HomeMy WebLinkAboutNotes Applicant 12/4/2024I P. #53477-1 OFFICIAL~ RECORD OF DESCRIPTION�OF*REAL PROPERTIES OFFICE OF COUNTY ASSESSOR, LANE COUNTY. OREGON 17 [13�34, 1 ,1,590fl TAX LOT 296 83$ PLAT DEED RLCOND ACRES YEAR kc 1`1 Lo10- d�OCK22 _ I Emerald lights. Add.-Spfg.— BEARING �"LPAGE Rli�ia�NIh/V I DISTANCE i BEARING REFERENCE 1-956 I � East South East i f N I ly West South 1959 1960 } 1978 194n wo 100 f t . 50 f t . All of Lotl, Blk 32 of Emerald 62' Hghts. Add. to Spfg., LCO, except I the W. 20 ft. thereof., and except the N . 50 ft. thereof. Also: Beginning at a point 20 ft. lE. and 50 ft. N. of the SW corner of Lot 2, Blk. 32, Emerald Hghts. jAdd. to Spring., LCO, and running (thence thence to the S. line of said Lot 2•, thence i along the S. line of said Lot 2 to the SE corner thereof; thence along the E. line of said Lot 2 to the NE corner of said Lot 2.; thence 1, along the N. line of sdaid Lot 2, to a point 20-ft.' E. of the W. line of sa ld lot; thence to the place of beginning, all in Emerald Hghts. Add. to Spfg., LCO. RLI j ( 304 I 122Ja th 50 39 ❑SS /66415 3 Pass Deeds 2 ALSO: N1/2 of Lot 1 except West 20 Rey 59482 feet. V95 ) The North 50 feet'of Lot 1, Block 32, R215/0 537 merald Heights Add to Springfield, as {11964) tatted and recorded in Volume 4, Page'R 03'v0(0%%'1 4, Lane County Oregon Plat Records, n Lane County, Oregon. XCEPT THE West 20 ft thereof in Lanel ounty, Oregon ; � �'o��7�et• •O N T f 0 ;U 1.2 7 4S y3 132' h �' 41 6 _ � 1►1 v i i o• 3o I.3a.y' � rs o' 4a' l is O: /+0. d ,37' 9c I�4' 34� Is 8.z rT.z .y 32 » / 3 31 �6 a SEP- 6-51 KNOW ALL -MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, The; !MMU... U. . ... ....... ....................... ... . ............ - - ------- ---- .. ........... . grantor..... in consid,.a.. of. ........... ... .................... .... ....... ..... ............. ..... .......... _'_ .......... to ....bar ... ........ Paid by - TIMM- ............ .......... .. ... ........... ....... ............ ............ . ................. do hereby grant, bargain, mM and convey unto fits said jranfes.Q. ... ......... I tho.;LT -heirs and assigns, all the following real prapazty, with the tenaments, hereditanzents and appurtenances, situated in the County ............... ..... ..... and State of Oregon, bounded and described as follows, to -wit. Si lots I and 2 in M-ock Tj4:jRff-T-X (32) of imei-ald Ilaielits Aidd-Ition to Epr=cfiPId$ Lane COILIty, Cre-Ion except tho 'Jost twenty (20) feet of saIdlot,917 and except the 14ortb 1:0 feet of said lot 3a it To Have and to Hold the above described and granted premise urda the said grantacA.- tbo-jx ll heirs and assigns forever. And the Rnfor. .. do,00.. covenant that... --Sh4. ig _..lawfully saiyad in fee 5102PID Of the above granted premises free tram all incuinbrances, ............. I ........................ .... .. .... ................... .. .......... ­1 .. .. ......... .... . ..... I . ..........._..............:......:..............I........... .. ....... .... ........ ........................ ...................... . ....... -- ............................. ....... - -------- ............. ............ and that ...-Pha will and . ...... -ber.