HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes Applicant 12/6/2024 (5)CC: mG,11A Mr. Forrest Cover Chief rnu=neRt� Ore,go on : ciit# Hi tehwav {:.xsr: y %t on ()reg,,n '5LAte Hi.s�^,wu� ��i idihs� Awr1: 4ix . 8autl4m f'tltc 1►at t,<oed s+a■r azr sto= 251. eat" rrt &etas y P,'ft1AKd j, oreow: te' f yrt1mAf t s is: Ma[ ]rae d rr,ma tuS st zatk, +cud Main Lust Wt . Ki lbOTAI i C-t Y City of fpri.tt4'.: *"I h" t" aamttm %mm co2vt,4nwg rtLh cne :�n.ntttta�,:� :it C�v Tru.�-a;. :xtas:et,t�s a�+ N�atn #ergo. �ti l�l�[T thlt ,r �'Vcfrarn 1'.•`,ifla C��fi.cS' t: ,: �t'q:� s :r, ., ki t , s tzr e� � f t►tYs� hi gh�■Y (:uaaoiasi�r► �_� �+1tta aR:.s+rss=# rs��: to to Zhft : t 'A t'>8 15ro sat Ala ].lam .r >kit>• F'r,.G A uL Ac"T A .ir.isues. it era ur�wr`strsc+d kt taiCr. LIF-W R' t: !A! ■^w 4:t;. it�►vM1t- t�* :11 ft&wlf crompt"A it hoil1 ►9tr*%: lit "-ftro, t9VAlvetm ■CCLOC L06-1 tv c+ata cad for u• t.%0L m ObLm trossims to coma. rs L %Y NrtM W art a Ww ari ■nclwtUM a ccPX :. ,}nt • �. ;,s Pifpr+: L j n goad *VCpb&r r•L irar t tLte*no iArel 4ct,.--j r!w 0"r "z10 :.�t, ,�� t ::i xr1. �, ::c.! t;uswte�,. rh% CtCr aflt*LAl ti , the tw evr�+vwt�ia sitpri: ta. car j'rop,trly ftpatp the tigsdl t a,* 'U"Ch t28th stri"t) ctc:astas at thw *r-r;tatt pe"i.3•!s dsta, •t Topty Crag vwtr afftcd V: 1 i bt ti�8*+�lslt�d. fory c to l y 70ars . 'rt.ak a. 'bu j:r City mdussst 1s : mA R R i 0 L V T I O R MdU. thor* Las bees pnomttd to the City Of /trLgslield for its ePprarsl a oortain qM*u■ mt by and betwa4m the aity of Sprtua, ie ld, a" tip INSUM TAUTIC CO An. a cQrpwgttvo of tea. S ttto o! VO LU 6 4"Wi Vt the W6600.ts by abd be twea Chs /aid ait)F and emmomy With reSPeet to the Gangtr1ietisa Of / on daathNrx�a Pacilie CNpaq !Neese! 10etra24 tied had kith Atrerts in tha City *t dprt"Etaldi and ow"rift acawebts wtrA respect to the t of tstb theist; aw ee"rtft a/reamat■ with re ■plot to wailr+o" sidrla i a" erwsis a__ - a +rift fear*" CO OW erratlsW 'Of ten =had street croasl" ad it creams. the Boutbm !laltia Calf iL&t of ■rny� Sad WiriAi@ thane hw &LM boe presented is ewretiaa with acid u i+aadwy PrePaws "pea, 41mg a d t d peep" y a! the Seamwe taaitit amv�T Property; AM VXMWW. tie Cams CoMaLl sdJadlpes ad dotaaLLWsa that tbi �id 4f said COettlaat ■red G&OMMUt is for the rest iftereato Of ties tity Of dleUy,ti,elim m d areeasmy !w thi p•bILi peaces b"Ith aw w%ty. MW N IT UNLYn that this marm aM City A&0wvdw be 0 wi they we herery d reaftd to .mums" t4 dad aid doeorU d Cafttnwt ad taaMat OR dahelf at the City of aprtwalielyd. Adoptod by tie Comae asumail this r..._.�d�r,1 od t+raer, 1"1, by ■ roeo of �ler aat a -s"Ast. ATTZM ti r� at;d Detween SOU'T..iMj FACIPZC Guf Fria►7c', a �wr� :aL�c�r, ci' tYi c Std�tiN ?R.INUPISLD. zl rnu• ic';;�' Lrne- State L-f called :T'ra +,s; G;� T+►re �c GNs `..ru r . :' .ryw ny t'-.ie AtaatT'�j'Pr-i •�.�.��: •�-�{�iffiifi~i8�••�}.• C•f:.J�i:��t�l':r• ta_.xj tr{: *r'!• ""~.1.�i't^:f.;tl.._-. ma-jwa:i ui-d relaLeG !rhtt!►r,c 4 reftel�, La..@ Cti �nty, OW , ."i'lCREFORE, It is egre e l all npp lesia. materials, to.As and ec�;, ,�:. � :t, '.c (a) eoristruct a roadway a wldt'-, rear, (321 ) as :its.v+Ct tinted Y*llcw c'. u^p G .�, -.. �,^ir�t !' tiailroad's ftrtlana Dlvlaier ;�rawt,:K ?