 686-4540 www.satregroup.com
the 2 lots or parcels.
Finding: The proposed attached single-family units will meet or exceed the middle housing
townhome requirements. No housing is being proposed as part of this land division, but the housing
type is consistent with the criteria laid out above and below. The units will be attached in two (2) or
three (3) units but will be on their own individual lots and share an adjoining wall on one side or two.
These are technically considered “Townhomes” construction.
(A)(1) Areas Owned in Common - Common areas must be maintained by a homeowner’s
association or other legal entity. A homeowner’s association may also be responsible for exterior
building maintenance. A copy of any applicable covenants, restrictions, and conditions must be
recorded and provided to the City prior to issuance of building permits.
Finding: Lot A is the proposed private street, shared parking, stormwater, and open spaces. This lot
will be maintained by an HOA once constructed, with a joint access and maintenance agreement.
These HOA CCR’s will be recorded prior to any issuance of building permits.
(A)(2) Entry Orientation - The main entrance of each townhouse must:
(a) Be within 8 feet of the longest street-facing wall of the dwelling unit, if the lot has public
street frontage; and
(b) Either:
(i) Face the street. See Figure 3.2-A;
(ii) Be at an angle of up to 45 degrees from the street. See Figure 3.2-B;
(iii) Face a common open space (See Figure 3.2-C) or private access or driveway that is
abutted by dwellings on at least 2 sides; or
(iv) Open onto a porch. See Figure 3.2-D. The porch must:
A. Be at least 25 square feet in area; and
B. Have at least 1 entrance facing the street or have a roof.
Finding: The applicant is proposing private streets, and the future proposed units will have the
entrances facing this private street.
(A)(3) Windows. A minimum of 15 percent of the area of all street-facing elevations on each
individual unit must include windows or entrance doors. Half of the window area in the door of an
attached garage may count toward meeting this standard. See Figure 3.2-E.
Finding: The future proposed unit design will meet or exceed the minimum window and door
(A)(4) Driveway Access and Parking. Townhouses with frontage on a public street must meet
the following standards if providing off-street parking:
Finding: The public roads are Game Farm and Pheasant Blvd. The proposed land division and
subsequent middle housing development will provide units with garages off a private street and not
a public streets. Therefore, the garages will not front on a public street. Some units will provide one-
car garages and some will provide two-car garages. To ensure adequate parking the project is also
providing 43 additional shared parking spaces that can be used for residents, guests, and delivery
(C) Separate utilities are provided for each dwelling unit.
Finding: The project is a middle housing land division, and the proposed units are an attached
single-family type of housing. So, each unit will be on its own lot and each unit will have separate
utilities provided.
Game Farm Subdivision Page 5 of 7
Subdivision, Tentative Plan – Written Statement
December 13, 2024
The Satre Group 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 686-4540 www.satregroup.com
(D) The application provides for easements necessary for each dwelling on the plan for:
(1) Locating, accessing, replacing and servicing all utilities;
Finding: Lot A is the common lot that will have a private drive and utilities within the lot unless
identified with a separate easement. All easements for common ownership will be provided and any
access easements for utility companies will be provided. Lot A also includes open space areas and
open parking areas that all units will have access to use.
(2) Pedestrian access from each dwelling unit to a private or public road;
Finding: The middle housing land division does not require housing plans to be provided. However,
to assist staff with the approval of the land division, a site plan showing the pedestrian walkways
that will connect each dwelling unit to the private road, which has access to the public right-of-way.
The pedestrian walkways will also allow the homeowners to access any of the open space areas
and amenities. The walkways within individual lots will be within a shared access and maintenance
easement. The remaining walkways will be within lot A.
(3) Any common use areas or shared building elements;
Finding: See remarks for section 2 above.
(4) Any dedicated driveways or parking; and
Finding: See remarks for section 2 above.
(5) Any dedicated common area.
Finding: See remarks for section 2 above.
(E) The application proposed exactly 1 dwelling unit on each resulting lot or parcel, except for
lots, parcels, or tracts used as common areas.
Finding: The project is a middle housing land division and as such there are 30 lots proposed.