-heirs, executars and adWidstrafore, shall warrant and forever defend the above granted pratnims, and arcry part 'and parcel thereof, against the lawful CIPinse and denzands of all persom whoamaw. Witness-- .........hand..-_ and this-. J-0r. . day e.. &P. . ....... isi 53., STATE. OF OREGON, .. ..... ................... . ............ County F ... -APe ... .. .. ............... On this r day of before me, the undersigned, a Notary Public in and for said County and State, personally appeared the. WHILIn .Md .... ....... AIU, Ar'I ... ........ .................. . IIMMQ..I� - ...... .... ......... . .. ... - I .. ....... . ..... ...... .... ......... Imm. to mato be the identical IndividuaI .. dascribed Mend who executed the within y#.d farnowledged to me that..... Pbo. .-executed the same freely and voluntarily. 117 TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto at my hand and affixed g�ffiloil ��4"Id last a WSW on. OTA .. ... ....... 10 U C'j spires My Commission k. .50 N. .1 ... . .... .. 2 2 S 7 :5 Y'_ IV K w -U i(K o*2' � ~ 61.03' • (r CD O O C 1 �' p• "' n C31 D o w no 1 % , O Q rn 1 'c\2 �0 57.38' 60' 1 COi1 NO 00 i I n � F Cr `'' CA) 0 65' N of 1 1 ins 41 • O T O N O V/ W i NN BSSS. �i 00 � n p D N y p w� n �y N �N yo •1 ,5 a� tiF ci op �O jN n w D I n N rn too' 100' f� cn CJI IV O A O n O ,20 p8 D C) N n p5 ,� O n 0 � � NO 0 � 55 > O 0 I1� 48-2 4536 KIVOW A" NEW BY 7813SE PRESEAiTS, ................. _.......................................................... -.,..................,.,.........,.....,............,....... ,e 1n�cwfslderethueof.....,T�i6l.. -._ r:_-..^......_._............ ............_-,......�..................-.�,»..-.._�.�.�aRaro, cons�c�afAtion.......— ...M .`..................._..........__............. ., �. ta...._tc }l9A1.._..._.. peld by :, a-Atu18, woment-.._..-.................................... . ... ............................ _........ ......... ... ......................... ..... .............. ...... .... ,............ ._........ , .............., grantee....., do......,, hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the odd grantee......, ........, .........hake and assigns, all the loilowing real property, with the temmerMe, hereditammis and appurtenances, actuated in the County of. ........... »...,....7,El 0....... _.......... .................... and State of Ora®erb botauNd and dascdbad me lallowa, to-witt The North 50 feet of Lot 1 knock 32 An0ra3d heights Addition to Sprintifiald, ime Co nty$ Oregon, except than 7100t 20 f00t thOr00fs ll' 1' .I 7, To have And to Hold the above deaorlbed and granted prmdaes unto the said grantee....., ...balls hairs and asatgns forever. And the grantor.. A. do....._., covenant that............... tku.Y..ar'0........lawlully aolead In too aimple of the above, granted prernims hem from all ........................ _,................... -... ........................................... .........................•.., •......... ,...,,...,...., .,..,:. .,.,,.......,-.............. ..... ................ � .._ and ant.....:tbdqt,,..,.,w1H and.....th. ......1lecre, executors and administrates, shall warrant and lo,ever delmad the above granted premink and every part 'end parsel fheracf, against the lawful claims and demaeda of all perwAw whwoeosvms { �A;O hartdt.. end asaR... thta..., 1 .....:dgv of,........ 