-' i�=• S�pte : er G, hetwee : �'''tnd Stre#t a- a _ ? LI `it•r'a,'t A' ia"i�M�r1 i119MV04"t at the area wear of said 22nd Strowt, all -17 'a *cordon** vltt� place and epe:1fioitians approved t�y City, whif;n roadwuj k� ll ac,ct yP: as a pu:lic rca!- way and whirr ehBZI be 3u►',Yw,. r ar; Indenture da:eA. %use Partioa ere, - 5121 Menturi e e � 3 pr-=;: ar•r-d ?fie ilrcad' a ua,r81 r D, — of eaaamer,,t Tor rosaway �,'';►-;�=ef, e-� era;l 'ricl rde a �? :lo.,, Cor tre oaintena ,- :!' 5 ,: a �.:� swag• �''• tY. at i= J R-E10CAte :jr ca'.-4µ tC. -f:- -NLc -It:e".�l, cr rearranged that. ctr,al!, '.r'��'rCa !!� $f.c.� #',�? XE. - c'',rti.�.#a t•`►•rti't0, eLR Ill. j;ri -, t/r a !i � �i`Jcr] r' I'UC s : try r l i - .� ..� 1 ji LTV (CJ I1i3 to I tw,-J (2) rlaani:_e I L � �;'z'.-'. ••� r'roas-%e sJ-g.,ja Is, togtst-her wittj $atuat'irq anj clrcu•..ts rrri lr:atruiaent "using, at the crosoing of 28th Street over tt-e tracks of 81111roaO (Croaelr4 �:�,CP-�38.�). said aignelm being ahown in red on cold print. Vie Instollaticm of and ail �.AGrirlaie !'or saia aignals shell be i t 11040rda"o with M-31m: d' a us, -Al stsndsrJa atil a,.betantially 1l% aoaiplisijos wlr►.h Oregon Litility Com- m is s.ionerr a StOndbrd Mo, 2. Attar the ].nA allatian of saga al le has bee.. oomp1*ta:i -taxlrq*d, at it" rwn �r:se, 04111 maintol. the cams a.. long dD th*y rs"111 ilk plane. Th9 ' i net k11atian cf V414 algraelb shall c:* un-jertakar: $,u •can 44 naterlali and are av*411kble followtr4 vxac,)) r this agreement , nish Lhs 1.1 be Otooleto wl the rj Ona year thereafter. Remove paving as doomed i,e---essAry 'bY Railroad wh re 221:k: Street croseaa over the trsQus ■nd. property or Mllroad (p"aeih6 go.ep-619.14) and berrioade the northerly side ther#of ae illustratad ,T. sk1d ;Tint. City agrees to take all neoesoary actin. for the offiais ► auation, abandonment and "Troval of that portion, of so 22nd Street crewing over RGiIr06018 tracks and property at Springrield, 01gon. 2. CIGa a .&11 improve 281h Stras ; from its intersectior. ►iitr, ;+�cKerzle Hlg'tway to Railroad's --r-operty 11ne, a di -stance of feet, rare �: l.i?y sd; such impreveme:it $hall Consist Of SIX-Ich (6" 1 crush d rock twenty-four feet (s4 # ) pq1 ;e w!. tr: liquid asphalt erid ecree,nings; 'a portion of said I-mprevwrent to 28th Strfret le tinted red on said gttsohed grin:- 4 3. Railroad shall contribute t?,tq sum of TWO ITTOUSAND '1VO HE7N',Mfzi) m•1,_RTEjN DoLIAPS ($2,213) towards the cast of 1mpMv1r&9 tns said r,aet,sore or lieu, of 2$th Street. 4. This agreement siAalk inure :he b.r&efi 4 of and be '. ` •. �' upon the nucceseore and sedigns of the par:=ea nereto. IN WITNZW ", the parties hereto nave oaused whese pry'z- to to ex cuted in dupli*4te the day ar4 year first T=rip+. r. wri.tter.:. 30UTKM PAW101_AW &T, f By -71 Atteete ' er- in N e.,......... Y A OFir BY yo cleric -2- a7�9 zbw 3 aLade " day at And between Sit r*`��R_�+ 1'A(_'.iP1C :: t: u PA'.'i pi h hervis called"Railcard," a!f[1 . , t s' { r - . • -5 hcTetn caller! " GrantOL r • 19 by Ma- 2 zi 1. That R Uroad hereby griate to Grantee dw xiakv 1n•ooaEOWK DOW it find wmaK the Fnllaw mg doK7 bed reed property: K ! iLi.-. a z_ 64" , We9c., �������: r.��t:r:4:•z� �i�,r , _�•��_►-� �ttrr �;�� aie`.e:�t lvet 8: loca .ed ce:zt*r line u� main trocv, a d,-taalc-3 of 1962.59 feet to a pcfr&t In a ii ae concentrin wit:?