There are 28 lots which will have an attached single-family unit, eight (8) three-units attached and
two (2) two-unit attached units. There is also one single-family unit that is existing and will be on its
own lot, as well as one (1) common area lot that will be the private street and associated open
space for the development. All units will be on their own lots.
(F) The application demonstrates that buildings or structures on a resulting lot or parcel will
comply with applicable building codes provisions relating to new property lines and,
notwithstanding the creation of new lots or parcels, that structures or buildings located on
the newly created lots or parcels will comply with the Oregon residential specialty code.
Finding: The proposed lots and units will comply with the zoning for the property, including
setbacks, separation between buildings, that are not attached, and Impervious lot coverage. The
table below illustrates the standards and how the lots will meet or exceed the criteria.
Game Farm Subdivision Page 6 of 7
Subdivision, Tentative Plan – Written Statement
December 13, 2024
The Satre Group 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 686-4540 www.satregroup.com
Lot Area Sq
Front Yard
Side and Rear
Req – 1000
sq ft
Req. – 10
feet except
Req. – 5 feet Max – 60% Impervious
1 2,010 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 57%
2 1,005 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 59%
3 2,010 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 57%
4 1,541 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 55%
5 1,005 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 59%
6 1,541 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 55%
7 1,541 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 54%
8 1,273 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 59%
9 1,541 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 55%
10 2,010 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 57%
11 2,010 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 57%
12 1,541 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 55%
13 1,005 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 59%
14 1,541 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 55%
15 1,541 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 55%
16 1,005 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 59%
17 1,541 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 55%
18 1,541 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 55%
19 1,005 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 59%
20 1,440 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 58%
21 1,441 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 58%
22 1,005 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 59%
23 1,591 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 53%
24 2,060 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 56%
25 1,964 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 58%
26 1,361 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 55%
27 1,005 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 59%
28 1,297 sq ft N/A Rear 5-6 feet 58%
SFD 4,890 sq ft 24 feet Rear 35-38 feet 22%
43,560 sq ft N/A N/A N/A
(G) The original parcel or lot dedicated and improved the abutting street right-of-way sufficient
to comply with the following:
(1)Minimum right-of-way and improvement standards SDC 4.2.105(C);
Finding: The site abuts Game Farm Road and Pheasant Blvd. as the only City right-of-way. Both
streets have a right-of-way that is sufficient size to accommodate improvements. The Civil plans
show the required improvements for both streets.
(2) Vision clearance areas in SDC 4.2.130;
Finding: The intersections of Game Farm Road and Pheasant Blvd. that connect to the property
have the required vision triangles that meet or exceed the section above. The vision triangles are
shown on sheet L3.1.
Game Farm Subdivision Page 7 of 7
Subdivision, Tentative Plan – Written Statement
December 13, 2024
The Satre Group 375 West 4th Avenue, Suite 201, Eugene, OR 97401 (541) 686-4540 www.satregroup.com
(3) Sidewalks and planter strips in SDC 4.2.135;
Finding: The Sections of the public road, Game Farm Road and Pheasant Blvd. both indicate
curbside sidewalks and planting areas proposed. See Civil plans.
(4) Street trees in SDC 4.2.140 for street trees; and
Finding: The Sections of the public road, Game Farm Road and Pheasant Blvd. both have street
trees proposed on them. See Landscape Sheet L4.0
(5) Street lighting in SDC 4.2.145.
Finding: The Section of the public road, Game Farm Road has existing streetlights on it. Pheasant
Blvd. has no streetlights and if required will be included on any PIP plans.
Based on the information and findings contained in this written statement, associated exhibits, and
plan set, the proposed development meets the tentative land division criteria of approval contained in
the Springfield Code. Therefore, the applicant requests that the City of Springfield approve the
proposal. The applicant and their representatives are available for questions. We look forward to
working with staff to ensure this project meets the goals and objectives of the applicant and the City
of Springfield.
If you have any questions about this written statement, please do not hesitate to contact John
Schmidt at (541) 686-4540 or email John@satregroup.com.
John Schmidt, ASLA, Presidente
The Satre Group