33agte�nber.„................19, . ROOIV, .�?'Lslslace• I r e %•••tea :........... .(SUL) County of.... .. .. . on .day al„. Se tsanb0r„1�w 1PIL, Wow au, the emdaretgned, a Rotary in and tar clounty end Stafa, y appeared the stained .»...Dk�fI�1} :�iT�i{1�.,md. RQSe1 ` Ae tAl s�„WA _ 04.. + „.,... . 1f W. li7 Y J4l ?......... to zoo to be, the identical Indialduaf.0... doaerlhed to and who aeteoufed the tslihin Lr , ard:acknowtedQsd tome that .. t:gba.•...mdod the emm hwlY and voiuntarlly: INTBSTIMORY WHBRBOP, ) have hereunto act my hand and dihvd say chilalml anal the dayland set above Wdimn. pTA1i�•+ = ...,. .......:..........::::.........A Xt.,iVetarY Publlo l fhegaia M ltaY Coraedamdan osplaan .843k>s1d51•J► 10,• 955 •, •.. i. r -4 s Cai S0°2'W IV1�ccc--:))) - �ti 61.03' O N cn D O n� 1 ` II C4O� 1 ✓ I O 'rn r �^ 50' 57.38' 60' D O_ 7 n o 65' N W CY) o W C3l Ml w CD N N Ossss• n '9/r j N O � O C) CD N O O r 40767"Y" � f �3 O O_ n I N o y 100' 100' IV C ` � O ts O Y. cot`; }y. . THIS INDENTURE WITNESSETH:Thai Domil rrihub, a widower andthestlrviving sp�a'e of Rosa 'rrlhiab, Oac.,easedy the Grantor , for and in consideration of the corn of TEN and o the r - - - - - DOLLARS to him paid, do n s hereby, bargain, sell and convoy unto NEL LIFT CRAY the grantee , the following describod premises, to -wit. A11 of Lot: 1, Block 12 or Einerald fieirhts addition to 8pr=nnfloW Lane County, Oregon, except the Wont 20 freitt therear, nrnl except the North 50 t'set thereof. ALSO Beginning at a point 2G feet East nnel 50 feet North of the Snuthwest corner of Lot 2, Block 32, Fitterald Heights Addition to Springfield bane County, Oregony and running thnnee East 100 Ceat; Uence South 50 feet to the South line of satin Lot 2; thence East log. the South line of said Lot ? to the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northerly alorip the Last line of said Lot 2 to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence West along the North .Line of said Lot 2, to a foi•it 20 feet East of the West Tine of said lot; thence South to the Place or berinn1 mt all in Emerald Heights A3.iltion to w':ringfield, Large County, Oregon, TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said promises, with their appurtonatxes, unto the sold Grantee , her holrs and assigns forever. And the sold Grantor do egioroby covenantto and with the saW Grantee , her heirs and assigns that he is the owner In fee simple of said promises; and that they are free from alllncumbrances except easemn nt•s, reservntionS and restrictions of recorfl, and except incumbrances of record; and that he will warrant and defend the same from all othe r lawful claims whatsoever: IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I ha ve horounto set my hand and soul this lOtf ' day of F='Pb A. D. 19 55 Witness >•s to mar-k-� /0�1 Dem-i_d l�/riMb1 WIS .-�rsrxrfL.C.r.Si ,rr�.Et,L.e,r'.1Ts'Sir.. .."�tQ`...�.(SEAAU _ _.p�'i�1 4._ .�...TTtI HUB.............(SI:AL) .(SEAL) STATEOFOREGON. as. couNT— bfNfx „ kitrcansmbaredthat anthis loth day of February , 19 55 �or Vmo baforo me, a Notary Public In and for said county, the within named .... 