-, and distant 100 feet 30,E ' - erly measured, radlanv rror baIr urigl : 1 located center 11r:Y of malrA track; Thence aeatrerly, along said ❑arl`centria Tins, on a curve to the right having a radlue of 11'S59-lT feet (r•lrfq*g :it tQ said curvo at 1%st p�'Int 1$ I.set rievcrliL,6' course a::d fi►oN of iszild Tunis :car; Aorth Q3'2c►uG" Neat 441r.?` root) ar, cllatanct- of 4�7.27 feet air, a p-31rit:; r6*6: t 44" HAdt, a distance of 142.11 i;et to a po ant ire a line r:c,nc,t:.t,r1c with a17d dintant. 50 feet So,iL-,erlf measured redialll., from aa,id c2riginal located cef'ter 11rie of Muir: track; chance &)9t+*r1y, along last Acid ;tn.entrlG lire, on a our -'re to tfe 1.kCt haring a radluto of 11,5"9.17 Net (tatr ert t+c.. axa l.i cam e at last mc'ntlartvl polutr beara $.7uth Es2«53r0" &act and :hoid ,r5f said ourve beard South 83'.'9' .9" East 312.5e feat) an arc distance of 312.59 feet to a polt{t 1% a line parallel wli n Aral 41starit 50 Feet: BouthHrlx maasurad at right apt lea f r�'m said c-rigloai. locoteiri centor 111�a '-)f main tr4i*& hence 'nth Raat, alunj laist amid parallel lima, a diatancr 4.lf 1 fT7.71 feet 'tn a nixsl ir. Lhm-,ortherly pr%)1W&gat1 tl :►'r said we1at��ri�' luxe of Xth htr"At.; O'.ere-� WWI 0*0 tom" 3:'1et, air 4aeld northerly k dlntqitivF of 5�).4-4 fee-: to the paint of beglnnl,t };, +7crw-ii.lnInt ar, a ^ea SAC 2.71 acres, mere or less. Saic: described parc.iY,1 ^f 19n l la As shown, by yellow tint or. tt'4 -ctacnod print 9 INUPO ''v P.rr'la -d lolvlain PrawltLg F17718-B dettf _j:Le►bar 11, 11 vh!Nf41%_q 1U termed cirantee algri+e to lRt Milt highway an ccs:�structed +:y ---- iut jert ' l?r an agr+"bedmmi t►tc- Ar- t lea F,ereto lat.7d y ` ' 4• 2. Thi■ grant is made sub}ert and subordinate to the prior and continuing right and obligation of Railroad, its gwoc ms wo &wKgm, to uw ail the pc+oparty described herein in they pKrfornm uze of its duty as a common carrier and for that purpose there is reserved unto Radrasud. its suct oaaars and assna* the right (notasisbmt with the righu hm-in trrnt cl) to conKruct. reWsstrvct, maintain anti use existing and future railroad tsacits, ("do wW appurten&nces and adedng and future transportation, comfouldcation and pipe sloe fad Md" grid sWurtenanas in, upon. over. wider, acrcw or akmg said property. 3. This grant is made subject to IN licenses. Iwaaen, easements, restrictions, t+ora060M, covenants. encumbrances, Hens wad dalim of title ,shish may affect said f►r 4*rty aM the wtxd GRA M" as used l:errein ■hall not be conserved as a oo~+saant against the existeme of any ther+col. at4e■tiwr 1D to p3 ► �fM :. 11, x V* W"a shrill jft-d v� or odmwiaa rely iaa Granta $w r M m i=Wl T. Except as haoin otherwise providW, Grantee shall }sear the entire cost and exgeow of =MXWdsrR re-ccastrn[tim and maktiaW* add leighsray Mon said prropeM- The crow■i g of aid highway over any tradta of RaArwd meal! be coisstrtr� wad rnafna"ed at the grade of said taeolas now ar hereafter . A.iter the evaseructim at of said highway has been plewd, Raa"irosd sh&V maintain the portion of wild highway between Ham tyro (2) feet outside the rails of ewh trans located theman. & Grantee agrees to reimbtarse Rai road for any and ag amumnents whkh may be levied by order of any authorised lawful body againut the property of Railroad (vW which may have bow paid by