05As Q� 1hub, a widower, and the surviving spouse of Hose Trihub, tgyddrAe segg Py known to be the Identical person described in and who axucufod Iho within ;,h*umant} and acktiowledgod to me that he executed the same freely and voluntarily for rS'efhtlsS p-furposos therein named. ;�C1lf,ev,+hand and seal this day and year last above written. Drtyn° �i$y`"i�emmisslonexpires...... -•":&� March 1.11 1958 Notary Public for Ora n. 1 Y , T. �.. _ 323232��� i,. j r a t 1 .:airs: :r k vi; S,:... .. .._ S i N _ xiiri Y 1•ie.}IrY''�k`i i �t: �'c•ir�.t'a'J'.J: i 1 \\ O Q 1 1\ 55 \I U 00 Q LI7 M \\ OOa �N 5� \ Cr3 N O \ � O \ 50 o M ra02 O O d O N Liz 1L1�7'�7�j�jL/C��� L' OOL .0% r � � O N ` O M Q N CO r O d o N t- c4 0 OcM pQ N s� NON O¢ Coo rc4 ss NV- MM to r g coO CD I I I O Sul I 1 1 r 1 1N CD 7 .59 CU-) .0. 1 „ u O UQ r O C4 r N Ln 1 c'LL d CO o Cp 1 M .0�109-OVS O I OU °' O CV) O f � 1 O Q U r Ln , ti t o o a CC) Lr O `Lr t r I N r� I- - N O .e0* W s✓ ti (C - - - AA-Z.0 7/7'�%LfTG1L7�f7�?�f7c�l�/fi4' \ 1 � i a M � N :35� Z� fi2.349 Warranty Deed THIS INDENTURE WITNE5M. That Mao T11,I311Bs a widower and the surviving spouse of Use Trihub, deceased, the Grantor , for and in corwideration of the sum of 'fen and no/100 - ------ ---- DMLAN to him paid, do e6 hereby, bargaln, sell and convey unto NeLlis Cray, in trust for George Tr1hub the grenlas , the following described premtsea, to -win Beginning at a point 20 Feet East of the West line of Lot 2s Block 12, Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, being a point 20 feet East of the Southwest corner of said Lot 2, thence running East 100 feet; thank .North 50 feet; thence Nest 100 feat; thence South 50 feet, more or less, to the place of basginning. Subject to easaasente, reservations and restrictions of record. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the said premises, with their appurtenances, unto the sold Grantea , hie hairs and assigns forever. And the sold Grantor doeshareby covenant to and with the sold Grantee , his helm and assigns that he is the owner in fee simple of said promises, and that they am free fromnlitncumbrances except assementss reservation and restrictions of record and except iacumbrances of record; end that he will warrant vend defend the owns from all other lawful dalma whatsoever. IN WITNESS WHEttEOF I have hereunto sat my hand and soul this 10th dayof February A. D.``__��9 55. Wit sses to Merof Demid Trihilb, Fits -�•AL� »»D. » _»TRIIiUB., .ASEAU ............. f SEAL? STATE OF CINGt7N, COUNTY OF. LANE Belt romambeted that an Ilds loth day of February , 19 55 pen: Ily came before me, a Notary Public In and lorsold county, the within named d;Ltibub, a widower and the survivor of Rosa Trihub known to be the Identical parson described In and who executed the within aslutaw%daad to me that be exavAed the same freely and voluntarily for alas thsnin nomad. '&ca_iid_ and seal thin day and year last oboe writtttteen�. _ 7sA,.=.:.._ 1, +• 195E »W Notary Public for , f 1 S002' 61.03' O N N Cl O 1 1 0) 0 y0 I co �, CDCEO 1 1 O 57.38' 60' N 0) m 1 . O cil cf 7 0 - 0 65' N �_ O o W cn O 00 ds N O SS N J • v O T N D O n O N O 50' pm W --& wo 0� 100' 100' �7'l j�7'L�/7�/�T✓�7 �f7�7r/L✓7'��7�%�J'�f7'C Cal Cif N � ` I n C) ZO Mil-_ xyow ALL mw RY rmw PRzomrs. 2-amj.. PNMiD TRIHUB in aoamsn'aeralian of Ter} and other dollars--'.�_.��'�.�..� _..._»,....__,.ro�..L►oi�l, CTLAI?1fS .iAPfE aIEGEL da ? 5 harabp draat, bardedx , wo end cadivsy amto w said Qraniea.._.,� _her _bairn and , afi tip lonowind coal proprty, with the totawoenla, horadmot"We and apprutaoartoea, siftoted in do C=9Y of Stato of Cae*4 bot=6d and doom -had as fmdtoma, to-wtt: All of Lot 1, Block 32 of Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, except the West 20 feet there of and except the North 50 feet thereof. ALSO: Beginning at a point 20 feet East and 50 feet North of the Southwest corner of Lot 2, Block 32, Emerald heights Addition to Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and running thence East wo feet; thence South 550 feet to the South line of said Lot 2; thence East along the South line of said Lot 2 to the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northerly along the East line of said Lot 2 to the Northeast.corner of said Lot 2; thence West along the North line of said Lot 2, to a point 20 feet East of the West line of said lot; thence South to the place of beginning, all in Emerald Heights Addition to Springf:161d, Lane County, Oregon. To Savo and to idold, the above deectibed and Arstalad ptomfoo %noto thb acid dranfao...., heirs and 4wadna Anor . aed aeai:... t3de......._.z2asi Witness; to mark { 7 Witness at a s. j tee ', /W P Mark to mBG ar :OF ORON, )OA4 ,__..___._.... _.......... _... .... ___..__...».»....... _{S�u.} Ora thla... 2270.d day ad•.__,.&rLju . rJt.......»....., ldeFeiQr" a Notary Pubha in and for said Coamty and State, PeraonafiY appeared the a; .,. Q�_'Rxki3Il� - ... _..._._,. _..........».._ ..__..._ .,._...... ................... ... is .....» . who m �to we to be the iden*d individual. dwaeabad in and who aaaaded dha within and acbnawiedded to me iW-116... examted the aearw from, and vohwd&dfy y+k . IN rMrZA/ONP• WN F,d have hanuurthaunt and eat oW haand aftiand my offidari K & '. tbn day MW year Alt above w{ittea. cn °a, r •_:5�� "� .® +�•'� iffy tiN,QiAY9e,aii•�•TVpy-.�yr'Iv+.•LRw./ .:a._� _---MrCJuenttilReiaHF_7[iilfaa'�9:M�� -AS? nppwranar maid Sale i a- lx5 p �s .... ............_._ 70 Arm R[CORCIRd rrFIFIrrURR . N, �• f' i+�y s®; Sal I� r � N � W 11 so° - - - ~ 61.03' C O N N j0 '�� ts,O oO + r :ACP C3Y 1 p 0 D O I t�j 1 Lo O � n 0 1 �'` I 00 1 c\✓� � r � 57.38' 60' - 50,GO 1 �� n w 1 .0. U1 La65' O O f ins 1 OCAO W O COW W N N 8sss N CD <0 0 D O 0co DN �. w� 0 �.9� N n N ti � A Cl v V COD �O jN nw no 0 N O 100' 100' Tf7�J��1�7'r7r1-174 I N N � O n O ,Zo w� N n O e95 \ N GJ \ O 1 Ij C:) n \ gZ 5Z \ N CD0 O 1 n O I \CP .r ' � ,. ... rr+-ern•. '.;+i '.:t.•�.. F� ,t.. raw.• ... nn �hy IR W MA ye x i ¢.• bA 1s:,7af 96'*x7l' Lift J WaPiri w� jr 8nt .101, Ow FAInsmob ssad Wif4y �A.^! ilm!'. S$Li�l'Y.S.� Dwit z , [ : i Of Lot 'I, Molds 32�' 1�ea:s��d �cri tty ���t3aaa to Spr�n a7�a %ram A*10 OaA xziE i mv, lieNt 2Q 'i"seitapd. E0Bpr.-thb Yy ttd Be atta3at�• at m paint Via. •Feat wt and .50 foot #46r. ;i :cr—. time { , inlihii4YE3ti�LbxL►br# o Let $:� BI i t 32$ $ �a1ii ,. A C 1s4e® ada3t'iar► , h �rii is3l d Lane . 