Railrosdy to 46W aW W of dw cost or expense irerararW in connection: with the construction or reeanstntc-tion of acid hYghwsy' upon asO one (1) y*&r from the date first herein written. `�.''i�alftdl;'�llr9baaasata or assigns, ■t any time shaMon the vae of said property or- .any Part thereg, or fail at any time to use the son for said purpose for a continuous period *(*a* (1) year, the rights granted shay can to the extent at the we so abwx6nW or disewtinued, anal RLikeed. its sA cce am or WOKI Mow have the right. in atiditiaa to but net in quafifkption of the rights he►efaabo a yew v , b riarn is- +eirNittne a of the "Oopiii�y. or the part thereof the use of r hkh is so dlscantinuad at sharrdagrsd. Upm-wminatim of the rights busby granted. Grantee errata to r add highway, in- � !t'aitn staid property of Raibmd, to restore said property as nearly as precdaable to the sans state and condition in which It *~dated prior to the ermstiuction of said highwsy, and to bier the expert t thwed Shouid Gmatee in such ersat fail, neglect or refuse to so remove staid highway grad restore laid �,�at�di''�+l�rnaval and restaradaa may be performed by Railroad at the eatpense of Gtvtitw. wbkh expetw Grantee ftr+ms m pity to ilii %md-iVw demand. 1Y"' Hj,F:qW#'M Wtmr shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the suacasota and assigns of the partIm here . 4:"'114'%ilMESS WHERWF. the parties hereto have caused sliest present: to be executed by their rb� ofFicrrins aT'** day and year Fret above written. a.r..-■.,-.- . .... $rArs or tr mronmu, I sa. CAWMd � rate. PMOWM v. sl --- -JA awrOW vas rUMOMW XhW i "*W ud � layl....r T- i'Ogl>f a1gsAlryPbuk s aw IN oar aad C= wbr of lira h ewshim dl~rrs r �rrwsdbr 10 0 — + aR W. X ,la" cad T. f. Rem, "■ r tees Is At Mr t "09 tirnrrae f" Arrit � ess llstssree�r, eerpsetivdt►. wi Ma arpw�isw irilyd 8e isd Mist asssersf W aAak�w ImPUMOK and do homm is awls ea 1U twarw a" wareased am Asks 4(w arr'!aw- it ON d o"Is wrwd awd srq err jsof sr W Iris A" t— easrre w W aiaar. 1 ++ . JR /Irma w=ice l Aar rls mutt so aw AD" road env my Oyllaid amf ■I iM so%w I« At L.'RI► sow ON&SW of dew ♦has OM% Mt &W and YW Is ass aig0041k I" alas iwgmkniti Caspar -me - V hir do OW srd Caw"Y ad lit! of Cawwri w,► ..itar.r.tgi+i. asss.ar W U*C #S4 ,.1�.�.aJR'' ] • «� FHP..- llAM. - Y - 91136r/1211'x w � e made this I daY d �L�!►fii . t4>t �`. and betw"r SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO;�PANY, a corporation of the State of Delawares heroin m4ed "Rallmad," and CITY OP SPRING?I- =j, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon, Semain caikd "Grantee." IVIMM an ,easement for roadway purposes 1, That Rai m*d twmbq grants to Grantee, »R3l � 7tX�ita6�Gai>�� upon and acrow the follo-rtig desofbed real proptny.- A piece or parcel of land situate, lying and being in the City of Springfield, County of Lane, State of Oregon, more particularly deactibed as followsi BEGINNING at the point of intersection cf the westerly line of 28th Street with the southerly line cf land (200 feet wide) of the Southern .Pacific Company that is distant 100 feet Southerly measured at right anxIaLs from the original located center line of main track of the Southern Pacific Company at Engineer Station 486f13s19; thence North 64"26130e West, along said southerly line, parallel