0aa�nt y�. p+x��oas� qt a -rtmn th anc.� s4at 100 r-s � r ?� . *. thofico 1touth 5l7 feet to the a�itb Me rsf a d .2, ChB o sat: s�.ena tree s'auth lirla ai° 'said. p6t 2 to the kieut2xeast' corttor thermal f a:x ;' ; 1 �: theinae ifox+tihe>�°�p s I rnx the Wt. 11ho ot` bald ;i,4t 2 .to the 10041 s All � t r aoxn4o..n oS saiFi Y,nthcnan Y1dat a1an *kse 'nrtfr Fine aP w` g as ' 2s to0a 'tat 20 . ee aais of .thw �I�ret' i3.re- Ofsaid: Sot; th�anac� Elie piste of bents, a7.i fezea1d $ahta 6€duit.ae Eb.,p! Una- GduritYr.: t3la�JM' Vi MAVIS A . TO_AOL i thi!_a a?rean�aea; a i;syxd real ,.#�eirer., And the rwd Grows a, ,'tgieegr aaatta and -their ` # sri#h s acid Grantee . itdaat: t h9. tag "otter .. _ la fear tmiI tP emd rmai�es. Plx►i SsY ' : ce. a A w fic�irearitnctln sraarea a aogt ise ntapreaereatiatie-.ean: reatric V rdocW.: *a '� t its A c� �� � �tt4' i�¢ �.` 9Yf{i�:f..6ii�8$C<:S.�i1' . . �1 �vras�aa► : �eS�bik;be f fi+aari $�'. �: ip � �, �f . 7 {j IF 9 • ,; i, +� si yr. { " t. 7&FAF Mu0 x+ i t . I .11, {.#Ctlji CQif33T3f 8F''LRN4 aaR; w !� 1 4 11 ,f � S psi+�iYecitac+l�mtaa.nN9'PuuhNslnrJd c 9 . •�y v €�� �� 4 saw �at�a a . , baiter• a. B3 a� � � And'. x g t3lfltd�.a J�bn... �3iagvya Itxusi�4ttd�: �� s Y t 4j IY pm l n % kiwi" 6 by a i ticrAN lFiad kt a>d; s �ro ataesuted the i-la isataa+em% a Q , h aetimi ' iEa arc jai` t2a@q . mxroted.0ig (�.ti�,i�road aokai�uy'ise e� ueaa.. qm � ' '� iraitxd. xi�ia o�arpoc?� :cY •r. �° r yr � 'CYi}algSiiny fiaa+3 aAd �smt lAicF'� �� 1osCrobo•+ �fr"'e'iii` � "'�,� ��.a . - 7171 wr It w lidd e :.sa DiB io*`91 sitO kod iE'*k .]li �. .'a. � .fix. } .'!.'w�... Y"Y`� �� .2 ...:61.:. L:t-s,Y �w .a. J? �A.'.�•LC•�-•vl� '. YHF Fr yrn ,N �K } Bey 4 t �' r•'�?� "'at :4 �4"i�'-�= s, ��-i.'*+��.,. - � - k ti !i' a re F - . sk bu ..x ' �T r > r'�,r F �' � .-a a -. . ., :- a .r °" ° - ♦ ' f '.q_.. � .r. _ �. e ' IV K i cp '0 11 sa°'w - --- N - v 3'1 e 61.03' 0 � N � 1 CA' ,�� coLn nCA 0 1 � W -A DD n O ��~ 1 �/ I O �i 57.38' 60' - — 50, OD i I w% Co COJ1 iv O O 1 n O y oO- - 65' CD ins 0' 1 1 �sss,O� 1 W n� W ^' NN DN -p• �,�� DN CA) , 0 n O , N n O 01) A �O yo nw n N � 100' O 'h 100' ��nC N > C33 O n O ZD � n O ,05 1 O O N W c 3p DO 5Z fi fWU7 1% DO '- 5y �96 DO 0 �.� WAHRANTY DEED 0? VVR VALAE3 REC) %`M 1 x MARY VERA CALDHELL, foroarly Mary Vera Trihub and VIRGIL W. CALDWELL. wife and husband herein referred to as grantors, hereby grant, bargain, sail and convey unto 'S ' ALBERT JOSEPH HAMMOND and LOTS a. MMO0, husband and wife herein referred to as grantees, the following described real property, with tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances, to wit: I i The North 50 feet of Lot 1 In Block 32. Emorald Heights Addition to Springfield. as platted and recorded In volume 4. page 14.Lano County Oregon Plat Racords. EXCEPT the Hest 20 feet thereof. In Lane County. Oregon, i s TO Ii:°iVr-, AND TO HOLD the said premises unto said Grantees, their heirs and assigns forever. T .And the said Grantors hereby covenant that they are lawfully seized in fee simple of said premises; that they are free from all ineumbraness, EXCEPT easements, reservations and restrictions of record, If any t a � 4 and that they will warrant and defend the above granted premises against all lawful claims wbat- m soever, except as above stated. hated 9iai�eh.. ... .......... _.. i .: :._ _..... - : ........._.. _ ._.._.._.._.._..($msi} aR`QJi-{� t�-�3i��=•= •`CSaa1) f ......... (E1eal}.._.��%1���."L 4X •°(�eW) i ..fit! N:r' ''t, t,,. ." •. '; • ` ''�' N,.C.ounty of Lane, as. Personally appeared the alcove named YArl i {A +mac m - is•. 4pg;'_C,i?ldwatl, formerly Mary Vera Trihub and Virgil W. Caldwell, 1 Mnd ;pep. opeoing instrument to b(_3L1LI.r,.vohmtu7 act and dud. Fare sae: My Ca , px � 20tw.:�Y'Ublie0mon • ! av r, s r r / 7Ci�7�lL�7C1�'��7'�7�/-71y� J SO'2W - - ��, 61.03' N N ;31 1 t O 0 D O I `% � W p C7 Imo'` O p '6�`i i 0 57.38' 60' SO' 1 1 COf1 N O rn P. 0 0 1I V ��✓ O n O n 00- 0, v7 W 65' a 1 1 f ins w 1 0' o _ 0) IV_ D-S ti Np 8ssa' DO wm , nO nN �,9 N nN Dp , c N p a y �O jN n w n o O N p O 100' N � � O n O ,20 w� o$ n O ' ,05 O � � O Iv CA) O � I N O n 0 96 Iw U1 > O 0 i �.r FORK NO. OW-WARRAMY. DEED (IMMdual cr empcon. r- )D tD — - CeP1'NDIIr1 W0 9LlSFH6NE6B WYPUBaNNq ee. FORrtAND,aR GNo. 9765870 1 A.: 'SPACE RESERVED FOR RECORDER'S USE STATE OF OREGON, County of -------------------- I ss. I certify that the within instrument was received for record on the ------ day of----------- --------------- - 19------ at o'clock ____.M., Ad recorded in book/reel/volume No. __---------- on page ------------- -- and/or as fee/file/instm- ment/microfilm/reception No. ............ Record of Deeds of said County. Witness my hand and seal of County affixed. E___________________ By------------------------------ Deputy. wARFtANTy DEED —KNOW ALL BY THESE PRESENTS that __Laiss jG .__Iasamc 13.d - - -------- --- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------ hereinafter called grantor, for the consideration hereinafter stated, to grantor paid by Ls1jLs_ G ._Ham10l2nd, _TSll&tEE�_ - and. _snf,CA— Tx115-tEes,__I>AR_,Iuly__..ISx`I_S�Z�__Tl1E—TS113�_Af__IaOj3__G.__Hammond._. hereinafter called grantee, does hereby grant, bargain, sell and convey unto the grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, that certain real property, with the tenements, hcreditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in any way appertaining, situated in _-.L zzie-___-______ ------- County, State of Oregon, described as follows, to-wil: The North 50 feet of Lot 1 in Block 32, Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, EXCEPT theo oWest 20 feetmthereof, in4LanenCounty,Oreg, AND... jg)94 r47yacA s d 36255EP,27'771105REC 10. 3625SEP,29'97#105PFUND 10. 962%EP.29'97005A&T FUND 20. OFSPACE INSUFFICIENL CONTINUE DESCRIPTION ON REVERSE Stop To Have and to Hold the same unto grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns forever. And grantor hereby covenants to and with grantee and grantee's heirs, successors and assigns, that grantor is lawfully seized in fee simple of the above granted premises, free from all encumbrances except (if no exceptions, so state): EICCEPT_______ ----------------easetnt3nts.