with and distant 100 feet Southerly measured at right angles from said original located center line of main track, a distance of 1982.59 feet to a point in a line concentric with and. distant 100 feet South- erly measured radially from said original located canter line of main track; thence Westerly, along said concentric line, on a curve to the right having a radius of 11,559.17 feet (tangent to said curve at last mentioned point is last described course and chord of said curve bears North 83.'20100" Meat 447,24 feet) an are distance of 447.27 feet to a point; thence ?forth 76*50,4411 East a distance of 142.11 feet to a point in a line concentric with and distant 50 feet Southerly measured radially from nail original located center Tine of main track; thence Easterly, along last said concentric line, or, a carve to the left having a radius of 11,509.17 feet (tangent to said curve at last mentioned point bears South 82'53'08' East and chord of said curve bears South 83*39,49" East 312-58 feet) an are diastan�e of 312.59 feet to a point in a lime parallel with and distant 50 feet Southerly measured at right angles from said original located center line of main trackx thence South 84026130" East,, along last said parallel line, a distance of 1977.73,feet to aoint in the northerly prolongation of said westerly line of 29th Street; thence South 0'01100" East, along said northerly prolongation, a distance of 50.24 feet to the point of beginning, containing an area of 2.il acres, more or lose. Said deecrloed parcel of land iv as shown by y!►11ow tint on the � attached print of Pailroad''s Portland Division Dre,wirg P;17l8-B"dated September 11, 1 1, which roadway is hereinafter !ermedj h Grantee agrees to accept said highway as coni,tructed by Railroad *, �a:;~vcct :.r an azrremar;t betwee-n the parties he,r•to dated M • 2. This grant is made vub}ett aid ,srrboedi . to the prior jt�c &atleift and obligatiaq of Rallrvad, its &eMMM and s ,Joallabe t7r, hete6ai !ya the � d lea d� sa a Corarrnan carrier gad for that i t i is ' state► RIB 1, ter ttaotrmez* :ad &aim the r (aosssWent with the rights heseln granted) t* amshv4 rat nj*, &Made And mg O&tkc sad tout m2road track, faculties and apportenowes and mbiting and, tatm dace Raffig 1 3� 14C sad pipe llfw fadllties gad aXmrftmtneee In, upon, ow. undit, or flaw ALK rwortf.[ 3. This great Is made subject to 4 licenses, eases, ass efits, towk6ansr aor alone. oo+eeasnta, ' encumSraaca. llens and claims of title which ism w a!fftd said property turd tho wosd GRA.'qT so used herein shall not be construed as a covenant against the exfetem:e ref=any dhemof; S. 'This grant &hail not be construed as conveying or otlne win vesting is Grantee the right to IMM or the power to authorize the Installation of a" ditches„ pipes, dram seew or anderground structures, or the facilities of any telegraph, telephone or etethic pourer Undin, ttpxt, over, under. setts&& or along ssid property, except as may be necessary for the maintenance of old higkrayw 6. Grant" shall obtain any necessary authority and perralm- kn required to coustruct, reamstrum maintain and use said highway upon said property from the governnrmbtl body or bodies having Jurisdiction thereuver. T. Except as herein otherwise provided, Grantee shall bear the entireoust and expearee