--seseruatians_and__restxiatlans_nf_ record,--e): -------------------------- - •any ........... ------------------------- grantor will warrant and forever defend the premises and every part and parcel and that thereof against the lawful claims and demands of all Persons whomsoever, except those claiming under the above described encumbrances. Ile true and actual ration for this transfer, lars, is actual consideration consists of r includes property or value uecgiveneor promisrms of ld which is Q the whole -- part of ever, the which) consideration,e m (The sentence rho symbolse, If Dot applirnbte, should be deleted. See ORS 93 03a.) made so that this deed shall apply equally to corpor In construing this dead, when the context r nquirs, the singular includes the plural; and all grammatical changes shall be ations and to individuals. In witness whereof, the grantor has executed this instrument this _ S is a corporation, it has caused its name to be signed and its seal, if any, affixed by an officer ot� h ffier person duly authorized to do so by order of its board of directors, THIS INSTRUMENT WILL NOT ALLOW USE OF THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED THIS INSTRUMENT IN VIOLATION OFAPPLICADLE LAND USE L WS ANO REGU-- LATI0N5. BEFORE SIGNING OR ACCEPTIN60 THIS INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON ACOUIflING FEE TITLE TO THE PROPERTY SHOULD CHECK WITH THE APPflO ___-____ FRIATECITYORCOUNTYPLAIYNINGDEPARTMENTTOVERIFYAPPROVEOUSES ""--" "-`-'------ -- - ------- MO TO DETERMINE my LIMITS ON LAWSUITS AGAINST FARMING OR FOREST - - PRACTlCES AS DEFINED IN ORS 30.930, STATE OF OREGON, County of ____ _-0.Ci_i-_________--_ -----)�ss This inpsirument was cknowIed ed before me o ___----P— by ------ --J^ Q Y_s--- •----Aam- 2L±_0_►s --- - Tbis instrument was acknowledged before me on _________ ------------------ ------------- 19---- -------------------- elary Public for O—rcgan -------------- -- ---_ ----------------- q MY commission expires _________d_^ 1: 00 -- --------------------- S765870 All of Lot 1, Block 32-Of Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, Lane County, Oregon,:EXCEPT the West 20 feet thereof and EXCEPT the North 50 feet thereof*it" ALSO: Beginning at a.point 20,feet East and 50 feet North cf the Southwest corner of Lot 2,. Block 32, Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, Lane County, Oregon, and running thence East 100 feet; thence South 50 feetto the South line of said Lot 2; thence East along the South line of said Lott to the Southeast corner thereof; thence Northerly along the East line of said Lot 2 to the Northeast corner of said Lot 2; thence West along the North line of said Lot 2, to a point 20 feet East of the West line of said lot; thence South to the place of beginning, all in the Emerald Heights Addition to Springfield, Lane County, Oregon. State of Oregon County of Lane — ss. i, the County Clerk, In and for the said County, do hereby cent fy that the wllhin instrument was received for record at '97SFP29pn 2.15 Reel 2339R Lane County OFFICIAL Records Lane CountyClerk County Clerk �•fl� y'if I' 1� +.Pi 't INJ I 4 S -D. w S0°2'w— �ti y� 61.03' O N Cat O � r 57.38' 50' 60' p CD ton,p 71 O 1 1 O O-�`�'�L- r- w C0 65' O r o W I r 10, 80, CD C37 w 5 O , N ti N N �Sss C) w p >N >N w� �,9 N D n y V l O 14 n O N O 100' 'p 100' IV � O I n O ,zo W.J -*,up . - - 100-