of reconstruedne AM Maintaining Bald highway upon saldd property. Tl a of said highway oiler any '.racks of Railroad shall be constructed and maintained at the grade of Bald teaclxa nm or hereafter exilft. After the construction or reconstruction of said highway has been eornpkt4 Racrop►. shall maintain the portion of add highway between lures two (3) feet outside the rails et arch unsex located the" 8. Grantee agrees to reimburse Rsitroed for any and all ametaments which may be levied by ordrr of any authorized lawful body against the ptq*xty of Railroad (anti vU:h may have been paid by Railroad) to ddfrhi f aE:Sf' ^ cost or the coor expense incurred In co=ftti= with the tonst+ructka or � of said up �itYliway on said pikaPerty (t) year from the date first herein written. ZdrGI' Akil itii'tirccessors or assigns, at any tiara abandon the an of said property or any Part thereof, or fait at any time to use the same foe said purpose for a contincorn period atone (1) year, the rights greeted shall cesae to the extent of the use so abandoned or disoarstleued, and Raihaed. its era cc ab9*W itlifell its once have: the eight, In addition to but not In quudhthcadon of the rights be�aabove reserved, to resume ezddsiva �e a of t%� piopa t or the part thereof the an of which is so dbwntinned or abandoned. Upon termination of ties tights hereby grafltdL GMtee ave" to remora sold highway+. it,. from said property of Railroad, to restore said property as nearly ampncticahie to the same state and condition in which It a IrW prior to the cvustractiaa of said highway, and to bear the expamre thereat. Should. Grantee In such event fait, neglect or seizes& w j* ro=vo .aid highway and restae+e said kW4"Y,J04WWmov&l and restoration may be perfottned by Rallrosd at the mrpease of Granter. wbkb expense Grantee agrees to pay to Railroad iiO n detuand.. 10.- Tbk Indenture shall inure to the benefit of and be binding upon the successors am assigns of the parties hereto. IN,WT'MESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused time presents to be executed by their respective officers thereunto duly authorized as of the day and year Brit above written. (Li DUPLICATE) »',�� a�air►p4,4 � x • C� 1Y i,�\.�w.iiw•,fif o �14 161 A' A r fe •.�s3 � r,.;= 4••• •fie. ' , Ir i% P,i16�.MF� ,f ff s SOUTH,yx PAC IC G IcJF e,ty j� Attests` 8'6 s ,T. a �Y..� *• F1,A - R v jy . �.- ol, Mrs or CALIAMISrat. 57S-q7 Ord CMAtV 6m ; = OC4& - Aer O'k, (WAIMLA"J.'! W. I& JwUe #ad T. i T. Rrm, A� it b &P AU Gmawd Ummew m2d Amh* dr =tSmWvtuT,,GNpocdw S(Advarpo h—ft 1&wdAmtwmm*dthe wMs hubumalkandababom 004 Amda aamwd and Aww mcbm"Amw It mm-okit owk oorpwudoa #Awmkdoa M^& iN wtr.vxss wmrR=F. i jam &ovwAft at ov An" and vm-w mw Ow Aor �d yow AM MW as my WrAm rA Lw cil�o AP4 nMM7 of &A ab. 4 k, • Gwparat6m Notary PuRkhmand r the CRY and CWMAYff franc6M 8PAL4 0("dwobL jr My A it. 4. 7'!c 3A, /61 - v - 911361/3et-2 57848 THIS AaR1M=T, made this day o!, , 1 Fr by and between SOUTHERN PACIFIC COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Delaware, herein called "Railroad", and CITY OF SPRIN(PMO, a municlPai corporation of tk.e State of Oregon, herein called "City % RECITALS The parties hereto desire to set forth 'tsy this instrument their understanding and agreements relating to the construction or a roadway and related matters at Springfield, lane County# Oregon. AtiRE W ., NOW, THEYWORR, it is agreed that 1. Railroad shall furnish, at Railroad's expense, all necessary labor, materials, tools and equipment to: (a) Construct a roadway a width of thirty-two feet (321) as shown tinted 7e11OW on the attached print of Railroadrs ? Portland Division Drawing F-751 dated September 20,, 1961, between 22nd Street and 28th Street at Springfield, Oregon, including improvement of the area West of said 22nd Street, , all in accordance with plans and specifications approved by City, which roadway City shall accept as a public road- wa and which shall be subject of an indenture dated _,.,&. 1961, between the parties EereEo. f Said In en ureanall prepared on Railroad's usual form of easement for roadway purposes, and shall include a pro- vision for the maintenance of said roadway by City, at �i City's expense. (b) pAlocate or cause to be relocated and/or rearranged that , certain trackage, shed and appurtenances thereto, as ill- �+ ustrated by yellow lines on said print :o a location shown by red lines, including the installing of a twelve inch (1211) by Forty -Aix teo% (46t) corruzatc;3 iron pips for th—e flow cf drainage waters beneath said roadway. (c) Instal! two (2` flashing light grade crasaing signals, together with actuating and operating circuits and adequate instrument housing, at the crossing of 28t.h Street over the tracks of Railroad (Crossing No.CF-618.9), said signals being shown in red on said. print. 21he installation of and all materials for said signals shall be in accordance with Railroad's usual standards and substantially in compliance with Oregon Utility Con- m1saioner15 Standard No.2. After the installation of said signals has been completed Railroad, at its own expense, shall maintain the same so aq.,v an thpy remain in place!. The installation of said signals shall be undertaken as soon as materials and labor are available following execution Ar this agreement, and shall be completed within one (1) year thereafter. -1- '�" rJ �? .• lip �. n/l/61 V . 1 57818 (d) Remove paving as deemed necassarg by Retilroad where 22nd Street crosses, over the tracks and property' at Railroad (Crossing Noom-619.19) and barricade the northerly side thereof as illustrated on $aid print# City agrees to take all neeeasary action for the official vacation, abandonment and removal of that portion of said 22nd Street crossing over Railroad's tracks and property at Springfield, Oregon. 2. City shall improve 28th Street from its intersection with McKenzie Highway to Railroad's property ,line, a distance of 1,850 feet, more or less; such improvement shall consist of six-inch (6") crushed rock twenty-four feet (24t) wide witli liquid asphalt and screenings; a. portion of said improvement to 28th Street is shown. tinted red on said attached print. 3. Railroad shall oontribute the sum of TWO THOUSAND TWO HUNDRED THIRTE0 DOLLARS ($2,213) towards the coat of improving the said 1,85P feet,more or less, of 28th Street* 4. This agreement shall inure to the benefit of and be binding. upon the successors and assigns of the parties hereto. TN WI ZESS WHEnop, the parties hereto have caused these preaents to be execrated in duplicate the day and year first herein written. : S0VrWLN PAQE # By L-j� — 2 J